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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 29, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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catching a pretty penny at auction the sign appeared during the house financial services committee hearing on jujuly 12, 2017 and now 2024 is sold for a million dollars in new york city last week, what you make of it. >> another testament to the over this in craziness that bitcoin followers seem to cherish. not testament to the popularity of janet yellen. >> at the meeting were in a place where we have things from bitcoin that from relics, the most incredible is squarely wrath, i think that speaks to the quality of the underlying purchase. >> we will leave it there, liz peek, chris mcmahon, great to be with you, have a great day we appreciate your time, 30 minutes before the opening bell, markets are rallying again, ashley webster in first do, take it away. >> good morning maria and good morning, everyone i am ashley
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webster in force two. let's get right to it anti-israel protest on college campuses showing no signs of slowing down as the end of the 13th day, 900 demonstrators have been arrested with fights breaking out between protesters and police and a variety of places including ucla, usc, texas and look at this at harvard anti-israel protesters flying the palestinian flag with the u.s. flag is supposed to be. a new poll with some concern with biden campaign with six months left election day a majority of americans call biden's first term of failure and trumps a success, that is from cnn believe it or not. biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu have a phone call to talk about how to free the hostages in a potential invasion of rafah and humanitarian aid to gaza. also secretary blinken arriving in saudi arabia today where he
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is expected to continue cease-fire talks and will also be heading to jordan and israel during his three-day trip. take a look at markets. futures are flat to slightly edging higher, certainly these are the last two trading days of the month big week especially for the s&p in a busy week ahead, we have the fed meeting april jobs report and big tech reporting. investors watching it all, the dow, the s&p and the nasdaq all up from attend to half 8%. take a quick look at the ten year treasury, so much depends on that. it's coming down ever so slightly, 4.64% down a couple basis points, take a look at the two-year treasury, that to down slightly under 5%. we've been talking about bitcoin let's take a look and see where it's trading, there it is down $1400 as $62518, big show ahead as always, jason chaffetz, kt
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mcfarland, joe concha, steve forbes they are all here among many more, monday april the 29th "varney & company" about to begin. ♪ ♪ ♪. ashley: take a look at that midtown manhattan at sixth avenue and today is beginning really crowded thank you producers for another track. same, what a great song that is. let's begin with the new national poll that shows donald trump ahead certainly on the number of questions, this would in particular, the survey shows
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55% believe trumps presidency was a success, 61 say biden has been a failure, overall trump has a 6% lead, that is from cnn so you know that had to hurt. charlie hurt joined me now. these polls, clearly good news for donald trump, can he hold the momentum to november. >> exactly i think it's important in the fact that it's from cnn makes it a more bitter pill for the body to administration. those numbers are outside of the margin of error which is very good and i cautioned against reading too much into polls. at this point in an election that i think the success failure rates really are important, donald trump plus 11% and more people think is a administration was a success, joe biden is underwater by 23 points, that's
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devastating especially when both of their administrations were lined up back to back in a clear memory of what it was like, to be the most devastating number the entire poll was a number that shows public support for joe biden's handling of the war in gaza is underwater by 43% meaning that 71% of americans think that joe biden's handling of that has been a failure and when you stop and think about it joe biden has been in washington for 50 years and his greatest area of expertise is foreign policy. on foreign policy the most important foreign policy issue going on right now today, 71% of americans think he is a failure that is a stunning study review of joe biden. ashley: that's going to hurt for him, i would've listened to senator lindsey graham about
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trumps case for presidential immunity. roll tape, i'll get you,. >> i think the court is going to find that the president should exist for president trump like every other president but you have to be within the scope of being president and i think they'll send it back to the lower courts to find out exactly what actions fall within presidential immunity and what are considered personal. i think that's the way this will end. it'll be some immunity for some of the actions. ashley: is like partial immunity. how do you think this whole thing plays out, distraught get immunity? >> i think senator graham is right, if you listen carefully to the arguments in the supreme court, they seem to be looking for a way to provides important immunity to a president and the idea that we get to go forward and be able to put every ex-president in prison because people didn't like things that
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he did during his presidency is lunacy. that's not what the framers intended and no way to run a country. i would say that about barack bk obama or joe biden or donald trump. the court will try to find some way to do exactly what senator graham is talking about. ashley: terrific stuff as always, thank you for joining us this morning. we are going to move on. the white house correspondent dinner happened this weekend, it can be funny or not, good morning i'm hearing joe biden had some jokes. >> he made fun of his age and his opponent, here is a sam sampling. >> the 2024 election is in full swing and age is an issue, i'm a grown man running against a 6-year-old. age is the only thing that we have in common.
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my vice president actually endorses me. i had a great stretch since the state of the union but donald had a few tough days lately you might call it stormy weather. >> this dinner was not sitting well with donald trump he went on truth social and roasted it right in the white house correspondent was really bad calling him bombed and cricket joe is an absolute disaster, he called a nerd problem. all fun and games if you went. ashley: classic donald trump, talkative donald trump, what is the latest of the potential for running mate. >> one contender moves up and one moves on out. north dakota governor doug burgum is considered a safe choice call demeanor, reliable, could attract moderates. the programs reportedly had easter brunch with the trumps but south dakota governor kristi
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noem getting eviscerated from the fellow governors and lawmakers admitting in the memoir to shooting a puppy because it attacked chickens and misbehaved, she decided to include this episode in the book to illustrate her willingness to do difficult messy things but it backfired. the betting market and the experts that watches could be the number two to donald trump are saying burgum what up a step in kristi noem went down a step. ashley: it turns out that shooting puppies is politically not a very good move, thank you very much and ago by the way, we'll get into that later let's take a look at the markets, edging slightly higher, the dow, the s&p and the nasdaq all moving a tad higher in the pre-markets, another busy week of information coming out, let's bring in jessica, were you hear from apple this week on their earnings, great to see you, do you like apple as an a.i.
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investment? let me ask you that. >> apple has had an issue with china they have a china problem, their shipments are down 20% and globally their downtime percent. what they're getting need in the new iowa west 18 they're getting need to show, tim cook will need to show that they are integrating the a.i. functions within the new operating system and there's been a lot of rumors lately that they're in conversation with chat gpt and openai and also with google and the gemini product, what i anticipate that we will see this week, we will see tim cook unveiled the a.i. functions because apple has realized that not only did they have a china problem but the rollouts the new product rollouts inversion rollouts have not compelled consumers to buy because they
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have not included functions of people would be willing to pay a premium for, the ones that they're putting out now i anticipate consumers will pay a premium for them. ashley: interesting. i want to move on to tesla. you say the company basically masks its horrifying results, make a case. >> i love elon musk, i think he's great, i've been beating up on tesla a lot lately and one of the reasons, if you looked at the earnings in the stock after earnings, you would think that they had the best blowout earnings and their earnings were horrific, they saw their operating margins decline and revenue declined by about almost 10%, gross margins decline by around 18%, ucb demand worldwide
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is declining and they also have a china problem, you see so many negative headwinds with tesla but the company got out in front of it and after their earnings they started talking about self driving a.i. functions, all things that are good but it's going to take years for tesla to introduce these things. i think tesla has a very serious problem and i would not be chasing the stock at this price. i think they're going to hit another roadblock with her. ashley: we hear your statement loud and clear. great to see you this morning. tesla stock up more than 13% after passing a regulation hurdle in china for self driving, full self driving will get into that later in the show the stock is popping right now. thank you very much, coming up in the show ella han omar says jewish students can be separated
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into pro-genocide or anti-genocide groups. listen to this. >> we should not have to tolerate anti-semitism or bigotry for all jewish students whether the pro-genocide or anti-genocide. ashley: not all democrats are good debbie to those comments. we will break it down into israel protest of columbia university have not let up, eric jellison wants major donors to pull their donations and support for the school, that congressman is here next. . (fisher investments) i understand. that's why at fisher investments, we keep a disciplined approach with your portfolio, helping you through the market's ups and downs. (husband) what about communication? (fisher investments) we check in regularly to keep you informed.
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ashley: the markets will open in 12 minutes from now, the premarket showing we will have a muted opening which showing just a few slight gains on the dow, the s&p and the nasdaq after pretty strong week last week, we will see what happens, it's a busy week we have the fed and big time earnings and of course we have the april jobs report at the end of the week, lots to digest facing backlash of ivy league schools. what is she say now, jewish students are at fault from being harassed in venice, some are pro-israel which means there pro-genocide. watch. >> how do you think this will translate to the jewish students facing anti-semitism. >> i met a lot of jewish students in the encampments and it's really important that people don't care about the fact
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that all jewish kids should be kept safe and we should not have to tolerate anti-semitism or bigotry for all jewish students whether they are pro-genocide or anti-genocide. >> that's coming from a cargo swimming, bernie interested not denounce it. >> she said some jewish students are pro-genocide. is that something you are comfortable with. >> i don't know exactly i think the essential point that ilhan omar made if you do not want to see anti-semitism in this country. i think the word genocide is something be determined by the international court of justice. >> he said he lost family in the holocaust, real genocide, bernie sanders tiptoed around a fellow lawmakers use of the word genocide. >> i'm at a loss of words.
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>> these are crazy times indeed, thank you very much, lawmakers are pushing universities to crack down on anti-semitism, too congressman introduced a bill that threatens to pull taxpayer funding from schools who don't comply. madison alworth joined me now from columbia university, good morning to you, how exactly would this work. >> good morning, under this bill any college that receives federal funding could be audited. if it's found that they're not doing enough to protect students from anti-semitism, the federal funding could be pulled. the new bill being pushed in a bipartisan effort is called the columbia act. it would allow the education department to send a third party anti-semitism monitor to any college that receives federal funding and revoke money for the ones that don't comply or progress towards anti-combating anti-semitism. were talking about a lot of money here, columbia alone
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received over 1 billion federal dollars in fiscal year 2023 across the entire ivy league, were talking about billions of dollars given to federal funds each year money given through grants and federal contracts. when it comes to this bill we were able to talk to one of the representatives and he says pulling the financial lever could make them vitally see some changes, take a listen. >> were seen a rapid rise in anti-semitism on the universities and college campuses and frankly the human initiators have failed miserably in cracking down on it we have student aid at risk, you will see a lot of behavior will change very quickly. >> at this point it is just the bill on number of them making their way through the house in the senate but this bill coming out of time when colleges across the country continue to be the size of large palestine protest. just this week alone more than 200 students were arrested, here at columbia we have a new memo
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out from the president of the university she says the academic leaders have been in talk with students tense wednesday to try to come to a resolution about the encampments, no progress was made there, the hope is commencement can continue especially because the senior class did not get a commencement four years ago when i graduated high school. ashley: thank you very much for that. a member of the house education committee congressman eric burlison joins us as morning. great to see you, you are one of the lawmakers calling on donors to basically pull their funding of columbia. is that enough to crack down on the anti-israel protest, what are you hoping to achieve. >> i think there's a lot of things that we need to do as the aggression tends to raise on the other side we need to raise the aggression. at the end of the day we cannot allow this form of hay in anti-semitism to happen in america. i never thought that we would be at this point but here we are, i
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think we need to send a strong message to a generation of kids who seem to feel that they are not responsible for their actions. in america you can have free speech but you need to accept the full responsibility of what you do and i'm glad to see the sum campuses like washington university are arresting kids and giving them court dates. >> do you have support from your colleagues on this issue. >> absolutely. we have several cosponsors on a letter that we sent. i think you will probably see elise stefanik did a letter that was very similar. she had several cosponsors. you will probably see the legislature, particularly the republican legislature that still controls the house is not going to accept this form of anti-semitism and we will probably see bills like the ones that were mentioned where we address if a campus of the university who is accepting
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taxpayer funds is going to inflame or allow this form of hate that we need to reconsider whether or not taxpayer dollars are going to the university. ashley: will have to leave it there. thank you for taking time to chat with us. we really do appreciate it. as we head to the break with the opening bell coming out on wall street just about six minutes from now, slightly higher open. we will find out next. ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms.
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ashley: i probably will be crying god knows why. tech big earnings week, amazon, apple, amd, any particular your keeping an eye on? >> for me and get a watch all three very carefully but very different reasons amd is good to be about a.i. chip demand we know for microsoft we're going to have trouble keeping up with it. the numbers are going to be staggering so guidance will be great. ashley: interesting what about amazon is a behemoth. >> this is one of the stocks that i look at and every time i think i like it i don't is about efficiency and gain i don't like that many consumers are having trouble with them their delivering and doing that into me it's about the data, the cloud, that's the real mojo. ashley: interesting, we have the said tuesday, wednesday no one
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is expecting them to do anything but as always we have to hear with the fed has to say in the press conference wednesday afternoon. do we see any rate cut this year. >> as you know i've been harshly critical of the fed. i don't think we'll see anything remotely intelligent from the fed the market are taking care of the fed's job for them. ashley: you always bring the fire and i appreciate that on a monday morning, you don't expect anything intelligent from the fed. we'll have to leave it right there. thank you so much for joining us. as i mentioned a busy week we have more than a third of the s&p reporting this week. then we have the fed in its decision on wednesday and then the new april jobs report on friday which will be what the jobs market is telling us it still been a tight labor market which had an impact on the fed in his decision-making but we are up and running, second to
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last day of april with a pretty good week last week. s&p had the best week since november, can we keep the momentum rolling, let's take a look at the big board, the dow 30 as you can see out of the chute and up 76 points, again of two tenths of 1%. as you can see 38319. let's look at the s&p that was also pointing higher in the premarket upper third of the present the s&p up 16.4% and let's take a look at the nasdaq and see what the nasdaq is doing literally as we begin the day, that two up a half 8% up 70 points on the nasdaq, we've been talking a lot about big tech let's take a look at the tech names for you this morning, apple, amazon moving higher, microsoft, meta alphabet moving lower, alphabet down what and how%. it is a mixed bag apple up 2.5% very early on to get we've been
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talking about it we'll we do every day, elon musk says he has approval for full self driving tech in china, it sounds amazing but tell us all about it. >> he made a surprise trip to china, that is the biggest overseas market for tesla and he got china's blessing i'll call it preliminary approval to launch. driving there by partnering with by do for mapping the navigation function that partnership will help ease a chinese regulator concern over data security. tesla needs data and needs to train the algorithms thank you china's roads, summer pedestrians and cyclists in the united states. if you need to do. driving in china, has got to be done differently in data is key to that. dan ives of wedbush is calling this a watershed moment for tesla and elon musk he says to thread the needle in china, two companies can do it well.
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it's tesla and apple. this is a big deal separately as we see tesla stock down 30 plus% go up 10% on this news, the tesla board says and stands behind elon musk 50 plus billion dollar pay package count as another vote of confidence for elon musk in the supreme court has declined to hear elon musk bid to narrow his security fraud settlement with the sec, that is the elon musk in tesla news. ashley: interesting there's always plenty every day that's been to paramount reporting "after the bell" today, what is this about the board firing ceo bob package, bob blockage did not favor paramount's merger with sky dance there in exclusive talks through friday. he is reportedly out and he won't be on the call today, the earnings call. the wall street journal is reporting he's going to be replaced with the committee of executives to run the company
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instead, paramount home to see cbs, nickelodeon and also paramount streaming, not profitable yet but all the legacy business have seen their value cut in 3 cents 2019 and obviously bob bakish is getting the blame he did not strike better deals sooner, reportedly he is out. ashley: he gets the boot, phillips claiming their lawsuit over injuries linked to the sleep apnea device, interesting, for how much. >> a dutch company, 35% the game of shares, the up so much a $1.1 billion much less that investors were expecting to settle these allegations, there is sleep apnea machines that were recalled in 2021, of foam that was used in the device to reduce the noise could also degrade and become toxic hints for link to cancer, the $1.1 billion settlement was a lot less than investors feared. ashley: now was behind them the
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stock up 35%, how many times have we said this trouble for apple in europe, what does this have to do with the ipad. >> with the ipad, that you is saying that it favors its own services over rivals and because of the digital market act which is relatively new in europe apple has six months to fix that to comply, why are the shares of 3%, there is a report that apple is talking with openai to bring generative a.i. to the iphone and that would be in ios 18 which is due this year, also not upgrade to outperform bernstein's commentary is great they say be like buffett and by apple shares while they're cheap, their price target is 190 and apple is up 3.1% at 174 right now. ashley: that is pretty amazing, let's move on, what else we have. i was reading the headline
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earlier, meta planning more layoffs, that's not good news. >> according to the washington post oversight board and it's an election year that could invade your content moderation on their social media sites. it's raising concerns that meta cannot responsibly govern itself if you will. in europe were bringing in europe again as we talk about what are the big tech companies the financial times is reporting that the european union will open an investigation into whether meta is doing enough to counter this information. mainly from russia and some european countries hold elections issue. the influence of the size of meta with all of their apps and that's a people get their news are they doing enough to make sure the algorithms are checking the things they need to be. ashley: i would get onto the subject. dominoes reported before the bell up more than 5%.
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i guess it was a good report. >> about a promotion, great marketing, 22% jump in earnings, same-store sales in the u.s. up almost 6%, more people ordering pizza, they're going to pick it up and giving getting it delivered. my favorite part if you look at the number of people ordering dominoes because of their uber eats promotion through breeds, that was more than the percentage that are doing it directly. from dominoes themselves, who breaches a win. ashley: have 70 bring it to your doorstep yet lululemon just got a downgrade from barklay. what's the problem? >> a problem about a competition and people are spending their money wisely which means that we might be wearing real close instead of vast leisure to the office again. barklay's cut them to equal weight which means a neutral, the price target/546 and went down to 395 still above where lululemon is treating now. barklay's is citing more
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competition in the initial surge and avenue leisure is normalizing. ashley: very good, ask leisure, i'm wearing shorts and flip flops i guess that's pretty leisurely. >> i hate buttons and zippers but they are coming back. ashley: we will leave it at that, thank you very much. coming up every thinking of traveling the summer, some of the top vacation spots are now charging a tourist tax, what is next, they will tell you where and how much you will have to pay. world renowned designer is on the show, her company out of tel aviv we will ask her how life and business has changed since october the seventh, she will be here in the 11:00 o'clock hour. a new poll says the majority of swing state voters economy under trump was better than it is now under joe biden, how will that translate in november? steve moore will get into it
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ashley: millions of salaried workers will become eligible for overtime under the budget administration rules, edward lawrence is at the white house. correct me if i'm wrong, didn't obama try this in the court shut it down. >> that's exactly right, president joe biden is tried it again but by the time it works for the court many voters love early voted on the political standpoint that allows the president to tell folks that he gave a raise to a small group a small percentage of american workers, from a legal standpoint there will be a challenge in the role has a good chance of being overturned to the obama administration. from a business standpoint this
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is more pressure for added cost and inflation. and someone who qualifies overtime and federal law those making 44000 in july will get it and 59000 next january and $800 billion and forgive the tray cost american businesses and they made it rules which put pressure on small businesses and the economic advisors making the plate with small business environments as they tried to sugarcoat the inflated prices companies are forced to pass on. listen. >> were never good to get grocery inflation back to where we wanted if we don't have more months with the past couple of months with 0 inflation with the groceries i won't brush that
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off, that's how we get back to where we need to be, that shows were on the right track with the national association of manufacturers says all of the added regulation of our cost to the cottage be of $3 trillion annually. ashley: that's a lot of money, thank you very much. good person to talk about this, steve moore joins us. what do you make of the new overtime rules, more pressure especially on the small business and if you look at what happened with respect to the new regulatory under joe biden the last week or so welcome to regulatory hell week, we have not seen in my lifetime or your lifetime the blizzard of new regulation that are coming down of the department of labor and the environmental protection agency inc. federal communication the ftc and billions and billions of dollars
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of additional cost and who are going to be those costs, you're exactly right. the biden of administrations at how friendly and small businesses, not too many small businesses agree with that. there was a survey that came out from the national federation of independent business that says a small business comp today is something is been lower than 12 years even lower when covid shut down half of the small businesses in the country. i don't think too many small businessmen and women think of joe biden's policies as friendly. ashley: next one for you a new poll shows voters in key swing states overwhelmingly favor the economy under trump. in pennsylvania michigan and wisconsin more than 60% said the economy under trump was in pretty good shape while the number under biden jobs between 38 and 42%.
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before covid hit, if i'm not mistaken the trump academy was at a 50 year high. you think the economy is a key issue this november. >> it is the economy stupid. let me put it simply. if the argument that people go to the polls in november. if it's about the economy trump is going to win on a landslide i guarantee it there are different issues in abortion for republicans and other issues like that. if it's focused on are you better off four years ago ronald reagan who asked that question to the american people in 1980 when he ran against jimmy carter, the last time we had high inflation. by the way who are the 30% you have these economies better today under trump. i just got a study with the major economic statistics and was happy with inflation and interest rates of 18 in the 20
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indexes trump beats biden. ashley: that is many issues that will be a key this november. it's about the economy stupid. i think that was bill clinton. as always, great stuff. thank you so much. now this a new report claims the trump's policy advisors of fighting over their ideas about the economy. ashley: these are former economic advisors and their jostling for essay in a potential new trump administration they are floating economic trial balloons, ideas like a flat tax for presidential control over the federal reserve were penalizing countries that shift away from the u.s. dollar and reportedly from axios, axios is reporting that the trump campaign is getting really
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annoyed by them, their input is unauthorized in making headlines so it's getting publicized it is ultimately undermining the campaigns fine tuned economic message. it's not what the campaign is saying because many of these names are associated with donald trump and the ideas are getting associated with donald trump when he hasn't come out and endorsed any of them. ashley: quit your yapping that is the message. coming up if you think about moving out of a blue state your democrat run state may charge you an exit tax. before you leave give us some money. we will have that story, beginning today dairy cows will be tested for bird flu before they move across state lines, experts are worried the virus may be mutating. we will have that report next. ♪
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cows must be tested for blued under bird flu before transporting across state lines, remnants were found in samples of commercial milk. jonathan seri joined is now. good morning, is it safe to drink milk. >> i better give you a qualified yes and say the dairy products that you buy at your local grocery store have undergone processes to kill the bacteria in and activate viruses so yes they are safe to drink. here's what one of the nation's leading biologist had for breakfast. >> i put milk in my oatmeal this morning and i have a cup of coffee with milk in it. i have no hesitation about drinking on. >> is that because the milk is pasteurized. >> the milk is pasteurized i would not recommend anyone consume raw unpasteurized milk.
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>> starting today the u.s. the permit of agriculture requiring lactating dairy cattle to be tested for bird flu before they can be moved across state lines. although the virus has spread to cattle, the impact seems less severe than on poultry. >> there's not a high level of mortality associated with this disease and dairy cattle like we see in the poultry industry which means we are not having to remove these animals at this point in time we are simply isolating them and retesting at a later date. >> earlier this year a texas patient with exposure to dairy cattle became infected and developed minor symptoms, that is only human case reported so far this year. experts say the virus in the current form does not appear to transfer easily from human to human but ashley, viruses are constantly changing and that is why doctors want to control this outbreak in animals as quickly
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as possible. back to you. ashley: i feel a little better, thank you very much. jonathan serrie. thank you very much. let's check the market, we just saw the nasdaq turn negative, it's come back again. we can say is fast under basically flatlining the nasdaq adjuster negative, s&p and apple slightly higher. still ahead in the show, jason chaffetz, kt mcfarland, john catsimatidis and joe concha, the 10:00 a.m. hour of "varney & company" is coming up next. ♪
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10:00 am
♪ ♪. ashley: let's dance, why not,


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