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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 29, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪ ♪. ashley: let's dance, why not, thanks again to the producers
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for getting my bowie six, sixth avenue toward central park, beautiful morning going to be warm in the city today, the streets are reasonably busy. let's move on, 10:00 o'clock eastern, i'm ashley webster in stuart varney. let's get straight to your money the dow, the s&p and the nasdaq moving ever so modestly higher by about a quarter of 8% across-the-board let's take a look at the ten year treasury which was moving lower as we started the session, that is the story down a couple basis .4.64%, oil has been moving just a tad lower down a half 8% at $83.43 a barrel and bitcoin also moving lower down almost $2000 at $62011 for bitcoin.
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now this rs cage junior says americans are voting out of fear as he responds to why he's behind in a three-way race. watch this. >> the reason i'm behind. in the voting polls is because so many americans are voting out of fear. i get to talk to anybody outside of my family who he has a cognitive capacity to outsmart everybody in the world and he's going to give us a new vision for america they never say that. ashley: is probably right let's begin jason chaffetz, great to see you you are with us for the entire hour. do you agree with rfk junior? >> i do agree on that point.
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elections are about the future. if i asked you what is joe biden's plan to deal with inflation and his plan to deal with the border or create more safety, nobody has an answer joe biden's only thing i'm not donald trump in donald trump is really bad, that's his only mo at this point so i think rfk junior is right on this one. ashley: don't forget maga extremists are going to threaten democracy as we know it. i want to get onto this it's interesting it comes from cnn they had to do this through clenched teeth but their poll shows 55% of voters believes donald trump's presidency was a success while 61% say biden has been a failure. how much of a concern is this for the body to administration. i know it is just one poll we have a long way to go but it
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doesn't speak well for biden. >> the only thing biden points to for success is bipartisan infrastructure bill. what else can he actually point to. meanwhile with donald trump the border was safe we did not have wars overseas, the streets were not filled with the violence that they have now, the immigration issue, everything was safety in your wallet and at home, always better under donald trump. i think people are willing to look past what they consider to be mean tweets because they actually want to know how to be that works in they want to be safer at home and that's why donald trump will continue to do better in the polls because it worked under donald trump, he was a great president. ashley: it certainly did. the next one listen to what senator lindsey graham has to say about donald trump's legal issues in the upcoming election. >> i think all these trials are political. i think it selective prosecution and i think what's going on in york is an outrage so i think
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most americans will not decide how to vote based on trump's legal troubles but the troubles that they face, inflation, crime or broken border your poll tells me everything that i need to know, people are looking at their problems not terms legal problems. ashley: it is interesting. do you think most voters care about the trump trials to be honest. >> no the prosecution of the democrats have yet to articulate what it is that donald trump that did that was so bad that violated the law that requires him an election year to come up for trial these things happen in 2016 now you're just bringing them up at an election year but all politics is local people care about the economy, backyard, safety, immigration problems that's what they really care about all politics is local and senator graham is exactly right. ashley: very good.
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donald trump son eric raging against his father's ongoing legal troubles in new york city, come back and what is he saying. >> progressive das are using law fair to delegitimize his dad's candidacy and nobody is buying it. >> they want to torture my father but nobody is believing it yet homeless is through the roof women being pushed in front of trains cops been assassinated in their squad cars and little kids being shot in times square and they're going after guy for $130,000 payment, you cannot go into cvs and by skin lotion because it has to be locked behind plexiglass because theft is so high in the da entire focus is donald trump, give me a break, the country does not believe it. ashley: he was emotional and angry and so are new yorkers and americans. it could be why 100 showed up at 6:00 o'clock in the morning on
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thursday to see donald trump before he went back into the courtroom. he is in court for $130,000 payment as eric said, while the crime is through the roof in new york city and people are feeling bad for the president in aligning with his former policies. ashley: i think people see right through it for what it is political interference, let's move onto this. donald trump met with florida's governor ron desantis this weekend, wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall, do we know what they talked about. >> money obviously trump needs an ron desantis is a really good fundraiser they meant for hours yesterday in miami and desantis agreed to help trump when the presidency come november, let's call it a major falling of the ice it was the first meeting since desantis ended his presidential bid after iowa. it can also set desantis up
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favorably if he is considering running into thousand 28. it shows him helping the party in the front runner. he keeps his name back in circulation, he's good at fundraising and is helping trump. ashley: a little kumbaya moment. thank you very much. let's get back to the market for the market is moving ever so slightly higher, michael lee joins us now to talk about it. you said the a.i. boom is just beginning to believe, how high is it going and how are you playing it. >> this is the latest of technological trends that wall street underestimates. every single major technological breakthrough is completely lowballed and underestimated by
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wall street. the same people that say we have an a.i. bubble are the same ones that were saying the iphone will never overtake the blackberry. remember your blackberry, do so have one, i don't. this is monetization of data on a level we've never seen before and it will continue on for many years. we see the same thing for cybersecurity in the cloud and the next evolution is artificial intelligence. ashley: i used to love, i can't think of it but the crackberry, do you remember the blackberry i used to make a lot less typing mistakes for some reason than the iphone. amazon reporting this week are you expected a blowout number, would you looking for. >> what i will be focused on for amazon or specifically the growth in the cloud business in the growth in the advertising business. in the cloud business in the last quarter it was only up 13%
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year-over-year and i expect that number to be up 50% which is where the street is both google and microsoft blew the doors off with their numbers last week yet why is that. the investments in artificial intelligence and you need a huge amount of computing power to be able to do this and you're going to do it on the cloud with google or microsoft or amazon which is a leader in the space, amazon web servicing they have been doing this for a long time. i would expect a blowout number into pivot to facebook or meta the stock is selling off because of the investments they're making an artificial intelligence. artificial intelligence at its core is data monetization which is what facebook is and after the absolute total train wreck of the utopia that facebook tried to build with the metaverse, the street is skeptical of the investment, that was in a court business
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that was a business and venture were artificial intelligence is taking what they do and taken into another level previously thought unimaginable. when you hear about the large investments that leads me to believe will get another astronomical number from nvidia in a few weeks when they report. ashley: i'm glad you said nvidia that's our next story. michael lee great information thank you for joining us. come back in here as i mentioned let's begin with nvidia. ashley: up 4%, down sharply now down $6 we heard from meta, microsoft, amazon likely this week will confirm the major corporate spend on artificial intelligence which includes artificial chips. the ceo when 60 minutes and said were eyeing other markets like drug development and robotics and nvidia shares at one point were up 4% coming down a little
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bit. sulfide technology financial services technology down 10%, forecast is disappointing investors and they swung to a profit in the prior quarter. amc down sharply and they put up preliminary earnings numbers in the report and said the revenue will fall in their still losing money in the hollywood strikes are still affecting them. amc at 312 a share. ashley: thank you very much. now this parada star says there are many hollywood celebrities that are against bidens leftist agenda but they're petrified to speak out. we will have the story coming up. right now secretary blinken is in saudi arabia pushing for a cease-fire in gaza, this after president biden spoke with benjamin netanyahu about a potential hostage deal with hamas. jeff paul will have the latest reports from tel aviv next.
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generation after generation. tool after tool. again and again. bringing you the most reliable network of authorized sales and service dealers. always moving forward. we lead. others follow. ashley: secretary of state anthony blinken arriving in saudi arabia earlier this morning. he is expected to continue cease-fire talks. jeff paul is in tel aviv this morning, good morning to you is a cease-fire on the horizon? >> it certainly sounds like there could be a new deal right around the corner. anthony blinken says today that the only thing standing in the way of the people of gaza and a
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cease-fire right now is hamas, he made those comments while speaking inside of saudi arabia during a special meeting of the world economic forum saying that israel had made an extraordinarily generous offer, anthony blinken did not go into specifics, there are reports israel has offered fewer than 40 other remaining 133 hostages hamas kidnapped back on october 7. in exchange israel with free several palestinians. that there would be a period of sustained calm in the work regional leaders like injection prime minister saying there is a real urgency to get a deal done before israel decides to carry out a major ground operation rafah in southern gaza. >> it would be a catastrophic measure and of course this entail another displacement of those people to seek any kind of safe place.
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>> there are more than 1 million palestinians seeking shelter from the war and rafah. that's were health officials in gaza say israeli airstrikes overnight hit three houses killing 20 in wounding many others and they said four were killed in gaza city after israeli airstrikes hit two homes there there are reports indicate there could be another round of negotiation involving qatari and egyptian mediators from hamas about the possible deal were learning that a delegation from israel could be traveling to egypt very soon to discuss their end of this potential deal. ashley: talks go one, thank you so much we appreciate the report. i want you to listen to what john kirby had to say about secretaries trip to saudi arabia. listen to this. >> that's going to be the top of the list for secretary anthony
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blinken to push for the tempera cease-fire we wanted to last for six weeks it would allow for all the hostages to get out in a course to allow for easier aid access to places in gaza, particularly in the israelis about their intentions and thinking about rafah military operations. ashley: interesting let's bring in the best person to talk about this, kt mcfarland. do you think we can get a cease-fire deal done and are we heading in that direction, we've been talking about but does it get done? >> maybe but there talking to the wrong people, who is giving everything up, israel has conceded all the points, the have the u.s. plan and there really where the united states wants them, who is stated in the way of hamas, what was really interesting the u.s. and blinking or blaming hamas, the problem is hamas does not want
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peace deal, hamas does not want to cease-fire, they will rebuild, regroup and being able to fight again. but a fundamental misunderstanding that the biden administration has, they think negotiations will lead you a peace deal, iran doesn't want peace deal, hamas doesn't want to peace deal they don't want peace in the middle east, they don't want negotiation with israel they don't want israel to exist and they want to kill all the jews between the jordan river and the mediterranean sea. unless the biden administration is willing to pressure iran financially, economically with sanctions is not going to have any kind of result that's going to last. ashley: next one senator jd vance going after the administration for failing to bring hostages home, listen to this. >> if you were to get the hostages released you have to enable israel to finish the job, our president instead of focusing on getting the hostages
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back is focusing on micromanaging whatever allies war efforts and they can placate these two were protesting in college campuses but is such a confused policy and it makes people recognize that america would joe biden at the home is impartially two-week. >> is he right is the white house micromanaging israel? >> this is the problem is not just republican to democrat so washington establishment wants to micromanage all the foreign wars whether ukraine or vietnam or afghanistan or iraq and they think that they can micromanage and they know so much better than anybody else in the region and we fail every single time if israel wants to destroy hamas let israel destroy hamas if they want to have leverage over hamas and iran get the leverage, but don't continue to press israel to be the only side in this party that is giving things up. at the end of the day unless we use economic power against iran
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in economic leverage against hamas, the wars will continue whether a temporary cease-fire or happens again another six weeks, six months time understand the fundamental reality of the middle east today which is iran and iran's proxies whether hamas, hezbollah, the who these, not even want peace with israel none of them want israel to exist. ashley: we will have to leave it right there, terrific stuff. thank you very much for joining us this morning, saturday bernie sanders had some harsh words to say about benjamin netanyahu, come back in what exactly is mr. >> you think are called the u.s. funding and arming israel but now he's accusing a israel of ethnic cleansing in gaza and he says benjamin netanyahu should be held responsible for the death toll there. watch this.
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>> i don't think there's any doubt when benjamin netanyahu is doing that, displacing 80% of the population in gaza is ethnic cleansing, pushing out huge numbers of people in there looking at the possibility of an attack on rafah and people have gone a safety zone, what is going on again to my mind is outrageous and as you indicated the u.s. funding for benjamin netanyahu war machine. >> 1 million displaced palestinians are in rafah and as we've been talking about cease-fire talks are happening in cairo if they can get anywhere. ashley: thank you very much. now this, some republicans have called on biden to send the national guard to ivy leagues that are struggling to contain pro-palestinian protest and one democrat senator said that will be a very bad idea. working to speak to a student at u penn on how his school is dealing with the protest. congresswoman ilhan omar under
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trial for sainted jewish student can be divided into pro-genocide or anti-genocide camps. even democrats not happy about the squad members remarks. aishah hasnie will have the report from capitol hill next. ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, unlocking the power of thinkorswim, the award-winning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop with robust charting and analysis tools, including over 400 technical studies. tailor the platforms to your unique needs with nearly endless customization. and track market trends with up-to-the-minute news and insights. trade brilliantly with schwab.
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ashley: let's take a look of the markets, just about an hour the dow, s&p and nasdaq up a third of 8%, come back in here you're looking at the movers with a name familiar with everyone apple. >> up 3.2 percent, two reasons. the report with generative a.i. from openai to iowa's 18 and bernstein upgraded them to outperform, generative a.i. will be great for the iphone 16 upgrade cycle, roku higher seaport research upgrades them to abide, shares are up 4% at 58 and change but seaport says they're going to $74. they say roku is essential name of the connected tv advertising market. but southwest airlines are getting hit hard after
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boeing/their deliveries to airlines including southwest. jeffries downgraded them to the equivalent of cell and they cut their price target to a street low $20 a share. the analyst there says it is time to throw the quote baby out with the bathwater. ashley: quite a comment. thank you very much. over the weekend congresswoman ilhan omar omar suggested jewish students can be divided into pro-genocide or anti-genocide camps. now even democrats are pushing back on the claim. aishah hasnie is in washington this morning. how exactly are democrats reacting? >> good morning to you. some of them are calling her out on this while others are sidestepping it.
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that divide is really going to be put on display this week when the house votes on congresswoman mike lawler's anti-semitism bill, that allows the apartment of education to apply a broader definition for anti-semitism on college campuses and defund any of the schools that are not enforcing it, it is expected to get bipartisan support especially from the pro-israel democrats. the republicans are really found a wedge issue that splits up the dams as they protest nationwide yesterday senator fetterman took another swipe with the quote college protest. it comes as you mentioned as congresswoman omar's comments about the jewish students being pro-genocide went viral without naming her congressman richie tore his head back on x, rebranding pro-israel jews as pro-genocide jews is anti-somatic dehumanization at work here is congressman bernie sanders sidestepping it when he was asked if he is comfortable with ilhan omar's words. >> i think the essential point the ilhan omar made, we do not
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want to see anti-semitism in this country. i think there were genocide is something that is being determined by international court of justice. >> it does not end there, aoc and jerry moscowitz have been going back and forth on x after he questioned senator sanders stance on anti-semitism. he called his remarks shameful. jamaal bowman told constituents last week that the pro-israel lobby group wants to call me the in word but they know they cannot get away with that. emotions are expected to run very high this week with the upcoming vote which axios is now reporting that the democratic advised members at jerry nadler a jewish congressman is against it. ashley: a lot to discuss. thank you very much, a great report. the head of the anti-defamation league went after congressman omar over the comments. he accused her of blood liable.
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a jewish student at u penn joins us now. thank you for joining us this morning. what do you make of omar's remarks that some jewish students are pro-genocide. >> thank you so much for having me on today to discuss this important topic. first what's most important to note ilhan omar had a long history of anti-semitism and anti-american and she's compared israel and the united states to hamas and the taliban and in her whole mantra about being an advocate to genocide back in 2019 when the house of representatives voted to formally recognize the armenian genocide, ilhan omar was one of the few congresspeople that actually voted present to this bipartisan bill. and then she goes and travels to
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columbia on american taxpayer money instead of visiting her constituents who have enough problems to deal with interval statement was hyperbolic in itself to brand the majority of jews in the united states as pro-genocide is not only disgusting but it's harming to students who are already facing enough hatred and bigotry on these campuses. ashley: talking of which, you were confronted by a group of pro-hamas protesters while walking around on campus, do you feel safe at school right now? >> i do not feel safe whatsoever. i don't think the majority of students, jewish and not feel safe whatsoever. and to anyone who is trying to brand these encampments as peaceful, i urge you to go to these encampments, holding an american flag and see exactly what they do to you, just yesterday they were chanting make us proud this is the armed
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wing of hamas. at columbia they were chanting death to america in its truly appalling and disgusting and i'm not truly sure what the college presidents are waiting for. our former president said calling for the genocide of jews does not violate the code of conduct until action is taken. maybe that is what they are waiting for the action has also been taken so they keep towing the line into window line until someone is fiercely going to get hurt. we need to restore order in academia and attendee professors who are joining this protest they should attack a demand they should career change into politics, their job is to educate our students it is not to go and start harassing them while they're trying to get to class. ashley: we hear you loud and clear. thank you so much for joining us to give us your experience and your perspective. we do appreciate it. thank you for joining us, but
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spring in jason chaffetz back in here, there is some talk is the time for the universities to bring in the national guard to control these protest or is that a step too far? >> that might be a step too far i believe local law enforcement can't handle this if there is a definitive ask and defended it push, the push should come not only from the local leaders there on campus but also the city and then also the state. if that happens, i don't think you need to pull a national guardsmen who is working another job to be on the campuses. i would like to ask ilhan omar if she believes if you are pro-jew or believe in the state of israel, asked the president, the president says president biden says we have an ironclad relationship with israel, does she believe that the president thinks that he is pro-genocide, those are the questions that the congresswoman should be asking.
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ashley: very good, thank you very much. coming up, by the way one month since california's $21 minimum wage hike received the restaurant change and kelly said barry will tell us how much more people have to fork over for fast-food. that is next. ♪
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owns and operates an ice cream sandwich food truck business in new jersey. the company expanding by opening their first café. richard burgum is the owner of truck and café party, it's a great name. she joins us this morning. how did you get into this business, how long have you been doing it. >> i been doing it for two years. i wanted something new and fun for my family to enjoy, i love sweets and ice cream and i love pink the truck was a natural progression for me. >> amen, how many trucks do you have and what kind of events do you serve. >> i have three trucks and one ice cream car, we do a lot of corporate events, production events during the week and on the weekends we do birthday parties and weddings and different stuff like that. ashley: my question is how is the café doing, that's a whole new ballgame.
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>> is doing great were coming up on the one-year anniversary this week. it's been a great year is been doing really well a great community where they live and we have a beautiful park behind us and really great family place. ashley: beautiful. let's get to the nitty-gritty how is inflation been affecting your business. >> inflation has affected a lot of things to eat of course from any of the supplies and cups and spoons and milk and eggs and even fuel itself is very expensive for the trucks. ashley: that said, this is a question we always like to ask on varney. how much revenue did you bring how are you doing. >> we did 20% more from the previous years that were definitely on the uptick which is great treatise but a really great year. >> very good, last question very quickly, what are your top sellers. >> ice consume which is our number one the homemade cookies and in our café are milkshakes
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really sell very well. ashley: i love all of them i wish i could have one now, thank you so much for taking the time. small businesses the lifeblood of the market economy, hats off to you and continued success. >> thank you so much. >> it's been one month since california 20-dollar minimum wage for fast food workers went into effect. now we see fast food chains raising their prices as a result. we knew it was coming. kelly saberi joined me now. how much more are people paying. >> the total at the drive-through is certainly getting higher, we have seen burger king, jack-in-the-box, mcdonald's and chick-fil-a all increase prices since september when this was announced, along with pizza restaurants like domino's and pizza hut, take a look at this graphic, it shows you some of the increases that we've seen wendy's increasingly
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present, aaa 1.5% and starbucks 7%. in addition to the minimum wage increase, there is a separate mandate for salary workers that is creating even more problems. those who do not receive overtime must receive double the minimum wage under the new rules but some franchisees are being forced to reorganize these rules moving salaried employees to hourly classification to work around this. despite the higher cost, mcdonald's is trying to get customers to come back in the restaurant by bringing back limited-edition items like the beagle sandwich. with it we saw a 15 million-dollar campaign just in the state of california. it's great to see this much money poured into one state, critics of the new law have blasted democratic governor gavin newsom claiming that the law is costing people money and their jobs, california fast food industry lost 1.3% of its workers between september and
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when the law was announced in january which well outpaced private total declines of the golden state, california population accounts for 3% of the entire nation's workforce, what happens here will likely shape what happens to labor costs nationally. ashley: we can't wait, thank you for that let's bring back jason chaffetz. you're going to put up the minimum wage cost, small businesses, the chains can handle that, we end up paying more adding to inflation but other businesses, the one offs or the small mom-and-pop, they go out of business, they cannot afford to pay the workers and by the way it's a lose lose situation. >> this is bidenomics at work, the price of fuel and other things go up so dramatically when you massive government spending, these are the consequent is.
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i was showing lauren i went to five guys in utah, i ordered a cheeseburger the one that has to patties on it in a little french fry, no drink, $18.73 in utah. you're going to accelerate automation and one thing that they have to do immediately is come up with an apprentice wage and allow young people who may be in their teens to go work, they don't need the living wage they can make $10 an hour or $8 an hour and do just fine. states a innovate will do this but there inhibited by the federal walls that are pressing up the wages. ashley: $18 in utah that is times square price. >> didn't even get a drink. ashley: oh my goodness, it's an outrage we demanded investigation. thank you very much kneeling on the head. now this south dakota governor kristi noem getting a lot of
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heat over a story in her upcoming memoir. in it she tells a story about having to kill her dog after it bit people and killed her livestock. we will get into that, president biden asking the media to rise up to the seriousness of the moment into focus on what's really at stake protecting our democracy. media guide joe concha going to deal with that and more next. the new dexcom g7 sends your glucose numbers to your phone and watch, so you can always see where you're heading, without fingersticks. dexcom g7 is the most accurate cgm.
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ashley: president biden had a message for the media during this weekends white house correspondents dinner, watch this. >> i'm sincerely not asking you to take sides. i'm asking you to rise up to the seriousness of the moment, move past the horserace numbers, the gotcha moments in the distractions, the sideshows let it come to dominate and sensationalize our politics. and focus on what is actually at stake, states cannot be higher. every single one of us has roles to play, serious role to play make it true democracy indoors it. ashley: making sure democracy ensures it, don't report my inability to deliver a coherent sentence and talk about the threat to democracy.
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i.e. the maga extremists, joe concha joins me now. that is galling to me, what say you? >> he says he doesn't want the press to take sides but is painfully apparent that most of the press took sides in terms of which party to support and which party to be hostile to, quite some time ago, there is a bigger phony who ever sat in the oval office to pretend he embraces the free press only to avoid them in the manner joe biden does that this president. he is only president at this stage of his first term cannot sit down with editorial board of the wall street journal, washington post, new york times because his handlers will not allow it, mr. biden spearman you've yet to do as a press conference this year, you probably wanted one before election day and you consider a hard-hitting interview to sit down with jason bateman or seth myers or howard stern. ashley: exactly. that's all you got i guess. next one for you, south dakota governor kristi noem this is
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been getting a lot of conversations. she is defending herself against critics who are outraged about this story in the upcoming memoir where she talks about killing her dog on her family farm, she said on x, i understand why some people are upset about a 20-year-old story of cricket. south dakota law states the dogs to attack and kill livestock to be put down given that cricket had shown aggressive behavior toward people by biden them i decided what i did. what a terrible idea whoever came up with put that story, kristi everybody will love it. >> this story is a dog owner as my whole life makes my blood boil on two levels, one how utterly heartless you have to be to issue a 14 -month-old dog in the face. if it wasn't doing its job on the farm or attacking chicken or people, okay you're a public figure or at least you have a
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platform in some way shape or form even if your private citizen you could post it somewhere i putting my dog up for adoption because maybe it's not working out on the ranch. many people would raise their hand to take the dog in, you don't murder it, can someone expand to your point what editor thought it was a good idea to share this in a book. i'll say that she just destroyed any chance she had it been donald trump's vice president xi had any chance at all there is no going back ask mitt romney the multimillionaire that was a really good idea to put his dog on the roof of a car for 12 hours, that story sticks with them to this day for good reason she can talk your way out of this all she wants, i'm sorry you don't shoot dogs in the face i don't care what they've done. >> amen i'm a lifelong dog lover i've always been, you are spot on, i have to leave it there but thank you so much, bringing the fire, come back in your jason chaffetz. you're a recovering politician, why would kristi noem release something like this, what an error of judgment. >> because she actually did it.
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i give her an a+ for being honest about it but she just destroyed her political career. i don't think there is anybody on any side of the aisle, any human being that thinks is acceptable to go to a gravel pit and shoot the dog in the face and kill it when it's 14 months old, that is hideous. >> she's done politically. i'm a friend of hers and i served with her but politically there's no recovering from this. ashley: what a horrible story bottom line, thank you very m much, sticking around for the hour, always appreciate your input. thank you so much. still ahead steve forbes on the new report claiming that migrant workers are needed to offset an economic slowdown. blue states want to charge people in the tax if they leave the state. ted jenkins has a report. the 11:00 a.m. hour of "varney & company" is next.
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