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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  April 30, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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ngineer. and he would've loved wall street today (laughing) 'cause the financial engineering is very big. - morgan represented money, and (laughing) i think that ultimately was his power. people understood that he was very influential because he controlled the flow of money. and though he was never the wealthiest american, at the height of his career, of his power, he controlled and influenced more money than anybody in the world. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow. all right once again columbia president shafik
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folded her tent did nothing as anti-semitic protest continue on her campus. and joe biden wants to blow up donald trump's successful tax cuts. there is a real bad idea. tax foundation scott hodge will talk about it former speaker newt gingrich reminds us how ronald reagan refused to let campus radicals shut down colleges. >> liz peek and carol downey will have a thing or 2 to say. first, we go to ma madison alworth live at columbia, what happens and what didn't happen? reporter: well, you can see a lot of action students have been protesting for weeks, even after the columbia president threatens suspension it has not slowed
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them down, columbia receivings over a billion dollars a year from federal government, to my left, this is the encampment at the center of camp us, there are threats these students will be suspended, yet it still stands, now in washington lawmakers are pushing in a bipartisan way to push for ending funds for universities like this. sending a monitor to school and assess how they are combating anti-semitism, those who don't comply, will lose a lot of money, through ivy league billions of moneys are given each year. >> we're seeing a rapid rise in anti-semitism on these universities and college campuses. the administrators have failed in cracking down on
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it. student aid is at risk, a lot of behavior will change quickly. reporter: columbia really has been the epicenter of this movement which has been very active today, here on campus and across the country. that remains on college quad, despite very clear, invehicinvehic instruction from president this students had to vacate by 2 p.m. or be suspended, it is now 4 preliminary, there are hundred -- 4 p.m., students are still inside, they have been dances and chanting, we have been asking the university when the suspension will happen, if police will be involved, they have been mum. outside of campus there was an arrest. protesters here are still behind me with no sign of slowing down.
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larry: madison, 2 p.m. deadline came and went with no meaning? reporter: yeah, it came and went. and no sign that any of the students inside have been removed. larry: and the other question, a friend of mine asked, do they have a sprinkler system on the lawn there at columbia that might do it? it is a joke, just kidding. just kidding. wise ass humor, sorry madison, appreciate you, they could use one. reporter: tha thank you, larry. larry: for the riff, as governor of california ronald reagan knew how to stop camp us radicals from shutting down cal state berkeley and other colleges and universities in 1966. ration of an said the following. >> will we allow a great university to be brought to its knee bi.
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will we meet their slul vulgaritiers on them those, we are expecting them to enforce the code based on desensey, common sense and dedication to the noble purpose of the university. larry: later that year "the gipper" said, what in heaven's no, ma'am d name does academic freedom have to do with rioting. to destroy the primary purpose of the university, which is to educate young people. >> a hat tip to newt gingrich for reminding us, he will be on in little while later. >> last week i in colombia speaker mike johnson went there and called for resignation of president shafik.
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lookings leak accident s. >> she has not restored order and mog ha nothing has changed, and this is the kind of pandering this president reagan hated. and said later: >> it is going to be stopped. whatever it takes, period. en quote. now, there is another kianne told columbia, and anti-semitic campus disrespecttions. -- disruptions that is title 6 of civil rights act of 1964. , no person in the united states shallot ground of race, color or national origin b excluded from
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participation in, be beni denied universities of under discrimination under program or activity. hate crimes of anti-semitism, would qualify under title 6 of the civil rights act that bill, pushed hard by president lyndon johnson was passed with significant republican senate votes mainly because the dixiecrat senators from the south would not sign on to something forcing equality for black people, that was the main push in those days, in a sense civil rights act of 1964 was necessary because the great emancipation amendments to the constitution, that were pushed by president abraham lincoln lyle h while he was alive, and later never truly
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enforced during the next hundred years, i reckon 64 civil rights act is best thing that lbj ever did in his rather tortured time as president. there is a third angle of anti-semitism that is endangering the lives of u.s. students. cut off federal o funding. bipartisan open books web see the has numbers to show that increase in federal money given to colleges is actually greater than even the increase in true eyei tuition payments charged by the colleges, in colombia's case between 2018 and 2022 university received 5.8 billion dollars in contracts and grab t grants while columbia endow. increases from 10.5 million
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to 13.3 billion. so, when donald trump last week argued that the spread of anti-semitism is not only violating civil rights discrimination laws, but also should lead to tax increases and heavy finds for those colleges like columbia and so many others that continue to appease the virulent virus of anti-semitism and hate crimes, mr. trump was right on targets. joe biden has not lifted a finger to enforce civil rights laws or threaten financial punishment with these colleges. why isn't biden ordering his justice department to send the fbi to these campuses to investigate federal crimes under that civil rights act of 1964? why isn't biden threatening the college presidents and demanding they restore
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campus law and order exactly the way that ronald reagan did under similar circumstances so many years ago. those are questions for the ages. but they are also important questions for this election. that is the riff. >> all right joining me now, missouri senator eric schmitt, welcome back sir. i want you to perhaps comment you are a legal beagle among your many skills, ag of missouri, bringing important lawsuit to stop encroachment of federal government, why doesn't joe biden enforce the civil rights act and title 6, that is discrimination, trump called for enforcement last week, why do you think that biden isn't and what should and could be done about it. >> it doesn't have anything to do with the law it is political calculation on part of joe biden, the same
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reasons he called for new election in israel with benjamin netanyahu and pivoting away from israel, he believes he has to hold together this weak wo coalition to get reelected. the problem that pro hamas wing of democrat party is growing, they are very vocal, they will show up at the convention, he knows it, he doesn't want to do the right thing and them them they are wrong, that is why he is playing footsie with this. the people in charge of elite higher edkeag education institutionses are of the same mind as radical protesters, that is why they don't want to do anything, they have been brought touch believe -- to believe that dei theory, you are seeing in real-time on college campuses and the demonstrations, is the logical consequence of this really divisive theory that's has permiated, not
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just high a higher ed but how they train teachers and staff, you have the full gamut, you have students and staff and add main tritt add merrill lynch stlai administrators who are somehow wearing masks out side, which is ridiculous. now the students are huddled. they believe in this stuff it is playing out on college campus. larry: senator, i agree with everything that you just said, i think. but, you know you are a prominent senator, a former state attorney general, missouri. they are breaking the law, that is my you know first point tonight, they are breaking the law. title 6, civil rights act of 1964, i might add it was passed with republican votes back then. because dixiecrats from the south would not go near it i give lbj credit for it and
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everett dirksen and a band of other g.o.p. senators, who voted for it, okay fine. but right now we look at their breaking the law -- they are breaking the law, senator eric schmitt, you could get up in floor of senate and say, you are breaking the lay law, where it the fbi, where is merrick garland, where is joe biden, this is a clear case abide' said -- biden said he is the pro democracy guy, this is another case where biden is wilfully breaking the law but not taking any action to enforce the law, down get it call -- i don't get it call him on it. >> well, it is the same reasons why the fbi will go after traditional catholics but not enforce the law when the folks were outside supreme court justices threatening their lives, they pick and choose, and
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fully weaponize your legal system, that causing problems a lack of trust, the left here, larry, they are taking us backwards, they believe in an ideaiology where it is okay to rationally discriminate, the same people in solidarity with the students, they are same people advocates for a black only and whiton white only graduation ceremonies, this is insane, people have a right to speak their mind, but you don't have a right to have an encampment on private property, you don't have a right to deny people a graduation ceremony. it is time to enforce the law, joe biden doesn't want to do it, he knows this is a
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plate problem for him -- political problem for him. larry: and you know mr. trump called to enforce the law. and secondly, he called for either taxing endow amments or fine are the endo endowments for colleges who embrace this and reagan would not broas broach nonsense on this, you have the law behind you biden doesn't have a leg to stand othat is why i say call him on it get a bunch of senators call him on it title 6, you're the lawyer not me. >> that right, he should do it, i'm saying, this administration is most political with enforcing the law that we've seen, they try to throw their main opponent in jail for his life. >> they are lawbreakers.
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>> they don't believe in -- lady justice being blind, they believe it say plate weapon, they re-- it is a political weapon. larry: break the law on the border but not enforcing those laws of sovereignty and breaking lou on student loan con cancellation and power and electricity, they will ban all cold and all match gas -- natural gas, they are just breakings law left and right. >> think of how infuriating it is for guy that gets up, works hard every day, overtime shift, seven-days a week, like my dad dto pay for people working their way through college, the same radicals will have their student loans forgiven. this is upside down world, it does not make sense for impeachment who actually plea by -- for people who actually play by the rules, people are ready for trunk trump to get back in office, we can't have
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another 4 years of this. larry: i think that real radical is the guy in the white house, he is a lawbreaker, there is evidence to prove it in light of day. this civil rights act of 1964, i'm no fan of lbj . but that was best thing he did. he did it with republican help, the best thing, now, as has been the case in past it should be enforced, but trouble is not blacks, the trouble is discrimination against jewish kids, jewish kids. who can't even go to the college, you know that senator, i am just putting it out there. >> that is right. >> thank you very much, sir. >> that's right, all right, larry. >> all right, coming up here is a real bad idea. real bad, joe biden wants to blow up donald trump's highly successful tax cuts. unfortunately the economy might just blow up following
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suit, we will talk about it with scott hodge and edward lawrence, i'm kudlow, stick around folks. (husband) we just want to have enough money for retirement. (wife) and travel to visit our grandchildren. (fisher investments) i understand. that's why at fisher investments we start by getting to know each other. so i can learn about your family, lifestyle, goals and needs, allowing us to tailor your portfolio. (wife) what about commission-based products? (fisher investments) we don't sell those. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in your best interest. (husband) so how do your management fees work? (fisher investments) we have a transparent fee, structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. (♪) at enterprise mobility,
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our experts always see another road. because when there's no limit to how far mobility can go, there's no limit to how far businesses can go. (♪)
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larry: there he goes again, president biden wants to
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blow up donald trump's successful fsuccessful tax cuts, edward lawrence with more, there are shrinkers on that lawn. reporter: they were on earlier. larry: we need the sprinklers on columbia lawn that say different subject. tell us about tax cuts. reporter: if president has his way, these tax cuts expire, as you know taxes for about all americans would go up, president can't pick and choose which part of the law will sunset the entire law would sunset on the topic, the president is spinning this as a good thing. >> proud very proud of his 2 tril dwr trillion dollar tax cut when he was president and overwhelmingly benefited the wealthy and exploded federal -- it will expire, if imre elect if i
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am reelected it will stay expired. >> a family of two making $25 thousand a year would see taxes about up by 1700 a year, a single person without kids increase of same amount, married two kids making 165 thousand a year pay 2500 in taxes each year, white house communication department trying to remessage what the president is saying saying that president wants tax cut to expire just are about wealthy and protecting americans making under $400 thousand a year, that is not what he is saying or what kehe can do. >> i think that president may have forgotten, this president, there was a huge middle class component to this tax bill that saved the average household about 2500 dollars in the amount of income taxes they pay, how can joe biden say he is not
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raising taxes and the same time here wants to retire the tax cuttings. reporter: if they are expired, then in 2026 about all americans would pay more. larry: edward. stick around, hang with us for a moment. we would like to use your information and bring in scott hodge. president emeritus of tax foundation, one small thing here in this political debate, as you know, and my friend ed frien, edward lawrence knows, corporate tax rate from 35 to 21 does not expire, does not. i don't know what joe biden -- that is one of many things i don't know what he is talking about. the 100% immedia right offs are expire, the personal stuff will expire
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that would to great damage, and edward reports and my pal steve moore said would do damage to typical working families, how does that help anyone? >> it doesn't. and our economists and our tax model estimates that biden tax increase would cost the economy almost 800 thousand new jobs. reduce the size of the economy by 2%, and lower capital investment this bad for every income group up and down the income scale, and especially those people as steve mentioned at the middle and lower incomes from benefit from increase child tax credit and higher standard deduction, more and more people don't have to itemize any more, there are many benefits those folks are getting from trump tax cuts, they would go away if biden allows them to expire. larry: edward lawrence, a
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factoid here, you could find i think tank to say what you want, but joint economic committee and national bureau of economic research show 2 things that the distribution everyone got tax cut, but the middle in particular lowest quintile, bottom 20% got largest increase edward. i know that biden never -- so to quote the bible oh, my gosh the poorest among us did the best. it was not the richest among us. >> it could be seen in some federal reserve research you talk about actual wealth of americans, during those years. within up more than it has in other years, you are talking about a group of people that need help, and now when you look at this administration, president biden came into office, prices are up 19% from the month he came in and you add
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increase taxes on top of, that for americans regardless of what the amount is that will squeeze people who are already squeezed and clearly put record amounted of money on credit card to live. larry: yes, and if that stuff were back in the cpi, as it was in old cpi, we would have a higher cpi, scott hodge, a couple additional turkeys for utreasury secretary yellen, is throwing in with a couple of country in the g20 for a global wealth tax. which would be anti-american since we have most billionaires in wealth, then there is another gem, that biden treasury, yellen, wants to double the capital gains tax on grounds of racial equity. they will give us about a 45% capital gains tax rate.
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i remember the good old days with george w. bush it was dropped to 15%, 45% on grounds of racial equity, what about jobs and unemployment and, opportunities. scott hodge, do we have to have a global wealth tax and double capital gains tack on racial grounds. >> they are success taxes. this is an assault on people who are successful, who create the jobs, who invest in companies, who create wealth, in both in united states and globalez. the person who is behind the global we'l wealth tax the same person who designed elizabeth warren's wealth tax at the eu tax observer to, that the eu equivalent of congressional budget office run among amuck. they created this idea of much like warren's wealth tax to tax wealth at 2%.
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for all billionaires across the globe. now this would require a global cooperation to do this. including a global asset registry, you have to document the land you own, the real estate, all things you own so the administrators can track you down and try to tax your wealth, this is a really bad proposal. >> like global minimum tax, these would in some sense, allow foreign governments to set american tax burdens on american companies. okay. which is not a -- i know we lost our sovereignty at border, but we don't have to lose it in tax policy also that was a joke, but it was a jereia serious point. edward lawrence how about the salt tack deduction --
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tax deduction, trump tax cuts limitedde to $10,000, state and local tax deduction which had a major progressive effect, it fell on rich people. the trump tax cuts actually had a whole thing, they are still squealing, new york, new jersey, connecticut, california, they are still squealing about this salt limit salt deducttion of 10 grand is that in or out of joe biden's tac tax package. reporter: there is a lot of pressure on this administration to do something about that salt tax, you are talking those states, new york, california, chicago or illinois, with higher costs, and the costs are in the homes, and you know you can't live in the states for unders there are a million
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or more. larry: wait, hold on. those tax deductions fell on wait for it, rich people. oh, my god. just goes to show, you need a score card to figure it out, scott hodge, what is the name of your book. >> tac tax oc rase. >> thank you very much. >> coming on kudlow, former speaker newt gingrich reminding us how ronald reagan handled college anti-semitism crisis, in my riff, newt will elaborate more, stick around a lot to do with kudlow.
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larry: welcome back, joining me now the great newt gingrich, former speaker of the house fox news contributor, my riff was about your piece, what reagan would have been and what reagan did do with
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respect to crazy college campuses and you site, by the way, speaker mike johnson gave a tough speech. here we are day whatever, with yet another deadline to do something and columbia has not done a single thing. what do you make of it. >> well, i think first, you have cowards who ideologically are sympathetic to the radicals. they are not going to take them on and surf the risk their friends won't like them, you have a george soros funded long-term investment in paying for student radicals, giving them fellowships between the rockefeller instead, and foundation, and george soros operation there is a huge amount of funding going to radical age american left, that is what -- radical anti
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american left, that is what this is about, they are andy -- anti-american and universities should close them down. reagan came straight at them, he said, you know if you are not a student, you are not on campus. and if you stay on campus, you are trespassing if you are trespassing we'll use police and if we don't have enough police we'll bring in the california national guard. and as a result, he broke the back of student radicalism in california, this was several university campuses, we need that same kind of a attitude, but we have this weird combination of george soros paying it, it and biden says nothing, we have to recognize congress, i hope will investigate what are all of the ties, where did this money come from, when were the decisions made, who were the people going around the
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dawnthe country organizing this how do you end up with 3 palestinian flags at harvard over the weekend, there is an effort turn mine and weaken the united states, reagan understood, that i think that speaker johnson did a great job going to columbia that tells you a lot about joe biden. he has not been to a single campus, not come down hard on this. and if anything he keeps saying, now let's be even handed, you can't be, dealing with people who are pro te terrorists. larry: they are in violation of 1964 civil rights act, title 6. and secondly, you know you talk about private funding by the soros crowd and rockefellers, the rockefeller thing breaks my heart, nelson would never have lit that happen in his day, but, federal gunning taxpayer -- federal funding, huge sums in place like
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columbia 5 billion -- 5.58 billion between 2018 and 2022. according to one of the bipartisan web sites. so they are being rewarded by uncle sam and taxpayers to break the law, break civil rights law and virulent anti-semitism that doing so much damage. >> congress should take two steps one is eliminate tax advantage of giants endo endowment harvard is over 40 billion, they make a billion dollars a year out of there endow am aendowment and charging outrageous fees, they should cut off the money, if you cannot be a pre-american campus -- pro-american tramp us, y -- cram campus you should
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not be getting tax may taxpayer money and anyone out there who is -- >> newt gingrich terrific stuff thank you, and by the way, i'll send you tonight a riff, we give you full credit, you are a reagan piece stimulated it thank you very much newt. >> thank you. larry: switching gears, i love this, my -- could -- no, not my favorite, well maybe, leyna kahn wears prada, let's bring in liz peek. fox news contributor and caroline downey. hold on. perhaps leyna kahn's elite circles folks on shop at jimmy choo think of them selves as proly tarian. trying to help competition. >> this is ridiculous. this thing. this is spearheaded by a man
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who is head of anticompetitive group at ftc, any woman would know that everything he says is nonsense. talk about how you know, it combining the brands, and they are like major brands on each size of the acquisition will reduce competition, there are hundreds of handbag makers and price is not how they are soil, the sold, they are sold on style and influencers wearing them, this i idea idea . >> l. >> she will lose this case. caroline. in case you are not following this within an inch of your life, the linna kahn at ffc, shements
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to block a merger 20 tapestry and capri. if you wanted a nice knockoff go out the door on 6 avenue right here, you can getting any. to your heart's content. >> it is funny, i have been following this, and one thing i say agency described luxury hand pat handbags that retail for over $700 as affordable to show you how out of touch the bureaucracy is with american public, it is unfortunate they fun found this to be objectable. larry: beyond that, last couple minutes, they are
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going on a recessi regulatory binge, fcc wants to take over the internet again. and epa wants to -- basically stop electricity, shut down coal, new gas plants, old gas plants in soon. what else? ftc . >> overtime laws. >> overtime laws. larry: they. >> >> noncompete clauses. >> that was a joke, this is a regulatory bunch bink in waning months because they are worried that trump will win. >> that is the subject of my piece that comes out at 5 a.m. tomorrow. >> oh, my gosh. >> i have detailed 14 things they have done in last new weeks, the reason is 60 day thing, they know if they wait for the lame duck they will note go agenda through. it is about the weak agenda in white house saying oh, my
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gosh our time is running out, and they are pushing a slew of executive actions and rules and regulations which half will be overturned mostly through the courts. >> seems only legal and economic logic, only good merger is no merger, this is biden administration being an activist, is using activist arm to affect commerce to the detriment of consumers. >> also to detriment of laws and court decisions. he won't enforce civil rights act with respect to anti-semitism. he will not enforce any of these supreme court decisions, with respect to the crazy over regulatory decisions, the guy is a lawbreaker, and he won't enforce law that brock southern border -- block the southern border, he say he's is tell crass say -- >> he has gone back to stuff that obama got kicked out of court on the emissions there
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is never enough, they want government to be in charge of everything. larry: liz peek and caroline downey, i'll be ready at 5 a.m. for this piece. >> get up early. larry: you know i will. >> appreciate it. >> texas congressman keith self, he said america will not survive what he calls a fourth obama term, he is i don't thijoining us next up o (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪
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larry: in interview with bright bart, texas congressman can self said we've not survive another obama term, thank you for joining us. it started with obama and continued with biden is this the jeana jen ratt general idea. >> let me give you barack obama's words in 2021, after biden took office, he said, i think that what we're seeing now is joe, and the administration are essentially finishing the job. 90% of the folks who were there in my administration they are continuing in
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building on policies we talked about his people his policies his words, we know that joe biden is not running the white house, sue this in his mental decline. you might remember saturday night, he fought a battle, a losing battle with a salad. he turned his back on the very audience he was talking to. the wounded warriors, that is personal with me. and most frightening, u.s. law, vests one person the authority to launch nuclear weapons right now that is joe biden, i commanded nuclear detach detachment forces that -- frightens me. larry: that is a scary thought, we appreciate that thought, in your judgment, on foreign affairs committee, your judgment will israel finish the job with hamas? in south gaza and rafah, what do you think, sir?
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>> i served with idf for two years, i spent a lot of time, i have been to most of their military bases, they're committed to this, i believe they have every intention of continues to dismantle hamas infrastructure, they have to take out those battalions that remain in rafah, i think that joe biden is throwing every obstacle he can in front of the israelis, and i think they will committed. they have to react to u.s. policy, but i think they are committed and i think they will finish the job. larry: almost from day one, our friend newt gingrich, labeled this big government socialism on tonight's show we talked about over regulation. but you look at it the spending and the bare owing and deficit -- borrowing and deficit finances and over regulation and attempt to raise taxes, left and right, i would say this worse than obama it tell yous truth, keying..
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>> this year in congress, i'm a freshman, this is my first budget. we spent more as a republican majority in congress than pelosi and schumer spent in last year before we took the majority. we spent more this year, than the last pelosi schumer budget. think about that, we're 35 trillion dollars in debt now, scheduled to go to 50 trillion this is unsustainable. we must get a handle on it, we have to do better this year as a republican majority in my second year of my first term. larry: well, i think i, agree, one key thing is try to elect republican president, senate and a bigger majority in the house, that would help do it. keith self thank you for coming on the show, we hope you will be back, appreciate
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larry: that's it for "kudlow." thank foks fr watching, folks. ♪ maria:


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