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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  April 30, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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>> it is new york city. the greatest city in the world and most tourists go there. stuart: i read that somewhere. the answer is new york city. $68 billion tourist industry, visit 11 million international travelers. i wonder how many will come this year. crazy people walk all over the place. thanks for sticking around for the entire hour. we went to hear from you. would you feel comfortable having a driverless truck on the road with you? big truck right next to you, no driver. do you feel comfortable? send your thoughts to coast-to-coast starts right now. ashley: are not so happy meal to report.
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mcdonald's customers have to do with today's selloff. what i told you there were a lot of investors just selling? seems those value meals don't represent as much value as mcdonald's's ceo when plumping down $18 for male in some places, not worth it so more customers are not doing it. if this is some sign the consumer is retrenching, start worrying. it isn't a sweeping sign. one company does not define the whole market, the economy is going bust, the timing is a tad weird given the fed is kicking off a tuesday meeting where it is expected to hold cat on rates for the sixth straight time. the consumer pausing and the pace of prices jumping. we've had our fill. every burger reference i put my welcome everybody. they will both be identified
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their fine skills, and it might empty something -- $18 is not very economical. and 3 or 4 kids spending $70, all of that at mcdonald's and for a value deal. stuart: ashley: mcdonald's is a fast food place. does it have a menu? what do you think of that? plenty of examples, but on the low end i am wondering if we are seeing it. >> whether it is walmart or dollar general's of the world,
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and ceos, our frequenting our establishments. people trading down to walmart, nondiscretionary inflation where the federal reserve has 0 control, automobile insurance, food and energy. and 7% year-over-year, they are being slaughtered by things the fed and they have no control. neil: the federal reserve will wrap up a today meeting tomorrow but it could signal concerns. >> they should signal concerns. it is clear we've had three months of month over month trending get at higher inflation. you can't hide it anymore.
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they are not doing anything in june or july. neil: what if there is no cut? there shouldn't be a cut. >> empirical evidence shows when the misery index is going up we found we had negative job losses in the third quarter of 2,020 after revisions. people 1:45 thousand 20 after revisions. people losing their jobs at the pace at which they are over which there is no control is rising, the fed should be leaning and lowering interest rates providing relief from lower income earners. neil: feeling the next move. i understand. you know i was prescient enough to see that the fed wouldn't move out all but i also said the yankees would do that. but let me get your take on that, forcing the mcdonald's thing on the consumer, he or
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she is inclined to to do but all price points are not the same and i get that but up to the consumer to keep it going. what if he or she can't? >> yes or no. at some point they will start to choke and we are getting close to that point but should the fed be cutting rates? and if they do, what will that do to inflation? inflation is turning up again. inflation starts to take off again. they are in a hard place. >> consumer confidence data we saw this morning, everybody's intentions for buying things, they are completely collapsing. we saw data in chicago manufacturing that is unlike anything we've seen since the great financial crisis meaning households are not buying things they want to buy. adam: griffin friday.
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>> people are wise to that. we had 20,000 layoffs announced in the month of april which seasonably is a very kind month. normally the henchmen and henge women come in in january but we have announced layoffs. not after revisions. it is. my mother bags to differ. neil: still up a lot. >> not after revisions. that's my point. what we hear on friday morning, 700,000 surveyed. 1.9 million. the bureau of labor statistics tells us after the black. neil: i am reverend your glue. thank you very much. we were talking about an $18 back meal.
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how would you like to work over $9000, this has not been a good couple weeks forgetting bang for the buck but getting a lot of bang going on but you are wondering if it's worth it. for the protests that won't go away, some of the big money guys who are thinking get may be it should all go away, what's the latest? >> reporter: we do have some protests at columbia. the campus is completely closed down because of the protests going on, the only people that are committed are the students but live in that campus and central staff. you can take a look. protests are still happening. we are looking at 20 people. most are not of student age. it seems to be student in general population of protests. this is what we've been seeing
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on campus for days and weeks. this is coming to a head. tonight. broke in to a building here on campus. they were able to break in a little after midnight, gaetz barricade the doors. a spectator reporting students covered internal cameras with trashbags taking the building within minutes. the facility worker was inside at the time and repeatedly asked to be left out, he said, quote, they held me hostage. students have been living in an encampment on campus on the green space. and they face suspension. columbia telling us because there are students still they are they are in the process of suspending those students. the of college affiliated with columbia restricted access to
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their campus not just a bar students but canceled all in person campus events. at this point, access very much restricted. when it comes to capitol hill. there's a lot of talk about funding for private institutions like columbia. fiscal year 2023 got $1 billion in federal funding. there are bipartisan efforts for republicans pushing for the polling of these funds, the argument, it's dangerous for us students. what they are seeing is a revolution which is tied in to violence. sometimes nonviolent but mostly violent protests between palestinian and israelis. college campuses today not just here but across the country. neil: are any of them going to classes are taking exams? >> reporter: good question.
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last class was yesterday. exams are coming up. not to mention commencement around the corner. the seniors did not get a commencement because that was covid year. a lot of speculation what will happen. neil: thank you. madison alworth. this is happening across the country. they are seeing these pop up demonstrations. whitney partner's ceo, a great amount of control. a lot of perspective bosses especially those who graduated from those lead institutions saying i'm not going to higher those kids are anyone from them, is that overkill? >> a lot of agendas that they aren't fully aware of the significance.
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a group is there in a peaceful way in the gaza israeli conflict. they want a two state solution, they want to see it wiped off the face of the earth. neil: they don't even hide it. >> anyone who believes israel has the right to exist is a nazi and you have foreign influencers behind the scenes for a long time. neil: you think they are agitators. how do you handle that? you've looked at the talent of the time. how do you feel about this? >> they are thinking twice, i specialize in that and this is -- i think -- a lot of them are looking at public universities and liberal arts schools. the problem with people coming
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out of these is they feel a sense of entitlement. they are very concerned about political activism because of what they do on social media. they don't want that in their organization. neil: they don't want the agitation. a lot of these kids are very bright and very smart and it would make it difficult for a prospective employer to discern the difference. >> a lot of students are being painted with a broad brush. if you look at social media, look to see if there's anything they have been doing that shows that somehow they could be an agitator. neil: if you're on the receiving end of these protests, what do you tell them? >> any jewish students, these protests. neil: somehow you get their social media page.
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neil: sounds like you explored that. looking at alternatives of universities that may not have the same level of criticism. neil: thank you for joining us. i want to pass along news on marjorie taylor greene. she is very big on getting mike johnson removed, the vacate the chair option. a single us congressman or woman could implement. she vows to move ahead on this ouster after democrats promised essentially to save him with that foreign aid package with a bunch of countries. she relied or he relied on democrats to do that. that will cause disruptions on capitol hill. we are going to ask ken fisher about that. ♪
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when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? wifi? wifi that works all over the house, even the basement. the basement. so i can finally throw that party... and invite shannon barnes. dream do come true. xfinity gives you reliable wifi with wall-to-wall coverage on all your devices, even when everyone is online. maybe we'll even get married one day. i wonder what i will be doing? probably still living here with mom and dad. fast reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall-to-wall wifi with xfinity. neil: day 9 of the trump has many trial commencing today.
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gary farrow working with michael cohen and some of the details. charlie gasparino looking at the impact of this but popularity rises. charles: i think he's going to get convicted. the jury will convict him. it is pretty obvious he did what they charge him with. not saying they shouldn't have charged him. if you say there is a crime, giving hush money to someone and not disclosing it or doing it through some sort of vehicle, that is colonel. he met those standards. neil: a lot say he didn't or they didn't because they are bringing it up but you are right. you got to debate on it. neil: how do you fix think the convention will impact him? charles: the case is so flawed
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in so many ways, stuff is always a misdemeanor, federal campaign, to bring a charge, the manhattan da is a left-wing, prosecutors in the country, backed by soros money. this is often bragged. he decriminalized it. the reason you see recidivists on the street is often bragged, the manhattan da thinks we are making the world safe putting donald trump in jail. neil: do people see all that or a former president is convicted? charles: a lot of people see it. that is why his popularity -- neil: he will dodge this. charles: it is a stupid case brought by a guy who has relationships, alvin bragg is george soros incarnate. neil: his popularity remains, election to lose? charles: it's a state charge, a
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criminal charge, don't know what the minimum is. could he be president and in jail? i guess yes. he goes to sing sing or wherever they put him, attica, greenhaven, sing sing, something in the middle. it was upstate. these are -- remember, actual lead -- neil: is this affecting his fundraising at all? rallying the troops? charles: he has a problem with fundraisers. he has alienated so much of the gop fundraising class. ken griffin, might not remember but a huge republican donor involved in the money market or market making get.
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devon nunez who runs trump social went after him, ken griffin is guilty of suggesting he should be investigated illegal shortselling. i don't know what evidence he has, haven't seen evidence of this. if you have money from ken griffin. neil: thank you. good seeing you. charlie gasparino, ken griffin, ken fisher, one of the most successful investors on the planet, founder and chairman. i want to go into this with the trump trial stuff. charlie gasparino is right, there could be a conviction or two to come out of it and it could possibly not impact donald trump at all. markets are happy, majority of
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them in this case if that happens would be happy. >> first, thanks for having me on. second, who am i to argue with charlie gasparino. i respect him completely. neil: the last part surprises me but go ahead. >> i am always trying to surprise you. third, as i said to you before, make up in the split between popular vote and electoral college split where you don't get anything extra in the tiny states for getting a little more. means in the swing states, you could be a good 2% behind and win swing states and you can see that in the polling, great
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website, 2702 when which in my mind is the best website for looking at politics or polling the fact is the other questions you asked like could he end up as president and in jail, seems to me that, electing president is one thing. a president being put in jail is another push because at one level the supreme court would end up saying you know what we are going to do? let him stay in jail until after he is president. i don't see us trying to do that through the electoral college. neil: not long ago on this network you said there was a bull market, just enjoy it and you were saying that in the middle of a swoon.
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today, notwithstanding you can see it right now but you are still bullish. >> i studied this and it turns out stocks are viral and you have a lot of down move this and the reality is the same stuff i said to you for quite a long time remains true. the fact is election years are bullish on us stocks, going back to 1925 on average positive 83%, the great depression in 1932 when we had a negative second-year in 2022. and 15.7%. the fact is also years where
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there's a democrat incumbent tend to be more front end loaded, or a republican intendant despite the fact that the returns are different. and most people believe the republican tends to be more pro business and the democrats more pro regulatory, and my view is more volatility goes on in the course of a year and the media likes to say this is the worst month since october. which october are you talking about? but the market was october 2022 and is a great period. even though we've got some volatility along the way. neil: you said you know there's
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fixation on the magnificent 7 and it is disproportionate technology, that is not the case. it had me thinking may be ken fisher isn't keen on technology but looking at your investments, you are hardly a tech light 8, you like adobe, amd, salesforce, a smc, they make equipment that handles chips. that's over my knowledge base, taiwan semiconductor. they might not be the magnificent 7 stocks but the technology, you ride that technology stronger. >> i could have the in technology, but the reality is what happens in this year as it progresses is like a toggle switch. we move more and more toward value particularly led by energy and more and more toward a broadening. that's predicated on my view
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that the economy will continue at gdp level, somewhat irregularly stronger than people think which is challenged by the fact that first-quarter gdp initial release was weaker than people thought but that will take care of itself as the year moves along and we will see as the economy appears stronger than people expected, more emphasis on the value side which has lack -- it can grow when the economy is not growing. neil: i don't want to misquote you but you were talking about the obsession with the federal reserve cutting rate and the environment got pushed back last time we chatted and only two cuts this year and now it is down to none possibly but the fed doesn't need to cut rates for stocks to soar so do you stand by that? >> sure. let me point out the fed was
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raising rates since october 2022 and the fact is none of that stop the blue market from going. the market is a forward-looking thing. other features, the us fed focus on is inflation is stickier than they feared or people feared or someone feared. i always say think global first and if you look overseas in general inflation is falling faster. americans don't seem to notice. we also suffer from this real reality that we tend to want to think inflation is going on as long as they don't move forward. we don't reverse prices, but stop of the future of inflation.
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neil: a personal question, i know you are graduate of the university, i don't know what you had back then in your day what we are seeing on college campuses today and it seems to be rampant. protests are popping up everywhere. more than 2 dozen now. how do you feel about those and whether parents who look at that and fork over good money for their kids education are seeing that. >> first, any school kid can point out but i did not graduate, i went to humble state college the day before i graduated -- i graduated from university i never attended. so people would think i graduated from polytechnic university, i'm not that technical but the fact is the fact is as people have read, it
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is shut down, protests took over two buildings, but just today they cleared it out but the camp is still shut down and arcata as a college town, that is false. how do i because it. >> i want to pick your brain on that. makes good seeing you. ken fisher, down 35 points, a year, this is typically a good year for the markets in a presidential election year. what's happening at the federal reserve meeting, edward lawrence, the today powwow kicking off today is going. ♪
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this looks like an actual farm. it looks cute on the app. [farm animal sounds] ♪ meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals aren't what they're cracked up to be, try one where you know what you'll get.
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adam: a 2 day meeting going on right now. the president's student debt cancellation policies, forget being inflationary will add a lot to the deficit and overall debt following all that.
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>> reporter: the committee finds the spending or amount of cost to taxpayers would be more than the federal government spent for higher education combined in history and the committee for responsible federal budget found taxpayers fork over between 870 billion to one. 4 trillion depending on how the president rolls out his rule changes, makes jamie dimon, this is part of it. cautioning lawmakers about the effects. >> the deficit is 50% of gdp, that's driving the growth and that will have other consequences down the road, called inflation, not what people expect to. >> $7 trillion into spending of the student loan plan which adds to that laser focused on enforcing the transition to
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electric and other spending nonmoving polls, a new cnn polls shows 60% of registered voters as a failure, 39% say it has been a success. yesterday government spending seen here at the white house as part of a solution and why americans should feel better about their financial situation. >> the american rescue plan was important in turning the economy around dealing with supply chains so we understand prices are too high. this is why you hear us talk about lowering prescription drugs. it is important. >> the president has been pushing that message hard for the past month but is not resonating in the polls. neil: all right. thank you for that and your hard work. i want to take another 3 weeks off. >> keeping of the chair warm up. thank you. edward lawrence on that.
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kevin brady with us at the house ways and means former chairman of that august committee. they would not have happened this gentleman, always modestly, excuse when i say that but it is true. neil: the tax cuts expire next year. what happens? >> it's a big moment for the united states, $4 trillion with families, workers, main street businesses will play a role whether america can compete with other foreign competitors. there's a lot at stake next year. neil: when you first instituted that, everyone got those but the fact is because the rich had more they get more. how did you deal with that?
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>> that is the narrative, what you do you are used to that and most of the good news has been fact checked, the president's claims are in a new category called zombie claims about the tax cuts and jobs act about senator phil graham noted this in the wall street journal the other day for the last 50 years, no spending program and no tax policy has driven higher median household income faster, or lowered poverty more than the 2017 tax cost, grow jobs, paychecks and the american economy. neil: do you feel you left too soon, would have been easily elected, and the keystone cop leadership issues, don't mean to besmirch but i am saying that it looks like it is redderless and you have
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marjorie taylor greene going after johnson, speaker of the house, to vacate the chair. on my gosh, this is -- >> it is painful to watch and i know there are a lot of good people in congress trying to do the right thing, solve problems, leading a big way but it doesn't take much to pool the vehicle into the ditch, that is too often what it appears to be about. and that is driving the big issues on tax reform. and it will compete and win as china and targets american industry, new jobs and investment in the economy. that will encourage innovation
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and research because the country that wins innovation wins the future. that is why i am working with the alliance for competitive taxation to brings these goals. both parties agree on those goals for 2025. neil: we got here, one of the early ones, the early discussion. >> there is no question, record revenues generating is a government more than 20 one% than they did at 25% because all that growth exceeding that year, digging a deeper hole. at the end of the day, you've got to have growth. that is a budget issue and an economic issue and you have to have guardrails. that puts social security,
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medicaid, those important programs on a sustainable path. neil: very good seeing you again. kevin brady, former house ways and means chief. you heard about mcdonald's, allotments customers industry ride, we will explore and explain. ♪ ♪ did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain.
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adam: this is one way to deal with labor shortages and it is working for carlos, the ceo of sergio's, a popular restaurant that is done things to deal with the same pressures. mcdonald's is trying to deal with it. it is good to have you. tough time to be in the restaurant industry given it is a very intense industry to put
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it mildly and you have the inflation issue. you have trouble finding good help but you seem to have bridged that divide. what do you do? >> tom brady would have a challenge. we have 30% of costs increases from last year. labor about 20%, those costs screen -- increased the price where you have 7% of consumers looking for ways to stretch to the dollar and don't like the price increases and use automation like we are seeing in the video to help the servers expedite the food faster and only have 2 to 3 hours for a lunch and dinner shift to bring the majority of your sales so by doing robotics in turning the tables faster the restaurant has more of an
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edge which we would like to think we do by doing that. robotics was up 13% year-to-date already showing acceptance of robotics is here to stay as virtual working continues to push people out of the physical workspace and more on the virtual side. neil: the robotics server goes to the human the server. can he or she stop it, does the server know where to go, it will just keep going out the door into the street, how do you do that? >> it gets 3d mapped. it is its own highway and way to go so servers are more on the dining room floor and not working back and forth, and better done experience. >> you might end up getting more just to see it. >> there's a reason people pay
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one thousand dollars for an iphone, because technology brings an experience and the restaurant industry in the back end on technology on the edge and that is why robotics is something interesting for the consumer. in addition, we are going with a subscription model, the membership act. what that does is you pass a monthly fee, $10 a month and we give you dynamic rewards and discounts and access to secret reservations not only to our restaurants but we can go out to our network of restaurants and hotels and businesses and tell them to give rewards to our community and pass on that reward again aligning with the consumer interest stretching that dollar. restaurants have to get creative, with consumer value and that makes sense.
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neil: good luck with that. always good seeing you. we appreciate it. the selloff has picked up a little steam in and out of session, the dow is down 412 points where the federal reserve is meeting. why am i repeating myself? we will tell you after the commercial. morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... -alligator. are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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the former jerusalem post editor in chief, when i hear from the river to the sea, the clear signal and clear intent whether kids know it or not, a good many do calls for the annihilation of israel. >> these protests are led by individuals who are well-informed and ill intentioned and often populated by a large number of students who may be well-intentioned but tend to be ill informative. there have been many videos of individuals saying they talk about the river and the sea, what river are they talking about and what see? the number of students who have no idea what they are talking about is astronomical. of course you are right, this does mean the eradication of the state of israel and expulsion if not murder of all israeli jews but that a message that seems to be lost on so many individuals who are
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participating in these protests but not lost on their leaders. neil: do you think there's widespread sentiment, are you comforted by the fact that these are exaggerations and a sign of the times but not how people generally feel? >> i don't think this is representative of america writ large or of those campuses. the reality is you have mobs that have taken over over half a dozen, 2 dozen campuses across the united states in which you have a jew free zones, their videos of jewish students trying to enter these areas and being prevented from doing so. you have individuals calling for intifada which is a bloodbath against all jews around the world, globalized and tough are saying zionists are not welcome meeting jews are not welcome. whether this is representative of general american sentiment
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or even sentiment on these campuses, it's a dire threat to jewish safety that is incumbent on the administration to restore safety. neil: benjamin netanyahu has vowed with or without dealing cease-fire talks with hamas so this could escalate again. >> it is important to understand what rafah is, the last place in gaza controlled by hamas. there are several intact located there. hamas leaders are there, certain number of hostages so israel has said that it needs to complete its operation. never had the capacity to carry out anything like october 7th ever again. neil: we will watch closely. sorry to cut you off. jackie deangelis in "the big money show" guys. jackie: i am jackie deangelis.


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