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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  May 2, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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(solemn orchestral music) - it is done! long live george washington, president of the united states! (crowd applauding and cheering) (dramatic music) - [soldier] santa anna advances north. we're gonna need a hell of a lot of reinforcements. - you may all go to hell! i'm going to texas! - y'all halt right there and state your business! - we're volunteers here to fight for the republic of texas. (tense music) (cannon blasts) (dramatic music) - the enemy has demanded our surrender. (rifle fires) my garrison faces the sword if the fort is taken. (guns firing) (intense music)
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plus congressman byron terrel on the civil light engine rights laws that we have in place that will defund anti-semitic colleges and federal reserve day. absolutely no one is surprised jay powell did not lift a finger. there will not be another rate cut the shipping john carney and taylor breaks away and on that. palestinian refugees flying in palestinian refugees and giving them green cards and
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senator tommy tuberville having something to say about it. madison alworth live at columbia with the very latest. thanks for coming. what's cooking out there now in what's going on? reporter: the campus was overrun by protest res and able to clear out happen ill ton hall and video from last night. around 9:00 p.m., nypd entered through hamilton hall through the windows and not #
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300 protesters arrested, nypd confirming some of them were not affiliated with the university. in other words outsiders, that did not stop columbia faculty from protesting again todaypr faculty members letter protest that started at 12:00 o'clocotk this afternoon with no cops on campus and from the river to the sea, palestine will be free, we got to talk to students who wern skeptical about outside involvement. all. >> are you a student at col columbia. >> what do you think of your president's actions to bring in nypd. >> a terrific. >> what about nonstudents on campus. >> i don't know if that's true. >> it's been confirmed by the nypd in columbia's president. >> it should be columbia's fault were meant to be unlocked and for the past two weeks. >> to be a student at columbia it will cost you $90000 a year,
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across the entire ivy league the cost to attend is $90000, with the $90000 she could get newspapers like this, it looks like the new york times but if you look closer at the title is as the new york war crimes in the upper right hand side all the consent that is fit to manufacture this was handed out duringnded the protest to studes and faculty who were protesting, the faculty members of the 12hi kicked it off this afternoon and they promised to be back tomorrow. i wasn't sure you were finished, we will buy it out together. thank you for your great reporting i'm glad you're safe and sound. my riff the first thing i wantsf to say hats off to the new york police department. in less than two hours they
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cleared columbia's hamilton hall getting the protesters out when no violence and seemingly nohe problems and no one will forget the pictures of the emergency service unit going up a ramp and climbing through window and there is a hundred a breathtakingly to be held. why, at that moment any sane person watching the woodbury sigh of relief that the police were back in charge. the cavalry of good guys is baco to restore law and order, no one was hurt apparently in the tentr were cleared and the protesters were cuffed put on police buses and sent to jail, the thin blue line in new york city was back,w one of the most welcome siteassi have seen in many, many years a and giving ulls all hope, the nh should hold its head high today.
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if politicians would support the cops, fund the cops, let them do their job, we would have sch peaceful and safe streets, schools, stores, businesses and neighborhoods. if you're anythingnd n like me d you went to bed feeling safer and unfortunately that has been on very short supply in recenta. years, that brings me to my second point i want to invite everyone to read today's new yorkoria post editorial. it's entitled whether biden de-escalation keeps failing.iden regrettably joe biden was foreign policy is altol too similar to columbia president toothless warnings the editoriai notes that his started off bringing in nypd and suspended
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students. but then columbia reversed most of the suspension and blood protesters build a larger second encampment and told students it would not evict them or calling the cops. this is my word appeasement. when you're dealing with adversaries in this case anti-semitic and anti-american student mob you cannot appease ever the toothless warnings, weak dialogue tone deadline the new york post was on to joe biden biden has spent more than three years de-escalating witho, iran giampietro. sanctions paying huge bribes for hostage release, begging tehrant to reenter theer nuclear deal, e new york post points out the biden's escalation phobia involving rushing to go in
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ukraine and iran terrificen october 7 terror attacks on israel anded hamas itself as well as hezbollah and houthis. de-escalation has become a modern for appeasement, neither ever works, strong policy must be backed up by tough actions,er words are cheap it is actionsttr that matter, joe biden's appeasement has failed, minutia failed and contrast weakness in the collapse of columbia university with a strong tug action taken by the university of florida and texas and the strong government is ron desantis and greg abbott backinp up tough college ministry there's is there a generic message here. america's adversaries at home and abroad can only be defeated by tough strong steady and firm
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actions that backup firm policyd messaging. if you knock you to takeon actin don't say it if you say it you must back it up with strong action reagan and trumpno understood this carter, obama and biden did not and i think that is a lesson worth learning and that is a riff joining meni paul mauro police department inspector attorney fox newsx ne contributor and nio parker former fbi special agentt and fox newsor contributor, thak you both of you i watched you od the fnc coverage and i'm thrilled to have you back here. i'm giving credit to the new york police department and ii'm think the cops perform splendidly and for the first time in a long time i sawig professionals doinhtg it right saving the situation from the
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amateurs and the weakness in the appeasement, how did you see it and what are you thinking about today the day after. >> i echo every single thing you said you nailed it nypd are thei best thene bravest, finest and executed perfectly last evening, students on campus saying we don't want the cops here of course not datable even lawney d order causing chaos in ouratte country and i appreciate the fact that you draw attention to states like florida where i reside, texas where i'm from, they don't have these issues and you know why their leadership asked the blue starting from thl governor to the local leadership, city councilmembers, cmayors et cetera that cannot e tolerated this behavior is not the first amendment right of free speech the moment you cross the line and going into violence with the rights of other students that is wrong in
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criminal activity and it must bi stopped. as long as the woke universities with wok we leadership presideny refused to take a stand and allow them to run the campus you continue to expect chaos, you don't see that in texas or florida but you see it in newno york andti california do notice common denominator texas and florida are red new york and california are blue, thank goodness mayor adam stepped in. it's about time nypd they are the best and deserve ourhe respect. >> what could be the future a lot of history with the new yorn police department the way they perform we could talk about a lot of things and policy inf israel and i want to get to the funding of all the protesters. p the new york cops are still as good as they always were. i was kind of thinking not last
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night there are fewer cops thata have been resignation money has been taken away, the academy oft money has been b taken away ande things that breambk your heart i remember going back to rudy giuliani and i will use the police force to resort law & order, what you make of thisoomb will people get up this morning and say look how amazing they are let's do more and help them just on the brief point.on't >> no. >> the politicians won't res respond. >> is baked into the cake ulegislatively unfortunately io takes the option to support the police and look on the good side of things. because legislation as the in the system, the city council and the legislature in albany the high 400 miles north of new york city had put in the regime that is so adversarial to the actions of the new york police
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department does what he does every day miraculously because they are very well trained and institutional knowledge goes back 150 years it's in the dna of the organization. no matter what you do you'rend getting a very good cops. >> nobody was hurt no injuries. >> against people that hate them including the faculty in theon administration the president doesn't want them there they get it done and got out of there cleanly. >> on thonthere other hand let e back to you we don't have any information of this reporting on the students and whatever-- nonstudents that were arrested and in jail. i think you're still in jail but i don't know that but on the other hand even with new york's crazy laws i was going through the guilty of breaking and
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entering and trespassing and destroying private property because the hamiltonn hallhe business there guilty ofy'eg obstructing college activities and a lot of these kids are knocking to be able to take final exams there's certainly guilty of the civil rights act of 1964 and title vi, thered guilty of hate crimes that hate actions. i would like ttho see them in jn for a good long time all and minimum columbia should suspend them and throw them out and evict them altogether there not to come back, get rid of them. >> i absolutely agree. i think half our college students i don't think a lot ofr these are not students ae t thea university campuses. i think many individuals are taking this as aity n opportunig join and in support marginalized groups and perceive their discriminated against and want
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to bfe something bigger and thet coming into the campuses. i believe some of them areve students but i don't believe alo of them are, let's go back to title vi of the civil rights act of 1964 not straight from justice d.o.j.'s websitelear describes it very clear detail and i'll read it so yourtand audience is a very clear understanding straight from the website tell me if this fits with the jewish students at columbia and all the other universities.r no person in the united states shall on the ground of race, color or national origin be excluded, participated be deniee the benefit or subjected to discrimination under any prograc or activity receiving federal l assistance," this is and receiving federal financial assistance and what i admonish , threviewers to do those thatof witness or victim of this youca need tllo call 1-800-call-fbi inducing with ths wie fbi does y
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claim hate crimes at the top of their list in the civil rightsut division, my experience at theot fbi they care about politics anr politically rapid eyes and care about pleasing one half of the country. if you call 1-800-call-fbi and report you complete if you believe you're a victim of a f crime let's see what the fbi and d.o.j. do from this. >> i run on a full screen everyi night we put it up every night that's how important it is, in the last minute or so who is financing this who put the gree tents up for example who is financing the newspaper madison alworth was talking about. >> i think that's a money question let's go back to ap april 15 there were events that sparked off globally not just nationwide, that argues thatordi there's a lot of international coordination and that makes me consider. >> international and i wonder if
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there's not foreign influence because it's in the playbook of a number of our adversaries and it's been widely reported thatnd you have the elaborate web of progressive dark money from the rockefellers and soros and other people in silicon valley and all kinds of cutouts it's hard to follow the money that's one of the reasons why since we don'td get much action from d.o.j. isew one of the reasons why we spoket about previously w so important, you're a student that's a victim of this sort of stuff especiallt the jewish students, make sure yoouu document, log and find al the information that you can come of the lawsuit and actions that has been filed already, more coming alan dershowitz is talking about it that's going o be the sunlight that will peel this back d.o.j. is a detention for political reasons, number one the word about michigan, whe number two they don't want tong see were the dar tk money is goc to democrat candidates, nobody
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wants to turn over that rockand it's going to be upon us to go to the civil system, find out what's going on is going on too long with the milk and people. >> on top of all that should feed should've been fired months ago of columbia president. when you look at the trustees of columbia there predominately left liberal. >> it's good to be tough to geto them out. >> i admir e this one you have to read out to and restore the merit system that's alan dershowitz has taught us and ide don't see that happening, i gotta get out you are wonderful, nicole parker i hope you comeni back your terrific stuff, i hope you come back and join us as the story unfolds.p, coming up jay powell federal reserve chairman did not lift ae cfinger today it's good to be another rate cut in my lifetimeh we'll talk about it with john carney and taylor riggs next up
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on "kudlow". please stick around. ♪ sho
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larry: all right, jay powell didn't lift a if i thinker and interest rating stayed unchanged.
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i think they'll stay for the year. bright bar business digest and own taylor riggs cohost of the big money show, my favorite. thank you to both of you. on the markets, taylor, the market was up almost 50 points at one point -- 500 points and then closed and the dow plus 87 or something like that and that's a big swing down at the close and do you have any idea why? >> john and i like to joke about this. the first move is usually always wrong and i don't know what brings the first move and what jay powell gets through the statement and conference and market digesting a bit and that's when the s&p and nasdaq rolled over into the red just a bit. the dow ended up just in the green slightly. overall the initial reaction was this is great, powell says hikes are totally off the table and i think later on when you read the news, you sort of understand he thinks policies restrictive and that rate hikes are unlikely and for the most part, they will
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hold it higher for longer and rates higher than longer and larry: higher for longer and that's a complete change and sleet fed change from the fore scenarios and the fourth quarter of last jeer and beginning of this year and why, john, you meet the fed getting something wrong. >> yeah, the fed thought inflation was going to keep coming down. >> during the evidence and hadn't been coming down since last july and talking about this for months and months and that was h that was going to happen and what the fed did in the statement and in the statement that said inflation has gone the wrong way. they acknowledge it. larry: that's a very big deal. >> it's a big deal and said there's a lack of progress on inflation over the last few
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months and it's basically fed speak for saying we got it totally wrong and going the wrong way and powell added that it's going to take longer to convince them and if you thought it was going to take five month as couple months ago and we're not looking at rate cuts and midway through next year if inflation going up. larry: might have to hike the hate after the i election. could be november or december and running for argument sake and running at 4% pce and all the indicators and look at commodity rising and gold rising and blah blah blah and more restrict and i have as a technical matter and their
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balance sheet and share shrinking and selling and not de-vent no more today. or for something and and correct. >> it's a way to tighten up the market and we've been letting bonds go at $60 billion a month and market thought we'd slow down on that and do less tightening and ease up a bit and only let 30 billion roll off and they said we're only letting 25 billion roll off. they're not being as restrictive and chemoago balance sheet, easier balance sheet, which helps sort of the liquidity and the money markets and i would just also note, tell me if you disagree -- larry: why did that do that? >> worrying about the banking
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system and they know they're reversing on rate cuts and know what happened last april when we had silicon valley bank collapse and worried about another run on the bank so they're wanting to provide more liquidity. larry: that balance sheet, which is the basis of the money supply and so forth in liquidity. that thing was $4 trillion pre-pandemic. it ran up to $9 trillion okay. we got a lot of inflation from that. now, they brought it down to about 7.5 trillion but that's still very liquid position. i mean, how is inflation going up and how tight can they be? >> no balance sheet at all before doing quantitative easing before the financial crisis and somebody thought we'd get back to the balance sheet and it's close to zero and this is acknowledgement and i think they can't do it. they've locked themselves into a permanently going as well.
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>> i wouldn't rule it out and jay powell today said january inflation was higher and inflation was higher and those are one off data points and we've had a full quarter of inflation higher than expected. i don't think they want to come out and admit and it's not 1,000% off the table. larry: john, last moment. what is joe biden? joe biden forecasting rate cuts and did it at least twice and will be very disappointed and think they'll attack the fed? synergy home very disappointed and going to have it and all this campus preparing the market for a hike. powell just said today and going for them and not saying fed hikes aren't off the table and unlikely and that's a big change
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and i think they're moving wards starting to prepare the market for a fed hike and better do that very soon. if donald trump gets elected and the day afterwards the fed was leaving a day after election day and the day after they say we're moving the hike and cause ago political explosion. better not do that. larry: he won't mind that in december. he never minds that and going for something to say and going for must catch tale along with cohost and jacqui deangeles on the big money show 1:00 p.m. eastern on the fox business show and thanks to both of you. appreciate it. coming up here on kudlow, we already have civil rights laws in place to put an end for anti-semitic pro hamas nonsense and talking about that with florida congressman byron
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donalds and leo terrell and we have alabama senator tommy tuberville still ahead. he'll have something to say about that and palestinian refugees coming into the usa. all that when kudlow returns. interest rates could be going higher, folks. watch out. (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) you can't be that different. (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also also in financial and estate planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission -based products, right? (fisher investments) no. we have a simple management fee structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) huh, we're more different than i thought! (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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larry: we've got breaking news and a new york da alvin bragg just speaking moments ago and essentially announcing release of all of th we have byron donas and lee terrell. these are completely there and
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they locked up all these people nearly 300 i think and they're letting them all out today, byron hawaii do you make of that? thought on that? >> i have a big thought and alvin bragg is not serious about doing his job. he only wants to play a lot of these people are not state of the unions at universities it's astro turf like nancy employee say call it had and they're coming into the campuses and causing unrest and it's a travesty for the city of new york and this is the reason why crazy liberal democrat policy is damaging american through and through. that's my statement. larry: leo terrell and the new york police department was magnificent last night, at least that's absolutely magnificent and i did my opening riff on that point. here we go, every one of these
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kids will be released and by the way, i'm looking at stuff and i don't know what the charges where and when they entered hamilton hall, breaking and entering and trespassing and destruction of property and bench warrants and tickets and released on future summons and what do you make of this, leo? >> i am crazy upset. the new york police department is wonderful but it's this the federal government's obligation and joe biden threw the jewish community under the bus for michigan. this is 1950 and 1960 all over again. the kids were not jewish, they were black kids being denied an education. i'll tell you this right now, title 6, 1964, we stopped federal funding of the colleges and universities and we have the
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federal administration and it's going to be awful and all funding and i had to make it -- i had an apology and went to law school at ucla and national embarrassment and why? it's a democratic city and they're voting for -- they want to win michigan. the federal government has an obligation to protect jewish american citizens. larry: listen, we've talked and i have talked about the importance of the civil rights act of 1964. and particular, in particular title 6. byron donalds, i'll ask you and congress' house is coming back and senate is coming back in the session and can you all foy focus on implementing title six
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because that would undermine the funding for these rogue universities. i will call them rogue universities because they are tolerating hate crimes and anti-semitic hate crimes and hate actions and also deprived these kids of finishing their examines and talking to a young woman and columbia student and he's a senior in the green room, you know, she might not get her de-employee ma because of these disruptions. so the question i ask, young byron, can the house u i mean i don't know if we need new legislation but implement that great civil rights act, which really was one of the most amazing achievements in this country. and title 6 would do it. what do you think, byron? >> we need to look into ha and we (&.k some of my colleagues
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and myself, we just love george washington university at encampment over there and mayor of dc is refusing to support the campus of george w providing police to clear the encampment. they're trespassing. muriel browser does nothing. the tim of the spear is joe biden and congress can bring the actions, the house can go into them and we'll be doing a lot of investigations, but if the president refuses to act, to protect jewish americans and frankly all americans while there are free speech actions and protests going on, if you don't protect people, then there's little that the house can do without the white house actually -- without the white house acting, which is why america, we need a new leader in the white house. we have no leadership right now and it's destroying our country. larry: leo, professor allen
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dershowitz, lawyers of volunteering and they're helping him out and working pro bono now and civil rights act says the federal government has an obligation to cut off the federal funding by columbia and we looked at that and they get i believe nearly 6 billion, $6 billion of funding from uncle sam and the taxpayers and what the heck. >> larry, allen dershowitz and the federal government coming down and changing everything and resources, it would be lights out for these hamas loverring universities and if i was in the trump administration for one month, every one of these universities would be shut down as far as funding and there'd be federal marshals escorting the jewish municipality through the
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school and just like the 50s and 60s and federal government and we need president trump. larry: you're so right. let's go back, what they did with black students in those days and they should be doing with jewish students today and it's a wonderful thing. gentlemen, we're almost running out of time. thank you a million. byron donnells, always great to -- donalds, always great to see you. we'll have you both back as soon as we can. more on campus protest and bring in alabama senator tommy tuberville. senator tuberville, great to see you. thank you for your time. just a quick thought you probably heard this s about title six of the civil rights act. the federal government can take action to shut down federal funding of these universities that are wrapped in anti-semitism and dei and jewish students are not safe hawaii do you make of them, mr. tuberville? >> i spent 40 years, larry, in college campuses and the northern part of our country and
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the blue states and an 3458s running the zoo. there's no control and no leadership. you know, we're not running day care centers on our college campuses. these kids need to be accountable and you can protest all you want and do @ right way. and don't do harm and young lady might not get her degree because they canceled school but tom cotton and i have a bill that says, hey, if you're arrested in a protest, you don't have a opportunity to get your tuition waived by president biden which is illegal by the way and got to do something to put these kids in place but they're kids and they're grown ups and we're not having this and we're telling them with business on a day-to-day and going to behave the behavior of taxes and university of florida and they stepped in fast and administrators and greg with the
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last name and greg abbott. back up to schools and it's going with the disturbance and memorabilia row, senator, going for them and talking now and that the biden administration and going to have plastein indian and going for the united states and render them confined with them in some ways and what do you think of that? >> well, i heard about this about a month aguilar reigns leading and going too much for he brings people and going from gaza and going for the united states of america and&where is saudi arabia and hoping none of your countries that are people
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that really assimilate them and going for them going for them going onto make dinner and going for detroit and minneapolis and going for them and it's going to be very damaging and i think the root of this is dershowitz said this and other people said this, dei, which the biden's push. i mean joe biden is practically the pro general torr of dei in the colleges and universities and schools and that's bred anti-semitism and they see jews as oppressioners for whatever reason and hence comes the violence. i mean, this is not going to help joe biden, is it? >> well, what i've told people
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all along is the democrats, especially the ones up here in congress. when i see them doing is trying to divide our country. you know, they want us to hate each other. they think that's the way for them to keep power and we can't allow that to happen. we can't allow hate especially on our college campuses because they just go everywhere from there but, you know, we've got to regain control of our presidencies arkoses the country and governors and mayors and the blue states and people don't care, we're a third world country and they've got to get intelligence in terms of what our country is about and what it's going to be about, 248 years from now. that's how long we've been a contrivement larry: yes, time is always short. i'm sorry, senator. i got to jump out. senator tommy tuberville. thank you very much. coming up, joe concha and joe biden is crying fake news left and right. think he was donald trump but trump doesn't do that anymore. joe joins us next with mark simon. be right the code's not working.
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dad, she really needs to pee. we're gonna get in in a minute, okay? representative. [cs line] please continue to hold. meanwhile, at a vrbo... .als . . . . .
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larry: joe concha had a fabulous joe concha in thn e new york pof said joe biden fakt e news left and right. he joins us here joe concha foxs news contributor mark simone hall of fame radio host. fake news, biden, no.
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>> saying he's not giving favorable press coverage and they're not giving him all the credit that he should have anyt warning the white house correspondents dinner about thi information and whtoo better toe the person who will battle t disinformation the joe biden. the guide and hear didt. skyrocketing inflation, he did not. he said his withdrawal from afghanistan was a success. it was not pretty said he kept the deficit and he did not. he said he got arrested during the civil rights on multiple occasions and he did not and said his uncle was eaten by cannibal and i'm pretty sure that did not happen the. maria: was that in delaware. >> that was in new guinea. >> it's all good the point willn we have hea president that saide inherited a god-awful mess from the border andan trump's fault r says it over and over again and
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says you have to watch out forp disinformation when it comes to the trump campaign, that doglarr don't hunt. >> these are stunning revelations you must be completely shocked when. >> trump told people to drink bleach, never happened, trump said their people on both sides and never happen, kids in cages, that was biden and obama he said he would be a dictator, he never said that the new york times said that, then hea made a joke about it. you know the boxes of the had classified documents they never corrected that jack smith only afound 151-inch of one box if u put a document together all ofth those had no classifiedon documents. maria: can i ask you onere more. thing, you told me this onset alvin bragg released all 300 of these kids outside agitator, he just released them, you just a told me i did not know this
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andrew cuomo i. s the guy who signed the legislation. >> crazy legislature passed the no baiewl no jail and he was so. proud to sign it, yet a pressad conference, th ae cops knew that they don't get released becausec of that they wanted tok do this because they wanted to photograph and fingerprint and tracked on who they are. >> that's a good thing so something comes out of it. >> on the fed news what is joe biden saying i've not heard them talk about the college campus breakdown, there was a statement from the white house about anti-semitism but they're not using the civil rights act of title vi andusing they're not defending ivy league schools, we have a few secondfe let. >> he says is monitoringw left s situation and should be in front of a microphone make it clear and bold statement supporting the students who are living and tear and instead joe biden is hidingon once again in his press
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secretary cannot give a good answer as to why.ow maria: joe concha, mark simone c will go much longer than the time. i am "kudlow" we'll be right back with a last word.
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larry: that' >> that is iort for "kudlow" thk you for watching folks


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