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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 2, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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larry: that' >> that is iort for "kudlow" thk you for watching folks. ♪.
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maria: good thursday morning everyone, thank you for joining us, i am maria bartiromo it is thursday may 2, your top stories right now, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast police moving in on protesters at ucla this morning as a nationwide protest on college campuses continue to spike. we have the very latest coming up, we will take you there live, markets reacted to the federal reserve leaving rates unchanged in the may policy meeting, futures are indicated again at the start of trading after the central bank admits to persistent inflation but tries to put a rest to the talk of a possible rate hike this year instead. watch this. >> i think it is unlikely that the next policy rate move would be a hike, we need to persuasive
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evidence that is not sufficiently. maria: david now passes a year end the next hour with his thoughts on the fence, the debt and the economic impact of u.s. foreign policy decisions, earnings also major factor this morning were previewing apple coming out with their needs "after the bell" tonight, european markets are mixed, take a look at the eurozone were looking at a mixed story fractional moves across the board in europe. in asia overnight markets finish mostly lower, hong kong was a winner, hang seng up 2.5% on the session, back at home president trump ashwani trial resume in new york city after the former president to city campaign blitz and key swing states, co-chair lara trump is with me this morning on that. president trump's thoughts on the anti-israel protested american college campuses, wait till you hear what 40 fives said about that, jordi the conversation strategic wealth partner mark tepper, wealth management president rebecca
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walser and todd piro. "mornings with maria" is live right now. breaking news this morning the lapd in the standoff with ucla protesters after moving in on the encampment overnight at ucla. police sources telling fox news they can move at any moment with an arrest several hundred anti-israel protesters gathering and ignoring orders to disperse a flash bang with fights breaking on the crowd as officers around the anti-israel encampment this morning, multiple orders of dispersal, deadlines have been given by university authorities, no action has been taken just yet. look at the crowds where is president biden the president on day ten without any camera on camera comments regarding the rights, social media posting # where is biden in the middle of the chaos joe biden set to make the u.s. holocaust memorial
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museum and you will they remember it ceremony next week but yet to take any action to shut down anti-semitic protest. peter doocy question karine jean-pierre about it on biden's watch. watch this. >> the president is being kept regularly updated on what's happening. he is monitoring the situation closely no president has spoken more forcefully about combating anti-semitism that this president. >> can you explain the silence. >> the president has not been silent on this issue when it comes to hate speech and anti-semitism, he launched the first ever anti-semitism the counter anti-semitism something no other president did. >> a school building that ivy league campus got. >> we call that out and we said is not peacefully protesting. we've been very clear taking more than a hundred new actions to deal with anti-semitism in this administration. maria: 100 new actions, i'm not sure with anti-semitism strategy
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that she's referring to is all about, your reaction? what is the strategy i have not seen it. >> her comment, she was talking about what he said in 2017 with charlottesville, this is 2024 who cares about seven years ago, why is it so difficult for him as he's walking to marine one or air force one to say we condemn all violence, we condemn, this is not how to protest, half of these protesters are not actual students or more, who is funding the protesters and we have to make sure that this president does not live in the past. he ran to be the president, speak now. maria: two words, failed leadership. these protests require leadership, where is it in the white house? >> actions speak louder than words. obviously we don't see president biden coming out condemning the protest but it's not surprising he's been on vacation 40% of his presidency so far that is his
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track record but you asked about the anti-semitism strategy, i've seen a little bit of it. it just passed in the house the anti-semitism awareness act. maria: i'm talking about joe biden anti-semitism. karine jean-pierre said he launched a strategy but i have not seen it. >> maybe she's referring to this but this is a bunch of words to distract from the fact that there is no action taking place right now. furthermore within the bill there is no definition of what anti-semitism is. is possible if you criticize i don't want $20 billion going to israel you might be found guilty of hate speech. all they're doing is trying to pass legislation overtaking action that's not what we need we need action over the white house. maria: todd piro you been watching this, how do you see it. >> would come to the president the united states are white house is telling us to expect
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toxic lead pipes and expanding the san gabriel mountains national monument. >> on top of their announcement about marijuana. >> hear me out on this president biden we could address the riots that are happening on the ucla campus and campuses throughout the rest of the country. here's the problem with the lack of leadership, it's not just the level of the president. it's at the level of every single one of the blue states. this is not some conservative talking point, look at a map where these events are occurring and where they're the worst, it is clear, then look at you the university of florida, he reported they said we are not a day care service, were not babysitting or shutting this down and people can go to school now whereas ucla they're not going until monday then it filters down to the administration of the schools that have been feckless in the governors of the stage where this is happening, this is not america. this is not the campus that i spent three years and they are probably 300 yards from where this is happening, this is
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sickening to me. maria: also the schools itself, remember when president trump was first elected in all the schools had to have the safe spaces and they said don't come to class, it's okay crying a closet it's okay. all of the appeasement of the pushback from students and all of the left-leaning aggression, there is also that. the schools have put up with this for four tar long. >> it's beyond putting up with it. the professors that are part of the schools they support this. we saw the faculty supporting the protest movement. i've seen countless of individuals not on the side of the students, not sitting on the side of is really injudicious under jewish students but on the side of the protesters. maria: school officials are afraid to lose the faculty. they are afraid to diverge away from faculty, they don't want them to leave, the faculty wants to support students, you're right it's a great point to make. just getting started in this
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hour were looking at markets, look at the rally underway futures indicated a gain of 150 on the nasdaq, 140 on the dow industrial after they kept interest rates steady but also admitted is having trouble reaching the 2% inflation goal with inflation persisting, federal reserve judy shelton is here with her outlook on rates coming up. ucla protesters have demand some are leading the internet scratching his head, that is making a buzz this morning wait until you see the list of demands a protesters want. you're watching "mornings with . we'll be right back. ♪
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rally, the dow industrial 144, the nasdaq up 157 s&p higher by 33 interest rates looking like this, the ten year treasury trading lower by what and happy to point at a level of 4.61%. the federal reserve leaving interest rates unchanged for the six street meeting acknowledging a lack of progress in getting inflation back down to the central bank 2% target here is fed chair jay powell putting to rest of a possible rate hike this year instead. >> we do not expect it will be appropriate to reduce the target range for the federal funds rate until we gain greater confidence that inflation is moving sustainably toward 2%. it's likely gaining greater confidence will take longer. i think it's unlikely that the next policy rate move, we need to see persuasive evidence that it's not restrictive on 2% over a time.
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>> federal reserve board nominee independent institute senior fellow and the author of money meltdown restoring order to the currency system. judy shelton back with us, thank you for being here, your reaction to the moves yesterday and what you believe will be the fed's next move in terms of easing monetary policy or holding steady. >> i think they definitely show that they're more inclined and that's what they would like to do, the market loved it when chair powell took the idea of a rate hike off the table. it's been a logical thing to say because at our friend said on your program about a month ago given that the jobs market is holding up but we see accelerating inflation, the fed's own model can say maybe were not being sufficiently restricted so we should be considering a hike. the thing is the fed continues
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to say that they have the 2% inflation goal in mind and he kept saying whatever it takes that's what were going for but by taking the rate hike off the table i think what they're really saying is however, long it takes. the fed waits until the end of the year or even next year and doesn't hike a rate but stays at this level longer into accepting the higher closer to 3% target rate. maria: i still think he was suggesting that he would do that in the soundbite just now by saying we would not be inclined to change your expectations or change policy and tell we were sure that inflation was moving in the right direction. he is leaving himself open to begin something when he feels
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it's moving in the right direction. rebecca, jumping, you are the point earlier that there are other options, the balance sheet is another option. >> we know $7.3 trillion balance sheet after tapering quantitative tightening is this something for the economy that predilection you could look at ann taylor tried to help this administration get reelected because obviously does help the economy. >> it was certainly a consolation progress because domestic terror is toward monetary easing. it's amazing when you put into perspective between march 2020 in march 2022, the fed accumulated another 5 billion in government security, they then said two years ago were going to normalize we don't have to have 9 trillion-dollar portfolio, in the two-year sense they reduced
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it by about 1.6 trillion, at that pace it's going to take them three times as long to reduce the portfolio as it took them to increase it but now they're cutting and half they were going to reduce the holdings by 720 billion over the next 12 months, now it's going to be 300 billion, less than half, i think that they're sending mixed messages at best. maria: janet yellen seems to be in many cases getting political she's going to give the speech and we see some of the excerpts of it and it's quite political talking about trauma policy being a threat to democracy, these are the things that the treasury secretary is talking about you mention jim grant, the founder of grant interest-rate observer who joined me recently on the program.
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he said he is expecting the fed to do what it can to help joe biden by the election in november. watch this. >> i believe the fed itself regards of a potential second term for donald trump as a clear and present danger to the country. maria: so that's why -- >> the fed is aligned with the democratic party. i think with even realizing they're doing it in a political move would be inclined to read the numbers in a interest-rate reduction positive way with in the back of his mind the threat of another term presidency. maria: at some point this year before the election do you expect to cut and rates? >> i think they are looking to any excuse to do that and the fed likes to say that one of the reasons are independent, this is on the federal reserve own
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website because members of the administration or elected congresspeople are not allowed to serve on the fed board but look at it from the other point of view you have janet yellen ahead of the fed, she is now clearly one of the strongest members of the president's team in making these political arguments and in fact, you have lael brainard he wants the vice chair of the fed to be the top economic and political advisor to president biden. i don't think these people embrace the democratic agenda the minute that they walked out of the door of the fed. maria: do you want to say anything about the yen weakening against the dollar overnight? recently we saw the japanese yen take a huge total and were
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looking at the yen up half 8% this morning. >> i think it's pretty clear although they will not admit it until the end of the month that the japanese ministry of finance has intervened twice this week and when you look at the yen against the dollar it is lost half of its value since 2012, that's pretty significant. the monetary policy of the united states now is hurting u.s. exports and helping our trade competitors. president trump actually brought this out recently on true social and he pointed out it's a 34 year low of the yen in china also. we have no level international monetary playing field and i think it's very important to see these effects, it makes no sense
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now that the united states has to pay 4.6% on the ten year government bond, japan pays less than 1%, even italy and spain have lower deals on the government bonds than the united states, something is out of kilter. maria: good to have you, thank you very much. the yen surging 2%, traders expecting intervention from the bank of japan. we'll be right back. ♪ honestly, i was scared when i was told age related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision.
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we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. maria: breaking news, police have moved into the ucla campus and removing the plywood barrier surrounding anti-israel encampment. there doing this as we speak live taken the plywood off after hours of tense standoff with the protesters, rest are now being made we will monitor this breaking situation and show you the pictures as they move the wood out of the encampment. meanwhile the house passing anti-semitism awareness act, the bill heads to the senate and expansive legal definition of anti-semitism used to enforce anti-discrimination laws
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supporters say to help colleges crackdown on anti-semitic rhetoric it includes anti-semitism is not only the hatred toward jews but it includes certain attacks on israeli states critic saito her constitutionally protected free speech 320 lawmakers voted for the bill, 70 democrats and 21 republicans voted against it. utah burgess owens, congressman, thank you very much for being here this morning, how did you vote on the bill? >> i voted yes. we have something growing a while this is the slow mark of marxism it's been happening since the 30s and you see it in the gei which is basically a way of dividing us. this is been a slow march and what we see today is a culmination of cowardice from those within because we have marxist literally enter school systems that is okay with this this is what they train our kids to do, young people going to the college is coming out radicalized hating our country and not able to see how the empathy on what happened on
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october 7. this is been attacked for quite a while and i'm thankful and also listed the american people thank you for giving us a majority even though at this moment is under majority but because of that we can educate the american people and talk about the issues and how we can defund colleges that give us this outcome input pressure to make sure if you could teach eight will take her taxpayer money and put it someplace else you can have people coming to the country they're coming from other countries paying the full tilt, $90000 in a year and they come here not to get cheated but to be activists these are things omega people are finally seeing and were knocking to tolerate it were tired of it. maria: is this on the table taking funding away from the colleges is this going to materialize your on the education committee, how likely is that taking money away from colleges that you believe are part of that what you just said. >> part of it is appropriation,
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were limited to what we could do, this is i don't understand how a system works, we would love to have a bigger majority to have the senate and the president to turn this around within days but we don't we have a small majority and one part of our power so we have to work through what we can work through right now were educating people in the appropriation process and trying to pull from their and get pressure on the senate if we make this happen, we have democrats and i understand they have to start showing up and pulling away from their party because it's not for the israeli people and they have to start standing for them. maria: have you spoken to anyone from the cabinet or the white house it's now ten days since we have seen president biden make any comments on camera about the anti-semitism protest and
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rhetoric. he has not said a word. all we know is that the administration is considering sending palestinians to resettle in america. former president trump is slamming the reports that the administration can bring in palestinian refugees into the united states read here is trump in washington yesterday. >> cricket joe is reportedly planning to bring massive numbers of gazans from the middle east, joe biden seems to determine to create the conditions for an october 7 style attack right here in america, they will be impossible to vet and as a result of chain migration the numbers will explode beyond all control. under no circumstances should we bring thousands of refugees from hamas -controlled terrorist epicenters like gaza to america. maria: what do you think. >> that is plain old simple common sense, what we have in
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this is the first time in my life i've seen this a president who hates our country we have an anti-american president and the border wide open and chaos on every single encampment and you think about what's happening in l.a. some of those folks coming into the vetted borders could be in the crowds and we can have a terrorist attack as we speak it's very normal it's like the kkk of the 60s they have their faces in these college professors have themselves behind the college campuses in their culture. we are as a nation across-the-board we are tired of the attack on american system in the american flag and blacks and hispanics in jewish americans widely have these conversations but this democratic party is not for us. we see what's happening in the dark, this democratic party is anti-american, anti-future for our kids and they want to divide us and hate each other, that's not going to happen we see and
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were thankful for what we can do in educating the american people right now we get a bigger power and we start pulling dollars away the way the american people love to have that for sure. maria: george or congresswoman marjorie taylor greene social introducer motion to ask the speaker, speaker johnson responded with a statement drawn for the republican conference in the institution around for the country, your thoughts on the motion to vacate? >> i definitely agree with him, now is not the time i respect my colleague in her passion is in the wrong place. we have a chance to put hr two on the floor and we have rules in which we have her own party, that's where is it should be put within our party that did not allow this to vote for the border because they were so against ukraine that they want to distract with what the bill is, we have to get a big majority so we don't have the gamesmanship happening. maria: so disturbing, thank you.
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burgess when joining us this morning. a quick break the housecoat bid committee wants a criminal probe again a function research of the wuhan of virology, how many tax dollars funded that operation. we'll talk with senior fellow gordon chang weighing in on that as well as tiktok, what is tiktok's role in the protesters, we will talk about it. stay with us.
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maria: welcome back, more schools are giving into the demands of the anti-israel student protesters taken of her college campuses. cheryl casone with more details. >> providence rhode island and brown university were anti-israel protesters celebrating after the university officials agreed to demand for the demonstrators to divest from
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israel it was the first u.s. college to agree to vote on a measure in the wake of the nationwide protest, demonstrators agreed to close the encampment for now. to the university of north carolina, chapel hill where a group of returning brothers raising the american flag after protesters took it down they put up a palestinian flag, those students being honored as true patriots for restoring the american flag and singing the national anthem, watch. >> usa, usa, usa. [cheering] >> the greek students being awarded for the patriotism of gofundme has been set up for the students to honor the boys with a party that they deserve, one of the donors bill ackman just gave the boys a $10000 check for the patriotism.
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police in wisconsin shooting and killing an arm stood outside of middle school officers responded to an active shooter situation when they arrived chaotic students were fleeing for their lives in some getting away with their in-line skates and other terrified kids hiding in closets after they heard multiple gunshots, no injuries reported the shooter was described as a juvenile male and an investigation is underway as to the motive of this. sometimes bigger can be better mcdonald's rolling out a larger burger they'll test the beef patty in several markets cfo ian borden telling investors with donald's has created a larger burger as they look to build on their leadership and recently beef sales have rivaled at mickey d's, take a look at the stock fractionally higher, finally that's an unlikely hero kicking off a game between the diamondbacks in the l.a. dodgers instead of the ceremonial first
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pitch a beekeeper was called to the mound to end the delay due to a swarm of bees on the mound, matt is a pest-control management he had to leave his son's t-ball game and reese's to the field and saves the day, it was him who ended up throwing out the first pitch, no pressure as someone who is also thrown out the first pitch in front of thousands of fans. >> that was the most exciting day of my life right over the plate, thank you. a new research center poll finds 42% of americans think that china is an enemy four-point of the same time last year, 50% of americans say they view china as a competitor in 6% view as a partner to the united states a poll also finds 58 of americans believe the chinese government uses tiktok to influence public opinion 13% say they disagree with the statement gate stone institute fellow and author of the coming collapse of china and
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china is going to work gordon chang back with me this morning, thank you for being here, my sources in the university world tell me that the anti-israel protesters are getting direction on social media. the getting direction on what school to go to next, what building to overtake and dominate and i want to get your take on what role you believe the ccp could play in the protest. >> china is using an algorithm of tiktok to format the protest you know the hominis videos, 96.5% support the terrorist group this echoes what china did in 2020. in 2020 and intelligence unit of the liberation army went to the consulate and use big data to identify americans likely to participate in antifa and black lives matter protest and then they sent them tailor-made videos on tiktok on how to write it, that is an act of war china did in 2020 and doing it now.
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maria: if you have any question in terms of tiktok foe or friend look at tiktok and see what is on tiktok to see who is following a whether or not the protesters are in constant contact with one another across the country because of tiktok. >> i think president biden has a constitutional obligation to be on the app right away because of what is happened. maria: he is on it he's doing political videos on it, let me switch gears and asking about coronavirus the subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic calling for a criminal probe into eco-health alliance and its president doctor peter jacek, they receive millions of dollars in federal grants including 4 million for national institute of health project researching the risk of the coronavirus at the wuhan institute of virology in china, the subcommittee released a report accusing him of funding dangerous gain-of-function research and wuhan, china without sufficient oversight house oversight james
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comer grilling him on capitol hill yesterday, watch. >> did the intelligence community believe that the wuhan lab was being used by china to manufacture bio weapons? >> in the public statement that they made two agencies have low to moderate confidence there was some activity in the other agencies were unable to comment. >> you find it troubling that by all accounts from your testimony that the intelligence community suspected something fishy was going on at the wuhan lab? despite that they still funded research with american taxpayer dollars at the wuhan lab. >> verified it troubling at all i don't think it's unusual because only two intelligence agencies from my recollection have any belief that may have been involved in the lab origin of covid and they have low - moderate confidence i don't
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think the data is there to support that. maria: why did you cover it up right away after the pandemic started would be my follow-up question, give us your assessment. >> certainly anthony fauci did so 2014 president bomba declared a moratorium on the gain-of-function research in the u.s. dr. fauci thought he knew better so he started funding gain-of-function in the wuhan institute. in 2021 dr. fauci testified before the senate that he did not fund gain-of-function in wuhan. unfortunately for them to public scientific papers wanted 2016 the other 2017 from researchers from the wuhan institute of her obligee that describe gain-of-function and describe the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases they should prosecute dr. fauci for perjury. maria: i asked president trump whether or not this was a bio weapon that china developed in
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on unleashed including america as a test. he said it's 50/50. it's 50/50 that this was a bio weapon to start with and begin with, there has been no accountability whatsoever of covid, whether it leaked out of the wuhan lab and we know that china also undertook a cover-up right after, this president will not hold them to account. >> is 99.5% that it was a bio weapon to start and 100% - 0 because we know xi jinping deliberately released this pathogen on the american public and on the world after the outbreak in china, he lied about contagiousness he forced countries including the u.s. to take arrival from china without restriction while he's locking down his own country that is 100% decision to spread this to the world once it broke out in china. maria: them the belton road strategy in italy and the italians cooperated with china
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to have the belton road, what happens then covid breaks out and playing folds of chinese and wuhan going directly to italy that's why it spread to italy first before coming to america. i want to get your take of the treasury department announcement to talk about new sanctions they announced on a dozen companies in china and hong kong yesterday over their support of russia's war in ukraine they target company supporting russia's military base in the biological and chemical weapons program, do you believe this is going to actually take hold, i'm skeptical that this administration is going to do anything against china. >> first of all this is meaningless in the sense that these companies that they sanction a dozen in china and hong kong, the instrumentalities of the chinese. if the biden administration really wanted to stop china support for the russian war effort it will go after the chinese banks that a been involved in this trade you apply section 311 to the patriot act
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and declare them a money laundering concern and unplugged their dollar accounts and that will have an effect, biden will not do that and trumpeted that in 2017 with the chinese in regard to north korea that was a good step biden needs to do the same thing with regard to ukraine and russia. maria: any other thoughts on china in terms of the constant visit from the u.s. officials to beijing is anything progressing here. >> we are begging and it's not a strategy and clearly you have a submissive biden which is why beijing loves biden, trump is not submissive trump does not beg and he gets much better results out of the chinese than biden does. gordon chang joining us. arrestor being made and were seeing this happen live as were watching the chaos on ucla campus as protesters are arrested there being locked up by the police, police tear down
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the plywood barricade, wait until you hear the bizarre list of strange demands that the protesters are making in terms of what they want and need. next week will take you live to the institute conference in los angeles, california all speak with top economic and business leaders, live from l.a. on may 7, you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit
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maria: welcome back, breaking news police officers in riot gear in they moved another anti-israel protesters at ucla campus. arrestor being made were watching police walk people out in handcuffs, meanwhile the protesters are put together a google document asking supporters to donate items to help them to continue to protest it includes vegan and gluten-free food, superbright flashlights with the strobe, rope and zip ties, helmet, shields and wood, not sunscreen, lotion columbia university is going viral for protesters might die without food delivery, watch. >> first of all were saying that they're obligated to provide food to students who paid for a meal plan do you want students
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to die of dehydration and starvation or get severely ill even if they disagree with you. maria: your reaction. >> is a student of history i study the great battles and if you listen, lotion and doordash was at the core of the fighting strike, these people are so ridiculous, if i could, some of the things that they say they do not want being said, no packaged food, no coffee, no bagels, no bananas we cannot have those, no nuts in the requesting aquaphor because if your hands aren't silky smooth no fighting will be done these people are sad. >> it's unbelievable. >> why is no sunscreen bolded and underlined in their demand what's wrong with sunscreen i need the sunscreen. >> may be people sense sunscreen and they wanted the aquaphor. >> where is chris voss the master of hostage negotiator he
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had these demands shut down in a matter of five minutes, this is too much. maria: that is so incredible they want vegan food, come on they want gluten-free also. >> entitled talk about entitled so you're going to break into a building in the case of columbia and put up a tent city with the things like 2020 and now it's up to the school to enable their protesting and their ability to interrupt and disrupt the school schedule. this is what happens when you allow this marxist communist infiltration at every level in society and we have to deal with it and has to be called out and end. maria: these colleges have been appeasing these younger people, if a conservative goes to make a speech at a college and the students riled up in their upset in the college says okay forget
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it were canceling the speaker, that is appeasing this craziness. >> what does that say about our country when the college officials are doing nothing and the president of the united states is silent and the heroes are the fraternity brothers who saved the flag. by the way there's a gofundme page set up for them so they can throw a ranger a big blowout party in case you didn't know over $325,000 has been raised so far. >> and i jump on the fraternity brothers, the best description armed in vineyard field by white because these bohemians protected old glory because they protected the flag from the unwashed laughing at the streaks in wales and shielding of the -- i want frat boys. >> you cannot underestimate this
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what they did by putting the american flag up and taking down the palestinian flag that takes such courage, they probably had lots of hate around them but they moved forward and they did it. >> we have all of our politicians reinforcing bad behavior in the fact that they have $325,000 in their gofundme page we are finally starting to reinforce positive behavior, hopefully the fact that they have 320 grand coming their way for doing the right thing, hopefully we begin to see that spread throughout the country and we see more acts like this. >> these two points from the two gentlemen who were embracing the cover of next month's frat boy magazine. maria: will have to see that, will take a break when we come back president biden accused of pandering to younger people as he rapidly loses then huawei stayed silent on the nationwide
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campus protest. it's coming up next you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. (♪) at enterprise mobility, our experts always see another road. because when there's no limit to how far mobility can go, there's no limit to how far businesses can go.
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maria: welcome back. good thursday morning everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. its is thursday, may 2, just before 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. breaking news right now, police officers in riot gear moved in on the anti-israel protesters at ucla


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