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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  May 2, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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hello folks. welcome to kudlow. i am larry kudlow. an economic agenda speech on the campaign trail. we have art laughter in kevin to walk through it. plus pro- hamas terror bomb stressing our universities. where is joe biden? where is garland and the justice department? these are all hate crimes that violate title six on the civil rights act. we have civil rights attorney that will be here in just a few moments. allen dershowitz telling students to file their own civil rights lawsuits. a lot of colleges assist on doing nothing. now, for the riff, for most of the last couple of weeks, donald trump has been stuck in a new york courtroom dealing with
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charges that never should have been filed in the first place. but he was temporarily released yesterday, liberated, if you will, and he flew out to wisconsin to give a real speech rallying his supporters on the economy, closing the border, drill baby drill. the anti-somatic rest on things that joe biden refuses to deal with. in particular, the 45th president blasted off on the tax of the middle class. his determination to stop excessive corporate welfare and spending that is making inflation higher and real working-class wages lower. take a listen to this. >> upon taking office, i will impose an immediate moratorium on all new spending grants and giveaways under the joe biden mammoth socialist bills like the so-called inflation reduction act.
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the further crack down on rampant waste in the federal government. bringing back impoundment authority. we will end this war on american energy. we will drill, baby drill. >> i like that a lot. mr. trump went out of his way to talk about how bidenomics is flat out economic warfare on american families and the middle class. in his speech in wisconsin, several times, he emphasized how his republican party is now the party of the worker, the party of middle income. the party of working folks be they white, hispanic, black, his message is colorblind. calling the biden jobs numbers fake. folks just coming back from the pandemic. biden's jobs are part-time jobs. all job creation is foreign-born workers. and he said, let me quote, when i am in the white house the
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biden economic bust will quickly be replaced with a brand to trump second -- economic boom". stifle inflation and reduce energy costs. he slammed biden's $5 trillion tax proposal saying that bright -- biden would drench the middle class with the title wave of massive tax hikes. he made the particularly insightful point, i thought, that if you rates business taxes , that will lead to the destruction of your jobs and the decline of your wages. very important points. he will protect the trump tax points for working folks. then he will repeat his pledge to seal the border, stop the invasion and send joe biden's illegal immigrants back home where they belong. he basically said you cannot have entitlement programs on the one hand that millions of people depend on and at the same time
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let tens of millions of illegals into the country and get more benefits. you cannot have both. it cannot be done. president trump is dead right here. this speech with heavy economic content about growth and tax cuts deregulation, drill baby drill, close the border, stop federal spending, it is vintage trump. consistent with his consistent message over the last few years. especially on the campaign trail now. these themes that are crucial to working folks everywhere. that is the main reason that he is ahead in the swing states and most of the national polls. the mass media do not understand this. the liberal media do not understand the reason that he is ahead is his content is so good. he is talking key policies literally to save america.
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joe biden at his loss they are trying to lock him up in court or tried to lock him up in jail. never going to keep a good man down. trump showed that once again in wisconsin. that is the riff. let's talk more about this. more sound from mr. trump. we will bring in former reagan economist. former chair of the cast of economic advisors. gentlemen, i am honored in your presence. the iq here is phenomenal. appreciate it very much. i just want to go first, kevin, speeches like this, more and more, talking about cutting spending. talking about undoing all of the biden's green new deals, subsidies and programs and whatnot. he keeps mentioning budget impoundment authority. this is a tougher trump on spending.
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he is making the link between spending and inflation, i think that this is extremely constructive. what do you think, kevin? >> it is almost like president trump needs to make one of his slogans the economy stupid carpeting back to bill clinton. they really are in denial on inflation. i e-mailed you this morning, gary, google trends one of the biggest upticks this search is on the word inflation. you and i see it in the data and americans are concerned about it they are even googling it. at the same time jim put a piece in the new york times interviewing officials including my good friend jerry bernstein who has my former job. he does not see any link between demand and inflation at all. it does not have anything to do with all of this runaway spending. the biden administration sadly is in denial about inflation and
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it is taking off again because of that. if they faced up to what causes inflation maybe they could do something to help their own election chances by reducing it but instead, they are doing the opposite. >> arthur, hang on a second. i have more sound on trump on biden spending. take a listen, please. >> upon taking office, i will impose an immediate moratorium on all new spending rates and giveaways under the joe biden mammoth socialist bills like the so-called inflation reduction act. the further crack down on rampant waste in the federal government. bringing back the impoundment authority. we will end this war on american energy. we will drill, baby drill. llarry: there you have it. i want you to hear one more about stagflation and tax cuts. here it comes. >> we are plunging. we are now in a biden stagflation. wanting to raise taxes on top of that which will lead to the
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destruction of your jobs. but in the white house we will protect the trump tax cuts for working families. we will make our working-class stronger, bigger, better, wealthier and more prosperous than ever before. >> they are both very important. i know we repeated this. i think that that is just very important. of course he is saying that we will keep the trump tax cuts. we will extend. biden wants to expire the biden -- trump tax cuts. if you raise a business taxes, you will damage working folks and their jobs and their wages. now, i think that that is a key insight. you put it out there. kevin practically invented it with corporate taxes. we all argued this.
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i think the president has just lassoed this idea. the biden's are incapable. if you jack up these corporate taxes or small business taxes, i do not care which, both of them are in biden's plan, who was going to suffer? not rich people. middle and lower income folks will suffer. real wages will go down, arthur. this is so important. >> let me just say, larry, raising taxes as biden is proposing, that is the exact wrong thing to do right now. you destroy an economy. i have never heard of an economy being taxed into prosperity. the reason why you guys and trump did so well is because you brought down the taxes. it is just a pleasure to be on with you and kevin. but when you let people spend other people's money and then raise taxes to destroy the supply of goods, you will get the inflation.
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kevin, i just cannot believe that jared bernstein said anything like he said. it just makes no sense whatsoever. i watch those speeches in wisconsin. it was phenomenal. he hit all the right points all the way across the board. i think that it will be a slamdunk on this election and you will see the u.s. economy sore and take off. inflation coming down and having a real long-term prosperity like we did after reagan in 83. >> kevin, you have to be happy that president trump is making this connection between business taxes and wages and working folks in jobs. it is a crucial connection. joe biden always out there saying only tax cuts for the rich and wealthy and big corporations. that is just completely wrong. they were not even the biggest beneficiaries. it was the middle. poverty went down. inequality went down and real wages sword. trump had a lot of that in this speech.
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could not go through all of it. it was quite a lengthy speech and he got it done. here is another point. i don't know if anybody will pick up on this. you cannot have tens of millions of new immigrants, illegals, coming over the border and maintain the entitlement state here at home. he is saying he is just going to break the bank. you cannot want, but not the other. we have to keep it intact. he does not want to abolish anything like that. but if these people come over and they get new benefits, you're already seated in city and city and state after state, the cost of the illegals is astronomical. we will never be able to pay for the social security and the medicare tax. the biden's never want to deal with this because they think that there's just more spending
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for everybody. i think it is a crucial point. if you want entitlements, you have to shut the border down. >> you are right. going back to the president making the link between taxes and people's lives, right before you came into the white house and we were selling the tax cuts i presented a simulation of what it would do to gdp. he looks at me and he's like, kevin, what are you talking about. people don't care about gdp. what will it do for people. what will it do for wages? he knew that it was the soundbite that the democrats could not fight against and that is why they passed. he always cared first about the worker knows how to communicate with them. what most struck me is just that when he talked about this trial in new york, people were really, really angry. when he talked about the economy , they were more angry. that has to terrify the biden administration. >> you cannot keep a good man down. trying to lock him down in the new york courtroom. trying to lock him up in jail
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for 700 years. he gets out and he goes to this middle america and delivers. he gave a stan weiner. there it is. the media does not want this. their reason trump is doing so well is because of his message. it is his message. i am sure l'affaire and sympathy is in their and biden's weaknesses across the board. arthur, they want to return to growth, they want to return to prosperity. they want to return to law in order. the secret message. the only people that hear it are the voters. i will give you the last word. >> well, they claim that trump is not for democracy and all of that. then they try to prohibit running for office. i cannot think of anything more on democratic.
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we love immigrants i want to come here and work and better their lives. everyone is for that. to come here and get more wealthier not work that is not what open borders should be. you are completely right on that you look at trump in his whole message is growth, prosperity, inflation, higher wages, biden is the exact opposite. i am shocked at what they are doing and what they are proposing. raising taxes in this economy is the wrong message,. everyone knows that. >> thank you. can't keep a good man ♪n'
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful...
7:20 pm to fly. we will talk about this. this is just nutty. absolutely nutty. civil rights attorney, fox news contributor. to both of you, look, i will play a sound that is actually remarkably accurate that biden said today, but he will not act on it. please take a listen to this. >> protests is not protected it peaceful protests is. it is against the law when violence occurs. destroying property is not a peaceful protest. it is against the law. vandalism, trespassing, making windows, shutting down campuses,
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forcing the cancellation of classes and graduations. none of this is a peaceful protest. running people, intimidating people is not a peaceful protest it is against the law. >> that is just absolutely incredible to me. he has this right. every word. violence, destroying property, vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, canceling classes and graduations, threatening and intimidating people, instilling fear in people, of course it is against the law. leo, it is against the civil rights act of 1964 and particularly against title vi. biden just spell out every reason why they should be mobilizing the justice department to common heavy against these colleges and universities and may be students but cut off their funding.
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he does not even realize what he is saying. >> you are absolutely right. you and i discussed this yesterday. it is amazing, larry, congresswoman, where is the federal arrest charges? where is the fbi. where the federal marshals to protect jewish students. president biden four-minute speech did nothing to ensure jewish americans that they will be protected under the civil rights act of 1964. guess what, what happened last night at a school i went to law school at ucla is a perfect example. i want everyone to understand. there are federal tools right now to stop this. joe biden will not do it because he is beholden to the far left. six months in a trump administration. i am not asking for a job. you give me six months and there
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we cut off the federal funding to the university. we start conducting hate crime. at depositions of these college presidents that are allowing hate crime towards jewish americans. there is relief coming. it will happen in november 2024 when trump gets elected. >> probably the attorney general we will all be working for her as this plays out. >> the point here, claudia, he gives this out of both sides statement. what do you tell me, islamic phobic anywhere on any of these campuses. or did you see anti-somatic demonstrations. property vandalism trespassing. not letting them graduate. now the question is why doesn't
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he act on it. >> that is exactly right. that would be great. i would send in the marshals. every person that they could find. cracking down on these federal law. thank god we got them to come into columbia. the local police and the state police to come in two areas. where are they charging these people that are in direct violation. the ways and means committee, coming in and being laundered to >> just hang with me. i just want to pick up some of his sound. >> i don't want to be out campaigning. i was out campaigning yesterday.
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never has been anything in the history of our country. never. we are doing well at the polls. the polls are extremely good. the best we have ever had. rfk is very low. they say he hurts biden. i don't know. i don't know. he has low numbers. certainly not numbers he can debate with. he has to get his numbers up a lot higher. the number is, the numbers that he has taken away they say will be against biden. i don't know. i do not see him as a factor. my favorite for what? he was my favorite for vice president? i will be making that determination sometime prior to the convention.
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>> i am not allowed to testify. we will be appealing the gag order. i would love to answer that question. a very easy question. the easiest question so far. i am not allowed to testify. conflicted as unconstitutional gag order. no one is ever had that before. we do not like it and it is not fair. other people around can do whatever they want to us and i'm not allowed as a presidential candidate, the leading candidate , republican party nominee and the one that is leading biden by a lot, i am not allowed to talk. there has never been abuse like this before. his conflicted judge should get out of this case. he should not be having this case. it gives us nothing. i am not allowed to testify because of the unconstitutional gag order. let's see what happens.
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thank you very much. >> we had back to claudia. and leo terrel. heaven forbid -- heaven forbid i interrupted you and you are going strong about sending the marshals in which sounded like an awfully good idea to me. please continue that thought. i will come back to trump in the gag order. here. just to review the bidding, to me, i do not understand. biden gives this was see speech. the both sides now speech i call it. there was a song about that 1 million years ago when we were kids. he does outline all of the things that have broken the law by the protesters and anti- somatic aimed at jewish kids and stopping jewish kids and bullying jewish kids and actually physically harming jewish kids and breaking up the
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graduations and colleges. and yet he will not send the marshals in. he will not evoke the civil rights act of 1964. he won't talk about title vi and defunding these colleges. i do not get it. >> he is weak, joe biden is running scared. because, guess what, this election could be decided by the swing states and will be in michigan if he loses in the swing states where this kind of ground swell of this pro- palestinian peace fire is. remember, michigan was only decided by about 10,000 votes. this is all political. they don't care about these jewish students being intimidated. at not being able to go to class where the colleges and universities standing up for the students? it takes all of us. my republican colleagues have been phenomenal at standing up against all of these colleges. they are bringing out self proclaimed hamas supporter.
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we are trying to stop that event this is where biden, it is all politics. he does not care about the people and that is what it shows that is the stark contrast between joe biden and president trump. president trump is the man of steel. taking an unprecedented amount of abuse. law care, the continued abuse meant. this has been going on since he came down the escalator. he will continue to fight and he will continue to get stronger and better. that is why you saw that wonderful speech in wisconsin this weekend. he is only getting better and that is why the democrats and biden are running scared. >> you know, leo, let's go back. we were talking about this last night and we have talked about this before. i've been around a while, you have been around. at civil rights act of 1964 is a sacred law and it took squeezing blood out of rocks to get that done.
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you may recall that was lbj at his finest. republicans, erickson and a number of republicans from the north voted for that civil rights act because the dixie crowds from the south, the democratic south would not vote for it in the senate. and lbj got it. lbj broke with his very dear friend. democrat of georgia who was the main guy in the armed services committee. that was a sacred law. the title vi about the federal funding should have been a weapon. that was the hammer put into that wall. you would think, leo, you would think that a self-respecting president, for heaven sakes, a liberal president, a liberal initiative 50-60 years ago. on the phone to these college campuses saying, to this woman in columbia, you don't stop this
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, you don't protect your campus, you don't throw them off , your fs gone. that is how he should act as a president, leo. >> a+. a recollection of u.s. history. before the civil rights act in 1964, eisenhower, 1957, sending little troops in. little rock, arkansas. president kennedy sending in troops to allow black kids to go to the university of alabama. there is something called the equal protection law and joe biden is not using the equal protection law to protect jewish americans. why? it is politics. it is the michigan strategy. the arsenal of the federal government is sitting there waiting to be utilized, to protect jewish american citizens one final point. those protesters, they got released, larry. they got released from new york.
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the protester at ucla, george gascon, mr. district attorney, all of them. there is no deterrent on the state level. democrat states. we need federal intervention and we will not have it until trump is elected. >> that's a good point. no bail, no jail. andrew cuomo signed the law. i was reminded of this the other night on the set. you know what, it is a great point. leo's last sentence there which will live in history, he said if the state and local will not go after it, it is up to the federal people to go after it in the federal people under joe biden and marlin to remind us that his family were holocaust, killed in the holocaust, okay, they will not do it at the federal level. they will not do it at the state and local level. nobody is going to do it. that is what will happen here
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and they will get off scott free my last little thing here, claudia, half of them were not even part of columbia. they were not even part. they were not even part, filled with outsiders. you know what i mean, no bread and water for outsiders. claudia, new york is more insane than i thought and i've been living here for almost 50 years, on and off except for a few insane trips to washington. [laughter] >> it is the criminal justice so-called reforms. they reward criminal behavior and they work against victims. that is why you are seeing the new york pd, great group of people. police across the state are fantastic. their hands are tied. they cannot enforce the law they cannot maintain any kind of order because of the laws by our left wing state in albany. they have just been eroding our ability to be secure. t ♪he
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we have a paddle of journalists. alec lays host of the podcast and if that were not enough david as men foxbusiness anchor. part of the show. i want to start with the american flag story. we have pictures or whatever we're supposed to have. i want you to narrate this. bill hedge fund guy up to three or $400,000. people throwing money at them. do we have pictures of the american flag? i want to get it on the screen. some fraternity kids from the university of north carolina. i might add to give some credit the chancellor of unc chapel hill also did the same thing and these kids came along and did it
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again. just to show that all the media should not be covering hamas or the media should not be covering palestine. some good old-fashioned patriotism. put that out there. put it in front. i want everyone to see that. david as men will guarded. what you make of this story? >> i'm very proud of these boys. raising good kids like this in our country. these protesters are dragging that flag on the floor. the only reason they can protesters people are buried in the dirt right now defending that flag and free speech. by the way, half of a million dollars in just under a day. if you look at the other gofundme, they raised only $5000 you look at harvard university. $100,000 for those economists. they support these and i salute
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them. >> the american flag and marine flag. you know my son has been a marine for 20 years. they were part of their retirement last june. the last thing you do is get the flight that was flown over the base. he folded tight and he brought it over to me and he gave it to me. trying to take the flag away from me. i will smack them in the face. you know me, i do not usually get mad. there a lot of people out there and i'm very proud that the few times that i've been out as the mayor of the city when he said that in front of the people and they had to cover that. the media where there. he said it mean something to us. you cannot full around and they tore down the palestinian flag and the cops put up an american flag god bless them.
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larry: go ahead. say it out loud. >> you have the american flag in the israeli flag. >> saw one raising one. that is all there is to it. let's go on. i just want you to fill in. you probably heard the last segment. there was islam a phobia, i am looking for one square inch of islam a phobia in the last month with all these new campuses. and then he reads a bill no violence, know this, all of that . he will not prosecute based on our own civil rights act. jewish kids are not just being harassed, they are being hurt. a number of examples of jewish kids on different campuses who actually have been hurt. they have been confronted in violence. i do not know where the president is on that and i will not know until you tell me. >> i think it goes a lot deeper than that.
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of course it is an outrage that jewish students have been discriminated against these administrations. they will sue and they will make a lot of money. our justice system, hopefully, will take care of that. those images of the cops with absolute discipline, clearing out the protesters, this was a split screen, what you were seeing there was the hard-working discipline of america's working class, as opposed to the narcissism and self regard and oppression and be of the most privileged young people. that divide is really at the heart of america today, because the real outrage is not just against jewish students and it's not just against israel, that is a symptom of a much deeper problem. they them know nothings will achieve the american dream because they have a college degree. the hard-working class of
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america that would never allow anti-semitism to spread in this country are struggling. to me, that is the real outrage here. >> school trustees are on the wrong side. they are on the wrong side of history. on the wrong side of these battles on campuses. they are not in favor of the jews. >> they are terrified of the students. >> i do not think it is physical they have guards, security services, cars for them. they live in good apartment houses. they are not terrified. they are ideologically wrong. they are on the wrong side of history. let me tell you, i know them. i grew up with them. i live with them. i live in the same buildings as them. i take the same car services as them. i occasionally go out even
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though i become a hermit. we go to dinner parties with them occasionally. i go with david, that is all and mc. your cooking is fabulous. better than these high-priced restaurants. in those places, by the way, the customers are on the wrong side. the kitchen staff is on the right side. let me get -- let me get back to alec. now we will ship and palestinian refugees. he will give them green cards, we will probably let them vote. what is your take on that? >> on 9/11 they were all cheering and chanting in the streets when our twin towers came coming down. god knows we have enough people in washington, d.c. that hate us the last thing we need is more people in here looking to hate us and do us harm. this is a terrible idea from sleepy joe. >> more open borders. welfare, do not forget the welfare.
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without the welfare, and a lot of them would not be here. >> i've got to ended this. trump made a very important statement in that speech. he said you cannot have a an entitlement system at home and let these 10-15 million illegals come in and give them more. he was right about that. there is a guy that wants to protect the entitlement system. don't listen to me. i eat at very selective restaurants. [laughter] david and mc have excellent -- >> we keep it well. >> bring that tie out once again that is your statement. i like it. >> god bless. >> don't forget the marine corps >> yes.
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we welcome back the professor from harvard law school and is a book against the jews. professor, thank you. state and local governments led them all out. you will go individual lawsuits. how is that going, sir. >> gathering around the names of
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the perpetrators. the names of anyone wearing a mask or not wearing a mask. or anybody else. and then we will file lawsuits against them. taking away his scholarship. we will take away his car. we will take away his boom box. just enough to deter them from ever doing this again. i wish we could also deter president biden from always doing what he did this time. saying, oh, islam a phobia, et cetera. a slate of lynching and said i want to make it clear, i oppose lynchings, but i also oppose reverse discrimination against white people. there is a time and place for everything. biden is tone deaf when it comes to this issue. or he is not tone deaf.
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there are no demonstrations against palestinians. they are in favor. actually not in favor of palestinians, if they were the protesters would say we are opposed to hamas. hamas is the one that turned this down. it is agreed to the cease-fire. they have turned it down. you don't see a single demonstration against thomas. these kids are cold members. they are followers. they are not thinkers. they just want to be in a demonstration. they do not care what it is about. it is hurting america deeply and it is hurting israel. larry: it is a little bit of a sideline. a very interesting tweet on twitter x. michael pompeo, former secretary of state. mike said that these protesters are only targeting israel. in other words, they want to
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divest from israel not china, iran, russia or other rogue nations. the only places they are going after is israel. i find that most curious and i think that that tells a pretty miserable story about these protesters and the lack of a strong biden response. >> i completely agree. columbia has been the worst. its faculty has been the worst. and appointed deliberately anti- israel faculty members. i am going to the graduation on the 15th to celebrate a friend of mine, an american jew getting an honorary doctorate because people will be opposed in getting an honorary doctorate because he is jewish. i will wear my tie. this is a tie i have been wearing since october 7 that says the jewish people live.
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i am proud of it. i am proud of my americanism i am proud of my judaism and i will not sit back and allow these dogs to destroy a graduation that my friend is being honored at. i hope others will do the same thing and stand up against these bigots and against this hitler youth. these are the ku klux klan in the office instead of robes. the policies are the same as the ku klux klan. we have to point that out. >> it is a great disappointment. i am looking for a happy ending. i do not know where the happy ending is. good people have to stand out. good people like yourself, sir. >> the happy ending is complete destruction of hamas. destruction of terrorism in america. bless the people but not those that use it to hide their faces. if they are caught doing it, people will not hire them.
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>> thank you, professor. by the way, i accept blue ties. happen to love them very much. i am kudlow. i will be right ♪ b (husband) what about communication? (fisher investments) we check in regularly to keep you informed. (wife) which means you'll help us stay on track? (fisher investments) yes. as a fiduciary, we always put your interests first. because we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪
7:57 pm
jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ they get it. they know how it works. more importantly, it works for them. i don't have any anxiety about money anymore. i don't have to worry about a mortgage payment every month. it allowed me to live in my home and not have to make payments. linda, dinah, joanne, very different people...
7:58 pm
but they do have a couple things in common. they love their home, and they know their stuff. they all talked about the counseling they got, so they knew how a reverse mortgage worked... and how it could be a real financial solution for their retirement. if you're 62 or older and own your home, find out how you could access your home's equity to give you cash now, and when you need it in the future. a reverse mortgage could put more money in your pocket by eliminating your monthly mortgage payments, paying off higher-interest credit cards and covering medical costs. a person like me needed to get a reverse mortgage it changed my life, it was the best thing i've ever done. really? yes, without a doubt just like these folks, aag can show you how a reverse mortgage loan uses your built-up home equity to give you tax-free cash. they also know they can pay it back whenever it works for them.
7:59 pm
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8:00 pm
the future is nothing but power and it's all yours. the all new godaddy airo. get your business online in minutes with the power of ai. larry: that is it for kudlow. thank you for watching, folks. ♪
8:01 pm
-(theme music playing) -♪ bad boys


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