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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 3, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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mornings, thanks for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo. i hope you are having a good friday morning friday, may 3, 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, after 10 days without an on camera statement about nationwide college riots president biden decided to dress chaos had some jewish students afraid to show up for class. >> moments like this always, rush to score political points this suspect a moment for politics there should be no place in any campus, no place in america, for antisemitism or threats of violence against. iran statements home fobba
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discrimination, destroying property not a peaceful protest. maria: to be clear there was no phobia this week chuck schumer is highest ranking jewish official in the country u.s. government calling out anti-israel agitators on columbia's campus this week yesterday during remarks did not mention the protests or that just hours before his speech lost police broke you the antiisrael encampment at ucla schumer focused on attacking republicans over abortion watch. >> remember most same republicans, are on record supporting a national abortion ban a bottom line that is extreme abortion bans are a direct consequence of republicans getting into power. >> i am trying to understand this reluctance from chuck schumer, to take this on. joining me right now west
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virginia senator, ranking member of the senate environment and public works committee a membert senate appropriations consumers and rules committee as well thanks very much nor being here. >> good morning, maria. . thank you. maria: we have not heard a lot from chuck schumer on this, highest ranking jewish person in government, why? what do you think i don't understand it chuck schumer got on the floor of senate said netanyahu you know not conducting his country's war the way that he should. he called for all kinds of different techniques tactics i think are misplaced yesterday in the midst of all this destruction around campuses antisemitism to slogans shouted, it is just very
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discouraging focus would not be on what is happening on our college campuses, you know what? it is politics all politics, all day for chuck schumer. maria: that is so horrible to hear that that it is all politics all the time, with chuck schumer. it is same thing with joe biden, let's face it senator, okay? he is afraid of not getting the pro-palestinian vote in places like minnesota, michigan. what else can we believe is the reason he took so long to say anything about all of this antisemitism raging in the country shouldn't he have been out day one denouncing this is. >> absolutely president should have been there day one where has he been rab columbia university says to jewish students better stray off campus not safe faculty there, that safety concerns you see how it escalated into such a destructive protest, yet silence crickets from
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president, what was he doing deciding whose side he is on or how to phrase it? no. this should never be acceptable antisemitism should be extinguished in this country has to come from the president he had a very weak response. >> i want your take, on the education secretary you had a chance to question cardona this week about the department response to ients smechl on columbia's campus watch this for a minute. >> do you have people at the columbia right now to see what is going on there do you have a staff there to watch? >> i do not have staff. >> civil rights office have somebody up there. >> i do not have staff at the columbia university, i should share with you we have open investigation at columbia university. maria: tell us more about that a great question on your part. >> well, you know, title 6 of
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the civil rights act says you can't discriminate he says i need? more money for civil rights department, so we can investigate all these the simple way is firsthand knowledge what is occurring yet, the priority they don't send somebody to new york or call somebody out of the department of education, in new york, i mean so, so discouraging so weak. unresponsive messed up applications for finishing aid for students very weakly waded into antisemitism on campus argument it had to come as i said earlier from the top. tone is set from the top white house press secretary karine jean-pierre discussing ebb potential plan to bring
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palestinian refugees into america says taking vetting very, very seriously, but if he were to take gazans into america down the that suggest answering anti-israel protesters giving them what they want? a group of more than 30 republican senators sent letter to biden administration a demanding end plans to bring in gazans refugees, and focus on securing release of uas you say hostages held by hamas? tell me more about this. >> right look at this situation american hostages held in gaza right now that situation going on for months no i, we don't know how many are still alive we don't know even, where they are, or anything so american citizens. president biden lowest afghan ininterpreters helped us for years he endangered their
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lives left thems in afghanistan did nothing to try to bring those folks back who have helped us now wants to open our bounty our country to gazans citizens prioritize that? this is political it is all political. and just -- it is so aggravating to me who are we willing to stand up against terrorists use sex as weapon of war? i think misplaced, end of a honestly you say to yourself are they certifyious about this how do you say that is the fair way to do this. >> especially on top of rhetoric against israel not just chuck schumer saying we want new elections benjamin netanyahu out doesn't serve israeli people yet president biden saying yes chuck schumer gave a great speech in the
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middle of all this you have to ask why of after 10 million foreigners, 10 million illegals in this country because of wide-open border what is the ultimately goal here? >> the ultimate goal to get votes figure out, he is in a difficult position the president is looking at politics as you mentioned earlier, and also got politics on the other side. and so you know trying to figure out a way to weave through this shows weakness he should stand by eliminating antisemitism, not weak statements throwing avelse in when talking about it to me sends a signal trying to i am going to please you then now try to please you an election year i need your vote. >> moral equivalency.
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>> president biden epa regulations would force closure of u.s. coal-fired plants print new gas-fired plants you are leading gop overcast to overturn this you say this is illegal. >> it is illegal, again an example of the administration, over regulating over what congress explicitly legislated to will lead to to cloud cover of all plants in a smoertd a lot of people with jobs, endangers brits on one hand saying you are going to drive electric car a.i. society, a huge, energy consumer on the other hand get rid of base loaded fuel providers like natural gas, coal, where are we going to get energy for this? endangering i think our future not able to help allies when they have issues with energy going to fight this, overturn it going to have bipartisan
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sport, i look forward to that. >> as i say this is not just economic issue this is a national security issue as well senator great to see you this morning we will follow your work, thank you. >> all right. we are getting started this hour jobs coverage all morning long ahead of april jobs' report host of making charles payne is here breaking it down you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. . ee things that matter in human beings. first, they have to be kind. kind. second, they have to be honest. and third, they have to be hard-working. it's very simple. wherever you are in the world, when you come to a different culture, you meet people of very different backgrounds, but you find out that they have the same ambitions and the same fears just like yourself.
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i'm so sure that travel is good for the world. it's really the best to engage with the locals and the destination. and i think travel helps broaden the human mind and makes us kinder. and that's fantastically valuable.
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maria: welcome back, to look at futures, and we have a rally underway dow industrials up almost 300 points right now up three-quarters of a percent nasdaq up 117 two-thirds of a percent the s&p higher by 20 foouts soaring on dovish fed messaging yesterday earnings apple reported double beat on earnings revenue after the bell last night, however, sales down 4% for the quarter,
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and iphone sales plunged 10% business in china sluggish competition from huawei. >> apple announced largest sheer buy back of all 1 so-billion-dollar buyback stock up on that 6 and a he quarter percent on track to boost dow industrials at the open apple kwlou component make money with charles payne the host author of unbreakable vestor. >> wowie, i thought would talk more ai tim cook confident going to do well event may 7 maybe rerevealing more we will hear from elizabeth warren before days over in 2004
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microsoft was 30 billion we've come a long way i will say lastly two 90-billion-dollar announcements from apple did not buy that much they bought 77 and 84 billion to some degree fox like at this financial engineering stock. >> they will raise money in bond market pay off money in a way don't have to pay treasury, it is just for are shareholders in a sense a better you long-term for shareholders would be i want more of that think about, the money i think the four other for you top a.i. players in this quarter announced 40 billion dollars worth of commitment to a.i. that is where it is going to be tim cook confident he can do that maybe too much may onic focus on day-to-day share price. >> at this point, they are
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seeing serious issues in china charles i think when the chinese communist party came out said no more iphones used in chinese government that was a pivot that was a turning points not just for apple but market i think going to have an increasingly you know, uphill battle in china you've got huawei coming at them with their own phones, that is china's tool for surveillance, and on buyback you don't know if they are going to apply that you will stock back they don't have to -- >> like i said last two 90 billion buy blacks i think did 77 and 84 a lot of money, the china iphone competition, why you want to see more commitment to capex, research and development, you know, this is visionary part of apple seems to havefieded recent years other services stuff going well, people want to see a whole lot more, you know.
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i don't know about relationship with china i feel like, you know, two weeks ago saying hey tesla in trouble in china, elon musk goes over next thing major announcement tesla stock takes off like a rocket, tim cook probably has relationships over there i wouldn't be surprised to see them however they do it skirt around the major issues that will be facing other u.s. companies there. >> let's talk economy ahead of jobs numbers out in 10 minutes charles 10-year yield trading this way, 4.55%, actually a pretty good decline on the air no i yield down 3 basis points at 4.55% journal writing inflation mounting u.s. debt boostsing yields squeezing treasury april jobs' report how the as you know 12 minutes' time economists expect 243,000 nonfarm 35% rolls to the economy in april unemployment rate steady 3.8%
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how important is this report after the weak spots that we've seen including inflation elevated to three straight months, growth coming down to 1.6% for the first quarter. >> i think wall street neithers uptick in unemployment rate jay powell made it clooer in a couple q&a answers at fomc, that, unemployment that is going to be trigger to start cutting rates listen everyone knows higher for longer in terms of inflation federal government, by the way, fiscal money raising monday boggling i go back to that mirror wild card government we know mined boggling check out aci report employment costs index shocking, not the private sector the private sector is free-fall, this government was up to 4.8% second highest last decade really truly monday boggling jolts report
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yesterday job option done except government 68,000 government hiring more people paying out outrageous money, how can you see local governments doing this part of american cares act that biden put through, 817 billion dollars is going to state and local governments so far pandemic oversight, where money is coming from, you know one hand, it is a form of manipulation the job numbers fantastic not forever, pay attention to the private sector, pay attention to jobs that are creating, you know real economic opportunity not leisure hospitality but healthcare we know part of demographic look for real organic growth that is lack nothing matter how much on pom-poms, the private sector, is starting to weaken, i am
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sad powell didn't acknowledge that wednesday. >> thomasly writing soft jobs' report likely shifts fare of may to apply in may we view rate decision as dovish street views, the expected rshgz unchooekzed goldman sachs sees two cuts citi calling for four cuts, from citi, hold that taking a break then come back you are sticking with us ahead of the jobs number, now nine minutes away, we've got all-hands-on-deck to bring numbers don't miss it "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. . the need for domestic lithium
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while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now.
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her uncle's unhappy.
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i'm sensing an from punderlying issue.gement it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. you un. >> to look at rally this morning futures indicating a rip-roaring move open of trading dow industrials up almost 300 points we have five minutes away from april jobs' report when that comes out could see numbers change economists expecting 243,000 nonfarm payrolls added to the economy, in april, expecting unemployment rate steady 3.8% joining me zip recruiter,
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julia pollak heritage foundation economist former trump economic adviser steve moore smbc former chief some of it for national council joe lavorgna, thanks going to be conversation that we are going to have about jobs, steve moore kick us off with expectations, and what you think, is going to move markets here. >> well, you know, you show they call it nonfarm payrolls i you go to charles' idea maybe should be nongovernment payrolls charles hit on important point, the biggest employer nine to 12 months government, healthcare, what i want to see as i look at numbers, by the way, i hope we do get 240,000 number would be good number i want manufacturing jobs i want to see construction jobs, i want to see wholesale i want to see jobs where americans are making things. maria: i mean joe, there is some serious, you know, holes
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in the story in the last jobs' report, now we see that when you are look at job creation you are seeing an increase in part time jobs decrease in full-time jobs how would you access right now. >> at of ant he doets "the wall street journal" had headline saying job market isn't exactly as strong as it appears, to charles' earlier point 60%, of the hiring monthly change unemployment a number of 0% nearly is -- 60% in government healthcare sector i want to watch construction area i think a lot of weakness given how much fed raises rates mortgage rates, we saw a big drop in job options i will watch that steve's point about seeing areas of job creation make things is good i don't think we are going to see it in today's report. maria: john lonski how do you see it. >> looking at composition of
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the changing jobs previously indicated going to be important also take a look at what happens to average hourly earnings, expectation there grows 3/10 of a percent if it comes in above 3/10 of a percent brings into play the possibility of more of a wage price spiral, a lot of small businesses are complaining about fast rising labor costs. maria: julia what are you seeing at zip recruiter in terms of job opportunities. >> we are seek markets normalize, the first quarter looks like reacceleration i think jobs' report shows the market is stabilizing and looking pretty strong still. maria: what i am trying to understand is where are the jobs, julia when you look at zip you recruiter in terms of opportunities what sectors are you seeing jobs. >> health care exception one area highest rate much higher than before pandemic.
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everywhere else part of a stay in place economy employers are nervous with outlook worried about hiring don't want new risks, shifting focus from cute. to retention hanging on to workers they've got. >> sorry? >> except in healthcare public sector finally catching up to private sector. >> cheryl i know you have numbers what specification are you looking for a that you want out of this report here most important. cheryl: watchingflationary story expecting again a gain month-to-month year-over-year average hourly warnings 4% annual jump inflation, employers having to eat so much of the costs already in supply chain, if you are restaurant eating that cost now to pay workers more plus regulation out of states like california but i am leaving you watching for the number. maria: charles payne wages have not kept up with
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inflation. >> workweek watch workweek short and short. maria: workweek shorter and shorter, people don't want to work full hours they wanted to before. >> julia was talking about retention retain workers when you can't afford it pay less let them work less. market on fire up almost 500 points. cheryl: rate cut, everybody came in lighter than expected from expectations, that is why you are seeing dow jump up right now we came in 175,000 jobs, the street was looking for 243,000 jobs, remember, that is big drop-off, also the unemployment rate went up, to 3.9% the expectation is the unemployment rate was going to be 3.8%, government jobs, pretty weak only 8,000 we did not get estimate for that. as far as average hourly
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earnings, for all private workers gain .2%, looking for .3% what i was looking at a a little bit better than expected that is your i inflationary story, average hourly workweek private workers 34.3, that is pretty much in line leaking for 34.4 there again 8,000 jobs as far as government goes. down to private sector, number the private number 167,000, that is also a lot less than expected from economists looking in private sector for 190,000. labor force participation rates we do not have estimate for that we came in at 62.7%. that is exactly what we had the month before let me dig into the report give you a couple more things to see where growth is i know talking government jobs healthcare jobs but honestly, there has a got to be ticks in this report
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i am waiting fors i guess so revisions will bring that as soon as i get them. what they are saying overall the jobs added came in again, healthcare, social assistance fiscal money government jobs transportation, warehousing where they saw biggest jumps when you've got a report, that is so off the mark, that are not maybe good news for those sectors overall i am going to dig more two surveys i want to dig into that back to you. >> thank you so much looking at market up 500 points right now, charles payne walk us through this, you've got a report, that perhaps, makes it easier for the federal reserve to go down that rate cut road. perhaps that is why bidding up stocks right now. >> absolutely, the unemployment rate i think jay
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powell made it clear, one of the questions got you a dual mandate when one supersedes the other said inflation under control even though wasn't moving as rapidly towards target said all about jobs market again told us this a couple times now. i think a number above 4% could be next jobs' report watch street getting giddy about an accommodative federal reserve, participation something else talked about a lot paltry, 25,000, the labor, 87,000 addition labor force, just it was wasn't great for main street but kind of number wall street was cheering for. cheryl: i got a revision the revision for you march not bad though, the revisions for march 215,000 initially read 303 so, i could say not that much of a shocking revision. first time this year.
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>> nancy lazar from piper sandler a bifurcated economic outlook talking about that for a long time talking about, the broad public, actually struggling, but highest earners doing well writes our base case remains a second half recession but raises joblessness cools incomes destroys demand importantly team is inflation on sustained basis what you were talking about charles in terms of what these numbers say you mentioned 4% she is expecting second half to see unemployment jump above 4% does that rerevives your expectation. >> jay powell wants to do this he went on a limb in december going to do three rate cuts he cannot after transitory thing his legacy wants it badly
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summon said excuse to cut rates going to take them said forget rates if doing it in september they will be okay do it in september. >> a criticized for that political before election i want to get to economists to get assessment joe lavorgna kicks off. >> will charles mentioned workweek slipped, we talked about wages softer than expected healthcare a driver it has been looks like on the softer side we are trending lower we are trending lower after a very weak q12 gdp report chair powell talked about private eventually sales domestic demand if you look at numbers first quarter driven 3wi household services on medical care financial services, avendz very little discretionary consumer spending, overlay with weakening job market or trending downward job market,
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certainly that does call into question maybe the second half 6 how robust it is not sure is a recession but i push back on the notion that fed is going to be able to easy right now inflation numbers are bad my guess is they will cut i think waiting until december to do so -- >> i think i am with you, that camp through election, figure out whether or not going to cut i would not expect it before that, look at treasury yields plummeting right now, down 11 basis points on 10-year sitting at level 4.47% steve moore assess the number pm. >> yeah, i think the most important number in this report was lousy wage gain numbers i know wall street might like low wages but you know what? workers like high wages, i want to see high wages for american workers, and the persistent problem putting in a political perspective, i am a trump guy, we are going after biden relentlessly on
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the fact biden's policies have made americans poorer, you are got .2 -- if you .2%, wreck me if wrong i think you said .2% on wages that is not keeping pace with inflation this has been the problem just over, you know 3 1/2 years trump -- biden has been in white house inflation up 20% wages only up 17% maria. that means middle class families are still struggling they are not seeing wage increases they want. >> quick let me point out to steve's point, people working part time for economic reasons 4.4 million up 161,000 a year ago 3.8 million that none is gaining speed listen to upside part time for economic reasons part time nor any one economic reasons is not even apts description probably a lot more working part time because
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they have to. maria: hold on john lonski your assessment after numbers. lower than expected reading for wage growth, you are looking at shortening average workweek, that adds up to a very weak reading, on income growth for the month of april, if incomes start to slow prices -- rise briskly a slowdown by real consumer spending by consumer spending, in general as consumer spending fades layoffs will mount. maria: wow. steve. >> going to say that you know if you look at the hourly wage numbers, those are pretty good. but to charles's point the weekly wage numbers are poor, why is that? because people are working less hours. you can't get a full-time chai czech working 20 hours a week, so that is a gain real problems for real americans on main street usa almost like
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the only workers doing, government workers wages going up, but new report, by the way, came out which is infuriating the good morning government worker getting 40% higher wage in salary than private sector worker hequally skilled, 80% more benefits maria, how is that fair. >> how that is possible julia what do you pull out of this report most important in terms of what you are looking at at ziprecruiter. >> the story here this is disinflationary growth job gains higher than average 2019 a solid report, i think what wall street fed want to see, inflation, is coming down. labor market not source of inflation this shows we could actually see a rate cut, that businesses battling huge uncertainty school of interest
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rates may be good news this year. maria: not good news to see inflation where it is i mean when you are talking about, where the spending is, in this economy, the last the last time we looked at gdp 1.6% stephanie pomboy made the point 1.2% of that 1.6% growth was spending on housing, insurance, and healthcare. >> right. maria: just inflation. >> exactly the point that i was basically trying to make earlier that there wasn't a lot of discretionary spending where interest rates are inverted yield curve bank lending standards very tight one could expect consumer goods the heavy lifting sense pained not services about it rather goods you will see pullback in good spending in part because skw consumers have satiated demand the cost of bothering is high everyone at margin if consumer slows wage growth, unemployment
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should follow. >> what about, when you look at consumer confidence, nancy says watch middle income consumer confidence they drives consumption. she is right you the university of michigan much more comprehensive than conference board survey has been around recessionary readings a long time it improved but still very, very depressed to steve's point overall cost-of-living has far outstripped reasonably largely out stripped growth in household income wages why people feel so down beat despite on surface labor market looks orange county. maria: we will see numbers charles. >> by the way,, michigan sentiment conference, both expectations numbers are really shocking. this consumer confidence expectations is plunging means people bracing for something to get even a lot worse that
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is why pollsters political pollsters other folks don't seem to get it, the by a if you are indicates economy is bifurcated rich more richer, best president in history for that, many would argue helped keep economy up spending money on the other hand more and more americans are suffering. maria: bifurcated economic outlook, is bifurcated on one path convenoxygenal slowdown wiping out economic excesses preparing runway for sticky inflation, keeps inflation elevated sticky. cheryl: that wasn't me trying to get in i was going through data more particularly on the report, what i thought really interesting the government jobs that are getting built up because that is the inflationary story that has been a problem, you know,
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still, that family services, the social assistance 21,000 jobs gained that to me is still a red flag, because that means we're not seeing inflation you know, pare back as we would like to see. but i will say this, you know if you look at the jolts report we got this week, adp, adp stronger than expected in private sector, under 92000 the private payroll even though -- was 167,000 jobs, so what is happening in the private sector, i find interesting, that is a why question probably for julia, one i cannot answer. maria: annual ja what do you think? >> i think interesting this report is, consumer confidence recovered come down a bit this speaks to the strength in consumer spending case retail jobs grew, so did transportation jobs, the good
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sector saw something of a rolling recession last year looks like it is i maybe on brink of a rolling recovery. maria: what do you think about that, john lonski. >> i think somewhat of a stretch first quarter consumer spending on consumer goods durable goods nondurable goods was on the weak side, i can't help but notice in employment report total number hours worked in the private sector shrank from previous quarter that is in line with the talk of a shorter workweek more part time jobs fewer full-time jobs another question for julia that is, the college students i speak he can to are telling me that the job market this year for graduates is pretty lousy they think the worst it has been since covid recession do you have insight on this? >> yes. so interlevel hiring
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white-collar world slowing dramatically that is true tons of jobs available, in trades healthcare but those require, very specialized training experience, so graduates may have to look elsewhere perhaps gain additional -- >> not columbia -- >> why is that do we know what do you think? >> joe. >> i'm sorry i was chuckleing what was the question. maria: why is it white-collar you know earlier jobs slowing julia how are you defining that? >> professional business services, tech, you know those sectors did very, very well right after if pandemic, they did well in low interest rate high investment environment much slower now with employees are cautiously hanging on to
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workers they have delaying big investments in growth plans. >> the thing is the fed raised rates dramatically those high rates have not fully hit the economy, we've had a significant shortage of skilled workers he electricians carpenters trade schools always done well, i would say on white-collar employment side is reflecting the fact trying to tighten rates slow economy but imagine what happens if economy does weaken more as nancy suggests the economy goes into recession we start losing jobs in a white-collar job market will be worse i think a risk at some point. >> two other numbers that we didn't report yet. >> please. >> cheryl you may have to verify i am looking quickly on my iphone looks like number of jobs that was reported, in have the household survey was only up 25,000. >> correct. >> as we talked about month after month after month on
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when we do jobs' report we've seen this diverge ns employer survey household at some point going to converge bad number 25,000 jobs on that. the other one to look at, is again i this you you made the point numbers from previous months revised down this is first, in 13 last 15 months we keep revising numbers down there is something going on here, where they keep, over estimating the jobs, and maybe, by the way, if these kids were graduating with degrees from universities maybe if weren't protesting about it learning skills they could get a job when they graduate. cheryl: that was joke i made yeah, tougher job market especially graduating from columbia, but revisions to, steve is correct combine february and march combined revisions 22,000 fewer jobs
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created i had to laugh the revisions we had for february and march with ridiculous at least getting a little bit better in range of revisions. maria: john lonski. >> steve was meaning household survey comparing with establishment survey, where we had gain of what was 175,000 jobs, much different surveys in terms of accuracy household shows gain 25,000 jobs as error term of plus or minus 660,000 jobs that is, so could be any place month-to-month basis the establishment gain 170,000 jobs, confidence, is narrower plus or minus 100,000, 130,000 jobs, household survey monthly estimates take with a grain of salt. >> what would you do as
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investor do you want to sell into this rally. >> i was still would go ahead and hol but new money would take a close look at defensive sectors might want to consider utilities, after all if going to electrify economy go through artificial intelligence going to need a lot more electric power might become a growth industry, however, a growth industry that is always subject to about considerable regulation. healthcare might be a safe bet for the long run. healthcare for sure is definitely where we are seeing job a creation in place years, julia. >> the increase in the prime aging population ratio record high for women one of the reasons so many part time jobs created this labor market relatively high wages, hybrid
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jobs is atracking more women many, many welcome want to work part time. >> i guess why they want to work less this is not an issue can't find a job? or is it? >> i think both, i think that there is -- there are a lot of who want to work part-time a lot don't to work full fooim can't get full time jobs, a full time salary. >> last two weeks will been biggest regulatory assault in american history we've never seen anything like this, the upbeat ftc, fcc, justice department antitrust going after apple, going after google any company that is profitable these days costs are enormous for american businesses, at the same time,
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you have an incumbent president running reelection basically telling american people going to give you biggest tax increase in american history doubling capital gains tax raising corporate tax rate archiving taxes on unrealized capital gains a disaster for the economy. maria: let's face it joe biden has told us what an additional four years he is would look like right budget includes 5 1/2 trillion dollars new taxes. >> and host of new regulations with climate change agenda. >> people ask what is biggest nightmare keeps you up at night i say possibility of four more years of "bidenomics", scary we are talking about this weak outlook, for jobs for college graduates, you know maybe this helps explain why joe biden's pushing student debt relief so strongly, because he his graduates can't find good jobs, high-paying jobs. maria: julia good question
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for you in terms of pay where are highest wages in terms of jobs right now according to ziprecruiter? >> well, we saw very, very high wage growth in pandemic double-digit wage growth for most jobs, fields like we've, all the way back down wage growth, hospitality has fallen all the way back down to normal now, wage growth, in job postings on line for new hires, is very slow keeps -- >> what sectors are seeing the best wages i know healthcare, requires certain skill sets so you've got higher wages there, in terms of -- in terms of healthcare workers, home healthcare workers also a higher, requirement when it comes to technology, and a.i.. are these the areas commanding
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highest wages. >> tech jobs soft wear engineer jobs highest wages but as wage nearing in have manufacturing construction modernization in construction manufacturing where lot of investment jobs very high-tech wages going up as a result, enrollments in trade schools rising people are aware great opportunities to be had even for people without a college degree. >> i guess areas of this market have not moved along with rest of the averages dow industrials up 477 points right now on this idea that jobs' report, was weak enough to perhaps trigger a renewed focus on interest rate cut at some point, but john i am not sure you are going to get it on one report. because the other reports say a different story. >> you are exactly right
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maria, i think we need executive monies more than 150,000 new jobs confident about nearness of a rate cut, one month doesn't make a trend. consumer spending still will holding up i still have doubts as to how much longer consumers will be able to afford he will elevated prices. what are you focused on next week in terms of the next window into this economic story? are there, areas or reports that you are weighing on. >> honestly i still think a wage story, is going to be the bigger story that is inflationary the next cpi report pce, in particularly cpi stephanie pomboy made great points yesterday about the true reason we're seeing
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high inflationary environment, that it really isn't the end of the day that shelter component, it is other components of the economy i will say the other that i loved to speak with joe germanotta talked about you struggles you are seeing prices of restaurants go up amount of food shrink a basing analogy what is happening about it that is what the average person sees, feels, pays for so that food away from home, maria: crude oil broke $80 a barrel, joe lavorgna. is that enough? at 79 and change on crude oil, that's been oneover the big issues with inflation, energy underlining all of it. >> it will help, mafia. food has more than twice the weight energy does so, therefore, unless food prices come down significantly, i'm not
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sure that a drop in oil will have a huge effect. we're also entering the summer driving season and even though oil prices might be drop, it's highly unlikely at least in june that retail prices at the pump will go down a whole lot. therefore, these consumer concerns, unfortunately, those concerns aren't going to go away. anytime soon. so i think that there's still going to be some more struggles, unfortunately. maria: yeah. look at this market though. we are near the highs of the morning with the dow industrials up 494 points. it's 1.25%. the nasdaq is up 274, that's 1.5%, and the s&p is higher by 58. this market does not want to go down, john lonski. this market wants to rally. we've had a rough second quarter with. second quarter's still lower, and it's certainly weaker than the first quarter with regards to market performance, but the bulls out there are going. >> well, the equity market still believes in goldilocks, i
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guess -- maria: yep. >> that we're going to somehow get through this without incurring a recession that nancy lazar was predicting. however, let's not forget if we are going to have fed rate cuts, if we are going to slow inflation down towards 2%, i can't help but think that we have to enebb door a span of well below average economic growth, and that cannot possibly be good for corporate earnings. maria: yeah. by the way, i'm mentioning oil underlining the inflation story, but let's not forget stubborn housing and and awe -- auto insurance, okay? wasn't that the main problem, auto insurance, steve moore? >> those are, those are big cost raisers. but i want to go back to, you know ors for the first time in the last few weeks, that lousy first quarter gdp report came out we started hearing the term stagflation, remember that one, maria? maria: yeah temperature. >> stagflation is higher
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inflation, and a declining, you know, jobs market. and i want to remind wall street that that's what we had in the 1970s. and, you know, this idea that a bad jobs report is good for the stock market is ridiculous. i mean, in the 170s, that was the worst stock market ever, and people didn't have jobs. [laughter] so, come on. john, you've got to tell me why there's this mentality that people not working is a good thing for stock. >> well, that's a good point you're making, steve, that's a strong point. i don't necessarily agree with that, but what my problem is, the market is too. keenly focused on interest rates and perhaps is not taking into consideration that getting to lower interest rates may necessarily require a much slower economy, and that's going to be -- >> exactly. >> and let's not forget the fact that the fed decided it's going to slow the pace of quantitative tightening. and if you look at when they actually began, the fed has been adding liquidity to the market. bank reserves are higher, not
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lower, tan where they started. so it's temporarily giving the equity market a boost. maria: we will leave it there. great conversation, everybody. i so appreciate your time this morning. we are about 30 minutes away from the if opening bell and looked at where we stand. 175,000 jobs added to the economy in the month of april, an unemployment rate ticking higher by a fraction and a market that is on fire. dow industrials right now up 481 points. nasdaq also higher by 271. s&p 500 higher by 56. even with commodities flat and oil moving below $800 a barrel, you got a report that is certainly being celebrated on wall street this morning. thanks, everybody. julia pollack, steve moore, joe lavorgna, john lonski, cheryl casone, we so appreciate it. have a fantastic weekend, everybody. i will see you tonight on maria bart row -- bart with row me's "wal


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