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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 3, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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so it's temporarily giving the equity market a boost. maria: we will leave it there. great conversation, everybody. i so appreciate your time this morning. we are about 30 minutes away from the if opening bell and looked at where we stand. 175,000 jobs added to the economy in the month of april, an unemployment rate ticking higher by a fraction and a market that is on fire. dow industrials right now up 481 points. nasdaq also higher by 271. s&p 500 higher by 56. even with commodities flat and oil moving below $800 a barrel, you got a report that is certainly being celebrated on wall street this morning. thanks, everybody. julia pollack, steve moore, joe lavorgna, john lonski, cheryl casone, we so appreciate it. have a fantastic weekend, everybody. i will see you tonight on maria bart row -- bart with row me's "wall street" tonight, right here, 7 p.m. eastern.
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"varney & company" picks it up now. stuart: good morning, everyone. the numbers are in and, yes, the markets are, indeed, reacting. looked at this, 175,000 jobs added to the economy in april. that is far fewer than the 700,000 plus -- 300,000 plus we saw in march. the jobless rate want up to 3.9%. now, this is a weaker performance than expected, and everybody wants to know what this does to the federal reserve's interest rate strategy. here's what it's doing to the market which was higher before the numbers were released, now it's the much higher. dow industrials, let's see, what have we got -- sorry, let's deal with or -- i'm going to deal with apple in a a minute. look at the futures first of all. we're up 477 points on the dow, 56 points for the s&p and the nasdaq roaring ahead by 270 points, that's 1.5% for the nasdaq. big gain right there. now show me apple. yes, it is rallying. we're asking why. it's up $12 the at this point, that's 7%. well, they've announced the
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largest stock buyback in history, $110 billion worth. investors love it. leftist politicians hate it. they think that money belongs to the workers. moving on. look at interest rates. the 10-year treasury is now way below 4.5%. you're down to 4.49. that's a huge plus for stocks,9 and the 2-year, i was about to say it's well below are $5%, it's way below 5%, all the way back to 4.77. all of that's really good news for stocks. oil below $80 a barrel again, $78.90, to be preice. gas beginning to come down, off one cent to $3.66 overnight and diesel below $4 at $3.99. bitcoin not doing that much today, i'm looking at $60,000 per coin. politics. oh, what a contrast. donald trump fresh out of court delivers pizzas to fire fighters who begged him to save the country. he engaged, they love him. he looks presidential. the enthusiasm is palpable.
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the president, as in bide, delivers a two-and-a-half minute if scripted statement the on campus chaos. he left the stage quickly giving a one-word answer to a shouted question. if this election is about performance, vitality and and acting presidential, trump looks like the winner. meanwhile, we're seeing a robust response to the pro-hamas demonstrators. students in north carolina and at rutgers overnight flew the stars and stripe it is demanding the palestinian flag be taken down. on the show today, a pathetic plea from the elites at columbia law. they want exams canceled because of, and i'm quoting now, many of us are unwell at this time and cannot study or concentrate while their peers are being hauled off to jail. we really do cover it all on this friday, may 3rd, 2024. "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ ♪
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♪ everybody's working for the weekend. ♪ everybody wants a new if romance ♪ stuart: -- for the weekend. i just asked my colleague, what do you think of that, and he says that's a disgusting message? what's wrong with that? >> we work to be productive human beings. someone wrote a book about a this -- [laughter] stuart was it this? lauren: captain no fun. >> do not work for the weekend. stuart: i'm captain no fun, not you. got that? [laughter] silence on the set. jobs report, very important for the economy. the market, the federal reeveryone and ask, of course, for politics in a presidential election year. lauren, what do we have? lauren: and it's the weekend and a party on wall street after this report. u.s. hiring slowed and substantially with 175,000 jobs added or restored in april while unemployment rises unexpectedly to 3.9 president. -- 3.9%.
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this is the big story, wages. they also rose but a much more modest 3.9% on the year while hours worked fell to 343 hours a week with. -- 34.3 hours a week. health care leading the way, you had 87. ,000 strong. retail at 20, trunks at 9 and transportation at 322 -- transportation at 22. if you take this report with a softer gdp reading, the market is saying the fed will cut rates, they will do so two times this year, and the first cut happens in september. stocks up, yields down, is the interpretation by investors. stuart: okay. let's see what kind of interpretation david bahnsen can throw on this. why don't you with explain why this jobs report, i think, has created that result, +if 500 on the dow? >> well, you can't have it both ways. if people believe that good jobs numbers means bad for stocks because of this absurd phillips curve idea, and what that means is everyone has jobs, it's
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inflationary, so the fed has to raise rates. it's untrue, it's stupid, but that's what's been baked in. the opposite has to be true, well, i guess if it's a disappointing jobs report, that's good news and easier financial policy. stuart: and you believe that. >> oh, i think they were going to cut rates anyways. all of this is looking for the excuse to do it. the fed is wanting to cut rates, we're just looking for data points to give them cover. stuart: stray right there, you're with me for the hour. at the end of his day in court, donald trump delivered pizza to new york city firefighters. you've got to watch this. roll it. [applause] [cheers and applause] stuart: you know, they really liked him. [laughter] and he looked presidential. he's a man of the people. he can work a crowd real well. sean duffy on the right-hand side of the screen. sean, you had biden reading off
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a tele. prompter yesterday, and up comes trump mixing it up with a very enthusiastic crowd. what a contrast, sean. >> in your open which is we want to look at who looks more presidential, the guy that's out there shaking hands, shaking and baking or the guy that can barely read the teleprompter and the candidate who's actually leading the country talking about the issues and the solutions that people face v. us the guy that's waffling and hiding the oval office. something else is happening here too, stuart. so the media has a narrative, how bad donald trump is, how many people hate him, how horrible the guy is. if but now that donald trump is stuck in new york city, the bastion of liberalism, and he goes to the bodega or goes and sees the construction workers or the video you're rolling right now, he's going to see the firefighters, they love him! they can't get enough of him! this isn't supposed to happen in new york city, stuart. they're supposed to hate him there. and if donald trump can go into
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the belly of the beast and get the love in the crowds like he gets, it's wrecking the liberal media's narrative about donald trump. and they're covering a lot of the stuff that comes outs of the courtroom. when donald trump speaks, they're covering this stuff. people are seeing it on social media. you can't drive a narrative that's contrary to what everyone's seeing in reality. stuart: it's what people see. look, we've got this gallup poll, actually, showing inflation is still the top financial issueing and it's by a wide margin. okay, we got that. what about biden's weakness and poor performance, his age and the contrast with trump? sean, i think that may if now be becoming the top issue. apart from inflation and the economy, it's the appearance of being presidential and able to handle the job. surely that's top of voters' minds if at the moment. >> well, because with we live in a -- [inaudible] world, stuart. if you look at all the things happening overseas, whether it's ukraine or the southern border, people are unsettled with what's
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happening, and they want true leadership right now, and they're not getting it from joe biden,. just one point in the polls, you look at the numbers and what people care about and how donald trump performed so much better on those issues, and it begs the question donald trump should be running away with this, right? but you look, he has the same numbers in wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania. the economy and inflation are number one issues, and they're neck and neck. it begs the question, what's happening here? what is it about donald trump that voters aren't coming to him even though he wins on the issues that they care about. stuart utah got it. it's all good stuff. and we'll be sure to watch you on on "the bottom line," weekdays, 6 p.m. eastern here on fox business. thanks, sean, see you later. let's switch gears and go back to the markets. i want to take a look at apple, how it's performing. this is premarket, but you're up $12, 7% high or, despite a 10 percent drop in iphone sales. the rally is surely motivated, is it not, by that gigantic stock buyback program?
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lauren: the biggest in history, $110 billion. that's more than the market capitalization of most s&p 500 companies, okay? it's a drop in the bucket for tim cook and apple, it's the about 5% of apple's valuation. here's another reason the stock is up, the guidance. tim cook says sales will grow in the low single digit9s in the second quarter. that's not a big deal, but it is when you've got consecutive quarters of falling revenue. in the last quarter overall, sales fell 4%. iphone revenue fell 10. iphone 16 is coming. that is the a.i. iphone. can apple do it better than the competitors by bringing privacy to it? apple is rah really good at making people feel like their data is secure. artificial intelligence relies on data to do quick calculations, make suggestions. if tim cook could convince other people, including me, that the you can use my data and use a.i. in a private way, he's got my vote.
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stuart: that's interesting. thanks, lauren. david's still with us. i'm intrigued at this stock the buyback. why are they doing such a huge stock buyback now? why? >> well, why did they not do it sooner? why are they playing a .5 percent dividend? this is a third of their cash on hand and they generate this free cash flow in six months -- stuart: what you want a is a dividend, not a buyback. >> i can't eat a stock buyback, but i can eat a dividend. let's pretend a stock buyback is the same, which it isn't. why $110 billion now? because the stock hasn't gone anywhere for two years. so they have a flat return despite the fact they're growing quite a bit, and they have the start returning cash to shareholders. they're in a slowing growth environment, and this is what the data's clearly showing. it got way ahead of itself, and that's why they have to do stuff like this. stuart: look at the stock or, up 7. that's huge. >> -- for the risk they took. stuart: you got paid back right there. david, you'll live to fight
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another day later in the show temperature check future, please. you're going to like this. that is aally going into the weekend. coming up, biden's polling numbers went up after his state of the union address, but his numbers have flatlined since then. his camp needs to get him amped up again, right in how do they do that? david avella on that. more than 100 professors at columbia agree with the protesters. is this a new generation of radicals or just a tiny minority exploiting it? former acting dhs secretary chad wolf, he's on that and he's next. ♪ ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, unlocking the power of thinkorswim, the award-winning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop with robust charting and analysis tools, including over 400 technical studies. tailor the platforms to your unique needs with nearly endless customization. and track market trends with up-to-the-minute
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stuart: 14 minutes to go til the opening of the market on wall street with. you're going to like it when it does open.
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dow's up 450. it had been up over 500 earlier, but we'll take a 450. the nasdaq powering ahead, that would be 1.56%, up 278 points. here's one of the reasons why, the 10-year treasury yield plummeting, down to now below 4.50%. not too long ago you were approaching 4.700. now you're under 4.50. that's a plus for the market. next case. the lapd arrested more than 2000 people while clearing out anti-israel encampments at ucla yesterday. william la you necessary joins me. what were they charged with? >> reporter: dress passioning, and they're are -- trespass, and they're already out, institute. forcing universities to decide do they enforce consequences for students who violate school rules and the law or not? if ucla, 360 faculty are demanding full legal and academic amnesty for the 210
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students, teachers and others who were arrested on the campus, trash thing it. also a ucla's largest employee union may strike to file a labor complaint against the university for the treatment of protesters. now, that's not what the evidence shows, that they were just peacefully protesting. they fought with police with fire extipping wishers, and they chose not to leave. and yesterday all those who were released from jail for trespassing said this -- >> it was for a cause i believe in, and if i was surrounded by my fellow students. i'm proud of being arrested tonight. >> reporter: at portland state, police retook control of a library now fills with gras graffiti and trash, portland's mayor telling those arrested if you believe trashing a library on campus will impact events in the middle east, you're delusional. >> i've seen peaceful protests, i've just is seen the cops out here and, honestly, i'm outraged at the. intensity the of the situation
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because i don't think it was as bad as they made it out to be. >> reporter: two dozen tents popped up at the university of washington. in wisconsin police removed 30 tents only to see 30 more erected. and and at university of minnesota students agreed to remove their tents after of the university agreed to disclose their stock holdings and consider divest or -- divesting from companies doing business in israel. stuart, if you've been dismissed from a u.s. college, you can get free tuition to attend university in iran. back to you. [laughter] stuart: i'd love to follow up on that one. i'm going to leave it until later in the show when i've really got some steam is up. thanks very much, indeed, william. now, more than 100 faculty members from barnard and columbia university rallied in support of the anti-israel protests earlier this week. chad wolf is with me now. just who is radicalizing our youth in is that the prof sor great? if. >> i think it is. i think it's, obviously, what
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we've seen from a number of universities whether it's ivy league or not. you're starting to she see our youth being radicalized there on college campuses, and i think this is concerning. look, we've moan this for if some time -- known this for some time, that there are progressive, woke policies being taught here, but this has gone beyond just liberalism and and progressive policies. we're now seeing this radicalization of ideas to where you see violent behavior. it's not peaceful protesting when you barricade yourself or destroy property,that's what're seeing across the country at a number of universities. iewfort stuart is it -- we've also seen some pushback from students who don't like this anti-israel chaos. they're flying the flag and singing the national anthem. so it's not a whole generation that's been radicalized, it's just a small minority, isn't it? >> i think that's an important point and, obviously, the attention both on tv and
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elsewhere goes to the protesters because of what that they're doing. but i think you are right. i think that there's a vast majority of college students out there that look at these images and others and say this isn't us, this is not what we believe in. and we see that whether it's on unc, at the university of mississippi and elsewhere who are singing the anthem, that are trying to fly the american flag and others. so i do think this is a small minority. but if we don't really understand it and realize it and take action, it grow over the years, and we'll see more and more of these. stuart: the administration's considering bringing palestinians from gaza here to the united states. my question is, how do we vet 'em? >> well or, it's a great question. i don't think that that is the right answer. i think that anytime that you are looking at refugees particularly in gaza, there are a host of countries in the european union and elsewhere that can take these refugees. we should be working with our allies, we should be
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incentivizing them to take them. this idea that they should be resettled closest to their home country is a universal concept in refugee resettlement. this idea that only the united states can take these individuals is absolutely absurd, and you combine that with the 7 or 8 million individuals that are now here in the united states that have come across the southern border and the question is, when does this stop? how many individuals do we have to take in across the world before we say enough is enough? and making sure, to your point, that they are properly vetted. stuart utah it'll never stop. chad wolf, thanks for joining us. see you again soon. thank you. president biden's calling out japan for not accepting as many immigrants as some other countries. lauren, he's calling the jalapeno knee, our allies, xenophobe ec. is that smart? lauren: and india too. two of our allies that we need to counter chai comma's influence. this is what biden said off
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camera at fundraiser or. one of the reasons why our economy's growing is because of you and many others. why? because we welcome immigrants. why is china stalling so badly economically? why is japan having trouble? why is russia? why is india? because they're xenophobic. they don't want immigrantings. immigrants make us strong, not a joke. end quote. yeah, he's calling some of our allies xenophobe ec and saying that is why their economies aren't growing, but a they doe don't have my grant cans. stuart: what do you say to that? >> well, first, start with the part that's obvious. economic growth is population growth plus productivity growth. that's just a basic fact. and ask and immigration is part of population growth, so it does bring more producers and consumers into an economy. japan pan and china don't do it. why would he not mention that maybe one of the things that hurts japan's economic growth is skyrocketing debt? 250% debt to gdp? because he wants the government
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to spend more money too. american tet to gdp growing has hurt our economic growth. so i don't think he should be calling yahoo! pan xenophobic -- japan semiphobic, but i do believe the lack of capital getting in and out, immigration getting in and out, that definitely hurts their economy. stuart: thank you. let's have a look at futures again, please. the market's going to be open in six and a half minutes, and you're going to open higher, sharply higher. the opening bell is next. ♪ ♪ rocking on the radio free and easy down the road, i go. ♪ i keep rolling like an old banjo. ♪ free and easy, down the road i go ♪
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then you came along and made every mile worth it. hi mom. at vanguard you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. helping you prepare for today's longer retirement. that's the value of ownership. stuart: friday morning, market going up. mark mahaney joins us today. mark, you coverageson. you used to have a price target on that stock of 220. where is it now? >> well, we just took it up modestly to 225. amazon remains our top pick in large cap. in the print that we got from them earlier this week with, it showed what you largely wanted to see. close to record high operating margins especially in the retail segment and and a real material acceleration in their aws cloud computing business. the fundamental trends, you know, are very strong.
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you want to stick with amazon. stuart: so 225 by the end of this year? is that it? >> that's right. stuart: okay. you've got a price target for doordash of $145 a share. now, there was a 01% selloff yesterday -- 10% selloff yesterday in that stock. up a little bit this morning. you're at $145. justify that for us, will ya? >> yeah. and that's one of our top picks. it probably falls number three or four on our list amongst the large cap names. we had what i would call an expectations correction, similar to netflix and meta. so the bar was super high, these names that are up 25, 30%, you need to do a clean beat and raise quarter. that's not what they did. but the results still, the fundamental trends are largely intact. this is no sign of a pullback in consumer spending from delivery from, from restaurant the or grocery delivery, etc. the business mold continues to diversify in terms of different verticals in international markets. i continue to like the play. i think it's one of the best
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ways to play kind of the gig economy globally. stuart: i continue to be surprised at the success of delivery services because of the add added cost of delivering food to your house. apparently, we're not sick of it yet. in an age of inflation, we're even not sick of that. i don't get it. i just don't get it, mark. >> it's a trade-off. i think more people, especially especially younger generation, are willing to pay extra for convenience. and, you know, instead of having to drive, up dead of having to -- instead of, yeah, having to go get your food or your groceries, people are paying for that extra veeps. it cuts down on their travel. i don't know if that's a good or bad thing, it's just the reality. and we haven't seen any change in demand trends for doordash. stuart: all right. we'll leave it at that. you think doordash goes to $45a share. we'll be following it. thanks very much for joining us, mark. see you again next week. >> thanks, stu. stuart: ten seconds to go before we open this market and if then someone will press the button.
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the gentleman in the center, i do believe. thank you very much, and away we go. the market's up and off and running, can and already it's up for the dow 513 points. that's 1.3%. very solid gain. i do see seven losers on the big board, the rest of them are unchanged or are winners. clearly, there's a lot of buying this morning. move on to the s&p 500. that's on the upside too. let's have a look at the percentage gain there, 1.2%. solid gain, 61 points. nasdaq composite, i'm looking for a big gain there, we got it, up nearly 2%. look at that, 300 points to the upside. i'm guessing that all the big tech stocks are up. put 'emen on the screen and let's see. apple up -- [laughter] $13. microsoft, above 400. amazon, meta, alphabet all moving up. let's pull out apple, show that on the screen, and adam a general. those two the together -- amgen. they're dow stocks. those two together account for
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318 points for the dow industrials. lauren: wow. stuart: take those two out and overstill got a 200-point gain for the dow. am amgen, they are up as of now $39 a sharaf hair report. they're rivals to eli lilly and -- lauren: weight loss drugs. they've got one. actually, they just scrapped one of them. it's their weight loss pill. thought that would be so easy, right in take a pill -- stuart: yeah, a winner. lauren: are the trial data wasn't so good, so now they're doubling down on their weight loss shot. it's taken once a month, so less frequently, and it helps keep the weight off -- stuart: you've got that look on your face, bahnsen. >> we're huge shareholders of amgen. i don't think they've scrapped the weight loss bill -- pill, i think they're focus on the injection side. but there's not going to be an a duopoly here. eli lilly down quite a bit today, they've had the full run are on these weight loss pills.
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again, amgen still has to go to stage three, but they're moving forward to these clinical stus. stuart: the other two can't keep up with the demand -- lauren: supply can't keep up. stuart: amgen, they've got something going for them, who knows when, they can add to the supply. >> also a very promising on cog treatment as well, lungens cancer, is a really, really wonderful port. stuart: what's it pay? >> over 3%, they've grown the dividend over 12% per year 10 years in a row. stuart: not bad. show me hershey, please. down just a fraction. are we paying -- are we willing to pay more for chocolate? lauren larp i would say hershey has pricing powers, you know? their sales grew 9, $3.25 billion. the higher prices that they're charging are legit. they are facing sugar. i inflation, cocoa inflation. a terrible or harvest out of west africa, right in that's putting pressure on the chocolate companies, and we face a potential shortage. so they've been raising prices.
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i think they do have pricing power. the stock is down 1.252 though. stuart: the stock is at a11 is 94 -- 1.94. -- 194. expedia. lauren: i think this is part of the overall -- stuart: what are you laughing at? lauren: everybody is traveling again but not so much now as they used to. of iphone sales still pg strong but down 10%. so -- [laughter] he's trying to get in, go ahead. >> you made the point about a doordash as a well. people are ordering, but they don't make money. expedia, people are traveling, they don't make money. so it doesn't matter if the fundamental business is -- stuart: makes no profit in. >> very small. the margins are teeny, tiny. lauren: they do have a problem with vrbo, it's like airbnb for expedia. they spent a lot of money to turn it around, and it hasn't worked yet. stuart: okay. block, as in blockchain, i believe. big jump this morning. lauren: they raised their annual forecast.
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it was a good quarter boosted by bitcoin. bitcoin hit a record in the quarter, right in and their ceo, jack door she, major plover in cryptocurrencies, he's outlined a new strategy for block. invest 10% of their gross profit from bitcoin into buying more bitcoin. so there you have it. stuart: did you have -- i'm sorry i'm interrupting you all the time. i just want to get to bahnsen. do you have any if comment on bitcoin? >> 10% of their profits going to bitcoin, i guess we don't have to worry about them putting much into bitcoin. lauren: catch app is very popular. stuart: coinbase, they had a good report and they're only up a tiny fraction. lauren: okay. this was not a good report, this was a great report. they beat on every single front. the issue is the sentiment around bitcoin, and often coinbase is considered a proxy for bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. that could overpower some of the fundamentals and the financials. and we did expect it to be a good quarter, and it was. you have to remember coinbase is a custodian for many of the
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recently after i proved spot bitcoin etfs. stuart: 5 seconds. >> only trading at 2,500 times earnings, highest pe ratio i've ever seen. [laughter] so congratulations. lauren: buy it. stuart: that's very good. >> real number. stuart: oh, wait a minute, we're not done with bahnsen just yet, oh, no. he's here with his dividend picks, and the first one is overrocks. >> i hate to bring in these boring companies that make money and return some of it to shareholders -- lauren: by the way, my disinfectant wipes are $8 for one canister. >> talk about buying power. chlorox is down a bit with their earnings, great company, great yield. 3.5%, growing high single digits per year, can't recommend chlorox enough. stuart: lionel -- liondell basil. >> we do this ever time. stuart: and i never know what
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they do. >> the largest in terms of petrochemicals. they're taking natural gas liquids in your cosmetics and all a kinds of merle materials get paid -- made from it. with high oil and low natural gas pieces, they do very, very well. 5.5% dividend yield, and they've grown it double digits every year. we've owned it for over a decade. huge dividend. we're getting about 20% a year on what we originally paid for it. stuart: okay. i'll take that. thank you, david. check that big board. we're in with business now for, let's see, six minutes, and we're up 400 points. over 1.1%. there are a lot of winners among the dow 30, and here they are. top winner, amgen. apple, home depot, goldman and intel. they're all dow stocks. s&p 500, where are the winners? who are hay? amgen, enphase energy, booking holdings, apple, digital realty trust. and the nasdaq can, all right, amgen, top of the list are. what's that -- lauren: her mercado libra.
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stuart: apple, warner brothers discovery. got it. okay. coming up, there's still time to send many your friday feed weback. tell us what you thought of the show this week and be brutal if you like. e-mail us at trump hinted at when he might make a decision on a running mate, and a new report says it's down to four people. details on that for you. democrats are panicking over how hay respond to anti-'s israel protests, how it'll go over with young with voters. are the republicans winning the youth vote? congressman bryan steil next on that. ♪ ♪
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stuart: 11 minutes in, big rally. dow's up 5101 points, the -- 510 points, the nasdaq close to 300. check big tech, same story, a sea of green. they're all a up. apple, microsoft, meta, amazon,
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but alphabet is actually down 5 cents. the democrats, yeah, they are divided over the crackdown on anti-israel protests. aishah hasny is on capitol hill. what are the democrats saying, aishah? >> reporter: hey, stuart. well, it's interesting because pride, of course, yesterday drew a line as to whether the protests, what protests constitute as being okay and what crossed the line into not being okay. but some democrats are pretty divided on how they think these protesters should be handled or dealt with. so, for example, earlier this week democrat leader jeffreys, hakim jeffs reese, a applauded the nypd for breaking up the encampments at column what university. he said they acted professionally, but focus like aoc and jamaal bowman, they condone canned that response. meanwhile, the chair of the progressive caucus, pramila jayapal, is telling jewish students who don't feel safe on campus to go educate themselves
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on what anti-semitism is. >> what would your message be to a jewish student who doesn't feel welcome or even safe on their own campus right now? >> i think my message is the same to a jewish student, to a palestinian student, to everybody, that it is really important to educate yourself about what is anti-semitic. >> i think that's a total copout.. i'm just with, that really disturbs me. >> reporter: also or, stuart, this week the nrsc launching a digital ad campaign targeting vulnerable democrats in swing states accusing them of working with president biden to cancel student loans for the kids or that are causing chaos on these college campuses. >> now joe biden and tammy baldwin want you to pay off their student loans? using your tax dollars to fund this mayhem? >> reporter: and it comes as senator tom cotton, with a bunch of cosponsors, are republican
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cosponsors in the senate, just are introduced a bill that would prevent pro-hamas if protesters, as he says, on college campuses or who are convicted of a crime from having their loans forgiven. stuart? stuart: aishah, we hear you. thanks very much, inned deed. take a look at this headline from axios. it reads, quote: democrats enter panic mode as gaza protests erupt, end quote. congressman bryan steil joins me now. republican from wisconsin. if democrats are losing the youth vote, does that mean the republicans are winning it? >> president biden has a base issue with the democratic party, and is so he's playing to the radical base of the youth vote. but with overall, students and young people understand that biden's policies are actually clobber egg them. students who don't feel safe going to campus are not going to support biden. his student loan bailout targets a selective group of students. tell that to a student who's choosing no -- to go to become a journeyman electrician.
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they're going to come to the right. take any young couple that recognizes that the median mortgage increased from $1,200 to $2,400 under president biden's term in office, and they're getting priced out of the housing market and can't afford the things their families need. this is an opportunity for conservatives to go and sell our policies to young people. stuart: there's an interesting article in the "wall street journal" this morning about parents of college kids who are getting royally p.o.'d at what's going on on campus. think they're likely are republican voters, right? >> i think, absolutely. anytime you see leftists refuse to enforce the rule of law i and reestablish public safety, that should make everyone upset. we saw the same thing play out in the summer of 2020 where radical leftists refused to enforce the rule of law and are e establish public safety. in this case absolutely every student has a right to feel safe going to class, but we see university presidents and chancellors across the country refuse to stand up and enforce the rule of law and in
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particular protect the right of our jewish studentses on campuses. stuart: time there are some lawsuits, i think. congressman, i want to get back to the jobs report. 175,000 jobs added to the economy in april. the unemployment rate ticked up to 3.9%. that was a fairly weak report. but the president has just put out a statement saying 175,000 the jobs, the great american comeback continues. what do you make of that? >> well, talk to anybody if checking out at a grocery store, and i think they'll be darn frustrated that biden economics is punching them in the face every time they go if to make a purchase. what we're seeing is a slight weakening of the labor market, something we absolutely have to keep our eye on. what's far more concerning is that inflation are remains stubborn and sticky. this is from an administration that told us it was transitory and temporary the. it's been anything but. and families continue to be unable toy finish to afford the things they need, and it's directly related to biden's economic policies.
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stuart: congressman, thanks for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. stuart: northwestern university was just hit with a federal complaint over their handling of anti-israel protesters. what is the complaint, lauren? lauren: so the university cut a deal with the proit is tester, and they gave them some of their demand. they would give five palestinian students free rides, free tuition, fund two palestinian faculty members per year and then dedicate space for muslim students. that's at the expense of other students. stuart: what? lauren: so a nonprofit says the school violated title vi of the civil rights act which prohibits discrimination on the basis of color, origin, race for schools that get federal funding. stuart: outrageous, what's happened to jewish students and they do that. lauren: but with, but is any vetting going on? if these are being brought over from palestine, how do you know if they're not anti-semitic or have terrorist tendencies? if where's the vetting? have no, there's no vetting
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going on, and they don't want to do the vetting. frankly, if they did the vetting, they'd probably vet for the or toists, for hamas. they lack any principles the adjudicate this. this idea gnat protesting is sort of a birthright, it's a rite of passage for college students to go through a temper tantrum. we all, not just college students, have freedom of speech and assembly. none of us, including college students, have a right to take over someone else's building. we're teaching these kids that the world revolves around them and their concerns, and we're going to let them set up camps for two weeks at a time on someone else's property in i want the list of all these people who say they're so proud of the protesting and they're wearing a mask who you can't see who they are. i want all their names to be published so every one of those ucla and columbia people never get hired by decent entrepreneurial, private sector people. i will never hire those people. stuart: got it. you've got another ten minutes
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left on this show. don't go anywhere. >> i'm not going anywhere. stuart: coming up, the biden strategy of silencing trump has failed. the biden basement strategy has failed because it's obvious the president can't handle reporters or the public. in this year's election, performance on the stump is very important and, in my opinion, trump's performing far better. that's my take, top of the hour. tomorrow the 150th running of the kentucky derby. it's expected the break last year's gambling record. $280 million wagered last years, probably more this year. we have a report from churchill downs next. ♪ we raise up our glasses against evil forces -- ♪ whiskey for my man and for my horses ♪
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♪ ♪ stuart: maybe 150,000 people are expected to attend the kentucky derby. it is tomorrow. it's always the first saturday in may. kelly saberi is there for us. i love the hat. [laughter] >> reporter: thank you so much. i will say beauty is pain. this is very tight. now, you asked about the
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favorite. that's fierceness. the odds are 5-2, trained by hall of fame trainer todd fletcher. at 20-1 odds is stronghold. we spoke to his train ther, phil d'amato, he says he's feeling good for his firstkey derby. take a listen -- kentucky derby. >> when the gates open, i'm sure my heart will be this robbing, especially for this -- throbbing especially for this race. this is pretty much the dream of all a trainer, to win here. >> reporter: more than 150,000 spectators will be on hand saturday to watch the 20 horses run for the roses and a $5 million purse. one person who will not be in aa ten dance is legendary train ther bob baffert. his suspension was extended another year, and this will be his third consecutive year on the sidelines. all eyes on the state of kentucky, the first leg of the triple crown and the busiest
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part of the year for small businesses like board and you. they've been tapped as local caterer this year. it's their biggest contract to date worth $100,000 over just this 4-day period, hay typically do contracts of anywhere from $9-10,000 over the course of 30 days. another local business with with over 100 years of ties to the community is -- run by three sisters who are the great granddaughters of world famous distiller kathy van winkle. >> it's super special just knowing how important it is to so many people from around the area. >> it is such a wonderful thing for small businesses, to get to take the opportunity to the flourish during this time and invite everybody into our town. >> reporter: van winkle would have been 150 years old this year which is fitting because it is the 150th anniversary of the kentucky for by.
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stu? stuart: thanks very much, kelly. i want to thank david for being a really fine part of the first hour of this program. [laughter] >> thank you very much. i've stuart see you senior i hope. still ahead, david avella, sheriff mark daniel, bill bennett. the 10:00 hour is next. ♪ ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, .. and with guided learning paths stacked with content curated to fit your unique goals, you can spend less time searching and more time learning. trade brilliantly with schwab.
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