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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 3, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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live. for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment that these kids need now and in the future. join with your credit or debit card right now, and we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. tiffany: anybody and everybody that contributes anything to this place, no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. [music playing] baby, drill. all equals economic boom. america will be back on kudlow and liz macdonald is right here.
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liz: thank you, larry. trump sounding more optimistic than policies than ever before and it's so forward looking and interesting to see how it's playing out given the jobs reports and thank you, larry. have a good weekend. this story, former president trump did attend -- he just left a new york courtroom for that new york trial. we've got developments coming up and that stuff crew cratering and get to from house judiciary and congressman chip roy. these protegeses, congressman, they don't want to turn into another kent state where someone gets killed and shut down on growing economists and the photo of a man at stanford protest wear ago headband of hamas. there's a hezbollah flag flown at princeton and chanting death to america at these schools. it's 2300 arrested and it's growing. it's now in 26 states. how come they can't just stop
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this right now? >> well, they certainly could if they wanted to. there's places around the country where they've done just that. we had honestly a senator at the president of university of florida did an exceptional job. the president of university of texas who did an exceptional job shutting things off before it gets started. where you have these very leftist universities ran by rale cad leftist democrats and in charge of the universities getting federal gun and have massive endowments and they've been coddling these people and allowing these radical folks from the organized getting money from hamas and terrorist groups and organizations all around the world to try and foment this and it's terrible. they need to shut it down. liz: nine survivors of hamas' 10/7 terror massacre slapped a
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federal lawsuit on students against -- students for justice in palestine saying they're "hamas terrorist collaborators and systematically radicalizing students". they're the ones coordinating the occupation of college campuses nationwide. that's what this lawsuit alleges. is the white house on top of this? >> no, they're not. the president and his advisers and spokes people are giving lip service saying there's no place for annecy semitism but they're all too slow to let the universities spin the stuff and encouraging it rather than clamping down on it. god bless by the way, those folks down in north carolina and chapel hill that held up the american flag and said we're not going to let that happen. god bless the students at ole miss who sapping the national anthem and tried to drown out those that were saying death to
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zeldon reel and death to the jews and all of these -- israel and death to the jews and all these terribly anti-semitic things. some of us voted against a bill yesterday. anti-semitism bill and there's blatant and obvious anti-semitism going on around here that has to be called out and we need to make sure not in the quest for free speech clamp down on them. liz: but this lawsuit indicates there's a snagsal security risk at campuses and the organization said they're violating laws like federal anti-terrific any of them act and more. new york city mayor eric adam and nypd and cops on the west coast warning these are not spontaneous student movements. they're calculated, coordinated protests run by outside professionals anarchists and half of those arrests at colleges are here.
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watch. >> there's organization behind this movement and the level of organization we're seeing at encampments here and columbia leaflets on what to do when you protest and what to do when you get arrested and the state of action. there's somebody funding this. there is somebody radicalizing our students and our deputy commissioner of counter terrorism intelligence will find out who it is. liz: these are insurrectionists hell bent on attacking the u.s.. you know, we've got upenn passing around guide books showing students how to break into buildings and escalate protests and create weapons and so why is the white house thinking rhetoric is good enough? they have to take action before somebody getting really hurt. >> because the white house
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doesn't care. they've been leaving our boarders wide open and exposed and thousand want to move thousands if not tens of thousands of palestinian refugees into the united states and we know this is organized effort that is being funded by people overseas and by radical folks that want to foment this in our country. we need a president that&administration that will stop this and a congress that will stop funding it including republicans. liz: that's it. >> we've been allowing this to happen and funding universities and organizations that are doing it including the bills we just voted on sent more money to hamas to fund the refugees. so we need a serious republican opposition to these radical democrats that want to destroy the country allowing people to come in. liz: got it. thank you so much for coming on the show. hope to have you back soon. critics demand why is president biden thinking that rhetoric is good enough? he needs action. we got new details surfacing on
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how exactly outside anti-israel agitators manipulate and radicalize college students on social media. madison alworth is live at nyu with more. reporter: hey, liz. yeah, we're live at nyu and active protest going on and this after police came in and disrupted the encampment at nyu this morning at 6:00 a.m. across ny and you recollects hundreds of protesters are out here and the way they learned of the protest and we learned of them is through social media and this started at 4:00 but announced on instagram. this post on the students for justice in palestine, nyu instagram story calls for this all out rally starting at 4:00 p.m. with the props that "they will be back from social media to real life". the organization, liz, has
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groups on practically every campus and they've been pivotal in the organization of the protests and use social media to galvanize support and organize those movements and another post calling out nyu president and ending with the line "we will not forget how this folk of zionist empire disguises itself as a academic institution". they attempt to radicalize social media users and students for justice in palestine and globalization of student an fata and stronger than any weapon of the occupiers or the state to defend them. we'll remain in the encampment. all of this is social media. the idea to build encampments and occupy spaces and how to do it, that's coordinated online. is said to be used as a hub for anarchists and antifa activists and published
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lessons on how to protest on campus teaching the students occupation lessons include "you don't need to convince everyone before the occupation. everyone knows the situation. you need to just start the party".x that"when you take a building, don't immediately hold a meeting. that's a mistake. start changing the space, preparing it, remolding it to your desires". when you're on the ground at these protests, liz, you have all these people and groups and community feeling and all of this is not organic and it's very curated and directed from a national organization with both sjp and online groups teaching the students how to organize and how they play out. i'm online and the street is shut down by the proterroristers and no word how long they'll be here. liz. liz: madison alworth, thank you and great reporting as always. joining us now from house judiciary, congressman jeff van
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drew. good to have you on. all senate judiciary republicans demand democrat chairman deck durbin hold hearings on civil right movements of students and proliferation of terrorist including hamas and college campuses and why is the biden white house and top democrats awall on this and think just rhetoric works? >> they're afraid. the one word that scares joe biden and weakness. weakness of dealing with situations and colleges and on the border. the way we left afghanistan. it's a weak presidency and they don't follow the rule of law, and this law shows it's coming to full fruition right now and tell you what i'm doing, a few things and one, meeting with the university presidents and i met with representatives from princetons and met with the presidents of rutgers which is my alma mater and stockton university, which is in new
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jersey university and telling them this is unacceptable and keeping the pressure on them. two, working on legislation and following the money. the money that we give federally to the institutions needs to stop if they're allowing these kinds of activities going on. anyone on a visa and hear and one of the universities or colleges participating. ththat visa should be removed ad sent back and not allowed to continue their education here. i wouldn't be surprised and i'm sure some of the people getting student aid relief are some of these people. liz: got it. senate judiciary republicans say "jewish students being actively targeted, harassed, intimidated threatened and in some cases assaulted and these are federal crimes that we are answering in realtime, radicalization and
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indocket republickization on this". >> i'm thinking back and other people are thinking this reference that some are thinking this is biden vietnam. lyndon johnson in many respects was a very, very good president and chose not to run in '68 because of opposition to his views on vietnam. and i worry very much that president biden is putting himself in a position where he's alienated not just young people but the democratic base in his views on israel and this war. liz: i think gaza is biden's vietnam. wasn't biden's botched exit out of afghanistan his vietnam? biden is fence sitting on all this is just slamming him really hard.
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it's just not leadership. trump is saying this is so weak. you need leadership. trump is saying there's no leadership here. your final word. >> there's no leadership and joe biden doesn't know what to do and he doesn't want to go against israel and he doesn't want to support israel and wants the votes to harvest from the palestinian sympathizers and hamas sympathizers, but knows that's not politically palpable and be strong and tell the truth and lead america and you'll be okay but he's not capable of doing that. liz: congressman van drew, thank you for joining and yous good to see you again. still ahead, national security expert eldridge colby and former top homeland security council mike howell and fox news contributors liz peek and joe concha and bidenomics is not working and job growth slowed in april and this coming in, biden's top economic adviser jared bernstein is so
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frighteningly clueless in a new interview and can't answer basic economic 101 questions on how the treasury and fed, wonderfuls. this is terrifying stuff. so is this why bidenomics has been such a failure? are they gets desperate? is the biden white house so worried that polls show biden's youth vote is going up in smoke. they now want to use weed, you know, relax weed regulations, pot regulations to turn out their vote. does bidden really think that's all millennials care about? and this story, dozens of gop senators demand biden stop his gaza refugee plan because he cannot vet for hamas terrorists and look at this news coming in, top house lawmakers, two powerful committees demand gao probe terrorists crossing the border. we have the story. u.s. intelligence officials testify they believe russia and china are working together on military exercises on a possible
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invasion of taiwan. we've got the story. and another day, another gaffe, biden calls u.s. allies japan and india xenophobic. but they're doubling down on that. former justice department official francey hakes and hope hicks takes the stand in former president trump's new york trial. all this coming up on "the evening edit". we'll be right back. ♪
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liz: welcome back. hope hicks and nate foy is live from the new york state afro-american circuit court can the story. nate, good to see you. reporter: good to see you, liz. today in court, we got new insight into former president trump's mindset leading up to the 2016 presidential election when women came forward alleging affairs that trump denies. you mention hope hicks testified and she said today that trump worried about his female, specifically first lady melania trump seeing the reports of the alleged affairs and trump didn't want his family to be embarrassed by anything that came out during his campaign and trump request that had newspapers not be dropped off at thank you their home again
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because he worried about melania seeing those reports. here's trump after court tonight. >> i was very interested in what took place today and i'm not allowed to comment on that they have the trump campaign and hicks said michael cohen injected himself into campaign activities saying cohen liked to call himself mr. fix it, but hicks said things only needed fixing because cohen broke them first.
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trump claims truth social cuts off when he was in the middle of saying something that benefits his defense. the trial resumes monday morning at 9:30. liz. liz: nate foy, thank you so much. we appreciate you. welcome back to the show francey hakes. stormy fstorm daniel's lawyer, r lawyer keith davidson testified that cohen was almost suicidal when former president trump did not give cohen a high ranking position in trump's white house. that cohen reportedly wanted to be attorney general and white house chief of staff. isn't it apparent that cohen was angry, resentful of trump and
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>> it's impeachment evidence and something they dream of getting this shows cohen's bias and motive to testify and i no doubt he will of prosecution not clear and cohen should have no credibility at all to the jury by the time he takes the stand. >> this is reasonable doubt and one juror has reasonable doubt, trump wins and because the stormy daniels testified about the statement and this is january 2018 and $138,000 payment michael cohen gave her was not hush money.
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daniels felt coerced into sign in and legal repercussions and keith davidson said it was not hush money and not a payoff. show a letter from michael cohen's lawyer to the federal election commissioner in 2018 saying this was not a payoff and trump was not involved. >> he was never paid for his payment to stormy daniels paid into donald trump's defense and long time statements that he did not pay any hush hundred and that there was no reason for him to and no affair. they extorted tram and this was a shake down and in 19 years in
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prison for extortion, wire fraud and other crimes and more on this. >> michael avenatti was a convicted felon and no credibility whatsoever and violating attorney client privilege and was disbarrebarred i don't know if it was true or not. liz: francey hakes, you're wonderful. thank you. still ahead, former dhs oversight council mike howell nearly three dozen republican senators say biden must stop his gaza refugee plan and cannot vet from hamas terrorists and plus, two powerfullous committees moving to launch a new probe into the boarder and there's liz peek. talking about the new sound coming and the chair of the
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council of biden's economic advisers jared bernstein in a new interview cannot answer a basic question on how the treasury and the fed work together despite being biden's top adviser and is this why bidenomics is imploding because they don't know what they're talking about coming up on "the evening edit". (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪)
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[♪ music playing ♪] liz: joining us now is fox news contributor and syndicated columnist liz peek. okay, look at this story, biden's top economic adviser jared bernstein is the chair of council of economic advisers and he did a jaw dropping interview and he seems to not understand how the federal reserve, the u.s. treasury and bond market works. this is deeply concerning. watch this. >> why does the government even borrow? >> well, the again, some of the
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stuff gets the language that thd concepts are confusing and the government definitely prints money and lends that money, which is why the government prints money and lends that money by selling bonds. is that what they do? liz: is that what they do, liz? i mean, he can't explain how the government borrows money in the currency the federal reserve prints out of thin air. white house bio shows he's not a trained economist, liz. this is shocking. >> yeah, jared bernstein has a degree in music, liz, undergraduate degree and then a graduate degree in social work. i don't understand how he got to be head of the council of economic advisers, but let's face it this is the crew that brought us transitory inflation, has to this day denied any connection between the hundreds of billions of extra dollars
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this government is spending and rampant inflation. i mean, is it any wonder the head of the team is a complete nit wit and this clip goes on and on and you showed a portion and it's massively embarrassing. liz: social security so embarrassing. he's got a bachelor degree in fine arts and master in social work and philosophy. the u.s. jobs for april coming in at 175,000. big miss in like two years. we've got stagflation. this is the guy at the wheel. gallop said inflation is the most important problem for the majority of u.s. voters. this is the guy behind the scenes to raise taxes in a stagflation environment to get reelected and smashing to smith
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renos and raise capital gains to lock up the u.s. economy and have people it sit in on the homes and not sell and sit in and not sell. this is the brains behind the chair there. >> liz, consumer confidence is already on the decline about inflation and handling of the economy and it's terrible and now you get some insight into where the problem is coming from. by the way, jared bernstein isn't the only one. i think janet yellen is possibly the worst treasury secretary of my lifetime. she's become a political shield and never talks about government spending being way above where it should be at this point in recovery. you know, i'm not really surprised at this, but my gosh. how awful. liz: it's like pulling back the curtain at wizard of oz seeing there's field mice at switches and levers of government. gaos now reporting they
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basically waste every year half a trillion bucks. that's what's going on in this government and he has the nerve to stay, yes, i'm going to raise your taxes. vote for me, i'll raise your taxes. even jimmy carter campaigned on tax cuts, final word, liz. >> yeah, i don't know that anyone ever won the presidency by assuring they'll pay more in taxes and businesses will be clobbered. seems like a weird campaign thing. liz: and a weird interview. holy toledo, whoa, grab your wallet and head for the basement moment. liz peek, thank you so much. that's the big story over the weekend and probably pick it up on monday. good to see you. bring in former top homeland security council mike powell hawaii do you think of chuck schumer, he attacked israel from the senate floor and now he's saying to prime minister netanyahu, he attacked pm netanyahu and now wants him to speak before the joint session
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of congress? what's going on here? >> he's all over his place and at his core, schummer and biden have the democrat party on the strangle hold of the jewish vote isn't going anywhere. they're worried about the pro hamas vote in places like michigan. so that's why you're seeing this kind of, you know, about face back and forth and why hamas can get away with so much. liz: that's scary and under this white house, that's where we're at. former president trump saying i would not have put up with any of this. they're attacking with law fare in the courts and jerry rigged law fare that's weak and constitutionally dubious and white house laying the ground work to let in gaza refugees when this administration is really reckless about this. look at this.
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>> sharing there's no hamas in infiltration. >> variety of existing path ways to enter the united states. liz: the permanent select intelligence and household told gao identify a name and terrorist in the watch list and suspected isis terrorist and zuckerberg beck stan -- uzbekistan in arizona and stuck around for two years and they say they can't get the information about what's happening on the border because intention and fbi agencies are blocking them? >> absolutely. congressional say ting broken down and rebuffed in the requests and that's not a prediction and the past track record and on college campuses in the amounts of known suspected terrorists coming in. liz: what could trama done? >> they're people living through what they voted through and the
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policies and leadership they support. liz: what would trump have done? this is why his backers and voters like him. trump makes people feel safe, period. what would he have done about israel, about gaza, about the campus protests. >> hamas and others would have known there would be swift and immediate consequences and not a president supporting both sides of the conflict with regard to these refugees and others. the border would have been zipped closed and most secure border in history at the end of the trump administration. for college campuses, we'd not be seeing what we're seeing right now. first the university of professors would have full well known they'd have been cut off the government teat. and law enforcement would have been sent in long ago. this is why biden doesn't have the will to do it. these are his core constituents and can't lose the votes of rioters and terrorist sympathizers. liz: it's unbelievable.
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mike howell, thank you so much. joe concha and chad pergram and we'll talk about the story and biden white house is again using the power of government so biden stays in office. they're so afraid polls show biden is losing the young vote, the youth voters are going up and that vote is going up in smoke, they now want to use weed to grow the youth vote. that will not light it up. wrong. and the media says quiet part out loud, biden playing both sides on anti-israel campus protests in order to stay in power. the media is saying that. but first, check in with our buddies dagen and sean. what's coming up on the bottom line? >> hey, emac. struggling on the bottom line. janet yellen goes to arizona to talk about democracy. we have congressman cory mills here to discuss. >> but freedom is back because of from the bros. we get into that too.
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ej antoni on that interesting jobs report and how many people are not in the work force and it's millions and dr. marty makary on the new york times paying attention to vaccination from covid, side effects, injuries, illnesses. we dig in top of the hour. an el, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders. all so you can trade brilliantly.
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liz: welcome back. we have lots of reports coming g in that the white house is afraid of polls showing that biden is losing younger voters and that the youth vote is going up in smoke. that biden is now going to try and light it up with them by dialing back on marijuana regulations. i guess, i don't know, i guess this is a twist of what michelle obama said and maybe says the polls go low and we go higher. we went there. fox news senior congressional chad pergram. this is quite a story and coming to us from capitol hill. what's going on with this one? >> let me be blueprint. the middle east are ripping apart college campuses and democrats are hope ago new policy on cannabis increasing support among younger demographics and many republicans are leery of easing
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marijuana restrictions. >> i put this in the same category of proclaiming to appeal to younger voters and some states experimented with this and they've legitimize this and caused real problems. >> president biden did good on a 2019 campaign promise to reclassify marijuana for the first time in half a century and chuck schumer wants to leaguize weed at federal level and expunge records of those who have lower tier offenses and that upsets the right. >> leader schumer is trying to stimulate more crime on american streets and more people dying from drug overdose than any other cause. chuck schumer wants to introduce more drug and i should say wants to incentivize more drug use in america.
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>> they had to leave for medical purposes and just not flat legal and from a va perspective, i think it will allow them to do research on it and it's really, really important. >> now a study by pugh research believe it should be legal for reck national and concern for community safety. liz. liz: thank you, chad pergram. that was quite a story. good to have you on the show. welcome back to the show fox news contributor joe concha. joe, what do you think of the story that biden is possibly trying to grow the youth vote with party and reports are
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coming in that marijuana is not properly regulated and some people are having scot ick episodes with really bad pot out there. >> sure. is this all we need now at this point. liz, more people in the country waking and baking and being useless for the day. and yes, by all means, put more people on the road and driving impaired. and u.s. test scores at 30 year low and youth voters are a bit more concerned about inflation, gas prices and maybe priorities are a bit different and see a future to not afford a home. did you know, liz, more young adults are under 30 are living with their parents after college. 52%. that is the highest levels in history so legal weed i don't think will flip any votes one way or the other. it's obvious just like with student loans, this is a gambit trying to incentivize kids and
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young adults for voting for joe biden. but as you said, polls are not going in his favor for other reasons beside i want weed to be legalizized and it's stupid. liz: could make wanes world even bigger and make them happy. get to this. the media. all about student protests now in 26 states and 2300 arrested on the anti-israel and anti-semitic protests on college campuses and so, we were watching what the media is saying and they said one report he's making cold, political calculations here. listen to this. >> there's two conflicting bases here that the president has to reach out to and kids in universities that are focused on gaza and upset about the government's policies that don't like the idea that their tax dollars are being used to fund those weapons that are being
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used against palestinians and there's equally important base for the president and that's swing voters. liz: joe biden making political calculations about hamas-backed protests on college campuses. this is about staying in power. i mean, we've got, joe, stay with me one second. updated number of hostages held in gaza by hamas. it's now 132. 37 of them are dead. how about stand up for what's right and wrong and not politicize everything and what's happening on college campuses is being driven by pro hamas forces. synergy home not say that? >> we heard the president yesterday, liz, making a three minute statement and didn't mention the hostages and how important that is and that should still be priority number one in terms of getting them home because there's americans among the hostages and it is clear now, liz. once again that everything we hear out scoff this white house is seen solely through a political prison and retaining power to your point.
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they couldn't condemn blatant anti-semitism and joe biden couldn't yesterday and had to throw in we have to show love to arab and muslim voters in michigan and minnesota and we can't stand up for islam phobia either and who's attacking them and denying them the right to walk across campus and going to class and calling for infade pattern tafanely data committee against them and watched biden speak about this yesterday and took two minutes into a three minute speech to say the words anti-semitism. so that's all you need to know. it's gab michigan and nevada and polls coming out and not having a good effect and trump up 12 and trump up 9 and harvard harris has trump up seven and a bad direction for the president and you're looking at 1968 all over again and republican won that year i believe. richard nixon.
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liz: god it. thank you so much. great stuff there. great insights. thank you, this new development, we had u.s. officials testifying that russia and china are working possibly on joint exercises that could involve a potential invasion of taiwan by china. but president biden makes another gaffe, another blunder and called u.s. allies, japan and india "xenophobic" and the white house is doubling down on that and not apologizing and former trump pentagon official albert colby will break it down next on "the evening edit". everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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assistant secretary of defense first strategy imports development under the trump administration elbridge kobe, it's good to have you on get to see you. we this week's all u.s. intelligence officials including the intelligence avril haines testified to his cabinet entrance and armed services that russia and china are potentially working more closely together on military exercises that could include a potential invasion of taiwan by china, is this a real
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thing? >> yes, i think it's for sure a real thing, this was not conventional wisdom until five minutes ago and it's great to be on the show again. it was invisible and anticipated both that the russians in the chinese were close together and for a while the administration tried to deny it but now we see happening, it's very dangerous and wire foreign policy under the biden administration has been so failing fundamentally and heading toward an iceberg where were getting stretched out all around the world there is a war in ukraine that is not going well dni haynes said it could go on for the foreseeable future, of course you were talking earlier about gaza and the tragic situation in our israeli friends having the work going on there, it's a possibility the korean peninsula but there is a
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knockout blow with the chinese moving so the russians helping the chinese out like this because the chinese have helped the russians out is a very, very dangerous situation and now they're admitting it and they have anthony blinken going to beijing threatening and begging xi jinping to stop that's not going to happen. liz: we have russia, ukraine, israel, gaza, iran and the houthis, venezuela moving on oilfields in guiana, now we have china possibly invading taiwan under the biden white house, dni haynes testified china and russia for the first time exercising together in relation to taiwan and recognizing this is a place where china definitely wants russia to be working with them that that is what the focus should be with geopolitical strategy now. lieutenant general jeffrey cruz testified that the pentagon is more concerned about u.s. capability to respond to this, how is biden going to respond to it. >> i really don't know, this is a dangerous situation, fundamentally, president biden loves to bang the drum about the foreign policy but the american people and republican voters are right that president trump did a better job, here is a
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fundamental point, what are the results of this policy, we talked about peace in the middle east, in europe the war has broken out and it's still going on in europe is not like they solve the problem, the problem is going on. a huge supplemental just past, now they're admitting it's not going to fundamentally fix the problem and go on for years and years. dagen: you have biden calling japan xenophobic. liz: the immigration, that's where his head is at, final word. >> what a remarkable statement because biden loves to talk how we so great with allies and i think trump in america first position is understand, i can't speak for the president but my understanding we're going to deliver on results, peace through strength, we're going to be ready to talk to adversaries only position through strength. biden is about photo ops and making the allies, most important allies enough obit. liz: that's where were at. elbridge colby thank you for joining us, good to have you on the show. things are watching "the evening


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