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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  May 6, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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cowardly the administrations of these major ivy league schools are in the face of what's, you can't sugarcoat it, it is antisemitism, it is allowing it to happen. it is a radicalized minority but sizable minority of the student body. professors teaching radicalization and a certain world view of how to look at israel as some sort of a, a sort of, you know, nazi state. that is what they essentially compare it to. so that is what people are talking about here. let me tell you something, a lot of people here who graduated from these schools. gave a lot of money to these schools. not anymore. liz: good point. [closing bell rings] nice gain of 171. tomorrow scots miracle-gro on cannabis. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. all right, breaking news.
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as we go to report right now, the idf from israel, the idf ground operation in rafah has begun. we'll hear from brian hook, former national security advise soar in the trump administration. meanwhile trump trial judge now threatening to throw the former president in jail, pure insanity. gregg jarrett will be here to talk about it. governor kristi noem right here on set to talk about her new book, no going back. liz peek, tammy bruce will opine pretty much everything else under the sun. first of all fox news's jeff paul live from tel aviv with the latest. jeff is there an idf invasion, is there movement what can you tell us? >> reporter: we're learning that the israeli war cabinet just unanimously voted to approve to continue its operation in rafah saying that it wants to keep putting pressure on hamas to eventually release the hostages but at the same time they also
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indicated in the statement that was released from the office of prime minister benjamin netanyahu that they're going to be sending a team of negotiators or mediators to continue to try to work out a deal that is acceptable to israel. shortly after that statement was released the idf confirmed it had conducted targeted strikes in eastern rafah on hamas terror targets. that is where hours ago the israeli military started warning civilians to start evacuating using flyers, phone calls and text messages. the idf urged roughly 100,000 palestinians to move to the humanitarian sown. the israeli military described it as a limited scope operation, not a large scope evacuation. for civilians told to pack up the things and leave there is a really big concern about their safety. >> translator: the israeli occupation told people to go to rafah, that it is a safe area.
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today they're telling us to get out of rafah. where will the people go, all the crowds go, 1.5 millions, two million, where will they go? should they go into the sea. >> reporter: shortly after news broke of hamas agreeing to the deal on the table, there were scenes in people in rafah out on the streets celebrating. israel, specifically in tel aviv where we are, there are huge crowds of protesters out right now protesting their government, urging them to get the remaining 132 hostages back where they belong right back home, larry. larry: jeff, one quick one, this is an impossible one, there was a rumor developing over the weekend that the biden administration was denying ammunition to israel despite the fact that the foreign aid supplemental had been passed. does anybody know if any of that was ever true?
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>> reporter: really hard to tell because over the weekend there was so much talks about these hostage deals that were going on and this sort of imminent, as some people described it passion in rafah according, to one report, they said that was true but, no one else really talking about it right now, larry. larry: jeff paul, thank you very much. thanks for helping us as always. time for the riff. you know the old saw where there's smoke there's fire. so when people hear strange things coming out of the biden white house, even if they're not completely corroborated you just have to wonder what is going on in there? the latest one over the weekend was that the administration was going to withhold ammunition from israel. this even though congress just passed a supplemental foreign aid bill mandating war assistance to israel. so where is that rumor coming from? the white house won't say anything about it. go figure. one thing's for sure, every time the bidens use the word december
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escalation it is a modern synonym for appeasement. why won't biden enforce sanctions against iranian oil or stop china from financing two wars against the u.s. by purchasing iranian and russian oil? the only rumors we her about are sanctions that are not being enforced, tough sanctions not being enforced. in other words, these are bad rumors, not good rumors. this is a difference you know. ronald reagan once talking about bombing moscow in 15 seconds, you remember that? that was only a warm-up joke before his radio forecast in the early '80s, right? it was just a joke. joe biden comes out and talks about both sidism, that antisemitism and islamophobia are the equal problems in the campus riots everybody witnessed last week, really, both sides? did anybody see a protest
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against islam last week against columbia, ucla or the other dozens of schools? it looked like great tant an antisemitism for me. hate crimes, worthy of civil rights prosecution and college defunding but i didn't hear any of those rumors coming out of the white house, not that. here from a "wall street journal" headline. biden raises to trump-proof his agenda. it is a long story about biden's egg regular haar to war against energy, business, consumers, the economy, 1 1/2 trillion dollars worth so far and still counting. trump-proof. i'm sure it is just a rumor, right? wrong, absolutely wrong. that is just what they're doing. remember, folks where there's smoke there's fire. how about this rumor? that joe biden created 15 million new jobs, accept wait a minute, turns out these are old jobs coming out of trump's v-shaped pandemic recovery and
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most of the new jobs are government adjacent jobs, government, health care, social assistance, fake biden jobs in other words. or there is joe biden popping up against the federal reserve that they have to cut interest rates to juice up his re-election economy? rumor? no. he is actually said that three times. liberal media don't want to report it but it's out there. then finally this new york trial judge suggesting he might have to throw trump in jail, for what many people believe to be an unconstitutional gag rule. can't blame that totally on biden. then again there are several former biden prosecutors working the case in new york city. this is probably the worst case anybody has ever heard but then again, what if trump goes to jail? what if that rumor turns out to be true? i'm going to guess mr. trump's polls would go up at least 10%age points. he would fund raise another 50 million bucks in the next 24
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hours. just saying. you know folks, where there's smoke, there's fire. that's the riff. all right, now let's get to the latest on the trump trial from fox news nate foy. nate? how about it? are we going to jail? what as going to happen here, nate? >> reporter: well, we'll see, larry. i suspect that former president donald trump will address that. he will speak at roughly four 30. that is the time we were given. however the jury was just dismissed. court appears to ending a bit early. we'll see if trump will speak earlier than 4:30 but i expect he will address the gag order entering the court today. the cross-examination of debra taranoff, a financial supervisor at the trump organization that has been there for two decades. she answered questions about invoices to michael cohen approved by former ceo alan weisselberg with checks signed by former president
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trump. she said if the payment is approved she cuts the check and sends it out but the approval needs to come from weisselberg or eric trump. trump maintains all payments to cohen were legitimate legal expenses. jeff mconey, the trump organization former comptroller testified today. he detailed the payments to cohen. he said he never knew what the payments before. he never spoke to president trump about the payments. he never connected president trump to any scheme related to a stormy daniels statement. this is all after you mentioned the judge merchan threatened to jail trump for future violations. he fined trump a thousand dollars for the 10th time. he said the fines are not a h deterrent for trump. he said, deft is put on notice further violation of law if you
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recall orders willed be punished by encore race encores race. trump said it feels like the judge has taken away his constitutional right to speak. he was in miami he accurate hi couldn't answer questions from reporters because of the gag order. he was asked questions about one of the witnesses in the case, michael cohen, he couldn't answer that question either. he continues to be active on truth social criticizing the case. larry: nate foy, thank you for the run-down. we appreciate it very much. joining me to talk about it, gregg jarrett, fox news legal analyst. as always, gregg thank you. so the judge could, mite throw mr. trump in jail, let me get this right for gag order as lot of very distinguished jurists including yourself would argue are unconstitutional in the first place? what's going on here, gregg? >> well at first i have thought judge juan marchen couldn't be
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that dumb but because of recent rulings i think he is. this is the most egregious violation of the first amendment in four decade as a hauer. trump is the leading candidate for president. this trial is a major issue. he has a right to defend himself in the court of public opinion and that includes defending himself from attacks by alvin bragg's star witness, michael cohen who is all over television shows trashing trump. he is on social media including tiktok. he is condemning trump as a criminal. he is offering commentary about the trial for profit. which means he has a motive to lie. and this judge is not allowing trump to respond appropriately. this is a terrible violation, of prior restraint on freedom of speech and it should have been
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overturned by a higher court. it is still on appeal. larry: let me get this right, michael cohen, yep, people say he is a serial perjurer, liar, but other people, alvin bragg type people, letitia james, state attorney general, who suffers from the worst trump derangement syndrome ever seen, they're all willing, they are allowed to attack mr. trump but mr. trump is not allowed to attack back or fight back or even heaven forbid to straighten out the record, to clarify the record. i do not see how this is possible and i don't see how this is going to not help mr. trump insofar as his re-election. he is after all running for re-election and running rather well at that? >> well, that's why his numbers are going up i think in part, americans see the unfairness of all of this. you know mittally-driven
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prosecutions to take him off the campaign trail and to interfere in the upcoming election. it is also selective prosecution. what i worry about is a judge like juan marchan allowing all prejudicial evidence that has no probative value entered into the case. not dell telling the jurorses, non-disclosure agreements is legal. paying somebody for their silence is legal. suppressing stories is legal. you know it is as if the judge taken off the black robe and moved over to the prosecution table. he is trying to help alvin bragg engineer a wrongful conviction. larry: one other one which has been of been overshadowed by what the judge said today about possibly pushing mr. trump into jail. over the weekend, another
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important story, prosecutors admit key evidence in the documents case, the south florida documents case, that those documents have been tampered with, gregg jarrett. what do you know about that? can you tell us, altered or manipulated? apparently special counsel jack smith and his team acknowledged as such. they say it doesn't matter. does it matter? did they manipulate? did they tamper? >> absolutely matters. yeah they did. prosecutors have a duty to preserve evidence exactly as it is seized. jack smith's special counsel admits in court documents altering, manipulating evidence against trump. the digital scan of documents, doesn't match the physical order in the boxes that were seized. smith got caught. his excuse, well, your honor it is a complicated case, lots of documents. that is not an excuse. this is evidence tampering. it is destroying exculpatory evidence and even worse, smith lied to the court and he was
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forced to admit it although he did so in a footnote, gee, i misled the judge. this is no small matter, larry. the chronology of documents is violative of trump's defense. the staff boxed up exactly what they received from the gsa that was sent to mar-a-lago. we also know the national archives coordinated with joe biden's white house and the biden doj on how to bring criminal charges against donald trump. so one can argue the that trump is the victim after setup. larry: there you have it. gregg jarrett, fox news legal analyst. terrific stuff. thank you for the commentary as always. folks coming up here on "kudlow," south dakota governor kristi noem will be here onset, to talk about her brand new book, no going back. it is out tomorrow. remember you can catch "kudlow" monday through friday 4:00 p.m. every day here on fox business.
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if for some reason you can't get us at 4:00, please text your favorite nine-year-old and she will show you how to dvr the show and you will never miss another jury trial in manhattan, washington, florida, good heavens, good heavens. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back. ♪. when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair.
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larry: we're going to juggle two things. joining me in just a second south dakota governor kristi noem, author of the new book, no going back. but we'll take mr. trump who walked out of the courtroom. he will have one or two things to say. let's go right to the former president. >> this is really, truly, election interference and it's a disgrace, it's a disgrace. in every poll i'm leading by a lot. they think maybe they can do something here. maybe they can do, this case should be over. this case should have never been brought. by the way alvin bragg didn't want to bring the case. your previous d.a. didn't bring the case. the fec said they, they threw it away, said you got to be kidding. southern district didn't bring the case. nobody brought the case. they were alvin bragg brought the case as soon, when i'm running and leading that is when they decided to go bring the case so it is a disgrace.
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we heard two or three more weeks? i thought they were finished today. they are finished today if you look what's happening. i thought they would be finished today. they want two or three more weeks. the judge asked them, playing right into the judge's hand, the judge is so happy about two or three more weeks. they all want to keep me off the campaign trail. that is all this is about. this is about election interference, how do we stop it and it is a does grace. you have the other thing that maybe is more disaddressful is the gag order. where i can't basically i have to watch every word i tell you people. you ask me a question a simple question, i would like to give it but i can talk about it because this judge has given me a gag order and say you will go to jail if you violate it and frankly, you know what? our constitution is much more important than jail. it is not even close. i will do that sacrifice any day but what is happening here is the disgrace of the appellate
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courts should get involved. new york looks so bad. new york system of so-called justice between this judge and engoren and kaplan. you're triple-teamed with corrupt judges this is a disgrace to our nation. so i should be out there campaigning and they said, too, the way i look at it, they're really talking about three weeks more. by the way they didn't have enough to fill out the time. we got out early today, because they didn't have enough witnesses. the government didn't have another witness. so they didn't even have time to fill it out. and then they complain. so i will tell you what, i hope you report the story accurately. this is a real threat to our country and it is a serious threat to the constitution. in the meantime, columbia university announced today they're not going to have their graduation. they're not going to have the ceremony. that is happening all over the country. our country is a mess. the most important day in the history of our country is going
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to be november 5th of this year. that is called election day. it will be the most important day in the history of our country. what's going on with this judge is a disaster. between the gag orders and the hatred he has got for me and everybody sees it, okay. you see it better than anybody. god bless the usa. >> is michael cohen a liar? is michael cohen a liar? larry: talk about president trump. we'll talk about that in a minute. we're blessed to have south dakota governor kristi noem, her new book out tomorrow, no going back. her truth on what is wrong with politics and how we move america forward. one click on various websites. governor, welcome back to the show. a quick comment on what mr. trump is saying. it is a disgrace. it is election interference, all this business about throwing him in jail for unconstitutional gag order, your thought? >> i agree with him.
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he is angry. he is recognizing and reflecting the anger of americans. i think americans across this country are upset by this corrupt judge who is now tying president trump up and keeping him off the campaign trail. you heard the president just talk about the fact that they have extended the length of this court case now against him. meanwhile they're not even filling out full days. so he sits here in new york city. he can't be out there talking to american citizens about the economy. about how high fast prices go up under joe biden. how much groceries are costing them, we have violent protests breaking out on college calm puss supporting terrorist organizations. trump is right. the country is a mess. and this judge is trying to prevent him from saving america. larry: let's's clear the air, lefty media going after you, you put your dog cricket down for a variety of reasons. what do you say? >> this is a book filled with stories, stories of painful
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decisions, hard decisions and my last life experience in what i think has changed about politics and how president trump broke politics. what i would say about this situation was it was about 20 years ago i had to make a choice. as a mom and as a grandma, i had to make a decision protecting my children, a dog was killing livestock and attacking people. i made the hard decision. i took the responsibility on myself. i'm receiving criticism for it. i want people to remember and know this. this is the reason it is in the book. my political opponents tried to use it against me me in the pas. i'm not like other politicians and i don't run from the truth, from hard decisions. i take hem head on. that is why the liberals are giving him same treatment much lake they do him. larry: my saintly wife i always call her, grew up part of the time on a ranch in france as
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well as montana, unfortunately if you have a dog not trained going out killing chickens, a working dog is a very bad thing. most people in the beltway media never been on the a ranch, don't understand the working dog hypothesis. why did you put it in the book? you wanted to make it as a tough choice? >> this was an adult working dog. i was the second chance. i was a trainer of dogs. it had been through months and months of training, it was killing livestock and attacking people. i put it in the book. my political opponents used it previously. i had to make some tough choices in the past but i want them to know the truth. i want them to know that i don't pass my responsibilities on to anybody else. i make hard decisions. i'm not going to ask somebody else to do my job for you. larry: we are dog people at home. >> i am too.
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larry: forever and ever. that is a different matter. the kim jong-un twist, did you meet him, did you not meet him, did you cross the dmz? there is a some confusion about that, the margaret brennan interview yesterday. more on that. >> i've been to the dmz. i traveled all around the world i met with world leaders. as soon as i saw this mentioned i moved it from the book. i'm not talking about meetings i had with world leaders. when it came to my attention i asked for that to be taken out, that name. larry: you are down in the mar-a-lago rnc meeting. did you talk to president trump? >> i did. i did. looks like he is doing great. he is fighting. always good to see people around him encouraging him, he is truly fighting for america. good to see so much support. so many people there are supporting him and his candidacy. recognizing this campaign is literally about people who love america and people who are destroying america. that is really what this campaign is about.
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it is so nice to see so many people recognizing how important this election is. larry: did you talk to him about the veepstakes? >> no we talked about a lot of people but we didn't talk specifically about that he was talking to me how i was doing, how the family was doing. we talked about it, what was going on in his life and this election year is an interesting year. he wanted to know what i was hearing from a lot of the swing states and tough races we have going on, what was doing to help the candidates. larry: who do you think would make the best vice president from the swing states? >> i said he needs to pick who will help him win. i need him to win. larry: you're still in the race? >> every day president trump was in the white house i was able to be on offense for people in my state. so he needs someone that will help him win. that can message that is tough and make tough decisions alongside of him. when he gets into the white house he will have a lot to fix. larry: governor kristi noem is still in that case? >> i don't know. you have to ask him. he is the only one who can decide. larry: i don't think he made
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made up his mind 100%. a of came out in the book, recurring theme on the campaign trail this is not your father's republican party. mr. trump calls the republican party a working man's party a middle income party, putting a coalition together, whites, blacks hispanics, women, young people, its. do you see that in the midwest and south dakota? do you agree with him? is that the right strategy for his campaign? >> absolutely, absolutely. that is what i love about president trump he doesn't think he is better than anybody else. most politicians they act like they're normal human being out there putting on hard-hats, jeans, like they're every day americans but they don't really think it. president trump does. he is fighting for the working person in this country trying to balance their budget, take care of their family, passing on a country to their kids and grandkids to be proud of. i hear it everywhere i go. i've been traveling in this country, michigan, wisconsin, ohio, i'm going to arizona next
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week. i've been all over the place helping people and candidate. everybody there just says when are we going to get p trump back? we need him back. we can't do this. larry: did you remind them south dakota zero income tax state. >> he knows. larry: keep that in the forefront. >> south dakota is winning the economic race. we're thriving because our people are free. our people are free of taxes and overregulation. they get to make their own decisions for themselves, have flexibility. we've broken all kinds of records in the amount of wages that have gone up and businesses that moved in. we're thriving because we just did what conservative economic principles can deliver and it is proving out to be exactly what every single state should be doing. larry: governor kristi noem. good luck on the book. hang on one more time, one more time. >> no going back. larry: no going back. i read the whole thing, the truth on what is wrong with politics and how we move america forward. thank you very much. >> thank you, sir. larry: you betcha. coming up liz peek and tammy bruce and you know what they are
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going to talk about? life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. one of my favorite topics. thank you, governor noem. appreciate it. did i read this? did i get eggs?
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♪. larry: joining me now, liz peek, syndicated columnist, fox news contributor. tammy bruce fox news contributor, author of fear itself, exposing the left's mind-killing agenda. just for a few moments, ladies, thank you for coming on. you saw the interview with kristi noem. what did you think? tammy, start it off please? >> not to hard to see it out of the prism of news that came from her book. you think it's a problem. she is trying to manage that problem but it's i'm not impressed. let me be as diplomatic as i can be. i think that's what campaigns are for and what primaries are for, you if the to know people. people get to know themselves
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and we get to know them and for me, it's, she is not on that list of someone who would i think be of good service to this country. larry: liz? >> i agree but to me it is really all about the lack of understanding that led her to put this incident in a book not knowing that this was going to cause an uproar and a political problem for her. remember, i think i mentioned this to you before, mitt romney, most people remember mitt romney as having put the dog on top of his car. end of discussion. it killed him. and here we are. so -- larry: i will say one thing, we're all dog people here, which is great. i think kristi noem is a dog person but she did say rumors and stories have been around for a long time and she therefore thought it would be important to put it -- >> i had never heard that before. larry: in a sense it is a very difficult thing to do but she wanted to clear that up but the other point i would say, tammy,
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whether she is vice presidential race or not -- >> sure. larry: it is a different republican party. it is a working folks republican party, which trump has emphasized throughout this campaign. >> sure. larry: and which kristi noem subscribes to. >> yes. as do a lot of other people, if not the majority of americans but this is, these are issues of judgment and it is issues of the humane nature how we get this done. being a conservative doesn't mean that you're rough or unthinking or inhumane even though the left has tried to portray conservatives in that manner so the issue is more again about judgment which has been a general issue in her case but also it's not even about, you know, euthanizing an animal. it is the nature of the choice that is made, how you do it. bringing in another animal into that pit, a goat, shooting them, means one animal saw the other one being shot. the terror involved in that
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environment. so it is not about how you make the choice this, many americans if not most who are dog people have had to make that choice when there is an illness or even violence. so it's a matter of judgment and i think that's what will follow this story. larry: liz peek, republicans raised a lot of money in april and early may, something like 75 million bucks according to the rnc meeting in mar-a-lago. let's see, well over half came from small disown -- donors. what does that tell you? >> that makes a working class movement to elect donald trump. i was very impressed, lara trump came out over the weekend average donation is $30. considering they just had the big dinner hosted by a billionaire and we had a lot of 10 million-dollar checks probably floating in. that is probably very impressive. a lot has to do with the trial
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going on, larry. people are really angry. kristi noem was totally right. people are angry seeing donald trump in a courtroom day after day. angry about the gag order. angry about the way he is being treated. i'm angry. i think it is so offensive, you know, i think the president is totally right to talk about it being a disgrace and embarassment to new york city and our justice system here. i agree with that 100%. larry: tammy bruce, how this judge, i don't know him from adam, i'm not even a lawyer but a gag order, many people say is unconstitutional. certainly president trump says it is to put the former president, maybe the future president in jail, really, over this, really? >> yeah. this is the whole problem all the indictments all of them are absurd. once they wept to the point we're going to stop him using the justice system, they were anything goes. baked in to this dynamic is the expectation that they will put
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him in jail, people think, oh, if he gets indicted or goes to jail the support will go away. quite the opposite. it that was going to happen, the support would have evaporated the moment he was charged with one thing, with the mar-a-lago documents issue. the opposite occurred, because americans, we've seen this, we know that the justice system has been unfair. he ran on it before about a two-tiered system of justice. the frightening thing for americans is, he can with stand it because he is donald trump and has some money. this happens to americans, unfair charges. you plead to something lower even though you're innocent because you have a public defender and you can't afford to have a real defense. this is frightening it is not new, didn't just show up for donald trump this is what we complained about. this is the kind of thing it is remarkable it happened to trump who can with stand it but we have got his back -- larry: trump always says very important point, it can happen
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to you, you, you, or you. that is what people are thinking when they see this. >> larry, i don't think in my lifetime i have never seen political prosecutions, we've seen a whole slew of them under this president and mid-strain is. this is problematic, this is frightening. if you feel like you're on the wrong side of the administration, they cam in their cross-hairs and go after you for all kinds of reasons. the fact he is wanting to jail donald trump because he is not abiding by unconstitutional gag order. it is preposterous. >> it is preposterous. it is desperation, remarkable level of desper railings. larry: i have to get out because we're pressed for time. tammy, did you see a vice president in mar-a-lago in 10 seconds?
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>> i -- larry: you can pass. >> i'm going to pass right now. larry: liz, did you see one. i'm not supposed to ask you, i will ask you. >> not sure. larry: what's up with that. >> i wasn't at mar-a-lago. larry: pursuit of happiness or freedom or something. liz peek, tammy bruce. all right, switching gears, the idf has started its ground operation in rafah apparently. joining us now is brian hooks, former u.s. special rep for iran, former senior policy advisor to secretary of state during the trump years. brian, welcome to the show. i've got some sound from prime minister netanyahu. here it comes. please take a listen. >> if israel is forced to stand alone israel will stand alone but we know we're not alone because countless decent people around the world support our just cause and i say to you we will defeat our genocidal enemies.
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larry: brian, i want to talk to you about iran and the lack of sanctions which your great "wall street journal" piece. nobody seems to figure out what is going on. hamas makes sort of idle overtures. israel says it is a ruse. ammunition being denied to israel. biden white house won't say anything about all this. do you have a thought on this with all your experience? can you piece together some context here? >> i think that there is no victory for israel without finishing the job in rafah and hamas is now corner and they're down there to remaining battalions and now i think as a piece of propaganda hamas is saying it has accepted a proposal but it is not an is rawley proposal. based on what i've seen so far, i think that the proposal that hamas is accepting is a total end of the war by israel which is not going to happen. israel is going to go into rafah.
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they will do everything they can to get the palestinians to move to a safe zone so that they can come in and achieve victory over hamas. larry: just seems to me, i don't understand why israel will wait any longer. i mean donald trump and many other analysts have said go in, take out these four divisions down in rafah as you just pointed out, be done with it, finish them off, do it fast, brian hook, what do you think? >> i think israel is trying to do it quickly. they have given space for diplomacy but i think hamas is using and exploiting that space to bide time so they can regroup in rafah. as we're seeing now, larry, with the idf moving in, i think they have decided they have sort of had it with hamas propaganda and they're going to move in. larry: certainly sounds that way. other thing is, coming back to your piece, two things, the
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iranian sanctions are not being observed so iran is building up a big cash war chest which is financing hamas and other terrorists clients and also as we talked on the radio, china as the buyer of iranian and russian oil, china is financing these wars against the united states and its allies and the bidens will not do anything about it. i'm baffled. >> i'm baffled too. during the biden presidency, because of their absolutely not enforce, the oil sanctions and all of the side deals and payoffs and everything else, the iranian regime has netted $100 billion in revenue and if you give a terrorist money they're going to spend it on terrorism and everything that we see in the middle east today with shia proxies attacking our troops in iraq and syria, hezbollah, the houthis, hamas, all of these terrorist
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organizations bank at the same address and it's in tehran. president trump, according to the iranians, during his presidency cost the regime $200 billion in revenue. so we've gone from costing the regime $200 billion in revenue, to the bidens giving them $100 billion. larry: boy, the consequences are very clear and very plain. thank you, brian hook, former national security advisor, see you soon. >> thanks, larry. larry: take a break, coming up donald trump sparked a economic boom. now the question is are interest rates in the right spot. >> we're going to ask art laffer, are they too low, are they too high or are interest rates just right, kind of like i think it was the three bears or something like that, goldilocks? i don't know. i'm kudlow, not goldilocks.
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real yield, the tips yield has to drive, to way up once trump comes in. he will do expensing, drop the corporate rate to 15%, extend the tax cuts and jobs act. payroll tax rate reduction, enterprise zones, when he does that, you will get the real yield to pop way up, which means you will have higher interest rates and much lower inflation. that is where we need to be. rates in that range would be three, four, 5%, but because it is a real return on capital, not because of inflation. that is my story and i'm going to stick to it. larry: no, it is a great story. real rates can go up with the right pro-growth policies. >> they have to. larry: if that happens, art, the inflation premium, expected inflation rate come down at the same time? >> yes, it would come down substantially. you would go back to a period where you have low expectations of inflation. i think it should be much lower than 2% to be honest with you. i would like to see inflation between zero and 1%, stable
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prices basically. then have a real yield for two or three years of 5% range. i think that would be the perfect place to do it. we can do it with good policies. payroll tax, waiver or reduction to get that participation rate way up. you get expensing of capital purchases to get investment up, cut the corporate rate to 15. you can do other the like medical transparency, we would be in great shape. i think that is what you will do with him next term. larry: by the way john mcglocklin polled on the payroll tax cut, and 75, it was like 75-15 favored a relief on the payroll tax. >> really? i thought it was higher than that, larry? larry: it might have been 76. but in the same range. >> thank you. that's what we need. larry: we're just about right on rates. art, thank you, appreciate it very much. talk soon, folks i will be right back with my last word.
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>> c1 sagan, this is completely out of order and tossing mr. trump into jill, would be an incredible insult to all of amen insult for everybody in this country and f, elizabeth macdonald right all of the, that's what you have to stay with us. liz: we hope soleri, just take upwards trumper alvin bragg are biting, and yo


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