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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 6, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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>> c1 sagan, this is completely out of order and tossing mr. trump into jill, would be an incredible insult to all of amen insult for everybody in this country and f, elizabeth macdonald right all of the, that's what you have to stay with us. liz: we hope soleri, just take upwards trumper alvin bragg are biting, and you know watchers who during the trump say when
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the democrats are doing is shredding the integrity of the u.s. court systems that get into it down think you so much larry is goodbye to new developments and today new former president trump indicating that he would go to jail make a sacrifice of the new york judges unconstitutional gag order on him in the new york trial involving aims to stormy daniels and "fox news" nate standing my life also the new york state supreme court in manhattan with more nate, what a day. reporter: yes what today is right list, in human today, just moments ago while leaving the courthouse for president donald trump, criticize the course gag order after judge threatened to jail him if he continues to violate the order more on that really from him in a moment but trump said that is worth it deepening our constitution if he ends up needing to go to jail this after the testimony of deborah terms of financial supervisor at the trump organization and she answered
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questions about payments made by coco that government you cut the checks she said about what approval came from higher ups or trump organization cfo alan westerberg, the president said, eric she said to himself as illuminated sign a check that came from his personal maintains all payments made to cohen, were legitimately and legal and jumper hundreds of organizations former controller testified today pretty detailed the payments made it to cohen, testified that he did not know exactly with the payments were for, he never spoke to the president trump about payments interconnected covid-19 scheme related to a stormy daniels payment as you mentioned, this is all after judge threatened to jail him for future gag order violations that they find him $1000 for violating the gag order for it and sign any knowledge of the fines do not appear to be serving as a deterrent for the former president, adding to defend it is hereby on notice future
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violations of its lawful orders will be punishable, my incarceration in the prosecution also estimated tonight, that they're going to need about two more weeks, two weeks from tomorrow, the finish making their case in the trump's lawyers will be able to call their own witnesses to the set and unzip your spillover timeline and trump was ready for handball in court, that this is all and effectively keep him off the campaign trail and back to you live. liz: nate always terrific reporting thank you so much, let's bring it out hans former u.s. attorney brett list of the rescuing a reaction your nonexperts here in their constitutional due process violations here against trump and trump has a right to self-defense and when nobody knows what exactly is a federal felony d.a. bragg is claiming any reporting or swing the team, it was witnesses are an attempt to the tempting can prepare and there's a lot of basis for appeals here you think brett.
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brett: let's think you for having me on, sway to be on with hunt as well and i will tell you, the certainly, this is unprecedented in 25 in the criminal justice system and a bit in the courtroom and trial and have never had a case in which the prosecution was withholding the next witness was northern ever have a judge the do-nothing the prosecution, you need to give them your witness list and you need to do it with enough notice that they can prepare and so from there, you get a perspective of a bit of the clown show that is going on this court room. and remember this, we still do not know what the underlying crime is the president has been accused of, many altered their allocation and the financial records and pursuit of some other alleged crime we don't know what that is in human individual has due process rights and he does not know what is really being accused of doing. liz: him stipulated with a
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federal crime is they cited it but let's that they cited the new york state literally covers new york state elections about conspiracy or campaign violations, this underlying basis for the federal felony, they still have stated with lies that he violated this listen if former president trump your watch this. trump: this is just a political witchhunt pretty and is election interference in the judges about two or three weeks because they'll want to give me off of the campaign trail and is all this is about and that election interference. and they asked me civil question but i cannot talk about it in this judge is given me - and said is going to jail if he violated and frankly coming away our constitution is much more important than jail is not even close. and i will do that sacrifice any day. repo.liz: 20 think trump is no n
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hit with $10,000 in fines for saying what is started out there that michael cohen got caught lying that the judges rushing the trial that the judges makes monies the political some of the consulting trump was even 5 percent income of the witness david is a nice guy we think hans. han: this is not only a clear violation of the first amendment, but there violating his substantive due process rights to defend himself in anything but the fact that this gag order applies to donald trump. and yet it does not apply to these witnesses like michael cohen, with another in the press savaging the president and of the theory that this judge is that well, stay commences by donald trump of the somehow prejudice the jury, and where michael cohen's will be daniels and others allowed to speak and criticize the president keep in mind, the jury is not being sequestered in this case is a big meet all the attacks on
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donald trump by michael cohen and others but they are not allowed it to who the president defend himself initial the fundamental problem with this gag order. liz: woodhouse just say brett to many questions and also reports that judges potentially blocking the trump team in bringing in campaign experts who would testify that there's no federal campaign violation i can point out evidentially that could include bradley smith, is a former chairman of the federal election commission it when enough at washington present 2019, this is a d.a. bragg steam keeps you know what trump did is not illegal but that bragg steam keeps him to the jury, the federal laws are broken and trump is not charged with federal election crime here. brett: liz, and if you do not care about the actual verdict in a few really do not care about winning the case and being able
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to stand to build a new would make these decisions remember this is a dream much the judge allowed to question depaulo don't look socially about what that the question be asked you called joe biden yet so frumpy so action of the jury to the witnesses into the gag order, which by the way, those keep in mind that a gag order is historically only meant to protect take defendant, so that they have a fair trial. and is being used of the opposite in this particular case see you got it, hans final work. hans: well rats with his right when he said this is not a federal crime and in fact, i took his seat on the fpc when he left anime tell you, not a federal crime. liz: you both terrific and thank you for joining us and now rose green for prep federal prosecutor andrew to guess is good have you want this on to
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special counsel jack smith classified documents case against trump and so many court late on friday evening, special counsel smith admitted to misleading the court that the evidence classified documents seized from mayor a lot of no longer there original and tax form when they told the date yes they were but now they been jumbled and what we supposed to believe here. andrew: i think the classified document case falling part of moses quickly as this new york criminal case is falling apart and there's an array of various failures and fumbles jack smith has recently had to include falsely asserting that certain discovery had been provided in a certain order we are also sing a lot more information the communications that existed back in the day prior to the one the shows jack smith he sees me the government to include the national archives essentially engaged in this negotiation president trump similar to other
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presidents in the past but the elevated escalated into a criminal referral, much quicker and unnecessarily that it seems they have in the past and so i think that is in trouble and is not going as scheduled on may 20th that's for sure. l.liz: yes so the attorneys wand trump's codefendants walt asked for a delay in his of his lawyers having trouble determining precisely where to get the documents had come from 33 axes are so the fbi sees from mar-a-lago but jack smith team is saying these are just discrepancies or knows he can biggest of the case moving the box might've caused documents to shift around and do you think that you're okay with this. andrew: i have a real problem with him rushing the case just as i did us the occasional the other cases going right now going is the defendant's constitutional right to speak and write and speak around when the defendant is lasting for the speedy trial, the court should
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have leniency making sure that the defense is adequate time to prepare and this an incredibly complex case an event cases going to trial going to trial classified forms, and is a very complicated and very arduous task doing cover prepare case like that and so is very difficult and really rushing way too fast with all that is going on the country. liz: do you think the kindest trump throat trump a job for the auction's event that's exactly with the right doing an interview with the option whether to the presentation evidence and summaries they come out of every day and splash the headlines or keep trump off of the campaign trail there trying to get this done ahead of the election because they have the election in mind embers of the difference in this case which i think app reasonable grounds to say that they want this delay to slow down because all that's going on so i find that is the prosecution that is really election focused as opposed to the defense of the islands are trying to push this beyond the election i think they're just pushing it beyond appointed time where there is too much adequately prepare with all of
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the various prosecutions as well as the 400 to accurately and appropriately decide the next president or through president trump's ability to campaign. liz: thank you petronius andrew is good to see you as though had senator tommy turberville from senate armed services comes woman math from house ways and means former state department spokeswoman morgan ortega's and doctor jeanette and the national reviews carolyn downey is coming at hamas terrorist emmy for pr victory about a cease-fire proposal from egypt and cutter but israel never signed off on it and is israel is now doing airstrikes on rafah up and is moving rafah up with or without president biden support and there was an intense phone call today between the two and we will get to a new revelations, the biden campaign will shorten and scale back president biden's campaign speeches due to, mistakes a new gallup poll the motors like trump on the economy
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and fighting against was hit a historic low in gallup only and so morning polls abc, this gap gallup he was 80 day and voters are not buying president of biden's policies or his attacks on trump is in running democracy and court watchers warned, that digits democrats in the fighting team abusing the justice system and this hbo house bill marr said that no, president biden billy up to loans for anti- somatic student protesters and remember how the covid-19 police, and the covid-19 police, the shame to the bullied anybody questioning the safety of covid-19 vaccines and look at this, the new york times reports that thousand say that covid-19 vaccines injured and wounded them and plus families and students are fed up near protesters disrupting graduation ceremonies but more schools are getting setting his lamp and all this coming up in the evening edit.
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today john kirby said that the u.s. has the following terms forwarded terms of what they want to see happen with potential cease-fire deal in the parameters our hostages out in a six week cease-fire and plans to increase humanitarian aid so it is unclear if whatever hamas agreed to today, existed in the same universe as what was put forth by the u.s. and israel but israel is evidently rejected it and sending a delegation to egypt to continue talks but also moving forward with his operation and raw fight and asked be on target is strikes the region. in the u.s. is making clear that is stands by its allies people despite opposing a large-scale operation that would endanger palestinian civilians. >> is the u.s. still aligned with his serial and is intended tension to read 118 the terrorist threat posed by hamas. >> you have said many times here is your point illuminate this
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through military operations but right and responsibility to eliminate the threat that they suffered on the seventh the october absolutely i do. >> they said the latest by hamas might be part of a public pressure campaign to make israel look like the aggressor if u.s. to back off support for its allies the following reports of the administration held in arms shipment to israel congressional republicans other view. >> for sale does suspicious like an information operation pretty would be hard work these hamas knows it cannot win a military work against israel and as long as joe biden didn't recredit part he keeps putting pressure on israel, he makes hamas much more likely to actually agree to release some of the hostages. >> drinking abella met with the president probably put out a statement saying that is really attack on profit threat insulated to a new massacre assessment pretty notable caution coming from key regional
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ally, while this real moving forward this plan is also continuing the talks and the u.s. cautions against a large-scale operation but supports the baseline goal eradicating hamas. liz: jackie gray reporting thank you so much for joining us and we needed a story. attorneys now senator tommy turberville from senate armed services your reaction to that report. >> wealth fantasyland hamas is making up everything. tommy: and they know the idf is getting closer off the and their panicking and they should make a deal but the only deal should be made us release the hostages had surrender thing over with they cannot went what is going to get worse and worse as we go along the making this and to see thing up to where they can get this over with other terms and it stuck what happened. liz: so hamas terrorist accepted a cease-fire proposal but it is from egypt and cutter does not talk about releasing the 132
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hostages had israel his not seen a deal in the stucco negotiations work this is about hamas trying to would appeal pr public relations work and israel reportedly so taking this seriously. tommy: obviously do not taking it seriously they should not take it seriously and they know what needs to be done they were put hamas several times on the cease-fire they won't accept that there trying to all back and i don't know with the hostages, they should be talk about radio and most and foremost but you know, things are getting tight around rafah up is getting ready to happen in france would happen and it should happen if they don't release them hostages and we need to get people out the people forget others american hostages in this griffith soap we need to be standing beside israel nothing besides of the fence like this administration is that the blessed for five or six months. liz: so israel alejandro mayorkas benjamin netanyahu report little president biden's
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roles moving up with her without the support and that is the last stronghold of hamas reportedly the last patel is the terrace there if they don't wipe them out, visibly retake because it attack is really get whether these reports are true president biden's top weapons shipment for israel after he and congress you know sign off $15 billion for israel it aid. tommy: yes sure is right because he try to play besides we did see was going on in a country with all the protest but this for and says nothing to do with the united states is released to take care of the problem. now. liz: looks like were running into technical difficulties with senator turberville and thank you so much senator for fronting us and still ahead reported back right after the break with, spent from house ways and means, hbo house bill mars slams president biden it student loans
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printed i submitted get a jewish protesters, these are pro- hamas mobs and attacks optional be funding the hatred of jews in college campuses and thousand belmar said and plus from a national review caroline downey is an piney since cabinet out to tell his overspending of your taxpayer money to fix his declining polymers ahead of the election with the new gallup poll, the voters trust top provided in the economy plus besieged reporting, and the biden campaign is going to curtail now back on biden's campaign speeches wife, because a mess of a massive amount of mistakes and errors and will it in the evening edit.
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if operators are busy, please wait patiently or go to right away >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ liz: that's what individual national review columnist caroline downey caroline is good to see you get is what you make of this nbc is reporting come the president biden's campaign
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is now, looking to shorten and limit biden speeches because of all of the mistakes he's making is about a polls show increasing better concern about his cognitive decline and when you make of this move. caroline: let's thank you for having me back in business just to be déjà vu when biden disappeared into his basement for the entire 2020 election campaign cycle enemy biden as it was, has very limited interaction with the public when he did speak, it was a disaster in either said something incoherent or invincible fantasy telltale but being a former trump truck driver freezes on stage or he says something that gives our enemies like iran the green light to continue with their propagation and belligerence and apparently biden's new foreign policy doctrine is the word don't but iran as we contact israel anyway
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and so language once again coming up biden strong suit and if the bided team strategy is to take them out of the lime light, i can see why they would do that sweetie do they think the voters are stupid. >> will they might come the really much. [applause] because like you said, we have eyes and ears we can observe when biden stumbles and we can observe that mentally, he is not all there and his appeasement of our farm adversaries very troubling and mid this geopolitical crisis with israel. liz: villas watch of biden campaign spokesman, with the dissing topspin about how they are going to limit his campaign speeches and then you're going to hear the latest gasp from president biden watch the. >> i convey believes in quality over quantity and we have to remove the clutter voters attorney at where to get the directed to the point don't propose to be a dictator they went. biden: my staff hates me and
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living on off and on the screen, excuse me and i get carried away here. [inaudible]. , lgbt key up. >> are you ready to choose freedom or democracy democracy and eventual we could do next, four more years and folks look around and or economic plants there working we've created more than 12000 brand-new jobs in two years and are you ready to choose freedom over democracy. >> they shut down a lot of cannabis and you never . liz: okay thank took the last one about cannabis said that never happened okay, but no caroline, this is coming it, more will the painting a picture just pretty picture for the voters out there and report say the know the city of chicago plans to move illegal migrants out of downtown and the deity to
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national damage there this was just a san francisco with they did with the homeless headed biden several attorneys pain and pain picture. >> yes printed johnson can relocate illegal aliens with neighborhoods and all he wants is a prices will continue to haunt the democrats heading into 2024 which will be the real referendum and you know this tactic reminds me about gavin newsom bit in california when the chinese delegation arrived in san francisco and he intentionally showed xi jinping not homeless it to cities of the drugs and crime infested areas in the wasteland and even cuba does this when think have tours, visit the country, the regime intentionally obscures and highs the poverty and operation and only five lamberts per. liz: enter problems for this
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president, when biden's border collapse cities have had to deal with his border crisis and taxpayers are paying for it and is ruining inner-city's minority neighborhoods really upset about this and you know basically, what is also highlighting, is it the fact that they are afraid of when into israel protesters are going to do you know, protesting on the 1968 in the democrat convention in chicago and with this new abc bowl, trump is beating bided, 46 percent - 44 and usa today poll cited 37 percent, and render gallup survey and historic low in u.s. voter confidence and bidens you know stewardship of the u.s. economy in the voters trust trump on the economy more invited and gallup is morning that this lackluster pulling provided could have significant electoral indications that he
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could possibly lives is so, carolyn comeau inhabited trying to break down from putting the gel before the election because the voters are well on the beginning to think that biden cannot claim trump is jeopardizing democracy when of the democrats and the biden are abusing the justice system over the israel threat. caroline: yes absolutely come the law. giving his former president trump is truly unprecedented and i think even moderate voters are saying that but back to the economically come i think that appeal to the whites off of voters in the rearview mirror thinking about those glory days of this economic happy days under trump's tenure and i will tell you, these writers the mainstream media outlets invited to be our people are tearing their hair out the 4 percent of biden's economy is a think anything's hunky-dory but in reality people struggling financially. liz: thank you petronius it is good to see you in the goes here from house ways and means, congresswoman it is rare to see
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him again and so we would love for you to sit tight and hbo poster going to hear belmar slowing president biden for bailing out the student loans of anti- jewish and anti- israel protesters on college campuses and watch this in these not having it watch. >> about some of this, biden administration student tech cancellation will cost a combined 870 billion to the 1.4 trillion in this a lot of that the colleges closely raise tuition and thank you so sycamore loans the government comes by and pays the loans and okay, so my tax dollars are supporting this jew hating but i don't think so sweetie what you think congresswoman it. caroline: well i think my love worries going without any's tell you like it is six it was happening to see all of activity the college campuses and universities that are getting the benefit of finally getting millions and hundreds of dollars in taxpayer money, but there
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also getting tax-exempt status meaning of a line of that have introduced legislation go after them if you have a huge endowment, your graduating dues and have no marketable skills in connecticut a job in the development loans these colleges need to have their intent was starting to be with us and if you're actually hating on america, you are supporting nothing up tourist activities foreign national who can we should be in this country for committing crimes these are boss that we should be supporting and i absolutely agree with bill and he appreciated sweetie biden was to raise everybody's taxes to pay for soaring inflationary government spending nearly a dozen states u.s. taxpayers pay more well more than 50 percent of their capitol gains profits to the government in california putting the way this federal state and local all in would have people know the economy people with similar assets not so maybe not socks either.
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>> know you're absolutely right we sing almost 20 percent increase in fighting inflation i have the numbers electricity is out, nearly 30 percent food prices are up 21 percent it eggs are up almost 50 percent of baby food is up 30 percent chickens up 24 percent we see the largest increase in critical race and we are looking up rates up monthly payments on homes, and trump was in office of $1700 we now see them at $3300 on average as a 9h syncretic orbit almost trillion dollars and this is what is happening provided policies and now he's claiming that is going to increase taxes even more as taxes he's talking about avoiding effect 90 percent of americans is that when you hear this administration say no were not raising taxes on anyone making a $400,000 for this life in november will have a stark contrast going to continue the policies this he nearly
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20 percent inflation then hidden on the pocketbook or you going to return to policies the trump administration that increase prosperity and opportunity to get those decisions should be made and cleared to the american public what has to happen november 3201 cleanup i miss will come into say that the americans would sit on the stocks in a seller stocks their assets as he capitol gains taxes after the prophet go to the government business insight reports and americans feeling that a middle-class lifestyle inflation his family perceptions and you see coffee drinkers leaving starbucks loyalty programs and chips ahoy cookies, sitting were shelves and fewer customers ordering a fast food drive-through's and kiosk the most regional reporting, that the bided team is racing to save in place a government roles relations that cost hundreds of billions of dollars trillion box in the extra blanket that he put on this u.s. economy, the sound
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signal that are afraid trouble with. >> we've added it since try to spend foxbusiness in several $1.2 trillion we look at what people are having their his wife average working family now spanning over $1000 more a month anything about the increase in food and electricity and energy and housing cost and this is all the result of purposeful policies and to get people will have an opportunity november to changes. liz: got it thank you petronius is good to see you and we are still monitoring the developments of rafah is rules bringing in airstrikes there and the mouse is talking about a cease-fire proposal from cutter and in egypt and israel did not sign off on it makes mention of the 132 hostages not mosses only including americans in here to colleges may cancel graduation
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ceremonies is anti- israel protest spin out of control but families have had it and are starting to stand up versus check in with her buddies dagen mcdowell and sean duffy was coming up on next the bottom line. >> winchell bided it to be to trump prove his agenda does not seem like is to confident we have monica crowley here to discuss that as well as the house investigating into schools universities in the should they keep it and jason smith, here to react. >> tried brown when asked about these new age nothing campers on college campuses that that but i'm going to get into the politics people always have the right to speak out those campaign that said, well we don't like anti-semitism in this opponent, is here lee carter on the biden strategy unless is more ready for the president see
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airstrikes and rafah up in a must terrace, they took in a cease-fire proposal from each of them cannot israel and so is this about of us try to win a pr for right now. morgan: that's exactly what it's about celeste look to last week as it would happen is been ongoing negotiations cease-fire deal with financial retail that even tony lincoln thought best reasonable cousin egypt urging thomas to take the deal is nothing the leslie and additionally about is all the weekend, killed four israeli soldiers when they return rocket boy have a try to get into the palestinians once an important this because, stress claim protesters here in the essays there trying to be for the palestinian people if you are killing people and social try to get into the palestinian people flock together legitimate
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cease-fire deal lastly can you not serious about cupping the palestinian people to his right think has valley now the fed up in the promise palestinian israeli people they would defeat hamas militarily going to russia i think as long as i wrote a month ago that should be provided going to rafah up and finish hamas speech of yes oh hundred 32 hostages, how must be diligent about back to here in the united states was talk stateside your board so families and parents the students doing pro hamas protesters to's university michigan university is at a morgan are fed up in the crowd cheering and police rebooted these protesters the more schools like columbia canceling graduation ceremonies, that is going on in aqaba when you make of this new report from politico the biden big donors like bill gates and george soros and david rockefeller - are
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fighting these pro hamas protest republicans •-ellipsis not surprisingly been saying this for months 20 think. >> think it is a cell phone bided and by the democratic party because these protesters actually making hurting right in the polls the minicamp among sort of normal average americans and independent voters and you know people don't like this they don't like seeking these mobs which half of them are not even students with they don't like to see the university campuses calling for the extermination of the jewish people and they taken over schools and they've made it the most unsafe time in modern american history free for the jewish students to be able to even go to class would aware religious symbols. an american certainly do not like that and is stupid these left wing activists to fund these and even for just a political perspective you hurting -year-old guy by doing this by these protests really, we know that is not about the
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palestinians whether it is black life matters are occupied wall street or whatever the latest left-wing causes of this is what they do. they promote this sweet if they're not students this could to reaction to this watch. >> there is a real attempt to radicalize on the young people, we need to be clear that we can't not take a slight it would likely be weird college grants and attend that college, you are now cited now we train people to do destructive things of you are now an agitator suet where we protesting that there are demanding of us to take them the kind of a cease-fire and then that we did all of the drama in the chaotic going up there in gaza and do think that a lot of criticism right now three this gaza war i think that is just have semitism see those doom credit john fetterman and you know when report said, government data show since 1981,
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universities and u.s. colleges have the ticket more than $40 billion in foreign funding including from cutter saudi arabia, china anyway and when you think of this. morgan: coming up after the first clip mayor adams and that is a former cop that was elected mayor the so many people want to see from the beginning of his tenure as be mayor and he did not happening the former cop the people thought they had elected and so i think it's about high time that he started jennifer jewish citizens and so grateful for that and of course federman as well were the only get credit senators actually setting up for the jewish people. liz: okay morgan your terrific you think you for joining us tonight so look at the story new york times reports that thousands now say they happen physically injured and wounded from the covid-19 vaccine and healthpro stellar slamming the intolerant bullies attack and shame were down those who
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questioned the safety of covid-19 vaccines and more reports show those who doubted these vaccines are being proved right doctor jeanette will break it down next month evening at it. ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders. all so you can trade brilliantly.
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liz: is here from his work with
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doctor jeanette okay sadako we need to have the story remember we talked about the ground other deleted attacked and shamed anyone questioning the safety of vaccines the covid-19 vaccine demanding the passport now near times reports that thousands literally thousands they'll say that vaccine injured them you notice a deafening silence breathtakingly idiotic intolerant bullies who brutalize people even there to talk about this. jeanette: is disgraceful and heartbreaking afterwards of the deserve an apology the need to be compensated especially when he came to our military service men and first responders and nurses people for lines it was putting their lives on the line yet they were punished in the lost jobs because they refused to take a vaccine with refused to take certain medications itself there should be a definite learning lesson they need to be reimbursed and compensated by what we see no
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sir right is a deafening silence we need transparency we need honesty and why unity is not connecting any studies on the side effects that we see among patients and 275 million americans received at least one dose of the covid-19 vaccine there been more than 1 million reports and there's the vaccine adverse events reporting system for the cdc is only claiming few side effects and they say there's neurological problems we call killian - sooner and blood clots and we call in a plexus which can be deadly use of course others in this and all of those many other types up complications that i have seen in my patients like for example hearing loss, tinnitus and facial palsy legal bills policy we have paralysis every face and rashes the source of things that those also need to be made aware to the patients is important
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that we provide proper information education to our patients not just hide it under the rug. liz: so these intolerant moralizing bullies you know they act like they are so open-minded with her braids have fallen out of the backs of their hats and so those injured on the covid-19 vaccine new york times of the government is ignoring them why and listen we understand how the vaccine worked sopping covid-19 the people were also making unhealthy choices not getting covid-19 and wise government ignoring these people. >> we know, this immoral and unethical but what we need to do moving forward is acknowledge it and address it and acknowledged the mistakes were made and also bring that information upfront so that there are some people patients will come in and they also have callings commit with patients furious types of injuries and patients don't realize don't know what you be from is important that we understand that anything that we adjuster come into contact with the vaccine her medication, you
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have a potential side effect black box warnings vaccines for example just as we do on antibiotics or cigarette boxes and is important that we take responsibility to make sure that we inform the public so that we stop causing these possibly preventable vaccine injuries when think it really bothers me and concerns me is the fact that is a compensation program for vaccine injury and why is a covid-19 included that and that needs to change. liz: i hope the government this is who you any congress should call you and you testified did not meet it with the schedule your terrific you think you for joining us joining us tomorrow center marshall douglas - andrew mccarthy interdiction we have more for you tomorrow and i think you so much for joining us and thank you for watching the evening edit and now it is time for two of my favorite people dagen mcdowell and sean duffy. >> thank you


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