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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 7, 2024 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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larry: that is it for kudlow. thanks for watching, folks. ♪ ♪ ♪.
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maria: good tuesday morning everyone, thank you so much for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo, tuesday may 7 from the milken global conference in los angeles your top stories right now 6:00 a.m. on the east coast the latest in rafah israeli officials have gone in the officials confirm either taking control of the rafah crossing after launching a ground operation yesterday more on that coming up this morning with texas congressman keith self and virginia congressman rob wittman still ahead anti-israel protesters speaking havoc around new york city hundreds of demonstrators taken over central park yesterday burning the american flag, vandalizing memorials, blocks away from the met gala which they also traveled up to more on all of this coming up, new york versus trump the trial resuming
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with a brand-new witness while judges threatening to throw donald trump in jail for violating gag orders who they said yesterday. >> this is a political witch-hunt election interfering and really truly election interviews and a disgrace. maria: more on that coming up. take a look at markets mix, dow industrials up 70-point, nasdaq negative down 21 s&p higher by two and a quarter were looking ahead to another major week of earnings, disney out this morning. the big player of the morning before the opening bell we will have those numbers the market reaction. yesterday a good day for stocks the dow close enough for the fourth session in a row the s&p and nasdaq fishing at the highest level since april 11 the dow industrial .76 on wall street and s&p of 52 and the nasdaq up strong up 192 better than 1% on the session, let's
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check european markets in the eurozone the s&p 100 in london higher by 85 the cac card appears is 29 and dax index in germany higher by 25, and asia overnight markets finished like this, south korea the big winner overnight with the cosby index up better than 2% the nikkei and japan of 1.5% will talk about markets coming up. joining to the conversation all morning long former uk prime minister advisor thomas mccormick tillman strategic investment strategist luke lloyd is here, "mornings with maria" is live right now. it is time for the hot topic of the hour israeli officials confirm they have taken over hamas -controlled areas of rafah alafter launching a ground terrorism operation yesterday the idf seen troops continue to operate against terrorist in the u.s., two dozen people were arrested yesterday as a day of
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rage, protest listen to this. [crowd boos] >> by a palestinian activist group in new york city police stopping 1000 into israel protesters from reaching the met gala at the metropolitan museum of art the mob starting from hunter college they went on to vandalize a world war i at central park, the agitator burning the american flag while others deface the statute itself spray painting gauze onto its base, president biden expect to address anti-semitism in the keynote address yesterday at the holocaust memorial museum annual day of remembrance celebration but the white house says he will not be with anti-israel protesters, watch this. >> congressman ro khanna said the president should and will be visiting the campus among the
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protests, is any plan for him to get out there and talk to students right now, gw's president has called for metro police in d.c. to intervene to dismantle what they deemed illegal encampment in d.c. police have so far refused to respond to that call, zuni reaction to the white house and what should happen. >> that is something i will leave to the local law enforcement in the universities. maria: there you have it, luke good morning to you. >> it seems like the administration a surprise that this is happened but the last four years they've been pandering to the far left group and now it's come back to the surprise that they would be extreme things. it makes sense when they keep doing all of the things that these people walk and all of a sudden it gets to this in the number one these are some of the most privileged people there at
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ivy league schools, most of the parents are millionaires and they're so desperate to be victims that they have to invent the story to really engage in this riot. is not a good situation for the u.s. and receiving in europe and things are not looking great. maria: that is a great analysis, what do you think. >> attended the day i'm watching a lot of oil in markets and you want to pay attention to what whales done to engage where this is having. if you take a look oil the iran conflict israel we saw big appraising oil and 10% the 10% selloff the last month tells you tensions might be projecting to go down in the next couple months a lot of markets are pricing at this point. when it comes to protesting people a lot of people are herd mentality and it's really the social media that is fueling the
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fire. everyone's trying to be unique and fit in and be cool, that is a young mentality. it's not even about learning new diversifying opinions, it's about trying to fit in and be a part of a bigger power or bigger thing. that's what's fueling these protests and thus conserving for the future. maria: i'll tell you, people are mad as hell about the lack of response to the anti-semitism vice president, the hearers ignoring the question yesterday with the potential cease-fire of israel and hamas. watch this. >> bottom vice president, hamas has accepted a cease-fire deal, hamas has accepted a cease-fire deal, your reaction? maria: shrimp and grits is how she answered. what do you think? >> she's a disaster. it's four years with her nothing surprises me i'm just surprised
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there is still trying to make her part of the campaign she so damaging. what this really shows you, there is no one at the top and that's what's happening the enemies around the world are exploiting this administration because they know they're not strong and standing up this would not be happening under president trump and this is why everything's been rushed through before we get a backing of upper. maria: the donors are watching this. can griffith yesterday at the milken conference said he is going to be curbing his giving a harvard until they commit to re-talk receipt. >> everyday person getting these adversities like myself against back, not billions for small amounts of money you could play your part by taking your money away, $900 billion in endowments is 60 billion in donations given last year. that's a lot of money that's why like studying where the money goes and influences decisions.
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maria: we are following the money this morning. thank you so much. we are just getting started this morning. a quick break. why some officials are saying the full impact of higher interest rates has yet to be felt. investment and president ceo john communis is here with more of the impact of inflation, domicile were coming back right after this. you are watching "mornings with maria". live on fox business. ♪ ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪
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maria: welcome back. take a look at futures. we have a mixed story but the dow industrial up another 82, now start pulling back after huge move yesterday on the upside the nasdaq is down 21 and s&p 500 high by three points, we are watching markets and interest rates take a look at the ten year treasury and the yield is pulling back down about
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two basis points at a level 4.46%, richmond federal reserve president thomas morgan saying he expects the 11 rate hikes by the fed to slow down the economy even further he says the full impact has not been felt and it will ultimately cool inflation to the 2% target as federal reserve president john williams says the fed will be lowering his interest-rate target at some point, joining us live from the institute global conference here in los angeles, california investment president and ceo john koudounis back with us. thank you so much for being with us if you think the fed will cut rates? i think higher for longer is the thing if we get a cut maybe we get one in september, the fed has been signaling cuts, i think it will be tougher for them not to do something hopefully but i think the look at the data and continue to look at it we may get one i doubt we'll get to but that's it.
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>> we've been talking about the full impact of the 11 rate hikes for some time, have you been surprised that we haven't seen a bigger impact from 11 rate hikes on this economy? >> it takes a long time to come and get adjusted to the system. maria: you agree we haven't felt the full impact. >> were starting to see it, jobs, maybe the numbers last week were an indication of what's going on but it takes time and i think the fed is going to look at the numbers and wait-and-see in the market got ahead of itself because as soon as the fed said we will cut we have five months of pretty solid equity markets but now i think will be trading sideways for a bit. maria: barkin said the job is not done yet, i wonder what that means the fed's job is not done yet. does that mean we could see a hike that's what jim graham predicted on the program months ago. >> i don't think so i don't think we see hike i think we see await more than a hike in rather
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than lowering rates which everybody anticipated, i think that's the job that he might be talking about. maria: your launching new products, tell us about it. >> we partnered up with acxiom in the credit fund which is phenomenal fund which is available to mom and pop and rita on the smallest denomination of $2500 and it's a first the takes in all the different classes and credit, is not just direct lending it is real estate and real assets, it is distressed so it's a whole multitude of private credit and some really, really well out of the gates right now. maria: do believe hard assets is something that you need to have the portfolio given the worries about a potential further downturn in the weakening of the economy we've got 4.9% to 1.6% in the first quarter. >> i think they should be part of it but you have to be careful where they are and if it's real
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estate where's the real estate was cities what type of real estate and whether it be commercial. you have to rely on the experts to pick the hard assets that will fit in your portfolio. maria: do you still see the same enthusiasm from investors, you been the father of ghost and undergrowth investing for a long time to still see that growth. >> we see a lot of interesting growth and a lot of money on the sidelines and people put in money markets because you're getting such great rates. but they still want equity exposures that were coming out with other products and receive incredible demands and we came out with an etf last week, as follows s&p and if you can buy for one year. it's cap to get 9.8% of the upside of the s&p which protected fully from the downside 100% from the downside there's a ton of interest in
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that we will launch a nasdaq and the russell 2000 products similar to that, we are seeing some of the money coming from the sideline to this because some want equity exposure but they don't know where they are, equities have done really well and they are afraid they may have missed it but they want plain equities of their moving money from the sideline into some of the products to try to capture some of the upside in equities but also protecting the downside. maria: i feel like there still will govern their $6 trillion sitting in money market accounts right now. >> it's a lot of money. maria: sustainable investing is the thing for you, tell us about that. >> we have a fun that we've had with headwinds in the states we're launching and we just got it approved in luxembourg, we could be launching 16 jurisdictions in europe where we feel we've already pre-marketing were getting positive increase
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where llanes is from and were getting positive feedback, has been politicized as it has in the united states and most everything the europeans are doing the look of sustainability for itself might be a much better fit in europe. maria: i think that's a great point, real quickly do you think will have a good year in stocks? >> i do i will have a year, let's see what happens with the elections, let's put it that way that's something everybody's watching. maria: you think depending on where policy goes. >> policy dictates everything. maria: i'm optimistic but we have a ways to go with the elections. maria: great to see you. thank you so much for joining us. john koudounis. israeli officials confirm they have taken over the gaza side of the rafah crossing, 41st committee member texas congressman keith self is here with more information on bidens middle east mass.
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watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. [city noise] investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. do you charge forward? freeze in your tracks? (♪) or, let curiosity light the way. at t. rowe price, we're asking smart questions about opportunities like clean water. and how clean water advances can help transform our tomorrows. better questions. better outcomes. t. rowe price
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cease-fire deal, hamas announced yesterday that it has accepted the cease-fire deal monday afternoon but israel says what they are accepting this far from meeting israel's demands israel sending a delegation to cairo where the talks are resuming today the u.s. and the un remain opposed to the ground operation in rafah. white house correspondent jacqui heinrich press national security communication advisor john kirby for more. watch this. >> doing everything you said about the concerns expressed by the u.s. and the risk to palestinians in gaza with full-scale operation is the u.s. to align with the 0 in its intention to eliminate the terrorist threat posed by hamas? >> you knocking eliminate an ideology through military operations but of right and responsibility to eliminate the threat that they've suffered on the seventh of october, 100% and we do nothing but been very steadfast on that.
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maria: georgia may not texas congressman keith self, a member of the veterans affairs and foreign affairs committees and a retired army special forces. lieutenant colonel himself. good to see you thank you for being here and thank you for your wonderful service to this great nation, what is your assessment of the work today? >> benjamin netanyahu has been very clear the good and destroy the infrastructure of hamas president biden has put obstacles in their way and announced he won't ship weapons to them but benjamin netanyahu in the israeli people are committed to this. if you talk about the forever wars, 48, 56, 67, 73, israel wants to stop these forever wars after having to fight. maria: how will that happen? >> day of the battalions of hamas in rafah and when they
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destroy that then we can step back and see who governs gaza but i will tell you if you want to give a better life to palestinians in gaza then we want to make sure the aid that goes in the actually gets to the palestinians and doesn't go to build hamas tunnels to attack israel, it doesn't go to data centers underneath the un offices. maria: how would you characterize the white house support for israel right now and its efforts? >> i would characterize it as they are trying to give them enough not to lose but not enough to win. we need to give them all the weapons that they need so they can finish the job. we do not need to be telling them that they're knocking to defend themselves against hamas. maria: the wall street journal wrote about this as well an op-ed this week on the message that the u.s. stands with bad
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weapons, why would the u.s. not give them everything it needs? >> because president biden is playing to the pro-hamas voters of michigan and other places it is very simple this is the campaign tactic by president biden. maria: that is pretty extraordinary when you say? >> is very extraordinary israel is a single democratic ally in the middle east and one of our strongest allies in the world and we need to stand strong with them so they don't have to continue to fight the forever wars against people that common murder, rape and lifestream into the world that is unconscionable. maria: let me get your take on what's going on in the house right now, speaker mike chanson said he met with marjorie taylor greene and at the meeting yesterday was productive ahead
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of her planned vote to try and oust him later this week that you were planning to meet again today how would you assess mike johnson's moves, speaker johnson said he spoke to former president trump and still has his support but we continue to see a wide open border in no efforts to close it even as the republicans claim this is your number one priority. >> everything you said is absolutely correct this congress is not in anything on the southern border in this congress has not done anything to slow down the runaway spending and this congress actually extended authorization of our intelligence community to spy on americans. having said that i am opposed to this motion to vacate because what we need to be focused on is in november sending joe biden into retirement, winning a republican majority in the senate in maintaining and growing our majority in the house of representatives, that is the price that we need to keep our ion.
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maria: what is wrong with congress, why can't you move the needle on securing the border. i know you need a willing partner of the other side and you have a hot.but it's frustrating to see all of the illegals coming in and the drugs flowing in and no movement. >> the problem is the republicans. not the democrats. we know how the democrats are going to vote, it's to video my republican colleagues who were unwilling to vote to secure the border you may remember the border bill was put on suspension which was a cover vote last week. that was a cover vote that was not a meaningful vote. i will tell you the pressure that you see in congress today from the conservative movement across the nation and in congress is going to continue that's only thing that brings results. i expected to continue and i think we will bring in very
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conservative reinforcements in the november election to support president trump in his policies. maria: did you see 60 minutes show the other day where hakeem jeffries said the democrats are actually in charge of congress did you see what he said? >> i heard he was touting that i watched the clip but that is him beating his chest, don't believe it we've got to get a republican conference together and frankly we need the reinforcements that i just addressed we need reinforcements out of the seats up for election in november. maria: we will watch all of that. thank you we will be watching your work. keith self joining us in d.c. we'll be right back with the milken institute global conference in los angeles. stay with us.
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maria: welcome back disney earnings crossing the tape, breaking news, cheryl casone with the details. >> this is something else, they'd be on revenue and they also missed slightly on earnings, i'm sorry the be on earnings and missed on revenue 121 is earnings, the estimate was 110 and 22.80 billion, the estimate was 22.11 billion but what is interesting for the first time they are streaming entertainment posted the first prophet to quarters ahead of schedule for disney this is a big reason why you see a boost in the stock the stock was actually down going into the earnings they are now saying the entertainment division is also looking stronger they came in line with revenue for the new parks division be on revenue in the sports division missed on revenue so they broke those down but an interesting quarter for
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disney will talk about this on wall street. other headlines that were following for you this morning. at least two people are dead and several others are hurt after a powerful tornado ripped through rural oklahoma the twister moving as fast as 130 miles per hour after touching down in the small town of barnstable overnight, local officials say the town is in ruins after the massive tornado plowed through much of the homes and rescue lines and power lines, rescue crews searching for missing people who may be trapped under all of the rubble. new video shows the terrifying moments members of the u.s. sailing team jumping overboard as the boat capsized us, this happened during a practice session the wild scene unfolding during the practice day bermuda sale grand prix it cause the boat to flip over, luckily no injuries were reported. a united states soldier has been detained in russia accused of stealing staff sargent gordon
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black had been stationed in south korea traveling to russia to visit a woman he was romantically involved with. that's according to u.s. officials and is held in pretrial confinement according to russian officials. mit becoming the first elite university to throw away the practice of diversity hiring requirements, the massachusetts goal will no longer require job applicants to make a pledge to the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion as a condition of their employment the school writing in it statement that my goals are to tap into the full scope of human talent to bring the very best and make sure they thrive them once they build an inclusive environment in many ways but compelled statements impinge on the freedom of expression and they don't work. di loyalty statements have become a common practice in higher education, those are some of your headlines. back to you. >> thank you very much. meanwhile a chinese president xi jinping is on his final day
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right now of the state visit to france traveling to the pureness mountains with french president emmanuel macron before heading to serbia, macron and european commission oppressing xi jinping on talks and trade issues in russia's war on ukraine urging president xi to end the war. president chicago macron to help china avoid a new cold war, joined me live from the bucket institute is milken institute senior fellow chairman and global market senior advisor curtis chin, great to see you. thanks so much for being here. what is your take on the world trying to get xi jinping to implore russia to stop this but do you think this is honestly the president xi is actually doing this. >> we can only hope so but the reality there needs to be more and more pressure.
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if you think about what xi jinping says he says let's try to prevent a new cold war that's great but even better let's say to him why don't you in the hot war, what is happening in ukraine is terrible and we see more brushes doing but china claims it is neutral but the reality that growing china, russia economically helps ensure that sadly the war goes on so xi jinping take action and help and what's going on in ukraine. maria: you even have firms like goldman sachs in china is not testable anymore he were getting people from all corners whether wall street or main street turning in terms of the sentiment. >> we had our first blockbuster day of this month at the conference and there was a jampacked standing only a panel on investing in china and the reality of the sentiment has shifted that china and the long run second largest there are opportunities there but the reality that there are growing
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opportunities across asia and southeast asia, asia center is based to singapore, the philippines the vietnam of the world, these are the new rising opportunities that more investors that are in europe want to learn much more about. maria: yesterday on the panel there was a feeling that people were looking for alternatives to communist china, why wouldn't they? give the national security laws that are putting people in harm's way they are worried at any moment chinese officials can margin into their businesses. >> even separate from what's going on china is the reality of what's going on and the other markets in there getting their act together becoming more investable because they're addressing things like corruption, good governance, when we think about the region of asia pacific people are so surprised when i tell them there's more u.s. investment in the ten or so nations and southeast asia then there is brazil, russia, india and china grouping of the brick nations. maria: that's a great point, opportunities abound in the
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neighborhood so white house national security communication advisor john kirby yesterday worried about china's relationship with russia here's what he had to say, watch this. >> at large we have seen china and russia try to grow closer together we believe a big reason for that is frankly the united states and putting themselves in position to oppose our foreign policy objectives were to try to be an obstacle to them and many, many different ways. it is concerning to us in the most specific concern that we have right now is some chinese companies are providing microelectronics and components so mr. putin can continue the defense development to put weapons in the field that kill innocent ukrainians. maria: it's interesting to hear john kirby talk like this. in the middle of all of this you about the chinese stocks traded
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on u.s. exchanges, what are we doing there? were allowing individual investors to fund the expansion of our number one adversary. >> who do we criticize exchange or do we criticize individual consumer behavior. maria: or the administration for not setting the tone doesn't the tone set at the top. >> were clearly i think all of us, that's what great most of us need to learn more about what happens when you invest in something almost anything about supply chain think back to where it came from that's what we all tend to focus on when you make an investment what are the consequent as above and beyond were to get a terrific return. >> your participating in two panels at the conference and i want to get your take yesterday you spoke with will i am on artificial intelligence, what did you learn. >> her world was being transformed and what we call the creative economy, the power of intellectual property and music but how do we make sure the music creators also get the
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return that they so well deserve but a.i. is not going away how do we smartly use it to increase her international impact. will i am, today and with the chairman a company. what i la cresta focus on is my panel on wednesday which is on the rise of entrepreneurs in this case asian american happy asian pacific american heritage month to you but were joining the spotlight on the small businesses the entrepreneurs and asian american otherwise that are the heart of why this country remain so investable. maria: tell me about sheehan. >> to preview my section to help people turn in today it's really in many ways the largest company in the world where do people get the close. i will have the chairman on stage with me today and hopefully asking the tough questions but again my goal is to get people to understand more these companies and institutions above and beyond the big
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headlines. maria: we've talked a lot about timo another chinese company trying to take on walmart. >> first i would say i don't know if shein is a chinese company they do so much here headquarters is actually in singapore in the chair up into chairman will talk to kids chinese-american but also the question of what is impact of these companies and in this case is a platform to help people get the close that they want innocent and thinking about the smaller companies these are truly asian american entrepreneurs that are created companies. maria: this is another panel the rise of asian american entrepreneurs, tell us about that. >> out terrific we all talk about the big investments in the big companies of the countries. but the reality of the milken institute were focused on small business and intrapreneur. i think were portly other people that are doing the business of america here, five people to to really investors three terrific
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startups asian american women they're just doing a great business here in the united states. i think we need to focus on helping american business of entrepreneurs. maria: right now i think one of the big issues of small business and regulatory backdrop i think gotto be the first thing that comes up for these folks. >> i'm going to ask them but indeed i talk about the big brick foreign countries and bureaucracy regulation, inequality, corruption musket all those things that's a real brick. >> as opposed to the brick nation. >> the regulatory environment has gone tighter in the last few years do you think that's a big issue for small business. >> is clearly one of them is not just federal it is state we've seen the reality of companies moving from here to florida, texas and other great states in the nation with the reality that some people can't move i have a small business here so we need
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to think how do we get them the freedom to create jobs and growth and sometimes regulation but too much is clearly a constraint on this nations continued great growth. maria: it's great to have you, thank you. curtis chin joining us here at milken institute. the builder a.i. founder is with us to tell us how artificial intelligence is reshaping the economy right after the short break. stay with us. ♪
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maria: welcome back artificial intelligence powered at developing company builder a.i. recently unveiling the first of the kind cogeneration system called natasha she is the world's first a.i. product manager helping to build a variety of apps interning users conversation including their voice directly into working code joining us right now here live from the milken institute global conference in los angeles is the founder of builder a.i. great to have you congratulations on all that you're doing. tell us how natasha works and give us your sense of where we are in the a.i. growth story. >> maybe starting with where we are it's like when they launched
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the internet and everybody thought the internet is here but actually spin your 50 years were in the dial-up world of aim broadband is not far away but were not there yet and i think that's important understand a lot of what were seen are tools for developers but what about if you're not a developer what if your business or an entrepreneur or journalist that wants to build software really the only power is your thought and your voice and what we done is been able to build where we could take what do you say asking a set of questions design features and produce production code with very little human intervention. maria: i think people get worried because are not sure how a.i. will be used, how will my voice be used, will be abused. >> that's a good point but ultimately you speak to a salesperson or consultant and you articulate what you want. if you articulate what you want there asking questions and that takes three months today we can
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get to the process in 45 minutes of a conversation and we can infer exactly what you might need because the volume of what we seen but we don't reuse it for some other purpose. maria: it sounds like what you're saying we have a long runway and i know the technology companies have been using a.i. but we haven't seen brought business invest in a big way, you think that's coming. >> absolutely think it's coming. if you think the enterprise one is to remove human variance, imagine a call center i'm sure you had great call center in not so great, sometimes you get a terrible agent and a part of that is because training takes time not everyone has the same insight as everyone else and that's really powerful because if you can have an agent and promptly human and say listen i think this is a question you should be asking here's the answer the right way of looking at it is superhuman as opposed to the other way around.
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maria: i love the cape that makes you superhuman, tell me about your panel your speaking about a panel today. >> reason the a.i. academy and i think what i noticed at the conference at this time there is a lot of excitement a lot of fear and regulation in pushbutton no regulation. to me what i'm seeing acrostic we can't propagate today's problems and assume tomorrow's problem because technology will change so quickly so really we need more flexible approach to how we think about regulation and also protecting safety. maria: this is an important point we don't know what the regular toy backdrop ultimately will be, what should it be where should the guardrails be in terms of a.i. >> at because of bright people in the room. today if you imagine the amount of information that exist between the researchers and the ceos running the prisons and the policymakers is very little but in a.i. is massive, the people doing the research and the
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companies were policy is there is a massive distance how do you bridge that when you bring in the right conversation. in a.i. is not just about technology and policy is about people with music and that's why we did the panel last night his people from the arts it's going to shape so much of how human beings attract each other. maria: your businesses software development regarding a.i. where are you in this process. >> our business is to use a.i. to build software and it may also include a.i. and it. the thing is a.i. is not on its own as an extension on the software ecosystem. what we also your lot from enterprises around the world, we have not invested in the organization of software and were not invested in the data then how will you build a.i. on top of it. i think that's what customer experience will change and you move away from horrible forms to conversation on a.i. and that will really step forward. maria: are you seeing an increase reception to this on the part of business what kind
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of reception are you getting. >> ever since november 22 chat gpt launched and we saw two things happen number one everybody woke up there is a new technology coming in but the other one everyone woke up to a new type of interface and typically we've always thought about software as tools and canvases and now suddenly had a really complex system that look like whatsapp and it was a channel and people realize the conversation that you can achieve so much so why can a.i. be the other end of the conversation. >> we need the a.i. chips in the limited in how many companies are producing the high-tech advance semiconductor chips in taiwan you have nvidia now apple says is developing a.i. chips for data center servers. i thought the piece in the journal about data centers were so spot on you are going to see data centers pop up everywhere as a result of this and there is investment going into, tell me
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what you see in terms of the chip side of the business. apple says it's going to be using the developing a.i. chips. >> can you imagine the analogy cpus are like a normal car, they can take you anywhere uphill, you can put luggage and you can go on a date, gpu is like a sports car. they're very specific and use them on the weekend and inference chips are like a racecar the only use on the racetrack so as you get more and more close to a specialist type of vehicle or specialist chip it becomes more efficient, why is that efficiency needed the power consumption would gpu today is massive. if you had 100 chips in circulation 24 is the power of and they consume less power and more efficient and that's what you see a lot of people build this because it's built to run a.i. as opposed to gp was unsure
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which is video games. maria: got under fascinating stuff. we will be watching your company. we will take a break. when we come back new york versus donald trump the trial resumes this morning with the new witness taken the stand at the hot topic of hour and we have after the break. you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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maria: welcome back. good tuesday morning, ever. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. i hope you're having a good tuesday morning, i


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