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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 7, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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allegations of document tampering by the prosecution, jack smith, judge cannon in florida has just further postponed the classified documents trial of mr. trump. looks like the cases are falling apart one by one. never fallen apart with liz macdonald. there she s. liz: larry, looking like a circus hall of mirrors
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and these cases and looks like they're go to be digging in on it. news on the stormy daniels testimony in the former trial against former president trump. stormy daniels went overboard and the judge rejected the trump team's demand for the mistrial and they were saying did prejudice employees on the jury and stormy daniels signed two statements that trump had nothing to do with the so-called hush money payments. let's get right to nate foy with the update outside of the new york supreme court. nate, it's quite a day. reporter: oh, it certainly was. as he was leaving the courthouse just moments ago, former president donald trump said today was very revealing and that the case is falling apart for prosecutor after adult film actress stormy daniels took the witness stand and striking a $ 130,000 deal with michael c
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ohen, but she denied extorting former president donald trump. she did say during her testimony that she hates trump and admit that had she previously said she would dance down the street if he went to jail. trump attorney asked daniels if she only made money off trump if she talked about sex. daniels responded "no, all though that seems to be the c ase". daniel's disposition changed noticeably during the cross-question c ross-examination and with t rump's lawyers, her answers were much, much shorter and h ere's an exchange with trump attorney who asked daniels "you despise him and make fun of h im". daniels responded "because he started it". daniels testify that had she met and had an affair with trump in 2006 and kept in contact with him after that believing he could help her career. trump denies the affair happened and on truth social, he call it
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had a false, ancient history. he also posted saying the prosecution has gone too far and called for a mistrial. you mentioned trump's lawyers asked for a mistrial because they argued that the jury heard damaging, un-related testimony relative to the charges that trump actually faces in the c ase. the judge agreed that it would have been better had some of that testimony not been brought to the jury, but he did not agree that we have met the threshold for mistrial. back to you, liz. liz: that's quite a moving target. nate foy, great journalism as always. joining us is u.s. assistant attorney, formerly , andy mccarthy. we didn't see anything from the stormy daniels testimony that's relevant to trump. this is looking like o rchestrated political head job to smear and hurt trump and put him in jail so before the election with biden and his team behind it. even if biden doj prosecutors on
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scene and it is remarkably absurd and weak and it should never have been brought to begin with. do you think it should be tossed out at this point? >> well, if you were following the law, they wouldn't have allowed this in the first place and this system today and meant only to humiliate trump and doesn't advance the ball proof wise, but if you think as i do that the whole objective of this was to get trump labeled as convicted non-and biden using as runup to the election, it is mission -- it's not mission accomplished but they're doing what the plan is even if legally it looks irregular. >> very little relationship for the case and it's just a d
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isasser and this whole case is a disaster and the legal scholar might have never seen anything quite like it and neither have i. liz: what is the underlying federal crime? do we know? we reported two weeks ago b ragg's team was talking about an ab secure new york state law about asperse a conspiracy viod influencing the election and bragg did not charge trump with any federal crime s. that the debate right now? >> going to enforce the law and he's trying to enforce what he calls federal campaign finance law but he's making up his own federal campaign finance law and the congress gave exclusive jurisdiction to enforce those
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statutes to the federal campaign finance statutes to the justice department on the criminal side and the federal election commission on the civil side. bragg doesn't have jurisdiction to do that and he's being cagey about what the other crime is, the so-called crime that he says trump falsified his business regards to fraudulently cover up and it's hard to follow what he's alleging. liz: that state crime they cited is a misdemeanor and looking at this, is this about reasonable doubt? is there enough reasonable doubt the jury gives the victory to trump? let's go through it, trump organization accountant and also trump organization accounts payable supervisor deborah testified they did not talk to trump about these payments and they didn't have any direct proof of trump's direct involvement and so-called
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payment to stormy daniels was not hush money and hope hicks testified it was to protect his family and not influencing the election and show the letter again for michael cohen's letter to the federal election commission saying trump was not involved. is there enough reasonable doubt here and the case goes away? >> no, liz, i think unlike our coverage here where we're trying to give our viewers legal analysis in connection with the parts of the case we hear, the jury is not getting that and the jury is getting alvin brag's version of events and taking its cues from judge merchant and that's the big problem here. the reason that the trump team is asking for a mistrial is because they're worried he'll be convicted if they thought this was sailing in the direction, they wouldn't be so hot to get a mistrial. they know as we should know that the jury is taking its cues from the judge in the prosecutors.
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liz: stay on this. could he win on appeal based on reasonable doubt we just cited or on a ppeal? >> sure but like 2026. liz: got it. andrew mccarthy, thank you for your analysis. bring in former deputy assistant attorney john yoo. goo to see you this. is flat out democrat abuse of the system and the courts to jail trump-appointed that's biden's political opponent. politico reported that president biden was complaining ag garland and the justice department was moving too slowly on cases to get trump. now listen to president biden making a joke about he is trying to get rid of trump. watch this. >> he says there's a lot we can do in terms of cutting. i have a really good idea of how to cut. a candidate. anyway. liz: yeah, cut a candidate. okay, trump says biden is interfering in the election. what do you think?
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>> one of the most important things the president should do is not accuse people and not attack people when you're not going to charge them. president biden's out there attacking donald trump for being an insurrectionist and gave power to special council to prosecute donald trump and that special council refuses to go after trump for insurrection and instead they coordinate it appear withs state das and city das too coop rite with bad t iming and sharing evidence of witnesses and they're c ooperating in some way or coordinating with state das bringing these weak, weak c harges and andy just diabetic patiented, they're trying to prosecute federal crimes that even the justice department, biden justice department wasn't going to bring and do it through the backdoor of pretending it's some kind of accounting error that incorporates the federal crime and the cases are so weak you're seeing da drag through
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the mud. can't forget these allegations opportunistic un-con ken shul sex with -- un-consensual sex with donald trump and stormy daniels no legal basis for the prosecution. liz: turn to the media, there's credibility of the media make or break. watch the analysis here and listen to first the sound byte saying, yeah, there's a danger for da brag and what? >> there was no direction from trump to falsify any records and that's a huge problem for the prosecution's case. he's not provided that crucial link between the crime or defendants of knowledge about it or ordering that the documents be falsified and it's a big problem. what you're looking at is this kind of verdict right here of
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the not guilty with the democratic jury. >> he cared about whether or not the stormy daniels thing at this particular moment and cares about his money and didn't want to pay it and didn't want to lightly have two important parts of the donald trump's personality and this case whether or not he knew. >> maybe donald trump will go away, go to jail, maybe he'll die, not to be too morbid. he's not a young man. liz: that's jen psaki talking about jailing trump or maybe he'll "die". that was a cnn anchor talking about trump's personalities and the facts of the law and debate of evidence and reasonable doubt and debate about that constitutional issues and c ritics call out at the same times for statements and such. where's the debate about what federal prosecutors yourself have warned and serious due
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process and first amendment violations against trump here? >> liz, that's the even bigger threat and bigger problem that arises to all this. yes, they've crossed the rubicon to go after former president. yes, the prosecutors have c rossed rubicon to cross the major opposition candidate to president and what we should all be worried about is they're c hopping down the laws to get trump and those laws are necessary to defend all of us in the future. liz: that's right. and a lot of voters see it and say we're moving on. roger marshal and kate cammack and american action foreign president douglas and former prosecutor kelly stimson and
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tudor dixon. look at this, new york times top editor hammered democrats for trying to bully the times for b eing easy on biden to get him elected. new setback for jack smith documents case against president trump and jack smith's team now accuse themselves, they're accused of mishandling d ocuments. and house republicans move to hold ag merrick garland in contempt for not turning over the audio of special council robert hur's interview with president biden in the c lassified document scandal and the audio proves the president is in cognitive decline. and bidenomics now hitting fast food chains more and more w arning wall street that historic inflation is taking a bite out of them. will your prices rise even more? the president claims he backs israel and senators now say biden convening congress d elaying arms to israel and
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hamas still holds u.s. hostages. more and more businesses and now judges say no, we're not going to hire or give jobs to anti-semitics to the protesters and backlash growing there and we're going to speak to senator roger marshal about his legislation calling for anti-israel agitators to the f aa. all this coming up on "the evening edit". ♪
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and it stays off. (soft music) liz: well, look who's here from senate homeland security senator roger marshal. senator, you're bringing us n ews. so you introduced legislation today to put campus protesters, students and faculty on the tsa no fly list if they call for violence against jews. can you tell us more. reporter: yeah, liz, simply stated, if you want to act like you're a part of the terrorist organization and you want to support a terrorist organization and if you're spewing hatred towards jews or anybody, go on the no fly list andives on the campus in kansas talking to j ewish students so concerned about their own safety and we'll dbrox b in the protesters and they're following into the schools and to the business school and they're having c lasses as well so this is a
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very real threat to americans. liz: you know, president biden today did denounce anti-semitism and his commitment to israel is ironclad and what do you make of senators joni ernst and ted bud saying biden delayed estimated $ 1.3 billion weapons shipment to israel and didn't notify congress and israel still b attling hamas and hamas holding u.s. hostages and israel facing threats from hamas and iran and horrific sexual violence against israeli women and why delay t heshipments? >> watching what he does and not what he says. he says one thing and does another. this is why we wrote a letter either and going to the white house asking them more specifics and what did you do with the weapons? >> i think it was old bait and switch trick by the white house and got congress to vote for their ukraine funding and their
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israeli funding and then they're probably diverting these weapons that were meant for israel and sending to ukraine and always been the white house priority. look, you cannot support them iran and israel. he's never stood beside israel and i think it's evident to all americans. liz: spokesman john kirby claimed the delay was not happening but it is happening and wall street journal is reporting and other reports c oming in and it is happening, you know, president biden, he is facing a key test. he, i think he has to deliver a mandated assessment to congress on how israel is using the weapons but what we're seeing is what else is happening is.
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three tunnel shafts into rafah detected there and they've been doing that to bring in food, water, doctors, egypt, jordan, saudi arabia and other arab nations won't take in gaza refugees and watch this son of hamas commander saying hamas' last minute ceasefire proposal is a trap and he's talking about dangers of not removing hamas from power. watch this. >> if we don't end hamas and remove them from power like at least to remove them from power, we are going to have many other wars. >> this has been going on for decades for centuries as well and if it wasn't for joe biden, this would already be overwith. joe biden stalled israel from ending hamas as we know it.
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they need to strongly stand behind them and joe biden is passive activities aren't going to work. liz: got it, senator marshal, thank you so much. we'll be following your legislation there and still ahead, hosts of the tudor dixon podcast tudor dixon and top editor at new york times calling saying stop pressuring the times and the media to alter and change their coverage to down play problems with biden in order to help biden get r eelected. this editor is pushing back saying the times is not an instrument of the biden c ampaign. plus, congresswoman kat cammack from house law enforcement. we have a growing backlash against anti-semitic student p rotesters and more and more businesses announce federal judges say no, we will not hire them. we're not going to give them j obs coming up on "the evening
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lyric more than a dozen federal judges now joining the growing boycott by businesses saying they will not hire anti-israel student protesters and they're not going to give them jobs. madison alworth live from columbia university in new york city with the story. madison, this is really quite a development. reporter: it absolutely is, liz. they're not going to hire any clerks from columbia. that is the big news here because they label the university as inc bay torr of university and they sent a letter to columbia on monday, most of whom serve in texas and they're not going to hire any law clerks with columbia and te elite institution and that've lost confidence in the school over the handling of the student protest and any student that chooses to go there and the fall of 2024 will not be hired as a clerk. columbia disqualified himself as
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the future leader of the country and going onto say that freedom of speech protects protests and not others going for them and c eo told protesters that c ompanies like his would like to hire them. saying in a post on x, moral courage is greater than a college degree and protesting against the genocide of the palestinian people and universities divestment from israel going and plenty of companies and ceos eager to hire you regardless of discipline and protesters on sunday and violence and anti-semitism and the stock was down at the end of last week. for students on campus and considering the news with c harges and other places of w ork. they say that they're hoping the protests don't impact their future job opportunities.
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reporter: of course, that's good news and a school like this carries weight and seeing the name of federal judges saying they're not going to have clerks from one of the strongest law schools in the country and that sends a message and we reached out to columbia to see if they have comment on the letter and they're declining to comment at this time. liz. liz: quite the warning sign and great reporting and journalism and we appreciate you very much. joining us now with law enforcement caucus, congresswoman kat cammack. congresswoman, good to see you. your reaction to 13 federal judges saying they're not going to hire from columbia. >> liz, i love it. you must have heard me say this a million times on your program and i got to say it again, we're living in crazy times and these
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stunts that want to protest and do stupid things, play stupid games and win stupid prizes and in this case, you're going to be headed to unemployment line because we know these people are willing and capable of doing their jobs and this happens when there's no consequences for anybody and i applaud these employers employers and employ the federal judges for stepping scout saying this publicly. there's a lot more to follow and many more that won't hire and they're just not public about it. liz: and exxonmobil ceo and law firms like david poke and they're not going to hire them and wall street hedge funds and palantir ceo said send them to north korea in exchange program and give them perspective and see how they feel about that and this development and students and parents are seriously
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rethinking and enrollment is dropping with ivy league schools with harvard and what do you think? >> it was something that was going to happen regardless and we've seen where the dei initiatives and the stripping of sat and act scores and this equal outcome versus equal opportunity mantra taken hold in the i vie league school and is would -- ivy league schools scd i would encourage them who are serious about the nonsense and look at florida and what the florida university system is d oing in my home down and university of florida and wall street journal standards and it's number one public university in the nation and we're going to make sure that we're focusing on quality and not just pumping out degrees that are meaningless on a piece of paper. there's a real choice to make. liz: protesters of met gala and protests were made and defaced and vandalized world waxer i memorial in new york city and
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president biden denounced anti-semitism and why is he still not filing several rights actions against anti-israel student protesters and p rotesters attacking jewish students on campuses and look at political analyst abed to darling stoned what she's saying and biden -- ab stodard. right going with biden taking cues from the easter bunny and shakes hands with inviseable people on stage and he's l iterally in this at this moment for political survival. he knows this really boils down to michigan for him and if he takes charge for this and going for this battleground state and i hate to keep it so base and i can for the white house, they make political decisions and to the what's best for her country and not best for the policy or
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people and he's a political animal trying to survive and hedging bets here and not take so many positions to edge his base. in doing this, he's losing entire part of the country and you know what, we can't do this anymore. that's what this is coming down it. liz: what happens with the p rotesters? do they keep going or wind down? >> absolutely. for them this is outrage p olitics and they find glory in objecting and that's where the money is and funded by wealthy individuals like george soros and why would they stop the money train and gravy train and attention and looking for cause to uphold and banner to carry. liz: got it and thank you for carrying tonight. this development coming in. bring in tuning fork tudor dixt host and the candidate tuning fork tudor dixon and this story coming out and new york times top editor
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joseph kahn pushing back on obama and democratic advisers saying it's not the new york times job to be biden's campaign arm or to stop former president trump from winning a second term in office this fall. now, this is a new york times pushing back hawaii do you think? >> i agree with what he's saying and whether or not that's how the newspaper is acting, i'm not exactly sure i can say that and she came out and told us what was going on in the news room and it's not for the meek and mild and seems like the news rooms today are for the liberals and if you're on the other side of that, you definitely struggle in these big organizations to come out and say, well, hey, let's tell the whole truth and not just one side of the story. he's saying they're doing that . i hope that they're actually going to do that in the future. liz: the back story is politico reported this at the white house and the biden white house got into a fight with the new york times and new york times named
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by name staffer attacking republicans and the white house bully the new york times and all of the reporters for the tier 1 e-mail list and briefing ands other materials and that went on for like a year and when you see the media coverage of the biden white house and some of the t imes, much of the time it's about access and the journalist go lightly and treat president biden with kid gloves because they like the access to the white house. is that what you agree to? >> the media is going to attack donald trump or whoever getting in their way, and that's been a problem since the public started saying we don't want this. we want to actually know what's going on. we see this in michigan too. congresswoman cammack was just talking about how important michigan is. the media here nay hold water
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for the boat and administration goes to them saying no, no, no. you take that off or you're not talking to us anymore. that's not allow ago free press and against the constitution and this is happening with democrats today. until we say the pressohas to step and you happen we're coming out and being told we're having access and threatened and manipulated, we won't know what's going on and i would say this really is bordering on illegal activity with the democrats in the propaganda party. liz: yeah, and senator kahn said the paper to not going to stop covering the polls showing top voter concerns like the border, economy, and inflation just because these issues are what trump is talking about. watch what the advice is now to biden to do interviews with media only friendly with biden like going on the view. watch his former press secretary
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jen psaki now an msnbc host. listen to this. >> so my view is he should come on the view before he does a press conference. >> thank you. >> he should because people want to have real conversations about issues that are happening. liz: a real and balanced conversation about issues they care about like the border crisis, crime, inflation? this is about a politician that's lived off taxpayers for generations in dc since 1974. does the view have a fairness balance conversation about any of this? >> no, absolutely not. one of the other things that was funny they ask him, well, do you think you should be covering more of the threat to democracy? this is what we're talking about right now. the threat to democracy is these people in these administrations threatening a free press telling them you cannot tell the truth. that's the true threat to democracy and i wish they'd cover that and come out and cover that and of course jen p
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saki wants joe bide ton go on the view and make him muffins and tell him how great he is and he'll sit and mumble and no one will say boo about it. liz: got it, tudor dixon, you're terrific. thank you for joining us. taking on this story with douglas holt-ekin and he's a very smart man and historic inflation take ago bite out of more and more fast food chains and warning to wall street, this is a well weather that more and more americans are increasingly staying home and they're not going out to spend money. wait till you hear how high their prices have really gone at places like mcdonalds, popeyes, chipotle and taco bell. first, we want to hear from my buddies, dagen and sean with a hot hour on the bottom lanum do you think of the stormy daniels testimony? >> outrageous and talking about that on the show. emac thank you, we're going to unpack the stormy daniels testimony and impact on the
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trial and matt whitaker and f ormer acting attorney of the state. amazing duos. >> we have cathy mcmorris rogers on republicans in the house t rying to get the government off your appliances. and you should have choice and everything those bureaucrats touch and skyrockets in christ and jade warshaw and people only affording a $400 car payment and a new car costing you $750 a month. it's just ridiculous what biden has done to this country. around here? hour.
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but with golo, it wasn't. the weight just fell off. i have people come up to me all the time and ask me, "does it really work?" and all i have to say is, "here i am. it works." my advice for everyone is to go with golo. it will release your fat and it will release you. liz: look who's heat indexer the president of the american action forum. he's douglas holts-ekin. doug, it's great to see you. you were one of the first to warn americans inflation would pick up, and it did. let's please get your reaction to florida governor ron desantis on this. let's get to the -- listen to this, watch. >> the federal government b orrowed, printed and spent trillions and trillions of dollars far beyond what they should have done over the last many years. when the fed was printing so much money, people were saying you're going to have inflation, and that's exactly what's happened and so that has been an
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invisible tax on every american. people are paying more for groceries, more for goods, p aying more for services. liz: inflation is invisible tax on americans. what do you think? >> it's not inviz and will people are keenly aware when they go to the gas station and fill up, go to the grocery and buy their groceries and head home to their apartment or their house, food, energy and shelter a third of their budget is r ising at 4.5% this. is something that's been around for three years now and it was a creation of the policies of this time and there was no excuse for it. this was a self-inflicted wound and there's no problem. once you let inflation get e mbedded in the economy, there's no good choices and you either live with it and we're living with it or you do things you really don't like. really high interest rates of the recession to get rid of it. we're in that dilemma right now and inflation has come down some
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and the fed is not going to hike even more and perhaps cause reception and we're limited and going to live with it. liz: it's not fair. it's not fair this government has had government spending and money printing on autopilot and they're spending like we're still in a war and depression. more and more people and look at fast food chains and we're t alking wall street and s tarbucks and wendys and mcdonalds and pizza hut and they're saying more and more people are not eating out and they're tired of rising prices and doug, you look at mcdonalds u burger king and shake shake, wendy's and sluggish u.s. come probable sales and starbucks reported its weakest performance and outside of the pan democrat and i can great recession and doug, what you look at prices, you know, prices at mcdonalds have about doubled over the last ten years. >> absolutely. it's been just one of the real leading indicators of inflation and here's what happens, it gets
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shifted onto other people as well. a lots of pop need a job in the service sector and many in fast food. they're not going to be hired and things are getting cut back. what happened during the pandemic when people stopped g oing out? price of grocery stores went through the roof and there was the wrong mix of things and no important inflation storm and going to get shifted somewhere else if people move from fast food. liz: do you think increased labor costs are driving prices higher too and look at price of big back. less than $4 in alabama and arkansas. it's more than $5 in california and hawaii. >> i mean, there are no margins in the fast food business. there's a million sandwich shops and million fast food franchises and competition for lunch or evening dollar ask see labor costs go up, prices follow right away. and if you take a look at california, vivid example and raise the minimum wage to $20 an hour and prices go through the roof. that'll happen everywhere as prices of labor go up.
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liz: okay. douglas holts-ekin-eakin, we need that big brain of yours on the story. thank you. a new set brachyand breaking news coming in, the special council jack smith's case against trump, classified documents. it looks like it has been postponed. there is no trial date set. this news was just breaking. we'll dig into it and also this, house republicans move to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress for d efying the subpoena to turn over the audio of special council robert hur's interview with president biden is l awmakers say this audio shows biden's cognitive decline may be worse than realized and we'll have former federal prosecutor break it down next on "the evening edit". we'll be right back.
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could not get their documents
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straight when documents were in what location and which box and now they have been mixed up. chain of custody is a huge deal in every case, liz. if they cannot do it right in that case, just hands the defense all sorts of fruitful cross-examination. i think the reels are starting to come off the bus. >> trumps said the team failed to preserve critical evidence in the documents seized from mar-a-lago. the prosecutors had told the court some classified records may not be in the original order in which they were found. also this that the f ei used their own hand made handwritten cover sheets for these boxes of documents indicating a classification level of what they ceased after that grade. it looks like the authorities stage the photographs that went viral on social media. it looks like it was kind of a pumped up staged thing. what do you think?
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>> well, i don't know. in cases where there are documents of forensic evidence you better have it together and you better have a completely squared away. you are handing the defense fruitful right cross-examination questions. the judge may actually be doing the government a favor. giving them a chance albeit not intentionally to figure out whether this is just a minor error which they can fix or whether this is a fundamental flaw in their case. >> a body blow to the classifieds document case. we don't know when the 2020 case will move forward. the hush money trial looks like a farce. the georgia 2020 trial, bonnie willis has had her credibility hit. house republicans may move next week on may 16 to hold attorney general garland an attempt of congress.
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he refuses to comply with a subpoena to turn over the unredacted audio of former special counsel robert hurst interviewing president biden and his mishandling of records. lawmakers say that the audio does show biden's comment of decline may be worse than realized. how key is it to get the audio. >> for the republicans, it is key. they want to hold him in contempt if he does not turn over the audio. in cases ongoing the authority will say there is an ongoing case. this case is closed. the doj will just say there is no over -- no oversight responsibility for us to turn this over and they will say, yeah. i think it would be politically damaging for the president of the american people here him stumble and bumble through his answers and not be able to remember things. we will see how this plays out. >> special counsel testified to house judiciary that while the audio specifically contributed to his decision not to press
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charges, it did show the president as an elderly man with memory problems. final word on this. >> rob is a straight shooter. he told it the way he saw. i don't know what the justice department has to hide. let the american people listen. >> okay. we will see where it goes. what is the next shooter up against trump? >> the government to file a pleading saying set a trial date and we have our ducks in order. let's move forward. >> thank you for joining us. join us again tomorrow night marsha blackburn will be with us chad wolf. also bob. i am elizabeth macdonald. thank you for watching "the evening edit" on foxbusiness. now it is time to send my buddies over at the bottom line. dagan and shawn. >> thank you. >> sure. ♪


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