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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  May 7, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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>> hello, folks.
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welcome to kudlow. folks, you may be noticing we are not rushing to cover the downtown trump file. why? because she has nothing to do with the charges concerning business records and furtherance of the crime that is yet to be defined by the alpine bread prosecutors. the point has nothing to do with this. nothing. a nondisclosure agreement funded by trump personal money, neither of which is illegal. not the personal money nor the nondisclosure agreement. in fact, the prosecutors have not even stipulated yet that mre payment for the nondisclosure agreement. the sole purpose of today's witness is to create a salacious story atmospheric that is done deliberately to sully mr. trump 's reputation and bias the jury towards convicting you.
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even the judge has acknowledged the so-called salacious information should not be allowed, but of course, he allowed it anyway. today's testimony by certain actress should have been inadmissible as every fair and right-thinking person knows. asking for a mistrial and they are absolutely right. this is an insane political trial driven by the biden administration and in fact some former biden justice department prosecutors are running this case. nothing but 2024 election interference in an effort to keep mr. trump tied up in court so that he cannot campaign against joe biden. none of this should have happened in the first place. now the trial, not certainly the actress testifying. transparently evil actions orchestrated, in my view, by the biden administration from the top all the way down. tragically, these welfare
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actions, this two-tiered justice system, this attempt to sully mr. trump is also a damaging blow to the prestige and glory of the united states of america. a blow to our freedom. this is a sordid period of history and it reminds us all why joe biden must be retired from his office. therefore, i choose to give no currency to today's witness fiasco. we have other fish to fry on the show tonight. other great topics and it is all very interesting. we have the congressman on the doctor crime scene photos of classified documents which in the florida trial a leading judge postponing a key deadline. joe biden racing to trump proof his massive regulatory agenda. of course going to fail at that. we have steve moore to talk about all that. we have senator joni ernst who
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was here is a biden withholding ammunition from israel and joe concha and mark simone will tell us who the next president will be, to the next vice president will be in the general discussion of life, liberty and the pursuit of happyness. joining me now is the chair of the house judiciary committee. mr. jim jordan. mr. jordan, you heard my opening i want to say enough said. i am much more interested, to tell you the truth, and how these documents in the trial. you are the head of the judiciary committee. this is right up your alley in your jurisdiction. apparently, the documents were doctored, but, apparently, the classified covers were docked —-dash doctored also. tell me if you know about this and if you're going to go after it, sir. >> to answer the last question, yes. we will pursue this as strongly as we can. what we do know is the documents
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that were seized, they change the order of those documents. the physical documents did not match up with the scanned documents. when you do that, that is called tampering with evidence. something that you are not supposed to do. the irony for me, larry, jack smith mishandled the documents, the very documents he is charging president trump with mishandling. go figure. this is how ridiculous it is. the other big take away for me is, remember what they did with joe biden and his handling of classified information. robert hurricane before committee and said joe biden met both elements of the crime. he knowingly kept, knowingly disclose classified information and then robert her said in his report joe biden had strong motivations for ignoring classified procedures because he was writing a book. a book for which he got paid 8 million bucks. we have motive. we have the elements of the
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crime. we recommend no charges because he is a forgetful old man. we have the double standard then we have jack smith mishandling documents all while he is charging president trump for supposedly mishandling information. you cannot make this stuff up. >> a very sordid. all of this. julie kelly investigative reporter, she says that the fbi agents actually accused of willfully misleading the american people. i will just redo this, into believing the former president is a criminal and a threat to national security attached the cover sheets to at least seven files to stage the photo. the classified cover sheets were never recovered and the container contrary to what one of the prosecutors said. in other words, look, i am just saying these are her charges. and fbi agents took it upon themselves to paperclip the
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sheets to the documents. the whole thing is out of order. classifying this color fold document. it may not have happened. it was all wrong. >> if they did that. if they did that, that is clearly tampering with evidence. that is just so wrong. on par with what they did clear back in 2016 when they took false information to the fisa court to get a warrant to go spy on president trump's campaign. if they did that, if they added that to these folders, that is as wrong as it gets and we need an answer to that question and that is certainly one we will try to get the answer to. >> going on to write, by the way , she is a very good reputation. a lot of people look to her. she does honest investigative work did defense attorneys claim and the special counsel concedes that some placeholders do not
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match the relevant documents. apparently the judge has no postponed a crucial aspect of the trial because she is looking at the same thing that ms. julie kelly is describing. yesterday based on new revolutions of evidence disruption and potential tampering judge eileen canyon has postponed a key deadline in the classified documents case. i just find this incredibly incredible. >> every one of these cases is falling apart. nathan wade being paid by the taxpayers of georgia coming up to d.c. meeting with the januar. the department of justice, that cases all falling apart. you talk about how ridiculous alan breaks cases. now we have the classified documents case falling apart in miami. we have the immunity issue for the case in d.c. we have the supreme court handling that. i think, again, the country is
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clearly seeing that these cases are baloney. it is wrong and the country understands that. >> you know, the worst part is it besmirch is our justice system. this is the greatest country in the world. that infuriates me, too and i'm sure it does you as well. let me branch out just a little bit, jim jordan. with respect to all of these campus riots and the anti-semitism and the hate crimes therein, is your committee or can your committee look into a civil rights discrimination case, title vi which was reinforced by an executive order by president trump, i might add a couple years back when he was president how about defunding these colleges. they are in violation it seems to me of the civil rights discrimination. is there a case there, jim jordan? >> we passed legislation on the house floor last week.
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basically taking the definition president trump at when you serve in his administration. that definition was in the legislation. we are also looking at the money the money from outside individuals encouraging these agitators to come to campus and do all this crazy radical stuff. and then federal dollars that go to these universities. finally, what our committee is looking at is, where any of these students engage in this radical anti-semitic behavioral campuses, were they here, are they here on a student visa. 55% of the student body in columbia are on some kind of student visa. we said if they are here on a visa, secretary antony blinken are you working to revoke that visa and if you are doing that, secretary may orchids, are you working to remove them from the country because airing clear violation. we started out from the judiciary committee last week. >> has mr. trump come out of the courtroom? hang on.
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we will go back. false alarm. sorry, jim jordan. did not mean to interrupt. >> no problem. larry: one other thing here. we are talking about student visas. i am still waiting. we heard this a month ago or two weeks ago i am still waiting for president biden to issue some kind of executive order or actions to close the southern border. now, you all passed your hr two, you and -- reinforce that bill. so far, nothing has happened. what we know is we have a bunch of outside agitators on college campuses. somebody told me today painting the steps of one of the columbia buildings, they cannot even spell palestine right, for heaven sakes. letting palestinians in, letting gaza and without vetting them. when are we going to close the border? what is happening here? all of these other actions are blocking out that issue which is
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either the number one issue in the country or after inflation the second most important issue. what do you think, jim jordan? >> this administration is not going to do it. they created the problem. they made the situation on our southern border. created the issues that we have talked about. the only way we will get this thing fixed now is when president trump wins and takes office in 2025 which i think will happen and it is exactly what the country needs. that is the only way that i think we will be able to solve what joe biden intentionally did , set out to do, literally on day one of his presidency. >> jim jordan, it is always a pleasure. thank you, sir. >> folks, coming up. we welcome back laura ingram. she will tell us he was winning the presidential race and who she thinks mr. trump should pick as his vice president. as you may know, we are not giving any currency to the downtown trial today.
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that is our decision. we have lots of interesting things to do. we will talk about regulations and trying to trump of phi. they will never stop mr. trump from throwing back regulation. they will never stop him from cutting taxes. they will never stop them from cutting spending. none of it will happen. they can try all they want. i'm kudlow, we will be back in just a few minutes. ♪
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly.
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larry: joining me now laura ingram. thank you. as you probably heard, we are not giving any currency to what went on down sound -- downtown today for other reasons you mentioned earlier on fox news. i felt the same way. i would rather talk to you about why donald trump is leading in the swing states and why he has been on message so effectively on inflation, the economy and the border. this is probably the best campaign he has ever run. what do you think? >> i think so. sharp contrast to the circus that is happening and that manhattan courtroom. most people, i like to call them normal people now, remember 2019 , 2018 is a time when they had more money in their pocket, more optimism about their own financial futures and more
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certainty that we had a nation still with borders that were increasingly being well enforced under trump. so, now, four years later, everyone sees themselves, except for maybe the billionaires that have done really well, but see themselves in a much more precarious position. the fact that they have to bring out a porn star and bring out, you know, a convicted perjurer asked our witnesses and their latest hit trump fawley really shows you the lack of confidence that democrats have in their own agenda. i don't even think that they are bothering or claiming to improve the economic lives of most americans. they have kind of given up that argument. now it is all of the issues that they polarize the nation on. >> without giving any detail whatsoever, get trump is right. get america. they are dishonoring america by these tactics. these crazy tactics.
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this two-tiered justice system, this terrible witnessing going on downtown and so on and so forth. they are just damaging this country. a very sorted strategy, laura. i just have the sense that it will all backfire. i may be wrong in this but i have a sense it will all backfire as right-thinking people, clearheaded people look at this. >> i think you are right. and a lot of this is already playing out in the polls. not just one or two polls, larry , when you look at the polling of voters likely to vote under the age of 30, throat dramatic shift away from biden is something, i think i am pretty with it with politics. i did not predicted to be that stark against biden. a 29-point swing against biden. trump is up five and that voting block right now. that is a monumental change. hispanic evangelicals. keep your eye, larry, on that demographic. these people are fed up.
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they are hard-working. they did not come to this country to live in poverty. they came to have a chance at a better life. biden is taking out a way for people week by week, month by month. i really feel like people are feeling it and they feel like they've been chipped and they been sold a bill of goods. i don't think a stormy daniels day on the stander michael cohen doing his usual antics will make a difference. >> here is a fun clip. trump out in wisconsin last week reverse robin hood. have a listen, please. >> crooked joe biden launched the greatest confiscation of middle-class wealth in the history of our country. biden has run the government like robin hood, essentially, in reverse. stealing from the poor and giving it to the rich. that is actually what he does. they say many of the rich people are with democrats. it has changed. we have become the party of the
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worker. we have become the party of the middle income. >> reverse robin hood which i love. the party of the worker which i think is true. he has basically changed the gop >> yeah, well, he came along to kind of wear pat buchanan, rick santorum, mike huckabee, others, and reagan, really, a big believer in small business. you work for president reagan, so did i. he believed in the power of the entrepreneur. margaret thatcher, her dad the small shopkeeper. they lived above the store. she was always about small. beware of the big, big government. often times big business because big business becomes like big government. he has really tapped into that sentiment. i don't want to hand out. i just want government out of the way and i want a fair shot. de i had woke -ism in the anti- girls and women sports stuff they are pulling, i think
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they made a devil's bargain by aligning themselves with the far left and i think that it is coming back to bite them. doctor frankenstein the monster is coming to get you. >> it is a party of worker. it is a party of work we want to reward work and we want to reward success. you are right, i agree with you about pat buchanan and so forth. he just comes right out and says it. >> i think trump, and so many ways is a common sense conservative. he has a conservative with a populist. a lot of it is just plain common sense. those guys are ripping you off. we will give you the opportunity that you always deserve. you will work hard but we will not take your wealth from you. in fact, we will give you a tax cut. a broad-based middle-class tax cut and completely counter biden 's plans to raise taxes.
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you know they will be raised on everybody you have covered this so well on the show. >> working on it. working on both sides. working on both sides. i will tell a certain candidate that laura ingram signed on for the next tax cut. i love that. you are terrific. >> great to see you, larry. you can catch laura weeknights at 7:00 p.m. eastern on fox news coming up here on kudlow, steve moore telling us why biden cannot trump proof anything. anything at all. i'm we wileml be right back.
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too. i don't think that will work. nothing works for biden. joining me now is steve moore and hosts of more money. former omb director and president center for renewing america. thank you very much. biden raises to trump proof his agenda. trying to get all of these regulations. i just saw in april government agencies finalize nearly three dozen economic significant regulations more than during any single month of biden's own presidency and his own presidency is probably the biggest regulatory binge in history. what is the visit that china trump proof it and how will that work? >> what they are using is called a congressional review act. it is a law that allows congress to common and overrule a regulation within 60 days of when that rule has been done.
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effectively when you have a turn in the administration because obviously you are sending a bill to the president and he will only sign it if he is a new administration. effectively under president trump more than any administration in history. i don't think they will ultimately be successful. trying to get these things done and they may be able to reach the deadline on a couple of things, but they are in here for the administration. the scarcest resources you have in the administration's time. it takes time to go through the regulatory process. they will not be able to get their entire to meet the cra clock. a new admission will be able to take these things up by the root and branch and get the economy going again. larry: steve moore, i don't know whether they can get in, people say they won't get them done until july or august. trump will come in and overturn it anyway.
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that is the key point. it may take him a little longer or not, i don't know, first of all, biden knows he will lose, that is why they are doing this, obviously. second point is, they know they are bad. who is in favor of these regulations besides the regulatory bureau crowds and the whole antibusiness trust of the biden administration. >> yeah, from all of our lives, your life, mary russell's life, my life we have never seen a regulatory assault like we have seen just in the last two or three weeks. it is almost like you said. larry: hang on one second. hang on. i want to take trump. hang on just one second. we will come right back to you. >> relationship for the case. because that is the da. it is a disaster. this whole case was just a disaster. if you can see they are writing
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about anything quite like it. neither am i. i should be okay with it now. i would like to be campaigning leading by a lot more. i just want to appreciate that. it is not easy standing there all day waiting period we will hear the same things. on another matter, you know, funding what is going on with the palestinians, probably not palestinians, agitators, really bad and i think our government ought to find out who they are, where they are from and treat them the same way that they do the hostages. you have to treat them the same way. these are agitators putting our country -- it does happen all over the country and cities. it happened last night at the
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metropolitan museum. these are agitators. i think it is about 20% student and 80% others. this is a big problem. a problem from the left, not from the right. this is a problem of the left. i hope you can address that. the economy is not doing well. you see inflation is through the roof. they will not be able to lower interest rates. it will be very bad if they do from the standpoint of getting rid of inflation, you have to get rid of the inflation. you probably heard me say, it must countries. it has for a thousand years. you go back and you look at old-time germany. look at a lot of countries that went through the kind of inflation we are going through. they are busted. they are just broken up. broken up in many cases into little pieces and that is what can actually happen to us. we have to get inflation under
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control. we have to get prices down so people can breathe and people can live. but, again, any honest report would say that the art i would recommend that you read jonathan turley and alan dershowitz, mark levin, very talented people and others. there are some incredible people out there that are writing about this. they call it a disgrace. it is a disgrace. in the meantime, i am stuck. i am here instead of being in georgia. instead of being in new hampshire. instead of being in wisconsin. all the different states we wanted to be in. we are not there because we are stuck in this trial which everyone knows is a hoax. thank you very much. >> there you have it. president trump. we will have mark simone and joe
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concha talk a little bit more about that. actually, talking about regulations and the role of regulations and inflation. you heard mr. trump talk in some way about the evils of inflation and how it can wreck a country. the biden's do not see it that way. they want to regulate everything i say they are throwing sand in the gears and keeping prices high. we always talk about energy and food. other parts of the economy, too, steve. >> they want to go after google, they want to go after apple, they want to go after small businesses. they want to go after the franchises in america make them much more susceptible to lawsuits. i could talk for 20 minutes about the litany of these regulations. they want to regulate what kind of appliances you have in your house. there is one common thread here. it is all antibusiness. they hate business. they go after successful businesses. the more successful you are, the more they want to sue you.
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>> you know, on this point, we can talk about the congressional review act as you just did and how that can overturn these regulations if you get a president and a senate in the house of the same party or executive actions may take a little executive orders that may take longer. russ, the courts epa versus west virginia and other courts, these regulations are not mandated by congress. this is part of joe biden's illegalities, if you will. including the student loan cancellations is another perfect example. what they are doing in the energy sphere, russ. they don't have the authority to stomp out gas powered cars, for example. costing $15,000 for a new refrigerator or heating system. where does that authority come from? >> they don't have it. this is a lawless administration they take every policy and they
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breathe as much progressivism and leftism as they possibly can and then they just send it over to the courts and they hope that it sticks and often it does not because the courts are increasingly with many trump judges increasingly saying, look , congress never gave you this ability, this authority. we will not give you quite the same deference that we once did to the administrative state. that is changing. i think, too, the issue of whether they can get done or not and how it trump administration can respond, look, we know how to do this reform now, larry. we do not need to have a long policy process to be able to say , you know, we will get infrastructure bills decided within a certain amount of time. just even talking about schedule left her some of the personnel reforms, these are some of the things you can do early because you don't have to have a policy process because the president was in office for four years and already decided on a lot of
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these issues and is campaigning on them with his agenda 47 agenda. >> steve moore, real quick on your way out, we can have bureaucracy reforms. tenure bureaucrats that are left-wing that can be changed. things like net neutrality. in wisconsin, and his speech, this is a favorite, i know mine, too, he talked about budget, executive and palmitate of authority to knock out ways of fraud and abuse. i will give you the last word. >> i think the three of us will love that idea. having the authority to just strike out unnecessary spending. literally saving hundreds of billions of dollars. i just want to say one other quick thing about this. where is congress. why is congress delegating this lawmaking authority to these unelected, you know, regulatory chiefs that are accountable to no one? by the way, i think we will win
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that chevron case. keep your eye on that one. basically saying congress has unlawfully delegate -- delegated all this authority to these regulators. >> not to speak of the budget deficits and the dead and the rest of the spending. steve moore, thank you. thank you. let's talk a little politics. we have joe concha. he is right here. we have mark simone wor radio show host. best-selling author. just not as much fun. they did not put it in because we are running late. trump's comments today. >> strong as usual. takes advantage of the podium he has. the media paying all of the attention on him and not on joe biden. he makes a good argument. he should be out campaigning in and said he is stuck in this trial. larry will go on for another two weeks if you listen to most analysts. >> the details of the certain witness today which is what we
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have refused to give currency to your thought is that this will overturn, this will completely overturn alvin bragg. >> that is reversible error without question. winning the appeal based on this very dignified, looked like a professor. the guy going after bill clinton at one point he got into the salacious details with monica lewinsky and it turned out the public that is where his investigation, his impeachment attempt started to derail. there is no place for that kind of conversation. >> that is one reason we did not covered in detail on that show. you may be right. do you think this is going to wind up helping mr. trump or is it going to be more of a mixed bag? >> i think the testimony what we saw today underscored what an absolute joke this case is. nobody on the other networks for the most part and obviously the men that donald trump mentioned as far as jonathan or andrew can
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identify what crime occurred here exactly. >> people are struggling in terms of inflation, which is not keeping up with inflation, crime , they see what is going on on american campuses and they are like this is what we are focusing on this point that is why we saw three polls out this point. cnn up seven. having the exact inverse affect the democrats wanted. >> it would seem, to the point, the country is out of control. it is out of control. whether this is 1968 or not or whether this is the summer of 2020 or not, i don't know. some parallels, and some not so good. it just seems like it is out of control right now. the legal system is out of control. the campuses are out of control. the border is out of control. crime is out of control. >> that is joe biden. the guy that promise to bring us together, keel us, bring us back to normal created total chaos. perverted the total justice system.
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crime everywhere. it is just total chaos. that is his thing. >> you read, justice department officials basically running this biden administration justice department official. >> biden is running the trial. it was biden's guy that did the questioning. biden's guy that did the opening statement. look at this terrible fake news. i've never seen a trial where they did not follow the prosecutors out to the car yelling questions at them. they don't go near them, never asked these guys a question. everest this biden guy what he is doing here. never asked bragg why are you not doing the case in court, are you not doing the opening. larry: and mike making too much of this? i think it starts in the white house counsel office and then he consults with president biden and then it runs right through the justice department. here we are or there in florida or in washington january 6 or
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they are in hot lano which is another joke. this thing down in florida, they are getting nowhere. fbi agents may have rigged the classified documents label sheets. i don't know if you heard our reporting on this. great investigative reporter. pushing back the trial again. i mean, really? this comes from the oval office? >> let's apply some kudlow common sense here. the guy who was number three in the department of justice said, you know what, i see a better career opportunity, i will go work with alvin bragg on the case that everybody thinks is trash. of course it is. that is just logic. nothing to do with conservative or liberal, who also do that unless they wanted someone in their quarterbacking on behalf of the biden administration. larry: it did come out this fellow was paid consulting fees by the democratic national committee. that may not be in itself the worst thing i've ever heard.
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it may be starting from the oval office. here is the thing. i said this earlier in the show. talked about it in my opening riff. to me, the whole country. it brings a whole country down. this is a great and glorious country. this stuff has no place in america. zero. >> nobody in this country, we have never seen this kind of witchhunt. we have never seen that in this country. the overvalued assets in the business and tried for that. to see that technique come to america. they claimed he was an insurrectionist. all the same stuff that putin used as being used here. >> joe, last word. >> maybe garland will leave as attorney general and go work for avani willis. she can stand by him. [laughter] >> she needs a little help. >> very good. coming up. why is joe biden withholding ammunition from israel. this story is gaining currency.
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we will talk about it with senator joni ernst when she returns from israel. she apparently is very unhappy about this ammunition story. i am pretty unhappy about it, too. thank you. appreciate it. ♪
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why is joe biden withholding ammunition from israel as so many reports now suggest. iowa senator joni ernst joining me now. just came back from israel. welcome to the show. what is going on here? is he withholding information and why? is that breaking the law? >> i was in the middle east over the weekend. we found a media report that joe biden intended to withhold ammunition from israel. our closest friend and ally in the middle east. what happened to joe biden pressuring congress to get supplemental package done saying it was an urgent matter and his support for israel is ironclad. i think that he is walking both sides of the aisle there.
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joe biden, you need to release this ammunition and make sure that our friends can fight against this evil threat. >> so far at the white house, no one has said anything about this charge. the reports continue to mount up i know you put a letter out with senator bud and so forth. they are just silent on this. the other part is, they are trying to tell israel, do not go into rafa. do not defeat hamas. that is part of this. >> exactly. the center there and i were on this trip to the middle east over the weekend to make sure israel knows and understands that we are with her. i think that the world has forgotten that it was hamas that perpetrated these attacks on october 7. not israel. it seems that everyone is pushing against israel we should be. we should not be using our support, our ammunition or weapons platforms to leverage
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against israel. they are our number one friend and ally in the middle east. >> the other story out there, a deal is being made with hamas. the only trouble is they wanted permanent and to the war and thomas is not talking about any hostage exchange. i know you are over there looking into the hostage story. are there hostages? this is a heartbreaking story. we've covered it, we talked about it before. what is happening on that front? >> yes, larry, we set last night with the families of the american hostages in jerusalem and as we were sitting down to dinner with them, those many reports started coming out about hamas agreeing to a cease fire. our hearts were leaping with joy only to be dashed moments later to this was a deal cut by egypt,
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by cutter and by none other than hamas. again, israel did not have any part of that agreement. and, so, these families continue to hope and pray that their loved ones come back to them. >> you know, whose side is the united states government on here israel has launched, the idf has launched operations, but even at this late date the united states trying to stop them from taking out hamas. i do not get this. >> exactly. senator ted button and i are very clearly with the hostage families. we are very clearly with israel and, again, the administration has been waffling on this by saying that they are ironclad in their support of israel and yet doing everything that they can do leverage against the prime minister of israel and israel as a nation state. we need to support our friends
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and israel. we need to make sure that hamas is absolutely devastated. we need peace in that region but not at the expense of israel and certainly not at the expense of our hostages. we have forgotten that we need to make sure that we are putting our hostages and israel first, but we have forgotten overall that hamas is the one that perpetrated these crimes. they are the ones that raped women and children. they are the ones that drug elderly citizens of israel across the border into the gaza strip did we need to focus on the terrorist, not on our friend and ally israel. larry: i assume that israel is now launching what will be the final action against thomas. >> yes. i would say that, larry, when they feel that there is no hope and no one is out there supporting them, what leverage does israel have?
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rafa. >> thank you very much. we appreciate it. folks, we will be right back
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