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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  May 8, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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lauren: the reverse which i was initially 98 but i will go with 2002. stuart: i did interviews with jeff bezos back then but she was trying to explain what they were doing on the internet. i didn't get it. >> when he still had hair was 1998. stuart: i will go with 2,000. i've no inside track. that is what i was going to do first. selling music along with dvd and video sales when amazon acquired whatever. so they could track which movies were most popular. thanks for being with us. we will see you again tomorrow and coast-to-coast starts now. neil: you thought donald trump had legal headaches. have you been following the
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tiktok thing? only a day after it filed a lawsuit challenging a new law that would ban it in this country, the key commissioner, why brandon carr says the chinese company arguing for free speech might be a tad rich lychees here and you might want to cover your ears because he tells it like it is but if you think that is odd, how about president biden heading to wisconsin announcing the expansion of a microsoft plant, say microsoft the company argues is like a lot of other big companies that are not paying their fair share in taxes. that changes next year. awkward. edward lawrence, please help us out with this. >> reporter: with the president in wisconsin, in 45 minutes president biden will be in a gateway technological college. he will announce the ai data center is $3.3 billion investment.
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the microsoft ceo is here, the fourth times this year president biden has been to wisconsin. part of the reason why, not only are they tied in the polls but president biden voters in wisconsin. 41% say they are not getting ahead, basically falling behind financially, 45% saying they are holding steady. the crisis has dogged him. food in the grocery store up 21% since he came into office. >> the number one issue in wisconsin is the economy and people are sour on it. the number 2 issue in wisconsin is the polls show is immigration. neil: president biden's campaign will spend $40 million in battleground states over the next 24 days, battleground states director for the biden campaign says while president biden, donald trump is tied up in court in new york, president
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biden plans to visit all the battleground states this month. his message basically the same as the vice president saying that people through government spending make this economy. >> to grow our economy we must invest in that ambition and those aspirations. i believe every person in our country must have access to the opportunity to compete. >> donald trump held a rally in the same area 40 minutes from where i am standing, president biden is here, shows the importance of these voters in the next election that's coming up. neil: i want to go to nate for, the drama that was all the news yesterday even though just what stormy daniels had to say, front page newspaper material
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all over the world. nate is outside the supreme court when this is going on. >> as edward just said last week, donald trump campaigned during his off they with the trial, today's meeting with donors before coming back to new york tonight, for the resumption of adult film metrics stormy daniel's testimony, she testified at times in great detail that she met trump in 2006 and claim she had sex with him, trump denies having an affair with daniels. he can't talk about her because of the court's gag order, according to troop social. it's an attack on the republican party and once great nation itself. give me liberty or give me death. prosecutors said daniels's testimony to establish the
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conduct trump is accused of trying to hide, the testimony is unrelated to the charges he faces. the judge said i agree it would have been better if some of these things had been left unsaid. later saying i don't believe we are at a point a mistrial is warranted. daniels testified she met trump at a golf tournament and met him several times after that because of the time, she believed she could help her career. now daniels admits to hating trump, she posted online saying she would dance down the street if trump went to jail. the trial for trump's federal classified documents case with jack smith is delayed. a new trial date hasn't been set yet. judge eileen cannon said their too many pretrial motions and classified issues that need to be resolved. as for this trial tomorrow, daniels will take the stand at 9:30 but the prosecution has
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already signaled they have more questions for her as well so after her cross-examination they will get another shot at questioning daniels. neil: nate for covering that. there were other development, this case is getting the attention because it is ongoing and happening in real time. the fact is, nate touched on it, the classified documents case could be delayed indefinitely and separately, we hear that a georgia court will hear an appeal of the ruling that fani will us on trump's election interference case, two potential victories could be coming the trump legal team's way. kind enough to help us out with this. first off, i want to get into stormy daniels's testimony on this case but these two legal matters, big ones that could be delayed or put off.
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>> first, and indefinite trial delay is abnormal. something like classified document investigations and defenses, delaying a trial could get resolved, a prudent thing. that doesn't mean forever. the trial could proceed eventually, but the judge doesn't know the date. i don't think that is strange but likely means trump will not see a classified investigations trial before the election occurs. neil: the fani will us case could be pumped up against the election. especially if the trump folks succeed in getting rid of fani will us. >> my eyes are on the supreme court with respect to what is considered an official act. i believe there will be portions of the supreme court's decision that impact a state case. it makes sense.
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they can't prosecute somebody in state court if they have immunity under federal law. to prevent a state from impacting the election. neil: if i could go to stormy daniels and her testimony, seemed to me, you are the lawyer, i am not, it got out of control. maybe the prosecution was designed to get this tawdry stuff out there, the tendency to doubt the veracity and honesty of donald trump. that is what prosecutors do. the judge didn't do squat, he is later complaining about the defense not objecting enough. what did you make of that? >> who is in control of the courtroom creek you the judge saying he would have liked to see those details to be kept out begs the question why didn't he do something to stop them? we had defense counsel objecting as salacious details were coming out, the judge
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didn't rule on it even when the judge would. we see this as defense attorneys before stormy daniels was volunteer information and doing the prosecutors job by slipping stuff in there. the jury will see that and defense counsel will highlight that she is volunteering this because she is there auditioning before the jury and before the american public. neil: she is saying things the defense wishes she hadn't. they can't on here that. they can't compartmentalize that and say i never heard some of these things. wouldn't it make donald trump potentially to some, all you need is one sure, a sympathetic figure. >> it well, this will have a blowback effect on the prosecution, if they had the facts related to the cover-up, the payment issue, they
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wouldn't have had to get into this salacious information. the prosecutor who knows their case and tightly control it, the facts of the case, a prosecutor who is not confident searches for all the salacious details and extraneous information to try to inflame the jury's passions. the american people are smart and they will understand what's going on. neil: we shall see. ronald chapman, much appreciated. the political fallout from all this, hard to gauge. donald trump's numbers have stirred up through all of this, resisted anything that could possibly have been, maybe a conviction might change that or maybe not. i'm reminded of the only parallel i can think of in a civil case, bill clinton with the monica lewinsky scandal, maybe the time this was going on we had a booming economy with the stock market doing
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well, he resisted that. his popularity was higher. by the end of the impeachment, the whole process, than it was prior and approval rating that rocketed up to 73%. what do you make of that and whether history repeats itself, different time, different moment, sitting president versus a former one. >> bill clinton did very well in the 1998 midterm elections after the lewinsky affair but he was not used by al gore in the 2,000 election. if he had been a surrogate on the campaign trail much more than gore would have won. trump has a bigger order of magnitude, a magnetic connection with his base that bill clinton never had. never had people standing out for days waiting for bill clinton. neil: let me get your thoughts on other cases that are pushed
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back, this is the only one of that might get through before the election. no guarantee how it falls off? even if there are convictions, the damage might be minimal? >> too early to say. anytime trump had to face a piece of adversity, he called john mccain not a war hero but able to recover. polls have shown, you look at how even in indiana, 20% of people voting in the republican primary, voted for nikki haley last night and she's not in the race. once you had felony conviction, he made a gaffe at a rally, he's only human and so that is something americans will have to decide. does it help americans to have a felon in the oval office or do we make another choice?
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neil: you mentioned nikki haley last night. that was startling. what i found startling was the former president has not reached out to her or her supporters. maybe he feels he doesn't need them but he's gone back and buried the hatches with ron desantis and other players and others running against him. as entertaining possible running mates now. not nikki haley. what do you make of that? what is the risk in that? >> it can only help his campaign if he does make a phone call and she is not going to ignore that phone call because she wants to be considered for 2028 for the presidency. it is in her interest to bury the hatchet with trump but she doesn't want to be -- like a high school dancewear she doesn't want to be the guy, the girl asking the guy out. she wants -- so far made the he has been at trial last few weeks and hasn't made that call
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but i am sure his political advisers are telling him make that call, take a few minutes out of your day and that could help his campaign. neil: back to the president and the microsoft expansion plan in wisconsin, a key battleground state. i am curious what you make of it because while he has better relationships with microsoft than a lot of other companies, he has said us companies by and large aren't paying their fair share of taxes. and awkward predicament to be in but the bush tax cuts expire next year unless something changes. that puts him in a box, doesn't it? >> the democrats always called for higher taxes mostly on corporations and wealthy
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individuals so they are willing to look aside that and say we can't agree on every issue. what democrats will say is if you are trying to be a populist party like republicans and donald trump, you can't just prioritize cutting taxes for wealthy individuals, you have to look at middle-class people facing in terms of having to pay a percentage of income. statistics are shocking in terms of the top 400 families. they only pay 8% of their income. neil: maybe he might make a distinction later on today. good seeing you. i want to draw your attention to readit, made its big dave you -- debut in march, one of the most successful ip yous of the year. on the heels of better-than-expected revenue,
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signing up subscribers left and right, it could have an effect on technology, less then we would think today but we are on that after this. ♪ ♪ (vo) what does it mean to be rich? maybe rich is less about reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way. and having someone who can help you get there. the key to being rich is knowing what counts.
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neil: we knew this would happen when readit announced its revenue. it is gotten 88 million subscribers now. might have thought with readit with the big ipo in march, we had seen a follow-through in tech stocks after this one. it seems to be pretty limited. the public ventures president and chief market strategist, not a bad pickup for redit. it is positive for tech and flip back why not readit, the bad news bears can compete with mickey mantle's the yankees. they are too small, 35 million daily active users in the us.
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neil: since being in the market, they are seen as the alternative social media platform controlled by users, without much moderation. they believe the user generated content can be valuable for ai, 92% of revenue still comes the traditional way for social media. if your posting on redit just like facebook or instagram or any other social media platform, they are selling the content. neil: no one is going to cry it. to follow through from the highs is not there and i wonder what you make of that, whether this is expected, magnificent seven -- >> two factors at play.
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the markets tend to rally post memorial day. it is a bumpy ride, it doesn't hold in presidential election years. the other thing is fatigue. how much higher can these trillion dollar companies go? investors do the cost benefit putting capital at risk, a couple trillion dollars or look for more opportunistic players. when you are contending with that, what is the fed's next move. neil: they have been talking about the rate environment and have to be cautious of one in particular, it would be risky. the first i talked to when this whole rate argument was out and you weren't buying it and -- >> the latest data the last three months of hard inflation data convinces me we won't get a rate cut this year at all. neil: imagine if we went ahead and cut and got this data.
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>> you have reaccelerating inflation. right now what we are seeing is england, bank of england will decide whether to hold, the bank of australia is considering a possible headache. neil: sweden follows the swiss. what is going on? are bifurcated view. >> it points to the resiliency of the us economy through thick and thin, the us economy has done fairly well, starting to see cracks form with the latest jobs numbers and wage growth cooling a little bit but the us economy has held in their. that's going to be the tail. that tips the fed's hand if the economy rolls over later this year they have to cut. until that happens we are fighting a stagflation because the unemployment was the only thing holding back stagflation, now you are seeing it.
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neil: in the carter years we see something. >> it would be hyperbolic and aggressive. what the risk is here with the fed, give powell credit. he' s the roddy dangerfield of financial markets, he gets no respect because he missed it on the front side but managing the trump policy moving through the covid and the market cycle, doing what he said he was going to do. neil: the only adults in town, always good seeing you. tiktok is suing the united states government for the notion that it should be silenced and put out of business. and says that is an invasion of the first amendment and free press and free thought, a chinese company like me giving you dietary advice. a key commissioner was on this
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they cleared out this encampment which don't know if they cleaned up the statue of george washington, but mark meredith will know. he is there right now. >> reporter: protest at george washington university is over. some cleaning is still going to have to happen, but all morning, we have seen university officials try to clean up what was left. there was medical tests, some of it will take some time but they work hard to get this done quickly. it was 3:00 this morning the dc policing coordination with the university decided to crack down on these protests saying enough is enough. 33 arrests were made. a number of charges filed against those arrested from assaulting a police officer. they were here on campus illegally according to the police. we heard from dc officials, now is the time to act. >> the as the and cameron was cleared additional protesters
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arrived outside the perimeter. these individuals engaged officers at 20th st. and pennsylvania avenue. officers did deploy pepper spray and some of the 33 arrests were made at that location. moving forward mpd will be supportive of universities and other private entities when we assist them. >> many of those participating were not students at gw. they do more to clear the area but the university needed dc's help to help the mayor to move forward. mary a bowser is focused on protecting free-speech activities, triggering outrage from house republicans who were going to hold a hearing today on this issue that was canceled. james comber had a good conversation with bowser, the mayor, he thanked her for clearing trespassers off the campus and it was unfortunate the situation force the oversight committee to act but
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it was apparent the police force was not going to be able to do without their jobs. the university is saying they need help for the city of the city was saying they want to make sure free-speech would be protected. members of congress want to see what that was like, a much different scene, the public is able to access the university. i would be curious if they keep people from coming back. neil: thank you very much. mark meredith, be safe. i want to go to the sec commissioner. we don't here too many washington types going to thank the police and how they are handling this sort of thing. kind enough to join us now. tell us a little more about it. >> reporter: the nypd was clearing columbia university's violent protesters, taking over a school building.
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it was important to express my appreciation to nypd, we have free-speech in this country, you can't cross a line into violent conduct. a lot of people in this country can say anything they want, do anything they want, you can say a lot but can't take over buildings. we 20 stops when it gets violent. i notice when i study tiktok. the social media site, they are suing on free-speech grounds or trying to get rid of them here but one thing that came up, they have been disproportionately sympathetic in showing a lot of these pro-palestinian rallies. what do you make of that? >> part of it goes the petition that was filed yesterday by tiktok announcing an appeal of the enactment congress passed and biden signed to force the vestment, trying to reframe
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this case as one about content as opposed to the reality which is this is about tiktok's conduct, misrepresent in the data they are obtaining and providing access of the data back to the ccp. a lot of times, from these legal filings, they are usually short, perfunctory documents. this was very revealing, 70 pages, that tells me tiktok thinks their audience is not just the three judges but the court of public opinion as well, trying to stem the tide of advertisement or investors moving away from them but i don't think it's going to work. i think they stepped in it by trying to make that longer public case. they came out and said they don't think they can do vesta because the ccp won't let them. after years of saying it is dependent. neil: they are trying to win over the cool crowd. i was shocked when i followed the gala, big deal in new york,
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that the tiktok ceo served as honorary chair for the museum of art benefit. what did you make of that. >> it is time for a lot of organizations in the us to start walking away from tiktok, they have bipartisan consensus. neil: is not. with that crowd. >> the filing itself, they specifically cited president biden being on tiktok as part of the argument they don't think this is a real threat. i think tiktok is wrong about the legal consequences of the president staying on tiktok but it's time to set the right example and to pause posting on tiktok. i am sure he's taking security steps but you are inviting millions of americans who aren't taking security steps to a platform we know is transferring data to personnel in beijing. it starts with the president setting the right tone now that
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the law has been passed. lauren: 20 it has been inconsistent in washington. wondering what you think of how this is resonating with average kids who are the bulk of tiktok users who say if it is not this company spying on us it is an american company. is that that much better? how do you answer that? >> to put better baseline protections and place whether it is facebook, they are not taking americans data, using it, sending it back to china which puts those baseline protections in place but until you break the ccp's control of tiktok, none of those reforms matter. tiktok promised time and again we are going to wall off user data and protect it. time and again, studies show it continues to get backwards. once you break the tide of ccp tiktok can continue baseline protections that apply to tiktok or facebook will make sense. we 20 you can use tiktok in
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china. >> the sister apps, incredibly revealing when you compare the way they operate those platforms. neil: when they make a free-speech argument the us is being unfair, voices get through, that seems to be alive and well, tiktok in china. >> no lack of hypocrisy when it comes to tiktok. this is a free-speech platform, trying to ban it, you can take a pen and write the most salacious anti-american propaganda you want but the moment you take the same pen and use it to pick a lock and steal something, the government takes the pen, no defense to say people were using it for speech and that is what tiktok is trying to do, their conduct, the malign data they are trying to hide behind the fact that people use it to speak, people do use it, tiktok forfeited their right to continue to operate. neil: how to colleagues address that? i commend you for that. i don't see your other
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commissioners piping up about this? warning about this? >> you seen the momentum continue. a couple weeks ago -- neil: on the sec it is not. >> they came out and encouraged the passage of this legislation and reports the federal trade commission is looking at it as well. neil: it is late but it is real. you were early on in this but it is happening. neil: exactly. started with the president setting a better tone and agencies falling line as well. neil: the sec commissioner on that and other developers. we will hop across the pond to develop into in england where prince harry will be visiting england but will not be seeing his dad, he will not be seeing his brother, it is causing a bloodied riot. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock.
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so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. neil: the goodtimes roar on, we see the news out of royal caribbean that wants to hire thousands to keep up with record cruz demand.
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we heard this several times on some of the air carriers continuing through the end of the year. a lot of people spending big but also a lot of people not in a position to spend big or much at all. the wall street journal personal-finance reporter is here to say it is all my generation's false. there's a dichotomy here. >> it's interesting because we are seeing a period where jen z is making more money than they have before. they are carrying higher credit card debt than other generations did when they were married. data from trans union showed 22 to 24-year-olds as of 2023, average balance of $2800 compared to those who were the same age ten years ago. they were carrying an average balance of 2200.
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there's a lot of reasons why. neil: we are told they are not spending that much because of this. >> the main reason is housing. rent has gotten so expensive since the pandemic. there is data that average revenue is at $1900 and upwards of that. for jen z, they don't own their own homes so they pay these as well. neil: they are not going up, totally real free. they want to spend on some things. >> that are credit cards come in. most don't pay rent with her credit card. they want to your specialty spending, concert tickets, travel, groceries, pet insurance, pay for getting their car fixed. it's a mix of that discretionary spending but also necessary expenses that are
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elevated now. neil: they might want to take trips, they are not taking cruz trips. who is enjoying all of that? people who are older? getting mad at people for having fun? >> credit card debt is at record levels, trillions for all people. jen z, that follows the youngest generation, the high credit balances that they have they are spending within their credit limits. what we saw in research for this story, jen z has access to credit cards, to get access to credit. we see an attitude towards credit that's more embracing of it.
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neil: every generation didn't say a word about that, the die off in may. >> that's not the case at all. wasn't the focus for this story. so many generations. neil: that anger, their position in life or you know. >> that is a huge part of it when people are graduating college, they are at their lowest amounts of wealth and highest amount of debt. we've seen with the return of loan payments caused during the pandemic, jen z is looking at how am i going to make these payments but also looking at their parents, their parents are in the position looking at their apartments when they were their age, wasn't hard for them, asking themselves why it is hard for them? neil: my kids acknowledging.
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>> that is one of the consequences we are seeing, younger people are asking their parents for money longer. for assistance with things like rent payment or getting the car fixed, a little short on this one. that is a tough question parents are grappling with. neil: the financial reporter, very nice the way she says it is -- you did not. great having you. happy to have this young man with us because he spells neil correctly and is a great royal expert. a pleasure to have you. noticing the story that prince harry won't be seeing his father or brother when he goes to england. what is going on?
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>> glad you said that, totally agree. harry is in town, giving a speech this afternoon. spot on, not seeing the family, nobody wants to see him. who can blame them. is the background. megan and harry make a decision for the 10th anniversary, messing around with their security. bottom line is a lot of people said he wasn't working last night. he gets tired. today and to come back, once again, importantly a wife who couldn't be bothered to come back for his father's coronation but how would you feel? neil: i thought things were getting warmer but all of a sudden there was a chill.
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i was curious, princess kate made things more complicated. what is the latest? >> a terrible thing about anybody going through this. the royal family had tremendous stress. the bombshells, the documentary, all those ridiculous things. they are taking a sidestep out of alignment when she recovers and obviously doesn't need any stress or drama. she openly admitted the walked down in windsor after the demise of queen elizabeth was one of the hardest things she had to do because she's coming face-to-face with a woman, she thought was a person who was on her size, insurmountable stress. i don't understand why she goes anywhere near her.
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neil: they talked about cancer in the royal family they talk generically, a little more detail but very little with the king. our brits okay with that? do they know whether treatment is finished or is doing this and continuing treatment? >> excellent question. i can answer that directly. this afternoon at buckingham palace, where they are going now, he's doing a tremendous job, still having treatment. comes back to london for that but gives people a lot of hope that you don't have to sit in a chair if you can't, do what you can and last week, to a hospital, a cancer hospital with a great shot in the arm for a lot of people. that's the good of the royal family. if we can do it you can too. it's not a negative way, it
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comes out very positive. he still ongoing. a lot of people forget that. is doing a great job. neil: thank you. good seeing you again. neil sean, royal expert. more after this. unlocking the power of thinkorswim, the award-winning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop with robust charting and analysis tools, including over 400 technical studies. tailor the platforms to your unique needs with nearly endless customization. and track market trends with up-to-the-minute news and insights. trade brilliantly with schwab. when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together. uuu, this looks romantic.
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adam: >> the new tone, aggressive tone of the war. 2000 pound bombs, they were not included in this shipment. the former deputy assistant, what do you make of this. >> it is concerning. when you think about how you
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should support your ally you don't have to think farther than 1940. when roosevelt before the act was passed in 41 gave 50 destroys to churchill in exchange for long leases in the caribbean and newfoundland. one lease was passed the next year and we provided $50 billion then rate billion dollars in aid in today's dollars and it wasn't contingent on using this weapon more that weapon. if this story is true and they are conditioning these things, to our closest ally where the geneva convention requires to prosecute this war against hamas, it's very disturbing. neil: a number of republican senators are concerned about this because this is something congress would decide, not the president. >> that's a fine line. i understand why they are saying that but one commander in chief, not 535, the
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president gets money provided by congress, he decides how to prosecute a war or defend an ally, the funding had provisions that the aide will flow, it's a tough call, but it's a pragmatic matter, this year, the 75th anniversary of the geneva conventions, this ally of ours in the middle east goes well above and beyond the geneva convention requirement to prosecute prior actions against hezbollah and hamas so it is disturbing. neil: following closely, apologize for the truncated time. former deputy assistant secretary of defense, thank you. we will be following this story. the dow jones industrials up 76 points. and again for the dow today would be sixth in a row. >> thanks as always, hello, everyone. brian: i am brian brenberg


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