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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  May 8, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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camp for a while and what we mean by that is, we'll see this showdown but then we'll see the economy accelerate again. right now the atlanta fed gdp now forecast is quite high. we're at about 4.9% estimated gdp for the second quarter. so gdp has remained robust. inflation, we're yet to see if the disinflationary forces will be enough to bring down inflation with what the fed is doing. liz: okay. >> the fed we don't think will raise rates again. they're looking for a reason to lower rates but the six or seven rates that we look for at beginning of the year, not going to happen. [closing bell rings] liz: that's in the rear view mirror, no way. thank you very much, david kudla. you want to see indecisiveness? the s&p crossed unchanged level 51 times. tomorrow, airbnb. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow
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joe biden's lawfare cases against president trump are blowingp you everywhere. gregg jarrett will walk us through it. joe biden is denying weapons to israel. looks like he wants to stop israel from finishing the job with hamas. we'll talk about it with congresswoman elise stefanik and senator katie britt. joe biden has done nothing to stop the border crisis which cost americans at least $150 billion a year. vivek ramaswamy will talk about that. steve hilton and "breitbart"'s john carney together we'll talk about strange and wonderful things. you can't wait. anyway, the riff tonight, now we're going to talk to, about immigration later. we're talk to vivek ramaswamy about that but, but, but, for several months the washington rumor was that president biden was going to come out with some strong executive orders to stop the southern border immigration
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catastrophe. after denying it for three years, biden finally came out and acknowledged he has presidential authority to do something about the border. president trump used that authority to develop programs such as "remain in mexico" and title 42 along with a partial completion of the wall and touch mobilization of homeland security agents. trump was able to staunch the flow of illegals. biden has the authority unsection 212-f of the immigration and nationality act which gives the president authority to suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens. also, there is the illegal immigration reform and immigrant responsibility act. that was in 1996 which added section 287-g to the nationality act, the gist of which gives i.c.e. working with local law
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enforcement powers to identify and remove, incarcerated and criminal non-citizens. so far biden has done nothing. probably hoping the issue will go away but it is not going to go away. a recent issues an insights tip poll shows 58% majority favor ad wall while a plurality of 42% favored deportations to go along with the wall. most important, 85% of americans want greater enforcement of border laws. joe biden's done nothing. now, jason riley tells us in today's "wall street journal" that the "gallup poll" reports immigration as the most important problem facing the u.s. for the third consecutive month. that's the longest stretch for this issue in 24 years. also a "monmouth university poll" last february, it reported 53% of americans want a wall constructed along the southern
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border. that's the first time that the number has surpassed 50%. even when in trump was president the number was a slightly lower 44%. now, some history from jason riley. how earl warren, then the governor of california, who was the gregg abbott of his day according to jason riley, how warren pushed president eisenhower to launch operation wetback to stop the invasion of illegals imposing a massive welfare burden on his state n mid 1954, june of '54, within six weeks, more than a million mexican nationals in california and texas had been rounded up and forcibly deported. two years later ike was reelected in a landslide and let me add, president trump running for re-election is looking to
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emulate what earl warren and what dwight eisenhower did with respect to deporting illegals and certainly criminals. now, in a confessional -- congressional hearing today, budget chairman jodey arrington estimated cost of the biden illegal invasion $150 billion for things like health care, education, and criminal justice. i'm sure that is a low-ball, there is no telling how high the cost of criminality and violence around the country, especially in the blue state sanctuary cities. new york city for example, estimated 12 billion-dollar cost but that was last summer, nearly a year ago. you can be sure the current estimate is lot higher. additionally evidence mounting that biden's illegals who have been given work permits or even green cards have been taking jobs away from native-born americans.
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at a minimum the surge of illegals has reduced wages. now at the recent campus riots the spotlight temporarily moved away from the open border crisis but as polls show, americans have neither forgotten nor forgiven joe biden's failure to act. and that is the riff. now, let's turn to our own kelly o'grady for the latest on trump legal attacks blowing up. kelly, thank you for this. what can you tell us? >> reporter: larry, blowing up for this. georgia's appeals court agreed to hear former president trump's appeals that district attorney fani willis, she should be disqualified from bringing this forward. the headline is essentially legal experts say this is a win for the defense because even if they lose the appeal the simple fact the court agreed to do this is pretty significant. it keeps the focus on willis. remember how dramatic that hearing was, versus the allegations against former president trump.
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remember she was originally allowed to stay on the election interference case as long as former boyfriend nathan wade stepped down as special prosecutor. which he did. this ruling is in direct contradiction to that. what comes next? is likely a delay in the whole trial while the appeals process moves forward. the appeals court is not back in session until august which is when willis hoped to begin the case against the former president. for context the appeals process takes a lot of time t could push that date out for months. ashley merchant, she is the lawyer that initially filed the defense's motion. she shared this as well, quote, we feel confident when it reviews the clear evidence of conflict in this case the court of appeals will agree with us and disqualify miss willis and require that a neutral prosecutor be appointed to review whether these charges are even appropriate. now in the majority of these cases the georgia court of appeals has attorneys isn't written arguments but in higher profile cases they can take oral
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arguments. we may have that to look forward to. i would note, larry this ruling comes on the heels of his florida documents case being postponed indefinitely. takeaway, multiple delays, multiple cases. does even have another trial before the election? big question mark. larry: indeed, thank you, kelly o'grady that was a great wrap up. we'll talk more about this. bring in our friend gregg jarrett, fox news legal analyst. gregg, it looks like this whole thing is blowing up. the new york fiasco. you have got now the immunity plea in the supreme court. that slows down and may stop j-6. the florida situation, tampering with documents, that thing is not even rescheduled and of course the trials and travails of fani willis in hotlanta, georgia. what do you make of it, gregg? blowing up? >> oh, yeah, it is like all of these democrat prosecutors threw a grenade on their own cases.
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the alvin bragg case yesterday in new york, it was so foolish for the prosecutors to call stormy daniels to the witness stand. nothing she said is remotely relevant to the charges against donald trump. you know she was just called there to slime trump, to humiliate him with salacious stories. her testimony was probative of nothing. it was highly prejudicial, which means under the rules of evidence it is inadmissible but you have got a biased judge who deliberately allowed it which creates reversible error. we're three weeks into this ludicrous trial, larry. there is still no evidence that trump committed any crime. this is typical really of all of these preposterous cases. larry: you know, gregg, yes, yes it is typical, i couldn't agree more. we tried to stay away from it last night, it was so sleazy and so forth. look, gregg jarrett, the other one that is so interesting is in
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south florida, the so-called classified documents case. now it has been found, the judge has found from the defense, but also the prosecution has kind of fessed up, there was tampering of the documents. this whole case is about documents. there was tampering of the documents out of order and also, some are saying that fbi agents may well have pinned or clipped classification, you know the big yellow and red classification document on top of other documents. in other words, the classified cover was pinned on to show a photo-op which you know ripped through the country and the liberal media went wild about that. it turns out in at least seven cases that may have been done by the agents in charge and now the judge, she is throwing the bold thing out until she can figure this out.
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we may not see this until 2025? >> what you have just described is planting evidence by government officials toe falsely incriminate a target defendant. yak smith is -- jack smith is to blame for a lot of this. he got caught tampering the physical evidence that doesn't correspond with the boxes. he was forced to admit to the court. evidence was deliberately aller rated and he misled the judge. i don't see a trial happening anytime soon if at all. this case could be dismissed over what we described, prosecutorial and government misconduct. it could be dismissed for selective prosecution. that's a pending motion.
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or it could be unlawful appointment of smith himself which the senate special statute requires. larry: which of judge eileen cannon is interested in apparent lilt. that is an interesting smith. jack smith may wind up being on trial, ha, ha, who, who, isn't that a turn of event. great sag gaff fani willis in hotlanta, georgia, turns out the appeals court may think she is not qualified to oversee this case. she has an election. she may not win it. looks like that will be off into the future. >> well she is not qualified to oversee a hot dog stand. she campaigned on the promise to nail trump which is deeply unethical an deeply compounded
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the behavior having a affair with willis. cheating on your wife, having affair in the work place, that is as american as apple pie. that underscores this contorted, twisted mentality of these arrogant people. she is in trouble now. the fact that the appellate court has taken the case suggests they think that the motion by the defendants to dismiss the case or remove her has merit and it absolutely does. larry: wow. all right, they may be 0-4. things are blowing up. lawfare doesn't work. testimony to our country, somehow or other it always works out. gregg jarrett, terrific stuff. appreciate it. talk soon. here next on "kudlow," joe biden denying weapons to israel. sure looks like he wants to stop israel from finishing the job against hamas. unbelievable story. we will ask congresswoman elise stefanik. catch "kudlow" monday through friday 4:00 p.m. every day here on fox business. if for some reason you can't
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catch us at 4:00, please text your favorite nine-year-old. she will show you how to dvr the show and you will never miss a single thing, including lawfare, blowups and fair may. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back. ♪. everyone say, “space pod.” cheese. [door creaks open] [ominous music] (♪) [ding] meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals are just for likes, try one you'll actually like.
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larry: joining me now, john carney, "breitbart" economics editor, coauthor of the "breitbart business digest. welcome back, john. we have a apb out for steve hilton but you and i will talk. one of your topics will be, tariffs are not inflationary. interesting study from one of the left-wing think tanks, not that they care about inflation, but because trump might raise tariffs or use tariffs as a tool to enforce reciprocity, they're all up in arms. tariffs will cause inflation. but you say they will not? >> they didn't cause inflation. they screamed about inflation when trump was president last time around and we didn't see it. it just didn't happen. i tracked month after month these numbers. everything you could imagine, the only thing i found went up in price were bicycles. that may have actually been a metal as tariff phenomenon but for the most part television prices went down, car prices went down. we actually got inflation under biden. so it wasn't tariffs that caused
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inflation. it was an overaccomodative monetary policy from the fed and overspending by the federal government. that is what caused it. larry: absolutely. >> tariffs, by the way, economists will tell you if you really pin them down and make them tell you the truth, tariffs can't cause inflation unless they raise the incomes of the domestic population. because where is the extra spending power going to come from to support a generally higher price level? larry: that's a good point. look, you would have, if the fed opened full throttle and flooded the markets with liquidity, money and so forth that would cause inflation but that's independent of the tariff factor. >> that's right. larry: it is important to isolate that. look, the other thing is, economists, i mean some economists will always panic over the word tariff but knowing mr. trump as i do, and having work with him for three years, he sees tariffs as a weapon to enforce reciprocity. you deal with me, i i'll deal
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with you but if you raise your tariffs or your non-tariff barriers, i'm going to have to do something about it and i might use a tariff to enforce that. the main tariff was china. we made lower tariff moves with japan and south korea and australia. the main one was china and china had no reciprocity. china was guilty of unfair trading. >> look we saw actually a lot of manufacturing shift out of china and china suffered. there was a "wall street journal" report that said china suffered three types as much as the u.s. from those tariffs. they're not friendly to tariffs by the way at "the wall street journal." but they reported that it was far harsher on china. china's economy suffered. they're very worried about the next round of tariffs. they did more or less stiff arm trump the last time. they are not giving in. they were counting on the next president coming in to repeal these tariffs. biden didn't do that. larry: we'll have to refresh, phase one trade deal, no one seems to know what the results
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are. it is all up in the air. let me move on, the cleveland fed inflation now cast for the cpi which comes out next week i guess? right. larry: is looking for 0.4 cpi annualized. that is almost 5%. if that's the case, that would be the fourth straight month of, say four 1/2 to 5% inflation. what does that mean? that's not expected? >> no, it was supposed to be coming down. everybody said it was coming down. when it was high in january, they said that was just a fluke. it will come down. it hasn't come down. it is not coming down. if you look at all the other indicators will tell you that inflation is coming down they're not telling you that message. we still have excess savings. so people are still spending money. i have a whole "breitbart business digest tonight coming out about the continuation of excess savings. the fed believes those have been depleted. they have not. people are still there, they are not spending. corporate profits, look at those.
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they are way up. that is feeding demand. if you look at employment, yeah we had a weak number last month but it is still very high an unemployment is very low. house prices would be the thing subtracting from inflation, instead rent prices are up, house price runs. new york fed did a survey, asking renters and homeowners what do they think will happen to rents and prices in the future? both are second highest level, only after 2020. larry: fed will stay put. actually one fed person, neel kashkari, the next move could be a higher rate but there is no question, there is not going to be rate cuts. now the only guy that may not know that, john, this is my last point, is joe biden. because joe biden has been hitting the fed to lower their target rate. people say trump interferes with the fed. joe biden is interfering with the fed but he will not get his wish, is he? >> i think joe biden actually
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needs to call janet yellen on the phone. she is meeting regularly with the fed chairman. larry: breakfast every friday. >> hey, what is he telling you? because he has got to be saying hey look, you got to get the president to stop saying we're going to cut interest rates. we're not going to cut interest rates. it is making him look foolish and out of touch with what is happening with the economy. every time he says it i think the american people say, that guy don't know what's happening in the economy. so therefore he doesn't know what is happening with me. larry: the media gives him a free pass, when trump had something to say about the fed, media went best second quarter. biden three times attacked the fed for lower rates. media doesn't want to cover it. john carney, thank you very much. next up, congresswoman eless stefanik waiting in the wings. i don't know what is cooking, the whole issue of joe biden and israel not not wanting israel to take on hamas to finish the job. we'll talk with congresswoman
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stefanik. vivek ramaswamy on biden's border mess. stick around, folks. lots more to do. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back. (traffic noises) (♪) the road to opportunity. is often the road overlooked.
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♪. larry: all right, the biden-israel-hamas story very complicated. let's go to the middle east with nate foy. what do you have for us? reporter: a lot of moving parts today. we know negotiations picked back up today in cairo, egypt, mediators worked with hamas and both parties could agree to. cia chief william burns just in egypt and qatar, he arrived here in israel to speak with top israeli government officials as well as military officials. this is all happening as israel continues to push on with its ground operation in eastern rafah.
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israel says the operation is intended to put pressure on hamas to in part free the remaining hostages. israel reportedly so far sees no sign of a breakthrough with the negotiations will keep a delegation in cairo, egypt. that same report indicating that cia chief burns met with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu about possibly suspending that operation in eastern rafah for a hostage release. if that were to happen it would come at a critical time while israel has now reopened the shalom crossinging a ski entry point for humanitarian aid. life in civilians for gaza remains very desperate. crowds continue to evacuate from eastern rafah as fighting there intensifies. many palestinians packing what they can, saying no matter where they go they would never feel safe. >> translator: the suffering is tough. there is no food or drink. we are looking for a loaf of bread and cannot find it. look how many people are here with us. countries should pity us. the world should pity us and
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look at us with mercy. we have no one but god. no one cares about us. >> reporter: another topic likely to emerge during cia chief william burns visit here to israel is this delayed shipment of bombs from the u.s. to israel. obviously the u.s. has been a robust supplier of weapons to israel but the biden administration decided to delay the shipment of sending 1800, 2000 pound bombs and 1hundred, 500-pound bombs after concerns were raised about how these bombs would be used. they were wore remembered they would be used in urban dense areas such as rafah. well if you talk to the idf spokesperson here, he sort of downplayed that, sometimes allies have disagreements. we handle them behind closed doors but basically shrugged off any sort of friction, larry. larry: thanks very much, jeff paul, appreciate it. be safe. for lots more on this bring in
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new york congresswoman, elise stefanik, chairman of the republican conference. elise, thank you for helping out. i want to go today, sure you saw it, "wall street journal" lead editorial, very good one, how not to remember the holocaust. biden has soothing words but still denies weapons to israel and i'm just asking, i don't think this administration wants israel to finish the job against hamas. what say you, elise stefanik? >> my take is that at every opportunity joe biden has failed to show important support for israel and we see that playing out today as they're limiting and withholding the military aid package that congress passed overwhelmingly on a bipartisan basis. the fact that they are tying israel's hands when israel is in a fight for its very existence. let's take a step back, larry. this is our most precious ally in the region who faced the bloodiest day since the
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holocaust, when a terrorist group hamas committed barbaric atrocities against innocent israelis. we need to insure israel has all tools available. that is what congress voted for and it is a disgrace joe biden is withholding those. when it comes to joe biden's silence it took him months to speak out and condemn antisemitism on campus. he failed to hold the university president the accountable. he gave it lip service at a memorial. that is not good enough. that is not the strong leadership that the world, israel and american people are expecting from the president of the united states. larry: elise, i don't understand what these negotiations are, all right? you know we just reported it. negotiations are going on. i don't even know if these negotiations include israel. this has been talk that israel has cut out. it is egypt, qatari and the united states. israel, you know, gets the back of the hand. i thought the goal of the
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american foreign policy was to defend israel and have israel annihilate hamas, if i may be simplistic as that, elise stefanik. i thought that was the goal of american foreign policy. but i don't see that. withholding weapons, phony peace deals. where are the hostages? they don't even talk about that anymore. what is our foreign policy toward israel? >> well, i'll tell you house republicans are very clear, we stand in strong support of israel. we brought the aid package to israel to the floor multiple times as the democrat party fractured. it is being exposed for the world to see, pro-hamas encampments, the pro-hamas democratic party is mainstream in joe biden's party. we've not seen joe biden's support of israel. if anything they have been apologists for hamas. we need to be very clear, we are very clear, i was particularly moved when prime minister benjamin netanyahu spoke, if israel stands alone, we will stand alone.
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that shouldn't be the case. the night should be the closest ally for israel as they're fighting for their very existence. that is my position in terms of my voting record, how i have spoken out on this issue. we're not seeing that from joe biden and the biden administration. larry: you could have fooled me. i agree with your view. biden, they're playing a double game or a triple game and i think it is very damaging. let me go on to a separate topic. i believe you were part of a letter, you and claudia tenney, mr. self and some others, assistant attorney general, which is a very big job offer the civil rights bureau, the civil rights division in the justice department kristin clark, has a history of antisemitism or sort of playing with anti-semitickic groups. she is the one who supposedly will defend the civil rights laws of 1964 and title vi and
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various trump amendments to those laws to stop anti-semitic hate crimes. i believe you were on that letter. it doesn't sound like she is the kind of assistant ag that will do a darn thing to punish hate groups and deal with the anti-semitic threat. what do you think about this? what's happening with this? >> you're absolutely right, larry. that's why we wrote the letter in our capacity of having oversight and when you have an individual at a senior level in biden's department of justice who has a history of supporting antisemitism yet that is the very position that is supposed to be protecting jewish students and insuring there are title vi protections that is unacceptable. they need to be removed from that position. i will tell you what, larry, let's remember, these title vi protections which were expanded to include jewish students, that was a president trump executive order. the biden administration has failed to launch investigations from the department of education for the failure to insure safety and security for jewish students on these college campuses.
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so you have college after college who is not complying with title vi requirements and yet you have an administration who fails to hold them to account. that's why these congressional hearings are so incredibly important. when it comes to your earlier questions about the overall support for israel let's go back to the trump administration where we had the historic breakthroughs of the abraham accords, and just the stalwart support for israel. you had peace in the middle east. compare that to the weak, abject failure of foreign policy of joe biden. that's why there are choices on the ballot this november. why president trump continues to poll stronger and stronger and will defeat joe biden. larry: elise, here is the odd thing about this, recent poll, 72% back idf operations, 72%. 80%, majority of americans, "harvard-harris poll," it is a very good poll, 80% support israel. i don't know what joe, who does
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he think he is leading? what does he think he is doing desserting our ally? the country apart from some crazy people who should be prosecuted and aren't being prosecuted for their antisemitism, apart from some crazy people, elise stefanik. the rest of the country supports israel and wants to see israel wipe out hamas? >> well, you're right, larry. that's why joe biden is attempting to appease the growing pro-hamas part of the democrat party which is now mainstream. much of this funding goes to democrat groups is going to pro-hamas, pro-terrorist encampments on university campuses. joe biden has a political problem where what his party has become. they turned their back on israel, they're poll gifts, they publicly support the hamas terror attacks and atrocities. that is out of touch with hard-working americans. out of touch as you said with the vast majority of american
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people, as we head to the polls in november, president trump continues to make significant inroads and pulling ahead in every single swing state. larry: elise stefanik. appreciate you coming back on the show, good luck to you. >> thanks, larry. larry: folks, switching gears. president biden was in wisconsin today talking about the economy. our own edward lawrence followed him to wisconsin and is live with some of the details. edward, what you got? >> reporter: yeah. larry, president joe biden here in wisconsin trying to promote that his spending will eventually create a great economist now the president latching on to a microsoft announcement of $3.3 billion for a new a.i. data center they're building in racine county, wisconsin. he claims, the president does, government spending all 7.1 trillion, signed into law prompted companies like microsoft to follow these investments. president biden: by investing in
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america agenda fueling historic boom, rebuilding roads and bridges, renewing clean energy, revitalizing, american manufacturing and so much more. >> reporter: new "qunnipiac poll", president is up six points in wisconsin. he took shot as former president trump during these trips. president biden: during the previous administration my predecessor made promises he broke more than kept. left a lot of people behind in communities like racine. in my watch we make promises and we keep promises. we leave no one behind. [applause] >> reporter: but republican political experts say the president's words cannot overcome what people see every day. listen to this. >> it is important to go there a lot and we'll see these guys in both, in both of them in wisconsin a lot and the question gets to be, how powerful is
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their message. what we do know is the number one issue in wisconsin is the economy and people are sour on it. >> reporter: the president on his way to chicago right now. larry? larry: edward lawrence thanks very much. joining me now, vivek ramaswamy, former 2024 presidential candidate. vivek, thanks for coming back on, we appreciate it. just a word on this biden thing in wisconsin, you know you take a look at the numbers, manufacturing jobs haven't gone up in two years and if you look at the supply managers, the institute for supply managers for manufacturing, that has been actually down over the past two years. joe biden could pour as much money into one plant or not but the story is, he is losing the economy to trump by 20, 25 percentage points. what do you make of this? >> no doubt about it. everyday people understand the impact it's had on them. larry, it is actually pretty simple, prices have gone up
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cumulatively. wages have not gone up to keep up with it. interest rates, mortgage rates have gone up in the name of fighting that inflation. everyday americans, no matter what "bidenomics" nonsense they're fed understand the impact of that in their everyday life and i think those are two the top issues. it is not a culture war inissue. it is a the economy and illegal immigration. the issue of illegal immigration, border crisis is part of the economic crisis in this country. those are two side of the same coin. those two issues will decide this election. thee will decide this election i believe in favor of trump because. larry: let's stay with the theme, vivek. i riffed on it at the top of the show. maybe for the moment it is out of the spotlight because of these anti-semitic riots on campuses but you're right, right. it is crucial. all the polls show it. jodey arrington the chair of the budget committee says it is
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costing at least 150 billion, $150 billion so far and that number is rising. mr. biden, you know, rumored four, five, six weeks ago, he was finally acknowledging he could take executive action and maybe he would but he has not done a single thing, not a single thing, vivek. and the cost, the criminality, the violence, by the way, as you may know, the data is now showing that foreign-born workers, illegals are taking jobs away from native-born workers and lowering wage scales and so forth. what do you make of all of that? it seems like it is getting worse not better? >> oh, it is getting worse and getting worse fast. it is not just the economic impact, larry. it's also impacting our national identity, our national morale. a nation without borders is not a nation. but here's the good news. this is something the next president, president trump, i hope the 47th president of the united states is able to fix without asking congress for
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permission or for forgiveness. the most important issue of our time is one that the u.s. president can directly address by enforcing the existing laws. move the military to the southern border. complete the border wall. stop funding central america and those countries until they actually stop the northward flow of migrant from venezuela to the southern border of texas. end birthright citizenship for kids of illegals, stop fundings sanctuary cities. that ends incentives to be here illegally this is not logical, it is not racist, seen phobe -- seen phobe i can, if we have the largest influx of mining grants in american history, we need the largest deportation of illegals in american history that will help our economy and help our national morale. a replacement for biden, a department of homeland security that does its job instead of undermining the law is a great way to revive this company. i'm confident president trump will do it. larry: in today's
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"wall street journal," jason riley wrote again about this. he mentioned eisenhower's operation. ike, ike was a great man. he was a moderate republican. he was not a hardcore conservative. earl war return was governor of california. warren became liberal justice of the supreme court. both of them worked to deport the illegals. this was in the mid 1950s. they were able to do it. actually it was very popular. ike left office with a 60% popularity rating. >> sure. you know what? did he did it before. we can do it again. if you look at recent surveys, even the last couple weeks, 42% of democrats, i'm not talking about independents or anybody else, 42% of democrats say that they support mass depour tearings policies. as do a majority of americans because they understand we're a nation founded on the rule of law. so shame on joe biden. shame on mayorkas for turning their bang on the rule of law. i think were a new administration and the right
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people in charge, starting with president trump at the topped we're going to do it. larry: thank you, vivek ramaswamy, we always appreciate having you on the show. take care, good luck. we'll take a break. coming up alabama senator katie britt. again how can biden take weapons away from israel? congress passed bills on this point which biden wanted. who is biden for? any way stick around. senator britt coming up. investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. do you charge forward? freeze in your tracks? (♪) or, let curiosity light the way. at t. rowe price, we're asking smart questions about opportunities like clean water. and how clean water advances can help transform our tomorrows.
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♪. larry: all right, joining me now, alabama senator katie britt. all right, senator, i want to play some sound. this is, i think we have this sound, from president trump, i don't know, a week or two ago about israel or hamas. if you could take a listen, please. >> have to get it done, get it over with and get it over with fast because which have to get back to normalcy and peace. larry: get it done, get it done fast. senator britt, welcome back to the show. i thought the sound would come first. nevertheless it is a pleasure to see you first. get the done, get it fast. what i'm looking at is the biden administration is doing everything it can to stop israel from getting it done and
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destroying, annihilating hamas. even securing any hostages that still may be alive. i don't know what side the bidens are on anymore. >> i think it is clear what side they're on. we know what side president trump was on. president trump was the most pro-israel president we have ever had, from the "abraham accords" to moving the embassy to jerusalem. he understood what it meant to stand shoulder to shoulder with our greatest ally in the middle east. unfortunately joe biden has a different turn of events. he has a doctrine of appeasement and legacy of weakness. joe biden continues to not only stand shoulder to shoulder but to walk away from israel when they need us most. you said it. we are hear in the midst of what should be a hostage negotiation. let us not forget, that there are americans that are being held hostage there. instead of making sure that israeli government has everything they need to be in a position of strength in those negotiations, he once again cuts their legs out from under them
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and once again gives hamas the upper hand. this is unacceptable and despicable but unfortunately more of the same from his just total weakness out of the white house,. larry: you know, senator britt, we talked to elise stefanik on the house side, but i want to ask you, withholding weapons, now congress, including the senate, house and senate, have passed a supplemental appropriation bill and also passed a prior defense bill giving israel weaponry. how can biden stop this? is it legal or are there actions that you and your colleagues can take to correct this mistake? >> well, you know, obviously i am so proud of the leadership, representative stefanik there in the house, both as she held these quote, elite institutions accountable for for the antisemitism and hate towards our jewish brothers and sisters, held them accountable for that. she is absolutely right when it comes to this as well.
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we had congressional intent and it was overwhelming, that the house and senate we stand firmly with israel. unfortunately joe biden is giving the pro-hamas wing of his party. what we have to do is continue our oversight both in the committee hearings that come in front of us through the appropriations process. also through the ndaa. we're looking at fy-25 right now. we'll have to put mechanisms in place that force his hand. i hope it is not too late because what he is doing is absolutely despicable and is creating more chaos instead of calm when we need it. larry: senator britt, i have only got 20 seconds i want to put a plug in for the moms act. more opportunities for mower hood. 20 seconds -- motherhood. >> absolutely. we're prochild, pro-mom, pro-family. making sure we support mothers, prenatal, post-part testimony, early childhood development systems about their children is critically important, to
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introduce that upcoming on mother's day. larry: senator britt, you're fabulous. thank you very much. folks i will be right back moving forward with node-positive breast cancer. my fear of recurrence could've held me back. but i'm staying focused. and doing more to prevent recurrence. verzenio is specifically for hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive early breast cancer with a high chance of returning, as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence versus hormone therapy alone. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor,
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larry: joe biden hasn't lifted a finger to end the catastrophe at the border and the illegal immigrant wave, not a single finger. americans are going to punish him, because americans are very angry at that issue. but americans love liz macdonald. elizabeth: thank you so much, arkansas a. -- larry, you're so right. minority if communit


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