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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 8, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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larry: joe biden hasn't lifted a finger to end the catastrophe at the border and the illegal immigrant wave, not a single finger. americans are going to punish him, because americans are very angry at that issue. but americans love liz macdonald. elizabeth: thank you so much, arkansas a. -- larry, you're so right. minority if communities in
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places like chicago erik los angeles, they're speaking out. great work there, larry. love the show. let's get right to it. thanks for watching "the evening edit." former deputy assistant attorney general tom dupree joining us now. this news, three cases against former president trump, looks like they're hitting a wall. democrats started out the year, they were going to throw trump in jail, get biden reelected. do you think all of them could be delayed past the election? if we're talking jack smith's classified documents case, the 2020 case and now the georgia to 2020 case is hitting the wall too. >> i do think they're all going to get delayed past the election, liz. look, these cases are falling like dominoeses. when this year began, i think all the anti-trump fors were very optimistic they would bring him to trial in four cases. obviously, one is happening, but i think the other three are going to get pushed back until after the election. these cases raise complicated legal issues, these judges say they need time to solve and figure out what the law is in
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these case ands a lot of it is attributable to the prosecutors' own delay in bringing some of those cases, namely the jack smith cases. and fani willis' case is being delayed because of her ill-advised decision to have an affair with one of her own presidents. that's the riggs for the delay in georgia -- reason for the delay in georgia. elizabeth: we're going to dig into it in the b block later on. the georgia 2020 case, the appeals court is going to hear president trump's bid to disqualify d.a. fani willis from that case for conflictses of interest, as you point out, hiring her boyfriend on the case who then took themselves on luxury trips, and the supreme court is hearing trip's immunity claim -- trump's immunity claim too. these are all hitting a wall. >> they really are, liz. and, look, the fact is, is the prosecutors -- jack smith could have moved sooner. instead, he chose the take several years to build his cases. they filed the cases not too far
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before the election, and it shouldn't surprise anyone that the higher appellate courts including the united states supreme court wants to take a look at these legal issues. that is how our system works. for the prosecutors now to say everything has to be hustled, you can violate the defendant's constitutional rights by deciding these issues on a fast docket, that's just not going to happen, not going to happen. elizabeth: yeah, wow, what a period of time if we're in. that new york case, tom, it looks like that one may be the only one possibly decided before the election, but it's got major credibility problems too. stormy daniels is going to take the stand again tomorrow. tom, what was the proprobative value of stormy daniels' testimony testifying about her one night stand with the former president in did that have any bearing on the case, or was it just prejudicial value? the judge admonished her to stop, but he didn't stop it. jurors can't unhear that. >> that's exactly right.
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e when you're at a point where even the judge with said that went too far and the jurors heard things that they should not have heard, you know there's a problem. look, yesterday was not the prosecutor's finest day, in my opinion. they went way overboard in getting this testimony from stormy daniels that, as you correctly point out, had limited if any relevance to any issue in this case. of course it was salacious, it was or sordid, it got headlines. but as far as having legal relevance to the charges that the d.a. has brought, the alleged falsification of business records wasn't relevant at all to that. elizabeth: you know, the credibility of this new york case, it's got an undertone of reasonable doubt. stormy daniels, michael cohen already said trump had nothing to do with the9 payments. the a personal payment that he made in a nondisclosure agreement. now those two are recanting that. we don't know where they stand on it. where is the hard evidentiary proof? this is an 18-year-old story. it's a state books and records
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misdemeanor that the expired seven years ago that d.a. bragg saabed back into life claiming . he's charged d he wouldn't even know what he's charging. he didn't even cite what the violation is. ing do the payments made to stormy daniels come from trump's 201 presidential campaign? >> well, look, you put your finger on about a 17 of the different weaknesses in the d.a.'s case here, right? [laughter] a super or aggressive legal theory. i think their bigger problem is, frankly, the one you identified which is to say that their case at the end of the day is going the rise and fall on the testimony of two witnesses who are highly compromised to say the least. and i think the jury is going to have serious questions about what stormy daniels testified to and about what michael cohen is going to testify to. these are damaged witnesses. even the other witnesses the prosecution have called all said they don't trust michael cohen, they don't believe what he says,
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so why should this jury? elizabeth: tom, you're right, i'm a supergeek. we're birds of a feather. you know, we'd love to get your reaction to this. watch cnn's ellie hoenig on this. >> but the cross-examine, boy, her responses were disastrous. do you hate donald trump? the yes, of course she does. that's a big reason. -- that's a big deal, that's a big damn deal. and she's putting out tweets fantasizing about him being in jail? that undermines the credibility. if we we think about this strategically, prosecutors have stressed throughout this case, they've stressed to the public in their public statement, this is not a case about sex. this is a case about business records, falsifying business records. and i have to say this also, kate, prosecutors took some cheap shots yesterday in their examination of stormy daniels. elizabeth: okay. and now this, so now star witness michael cohen, he's going to testify. tom, by his own admission, michael cohen said he lied in court, lied to the media.
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he's pleaded guilty to lying to congress. that's a stunning amount of credibility everybody shoes, and now jim jordan and james comer today just referred michael cohen to the justice department to currently prosecute him for lying to congress half a dozen times. final word. >> my final word is this: michael cohen could possibly be the least credible witness ever to take the stand in an american courtroom. and the d.a. has a huge battle on their hands to persuade someone with an adjudicated history of being a liar that this time, this time he's finally telling the truth. elizabeth: tom dupree, thank you so much. let's get right to american majority ceo ned ryan and gop strategist ford o'connell. ned, you know, the media, msnbc, cnn, they're focusing hard on the lewd details, for example, the stormy daniels testimony in the trump case. you know, ned, they keep acting stunned that trump is not going down in the polls. do voters care trump slept with a porn star nearly 20 years ago in it looks like they care
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measure more about the issues hitting america. >> i think they see all of this for the sham that it is, that it's political lawfare. and i've been of this opinion for a while, liz, which is the only reason it's going to breakthrough to them, they're going to realize they were started on very spurious potential legal grounds because it was all politics. and now, as you mentioned earlier, they're all hitting the wall. i have to tell you though i don't think it's going to change many minds regardless of what happens in the new york city courtroom. i think people look at it, if you were going to vote for trump, you're still going the vote for trump regardless of what happens. if you weren't going to vote for him, you're going to vote against him no matter what happens in that courtroom. i think this election's about seven key states and who has the most ballots and who collects the most ballots, and some this is just a side show. elizabeth what ned if just said. ford, two-thirds of a quinnipiac poll said the conviction would not change who they vote for. so it looks like the game plan is backfiring. this was supposed to be biden's glide path to victory.
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his approval rating stuck near historic low, the worst of any u.s. president in modern american history, just 35% in quinnipiac. you know, ford, are americans out there saying we don't care about what's going on, we care about inflation, the border collapse, crime, safety, taxes going up to pay for biden's government overspending? you know, you got this new pbs/maris poll, more than half of independent swing voters, 53% of them believe a biden second term will, quote, weaken america. >> well, first of all, ned's a thousand percent right when it comes to the man hat manhattan trial9 and the need to collect ball toes in the six or seven battleground states that are going to decide this election. there's a reason why nearly 60% of americans disapprove of joe biden. it's because his presidency season an -- is an utter failure. inflation is out of control, the economy is weak, the border's wide open, the middle east is on fire, and is we have anti-semitic protests on college campuses. let me tell you something, the
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four years of donald trump look fantastic compared to joe biden. elizabeth: so the final question to both of you. do these fire up trump's base or biden's a base? first to you, ned. >> i think they're going to fire up trump's base. and i think when you look at the low approval numbers for biden, i think it's going to act as a suppression if on his voting base. who wants to get excited to collect ballots for the decrepit joe biden with his terrible policies? elizabeth: ford, final word. >> the key to trump's victory is turning out infrequent voters in those 6-7 states followed by pennsylvania, wisconsin and michigan. elizabeth: interesting. ned ryan, ford o'connell, thanks for joining us tonight. we've got a hot show. a lot of news coming in, new developments. we've got senators marsha blackburn and markwayne mullin both from senate armed services. from house small business, congressman dan meuser. former home depot ceo bob nardelli, former federal prosecutor katie cher cover sky.
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president biden is struggling to change the narrative away from growing campus protests over gaza. but he's doing it towards spending more of your taxpayer money. that will ignite inflation and require new tax hikes to pay for it. look at this, a new politico poll, voters not paying attention to biden's spending on climate and infrastructure. and growing outrage from senators over the president finally admitting, the white house finally admitting, yes, it citied pause if a weapons -- did pause a weapons shipment to israel. now in the fight of its life. hamas still has u.s. hostages. a shocking house hearing today reveals anti-semitism now in public elementary and high schools. we've not the details. and senator josh hawley demands the justice department hit those funding anti-israel protests for violating u.s. tax laws. could that be biden's donors? also lawmakers fire off subpoenas to stop biden
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unconstitutionally, unlawfully using government agencies to get out the vote in swing states like michigan. it's going to be tilted toward democrats, that's the the axis. -- accusation. plus, a dangerous setback for special counsel jack smith. we've got the back story to why the judge post poned the classified documents trial. also more on that raging fight over or the government mishandling evidence reportedly to incriminate former president trump coming up on "the evening edit. ". ♪ ♪ we're talking about cashbackin. not a game. not a game! we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're not talking about practice? no. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we've been talking about practice for too long. -word. -no practice. we're talking about cashbackin.
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elizabeth: okay, welcome back. the blow to special counsel jack smith if's case, we're staying on this story because this'll affect the 2024 election. we've got the details and the back story to why the judge delayed jack smith's classified documents case against former president trump. it was scheduled to start in less than two weeks, now it's going to happen after the election. danamarie mcnicholl has the story in miami. >> reporter: elizabeth, the original trial start date was set for may 20th, but both the prosecution and defense told the judge that the case wouldn't be ready to go in front of a jury this month. right now it's 12 days away from that may 20th start date, and we finally have an answer on how judge eileen cannon will
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proceed. late yesterday in a written order the judge said because of the classified issues and multiple pretrial motions, it would be, quote, imprudent and inconsistent with the court's duty to finalize a new trial start date at this time. two obvious challenges for scheduling is that trump is in the middle of a hush money trial in new york right now and the sensitivity of the classified documents at the center of this case. trump pleaded not guilty to mishandling classified documents seized from his home in mar-a-lago back in 2022. during this case those documents have to be handled with care and viewed in a special room called a scif, a soundproof program protected from electronic eavesdropping. this has already caused delays in the case since preparation takes a lot more time. cannon set a series of pretrial motions through july 22nd to work out legal issues, so the case still moving can forward even though we don't have a new start date. this afternoon there was a
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schedule scheduled hearing for this case. unlike the trial in new york, the public or the media was not given access. elizabeth? elizabeth: great reporting there, thank you so much. let's welcome to the show former federal prosecutor katie cher day sky. your reaction to what you just heard. the democrats and the immediate what are getting hysterical. they're slamming the judge saying she should be removed from the case, but isn't what she said typical and ordinary, that until all this is resolved, they can't go to trial yet? >> it's absolutely ordinary. it was always a ridiculous and optimistic idea that this case could go before the election. that was an artificial if timeline. the election has nothing to do with preparing a very complex if case to go to trial. we've seen what's going on in new york. that's just a simple misdemeanor case that's taking months on end to present. the classified dock documents case with all of the issues handling classified documents involved is highly complex. the judge has case-dispositive
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motions to decide before this case can move forward, not to mention the immunity decision from the supreme court could directly impact that case as well, so this is no surprise. elizabeth elizabeth katie, there's also this problem, you know, jack smith admit admitted in a court filing that federal investor s did not properly maintain the evidence after that august 2022 raid on mar-a-lago. the question is now about chain of custody. you know, the photos that went viral of those classified records at mar-a-lago, it looks like they were staged. the fbi agents reportedly put the records into folders with scary yellow and red classified cover sheets on them saying things like top secret, then laid them strewn out on the floor and took photos to make it look like trump kept them like that at a mar-a-lago. that made it worse and pretty incriminating for trump at the time. you know, trump said this was staged, he said it was phony. "the washington post" attacked him, media attacked him. now it look like what he was saying was right.
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[laughter] >> yes. the prosecutors have mishandled classified documents in the case where they're accusing former president trump of mishandling classified documents. it's almost a joke. so, yes, certainly the idea that there was mishandling of discovery, that has to be the litigated. i don't know if that rises to the level of prosecutorial misconduct, but certainly the defense is going to raise all of these issues. the idea generally of a former president being handle -- can prosecuted for their handling of classified materials is unprecedented because we know the president does have carte blanche authority while they're in office, and this does seem in retrospect to be an issue where president trump was in active conversations with the national archives, that they escalated unnecessarily to this criminal forum. so, again, another issue that's going the to be needed to be handled before this case can proceed and, you know, that will ultimately depend on the election probably at this point. elizabeth: yeah. we get it, you know, jack smith's team is saying, oh, the contents were jumbled in the
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boxes, whatever, but now it raises questions on who was handling these boxes and were they protected. what was the chain of custody. there's also indications that doj officials told the court, welsh you know, they were top secret, you know, they cited these scary red and yellow folders and cover sheets saying, yes, these were top secret information. but if they knew that they put those cover sheets on them to begin with, then they're misleading the court. >> well, certainly. and i think that this is something that has to be investigated further and, again, the defense will file whatever motions are appropriate to have the judge consider what remedies might be appropriate for the mishandling here and whether it was intentional or nudge and and what the impact is on the case. again, one of many issues that still needs to be litigated before this case can proceed. elizabeth: god, what a mess. you know, katie, final word. they all thought they were going to throw trump in jail. now these cases, they look like they'ral hitting a wall with. final word. >> i guess the gag order violations is the only chance to see trump behind bars, and
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that's a really cheap shot. it's unfortunate for the democrats, but i don't think that they're going to see these cases go to trial before the election. elizabeth: katie cherkasky, you're terrific. it's good to see you. still ahead, senator marsha blackburn from senate judiciary. this new development, house lawmakers held a shocking hearing on anti-semitism now in elementary and public high schools. wait until you hear what they found. also a senator josh hawley says the doj should file tax law violations against those who are funding anti-israel protests on campus. as politico reported, a lot of those donors, those are funding biden's campaign. plus, senator markwayne mullin from senate armed services. after dodging criticism denying this, the biden white house finally admits to, yes, pausing a weapons shipment to israel. that's got republican senators outraged. all of this coming up on "the
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elizabeth: okay, this is a growing controversy. the biden white house did pause key weapons shipments the israel after president biden said his commitment to israel was, quote, ironclad. let's dig into this. grady trimble's live at the white house with the story. grady, you know, john kirby was downplaying this, that it didn't happen, but now it looks like it did. >> reporter: yeah. and now the administration is giving us more decan tails. they say they've hit the pause on a shipment of around 3500 bombs to israel and could delay more shipments. republicans, of course, are criticizing this decision saying that the biden administration hid it -- did it deliberately secretively so that congress and the american people wouldn't find if out about it. the administration says that its concerns with israel are related to its operation at the rafah border crossing in gaza.
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israel says that operation has been targeted, aimed at rooting out hamas terrorists, but the administration says they could harm civilians and block humanitarian aid from getting in. >> we have concerns about what that would mean for the civilian population there when you look at the fact that there are so many people crowded into such a small area. and we also have concerns about the impact of any potential operation on the delivery of humanitarian assistance. >> reporter: at a holocaust remembrance day event yesterday, president biden reiterated that his commitment to israel is ironclad, but republicans say by holding up critical bomb shipments president biden is caving to the demands of far-left democrats. >> and you're telling me you're going to tell them how to fight the war and what they can and can't use when everybody around them wants to kill all the jews? this is obscene, it is absurd. give israel what they need to fight the war they can't afford
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to lose. >> reporter: the administration is expressing some optimism around the possibility of a ceasefire deal. john kirby mentioned that negotiations are continuing in cairo and if that the two sides, israel and hamas, should be able to close the remaining gaps. we'll keep you posted, liz. elizabeth: grady trimble, thank you so much. joining us now, senator markwayne mullin. by the way, hamas is still holding u.s. hostages. we're going to to show video right now, a reporter did on front if the president earlier today about what's going on in pausing the shipments. what's your response to the story, senator? because the white house is saying they're pausing bombs to israel because they don't want civilian withs killed in rafah -- civilians killed in rafah. what do you think of what's going on? >> yeah. liz, keep in mind the shipment that's out on the ship waiting to be offloaded are precision munitions meaning that these aren't dumb bombs, they're not just a blanket bomb, these are
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precision that will hit exactly where they're aimed at. and keep in mind that also rafah is a crossing. that crossing was designed for humanitarian aid to come in and out. the last shipment that we brought in for humanitarian aid hamas if seized it. so it didn't go to civilians anyways. what israel will make sure to happen is that as the humanitarian aid is flow ifing through the rafah gate, it will actually be distributed to the civilians and not be used for hamas fighters. there is a strategic reason why they took this, this idea that they're withholding a shipment here is absurd because once again i think congress has overnight over this. think there should be an investigation called immediately that schumer should call today and speaker johnson should call today in both chambers and say, wait a second. congress authorized this. you signed it into law, so it's not in your discretion to do that unless you come to congress
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and ask first. we heard about this, i got a briefing saturday -- or monday night and was confirm pd on tuesday that they were doing this. they're just now going public with it. elizabeth: so he's breaking the separation of powers. >> absolutely. elizabeth: senators mitch mcconnell, lindsey graham, roger marshall, joni ernst, marsha black with burn, ted budd, they're denouncing this. 's israel has been hit on all a sidesly iran, hamas, hezbollah. they want to see israel destroyed, annihilated. israel's in the fight of its life. >> yes. elizabeth: senator mcconnell says biden is caving to the anti-israel, pro-hamas wing of the democrat party -- >> that's right. elizabeth: -- as communists on campuses are wrapping themselves in the flag of hamas and hezbollah terror the terrorists who think nothing of beheading women, children, men, senior citizens and destroying lives around the middle east. >> i agree 100% with that statement. what you have is this administration is playing politics with the survival of
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israel. and because they're in an election year. this is definitely is the far-left side of the democrat party. this isn't the center, the moderate democrats that some people used the remember the party of. this is a hostage-taking democrat party that is supporting a terrorist organization, and administration, this administration led by president joe biden is cow cannerring down to them -- cowering down to them and is trying to tell israel how to fight their fight. i've said this multiple times, liz, no one told us how to fight al-qaeda after hay attacked us on 9/11. how the heck are we telling israel how to fight their fight? elizabeth maine yeah. you know, no i one's talking about the simple fix to this, that hamas should surrender and stand down. the government of gaza, run by hamas, should stand down. >> right. elizabeth if breath the pressure should be put on hamas, not on israel. >> that's right. elizabeth: it's about hamas. we saw the 10/7 video. it was beyond, it's -- there is
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no words that can capture what we saw, what that hamas did. and we don't want to tell the viewer about it -- >> it was disgusting. elizabeth: -- because they'll never have it out of their heads. let's listen to this, get your reaction to this. >> hamas could -- well, they started this. this could end right now if they send all the hostages back home, and they could surrender. they are the ones that started this, and they're the ones that broke that ceasefire. and they did the most terrible things to babies, children, women, torturing, mutilating, systemic rape. it's undeniable that anti-semitism is often at the center of a lot of this protesting. >> why would hamas agree to a ceasefire? there's almost no pressure on hamas. the pressure is only on israel. every day hamas looks at social media, they look at the television, and they don't see anyone condemning hamas anymore or putting pressure on hamas or saying, hamas, please agree to a ceasefire. no, they only see people saying
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that to israel. elizabeth: democrat senator john fetterman and democrat congressman moskowitz. your final word, sir. >> if this fight wanted to end tomorrow, if the minute hamas quits fighting and lays down their arms, the fight stops. no one believes if idf quits fighting, that they would quit fighting. hamas is not going to stop fighting ever against israel until they're annihilated or they choose to quit with fighting themselves. elizabeth weather senator mull, thanks for joining us. >> thank you, liz. elizabeth: let's get you upday-to-day on this story the. the anti-semitism pouring out on college campuses nationwide, today the house education committee held a hearing on anti-semitism. get this, in elementary and public high schools. fox news' chief washington correspondent mike emanuel has got the details live from washington d.c. mike, that was quite a hearing. >> reporter: no doubt about it, liz are. one key lawmaker noted an example of children as young as
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second grade spewing nazi propaganda. members of the committee heard testimony from school superintendents from new york city to suburban montgomery county, maryland, to berkeley, california, pressing for answers. >> he posted images of a hamas paraglider to his social media repeatedly refers to so-called israel. again, this is highlighting a hamas paraglider who slaughter ed jews. >> what that employee did, absolutely disgusting. >> what action? >> we took action finish. >> what was the action? >> i cannot give you the specifics on the -- >> yes, you can. you're in front of congress. >> reporter: in some cases lawmakers told school leaders their response has been weak. >> we try and avoid just castinginging aspersions. we are trying to lean in to how you teach. that's how you will soften anti-semitism. >> your ability to tolerate this behavior is completely unacceptable. and sometimes you do need to use the stick.
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because disincentives work. >> reporter: -- california superintendent insisted she understands the pape. the pain. >> the conflict in the middle east has directly impacted our schools. students and staff have family and friends who died or were kidnapped during the october 7th hamas attack, and many have deep concern for what is happening in israel. berkeley-born israeli-american to poland was kidnapped on october 7th. >> reporter: the point today is anti-semitism in our schools has seen a massive increase since october 7th. liz? if. elizabeth: mike emanuel, thank you so much. always terrific journalism from you, we appreciate you. >> reporter: thank you. elizabeth: let's bring in from senate armed services, senator marsha blackburn. senator, we're honored to have you on the show. what's your reaction to mike emanuel's report? how do you stop this? >> well, what we need to do is send the message that we are not going to tolerate this. when it comes to these students
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who are out here protesting, if it is foreign students on student visas, then that visa needs to be pulled, and they need to be deported. if you've got american students who are on federal student loans, enthen they need to lose their ability to have that student loan. and if biden gets into this por forgiving student loans, there should never be with forgivenesses on this. also any of these students, professors, faculty that are out protesting against the u.s. and sympathizing and self-identifying with these terrorist organizations, they should be added to the no-fly list and the terrorist watch list. in addition, these schools -- whether they're k-12 schools or colleges and they're receiving federal funds -- if they tonight know that they should be
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standing against a u.s. government-recognized terrorist organization and speak out against this, then yank their funding. elizabeth: you know, it's -- senator, remember after 9/11, the 9/11 commission said the failure of what led to 9/11 was a failure of the imagination, that foreign terrorists just took advantage of the open society that is america. that's what's happening now. we have people who are not students who were unaffiliated with schools, who were professional anarchists and agitators many of them coming into this nation doing this. so, you know, these are public school leaders. they've got to stick to the law. they have less leeway than private colleges. and also businesses are reacting. federal judges not hiring these students. the fact that it's happening in elementary and public schools is poison. listen to this ceo. we'd like your reaction to the head of silicon valley tech powerhouse pal opinion tier on what he says is going on --
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palantir the. the watch this. >> i think the central risk to palantir or and america and the world is a regress we've way of thinking -- regressive way of thing that is corrupting and eroding our constitutions that calls itself progressive and is called woke but a is a form of a thin pagan religion. that is a real danger the our society, and it is a real danger to palantir or if we allow -- if we don't discuss these things. elizabeth: this is like a phony trojan horse, right in they're so tolerant but with they're intolerant. they claim they want diversity, just not diversity of thought, senator. >> well, you're right on that. and as we have investigated this, what we're finding out, elizabeth, is that there are terror-affiliated organizes like front for lib liberation in palestine and students for justice in palestine the who have been training, they've been
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meeting with student groups for months. and we also have found out that these organizations are getting money from the rockefeller brothers, from the bill with gates foundation -- bill gates foundation, from george soros and open society, some of biden's biggest supporters's and donors are funding these anarchists who are going in and using the students, doing training sessions with students on how to go about setting up these protests and building these encampments and making these -- elizabeth maine yeah, you know, senator, it's a disgrace to all those who passed away on 9/11. it's a disgrace to all of our women and men who fought against terrorism and tick today editorships overseas -- dick dictatorships overseas. it's a disgrace to all of our military veterans and you who serve in the government who tried to stop this poisonous
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hatred. senator marsha blackburn, thanks so much for joining us. still ahead, former head of home depot and chrysler automotive, the one and only bob nardelli. he's terrific. this back story, it's had legs. could biden's tax hike that's going to hit all of you, will that decide who wins the 2024 election? and look at this, a new poll out of politico, voters are dismissing biden's massive spending on climate change and infrastructure. they say they don't care about it. they don't think it's even working. but he's campaigning on that today. but first, we want to check in with our good friends dagen and sean, they're fired up and ready to go. sean: hey, hexer-mac. as we look at the rust belt, t going to decide who our next president is going to be, so we're going to unpack that with the great tudor dixon. dagen: rich lowry is here. we're going to, ooh, dig into the veep stakes. who will president trump pick?
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what a delicious discussion also involving deroy murdock. and also one of the squad members is an even bigger conspiracy-wielding whacko than we thought. oh, we discuss as well. top of the hour. ♪ the road to opportunity. is often the road overlooked. (♪) at enterprise mobility, we guide companies to unique solutions, from our team of mobility experts. because we believe the more ways we all have to move forward. the further we'll all go.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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elizabeth: okay. look who's here, the former ceo of home depot e and chrysler automotive. he's bob nardelli. okay, or it's good to sew you, bob. okay, president biden in wisconsin today touting a $3 billion microsoft artificial data center, but we hate to say it, he made two for more whoppers today. listen to this, bob. he read again the teleprompter instructions. you're going to hear him say, quote, the words last name after a guy he talked about, then he wildly claimed he met with all the architects of a.i. listen to this. >> my theology professor at the catholic school i went to was a guy named riley, haas name, and he had been drafted by the green bay packers. today it's another example of private sector optimism. microsoft, as the president already pointed out, is investing $3.3 billion to build a new data center here in racine. that's going to help operate one
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of the most powerful artificial intelligence systems in the world, and i've gone around the world literally, not figuratively, leading -- meeting with the leading architects it is of a.i. elizabeth: really? really? and e he traveled 0,000 miles with xi jinping? -- 20,000. >> well, look, we know that -- i've never seen an administration with so many missteps and debacles. let's face it, he spent $7 trillion to pander to his supporters and big donors, and then he's handing that money out to try to, you know, solicit voters going forward. a.i. will dwarf all of the actions that he's tried to support through ev. microsoft said they'll spend a trillion dollars on a.i. i think you'll see a.i. accepted because it will provide productivity, it will offset some of the labor increases that we've seep. so i do agree a.i. will be powerful. i doubt if he's traveled the world and really talked to all of the major -- elizabeth: yeah, it's just too
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much. it's abnormal. this is not normal. him on the cam pane trail is not normal -- campaign trail, it's abnormal. the constant gaslighting, the constant propaganda, the condition instant companying ration. a politico poll, born, two-thirds of voters see no benefits to biden's massive spending on climate and infrastructure. he's running ads in the seven battleground states to boost that. they don't think, they don't pay attention to it at all. won't all of this spending just ignite more inflation and tax hikes to pay for it? because, bob, tax foundation already estimates biden wants to wipe with out the trump tax cuts if he gets reelected next year. that's going to raise taxes by about $3.8 trillion. we're going to each pay an average $2900 more. california, san francisco, they're going to pay more than $16,000 more. >> yeah. i think "the politico" article was kind. i don't see any benefit really trickle down, you know, he wants
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to do bottoms-up versus top-down, i just don't see it. and i think the people who did give him some pander probably just aren't informed and are just listening to the headlines, liz. so i don't think any of his initiatives have really hit the mark over the last three and a half, four years. i've lived through seven recessions and maybe now we've got an agent -- can eighth coming at us. there's no way the fed is going to -- i think, again, we're on a witch hunt here with this administration, and they really aren't doing what's right for -- you know, he's using the taxpayers' credit card to fund all of these things, and it is going to come home to roost. elizabeth: got it. bob, you're terrific. thank you so much for joining us. we hope to see you again soon. >> thank you. elizabeth: still ahead, congressman dan meuser from house small business. okay, the small business chair subpoenaed multiple sba officials. with why? for -- why? for violate ising the law. they're trying to get sba
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officials, biden wants government agencies to get out the vote in swing states like michigan. they're tilting it toward democrats, that's what the talk is. it's coming up on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪ when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together.
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elizabeth: okay technical
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difficulties congressman dan meuser is tied up in a house vote, marjorie taylor greene is trying to bring a resolution to a vote to oust speaker johnson, it not really making any headway she got booed. back to bob nardelli, bob, thank you for helping us. >> oh. elizabeth: you too such a great job talking to us with your points of view and you have worked with government, what do you make of this president has dragooned all federal agency to get out the vote in swing states, that is not their day job, now small business chairman committee trying to push this in michigan because biden might be losing michigan. >> it is amazing, i lived in there in w wisconsin, let me say a.i. data centers
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will ddwarf the bitcoin data centers. so that is another big debacle, and then he is pandering, s he is desperate in the swimming stater to -- swing state to spend taxpayer money to get support for the voters in the swing states. i agree, what shaping in congress -- what is happening in congress is deplore able, why can't we get our act together, we're an embarrassment in the world trying to displace the speaker of the house for a second time. elizabeth: feels 245 that there is no leadership, no fresh ideas from the white house. we hear from senators, they are frustrated and lawmakers, if you sat town
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in front of president biden and senator chuck schumer and senator mitch mcconnell what would you say? >> it is a sad day whether the weather forecasters do better than our economic forecasters, we talk about all concerns that are going on at universities, i'm all for education, but what is happening now is indoctrination, we have to change the course. we are in a downward spiral, many people have said this about this administration, so i hope that you know, that vote that take place in november, is really most severe vote we'll ever make ofy voters. elizabeth: bob nardelli thank you. thank you for watching "the evening edit," on fox business, i am elizabeth macdonald, time to give it over to dagen and sean. dagen: thank you


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