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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 9, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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the need for domestic lithium production is crucial. surge battery metals is filling the demand and reducing our reliance on foreign sources with its best in class lithium discovery. surge battery metals, energizing our future. maria: good thursday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us this morning morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it's thursday, may 9. 7:00 a.m. on the button.
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illegal migrants scaled the border wall in san diego, snapping selfies while they break our laws in the u.s. last week more than 1,000 chinese nationals are were apprehended at the border, 98% in the san diego sector. the biden administration is expected to announce a new ruling that could reject migrant asylum claims earlier in the screening processes. house homeland security chairman mark green commented on the new rules saying, quote, the proposed rule will only apply to illegal aliens who are believed to be a national security or public safety threat. the rule will not impact or reduce the millions of illegitimate asylum claims. house democrats writing a letter to president biden urging him to take action at the border. here's white house secretary karine jean-pierre. >> 15 house democrats wrote a letter to the president urging him to take executive action on immigration. is that something he's considering doing? >> the first day the president walked into the administration he took action, put forth had a comprehensive immigration plan. we know the immigration system
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has been broken for decades and a we need to address that. congress didn't take action. the president of mexico has led to actions to help mitigate what we're seeing. there's more actions to be taken. >> if that doesn't happen -- >> we'll look at all of the options as always. we don't have anything to share at this time. we'll continue to push for the senate bipartisan agreement, get what in the hands of the president so he can sign it. maria: jonathan, how rich is that, that kjp actually says that he took action on day one. let's talk about what he did. he overturned all of president trump's security a at the borde. and she says this with a straight face. >> the action he took was to open the border. maria: right. >> and the bill he's proposed is am net amnesty open of borde, essentially. we know they're never going to enforce the law because they never had. what's interesting about mark
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green's comment, that they will deny asylum for national security risk and public safety risk. the fact that they're not even doing that now is truly stunning that they won't deport anyone and joe biden on the cinco de mayo event basically said he will not deport people. he says that's not who we are as a country, you know, those types of things so they're riding the open borders. everything they do between now and election day is pure pretense and they'll do nothing about it. maria: it's a shame. we know how he feels about the open border. it's been open. he overturned the security at the border. now we're five months away and he is talking about new rules he wants to come out with. >> for joe biden and for kjp to be talking about the system has been broken for decades, actually that's another lie. for four years under president trump, president trump actually had the illegal immigration problem essentially solved. he had border wall construction. he had remain in mexico.
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he had title 42. he had a whole range of border policies to enforce the border and get illegal immigration under control. they reversed it all on purpose and when people wonder why there are two reasons. one is nakedly political which is to flood the zone with as many illegal as possible to get them on a track to vote, to lock in a permanent democrat voting majority so you never get a republican president ever again. and the second point is about the agenda of the trans national organizations which is all about erasing national sovereignty by erasing borders. >> it's all smoke and mirrors. this proposal is all about him realizing that he's been a complete bust for the last three and-a-half years and he wants to make it look like he's doing something powerful. when you look at the numbers, of the 7 million or so encounters at the southern border last year, around 200 were on the terrorist watch list, 40,000 had criminal convictions, there were 600 plus known gang members.
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if i'm doing my math correctly that's 6.9 million who wouldn't get a rejection for asylum. so you're talking about -- i guess that would be a good thing but it's not a needle mover, it's not going to be any substantial policy change. a needle mover would have been hr2, get back to building a border wall, hire more enforcers at the border, not processors. keep families together. you can only be considered for an asylum if you come through an official port of entry, not if you're caught climbing the wall taking selfies. maria: exactly. there's so many falseities in the rare interview he gave cnn last night. ones of the falseities was he claimed inflation was higher when he took office. let's be clear. inflation was at 1.4%. it got all the way up to 9.1% because of the reckless spending. >> and month over month trump's last month in office it was at 06.2%. -- 0.2%. you look at biden's first three
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months, it was 0.5, 0.6, 0.7. so as soon as he took office, the month over month inflation began to accelerate. maria, we hit 9.1% roughly 17 months into president biden's prespresidency. so he's completely off base. i don't know if it's a lie or if he thinks it was 9% when he came into office. either situation, that's not good when if leader of the country is talking nonsense. maria: because of the reckless spending because of the democrats the federal reserve had to raise interest rates 11 times. now we're waiting. >> they waited too long to begin the process. now you've got this persistent inflation. maria: we're waiting to see if the fed is going to cut. i want to bring you breaking news. the european central bank left interest rates unchanged, 5 and a quarter percent. the euro right now is trading this way, right now. what did you want to say? >> no. the fed waited too long to raise rates and now we're in this sticky inflation situation.
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we were all screaming about it at the time, when are they going to take action. the american voters have for the first time in a long time back to back presidencies to compare, donald trump versus joe biden and on the economic story, that macro story under president trump was astonishing. he delivered robust economic growth, very little to no inflation over the course of four years, and historically low unemployment for all demographic groups compared to this catastrophe under joe biden, it's a no-brainer. maria: they will not admit it. we're just getting started this morning. one federal reserve president is warning it may take longer to reach the fed's 2% inflation goal. we've got the word on wall street panel coming up. don't miss that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ working 9 to 5, what a way to make a living. ♪ barely getting by, it's all taking and no giving. ♪ they just use your mind, they never give you credit. ♪ it's enough to drive you crazy
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maria: welcome back. time for the word on wall street, top investors watching your money. joining mes is ceo kyle wool. also with us this mark tepper. kyle, thanks for joining the conversation can. >> t thank you. maria: great to see you. we saw the bank of england leave interest rates unchanged. i want to get your take on what we're seeing in terms of earnings. warner brothers discovery crossing right now, missing on revenue at $9.96 billion, adding 2 million subscribers from the reef just quarter, teaming up with disney to bundle streaming services including disney plus, hulu and max. look at this stock. this stock has come crashing down. it is down another 2 and-a-half percent this morning at $7.60 a share. airbnb reported an 18% revenue
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increase to over $2 billion, predicting weak second quarter guidance. robin hood reporting record revenue, 18-cents a share, crypto surging 232% to 126 million. i want to show you arm holings, the u.k. chip maker full year revenue forecast missed expectations, stock is plummeting this morning. the cfo saying the timing of the company's licensing deal with the hard to pin down and it's impacting guidance. your assessment so far. >> there's a lot to assess. warner brothers is going to have difficulties, no doubt about that. with the new game of thrones coming out this summer, season two will be release, house of the dragon, that could help them out and they're talking about -- they've had a two year high you say tuss on m&a activity -- hiatus on m&a activity. they may look at paramount. they're on the shopping block right now, looking for
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purchasers. maria: how are t they going too that when the debt is there and the stock is plummeting. >> i think they could get paramount for a song. paramount needs to sell the company. maria: everybody wants it. nvidia is coming out you. you think it's going to be aacquisitive. >> i think you'll see m&a activity. they're coming out may 22 with their numbers. last quarter they purchased $147 million of arm holdings. back to 2020, they tried to buy arm for 40 billion. didn't work. the this morning it's trading in the mid-90s. it will be interesting to see where they come off with q2, if they add to their position. maria: this will set the tone when nvidia reports. >> if nvidia has a bad quarter, watch out below. they've been the poster child of everything good in the stock market over the last 18 months. the market has been fueled by a.i. and owe of gleam pick.
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ozempic.maria: may 22, we'll be watching that one. let's talk currencies, the british pound, the bank of england leaving interest rates unchanged at 5 and a quarter percent, the seventh consisconsecutivemeeting with n. the yield right now trading i believe it was up earlier on the 10 year and it is up about -- almost 3 basis points at a level of 4.51%. all of the federal reserve presidents are getting in line. they're all saying the same thing. now we've got the boston president, susan collins, signaling rates need to be higher for longer. the recent upward surprises to activity in inflation suggest a likely need to keep policy at the current level until we have greater confidence that inflation is moving to 2% is what she said yesterday. mark, your reaction? >> the boe is certainly closer to cutting rates than we are. they've gotten their inflation down to 3.2%. ourours is at 3 and-a-half and inflation is accelerating here,
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it's reaccelerating. they're doing a better job, probably closer to a rate cut. i agree with susan collins. when you look at what's happening on the inflation front, the fed is stuck between a rock and a hard place. i would not want to be in their shoes right now. they've got kind of two different battles they're fighting against. first one is the economy no doubt is slowing. we saw gdp go from 5% to 3 point something down to 1.6%. maria: that's right. >> the economy's slowing. the job markets is not looking good, full-time jobs year over year are actually negative. maria: a lot of part-time jobs. >> right. on the other side, inflation is accelerating. so what do you do? how can you cut rates? in fact, when you look at stock market performance, the market performs very well when the fed is in a pause. as soon as you have a rate cut, the next 12 months after that first rate cut stocks are down about 20% on average historically so if you're an investor and you want to
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continue making money you should actually be hopeful the fed remains in a pause. maria: and new gallup poll finds 68% of americans expect housing prices to go up in their local areas, the same poll finds 76% say it's a bad time to buy a house right glow now. >> well, that stinks. maria: it's another problem for young gleam it is. housing affordability is at an all time law, data goes back to 1996. mortgage rates are 7 own 6%, incredibly high, median home at 400,000 while the median income in the united states is at 75,000. you need to make twice the median income to be able to afford the median home. that does not bode well for people who are just starting off in life, maybe they want to get out of mom and dad's basement. it makes it very challenging. this is a situation where as opposed to being an investor and wanting the fed to maintain their pause stance, this is a
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position where if you are 23 years old, trying move out of mom and dad's basement you want rates to come down so housing becomes aaffordable again. this is a supply and demand issue. there was a decade or so of us not building enough homes and there's no inventory out there as well. maria: what do you think about the fed. >> i think the fed will stay pat least through the election. they want to cut rates earlier but with the information on inflation, i don't think they can do it. maria: so mortgage rates stay up here making the ability to take out a mortgage out of reach. >> i agree. i think it's very expensive right now. the only thing you're seeing come down a li little bit is florida but insurance is going up so much. >> for there to be a rate cut in september the next three months, may, june, july, you snead need to see cpi come in a-
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for those hoping for a rate cut, you need three consecutive great months us managing inflation in order for there to be a september cut. i don't see that happening. maria: kyle, great to have you. thank you four being here. mark you're request us all with. we appreciate that. quick break and we'll be right back. stay withs us. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work.
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from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session.
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okay, that's uncalled for. when my predecessor came to the scene, the promise, claiming our country's proud manufacturing legacy, didn't build a damn thing, promised a $10 million investment by foxconn, create 13,000 new jobs. in fact, he came here with your senator, ron johnson, literally holding a golden shovel, promising to build the eighth wonder of the world. are you kidding me? maria: that was president biden campaigning in wisconsin yesterday, announcing a $3.3 billion investment from microsoft to build a new artificial intelligence facility. biden of course blamed former president trump for a failed foxconn project, supposed to be built in the same spot. joining me is wisconsin congressman brian style, chairman of the house administration committee.
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congressman. good to see you. i know the president was -- >> we've got to remember, under the brief us just administration workers saw real wages rising. now most people are falling further behind, suffering from economic policies the president has brought with record high inflation. all you have to do is go to the checkout counter at a grocery store in racine, wisconsin and the president with have got an earful about how grocery prices are up, car prices are up, home prices are up, the median mortgage doubled in the last three and-a-half years. it's good private sector jobs are coming to wisconsin. the president' economic policies didn't bring them. his policies are clobbering workers. maria: does he think the people
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are unclear? does he think the american people are stupid? we know what we're paying for items. does he think he's trying to fool us or do you think he believes what he says? >> i think he's trying to change the topic to anything other than inflation and border security and the failed foreign policy. the president has three major ccrises playing out, massive inflation, under democratic one party control, an absolutely broken bore border and a foreign policy that continues to reel from the fact that he refused to lead from strength starting with the botched evacuation of afghanistan. the president is coming to wisconsin, trying to glob onto a private sector business, creating jobs in the state to try to talk about anything other than the policies and the crieses he creat created. maria: there's a new election
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intel gritty bill looking at the potential for illegal migrants voting. here's the senator discussing the so called save act. dis%. >> due to the wide open border the biden administration refused to close, they engineered to open, we have so many non-silt noncitizens in the country if one out of 100 of those voted, they would cast hundreds of thousands of votes. it could change the outcome of our elections. maria: congressman, what are you expecting? let me bring in jonathan fahey for a second. he is from dhs, he watched this, a former dhs and border official. what do you think? >> it seems like this bill should not be cou controversialt all. american citizens should vote and no one else. the funny thing is, i'll be interested to see how many of the democrat colleagues will support this bill.
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i'm sure this will get 80, 90% of the american public would support. there's no reason to owe oppose. the biden administration and the democrats will certainly oppose the bill and fight it tooth and nail and won't get a vote in the senate and you have to ask why. maria: ag merrick garland said he is going to vow to fight voter id laws. now, look, you're a former acting i.c.e. director. that's why i want to get your take on what you believe is happening. you think there is a chance for i'llillegals to vote. >> certainly there's nothing to prevent them from voting. the administration does anything from a cynical political motivation. no reason to think this is different. if you don't have voter id, don't have requirements for citizen ps and you fight every effort to talk about it by calling names and other standard tricks they use, what's the other conclusion as to what they're doing? what's the reasonable inference, only one thing. maria: what about that. you're an elected official.
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what are you going to do about it. listen to the sitting attorney general of texas who was with me last week. watch. >> there's 47 states that don't stop non-p c non-citizens from . you have to check a box saying you're a citizen, you don't have to prove it. 44 had states are open to illegals voting if they come in with a driver's license, given a social security, they're given a driver's license and registered to vote. maria: congressman, are we going to have a transparent and fair election in november? >> u.s. elections should be for u.s. citizens. he talked about texas. you can come here to the nation's capital in washington, d.c. where they're encouraging noncitizens to vote. in fact, they just sent out a post card encouraging noncitizens to vote in local elections. you could have an individual working at the russian embassy residing in our nation's capital for 30 days and they're eligible to vote for mayor and city
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council. this is a hu huge challenge. we need to make sure u.s. elections are for u.s. citizens only. i would love to see the speaker bring forward the comprehensive election inat integrity packago increase confidence in elections and ban noncitizens from voting. maria: kentucky congressman introduced a bill that would send anyone convicted of illegal activity on a college campus to gaza. it targets unlawful activity on college campuses after the october 7 attack. president biden says this about the anti-israel protests on college campuses, watch. >> absolutely, look, two things. first of all, there's a le
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legitimate right to free speech and protest, there's a legitimate right to do that. they have a right to do that. there's not a legitimate right to use hate speech, not a legitimate right to threaten jewish students, not a le legitimate right to block access to class. that's against the law. maria: congressman, look, this response to the anti-semitism raging across our country, this lack of a response to what's happening on college campuses, it can only be called weak. he waited 10 days before even saying a thing about it and then he talked about islam phobia as if that's as big an issue as anti-semitism right now. what should the president do right now the with regard to what's taking place across the country. >> the president and those on the left refuse to stand up for the rule of law. there's a clear and bright line between protected first amendment speech and breaking the law. this is the same thing that
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played out in the summer of 2020, riots in my home state of wisconsin were protested across the country. we need to stand up and say you have a protected first amendment right. when your actions cross the line into illegal behavior we need to establish public safety and have a strong voice in favor of enforcing the law that's on the books. maria: it could be you are not unified within the republicans. let's face it. you've been talking about the wide open border and implications whether it be illegals on terrorist watch lists or the drugs and you're unable to move the needle. the house dismissing marjorie taylor greene motion to oust t speaker johnson. johnson would have lost the gavel if it weren't for democrats. 11 republicans voted to advance the bid to remove him. how did you vote? >> i voted with speaker johnson. he's done an admirable job, in incredibly difficult circumstances. the 11 republican that's joined
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the radical progressive left to try to remove speaker johnson made a poor decision. at thend of the day, there was a zero percent chance we would end up with a more conservative speaker. we had a significant risk of getting a coalition speaker or democratic speaker. it's concerning that those 11 individuals took the vote that they did. speaker johnson has been navigating an incredibly difficult set of circumstances. he's done so admirably. he's the guy that should lead us through the election. we should win the election and be focused in on making sure we take back control of the senate, take control of the white house with president trump and maintain control of the house. maria: this fight is clear and in terms of those people who want change on the border. monica, what would one expect given this narrow, narrow lead that the republicans have, what do they have, a one vote majority. >> yeah. on the flip side of the argument and i understand the argument for stability at least through the election, i get all of that but i think a lot of republican
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base voters are very frustrated because, yeah, it is a one vote majority but you know what, if the democrats had a one vote majority they would be exercising raw power and using brut the e force to force through the agenda. there's frustration that a we keep voting and voting and we have a republican majority and still it's a democrat ajen p da. maria: congressman, you saw the 60 minutes interview with hakim jeffries saying the democrat% in charge. >> that's a false argument that they're in charge. the frustrating part is we only have a one seat majority. we need to grow that majority to be able to leverage the fact that we're in charge of one half of one-third of the federal government. that is not enough to drive forward the a agenda to the extent we need to in this country. that's why this november is going to be so absolutely essential so we can grow the majority and take over white house with a conservative president and donald trump. maria: we will leave it there. we'll be watching your work,
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congressman. thank you. brian style joining us. quick break and then the race for the white house heats up, we bring you inside for a look at the former president's fund raising efforts and campaign events. steve witkoff is here to tell us more about that. we'll take a look at real estate today. yowatching "mornings withmaria." stay with us. (luke) this will be a gold mine of local intel. just you wait. (marci) right. so, tell us about this corn festival? (stylist 1) oooh you got your corn pudding... you got your corn chowder... (marci) so... is it safe around here? (stylist 2) sometimes. (luke) if a family of eight were to need a cold plunge, where would they find it?
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(stylist 1) ...and then they dip it in butter, then bam, it goes right in. (stylist 2) ...really cute vampire bar. (stylist 1) the reverend does like a blessing on the corn. (luke) donut shops. how far from here? (marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we've got to run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com.
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maria: welcome back. now this. one contractor responding to protesters. cheryl casone with all the details. >> it shows how the issues erupted across the country. protesters refuse to move in the way of a paint e hired to cover anti-israel vandalism at an ohio university. he refused to let them get in the way. he paints over them. he is filmed spraying them with
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white paint. he moves slowly. all of that video going viral. another example of these college protests which have not ended, they continue to be a problem at universities across the country. well, now to this. a crew of commercial airline flight attendants have been busted for operating an international smuggling ring, allegedly using security clearance to smuggle $8 million in drug money through jfk for several years. they say they smuggled millions of dollars of drug money and law enforcement funds that they thought was drug money from the united states to dominican repub dominicanrepublic. they f flew for different commercial airlines. two of those flew for delta air lines. and then staying with these not so friendly skies. a fed ex aircraft making an emergency landing in istanbul without the front landing gear.
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they called air traffic control ahead of time and said the front wheels failed to open. an investigation by the turkish transport ministry is officially underway. fed ex saying in a statement they're working with investigators. as you know, boeing planes have been involved in several recent indents. fed ex is unchanged in premarket. boniboeing is down about half a percent. maria: the boeing story is incredible, continues to show more issues there. thank you, cheryl. former president trump's fund raising efforts heating up. last week trump met florida governor ron desantis to discuss potential joint fund raising. my next guest is co-hosting a manhattan fund raising event later this month. joining us now, steve witkoff. thank you for being here. you organized that first meeting between president trump and governor desantis.
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good for you. congrats on that. that was a big deal. how did that happen? tell us more about that. >> well, the president is a dear friend and he's always been friends with the governor and the governor is a friend as well too. it was time i think for them to come together and both wanted to and so we met and a we spent a few hours together and it was a really productive result. maria: well, president trump spoke very nicely about governor desantis. do you think that he would actually try to use him as his vp candidate? >> that's his choice. maria: do you want to see that? >> i feel like i'm the friend of the president. if he asks me a question i like to answer it. if not, i sort of stay a bit you quiet. maria: politico is putting out a piece titled trump's apprentice veep stakes, tv hits, fund raising and attacks biden, writes this, the list under consideration is long, according to people who were granted
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anonimity to speak freely. they say trump is adding names to the roster. you were quoted as what is important to the president. i asked him the same thing. i'll tell you what he said to me first. here's the president with pea when i asked about the vice presidential pick. watch. mr. president, when will you announce who your vp is? >> not for a while. we have so many great people in the republican party but not for a while. maria: what criteria are you using to identify who your running mate is. >> it's got to be who would be a good president. you have to think that, in case of emergency, things happen. no matter who you are. it's got be number one. maria: i thought that was such a smart answer, steve. what do you think president trump is thinking about as he zeros in on who that person is. >> i think he cares for the country, number one. he always talks about that and i'm with him quite a bit. so i -- that comes as no
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surprise to me. maria: how is the fund raising going, steve? i know you're going to be doing this dinner coming up. you've been involved in a lot of the fund raising activity around president trump. what can you tell us? >> i think that people are coming around now. he'ses always had strong fund raising but now people are beginning to see the poll numbers, beginning to see the difference between the president on the issues and president biden and i think there's a ground swell out there. maria: well, look, biden's doj wants to stop that ground swell, wants to keep president trump in a courtroom and on trial. do you worry that these things are going to stop his return? >> i think i said this to the president yesterday that they come after him, try to persecute him and he seems to do better because of it. the voters i think are beginning to understand that he's being persecuted and it can happen to them. maria: yeah. and that's i think what people are taking away from all of
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this, from the raid at mar-a-lago to -- and then we find out that the evidence was tampered with, to what we're seeing in stor stormy daniels gg on stand and talking about salacious details that have nothing to do with the case. >> he doesn't complain. he never plays the victim. if i call to him and say how are you doing, he says you're not worried about me steve, are you? i'll worry about you. maria: that's incredible. that is incredible. so in terms of the money being raised, what else does president trump need to do, do you think? >> in terms of vp candidates, is that what you're referring to? maria: either way. or just getting back to the white house. >> in terms of vp candidates and i said to him, i think he cares about, after, who with help him raise capital and b, who is going to be tough, who is going to be strong on the issues, who is going to i use the word lion's den, go on tv and talk the talk like he does.
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i think that's important. maria: i'm surprised we haven't seen more of your colleagues in the industry come out and a speakfavorably about president p at this point, given the two sides of justice an the attacks and indictments on him and a he continues to be number one in the polls, i'm surprised you don't see more people like yourself. you say there's a ground swell. is it from the real estate industry? is it business executives in general? who, ordinary people? >> i have a home in kentucky. i travel a lot. i hear -- the ground swell i'm referring to is outside of new york, outside of the bubble. you just hear people are pro-trump from all stripes. all my friends call me now. they want to know what they can do. maria: okay. >> so i think that's when i refer to a ground swell, that's what i'm talking bow, maria. maria: and you look at the polls and most people will say they trust president trump over pbocaraton on the economy. you're a -- over president biden on the economy. what can you tell us about the
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trump policies versus the democrat/biden policies. >> the border's a disaster. i was in eagle pass with the president. everybody to a person who was there were cheering for hill, were there for him. we flew into an airport 51 miles away and we took the motorcade 51 miles to eagle pass and everybody was outside with american flags cheering for the president. he is so well-received in most parts of this country. maybe all parts of this country and in fact the president even thinks he can turn new york so -- maria: and that's right. he talked about doing something big at madison square garden at some point. >> that would be fabulous, wouldn't it? maria: let me get your take on the broader macro story and real estate, steve. we've had predictions on this program of up to a trillion dollars in defaults coming for the commercial space specifically when it comes to office space. what are you seeing? >> they pumped so much money into the system and now you have
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the fed and they can't drop rates. i think the president is intent on strong economics. he's intent on opening up -- engendering again an independent energy policy. those are all disinflationary things. and a he's intent on paying down the national debt. we had a long discussion about it the other day. but you hear none of that from this current administration. the president is so strong on economics, he understands it very well. maria: you're talking about president trump. >> i'm talking about president trump. maria: president biden is saying -- he gave an interview yesterday. he said when he walked into the oval office inflation was higher than where it is today. it's just not true. we know that the cpi was at 1.4% when he walked in after trump's economy. specifically to real estate, steve, are you worried that we could see these defaults happen and the full impact of 11 rate hikes by the federal reserve to really play out and perhaps see a big economic disruption this
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year? >> we're seeing it already. maria: we are. >> there's so much multifamily. people are referring to the office buildings where there is problem but there's a problem in the multifamily sector. so many of these large funds, for multifamily when rates were 1 and 2% and they were financing them with positive leverage and now rates have outstripped those internal returns and there's a big problem in this country. california, it's a disas tar. new york as well. maria: and meanwhile gavin newsom is out with these ads saying california's great. >> no, no. california is in trouble. maria: do you think the fed will lower interest rates this year? >> i believe they will. maria: and will they get political, do it before the election? >> that i can't tell. i think everything's political these days. maria: it sure is. >> unfortunately. maria: you're right. steve, it's great to have you this morning. i hope you'll come back soon. quick break and then the trump trial resumes today, stormy daniels back on the stand for more cross-examination. fox business' lydia hu is live
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from the courthouse right now. lydia. >> reporter: that's right, maria. stormy daniels back on the stand today after a routine break yesterday. that testimony on tuesday so salacious it prompted demands from he defense counsel for a mistrial. donald trump will be here as well, under the judge's taking order and the threat of possible scale time if violations continue. we're breaking all of that down coming up. if your business needs a new application
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maria: welcome back. time for the morning buzz. well, stormy daniels taking the stand again today to testify in former president trump's hush money trial, expects more salacious details. fox business' lydia hu is outside the new york supreme court right now with more. lydia, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, that's right, maria. the scorching pros examination of the adult film store will continue today when stormy daniels resumes her testimony. there's already been fireworks intense exchanges between the judge, the attorneys and stormy daniels as she testified on tuesday. daniels provided salacious details of her alleged sexual encounter with the former president back in 2006. this prompted defense attorney objections and a demand for a
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mistrial. they argue that daniels' testimony was so graphic and unrelated to the charges of falsifying documents that jurors simply can't be expected to decide this case fairly now. the judge merchan denied the request for a mistrial. legal experts say these are strong grounds for an you appeal. trump's allies are offering support. senator rick scott said he plans to attend court today. watch. >> i'm going to go support this president because this is wrong what's happening to this guy. he's just been politically persecuted with a finding for no one lost money, they're trying to put him in jail for an accounting dispute. this is wrong. >> reporter: today, defense attorneys will continue to undermine daniels' credibility. she has already admitted she hates donald trump and wants to see him in jail. donald trump of course will return to court as well. he remains under judge merchan's
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gag order. he's been slapped with 10 violations of it, the judge warning if the violations continue jail time is possible. still, when leaving the court on tuesday, trump stopped and spoke briefly, in part he said the prosecution's case is falling apart. we'll bring you the latest throughout the day. back to you. maria: thanks very much. lydia hu in new york city. we'll be right back. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ say what you want to say and the words fall out honestly. ♪ i want to see you be brave. ♪ what you want to say and let the words fall out honestly. ♪ i want to see you be brave. ♪ ! we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin.
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♪ ♪ if. maria: good thursday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo, and it is thursday, may 9th, and i hope you are having a good thursday morning. just before 8 a.m. on the east coast. stormy daniels returning to the witness stand today in trump's so-called hush money trial after making a scene on her first day of testimony with contradicting
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statements. trump's team is reportedly plan being a longer cross-examination if after the judge admitted parts of her testimony were, or quoteer relevant details ott case. james comer e and jim jordan are urging the doj to investigate ex-trump lawyer michael cohen. they write this letter, quote, now a popularly-elected, partisan prosecutor is using this convicted liar to carry out his prosecution of a former president. jonathan fahey, your reaction. >> yeah, this trial is even, i think, worse than people thought, and everyone thought this would going to be bad. it really is a disaster for alvin bragg right now. and you look at, like, stormy daniels' testimony, you know, she had the multiple inconsistent statements one thing, but just sort of the unseemliness and the bias against president trump. you know, she wants him to go to jail. that's not an ideal witness for the government. if you were to look at this trial objectively, if you didn't know who the parties were, you would think donald trump i


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