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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 9, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean- not spreadsheets. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit stuart: a little taylor swift, bad blood. i suspect the producers are
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referring to what may be bad blood between president biden and benjamin netanyahu. a distant connection but there you have it. good morning, 10:00 eastern, straight to the money, mixed picture. that i was up 70 nasdaq down 20, no clear trend at this point. the 10 year treasury yield holding around the 40% level, the right apps, 450, the price of oil moving closer to $80 a barrel, $78.51, bitcoin in the low 60,000s. as the markets on thursday morning now this. the president has bowed to the wishes of hamas. he has suspended arms sales to israel. this is an astonishing reversal of decade-long policy. america placed a weapons involvement on our closest ally in time of war, the israelis are about to finish off the terror group that brutally attacked them on october 7th. biden is telling them don't do it.
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biden is saving hamas. wasn't always like this. after the october 7th atrocity biden said america would make sure the israelis, quote, have what they need to protect their people now and always. but then came the vote in michigan and minnesota, the pro-hamas takeover of college campuses and the split of anti-semitism in the democratic party. in the interests of getting reelected biden has switched sides. the administered makes a big deal of the ban on 2,000 pound bombs, they are destructive. what they don't want you to know as a whole range of weaponry is being embargoed. 5000 pound bombs which convert unguided bonds into smart precision weapons. politico report small diameter bombs have been banned, the wall street journal says biden is withholding artillery rounds. add it all up and biden is protecting hamas and punishing israel while it faces war on
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several fronts. add this to the long list of biden failures, energy, afghanistan, iran, inflation, the border and now our president has walked away from our ally israel and hamas must be very happy. second hour of varney getting started now. ben domenech is the gentleman on the right-hand side of the screen. why do you think biden, do you agree with me that biden is walking away from our best ally, why is he doing this? >> i agree with you because it is undeniable. one of the things you left unmentioned that makes this more despicable is this was a decision that was made before president biden gave his speech on holocaust remembrance day. they had made the decision already to undermine israel, deny them the weapons they need
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to wage a war to make sure hamas never threatened them again and they made that decision and wanted to still get the benefit of the press coverage for the speech he was going to give about the holocaust. that is so hollow and disgraceful it is ridiculously horrible in its crassness and its willingness to use the plight of the jewish people in a way that would play for political benefit and then turn right around and kick israel in the face. this is unacceptable. it is absolutely abhorrent and everyone should oppose it for the crass political maneuver that it is because biden is making himself beholden to all the screaming children we see on these campuses as if they are the only constituency that matters. he is making a huge mistake not just when it comes to domestic politics but when it comes to america's standing around the world and you will see the ramifications of that.
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stuart: how does this affect jewish voters in jewish members of congress. >> i think it puts them in a very difficult position. obviously historically jewish voters have been part of the democratic coalition. can they remain part of that coalition if they have a president who is so beholden to these little factions are not want to stress these are very small factions. they are quite loud but don't represent the american people at all and when you look at the poll data on this, it's basically him catering to them simply because he's afraid of their megaphones, afraid of the violence they could cause in chicago and a repeat of 1968 during the democratic convention and i think that is something that should never be the driving force behind american foreign policy. stuart: a new poll shows more independents believe a second term for biden is a bitter threat to democracy than trump.
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msnbc seem to have trouble wrapping their arms around that. roll tape and watch this please. >> what do you make of this? >> it is shocking. i can't make sense of that number. i wish i had some great insights to it but i don't know if it's an outlier or not because the other numbers with independents with biden are going in the right direction. that maybe it. stuart: do you find that paul shocking? >> i don't find it shocking. look at the ways president biden has defied not just his constitutional requirements but the courts, he is navigated around this issue when it comes to student loan forgiveness, even when it comes to the israel aid he's defying congress and doing what he wants given they have already passed and endorsed this aid and that is something that has given life to the kind of claims you here every day on
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that network about how much trump is a threat to democracy. people look back at the actual experience they had during those four years under trump and understand any of those concerns they had have been satisfied and i don't think they are worried about them anymore. they are more worried about what an unleashed joe biden would do in his second term given everything they see going on right now. stuart: thanks for joining us. thank you again. more bad optics for the president. he seemed to wobble and study himself boarding air force one. lauren: this was before he was going to wisconsin. he slowly walked down the stairs but another instance he took a back staircase off air force one because those are shorter steps and when he got to the top, he had stabilized himself, you could see him wobble. you could see him walking stiffly. he has spinal arthritis, he's 82 years old and each time you
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see the president wobble, and have to study himself you think gavin newsom is 56. he might be one wobble away. stuart: what do you have to say? >> i turned 50 and two weeks which i fell a couple weeks ago. my big concern is his policies. stuart: that's more of a concern. at president harris also is a concern. check the markets please. where are we now? we've got this picture, douse up one hundred points. a couple dow stocks are doing very well. that accounts for the dow industrials 100 point again. why are you so closely looking at consumer stocks? >> consumer staples. when you look at consumer discretionary names you get things are usually very levered, not dividend payers will good cash flow, consumer staples people have the by, all those inflationary pressures are coming down, the prices have stayed up so margins expand.
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you get companies like pepsi, general mills, procter & gamble, clorox, making a ton of money, they are well run companies, we always like that sector. stuart: they pay dividend. that's your deal. >> we would not buy them if they were not dividend growths. stuart: dividend growers is the important point. it's a high dividend now which may dissipate in the future. >> the market is growing year over year. stuart: stay there, you are with me for the our. you are looking at the movers, i want you to start, put on the screen, robin hood. is a going up or down? lauren: they reported their second quarterly profit in a row. we have 1%, a record number on deposits, $11 billion and they are looking to win over the market with active traders. in the past year, shares have doubled. stuart: bronson has that sour look on his face. >> in my business the more assets you get the more fees you bring from clients, what's the revenue from that?
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stuart: are no revenue. of 10 trading about her bank, what i'm saying is the assets come in and revenue, they lend stocks to others which has become the controversial -- it's a tough company. blue and got it. costco. lauren: just for you. double-digit increase, 15% increase in online sales, pretty good and their average transaction value also increasing by 1%. stuart: i don't see any sour looks on costco. lauren: i will get there later. stuart: yeti. i've got several of those things. lauren: speaking of guidance, they raised their full-year forecast, they sell insulated coolers, very popular for father's day. is a company looking forward, raising guidance, demand is holding up well, and great
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costs coming down. stuart: thank you very much. coming up. migrants in denver refused to leave an encampment the city accedes to their demands. they want cross culturally appropriate free legal representation. among other. we have that next. president biden under fire for putting an arms embargo on israel. is biden handing hamas a win. ron johnson on that next. ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders. all so you can trade brilliantly.
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of rafah. what are lawmakers saying about this move? >> officials are saying they are concerned about plans to use us weapons in rafah, a city packed with 1.3 million palestinians. 600,000 of them are children. take a listen. >> when you see the results of the campaign to date you see too many palestinians die, try to imagine a repeat of such a campaign in a more dense area than israel has operated to date. >> supporting israel and its war with hamas is the topmost priority. >> it would be devastating to our closest ally in the region and go against the will of what movers of the body voted on several days ago.
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>> president biden is getting pushback from republican senators as well. >> what ammunition, why is it being held up, we want to get to the bottom of this. >> you are telling me you are going to tell them how to fight the war? and what they can and can't use, when everybody around them wants to kill all the jews? >> on the other side of this issue democratic senators saying the biden administration is not going far enough, he should halt hold for now all weapons shipments to israel until the war has concluded. stuart: quite a divide. julian turner, thanks. south carolina senator lindsey graham called the israeli arms embargo and outrage. role tape and have more of what he said. >> it is dangerously, strategically dumb to deny weapons to israel, whose facing
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multiple threats from people dedicated to their destruction is insane. our allies have to be scratching their heads. if you don't think hezbollah, hamas and iran are emboldened you are in denial. to deny weapons to israel makes everything worse, makes the war go longer and is an outrage and i will be condemning this action. stuart: wisconsin senator ron johnson joins me now. mister senator mr. senator. i am saying this embargo saves hamas. what say you? >> i agree with you. let's look at the bigger picture here. obama coddled iran, funneled hundreds of billions of dollars of money into iran and into their economy, into their military, biden picked up where the obama administration left off. who do you think is supporting hamas? hezbollah, the enemies of israel, people they are trying to destroy, a couple weeks ago
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iran itself sent 500 different missiles and drones to attack israel directly and now what the biden administration has done is become the primary protector of hamas. what we should be doing is allowing israel to destroy hamas so it can defend itself so it doesn't have to look over its shoulder and have missiles fighting israel on a daily basis. we should be supporting israel, not supporting and protecting hamas. stuart: it seems prime minister netanyahu will go ahead with his rafah invasion. when he does, what do you think will be the reaction hear from president biden? >> we've been seeing from other democrats on the hill as well. war is hell, nobody likes to see civilian casualties but the fact of the matter is it is hamas that brutally attacked israel and slaughtered 1200 citizens. on a percentage basis that
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would be like 50,000 americans. imagine what the american public would be demanding of its government under that kind of terrorist attack so we need to support israel and the fact of the matter is hamas hides behind women and children, digs tunnels, destroys their ammunition under hospitals, how are you supply a supposed to fight a war like that? israel is doing everything it can to protect civilians and minimize civilian casualties, hamas is putting civilians at risk. stuart: a different subject, mr. senator. there are changes to the asylum system. biden is looking to make it easier to deny or remove migrants claiming asylum. what do you make of this, our sources say these changes speed the entry process, doesn't keep people out. >> it proves president biden has the authority to close the
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border if you wants to. in 2018 the supreme court ruled under existing law exudes difference to the president, donald trump using existing executive authority to close the border, president biden came in using the same authority to open it up, he wants and open border. nobody in the republican conference was asking for an immigration bill, we are looking for an enforcement action to follow any agreement to use authorities to close the border, he simply doesn't want to, the money and that bill would have done what you are saying that, it would have sped up the process and remain more efficient to encounter and disperse 6 or 7 million people, this is a clear and present danger caused by biden and his democrat pals in congress. stuart: we see new numbers from
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the border, 175,000 known got aways since october of last year, known got aways, average of 800 a day. your comment on that? >> that's a misnomer because we have no idea who these people are. it has been to millions since biden took office, 2 million people. we know there are military age men from china, we are catching people, encountering people on the terror watch list, we are letting in human traffickers, drug traffickers, sex traffickers, members of the most brutal gangs from mexico, central and south america, venezuela's mental institutions, we will be dealing with the consequences of the open border for decades to come and most of the mainstream media looking the other way, not reporting on all the murders aided and abetted by the open border policy. stuart: deftly changed america. thanks for joining us, hope to see you again.
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a group of migrants in denver refusing to leave an in camera unless their demands are met. what are they asking for? ashley: they published a document with 13 specific demands including requests for provisions of fresh culturally appropriate food they can cook themselves, no time limit on showers, visits from medical professionals and referrals for specialty care. unless these demands are met, the migrants say we are going to stay in tents and won't move to permanent shelters funded by the city, denver mayor mike johnson under pressure to clean up the street after sparking outrage when he proposed budget cuts including cuts to the city's police force, to help pay for the city's migrant crisis, given free satellite tv and netflix subscriptions. stuart: as long as they can
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watch cable tv, might be informed by us. amazing stuff but thanks for reporting it. still ahead. donald trump says whenever he has a military question he turns to commerce on mike waltz. what he take a position in a future trump cabinet? we will ask him. is going to be on the show. president biden wants to take a victory lap on the handling of the economy, he said no other president has created more jobs are done a better job bringing down inflation. peter morici will respond to the president's bold claim. peter is next.
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new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. stuart: not much on the market this morning, the dow is up 150. fractional gain for the s&p and a small loss for the nasdaq. david barneson with his pics, gilead sciences.
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>> i'm in a bit of a fight with gilead, why promoting a company we are in a fight with? that's why i was in a fight with them great oncology treatment, hiv treatment, they are acting a little woke on the some things. they want to support reproductive rights and they do that -- a little discussion with them. >> of 4.5% yield and it will grow substantially. stuart: truest financial. >> truest is a super regional bank, they merged to gather and it has come back up quite a bit from its low but it is off its high of a very probable, they sold an insurance copy for $15 billion. they are well capitalized with good profit motive and good dividend.
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stuart: i want to show viewers beyond meat because it is not doing well and david has frequently said the stock is going to 0. >> of a heard of a company with a negative return on equity of 1167% of of that they lose $300 million a year. this is in the peak when they were announcing new contract after new contract the last several years and billions of dollars, the stock has come to 190-7 and this will go to 0. it is a disaster of a company, people are buying this idea you have to make money and it turns out, it's not profitable to eat fake meat. i on the other hand have supported the real meat industry more than i probably should for many years. we when you still think it's going to 0? >> absolute the think it is.
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stuart: we will leave it right there. now this. some interesting news from the housing market. more people starting to refinance. how about that, tell me more. ashley: but not for much. refis jumping 5% just in the last week after mortgage rates pulled back ever so slightly. the average contract interest rate for a 30 year fixed-rate mortgage dropping to 7.18% from 7.29%, not a huge drop by any means but enough to prompt homeowners to do a refi, the rate for fha loans also fell below 7% for the first time in three weeks, that's a good sign for first-time homebuyers. mortgage applications up to% but still, for perspective, 17% lower than the same week the year ago. affordability continues to be a
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big problem as home prices continue to climb. tight supply keeping the competition very high which in the end means very few bargains out there. stuart: thank you very much. back to you, david. is there any sign of any recovery for the housing industry? david:the housing prices have not dropped much. is anyone doing anything? nothing is selling. refis up 5%, down 99% so they are up 5% from being down 99%. it takes three guys around the corner to decide they need to -- it is very difficult to imagine anyone refinancing at a cheaper rate than they had so probably cash out needs and that is the only reason anybody would be refinancing but housing has frozen. i suspect you get a little bit of a bit higher in the affordability will be a big factor and you will get a big double down.
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stuart: double down. >> far too expensive, not building enough new homes and blue state governors in blue cities are the problem, refused to let us build new housing stock because they are not having the problem building new homes in north carolina and arizona and texas. they've gotten expensive and it takes time for supply to catch up to demand. stuart: president biden touting the economy. role tape. >> president biden: no president has had the run we had in terms of creating jobs, 9% when i came to office, 9% but look. people have a right to be concerned. ordinary people. stuart: now look at this. inflation was not at 9% when biden entered office, it was 1.4%. we hit 9% inflation 17 months into biden's presidency. the president is dead wrong on
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so many things with the economy. am i right? >> correct. he has memory problems, what can i tell you? it is no trick to bring down unemployment when you come into office and the economy is shut down, ukraine a lot of jobs by reopening and in turn to say he has brought inflation down is a flat out fabrication was the whole approach is the lie technique, to say things over and over again until people believe it and it becomes the truth in the voting booth. stuart: he also said in an interview with cnn last night that america has the strongest economy in the world, he said it twice, in the world. >> he hasn't been to india or talk to his indian ambassador because they are blooming along in india and this administration talks a lot, a lot of people in wall street about the troubled chinese economy, that's why everyone is
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tired by electric cars, solar panels, supply-chain for cars and windmills and so forth, china has got a lot of enduring strength. riveted by a property crisis, at 5% year, exports are booming, they are getting into developing country markets where we are not because of the president's protectionist trade policies and ambivalence towards free-trade. my feeling is the president is diluting himself thinking somehow or other subsidizing the automobile industry, the general motors ceo and pay the autoworkers somehow create strength. stuart: it doesn't in your opinion. >> no it doesn't. think about it. they can't make an electric car at general motors at profit but hyundai and kia can? what's going on here? stuart: the president dead wrong on so many aspects of the economy and we will leave it there. thank you very much, see you
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again soon, now this. congresswoman elana lahr will likely face a censure vote after she called some jewish students pro-genocide. of the squad member is brushing it off. aishah hasnie will have that report from l. legal expert say stormy daniels's testimonies backfiring for the prosecution, this as a georgia appeals court agrees to hear arguments on whether fans are but i will should be removed from trump's election interference case. are those cases falling apart. bret baer on that next. ♪ ♪
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marcus: kaleb is my best friend. he's a fireball, full of energy all day, every day. [laughter] when we came to st. jude, it really put us at ease a lot. everyone is caring.
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everyone is loving here. and they're trying to save people's lives all over the world. so everything that you donated is being used. very grateful for everyone that helped out. [music playing] stuart: on the markets we have a mixed picture, the dow is up 200 points, small gains for the
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s&p and nasdaq. some green up there right now. congresswoman elana mark likely to take a censure vote after calling some jewish students pro-genocide. aishah hasnie joins me. do we know when this vote will happen and what republicans are saying about it? >> reporter: not yet. i spoke with congressman don bacon, the author of the censure resolution, he said he's talked with speaker johnson, speaker johnson supports the condemnation but has to figure out his legislative schedule and might have to figure out the votes, might need some democratic votes after the motion to vacate proved he has lost support of at least a handful of republicans and he can only lose one on partisan bills but don bacon hopes this is not going to be seen as a partisan issue. >> i don't like centers. i don't like all the partisanship.
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i don't see this as a republican or democrat issues, standing up for jewish americans, no jewish american student should be called pro-genocide. lauren: omar finally broke her silence yesterday, she did not apologize for comments. she took a shot at bacon. >> what is your reaction to the censure resolution against you? do you think this is just republican political messaging? >> need a primary to win. >> reporter: bacon is facing a primary challenger in nebraska. democrat leader hakeem jeffries has not condemned are's words. if she is censured she would be the fourth democrat to be censured in the last two years. we will wait to see what happens. stuart: yes we will. thank you very much indeed.
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bret baer is with me now. welcome back. good to see you again. i want to talk about biden's embargo and sending weapons to israel, i say the president is allowing hamas to win. what say you? >> it's getting pushback from democrats on capitol hill in the same mindset. senator john fetterman the other night said much the same, stopping the weapons, pausing the weapons would be a win for hamas. this is a big deal. you can't undersell it because you heard it from the president's mouth. for a long time the white house was denying it was happening or slow walking answers about it, the cnn interview when president biden says it clearly, they are stopping weapons shipments, worried that israel is going into rafah and that is a big deal.
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stuart: right after october 7th the president, president biden said a firm commitment, ironclad commitment to israel, 7 months later, completely gone the other way. it's a reversal of decades long policy. >> not only that but the speech at the holocaust event the other day was very clear and very pointed blaming hamas, supporting, saying it was ironclad the support for israel and then just one day later he says the weapons are stopping and there's a concern here. i do think this is played publicly. imagine and add someplace in a heavily jewish community in a swing state where he uses we are stopping the weapons to israel and it's a big deal for jewish americans. stuart: congressman alexandria ocasio cortez claims a majority of anti-semitism comes from
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right wing nationalists. role table >> the fbi has warned for years about the rise of anti-semitic to mystic terrorism. when you see people vandalizing, attacking jewish students, does this rise to level anti-semitic to mystic terrorism? >> any attack on jewish people, jewish persons on the basis of their identity is horrific. as we know, the vast majority of the rise in anti-semitism, per the fbi report you cite is from right wing nationalists violence. stuart: i will repeat that, she said as we know, the majority of the anti-semitic activity comes from the right wing. is she right? >> not in the past couple of months. if you look at what we see on air, from the river to the sea, specifically erasing israel. we've seen pro-hamas marchs. a lot of these are anti-israel,
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trying to prevent civilian casualties but it is something we've seen numerous times about a pro-hamas protest happening on college campuses and elsewhere. that is not from the right, that is from the left, she well knows that. stuart: the democrat party seems extraordinarily split on this issue. i don't recall such an obvious split on other issues for a long time but split they are right now. >> 100% and it's going to be a problem. you see the white house trying to tiptoe through the tulips policywise in order to not anger some of the arab american communities in michigan and minnesota and other places but by doing that you are also going to have political fallout elsewhere. stuart: retired nypd inspector paul morrow says cases against
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trump are falling apart. role it. >> falling apart, part of what's going on is the rush to indict trump, they are stepping all over each other. florida will postpone this case because he is stuck in new york and these cases are conflicting. the federal case won't be heard until after the election. the thing about the fans or by case, the senate has subpoena power. you need the evidence of her texts and other material between her and nathan wade. stuart: are these cases falling apart? >> timewise as far as it happening before the election, the manhattan case is the only one that's going to be adjudicated. maybe january 6th but we are waiting on the supreme court's
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decision on immunity. the georgia case is being challenged and could fall apart based on the prosecutor, fans of i, willis, the documents case is being delayed. we don't know if there is a start date yet. the judge is dealing with a lot of pretrial motions including how the fbi handled the classified material prior to sending out that photo of the documents. a lot of moving parts here but all of it seems to be going the way of the former president at least right now. stuart: roughly six months until the election. you have a busy life in front of you, don't you? >> we started the conventions and we don't stop. we will be ready. stuart: got to get around of golf in the somewhere. thanks for joining us, see you again soon. look at this headline. it is from cnn. young michigan voters reveal deeply political problems for biden. our young voters moving away from him. lisa booth takes that on shortly.
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stuart: the green is spreading, up 200 on the dow, 23 and the nasdaq, 16 on the s&p, all green. big tech, not all green, almost. effort that is the loser, down a mere $0.45 but we have amazon, meta, apple, microsoft, all slightly higher. the tenure treasury yield all day long has been around 4.5%, 4.49% rate now. biden's labor secretary could soon force taxpayers to pay $32 billion worth of unemployment fraud she caused in california. grady trumbull joins me. how is this possible? can you explain this? >> republicans in the senate say guidance from the labor department allows states to determine which last covid fraud or funds they have to pay back and because of that they say taxpayers across the country could be on the hook
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for money lost to covid fraud. or as the orange county register puts it, julie sue prepares to forgive herself for julie sue's mistakes and that is because the acting labor secretary was the top labor official in california during the pandemic, she oversaw the distribution of covid money for unemployment and by some estimates the state gave away $32 billion of it to fraudsters. the full amount not known. senators bill cassidy and mike crapoh say the department of labor's guidance appears to allow california to shift the consequences of a still unknown amount of federal funds lost under your leadership as the secretary of labor and workforce developing to the american taxpayer. in a house hearing earlier this month she argued that is not the case.
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>> reporter: the fraud is not acceptable. we, the department of labor certainly did not waive any efforts to combat the fraud or fraudulent payments. >> the senate subcommittee, she could face more questions on this topic today and she is still acting labor secretary. she hasn't been confirmed by the senate and her handling of voter fraud is top labor official is one of the big reasons for that. stuart: thank you very much. how long do we have to pay for the mistakes the government made during covid? >> the rest of all of our lives, not just your life but my life and my kids life which hopefully is many decades to go. trillions of dollars of money spent around different mistakes, kids that didn't get to go to school for a couple years that are behind in reading, writing and arithmetic. the fraud situation is at a state level that is so bad
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under julie sue it is laughable. the idea she could become our labor secretary with that kind of power with her incompetence is reprehensible but the ppp and especially that erc program, the employee retention credit, they paid one trillion dollars to people who didn't need money, fraudulent claims, it's totally inexcusable and we are paying for it for years to come. stuart: thanks for being on the show. still ahead, florida congress and mike waltz on the white house putting weapons shipment israel on hold. andrew bailey taking on the justice department. he think the court cases against trump are coordinated by the justice department. and biden falsely claiming inflation was 9% when he took office, the 11:00 hour is next. ♪ ♪ i'm crazy for feeling so
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lonely ♪ ♪ i'm crazy ♪ crazy for feeling
10:58 am
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11:00 am
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