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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  May 9, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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obviously prices are going higher. we all see it when we go to the grocery store, when we go everywhere else except when the government is telling us it is non-existent. liz: we're continuing to watch it. next wednesday is the big day for cpi. everybody better stay tuned. michael good to see you, thank you very much the bulls are charging towards the closing bell. major indices are higher. the dow up 333. we know a lot of you are either graduating from college this weekend or your kids are, congratulations to everybody, including my daughter gabrielle, who is graduating from the new house school of communication at syracuse. yea, gabby. [closing bell rings] that will do it for "the claman countdown." kudlow is up next. nice move on the nasdaq, up 43 points. the transports up 91. we'll see you tomorrow. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow.
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all right, we expect to hear from former president trump shortly. he is going to be making some appeals about unconstitutional gag orders and maybe some other matters as well. we have on set with us texas congressman wesley hunt. we will talk about all kinds of things, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. why biden by the way is doing absolutely nothing to stop his open border catastrophe. that is probably the worst of it. of course throwing israel under the bus, a remark bring bad story. we also have rich lowery and monica crowley. why biden's election interference jihad lawfare against trump hasn't moved the meter one little micro millimeter, whatever that is. kevin hassett will tell us not even joe biden can spend $1.6 trillion between now and election day, no matter how hard he tries. all right. so, president biden throwing
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israel under the bus, amounts to treachery against our greatest ally in the middle east. general jack keane is going to weigh in. i forgot to say about that one more, if that weren't enough, the ev red ink keeps coming. nobody wants electric vehicles. we'll talk to senator cynthia lummis of the great state of wyoming about the whole story. joining me on set, texas congressman wesley hunt. congressman. >> thank you for having me. larry: no, no, anytime. you've been a great guest. we're delighted to have you. it is a busy day. quick thought, trump's canning order he says it is undown constitutional. he cites very good lawyers. they happen to be fox contributors, like jonathan turley, gregg jarrett, professor dershowitz. what is your thoughts on this? >> you're telling me a former president of united states of america is being attacked in this manner, being persecuted in this manner cannot defend himself? i think this is actually pretty ridiculous. if you watch him over the course of the past few weeks, all of
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these cases are falling on their head. we're finding out very quickly our justice system is sound. they're proving this is a whole farce, it's a political pursuit against arm toker president that is actually becoming pretty obvious right now. and president trump is a political force of nature. he will not be deterred from any of this. i think the biden administration and liberals are realizing this isn't helping for independents. he is losing in every single swing stay right now with the exception of one. when you start to look at the trends of the couplertry, what we actually care about, that is ga in our car, that is energy prices, the disaster at the southern border, you start to ad all these things up these cases are looking flimsy at their best and president trump is looking stronger and stronger every single day. larry: there is a lot of great stuff to talk about. we'll get it, one great point, this is interesting to me, i said this last night, you just said it, this is a great country not even this lawfare jihad
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election interference will play out. the new york thing is a fiasco. the washington j-6 is now in the supreme court with respect to presidential immunity. the classified documents is falling of its own weight because of evidentiary finagling and fixing, now in georgia the district attorney again, she may not be qualified, had tried to pull a fast one with her boyfriend running, running the show. so in each step now after the initial flury when the left got all excited about this, now it is all falling apart. i'm just saying even with this unprecedented assault the american system survives. that's what it looks like to me. it may be a small point but i think it is a very important point. >> it is the point. this is why this is the greatest country of the world. the american spirit fires should every ever be underestimated 9 american public is watching what is happening right now.
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they're look at the state of affairs in this country, we have only one person to blame. the executive fiat on day one, joe biden destroyed this country. we watched it happen in real time. keep in mind this is one of the few times in history of this country president trump who did an excellent job during his four years, joe biden as absolute catastrophe, we have a rubber match. they will go head-to-head, better off under trump or better off under president biden? people are watching what is happening. we're better off on president trump. why he is leading in every single swing state. he is leading among black voters, specifically black men, but also independents. we have direct comparison. we want days back. we want strong border security. we want our economy back. most importantly we're sick of being on the verge of world war ii, world war iii, excuse me because of feckless leadership from our current president. larry: mr. trump calls it a working class coalition, working folks.
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i think it is men and women. but he is certainly scoring heavily among black men, i know that. but he is scoring heavily throughout among latinos, hispanics, the white working class. by the way lower income classes, if you're working, you seem to be for trump, why is that? >> well, it's very simple. the rising tide raises all boats in this country. we realize people had more money in their pocket during the trump administration. they could afford to live. we weren't living under record inflation. the little man is always the person that will take it the most, if you know what i mean. larry: that's right. >> it is a case of making sure that look, top to bottom, every american regardless of your race, religion, color or creed, is doing better. and the one thing i want to say as a black man is this i want the same thing that the white man wants or hispanic man wants or asian man wants, i want a good economy. that is what black men in this country are saying right now. they're asking a very simple question. i was better off under president
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trump, i want that back. i'm don't with joe biden. that is why you're seeing the numbers turn out the way they are. larry: josh jobe is throwing israel under the bus. it is an unbelievable story. our long-time, valued ally in the middle east, the only democracy in the middle east, he is throwing them under the bus and senator bernie sanders is beside himself with joy, safing this publicly, bernie sanders. not only bernie sanders socialist wing running domestic and economic policy, they are running foreign policy as well. >> larry, i spent two years in saudi arabia as diplomatic liaison officer, i'm a veteran apache pilot, what i know about the reason, that is the true western influencer, our only true ally in that region own is israel. israel put the judeo in judeo-christian. we know joe biden he loves ice cream wants his cake and eat it too. you can't kay, you can't say i want to support israel and a
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cease-fire. you can't say i condemn all the protests on all these campuses right now but i also know that my donors are ones funding a lot of these protests as well. what we do know when president trump was president, the most, the strongest thing we could have done to send a shot across the bow was move our embassy to jersey. jerusalem. the world knew where we stood, it was strong. you do not mess with israel because you're messing with us. it saved us a lot of lives, a lot of money. we need to get back back with strong leadership. larry: playing into hamas' hands is absolutely the worst thing. >> it is horrible. larry: not only congressman, it is middle east earn thing for sure, it is iranian thing for sure, china is watching. china is watching. they are the worst, biggest, i believe our biggest adversary and enemy in the world today.
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russia is pretty bad, china is worse. can't they figure this out the bidens? don't they understand? they are putting this country off a precipice. we could fall off of it just like that. >> we're one major conflict away from world war iii. i have a bold prediction, if president trump is not our president in november of this year, i think of he will be, if he is not, china will move on taiwan that will send the world into spiral i don't want to see. my prayer is the american public, american spirit fire looks up, president trump is our man, hit is a head-to-head matchup, let's go. larry: congressman, wesley hunt, we appreciate your service in congress. we appreciate your service in the military. >> it is an honor. thanks for having me on as always. larry: coming up, biden's election lawfare interference jihad against mr. trump, has not moved it one little mic crow meter. i don't know what that is. we'll talk about it with rich
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lowery coming up. watch "kudlow" every day at 4:00 p.m. on fox business. if for some reason you can't show up at 4:00, for heaven's sakes text your favorite nine-year-old. she which show you how to dvr the show. you will never miss a thing and thank you very, very much. ♪.
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larry: joe biden's lawfare attacks on president trump are falling apart and anyway hadn't moved the needle at all. that's what it appears. joining me now to chew on this, rich lowery, editor chief "national review." monica crowley, monica crowley podcast, former assistant of treasury, welcome. rich, go to you first. you're my political guru once and forever. >> aim higher, aim higher in your guru. larry: not a chance all these years. doug schoen, democratic pollster, good friend of ours, awful good guy was in the newspaper, he was following one of the polls, cnn poll, i don't care. basically saying the last, four, five, six weeks, with the trials and all the rest of lawfare the needle has not moved. this whole lawfare attack on trump has not done what the bidens hoped and prayed would
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do. with your keen political eye, i wonder what you're thinking about it. >> that doesn't make it any less outrageous they're still lock him in a room in las vegas four taste a week. the fundamentally trump is strong on core issues. who did a good job as president, trump is above 50%. biden is way below 50%. who do you trump on most important issues? trump is way ahead on all of them of biden. then you have peripheral, people care about, the peripherals, indicted 94 times, messy trial in new york city, biden has to hope he can make people care more about the peripherals but i think it will be a hard, hard case to make. larry: or to put it another way, trump has stayed on message even during, for example, the crazy new york trial. he manages to stay on message. not only talking about the economy and inflation, he gave a brilliant speech in waukesha, wisconsin, has week when he had the day off from court.
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also going out to harlem for the bodegas. talking to the construction workers. talking to the firefighters. that is a pretty good messaging, would you say? >> he definitely maximizing his time being chained to new york city with this ridiculous stall enesque show trial so he is maximizing his time here. i love doug, he is a good friend, i would disagree all the lawfare is not moving the needle. it is actually moving the needle towards donald trump. it is actually strengthening him, even people who didn't vote for him, maybe did not like his style, wait a minute, what is happening to him is not right. we don't agree with this, this is chasing at the very basic foundation and fabric of america. to rich's point, i think it is absolutely true, there are two main pillars to this election, the cost of living crisis and quality of life crisis. so you have got the economic side with inflation and the basic collapse of so many
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economic pillars, and then, you've got the quality of life issues. so you've got the wide open border. you have got cities in collapse. you've got spiking crime, on both of those main pillars, trump has a four year long record where he can go to the american people and say i delivered a booming economy, i delivered an enforced border, law and order and world peace. i will do it again. larry: i don't want to front run our later segment but really, biden thinks he can spend $1.6 trillion, now this is a story, some people say it is a trillion, 1.2 trillion, "politico" says 1.6 trillion, whatever, including state and local money that would waive requirements and so forth, so on. now that is old-time democratic religion. going way back to fdr. spend, the only guy really didn't do that was bill clinton you think about it, at least in a second term. my question to you is biden
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making a huge mistake? this story is getting out and circulating. the inflation rate is already up 20%. it calmed down for a few months. now it's come back and he wants to spend 1 1/2 trillion dollars. >> yeah. larry: do you think that's what people want, if you poll people and you said, do you think $1.5 trillions of new spending in the next six months is a great idea, what would they say? >> you know it is a lot of money but they don't know exactly how much it is. we can't determine how much money it is. who is against bridges, right? is that what you vote for the president of the united states for? maybe your governor. they need to shove as much of this money out of door, in part they're looking the trump train coming down the track, if it is not spent already it will be clawed back with republican congress. larry: right, right. >> he needs to deal with what you pointed to, monica points to, inflation has fundamentally undermined his presidency, standing on the economy, people feel it all the time. there is nothing he can do, given his idealogical
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predilections, we're dropping money from a helicopter,. larry: trump will make the case all the attempts for massive, massive spending, it is not easy to spend trillion 1/2 dollars in six months. the best minds in america can be put to work. >> i can spend that on shoes, larry. i'm just saying [laughter] larry: i couldn't spend that. i had several terms in those agencies. the point, people will rebel at it. this is what biden is missing because it will cause more inflation. >> more inflation. larry: they know that. here, biden has a problem. he thinks americans are dumb. i think and wait, more importantly trump thinks americans are smarter than you think. they see inflation. that's all. it will damage biden. it is a huge mistake. >> huge mistake. also because we have the benefit of back-to-back presidencies here where donald trump delivered and you were a key part of that team, delivered a goldilocks economy where you had robust economic growth, unemployment at or near historic
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lows for every demographic group, little to know inflation. so you don't have to go back to the reagan era to remember a booming economy. you just have to remember pre-pandemic three years ago, four years ago, people want that back and they make the association with joe biden, democrats controlling congress in the first two years of a presidency, pushing out along with the fed eight to nine trillion dollars into the economy. they associate that with higher prices at the grocery store and elsewhere. larry: biden, look, they're being pulled by bernie sanders, get this in before we break, bernie sanders is now running economic, domestic and foreign policy for that matter. >> or columbia university. larry: extraordinary. >> combination of them. larry: but i mean fdr spend and spend, tax and tax, win and win elections, okay? this is not the 1930s. biden is operating on a model that is like 75, 85 years old. didn't work then by the way, putting that aside, politically that model has not worked --
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>> also what you say -- larry: paul falling into that trap. >> people feel that, he has not stood up to anything, not demonstrating any strength. this is key metric as president. people view him as weak, trump as strong. that is hard to overcome. larry: that's right. if you're not, it is bad enough you're caving in to hamas, if you're caving in to bernie sanders also, really, no, no, i think that's a very important point. i counter, i think you have biden weak, trump tough. i think that is really a big theme of this election. i got to get out of hear. >> bernie sanders is socialist. that is where all the energy is on the democrat side. larry: i love that. bernie sanders is the tale wagging the dog. i think bernie sanders is the tale and the dog right now. rich lowery, monica crowley, thank you very much. coming up here on "kudlow," not even trump can spend $1.6 trillion over the next six months, know matter how hard he tries. an important theme of the show tonight. we'll talk about it with kevin hassett, former cea trade when
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larry: all right. we'll bring in lydia hu, talking about what is going on in the trials. lydia, thank you. mr. trump is about to make appeals or has already made appeals. he is quoting famous fox legal analysts left and right about this, what can you tell us, lydia? >> yeah, larry, we started off this morning hearing from our former president saying that today they're planning to file or have filed an appeal to this wide-ranging gag order that restrains both the former president and those that they say he could direct from commenting about witnesses, the judge's staff, the attorney's staff, matters relating to this case. as you know has been slapped with 10 violations relating to this gag order. that has amounted to $10,000 in fines. then most importantly judge
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mershon has told president trump if he continues to violate this gag order he could face the possibility of jail time this is really raising some serious constitutional questions considering the former president is the presumptive nominee for the gop ticket, for the white house. both really interesting, larry, is what is happening inside of court right now. i actually stepped outside before it was officially concluded so i could talk to you. as i was leaving defense attorney todd blanch was making an argument that the gag order with respect to stormy daniels should be lifted. in other words, that donald trump should now be allowed to speak about stormy daniels in connection with this case because her testimony has now been concluded. it is over. he can no longer pose a threat of intimidation to her because she already provided her testimony to the case. the jurors have now heard it. he wants to respond some of the salacious allegations she levied
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against him. we don't know what the decision is going to be. prosecutors are vehemently opposing that. getting information from our producers inside of the courtroom but we could possibly have a decision about that imminently or perhaps judge mershon practice to deliberate overnight, couple days, make a decision. that was happening just as i left the courtroom. very real time conversation going on about this gag order, larry. larry: perhaps we will see mr. trump come out. we appreciate your update on those discussions. now folks i want to launch into the riff. back to the spending and inflation theme you would think with consumer prices up nearly 20% since joe biden took office, with the cpi snapback recent months, 5% annually, way above the fed's own 2% target, you would think joe biden who is already in a heap of trouble on the inflation issue to begin with, you would think he would want to do something to curb inflation, maybe somehow seal
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salvage the election f you thought that you would be totally wrong. biden has no such intention. biden is a guy who told an interviewer he inherited a 9% inflation rate. donald trump handed over a 1.4% inflation rate which joe biden subsequently ran up to 9% with a massive federal spending and borrowing spree. speaking of massive federal and borrowing. a bunch of recent articles came out showing that biden, would love, would just love to spend up to $1.6 trillion of money congress already approved but the failed bureaucracy has not spent it out. the unspent money covers clean energy, evs, various climate change giveaways, subsidies, tax credits, semiconductor manufacturing who knows what else. the misnamed inflation reduction act, that is a big culprit in this story. it is still spending out, but
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even going back to march of 2021, which some called the original sin of inflation there is still covid money spending out, really covid money. you can't make this stuff up. actually it would be a monumental task requiring some of the greatest minds alive today to figure out ways to spend $1.6 trillion of federal money in the next six months. judging from joe biden's overall performance so far, he is not in possession of the greatest minds today but they're all trying their hardest to spend and borrow and somehow buy the election. there is even another 350 billion, 350 billion, under the guise of covid-19 relief. this is for state and local governments. called the coronavirus state and local fiscal recovery fund. bad enough to think this thing is kicking around as holdover from the misbegotten american
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rescue act of 2021 but this money is supposed to be spent before the end of this year. now, the biden treasury has decided if the states don't spend it, but if they just plan to spend it, after the statutory deadline this year, they can go ahead and spend it any way. is this a great country or what? republicans have opportunities to stop this avalanche of inflationary spending but they're going to have to get to work in the next 90 days. meanwhile, the potential inflationary consequences of these dreadful policies could well lead to much higher interest rates and of course much greater deficits and borrowing and inflation. but joe biden doesn't care what wit about inflation. he think it is going to wint election this way. well, joe, remember this, fdr had four terms. you may only have one. all right, that's the riff. now for more on this let's bring in my great pal kevin hassett,
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former chair of the council of economic advisors. kevin, when i say the best minds i think of you, all right? if i put you, you couldn't spend 1.7 trillion dollars in the next six months, but then again you wouldn't want to spend that kind of money, would you? >> right. no, absolutely not, larry and the way to think about it is let's just use round numbers say nominal gdp over the next six months will be 15 trillion. what they're tying to do is increase demand by about 10% of gdp but they're attacking supply. so what that means is, it will take inflation and make it go up closer to 10% if they actually were able to do this. but of course they won't be able to do it. the thing that is really stunning to me it is a very traditional practice when you give money to states then they have a certain amount of time to spend it. they give them so much money the states have not been able to spend it. if they could have spent it, inflation would be higher than they would now.
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they have to give the money back. biden, no, as long as some point in the future you spend it on something, you can keep the money that is absolute misconduct by a president as is everything else the guy is doing. larry: you looked at the google inflation pop-ups or word or matrix or not but inflation is now the biggest question asked on google or it has popped up again in terms of questions on google? >> it is, a google trend, it is called google trends, larry. i know you're not mr. internet. larry: right. >> but the fact is, you can look what's being searched on google. at the peak of inflation, one of the top searches on google was inflation. it kind of went down last year but now it is skyrocketing again. something we did with my old friend gail who worked with us in the white house we made a map of the u.s. to see where people are searching on inflation the most? guess what, it is the swing states, no kidding. larry: that spells more harm.
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kevin you were probably surprised to learn from a biden interview this week that he inherited a 9% inflation rate? >> yeah. i mean, it's astonishing, you know, the far left as we see at columbia university, they're trying to destroy america's institutions they have destroyed the media. can you imagine if we were in the white house the president came out as said something as awful at that, that would be awful at the white house presser they would have to get a retraction. no nobody asked hem them the question. if you want to push spending out, spend it on anything, even if people are willing to say at some point in the future are spending but he will not spend any money allocated on israel, can you imagine? can you imagine. a few hundred people from columbia protests he backs away from a long time ally. he is trying to spend like crazy but will not give them the ammo he needs to settle the hamas situation. larry: that is a great point.
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the only spending he wants to stop is the spending to arm and defend our great historical ally israel. i hadn't thought of that, a great point, kevin hassett. honestly. that is food for thought. the only spending cut he wants. kevin hassett, we appreciate it. >> thanks, larry, talk soon. left's now continue this discussion about what seems to be joe biden's betrayal of israel. joining us we welcome back general jack keane, retired four-star general. fox news senior strategic analyst, presidential medal of freedom recipient. general keane, welcome sir. i want you to tell me, biden puts a arms embargo on israel, i a don't understand this, defensive weapons, offensive weapons, what is your reaction to this as a long time military strategist? what's going on here? >> yeah, well certainly its not surprising because he and his administration have been hinting
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about this for sometime, after certainly publicly disagreeing with president, prime minister netanyahu's war aims and very specific of how to conduct an operation in rafah but you know, nonetheless, even though the hints were there, now it's happened, it is really shocking, larry. i mean you wonder what is going on in their amends? do they ever consider what the consequences are of a decision like this? we have sinwar, who is in charge of hamas and he has been steadfast since decent of '23 not agreeing to a temporary cease-fire and a hostage release exchange for palestinian prisoners. and the reason he believes the wind is at his back and he is gaining in support. the evidence of that is biden's previous criticism. now this shocking revelation, strengthens his hand, as does the widespread condemnation of
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israel by the international community. that is an adverse consequence, that protracts the war and makes it that much more difficult for israel. the second thing is, what are the consequences with our friends and the other adversaries out there who are watching this? the major lesson learned from afghanistan was the united states was willing to walk away from a 20-year ally fighting side by side to defend that country and turn it over to the very enemy we were fighting and we lost a lot of respect from our friends as a result of that and our adversaries, you've know, you've been recording it have been aggressive ever since. here we go again, pulling back from israel. ukraine is looking at this, taiwan is looking at this. what is going on here? will that apply to me? what does mr. xi, as you mentioned, what is putin thinking about this? what is our friend in
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north korea thinking about it? the iranians? the administration should think through the consequences of a shocking decision like this and pulling away from 75-year ally, the strongest one we have in the middle east and we've been there, every bit of the way for israel through every struggle, any help they ever needed we would give them. now we're conditioning our assistance based on how they conduct a military operation inside of a particular city. i mean that is outrageous control of an a friend like israel. larry: i mean, general keane, "wall street journal" editorial today very strong, i mean the title is, biden slaps an arms embargo on israel but they go on to say they will stop large bombs or small bombs, dumb bombs or smart bombs and let it do without tanks and artillery too. now isn't a good time to send the weapons you see because israel would actually use them.
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i mean we just saw an unprecedented attack by iran on israel which fortunately the iron dome repelled but we still have the hamas firing rockets everywhere, hezbollah firing rockets everywhere, iran is watching, russia is watching, china is watching, what, are we disarming israel? or let me ask you this, sir, is there a serious difference between offensive weapons and defensive weapons, really? i thought the uses were always multi-variant? >> yeah. i think that's in the name only. the reality is that is blurred in warfare, offense and defense and they should stop using that to try to delineate and therefore make a decision that's favorable to them. look it, we still, israel is facing the threat of hezbollah to the north. there is 80,000 citizens
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displaced. you know where israel is. they want to finish with hamas. they will turn their attention to hezbollah. if they don't move back and let the citizens get in there and create a buffer zone they have to do something about that that will be a major air campaign. there could be plenty of uses for the 2000-pound bombs and 500-pound bombs that are not as precision based as some others but why do they use them? because they go deep and they have a significant lethality. they have used them against the tunnels. but when they recognize there was untoward collateral damage as a result of it, they stopped using those, they used precision bombs. there could be plenty of places still around rafah where these bombs are appropriate and they're not going to use them against civilians. certainly the same thing applies to hezbollah. you mentioned it. there is a ring of fire around israel attempting to destroy it. we shouldn't be giving them less. we should be giving them more,
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to deal with the comprehensive nature of this threat and it's the message also is, as i mentioned at the outset, is just awful. it is enhancing our adversaries and encouraging them. that in of itself is dead wrong, much less strengthening sinwar and hamas's hand here. larry: in the last minute, sir, do you think israel will go ahead anyway and finish the job against hamas? >> i don't think they have much choice. they're fighting for their, for their existence and their survival. every time the president opens his mouth he should talk about that. we know hamas wants the martyrdom of thousands, tens of thousands of people, they use that term in doing it because it serves their interests. there is not a single tunnel complex in the wheel gaza strip where the people can seek refuge from the war. it is only designed and built for hamas fighters.
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that is despicable and diabolical in of itself. welcoming those casualties. we have this thing twisted. the president should be providing moral clarity what is actually happening here, always underscoring the fact that israel's very existence is at stake here. every speech he makes that should be in it. larry: well i think the president is essentially providing moral confusion but i also, you know, on the matter of the hostages, general keane, you're an integral part of all these discussions that go on, the bidens aren't coming clear and straight on the hostages and the united states and israel don't actually know how many hostages, whether they are american hostages, israeli hostages, european hostages, nobody knows how many of them are still alive and this goes almost unnoticed. we're asking israel to give up
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its livelihood, statehood, its very existence holding out for hostages we don't even know they're alive, hamas will not tell us because that is the card they always play? >> yeah, there is no doubt about that. the president doesn't talk about the hostages very often. larry: never, never. >> he should be talking about that on a regular basis as well. and that's the pressure point on israel certainly. the other pressure point is to finish the job against hamas. in the negotiations what came out about the hostages, to be specific, is hamas was discussing 33 but of the 33, some would have to be dead bodies. larry: right. >> so we don't know that number and they're using that also to intimidate the families and raise the anger over the hostages themselves and pressure israel as a result of all of that. larry: yes, sir. >> but the hostages should be front and center with this administration as it is with prime minister netanyahu and his.
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>> yes, sir. general keane, great to see you, sir. tough message, we appreciate it. >> great talking to you. larry: folks coming up next, the ev red ink keeps coming, electric vehicles that is. we'll discuss that, and a couple other things with wyoming senator cynthia lummis. i'm kudlow. we need to unleash israel and let them destroy hamas. this shouldn't be hard at all. this way has people who start early. ♪. d be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
4:51 pm
are. larry: welcome back to the show. wyoming senator cynthia lummis, we appreciate it, senator lummis, whenever you're on. i want to talk about the collapse of electric vehicles but can you weigh in, we had a strong appearance by general jack keane, this whole thing about biden slaps embargo on israel. "wall street journal" editorial, the message from the white house, israel shouldn't have large bombs or small bombs, dumb bombs or smart bombs and let it do without tanks and artillery too. now isn't a good time to send the weapons you see because israel would actually use them. to me there is an outrage but i want to get your thoughts on it,
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please? >> i'm outraged too, larry. we in the senate on multiple occasions tried to get funding for israel to fight back against hamas, passed as a stand-alone bill, not tied to funding for anything else and the democrats opposed it. then it finally passes attached to ukraine funding and now the biden administration is giving with one hand and taking away with the other. so they allow humanitarian aid to be captured by hamas so hamas has humanitarian aid and then they tie israel's hand behind its back and says even though we funded these weapons for you, we're not going to give you those weapons. this is a presidency that is so failed on some levels and our international foreign policy is so disjointed, so embarrassing,
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that i'm counting the days for the opportunity to vote someone new in for president. larry: is there any movement among your colleagues on the gop side or perhaps joined by democrats, to do something about this outrage? i know the legislative options are always limited but there could be a resolution, a letter to the president, just something, i mean, after all, y'all passed what he wanted for months and months, you finally got the bill through and you also had the national defense bill through which funded israel. nobody really knows how these accounts are being juggled as i'm sure iraware. seems like something should be said, senator lummis. >> all of the things you mentioned are being considered. letters to the president, resolutions, people who are strongly in favor of helping israel's coalition government by the way, larry, this is not a government that is run roughshod
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over by benjamin netanyahu. this is a coalition government that is protecting its sovereignty from attack by a terrorist organization that took over 1000 lives out of the israeli community. they have every right to take out hamas by whatever means necessary and our country, as their ally, should not be second-guessing. we should get behind them with weapons, with money, with support of all kinds and this president is saying one thing and doing another. it's shameful. it is embarrassing and the gop and democrats in congress who support israel need to be loud and clear with president biden, that he is out of bounds doing what he is doing. he is out of bounds, our president is out of bounds. larry: yes, ma'am. yes, ma'am. thank you for that. just quickly, electric vehicles so unpopular, ev, i mean the
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only money biden wants to spend, wants to spend trillion 1/2 dollars, the manufacturer lucid is losing a fortune. rivian losing a fortune. lucid's stock is down 95%. rivian's stock is down 92%. nobody wants these turkeys. even tesla laying off 10% of its global workforce and yet the bidens keep jamming this down our throats and spending a bloody fortune. give yous lass word, senator, on evs, pardon the phrase? >> all of the manufacturers want to move to these hybrid vehicles and get away from electric vehicles only. they don't work in the snow. they don't work in the cold. they don't work at elevation. they don't work where you can't get them charged which is most of the middle of the country. so the biden administration once again is telling the american people what to do and not listening to the consumer. it is ridiculous.
4:56 pm
larry: sorry up against a hard break. you're right. thank you, senator lummis, we always appreciate when you come on. folks be right back with the last word. limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance ♪ty m chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪
4:57 pm
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5:00 pm
sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it's a bold initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should. it is our commitment. we need to do this. going and wipe out hamas for general cain said it best and no choice. going for them


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