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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 9, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it's a bold initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should. it is our commitment. we need to do this. going and wipe out hamas for general cain said it best and no choice. going for them.
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liz: going for them and going for a great show. welcome to the evening edit. i'm elizabeth macdonald. house oversight chairman james comer. congressman, okay, this story, it's good to have you on and see you again. president biden blocking weapons shipment to israel and associated press report the president wanted to delay letting voters know about this till after biden gave a speech on holocaust remembrance day and this is all about politics for biden is have you heard of any president doing anything like this with the u.s. ally. hamas is holding americans hostage. >> joe biden doing everything with respect to israel is now political. he's basing the whole israel policy and trying to please a few voters in detroit, michigan, to carry that by the swing state and all the history we have with
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israel and the israel is the closest ally and hamas still has five american hostages and the pact that congress appropriated in a bipartisan manner the weaponry that he has withheld and everything joe biden is doing is wrong and illegal and i hope we can only hold him accountable if congress. liz: reasonable people want a humanitarian end to this and hamas is the cause of gaza's suffering. the president accused of misleading too making like it's only about 1,000-pound bombs. biden embargoed a whole range of smaller weaponry like tank shells, administer 'tilly and devices that convert things into smart precision bombs and there's a whole lot of misleading going on here. >> there is, and joe biden has a history of not telling the truth. believe me. i can talk for two hours about that. but with respect to this issue at hand, this dictates our entire foreign policy.
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we have to make sure that israel can defend itself. and that the terms that joe biden is unilaterally putting on israel and netanyahu and not allowing them to defend themselves and not allowing them to talk out hamas who by all accounts is the worst terrorist group of them all. it's wrong that what joe biden is doing showing them. liz: we have to break in. we want your reaction to this. former president trump, his motion to modify the gag order denying and here is the president speaking. >> this is corrupt and he's a corrupt judge. this judge what he did and what it was was a disgrace and everything that happened today, he's a corrupt judge and totally deflecting and i have to get back on the campaign trail. i'm not supposed to be here. we're so innocent. every single analyst, legal
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analyst, i'm innocent and i'm being held in the courtroom with a corrupt judge that's conflicted. take a look at his conflict. it's a disgrace grace to the city of new york, the state of new york and the country. thank you very much. liz: that was former president trump speaking about a gag order to get lifted and get back to the issue at hand and former president trump has gone after biden for holding up shipments of weapons to israel. president trump doesn't like that and israel cannot defeat hamas without going into rafah. israel is surrounded by enemies and the bond and the issue of this in history. this is about terr terrorists tt have massacred children, women, men, and seniors sexually tortured, kidnapped, still holding u.s. american citizens hostage.
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listen to this. >> i want to be clear that if they go into rafah, they vice president gone into rafah yet, if they go into rafah, i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah. i will declare to bb and the war cabinet, they're not getting our support if in fact they go in these population centers. if you look at the data, these demonstrations are real, but they're not -- i mean, everybody's made its peace on the holocaust. liz: congressman, this president wants the whole nation to be on his schedule, on his agenda, on his time line. democrats in israel are slamming biden for prioritizing his reelection over getting american hostages out. it used to be the u.s. does not negotiate with terrorists and now biden is negotiating for terrorists. >> yeah, joe biden is doing this
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and it's political and quid pro quo and a policy decision he made using american tax dollars for political ban fit. last time he did something like that, it was for financial benefit when he withheld the ukrainian foreign aid and with respect to israel, everything joe biden is doing is appease the anti-semitic wing of the democrat party that's become so vocal and leading the campus protests all across america and he's punishing israel and anybody in the country and read the bible knows that we have to stand with israel and if we don't allow israel to defend itself, we'll have world war iii on its hand and we'll be not be a great military leader and seen it over the past three and a half careers and joe biden has to change course right now allowing israel to have the weapons that congress approved with israel liz: he's also defied the constitutional separation of powers again after, you know, after the
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supreme court said he was wrong to do a student loan bailout, circumventing congress and now hearing congressman cory mills filing impeachment other biden with israel and the idea that he wanted to not tell the world what he was doing until after he gave a speech. >> he's not been truthful with the american people and not telling the choo truth. liz: thank you congressman comer. bring back into the show. this train reck about israel and biden being called out of touch. in the interview, biden tried to top spin his record 19% inflation saying "americans have
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the money to spend. aren't grocery prices up 30% on his watch and in the battleground state of wisconsin, up double digits and gave that interview? >> just as you said, showing how out of touch he is and make people believe inflation rate was high when he took office. it was 1.5%. it reached the peak of nine and reaching mortgages on credit card payments and purchases and going up 18% and at p or 8% rate today and his ratings on the economy are in the tank. every time he makes these crazy statements, people realize he's really losing it. that's why he's going to lose the election and he could even lose the nomination as he continues to deteriorate along with the economy. liz: steve, watch what happened in the interview and we want your reaction to a small
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business own fertilizer wisconsin. watch this. >> it's real but the fact is if you take a look at what people v they have the money to spend. >> voters are wide margin trust trump more on the economy. they say that in polls and with less than six months to go to election day. are you worried you're running out of time? >> look at michigan survey, 65% of american people think they're in good shape economically. the poll data has been wrong all along. >> it's a lot more challenges for any business owner these days. >> yeah. >> he's making a terrible mistake and it may be his own pride.
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liz: he's denying political reality and economic reality and in the polls it's quinnipiac, pugh, monmouth and harvard harris and slew of polls showing he's tumbling down into the 30s in approval ratings. steve, this is at road lows for incumbents where they lose. speaker johnson calling them senior moments and less than 1.5%. >> that's what's going to sink hymn because they convinced him that bidenomics is not working and every time you try to rent a apartment and get a mortgage, every time you try to do any economic aboutivity, you realize things are -- activity and things are worse off than four years ago and making it worse with regulations and not letting you buy cars, traditional cars
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and everything this administration going for them and wifi that works and washing machines and dishwashers that work and against putting encasesy regulations and prices are going up and businesses are not making the investment needed for higher standard of living in the future. american people sense it and he's going to lose these terrible ratings. things are not good. liz: stagflation for 1.6% and long list of biden's failures and it's the economy, inflation, u.s. energy, afghanistan, iran, israel, his border collapse. you wouldn't be surprised if people had ptsd from under this white house. >> the fact of the matter is everything he touches turns to you know what starting with the afghanistan withdrawal, which showed putin he thought he could get away with invading ukraine.
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the chinese are watching what we're doing with israel and kiss jerkins said, it's bad to be an enemy of the united states but sometimes worse to be an ally. israelis are finding that out today that their moment of need, existential threat, this guy wants to pull the rug out from under them and help the terrorists and terrorists invasion and these -- he's helping these people and just as bizarre, craven, and cowardly. liz: what do you make of him saying the biden white house wants to delay the announce p.m. stopping weapon shipment to multigenerational u.s. ally and israel surrounded by 450 million people and surrounded by 22 arab nations and israel is a i'm not going to tell the american people i'm shipping to israel and make a holocaust remembrance speech. >> he's trying to do it both
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ways instead of having the courage like a franklin roosevelt who took tough steps to prepare america for world war ii and other presidents that made tough decisions like lincoln and that's what leadership is about. he never explains to the american people what's at stake in ukraine, israel and elsewhere. he's floundering the american people and they're disgusted with him. liz: got it, steve forbes, thanks for joining us. appreciate you. still ahead, jam-packed hour from the house border caucus. congresswoman monica dela cruz and francey hakes and retired nypd bill stanton and joe concha at least half a dozen democrat senators are politically interfering in the trump documents case and openly criticizing the judge for a delay and should be blaming special council jack smith over how he's handling it. we'll explain that and hillary
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clinton weighs in and want to rush this with tram nap jail before the election. they remain a wall silent on president biden taking top u.s. secrets as far back as when he was a senator. will house republicans unit to stop what's going on in the white house after congresswoman marjorie taylor green tried to oust speaker johnson but that failed. also this, look at this. more states are talking about possibly using state antimasking laws to put an end and to stop violent anti-israel protests and stand up and take the mask off. this turn about, 15 house democrats demand biden stop his border action and the same action he took to ignite it and ststormy daniels clashed with trump's lawyers and legal pros say she undercut her credit card and the debate heating up with
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reasonable doubt murder billion trudge and his trial and talking more about the motion and attempt to get the gag order lifted denied again coming up on "the evening edit". ♪ in any business, you ride the line between numbers and people. what's right for the business and what's best for everyone who depends on it. solving today's challenges while creating future opportunities. it takes balance. cla - cpas, consultants, and wealth advisors. we'll get you there. (ella) fashion moves fast. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility.
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spoke moments ago. fox news nate foy. let's get to nate standing by live with the new york supreme court in new york city. nate, the judge on trump's new york case just did two things. he denied a trump team's motion for a mistrial and also the motion to modify the gag order. he reject that had too. nate, what's going on? reporter: that's exactly right, liz. and judge juan denied both requests that the gag orders should be amended and stormy daniels is done testifying and no longer is a witness and they argue that former president trump should be able to publicly respond to her testimony. again, daniels claims the two had sex in 2006. trump denies that and then the judge also denied the request for a mistrial. trump's lawyer cited prejudicial testimony and we're also learning tonight that karen mcdougle will no longer be called to the stand. she's a former playboy model
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that claims to have had an affair with the former president. american media purchased but never published her story leading up to the 2016 election. court wrapped up with trump's former white house executive assistant on the witness stand. liz, she got emotional recalling memories of trump and his family. she told the court she doesn't think trump is being treated fairly in this case. again, as we just talked act, stormy daniels finished her testimony today and told the court she went public with her allegations about trump because she wanted to get her story out. trump's lawyers questioned daniels motive and credibility and daniels asked phenomenals about making hundreds -- answered questions about making hundreds of thousands on the trump story and one question where someone referred to daniels as a human toilet and daniels posted about trump in response to that "the best person to flush the orange toured down". trump said today that his lawyers are challenging the court's gag order at the
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appellate level so we wait for that ruling but right now after judge denied a direct appeal from trump's lawyers, he still cannot talk about witnesses in this case. the trial is set to resume at 9:30 tomorrow morning. liz. liz: nate foy, we're really on new ground here. great to have you here to break it down on these stories. joining us now -- thank you, nate. fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett and author of the constitution of the united states and other patriotic documents. the judge says trump still has to be gagged? >> yeah, and makes no sense because the entire predicate to rational for the gag order was i don't want you, donald trump, to intimidate any witnesses. she's no longer a witness. she's been excused and she's out of there. he can comment about anything. relative to her.
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it underscores i think how unconstitutional this overly broad, vague, poorly republic gag order is. it is a clear, prior restraint on free speech, which is a protected right in the constitution under the first amendment. liz: the legal pros say that stormy daniels undercut her credibility and saying that she's showing the jury she has a mote and i have agenda to convict tram and get trump and put him in prison. how would jurors look at that? >> they will not look favorably upon it. this trial was already a phony legal case. but stormy daniels has turned it into a farce. her credibility was utterly shredded in this devastating two-day cross-examination and i have to think stunned prosecutors had to be sitting there at the table and muttering to themselves, why did we call
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her to the witness stand. daniels insisted she always tells the truth and yet she admitted that she signed a statement denying an affair, which she said was a lie. she declared she wasn't interested in making money and demanding cash expected her trump tail to be made public and she sold her silence and the kind of witness that was casually not painting her as a lawyer. but somebody as you point out, liz, motivated by greed and hatred of tram and this was a soft decision by brag's prosecutors to call her to the witness stand, especially since she said at the end, well, i don't know anything about this criminal bookkeeping set of charges in the indictment. liz: she signed two statements saying trump had nothing to do
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about it. this is an 18-year-old story that's back ago steep book and records misdemeanor seven years ago that da bragg zapped back into life claiming a campaign violation and doesn't have jurisdiction over and hasn't stipulated and cited what the actual federal crime s. what do you make of the prosecution's star witness michael cohen is about to testify. what do you think? jot lawyer went to prison and telling a variable flood of lives and still lying and calling it a serial perjure and going for unanimous person and he has a clear motive to lie even more. you would have to be either insane or desperate to make cohen your star witness on which your entire case is dependent.
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we're three weeks into this trial. there's still no evidence that ties donald trump to any crimes that the law recognizes. liz: got it. gregg jarrett, thank you so much. we'll stay on the sorry and have you back on we hope. good to see you. monica dela cruz from the house caucus and 15 house democrats saying biden's border collapse is so bad they could lose their seats in the house. they demand he take executive action to stop it. just as they did with executive actions to trigger it. and gallop finds voters rank immigration at the border crisis first as most important problem in the u.s.. they agree to that . plus, retired nypd officer bill stanton. this new move and is this the way to stop pro hamas protests and campus nationwide and many with outside agitators and anarchists and more states
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consider possibly using state antimasking laws saying take the masks off if the cause is so great and if not, you'll go to prison coming up on "the evening edit". daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪) wow... are you kidding me? you can do this. at truist, we believe the same is true for banking.
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liz: retired new york police officer bill stanton. we love having you on. what do you think of this simple fix, the ohio state attorney general, he's igniting this debate that states should stop the pro hamas protests, stop them by hitting those who are wearing masks, hit them with felonies, throw them in jail for violating state antimasking laws. i think something like 15 states have that law. what do you think? >> el w i have libertarian leanings and if you're just wearing a mask, i wouldn't charge anyone with a felony, but
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screaming death to america and pro hamas. to me that's the modern day kkk, which the law was, i believe, invented from and born from. if you're wearing these covid masks to hide your identity to break the law, let's slap them with an extra charge. go for it. liz: ohio attorney general davidiest is saying they should take the masks off too and if their cause is to great, they should show the world who they are. he reportedly sent a letter to ohio university presidents and hay do this and hit them with felony charges for wearing masks when the protests get violent and we have an ohio democrat state senator calling this "disgusting and pig headed". what do you think?
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>> yeah, i think that person is absolutely wrong. >> when you're taking over property and destroying property and holding people against your will and holding signs with two by four withs the threat of using it for violence, well, now you're going into time to step in and let adults take the kids over and teach them right from wrong because apparently they don't know it. liz: they're not doing that . critics are saying literally "we're creating students that will become future morons of america"students are becoming -- being put through indock reigns leading nation factories and not schools of education. washington ohio attorney general
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daveiest on this speaking to -- dave yost speaking to fox digital. >> credit ago crime with two or more other people while masking yourself, that's a heightened kind of crimed and a worse kind of thing. because you're consciously doing this and trying to hide your identity because you know you're doing something wrong. martin luther king jr. and john lewis weren't mask when had they walked in selma. own your expression, own the dictates of your conscious. don't break the law. liz: yeah, he's saying, louis didn't wear a mask. >> yeah, the light is percepted to all bad things. let them take the masks off and get out from behind the computer, protest, do it legally or get arrested. liz: bill, love having you on. thank you for joining us. president biden's border crisis has gotten so out of control, so out of hand now 15 house
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democrats from battleground districts are demanding he take executive action to stop it. chad a what a development. reporter: liz, good afternoon. these democrats are serious about the border. their tactic also mimics gop demanding the president use his power to fix the border. the democrats aim to inoculate themselves against portrayals that they are weak on border security. >> i call on the president to declare a state of emergency at the border over a year ago and i've been ringing this alarm bell and seen it in new york and my district. this is something that's serious and i said when in charge, take charge. we need the president to do that.
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>> democrats think this builds real estate between themselves and unpopular presidents and facing issues over the boarder and liberal democrats say the party should lean in. >> the message to the president today is this, we should not fear immigration as a subject matter. we should lean into it. because we recognize the value that all immigrants, including undocumented immigrants. reporter: mitch mcconnell is failing to pass a senate border bill and also wants action from the president. >> you ought to do something about this to the maximum extent of your ability and it's more than this administration can co. not just blame congress for not passing legislation. reporter: now, the board service connected a flash point this fall. the administration floated
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tightening up some asylum rules for those entering the country illegally, especially those who could pose a risk to national security. liz. liz: chad pergram, great report, thank you so much. bring in from house border security caucus-backed suspended ands, texas congresswoman monica dela cruz. good to see you. house budget reported this crisis costing americans $150 million a year. so democrats continue to mislead the, you know, we shouldn't complain about immigration. americans about legal immigration and don't want to see now, it's clear nearly 150 terrorists caught crossing something like 75,000 illegal migrants hit with -- who had convictions for crimes crossing and they don't want to see people murdered or kidnapped or raped by people that don't belong here and came in ill illegally. >> you're exactly right. biden's open border policies have failed americans and not only from the financial aspect
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but from the lack of security that colleagues of mine are even saying in new york city has caused the entire country this has been a disaster from day one when the biden administration revoked all of trump's policies that we knew were working. catch and release, remain in mexico, the republican party with house republican party has passed meaningful legislation that we knew would put anened to this back in may of last year. but the biden administration continues to fail us. liz: you know, he did something like nearly 100 executive actions in the first 100 days to wipe out trump's policies that ignited this record border collapse and the grand jury in georgia indicted the suspect in the murder of laken riley and he's an illegal and accused of
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going to housing apartments and peeping through windows the same day he killed laken riley. this migrant that raped a disabled 15-year-old in boston was flown directly in on biden's cbp-1 act and we've got over half a million illegal migrants entering the u.s. via this app and don't need an id, visa or valid travel authorization to enter the u.s., download the app and had to go through tsa checks and show id everywhere. >> i fear these same stories happening in my community in my state. my heart goes out to those families that have lost loved ones because of illegal immigrations and biden's open border policy and simply unacceptable and think about this, there's 340 illegal immigrants on the terrific terror watchlist that we've cau.
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liz: year-to-date. year-to-date. but since 2019, it's something like 1500 and hundreds of ms13 gang members and a vicious gang out of venezuela. final word. >> that's exactly right and biden administration is making these acts now and election is six months from now and they know they're losing election. liz: congresswoman dela cruz, good to see you. thanks for joining us. still ahead, we've got an all star panel, former justice department official francey hakes, former congressional delegator sam due wee and half a dozen senators interfering in a trump classified documents case. openly going after the judge for a delay when they should be blaming special council jack smith for the delays, for how he's handling it. plus, hillary clinton is weighing in. we've got the sound. also why are these silent people
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on president biden taking top u.s. secrets as far back as when he was a senator? you know what, day and sean have a hot hour coming up on the bottom line. excited to hear about it. >> oh, yes we do, e mac. msnbc are shock that had independent voters think joe biden is a greater threat to democracy than donald trump. we're going to talk about a hush money case with charlie hurt and stacey washington and stormy daniels flop. >> steve moore on why does joe biden keep lying about the economy? because he gets interviewed by people like erin burnett who let him and jack brewer joining two pastors to talk about explaining to politico why evangelicals like president trump and not stormy daniels one, president trump would never betray israel, the holy land just like joe top of the hour. ab ♪ . we're talking about cashbackin.
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liz: former congressional investigator sam dewey, top justice department francey hakes. now this, democrat haves been attacking delays from the trump trial and wanted him in jail before the election. mohs get your reaction to hillary clinton on msnbc saying the trump hush money case is about trump committing election
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interference in 2016. watch this. >> the one going on now currently in new york is really about election interference. it is about prevent the people from having relevant information on how they could have voted in 2016 or whether they would have voted. liz: francey, what do you think? >> i distinctly remember when hillary clinton was running for president and she kept falling and lost her shoe and got bundled into a van. was that election interference? no, just a politician trying to present their best face. there's nothing it's not illegal
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or election interference. liz: hope hicks said it was to protect his family. what did you think of hillary clinton here, sam? >> absurd. she should have been charged under the russia gate dossier and orchestrated payments to hide it is origin. it was elect interference. we all know that now and why aren't they being charged with bookkeeping violations for campaign finance violation purpose? it's absurd. liz: listed as legal expenses and took that fake file and put into the fbi and then launched trump russia. half a dozen sitting on the chair deck durbin and criticizing judge aileen cannon and the lass fioed documents case against former president
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trump and, francey, legal pros saying she's got to do that and keep order do it right. don't the senate judiciary democrats know she's dealing with jack smith filing a huge 40 separate charges and thousands of pages of classified documents, huge number of pretrial motions they have to constitutionally review. we have senate democrats attacking her though. what do you think? >> something like this has never been brought in the history of the entire country's history and they're bring ago case that's incredibly complicated with very serious constitutional implications and separation of power issues, free speech issues and presidential power issues. of course she's taking her time. and of course we have jack smith also potentially lying to the court about the documents and whether or not they've been in the right order turned over and
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represented properly. i hope she's going to take her time when they're trying to put the president of the unit in jail. liz: what do you think, sam? >> any lawyer wants the judge to move more quickly and the person in this case jack smith bringing the case and has more control over simply or complex and second point is that this may be about the order judge cannon entered and what she ordered in evidentiary hearing and the prosecution team extended to the white house and based on recent disclosures about white house involvement with the archives, do the discovery obligations of the department of justice now extend to the white house because they were effectively part of the prosecution team. there's an evidentiary hearing on that and they don't want that. liz: got it. terrific analysis from sam due
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deweyand francey hakes. we appreciate you guys so much. congresswoman marjorie taylor green's bid to oust speaker johnson failed but gop turmoil continues and former president trump wants it to stop. he's saying you have a dwindling majority in the house and you've got to protect that and fox news contributor and columnist joe concha taking it on next on "the evening edit". we'll be right back. ♪ i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell?
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elizabeth: let's welcome to show fox news contributor joe concha what is going on in media? when you watch the house, voting to defeat this push by congresswoman ma marjorie taylor greene to howooust house speaker johnson what is your reaction. >> i can't get my read around, marjorie taylor greene and her thought process, she never had the votes only 10 republicans, joined her. given what happened after how kevin mccarthy was ousted last year and chaos that ensued as far as potential replacement after
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replacement going down in defeat in humiliating fashion, making party look fractured and inept. why, in an election year would this congresswoman ththink it a smart thing to do, don't tell me she is responding up on her principles, this is for show, republicans have a 4 vote majority, and everyone is in lockstep, marjorie taylor greene should try being speaker in this eco system, let her work with 4 vote majority, the results would be the same as they were for johnson. elizabeth: former president trump wrota truth social, right now republicans have to be fighting radical left democrats, and damage. we're note in a position of voting to voy vacate the speaker ship. this is at a time when see president biden making a decision to try to not
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announce a delay in a weapons shipment to israel to do his speech on holocaust remembrance day. the way that nation is being run right now we have to live on biden's reelection schedule, on his timeline, now the republicans are staying wait. you just threw u.s. ally for generations under the bus because you are worried about your reelection. do you agree? >> that is right. that is why this gambit by marjorie taylor greene, you are taking that story out of the news cycle, joe biden who has sworn over and over his support for israel was iron clad. unquote, now do this, and to your point. to leave israel vulnerable and take the side of hamas, how does taking away weapons
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from israel help end this conflict. it doesn't. it is symbolic it is about michigan, michigan, michigan and voters in dearborn michigan and arab-muslim population, if he thinks he could appease that voting bloc by doing this, he is mistaken. elizabeth: people tonight want to see the slaughter in gaza, they want it to end, the way to do it is so get hamas to stand down. thank you joe concha it has been wonderful having you on, we're staying on headlines tomorrow and developments and breaking news. thank you for watching i am elizabeth macdonald that does it for "the evening edit" on fox business. "the bottom line" is next. dagen: look out. elizabeth: look out. dagen: thank you


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