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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 10, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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she's inspired me to be who i am today. maria: cherish the day, everybody. kevin, what about you? happy mother's e day to you and family as well, jason? >> i say that to all women in my family, what a great day to celebrate. >> it's a great day. i lost my mom, i lost my mom in the '90s. i love her, i miss her. think about her all the time, and she was a real inspiration. check out that hair. where did i get my hair in. [laughter] maria: it's nice to see the pictures. look, i want to thank you all for being here this morning. i send everybody my best wishes for a beautiful and loving mother's day. kevin o'leary, jason chaffetz, cheryl casone, have a great weekend, everybody. we are 30 minutes away from the opening bell. markets this morning are high her, just shy of the highs of the morning. and we're to going to the watch more. we'll be here for the c pick, next week. "varney & company" is up next. stu, take it away.
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stuart: good morning, everyone. more encampments removed, tear gas used at the university of arizona, arrests at u-penn. the president of cornell stepping down, and at a george washington university only 6 of the 33 arrested were students at that college. we've been looking at outsiders organizing campus chaos. after president bidenen threatened an arms embargo, prime minister netanyahu says israel will stand alone. there's fierce criticism of that embargo. house republicans threaten impeachment, and brett stephens writing in the new york times says it is biden's biggest blunder. to the markets. stocks closing out the week with modest gains at least in the early going. the dow has been up seven straight sessions, it looks like it's going to be up at the opening bell today maybe 80 point, nass damage up about a 36. interest -- nasdaq can up about 36. the 10-year is well below -- well, not that far below, just below 4.5%. the 2-year well below 5%, i'm firm on that one.
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yes, 4.84. bitcoin, $63,000 at last count, 62,9 right now. oil closing in on $80 a barrel again, we're at $79.58. gas down one cent, $3.of -- 3.63. diesel down one cent, $3.95. politics. maybe biden's weapons embargo is winning some votes back home. the organization that ran uncommitted, that's an anti-biden campaign, says the embargo is a step forward. in other words, the tilt towards hamas lookses good in michigan. on the campaign the president goes to san francisco and seattle to mop up contributions from mega-donors. trump's in court again today, but tomorrow he's going to hold a rally in new jersey. a crowd of 40,000 is expected. on the show today, you'll meet john hari. he was obese, started taking ozempic. his appetite disappeared x he lost 4 the point -- 42 points. dave portnoy if will be here.
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kristi noem was on this show this week. we talked about her shooting her dog. what's portnoy's reaction to that? he is a dog lover. he'll certainly let us know. it's friday, may 10th, 20124. varney -- 2024. "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ ♪ stuart: all right, folks, let's get right to this. the president of cornell university stepping down after of seven years. this comes after months of turmoil on the campus. details please, lauren. lauren: martha pollack is her name. she says the the decision was her own, but there have been calls for her less rig nation since critics say she allowed these runaway dei policies. campus a place, especially at cornell, where they're actually reprimanding students for using the wrong pronoun but not for anti-semitism. there's been a problem with that. stuart: i'll say, of course.
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lauren: so a lot of people are cheering her resignation or, if you will, her retirement. in arizona, misusing tear gas overnight at the encampment there. protesters ignored the repeated calls to disperse. and in pennsylvania, philadelphia police make arrests, several of them this morning. governor josh shapiro, a democrat, called the 16 days of that encampment at penn both i unstable and unacceptable. stuart: it's not over. lauren: no. it seems like it's growing, popping up in other places. stuart the national uncommitted campaign says president biden's move to halt some weapons to israel is, quote, a step forward. "the new york times"' brett stephens, he says the decision is biden's big blunder and a political gift for donald trump. mollie hemingway with me this the morning. moll. eric:s, we're going to deal with the op-ed in just a moment, but next has biden won some domestic support like in michigan by caving to hamas? >> well, it's obviously what's
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happening here with biden's decision to disagree with israel about how they prosecute the war. and it's okay to have disagreements about how to achieve particular objectives. the problem that we have right now is that biden seems to actually be undermining what israel's objective is, which is to eradicate hamas. and worse, he's doing it solely for political reasons. and that is an inappropriate way to handle really serious foreign policy issues. stuart: i'm going to switch gears to donald trump's criminal trial in missouri. listen to what hillary clinton says about the delays in trump's cases -- in new york. roll it. >> justice delayed is justice denied, and the people in our country -- can it looks as though will most likely go to vote without knowing the outcome of these other very serious trials. and the one that is going on now currently in new york is really about election interference. it is about trying to prevent the people of our country from
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having relevant information that may have influenced how they could have voted. stuart: you know, mollie, that seems like tortured logic to maine what do you say? >> it's the stunning to hear her talk this way. hillary clinton, you will remember, secretly paid for the russia collusion scam. she gave money to a law firm that cooked up that lie that so undermined the country and affected the 2016, 2018 and 2020 elections. and she's absolutely right that the failure to hold her to account for that is bad for the whole country. but these show trials, which is what they are, should not be defended by any democrat, each or you know, the most partisan like hillary clinton because it's not just about hair they hatred for donald trump -- their hatred for donald trump, it's about a destroying rule of law in this country. once you've done that, there's no way to go back. and democrats have really harmed our, the way that we understood ourselves to care about a justice for the accused and to
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not use courts to settle political differences. and the whole point of a show trial is to get a quick and easy conviction. rushing in this sense is not justice at all. stuart: well said. mollie hemingway, thanks for joining us. see you again soon. >> thank you. stuart: trump has been calling on biden to debate him. biden responded yesterday. what did he say? lauren: this is the second time in a few weeks that the president says he's actually ready to debate. watch this. >> reporter: mr. president, when will you debate president trump? when? >> set it up. [laughter] lauren: are you convinced by that? set it up, second time. i think it was april 26th he told howard stern that he's happy to debate trump. the trump says anywhere, anyplace, anytime. the first scheduled presidential debate is september 16th in texas. i don't know -- [laughter] i'm not feeling very confident. stuart: there'll be a long series of negotiations, where is it done, the structure of it, how the is it going to work, and at the last minute, i don't
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think biden will do it -- lauren: i don't think he can do it. tooth no. no. one more for you, trump's campaign is optimistic about his prospects in two deep blue where states, which states? lauren: virginia and minnesota. is this wishful thinking in trump lost both, two times, in 2016 and again in 2020. he's trying the make them battlegrounds in order to expand the competitive map so you have nine swing states instead of seven and also make biden, who is hitting the campaign trail aggressively while trump's locked up in a courtroom, kind of make biden work harder in those states, defend more states, if you will. toure south okay, got it. thank you, lauren. look who's here on a friday morning. kenny polcari, the man himself. green on the left-hand side, dow up close to 100. it's gone up seven days in a row are, seven trading sessions in a row. all right, kenny, i'm intrigued. you say the magic number for the s&p is 5,262. it's now 55,2 -- 5,252.
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i don't get it. what's the significance of your number? >> 5,2262 is the high that we established four or five weeks ago, in real april. we hit that level, we tried the it, we background off off. we backed down to almost 4967-ish, like that. we bounced around, and new they've taken it back up through the short-term trend line-support, now resistance up and is through, and now on the back of this rate cut narrative, so now they want to test and see the prior high, which is 5262, if it will, in fact, hold. will we punch through it? will we test it? are the sellers sitting right there ready to give the buyers everything they want at that level? from a chart point of view, technical point of view, that's the point to watch. stuart: do you think we'll get past that level? >> i think we're going to kiss it and back off.
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i don't think this time we're going the get through it. it feels once again it's a little bit stretched, once again they have created this multiple rate cut story on the back of a weak, slightly weaker nfp report and a slightly improving initial jobs claims report yesterday that showed, you know, claims accelerating just a tiny bit. so they're trying to convince themselves once again there's going to be a rate cut. notice, they're not calling for june, july or september, they're just saying now a 2024 cut which, to me, suggests they're now talking november, december. i'm still in the camp it's not happening, but they're in the camp that it is, and they've talked themselves into it. i think once we hit 5262, i think there's plenty of supply there, and and i do not believe that we're going to get through it at this next time anyway. stuart: i know you wait for a pullback on some big name stocks. wait for a pullback, then you might if buy. are you interested in buying costco? >> right. stuart: i ask because you're in florida, i go to florida a lot, i love costco, you know?
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>> costco is a firm name, right in we own it in our portfolio. it is a name that we like. on a pullback we would. you know me. on up somedays -- days, i'm not buying, i'm letting it ride. i'm fully invested, so i'm ling it ride. on the days we see pullbacks, we'll put money personally as well as for the firm, but costco is a core name. it's a name that we hold, we own and held it,if certainly on a pullback -- stuart: i like costco. i'm going to go there soon. kenny, have a great weekend. see you next week. >> you as well. bye-bye. stuart: coming up, governor kristi noem defended shooting and killing one of her dogs. roll tape. >> all i've done is one. stuart: i've not seen anybody support you on shooting the dog. >> i'm honest of. well or, i've or heard a lot of people that say, listen, this was 20 years ago. stuart: dave portnoy is a dog lover. i'm going to get his reaction the kristi noem in the next
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hour. house republicans drafting new impeachment articles against the president over his arms embargo to israel. house majority if leader steve scalise says this is a betrayal of our greatest ally in the mideast. the congressman is here, he's going to be on the set next. ♪ ♪
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stuart: friday morning, 15 minutes to go before we open this market, and i'm seeing some green. dow up 100, nasdaq up about 50 points. now this. house republicans are drafting articles of impeachment against president biden over his move to withhold weapons to israel. first, listen to what biden said back in 20219 about exactly -- 2019 about exactly the same situation. roll it. >> the idea that we would cut
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off military aid to an ally, our only true, true ally in the entire region is absolutely preposterous. it's just beyond my comprehension anyone would do that. stuart: my, how times change. biden doubled down on those claims saying in a a tweet that trump must be impeach ended. well -- impeached. look who's here right now, house majority leader, steve scalise, republican from the state of louisiana. cogman, on what grounds would you impeach president biden? dwell, if you look at where we are, stuart, president biden is failing on so many different fronts. but if you look at israel, you showed those quotes and tweets, what he said when he was a candidate or, you know, and he sure was bold then, but he'd probably like to eat some of those words today. what he's done to israel, walking away there if our strongest ally in the middle east is disgraceful.
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our main objective is to get israel the support they need to show that we stand with our ally, israel, even if joe biden's walking away because he is now frying to appease the pro-- trying to appease the who pro-hamas wig of his party. stuart: is it a high crime and misdemeanor? >> we want to get biden to deliver that aid. ultimately, congress came together -- stuart: do you have to impeach him for that? >> no. there's legislation that we are drafting that actually requires him the deliver the a aid, because we want israel to have the tools that they need to defend themselves. they were under attack finish. stuart: where does impeachment come into this? >> right now if you look at what we're drafting, it's legislation to require that he actually go and deliver the aid to israel. and, again, hamas -- working with iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world -- went and invaded israel on october 7th. they murdered israelis. they still hold over 1300 hostages including american citizens -- 130, and joe biden is not concerned about releasing
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the hostages. he's directing his attacks towards israel, for goodness sake. he's siding with the wing of his partyer that's out there pulling down -- party that's out there pulling down american flags, defacing george washington's statue on campuses. you know, you look at some of these radicals that are doing this, anarchists, that's who joe biden is trying to appease, and he's walking away from israel in the process. and republicans and democrats united support israel and don't agree with what joe biden's doing. we want to get back on the focus of helping and supporting our ally, israel. stuart: i'm going to change the subject for a second. house republicans, that's you guys, you just passed a bill to add a citizenship question to the 2030 census. it passed without a single vote if any democrat, i got that. is this all about the number of seats allocated to the states on the basis of census numbersesome. >> yeah. and you've seen this brewing. proven -- president trump tried to change that question, and the court said, well, there were some procedural issues. ultimately, an act of congress can address this, and that's
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what we brought forward on the house flooferlt as you point out, every single democrat basically said they want illegals counted in the census. you take a state like california that has lost millions of people because their policies are so bad, people are fleeing and going to texas or florida or somewhere elsewhere they can have freedom and sanity in policy. they would probably lose a dozen seats in congress. and about a dozen electoral votes which is really critical if you only counted people here legally. and yet they want to continue to count people here that are illegally as well to boost their numbers and reflect and make up for the people that they lost who said we don't like your bad leftist policies. stuart: so long term, the open border is an attempt to insure democratic power in the political arena for years to come. >> it sure explains a lot of why joe biden would keep an open border even when america -- i mean, look, the number one issue in america is secure the southern border, but joe biden refuses to do it. he stopped construction of the
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wall, he mandated catch and release, stopped remain in mexico. those are all policies joe biden took that led e to millions of people coming into our country illegally including people on the terrorist watch list. joe biden could reverse that today, he won't. we passed h.r. 2 to fix this problem, and joe biden opposed that bill. he doesn't want to solve the problem. president trump will fix this problem. that's going to be front and center on the ballot november 5th. stuart: did you see this? at george washington university only 6 of3 3 -- of 333 arrested people -- 3 3 arrested were students at that university. do you think outsiders are organizing this campus chaos? is a it a kind of conspiracy? >> it's coordinated and, in fact, there's been research done to follow money. this is funded. this is actually costing money. you see tents, 50 tents are set up, and they're all the exact same tent. this isn't people who just pulled something out of their garage and showed up. they're being organized, a lot of it by e joe biden donors. and that's been identified.
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why won't joe biden give that money back? because he supports that pro-hamas wing of his party, these an artist can -- anarchists that are stopping jewish students from being able to go to class, these presidents on college campuses who won't protect jewish students in violation of federal law. of we're looking at this in congress to follow the money. these universities are getting billions of dollars in taxpayer money, and part of that requirement is that they protect all their students, especially jewish students, and they're failing miserably in that mission -- stuart: can you take -- >> we're looking at the money. obviously, you start talking about the billions in taxpayer money they get, that's getting their attention. but this has to be addressed. people are sick and tired -- they're paying $80-100,000 a year for tuition, and the kids can't even go to class right now because of these anarchists. stuart: we've been hearing from a few parents, believe maine steve scalise, are you well, sir? >> feeling great. ing thanks a lot. stuart: god bless you. [laughter] check futures, please. we've got a few minutes before
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the market opens. i'm seeing some green. dow up 10 to -- can 100, that nasdaq can up 56. the opening bell is next. ♪ ♪
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stuart: about three and a half minutes to go before we open the market. we're looking at green, so we're going of to have some upside moves when the bell rings. ray wang is with us. you have some software plays for art artificial intelligence. first off, what's adobe doing? [laughter] >> well, let me take a step back. i think it's really important to look at software. we with spend a lot of time the talking about chips. this is a $3.3 trillion market overall, but 1.1 trillion is sitting in service ware, and what adobe is doing, it's making things easier for creative to make new content. we have got fire fly which is an a.i. tool, so a campaign that would have taken 4 weeks to do takes 4 days for everyone.
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stuart: that's adobe. how about service now? what are they doing? >> we just came back from the service now conference, and what they're able to do is actually make it easier for businesses to start the process of august. menting, accelerating, automating and advising. and what that means is you can take your marketing, your you can take your hr, your finance and bring all that stuff together in one place so that you can start building new software against it and actually enabling a.i. to happen inside your organization. stuart: here's a stock or a company which i've never heard of, ui half. have i got it right? u or i path? tell me more. >> yep. ui path is in the wiz with of -- they starteded a robotic process automation which allows you to make bots, and these bots help you do tough inside your organization. they've a business automation platform that allows companies to actually deploy bots to safe them time. you've got something that you're doing over and over again that's really boring that a human probably shouldn't be doing, you
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deploy bots and use them to accelerate, augment, advise as well. stuart: the last one we've got is oracle. what do you say about them? >> welsh oracle's very interesting. a lot of companies haven't realized that oracle's a leader in the cloud and also has put a lot of automation in a.i. inside their software. so they're in probably some of the top companies. if you look at the fortune 500, they're probably at least half of the top fortune 500 for business with automation software, definitely in there for almost everyone for database and, of course, they've got a big presence in the cloud. and so they've been working on machine learning and a.i. automation for quite some time, and they've got it in their software which is a lot more than some other companies is have. stuart: so you've got adobe with, service now, ui path and oracle. which one of those stocks do you think is going to show the best upside move? >> oh, i think service now's going to be the one with the biggest upside going forward. the reason for that is because they started out selling to just
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i.t. people and now they're selling to c, and people, customer experience, finance directors, hr directors, or they're going inside and selling to the entire business suite. stuart: i've got it at 7.27 right now. where do you think it's going? -- can 7. 27. >> i think it's going to be 800 plus, and it's a lot to do with margin expansion that they have because they've got a platform that allows companies to save money. the situation in software, most companies are raising prices, make it harder for customers, but if you're on the other side of driving down margins and improving efficiency, those are the companies that are going to win, can and that's why these companies are on the list because they're helping companies save money and become ready for a.i. stuart: ray wang chooses service now as his pick of the letter -- can litter, so to speak. always appreciate it. , and i know we will see you soon. three seconds to go to open this market. he's going to press the butt ifton, he's done it. the -- button. the market is open on friday morning.
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the dow has opened with a solid gain, about 100 points roughly speaking. there's far more winners than losers on the dow 30. on the s&p 500, that too on the upside in the early doing this morning -- going this morning. 5228, is the level we're at right now. and the nasdaq composite, that's opened with a gain of about a quarter percent, 38 points higher, 16,384. let's have a look at big tech temperature i'm pretty sure most of them will be up -- i got that wrong. apple and microsoft are are up but meta, amazon and alphabet are down. amazon, by the way, closed at a record high yesterday. it's pulls back just 65 cents this morning. that's not much. take a look at tesla, please. elon musk has announced, he made an announcement on their superchargers. the stock the actually just up a fraction. what's the -- lauren: i'm scratching my head. he says they're spending more than half a billion dollars to expand their charging network. that's a contradiction. two days ago we laid -- he laid
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off the 500 people, that entire team responsible for the charging network including its head. i think what this is is elon musk underlineing just because i laid them off doesn't mean i'm abandoning charging. i understand that range anxiety is what keeps a lot of people from buying an everything vexer. -- ev. tesla does the supercharging really, a really well. other automakers use it, so he's not abandoning it. tiewfort tooth it was inexplicable. i don't debt it -- get it -- lauren: he's a rash person. [laughter] stuart: target, remember this? they faced boycotts last year over the pride clothing line prominently displayed in stores. next month is pride month again, so what are they doing this year? lauren: reports are the pride items will only be sold in half of target's stores and target is now evaluating which stores to sell the items in. so everything in their pride collection will be sold on line. so let's rewind to a year ago. they actually had to pull some
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merchandise after a there was literal confrontations between target employees and customers. there was backlash, there was boycotts, and sales were hit for that quarter. you know, i guess target is asking themselves does it pay to play the culture wars. maybe you keep the items, that's fine, but maybe not the display. i think the display is what bothered a lot of people. stuart: walking a fine line. lauren: but this seems like the other extreme. they're going to pull reportedly many, if not all, the pride items in half of their storeses? stuart: okay. [laughter] they're walking a fine line. lauren: yeah. stuart: trying to tread down the middle, i guess. how about nova vax? they are way up. they had that report this morning, and they're up -- lauren: yeah, more than doubling. stuart: they didn't have a report this morning, they just got a deal -- lauren: no, no, a deal. their covid/flu shot. what this deal does is erase concerns that novavax won't be able to stay in business. who gets one of their covid
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vaccines, that's the problem.. so with this deal, it's a $1.2 deal with a french drug maker, saw know my, for their covid vaccine, they're also working on a combo vaccine, sanofi takes a 5% stake in novavax, and they get a much-needed cash infusion. stuart: stock's up 121%, that's quite a gain. verizon and t-mobile? what are they going to do? lauren: "the wall street journal" says they're going to carve up u.s. cellular are. wireless spectrum licenses are a huge deal. everybody wants them, not a lot of people have them a. u.s. cellular has them mostly in rural america, that's enough spectrum to cover 50 million people across 30 states. stuart: marathon ding canal. okay, they're a crypto-related company. did they take advantage of the crypto surge? lauren: yes and no, can i say that? stock's down 3%. so they sold bitcoin that they produced so, yes, they took
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advantage, but they had problems producing bitcoin, operational challenges. so they produced 34% less. that's my yes and no answer for you. also revenue missed expectations. stuart: okay. let's move on to openai. mention a.i., you've got an audience. they'll unveil their new competitor to google's search engine -- lauren: google's down 1.25%. stuart: what do we know about a it? lauren: this is the a direct kick in the butt to google which dominates search. and google actually has their big a.i -- i forget what they call it, a developer conference on tuesday. reports say that on monday, the day before, openai will unveil their search engine. great. i thought they had chatgpt, a chat bot with a.i. well, imagine putting them together, 'em embedding the powers of search in the chat bot. this is all a reports. one of this has been announced, but chatgpt will reportedly directly source from the web meaning it would be more accurate, it would be
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powerfulled by microsoft's bing -- powered by microsoft's big. it would use images alongside the text that it generates, and it would also provide citations with the answers. stuart and that's ooh why alphabet, google, a competitor, is down this morning. down 1.3. okay. five minutes into the trading session on a friday morning and the dow industrials are up 135 points, that's to just over one-thursday of 11% if. look at dow winners -- 1. headed by 3m, american express, caterpillar, salesforce and ibm. they're all up. s&p 500, the competitors there, gen digital inc., don't know that one. i don't know -- can i got arista. lauren: nrg energy, got that one. [laughter] stuart: nasdaq winners, applied material, warner brothers pip duo -- pin duo duo and micron
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technologies. important indicator, the yield on the 10-year treasury just below 4.5% right now. the price of gold, $2374 right now. it's up 1.5%. bitcoin's at 62,9. the price of oil close to $80 a barrel, $79.91. and nat gas still above $2? yeah, 2.28. the average price for a gallon of regular, down one crept, $3.63. diesel, the average $3.95. of it's not too late to send in your friday feedback. tell us what you thought of the show this week. e-mail us at varney view ohio's attorney general, dave yoest, issued a warning to campus protesters, if you commit a misdemeanor while wearing hamasing or or disguise, you could face felony charges. he will explain that in our 11:00 hour. day 14 of trump's criminal trial. congress bea. ron donalds says all trump's trials are only making him stronger. donalds is next.
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stuart: 12 minuteses into the trading session. modest rally in progress. dow's up is 80, nasdaq up -- 180, nasdaq up 67. the 10-year treasury yield at 4.5, 4.49 to be precise. now this. michael cohen, he's going to take the stand in trump's new york criminal trialen on monday of next week. eric shawn outside the courthouse in new york city right now. what's the late from there now, eric? >> reporter: yeah, hi, stuart. the former president has arrived. meanwhile, the man who was his longtime lawyer and fixer who always heatedly defended donald trump will on monday testify against him. as you said, i have learned that michael trump is set to take the
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stand here at this trial. prosecutors calling him for testimony on monday morning to detail the alleged scheme by donald trump to pay off stormy daniels and reimburse cohen to sway the 2016 presidential election. back on the stand this morning is madeleine westerhaut, the former executive assistance to the president. -- assistance to the president. trump's checks would arrive at trump tower in new york for him to sign at the white house and oval office. she testified that she set up the meeting one month into trump's presidency with trump and michael cohen. reports have claimed that she was in that meeting and she would testify that she heard trump and cohen talking about the deal concerning stormy, but i've been told that she was actually not in the meeting, but at her desk which is 6 feet outside of to value office door -- oval office door, so she couldn't have heard anything. yesterday she tearfully cried on the stand saying she thought trump was a great president who is being, quote, treated unfairly. i thought it was really
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important, she said, to share with the american people the man i not to know. i don't think he's treated fairly, she said. he's amazing. i just found him really enjoyable to work for. she said trump and melania do have a close, loving marriage saying, quote, i believe they have a relationship of mutual respect. no one could put him in his place. he was my boss but she was in charge. the relationship, she said, was very special. trump is expected on monday to start outlining the alleged deal in which he paid stormy daniels $130,000 out of his home equity loan to buy her silence so she wouldn't testify or speak out about the alleged affair she had with trump. then the former president charged with paying cohen back with those checks for a total of $130,000. those checks, of course, form the basis of the 34 counts of filing false business records that are, stu the, the heart of this case. back to you. stuart: eric, got it.
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thanks very much, e indeed. congressman byron donalds, republican from the great state of florida, joins me now. congressman, you say these trials are only making president trump stronger. make your case, please. >> these trials are foolishness, stuart. they still haven't even identified a crime in new york. all they're trying to do is bring up hit jobs and hit pieces against the presidenting making president trump sit in that courtroom. you have the documents case which is now fully e blowing up because jack smith is overzealous and doesn't understand how to protect the rights of the defendant or even how to handle evidence. is that case is being blown up right before our eyes. the january 6th case? oh, please, that's so ridiculous are, was always ridiculous even from the start, and then you've got fani willis down in georgia, and she might get kicked off of that case. what people are seeing is a recklessness from the radical democrat party just trying to convict donald trump no matter what the law say, no matter what the constitution says. that is backfiring against the
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crazy democrats, and it only empowers president trump because once again he can tell tell the men people that these people are nuts, and they're just trying to get him because they cannot beat hem at the ballot box. stuart: would that change if mr? would voters go for a convicted felon? >> no, i don't think it changes because the charges are straight trash. these cases are a joke. legal scholars who are not partisan or not paid for by other networks to spew foolishness, they all know this case is trash. if somebody is wrongfully convicted, does that not disqualify them from high? i don't think so at all. it should have disqualified them from the presidency because, number one, donald trump knows how to do that job. the current president is the mast per of disaster. but number -- master of disaster. but, number two, if you are convicted in a kangaroo procourt, the american people should reject that the way the court of public opinion will reject it.
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stuart: congressman, we're now learning that the only 6 of the3 3 protesters arrested at george washington university were actually students there at that college. are these protests organized, and if so, who is organizing, for what purpose? >> stuart, listen, these, these encampments, these protests, they're all organized, iley organized. when i -- highly organized. when i met with the president of george washington yiewrveght they were saying that they expected 90% of the agitators were not students. now that the arrests have occurred, we're seeing that to be the case. that's happening all across the country. these things are being funds funded in part by the tides foundation, you have dark money from george soros and other major democrat party doe northern nor -- donors who are back channeling into nonprofit groups, and those nonprofit groups are paying for the tents. america, why is it that every tent in all these encampments are between? why? because they're mass, these are
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mass purchases the these agitators to foment unrest on. college campuses. this is all by design, it is all on partnership. stuart: i wonder or if you saw this, congressman. president biden made yet another gaffe yesterday while speaking about hispanic my grams. watch this, please, roll it. >> an even bigger influx now in terms of hispanic voters -- hispanic citizens who want to become citizens. stuart: it looks like the open border is to get as many people in to create future democrat voters. that's what that looks like, right? >> no, it's exactly what it is. listen, stu, i'm telling you right now, that was not a gaffe. he was actually trying to tell you exactly what he was thinking, and it was like, oh, shoot, don't say that that and was trying the back pedal. this is what the democratic party wants to do. these open borders are in part designed for the next census in 2030, it is designed also to get
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people into the election process in this election. you have areas that are already trying to have migrants be allowed to vote. washington, d.c.'s trying to do that right now. so this stuff has to be stopped dead in its tracks. you simply cannot allow that. that actually destroys the franchise of the american people, which is voting. we should never if allow it to be diluted by foreign possessor. that makes no sense at all. but if you're a crazy democrat like joe biden or a lot of the members of their party, you think that's okay. it's simply not. stuart: congressman byron donalds, republican, florida, thanks for joining us. coming up, biden's. strategy was clear, cut off weapons to israel, tilt towards hamas and start winning back the support of democrat voters at home like in michigan. it seems to be working. that's my take, top of the hour. a middle school in brooklyn is teaching students all about financial literacy. the class is equipped with a ringing bell for stock trades and a whole lott more. gerri willis goes inside that classroom next.
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9:54 am
stuart: a former trader and middle schoolteacher is teaching his e students the ins and outs of financial literacy. gerri willis e joins me now. what exactly are the students -- students learning in that class? >> reporter: hey there, stu, well, they're learning about stocks, bonds, they're learning how the u.s. stock market is the most powerful tool in the world for generating wealth. i'm here at p.s. mere intermediate school in brooklyn, and we're talking to the teacher of that school, ray end monday trance. -- raymond trance. first of all, you were in a a big four accounting agency for years. why did you change and become a teacher? >> i felt like i wasn't really making a difference in people's lives, so i sought a platform as an educator so i could teach kids and mold young minds to learn about investing. >> reporter: so you're using a stock market game to do that. tell us how that works. >> we play the success market
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game. in there students break out into groups. they have $100,000 in virtual money to buy stocks, bonds and mutual funds. in fact, every day the kids walk in -- >> reporter: oh, what's going on here. oh, yeah. >> i just bought 100 shares of amazon. >> reporter: all right. that's how that works, right in. >> absolutely. every day kids ring the bell when they buy or sell stocks to replicate a real trading floor. >> reporter: so why is it important in this community to have a class like this, a financial literacy class? >> we have over 40 countries represented at our school, and i feel like myself if as a first general ration immigrant, my -- generation immigrant, my parents told me to save, save, save. the way to really build wealth is to invest, invest, invest. >> reporter: and, stu, these kids have been a pleasure to work with today, and they're hard at work on their laptops here. sifma foundation is the organization that actually sponsors this education, and they've educated 23 million american students. so it's a very cool program.
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back to you. stuart: remember, buy low, sell high. [laughter] that's the golden rah rule -- [laughter] >> reporter: good advice. stuart: see you again soon. have a great weekend. check those markets, please. i see a nice chunk of green. up 160 on the dow, 76 on the nasdaq. still ahead, morgan ortagus, has biden's arms embargo helped hamas? dave portnoy, what does he think about the story of governor kristi noem shooting her dog? would this congressman take a cabinet position if trump gets reelected? neil sean just at buckingham palace. 9 why didn't king charles want to meet with prince if harry? do we care? 10:00 hour of "varney & company" is next. ♪ ♪
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