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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 10, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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me generators are generac, with thousands of satisfied customers. number one thing to prepare for is extended power outages. don't make it so hard on yourself, have a generac home standby generator. and owning a generator is easier than ever. special financing and low monthly payment options are available, and if you call now, you will also receive a free 5 year warranty valued at over $500. call or go online now to request your free quote. ♪ i'm not sure about this,
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what are our producers getting at here? okay. kind of misty around the white house. framed and missed. i like that. good morning, let's get on with it, 10:00 eastern, straight to the money. the rally is holding, dow up 160, nasdaq up 61, the 10 year treasury yield and not much change, still around 4.5%, 448. price of oil approaching $80 a barrel, 7972, bitcoin stuck around 63,000, 62-8 right now. coming at us, the latest read on consumer sentiment. >> down 67.4 in may from 77.2 in april. current economic conditions were sour by a 10 point drop, expectations were sour, 10
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point drop to 6.5. inflation the highest since november. when you're out we see inflation at 3.5%. cpi for april comes out next week. inflation a problem, making is not feel as confident about our personal economic situation and the economy overall, markets up because this is indicating a rate cut or rate cuts on the table. ashley: kind of bad news and the fed may be inclined to cut rates, stock market rising more. that's how it works on wall street. now this. biden's strategy was clear, cut off weapons to israel, tilt towards hamas and start winning back the support of democratic voters at home, seems to be working. in the primary thousands of voters wrote and committed on the ballot, a vote against biden and in some important state like michigan, there were enough anti-israel voters to cost him the election.
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now after making, happy the organization behind the uncommitted movements is the president has taken a step forward. they approve of the tilt and may be inclined to look more favorably on voting for biden, the president has put domestic pockets ahead of ally israel. than theirs bret stephens, the star columnist at the new york times, having none of it, he writes president biden just made his biggest blunder, the new york times, he says the weapons cut off helps hamas, doesn't end the war but prolongs it, a recipe for a wider war and is a political gift to donald trump. such is the price of appeasing hamas. demonstrations continue on the streets along campus, the protesters not satisfied with biden, they want more, they want to break israel financially. appeasing hamas doesn't work but it might when the president a few more votes in michigan. second hour of varney just getting started.
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bruce with us on friday morning. what do you think? tammy:i have no opinions about anything. what is interesting here is clearly once again there's tunnel vision, looking at points were perfect, wanting a few votes, willing to throw an ally under the bus, that the kind of thing americans don't like but what we also know about americans, the majority support what israel is doing in defense of itself even at 50%, 49%, 50% of muslims agree and support the belief that israel has a reason for doing what it is doing but the squad is taking a victory lap, people, americans generally not approved of when it comes to their attitude and if the president thinks that this is enough, this will never end.
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even jamaal bowman noted protesting works, got to keep it up, how far can they push him? this is an invitation, the world has seen biden has no spine and will go where the polls go or who has the loudest voice. it's an invitation issue and others have noted as well this will continue, bret stephens noting continue the war, make it worse, that's everything the biden administration has done has made everything worse, this is no different and it encourages what happening on campuses, the threats, the nature of this kind of thing, they move a president who has no vision, no stance and no morality. stuart: i'm dying to hear your opinion on the following. msnbc had a therapy with hillary segment, voters who are worried about trump, watch this. >> i would like to call part of this segment therapy with hillary.
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she is now going to -- he needs another role, therapist. what do you say to people when they ask about the former president, these trials, these delays and the fear they feel about the upcoming election? >> i'm happy to go to therapy with you anytime, the pressure and the stress on our system and our country and our constitution and our future is so intense. for those of us who understand what is at stake. >> you think she was talking about the current condition of the country, you know who needs therapy? people who can't buy enough gas to get to work or working two jobs to support their family who have to leave their kids home alone because they can't afford childcare. the nature of people who can't allow their kids to walk to school because the neighborhood their too dangers, the nature of their kids coming home not knowing how to read or write or
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do arithmetic. the inflation rates, not knowing what the future is, those are the people who need therapy, not the billionaires, the multimillionaires who sit around and laugh about needing therapy and nobody can afford therapy because depending what layer you've got of obamacare maybe you get ten sessions with therapy, not enough to make a difference. this is americans look at this and they know, this is the other problem, they are the ones who made americans afraid of donald trump, an economy that will work for them, a world that's not on fire, afraid of no war. americans are seeing this for what it is and shame on the feminist, women in power sitting around laughing and gas lighting americans and especially women, talk about abortion after that segment because that's another fear-based dynamic. it is unfortunate and embarrassing and shameful. stuart: took your time to work
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up to the fire situation, held your fire for three minutes. tammy:you've never asked me about grilling or bird watching, we have a turkey in manhattan, got to get her out of here. her name is a story you. pray for a story. stuart: the fbi warning our main rivals, countries like china, russia and iran have the ability to influence the upcoming election. in what way will they influence the upcoming election? lauren: they are using artificial intelligence to do so, making election threats, more diverse and expensive than ever. also from the agency it doesn't just kind of lower the barrier of entry for people who work in this space or create fake content but increases the ability for our sophisticated nationstate actors to scale their operations and be larger than we've seen recently.
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for china, fake social media accounts or russia with access to our infrastructure and voter registration system, all dangerous stuff. dangerous countries and people and now they have artificial intelligence. neil: a downside move, dow up 150 points. to analyze the market, he says the magnificent seven running out of steam. should i solve them? >> if you start looking at the earnings growth it will decelerate, where 493 stocks in the s&p 500 accelerate and philosophically when everybody owns the same thing everybody leaves the same thing, probably a disappointed performance but sectors out there that get a lot less publicity are better
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places to allocate. stuart: they have a lot of love piled onto them for many years and are still at it. we are in lockstep about that. you don't sell them, right? >> magnificently on those positions to have them there, you start to look and if you look at the global markets they are back, looking at the last three quarters and two negative quarters they went positive which made a 70% discount to the magnificent seven, a 4% dividend and cutting interest rates quicker as early as june. inflation for them has come down. stuart: are you suggesting americans should put their money into foreign markets? >> i would argue it is a very good time to do that when valuations are lower.
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developed markets are as high as well and it looks pretty good. slow growth is better than no growth and some love getting a discount. stuart: would you purchase a udf from japan or the korean equity funds? >> i'm from philadelphia. i would buy the capitalization rate. stuart: we hear you, thank you very much indeed. lahren, taiwan semi conductor moving big. lauren: a contract chipmaker, revenue grew 60% on sustained demand for artificial intelligence, the magnuson seven stockton chipmakers. stuart: victoria's secret. lauren: they are pre-recording their numbers, stocks up 9%. profits are stronger than they
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expected, revenue will still fall but not as much, traffic is a particularly online. stuart: sweet green, expensive salads. expensive rabbit food. lauren: 39%. shares have doubled this year. now the company is lifting their full-year outlook but it is a casual chain and not all of them doing well. this is a big deal. they are targeting carnivores, launching a stake option. stuart: thank you very much indeed. they resurfaced tweet from president biden attacking donald trump, it's not aging well. in the tweet biden demanded trump be impeached for withholding congressional aid to ukraine. does that sound familiar, withholding aid to israel? to delay weapons to israel,
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ground offensive, the administration says there are better ways to go after hamas. morgan ortagus on that next. ♪
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from our factory to our stevia farm, splenda's team of over 2000 individuals are dedicated to helping people live their best lives. taking pride that everyday millions say “i use splenda.” and now sweeten drinks wherever you are with splenda zero-calorie liquid sweeteners. try all three. available in the baking aisle. stuart: in a generally up market, checking big tech, only one of them is up and that is microsoft. meta, amazon, apple, alphabet, all down despite an upmarket. the house is drafting articles of impeachment for president biden for denying weapons aid to israel. any comment from the administration? >> reporter: the white house says it has legal authority to
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withhold these weapons if israel goes into gaza. this from a white house official who said this this morning. our actions have been consistent with the law and this action doesn't involve any failure to spend or even delay spending funds appropriated by congress. officials say this is about holding of delivering specific weapons israel might use and operation the us opposes. >> we will provide israel with the capabilities that it needs, all of them. it does not want to certain categories of american weapons used in a particular type of operation and particular place. >> reporter: many progressives press the administration to withdraw support of israel but has bipartisan opposition to president biden's decision to withdraw certain bombs and artillery shells if israel defense forces invade rafah.
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>> when you have the enemy that has no conditions or morals or decency or any kind of bottom, i don't think we should have any conditions. >> reporter: senator john fetterman added he hasn't seen any is really conduct that would justify adding conditions to military aid for israel. republican senators say they will try to reach a bipartisan agreement to reverse the president's decision. >> we are going to look at what tools we have. here is the first tool, sit down with democrats and see if we can walk this back. >> reporter: the president left the white house yesterday. he is in california today, northern california and seattle later this afternoon, campaign events and fundraising. stuart: the white house continues to defend biden's decision to delay biden's decision. >> i want to repeat that.
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the defeat of hamas remains the is really goal and we share that goal. smashing into rafah will not advance that objective. >> weapons shipments are still going to israel. the vast majority of everything you need. stuart: morgan ortagus joins me now. did biden help hamas when? >> reporter: militarily defeated except in rafah but he's making it much harder on israel to finish them off. this is a totally unprecedented to treat an ally this way especially after they have been attacked. president biden has also not laid out what the alternative
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is for israel to destroy hamas in rafah where they are hiding. biden keeps saying there's a better way to go into rafah. i have a 2009-2008 counterinsurgency masters degree thesis from johns hopkins university. i know of no other way to do warfare in densely populated urban areas in the way israel is doing it. that's why this is so tough. hamas does not wear uniforms, hamas hides behind their own civilians. hamas hides behind american and israeli hostages. president biden is saying he would like to the defeat of hamas but wants to support our ally but on the other hand, if he is tying their hands behind their back and not giving them the weapons to win this war, not only are they making it almost impossible to defeat hamas but they are sending a
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loud signal to iran and if you are talking about withholding military aid and shipments to israel, iran will see that as an invitation to attack israel and use proxies -- stuart: i want you to listen to what biden said about trump's support of israel in 2019. >> president biden: to cut off military aid to an ally, true ally in the entire region is absolutely preposterous. it is beyond my comprehension that we would do that. stuart: that is a complete 180. why? >> maybe he doesn't remember that he said it. we are in an election year and it seems the people running his campaign are running his foreign policy.
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these decisions not only send a bad signal to israel and america's enemies but they send a terrible signal to our allies. former australian prime minister scott morrison said allies support each other when they are attacked. australia, the former prime minister speaking. taiwan, australia, ukraine, everybody around the world who relies on the security umbrella of the american military sees biden turning his back on israel, turning his back on our allies when they were attacked and this will have enormous ramifications not only for how our enemies view us but however allies view us. it is very dangerous. stuart: it is astonishing. always a pleasure, thanks for joining us, see you soon. donald trump weighing in on biden's weapons paused israel. lauren: trump said biden has
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abandoned israel and called it shameful for jewish people to support biden. watch here. this is from outside the courtroom yesterday. >> what biden is doing with respect to israel is disgraceful. if any jewish person voted for president biden they should be ashamed of themselves. he has totally abandoned israel and nobody can believe it. she feels good about it. a political decision. you have to do the right decision, not the political decision. >> reporter: biden's strategy, say we support israel, anti-semitism is bad, and threatened to take away the weapon that israel needs to appease the anti-israel protesters. stuart: new york police have a suspect in custody, vandalizing
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the world war i memorial, just 16 years old. neil: reportedly his dad turned him in. high school student charged with criminal mischief. is a minor. i have sources in the school that he goes to. students in this school walk around, literally draped in the palestinian flag. when they say the pledge of allegiance of a sit down during the pledge of allegiance, many teachers just say it louder out of respect for the nation, there's not much they can do. when you ask yourself how could a 16-year-old or anybody deface attributes, the world war i monument to our national heroes? they have no respect for the country they live in if they are sitting down for the pledge of allegiance. stuart: the excuse is he is 16 years old. lauren: his dad says i will turn him in. if a father turns in his own
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kid. stuart: governor christie noem came on the show to defend shooting her farm dog. dave portnoy is on a hot streak, one of $6 million. is it luck or strategy? dave is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience,
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you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit stuart: one hour into the trading session, nasdaq is turning south, the dow is holding on to again of what points. i want to know what is going on with warner bros. . lauren: they have an $11 billion price target. they cite improved profitability direct to the consumer and this company plans
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to launch a new streaming bundle like a cable bundle -- stuart: h&r block. lauren: aligns with tax season, stocks up 5% as they charge more for tax returns they prepared and for people who use their services to do it themselves, big increases. stuart: drop box. i think of them as a document storage kind of thing. lauren: they keep investing in artificial intelligence. all these ways if you are in a meeting, you can organize and retrieve content from all your servers in a fast way, 18 million paying customers. stuart: south dakota governor christie noem was on the show earlier, i pressed her on her controversial decisions to shoot the dog because it had behavioral problems. the interview got a little heated.
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watch this. >> all i've done is won. i win everything i do. stuart: but shooting the dog? nobody -- >> a lot of people said this was 20 years ago. stuart: e-mails saying i won't vote for this person. i won't vote for trump if he puts her in the vice president of spot. >> this interview is ridiculous what you're you are doing right now. you need to stop. stuart: and i did. take of portnoy, you're a dog lover with miss peaches. what your reaction to christie? >> remind me not to get on your bad side. you grilled her. i don't want that treatment. it's a 14-month-old dog, do we know, i researched what kind of dog is it? stuart: i don't know. seems awful young, don't know why you would put that in the
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book, if you have a dog who is older attacking kids and whatnot, you make a tough decision, that doesn't seem like it is the case. no idea why she put it in, sounds like her story has changed a bunch from attacking chickens to family. a wild thing to put in the book. stuart: a wild hair pointer. it seems to me it was a very poor political decision to come out with it when you are a candidate. is she done politically? >> i think that's a big problem. she also blatantly lied about meeting kim jong-un. i don't trust any politicians but if you tell those stories in a book it makes me question your judgment in general like even if she was validated in this, she said she makes tough decisions, as a dog person it is, the dog community is basically everyone. you don't find people who say i
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don't like dogs. it's a crazy thing to put in the book. 14 months old how dangerous can a 14-month-old dog be? i know the dog can't be that dangerous. seemed like an insane thing to do. we won moving on, what do you make of the anti-israel protests happening on college campuses, would you hire any of these? >> i won't hire any of these activists. these protests i have been through occupy wall street, black lives matter, me too, you have cereal protesters and a lot of these cases on college campuses don't even care about the cause and then some people who do but these people, i would like to see them go to some of the countries they think are so great, break into buildings and demand food from the campus, saying we are doing a hunger strike, they would cut their thumbs up. these people are always going to protest, always going to
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hate this country and always going to create these types of issues, what is different for me in this protest as the other ones i mentioned, there's no other group of people, don't care if we are talking african-americans, asians, women, transgenders, any group you want to mention that could be so openly intimidated on campus and have the administration sit there and do nothing, it's okay to do with jews, i don't know why, you can protest, that is the bedrock of this country, peaceful protest, but the second you start intimidating other groups, saying from the river to the sea, burn america to the ground, all these other, supporting a terror group, hamas, that you cannot do, you should be punished, thrown in jail and don't want to hear you cry about it either. a lot of these people don't care about the cause, they jump from protest to protest, they are mad at their love life,
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they hate america, protests in iran and they don't even allow, have the people in these groups would be thrown in a log in two seconds. this issue and gaza, 30 people who are all very intelligent, you can have 30 legitimate discussions on different points of view, they don't care about that, they want to create chaos, move to the next because. stuart: i got you fired up. some interesting video to show you, look at this video of a transgender runner at a high school in portland, oregon, trans athlete finished the race far ahead of the biological girls. you see a problem with this? >> i do. i don't care, transgender should have as many writers you can give and everything else but there's an element, it's just science that boys and girls, men and women are different and if i had a girl
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competing in this and she's a woman and doesn't win because there's somebody who has a genetic advantage that would bother me. i don't think it's out of bounds or discriminatory, there are some things when you decide you want to switch gender you can no longer do which is compete against girls. that is a scientific fact. stuart: it's an issue of fairness. you've got a big winning streak, winning quite a few sports bets recently. you say you are the hottest gambler on the planet and you won one hundred thousand dollars on derby day. is it strategy your luck? >> easy come easy go. that's my obese friend, mr. ice, we won 100 grand and lost the next day. i have a friend who's an anchor, he brings me to the middle of the ocean. we are happy there but the cameras were rolling and we were not happy 48 hours later. stuart: are you betting on the
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stanley cup or the nba finals, i know you're a fan of the celtics and apparently bruins as well, you betting on them? >> i did a parlay to when the rbc and the celtics to win a championship. that's a great bit, and they are soft am not going to win it, they play no defense, brian whitley who told me to take it is a bum and has to look himself in the mirror. stuart: you covered a lot of territory, you do these one bite pizza reviews all over the place, speak to restaurant owners and regular folks about the price of food. how are they handling food inflation, are they complaining about? >> i haven't heard a ton of complaints about it. pizza is one of the more affordable things that you can buy, so they can probably get less if you're going to a fancy dinner.
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i haven't heard much about it. stuart: my colleague, lawrence veneti spent $10 on one slice of pizza and one bottle of water. >> she got screwed. penn station, that's like international waters. stuart: who would eat pizza more than penn station. that is more like the man in the mirror, to order pizza at penn station. stuart: i never got on the wrong side of you. >> i got the bill. >> roses is still there and pretty good. stuart: we are out of time but next time, bring the >> with you because she has a lot of fans in our viewership. >> christie should make a sitdown to bring the dog people back. stuart: thanks for joining us, see you again soon.
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we want to know what adjustments have you and your family made to save a buck, send us your responses for friday feedback, mail them to a mob of migrants who stormed the el paso border and assaulted texas troops had their riot charges thrown out because of a legal technicality. the story after this. ♪ daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot
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i was only 23 when i was first diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer. 40 years later, i've had almost 20 mohs surgeries. i had just accepted that the pain and the scars were going to be part of my life. but when i was diagnosed with two basal cells on my face, i became determined to find an alternative to surgery. if you, like millions of others, are affected by skin cancer... it's important to know that surgery isn't the only option. there's another choice. gentlecure. it sounded like everything i had been looking for. gentlecure uses low energy x-rays to kill skin cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to
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stuart: one hour in 13 minutes of business, the dow is up 133 points, modest gain for the s&p, slight gain for the nasdaq, house republicans looking to expose biden for his migrant flights. they claim he allowed 400,000 migrant standard the entry unvented. what are the republicans doing?
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lauren: who are they, where are they, when are they leaving? 400,000 flown in meaning direct flights from cuba, nicaragua and venezuela, they didn't cross the southern border, that's another 8 or 9 million people so in total, 10 million people coming in under biden, these 400,000 use the cpp one apps, they come under a parole system which is usually meant for two years and missouri lawmakers are asking mayorkas and the dhs where is the data? are you venting them and how do you ensure they go back after the program ends? ice is rolling out 10,000 id cards this summer, documentation, short of an official government id but it is a id to support illegal immigrants, has the name - analogy and qr code. authorities have to scan it, they can access their immigration files which does
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make sense but if you look at both of these actions together and ids, looks like this is an administration that legitimizes illegal immigration. stuart: thanks. remember the migrant riots in the texas border in march, hundreds charged the border tearing down fencing, trampling some national walls, texas judge just dismiss the charges brought against 211 of them. why did the judge dismiss the charges? >> the judge claims the paperwork was not properly filed. the da disagrees, but 211 migrants got off scott free after illegally forcing their way into the us, ripping down razor wire. the national guard, was a negligence, politics or a mistake? those migrants could have gotten 180 days in jail. instead, the judge dismissed
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the charges blaming the da, the public defender accuses the state of overcharging. >> inviting misdemeanors is detrimental to the justice system. it is detrimental to our resources, taxpayer dollars and the backlog of cases. >> we argued that it is appropriate and improper and we feel that very strongly, his order is an improper order. >> the county judge dismissed the charges transferred to him and he did previously dismiss 140 similar cases. to some extent, 211 migrants, fewer than 40 are in custody. 's were reported. the biden administration paroled most of them in the us. border agents, this is disappointing.
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>> that is disgusting because it continues to allow those individuals that are breaking the law to continue breaking, and realize their won't be any consequences. >> reporter: the da says he will appeal that if charges are reinstated, there will be arrest warrants mostly for people who are no longer here. stuart: the new york city controller is calling mayor adams to end limits on shelter states for migrants. the 60 day current limit is cool so are we supposed to handle migrants forever? lauren: the controller says 60 days is not enough for migrants to get back on their seat. the city says the limit is a tool, very limited toolbox because the migrant crisis is past its breaking point from city hall.
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the irony is data shows half of the migrants got the notice to lead the shelter actually left so it worked, they left the shelter system. tough love. it works. some officials prefer support migrants indefinitely, coming in into new york city. what do we do with them? stuart: you give the work permits whether we like are not. what are you going to do? lauren: shelter and feed them indefinitely. not to do so is cruel. stuart: thank you. california adopted one of the nation's highest fixed utility fees, residents will pay for electricity based on their income. steve hilton deals with that in our next our. my next guest lost 40 pounds taking ozempic. it worked for him but people need to know the problems.
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he joins us next. ♪ ity light the way. asking smart questions about opportunities like clean water. and what promising new treatment advances can make a new tomorrow possible. better questions. better outcomes. the new dexcom g7 sends your glucose numbers to your phone and watch, so you can always see where you're heading, without fingersticks. dexcom g7 is the most accurate cgm. so, you can manage your diabetes with confidence. ♪ ♪
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sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. the heart of st. jude is to take care of children with catastrophic diseases and to advance their cure rates. but we need to be able to do that for everyone. it's a bold initiative, to try and bump cure rates all around the world.
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but we should. it is our commitment. [music playing] inside every splenda product is a mission. to help people live happier healthier and longer lives by making it easier to cut out sugar. from our factory to our stevia farm, splenda's team of over 2000 individuals are dedicated to helping people live their best lives. taking pride that everyday millions say “i use splenda.” and now sweeten drinks wherever you are with splenda zero-calorie liquid sweeteners. try all three. i was only 23 avwhen i was first diagnosede. with non-melanoma skin cancer. 40 years later, i've had almost 20 mohs surgeries. i had just accepted that the pain
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and the scars were going to be part of my life. but when i was diagnosed with two basal cells on my face, i became determined to find an alternative to surgery. if you, like millions of others, are affected by skin cancer... it's important to know that surgery isn't the only option. there's another choice. gentlecure. it sounded like everything i had been looking for. gentlecure uses low energy x-rays to kill skin cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to
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stuart: my next guest wrote that book on his experience taking the weight loss drug ozempic. the magic pill, extraordinary benefits and risks of new weight loss drugs. he joins me now, johan, welcome to the show. you were obese, you took ozempic, immediately lost a lot of your appetite and lost 42 pounds. what's wrong with that? >> nothing wrong with losing weight. there are incredible benefits. the reason i started taking it is i'm older than my grandfather got to be, he died when he was 44 of a heart attack. it is likely you will get an incredible array of health problems from heart disease to dementia to diabetes and these drugs reduce obesity. i spent a year researching this to figure out is it as good as it seems? you get extraordinary benefits, what is the downside? the scientific evidence for 12 risks associated with these drugs.
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70% are overweight and obese in this country, what you've got to do is compare two sets of risks. the risk of being obese which are huge in the 12 risks from these drugs which are significant. there is not a 1-size-fits-all answer. you've got to go through the risks i go through in the book of both sides. but what are you taking it? >> i am. stuart: you have to take it for a long time? >> one of the downsides is when you stop taking them, the weight comes back for most people. it's more blood pressure medication or statins, it works why you take it and stops working when you don't. stuart: you were over 200 pounds. >> i was -- terrible in american measurements -- i was 14. 5 stone. you can do the math on that. stuart: i am not going to do that. >> i lost 15% of my body weight which most people who take these drugs lose. there are so many upsides to
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that. lots of people experiencing those upsides. there is a broad array of risks. some say it increase risks of thyroid cancer. some people are worried about pregnant women taking it. when rats are given these drugs they are likely to have babies with birth deformities. the biggest downside, when you take these drugs they interrupt your eating patterns. you can't eat the way you use to add a huge amount of my eating, more than i thought was about calming myself down. what it does is brings to the surface the underlying psychological reasons why you eat, some are going -- there's a lot when people are about to take these drugs. stuart: got a commercial break and here it comes. thanks for joining us. wesley hunt on pushing nathan wade to testify before congress
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about his relationship with fani willis. dave lewis says and pfizer protesters who commit a misdemeanor while wearing a mask could be jailed for that felony. steve hilton on biden revealing the real plan behind his open border, bringing hispanic voters to keep democrats in power. the 11:00 hour of varney is next. [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants
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