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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 10, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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number one thing to prepare for is extended power outages. don't make it so hard on yourself, have a generac home standby generator. and owning a generator is easier than ever. special financing and low monthly payment options are available, and if you call now, you will also receive a free 5 year warranty valued at over $500. call or go online now to request your free quote.
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show trials should not be demonstrated by the people like hillary clinton. >> it's the story on the back of a slightly weaker nfp report and slightly improving initial job spending report. >> walking away from the strongest ally in the middle east is disgraceful and democrats are admitting that . >> joe biden is walking away because he's trying to appease the pro hamas wing of his party. >> if you're convicted in a kangaroo court, the american people should reject that the way the court of public opinion will reject it. >> they're the ones that have made america afraid of donald trump and afraid of a economy that works for them and a world not on fire and afraid of no war. americans are seeing this for what it is.
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stuart: yes, we played this several times, it's a wonderful song. it's a beatles song released about a year ago. it's a lovely song. i'm a beatles fan though. lauren: what a lovely shot. stuart: it's 11:00 on the east coast and friday, may 10. check the markets and dow still holding onto modest gain, 96 points but the nasdaq's turned south and off 24. show me big tech, please. most of them were down earlier today. same story now. microsoft is up a buck but the rest meta, apple, amazon and alphabet are all down. the yield on the 10-year treasury right around 4.5% all day. that's where it is now, 4.50%. now this, you think we have an open border because joe biden is a great humanitarian? dream on. we have an open border because joe biden 79s to keep democrats
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in power in future elections. how it works, let millions in, make them voters eventually and win elections. let millions in, count them for the census, and get more seats in congress for democrats. during an interview this week, he accidently let the cat out of the bag. he went off prompter. and said this. >> even bigger influx in terms of hispanic voters and hispanic citizens that all want to become citizens. stuart: he revealed the real plan behind the open border: bring in voters beholden to the president and democrats who let them in. it's all started already. more than a dozen municipalities allow undocumented migrants to vote in some or all local elections. millions coming in will affect our politics. there's no distinction between citizens and noncitizens. everyone will be counted.
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10-15 million illegals counted as residents and that affects the allocation of congressional seats. the blue state haves been losing seats for years but illegals are countered, that trend could be reversed especially since blue states are attract ago large portion of the migrant population. the longer he keeps the border open, the more future democrat voters come n. the president should be very careful about going off promoter and unscripted moment verne veals far too much truth. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: steve hilton with me this morning. a gaffe by biden or a frodian slip? >> i hadn't heard that clip till you found it and it's very
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instruct and i have ren all the time that the people that talked about this were vilified as racist, the great replacement theory and a terribly racist thing to say. now it sounds like the great advocate of the great replacement theory is biden himself. in typical fashion, looks like it's not even working on it is own terms. just look at the absolute transformation happening in terms of latino vote in america. a couple numbers to illustrate that, new york times poll, 2012, obama, romney, obama just over 70% among latino vo voters and romney just over 20%. same poll just the other week, it was biden 40% among latinos and trump 46%. you've gone from a 50% lead to democrats to six points for
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them. stuart: how come the democrat billionaires just love biden? >> because they don't suffer the consequences of the far left extremist policies across the country ryan higgins in california. california is the i think bay torr of this extremist -- i think cue inc bay torr of the extremish -- i i incubator of te working class people and it's working class latinos moving on mass to republicans because they've been hurt so badly by the far left policies. stuart: something i don't understand about california, you guys, california, you're changing the way people pay for electricity. power companies adding a fixed charge for $24 a month for most residents but residents with
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lower income only paying $6 or $12 a month. why are people being charged for electricity on the basis of income? >> this again goes back to their far left extremist climate ideology. over the last ten years, it's all been about wind and solar and that's un-reliable and they've had to invest in batteries, which are very expensive and on top to have that, they're giving subsidies for rooftop solar and everyone pays more. the cost of climate mitigation for example in dealing with wild fires, they've push that had on to the utilities and so the actual state budget can continue to give handouts to the union bosses in terms of luxury pensions and healthcare. add it all up, in california, highest electricity rates in the nation up 130% for some people in the last ten years now
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looking at detail of that, it's incoherent and not only the bills and it's not just lower income people and most people will pay this fixed charge of the income coming in. it's totally insane because actually the way it all works is the more that you use it's a classic example of what you get in california. extremist ideology and crohn i didn't mean and incompetence and working people that get hammered. stuart: still time to move to florida. that's a fact. steve steve hilton, thank you for joining us, see you again soon. kelly o -- grady looking at this. >> i'm experienced in the 76% that say it's not a good time. those numbers from a gallop
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poll. this is the worst sentiment we've seen and that same poll underscores the concern americans are feeling 88% expect home prices to rise or stay the same. just 11% think they'll decrease and look at median price for a home in the first quarter, over 420,000 and that's far above that in certain areas and that means more and more folks are deciding to rent. that's driving up demand and some areas prices, look at most recent cpi report. shelter is one thing that's really keeping inflation elevated, rent year over year at 5.7% and well above the average inflation rate and zoom in for a second on few popular cities and over 5,000 a month in new york for two bedroom, 4,000, 300 in boston and la at fifth cool 2900. i've lived in all three of those and young renters are planning or seriously considering leaving. in los angeles, 75% of young renters in la said i need to get out of here. even if you own a home, one in
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37 mortgaged homes are seriously underwater. stuart: that's a disappointing picture in the housing industry. thank you, kelly. checking the markets and pairing of the gain of the dow. looking at home builders. they're all up. we have jonathan hoenig here with us in new york city. why he comes to new york city, i can't imagine. he always gives us exotic investments and the first one this week is the israel etf. >> yeah, look, international stocks are outperforming, stu. we've talked about israel and doing extraordinarily well. hi to strap my head a bit when i see the college kids protesting the rights for respecting democracy and religious plurality in middle east and only rights to respect them in israel and incredibly product
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and i have ways that ubs of technology and so many developed and you'll make money over the long term. term.stuart: waze, didn't they l to someone? >> i think google. they spend time developing crude weapons and israel spends time developing technology that benefits us all and eis takessed a vantage of us all. >> yeah, sounds sacrilege yous and shorts the mag 7 and popular stocks up a 50% in the last year and put $10,000 into intel in 2000, you'd have 7500 today and intel down from where it was in 20 some years ago and same with the stocks and stuart: you're
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saying you're expecting the mag sniff sent seven stocks going down. >> yeah, we're very much in a time like for example say 2001-2012. microsoft was dead money during that period of time but whether it be commodities, emerging markets, small cap value, they're outperforming and mag 7 up 50% in just one year. stuart: back shorting for the magnificent seven. >> it's shorting and long and short and hedging the risk. hot ick as well. coming up, 33 protesters at
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george washington university arrested and only six of them were students at that school. so who were all these other people? we have the story. the house judiciary committee wants nathan wade to testify about his relationship about fani willis. congressman wesley hunt is on that committee. i want to know whattens as he wants and what -- what is the congressman looking for and wants to talk to that man, wade and that congressman will join us next. trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, unlocking the power of thinkorswim, the award-winning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop with robust charting and analysis tools, including over 400 technical studies. tailor the platforms to your unique needs with nearly endless customization.
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stuart: what are the retches say? lauren: jim banks in indiana and biden bowing to little gazas on ivy league campuses and the squad, i thought that was good, take the victory lap and praises biden's halt of certain weapon shipments to israel and many people in the squad helped push the uncommitted vote on the state primary a gain on ground stuart: gaining domestically by going pro hamas. not a good deal. thanks, lauren. benjamin netanyahu said israel will stand alone if it happens to after biden threatened to withhold weapon shipments. congressman, would you encourage prime minister netanyahu to go
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right ahtra fade pattern and finish the job? >> of course i would. stuart: encourage him to do that? >> of course i would f. you can imagine someone like me being a west point guy and combat veteran and apache pilot and i wouldn't be sitting here before you today if the same thing happened to our country that happened on october 7 to israel because i would have re-enlisted and got god back into an apache and found all the bad guys that hurt my fellow americans. why are we not expecting israel to do the same thing to the people that murdered their people. israel can turn hamas into a parking lot. they could turn gaza into a parking lot and they choose not to. you have hamas that has threatened to erase israel off the face of the earth, but they can't. if you really think about t israel is showing strong restraint here by targeting those that targeted them on october 7 and we should allow them to do just that. stuart: the republicans are drafting articles of impeachment
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against biden over this arms embargo. i take it you would support that but on what grounds is it an impeachment offense? >> if you think about it, the relationship we had with israel goes back for generations. i spent two years in saudi arabia as diplomatic liaison officer and that's the only western ally, true western ally, that we have in that entire region. the idea that happens is an impeachment offense. stuart: is that a high crime and misdemeanor? >> a high crime and misdemeanor is turning our backs on a country that we supported for decades. stuart: that's a very powerful statement. stuart: you're involved in a georgia trial and tram's criminal trial in georgia. house judiciary committee, you sit on that committee?
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>> yes, i do. stuart: want former special prosecutor nathan wade to testify about his relationship with the district attorney fani willis. >> yeah. stuart: what do you want to know? >> i want to know if it was worth it and what it felt like to be a pawn in the i biden administration attack. they're all going away and what i find interesting is that timing of this as well. fascinating. five, six, seven months before the election and president trump cannot go out and campaign and joe biden is hiding out because he can barely walk, talk or function right now. it was used to sideline president trump and now is backfiring, and i want to know from him was it worth his reputation and worth his life. stuart: will he testify before your committee? >> i highly doubt it. stuart: donald trump's big get
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together in palm beach. >> it was an honor to be there. stuart: would you take a cabinet position in a second trump presidency? >> of course i would. stuart: defense secretary per happen s? >> my team and i have traveled all over the country on behalf of president trump and iowa two and delaware and kansas and speaking and spreading the good word. when i know is the last hope for this country is to get president trump back in office. i view 24 as a deployment and duduty of my country and sayinge can't have fur four nor years of harris and biden is a vote for joe biden is a vote for harris. that would be a disaster. should president trump ask me to do something to continue to further and help our nation, how could i possibly say no. nobody tells him what to do. stuart: how about vice president? >> oh my goodness gracious, what an honor. president trump operates on
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president trump's time and as we all very well know. ewe know how he s. i love the guy, he's done so much and fighting for us and one thing i will always say is he told me when i was riding on his plane to iowa one time, he said wesley, they're not coming after me, they're coming after you and i'm standing in their way and to truer words have been spoke and that's why he's doing this for us and the future of our country. stuart: congressman wesley hunt, what a pleasure. thank you for joining us. see you soon. >> you will. stuart: donald trump's son-in-law jared kushner could be jumping back into politics. kelly, what is he doing? >> helping the former president to fundraise. there's another fundraising event coming up next weekend in manhattan and kushner is calling up potential attendees to get them to attend and contribute. this is significant because this is the first indication he could be working to reelect his father-in-law and last time around kushner and his wife ivanka were very involved and
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served in the administration and curb merri bowl opened up pe firm in miami and in february stated that he was not going to be involved in another trump administration. ivanka stood firm she doesn't want to be involved in the campaign. maybe this is a one off to help fundraise but trump campaigns, they have a track record of turning into a bit of family affair. stuart: it is a family affair. that's what it is. lauren: donald trump told oil ce oses to give me a billion dollars and i'll cut biden's rules and lift the freeze on natural gas permits. stuart: give me a billion? to his campaign? lauren: fundraising. i need the money and your support and i'll do things that will help you. he reportedly met with executives from the big companies, exxon, chevron and some smaller players too . i spoke with an oil man who did not attend the meeting at ma largo. he said, i love trump but a billion is a big ask. it's not a deal.
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trump said i'll give you a deal, do all these thing ifs you can pony up the billion dollars. that's typical trump. give me a billion and i'll help you out. lauren: the first thing he said when in office is drill, baby, drill. that's music their ears but apparently not worth a billion dollars. stuart: royal watcher neil sean joining and yous why wouldn't the king meet with prince harry and the split total and complete and what's with the nigeria trip harry and meghan are taking? all good questions and we'll have answers. ohio attorney general warning anti-israel protests, they could be charged with felonies under anti-kkk law and attorney general dave yost will explain next. ♪
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stuart: has tesla recovered trust worthy the recreant losses? no, you aren't $170 a share. lauren: two stories for you. they're e up and downing ev supercharging network with a
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half a billion investment this year. even though they asked the team responsible -- axed the team responsible for the chargers and have an issue with the national labor relations board and filed a complaint accusing tesla of using unlawful policies to fend off unionization at buffalo plant. lauren: live nation is down because of the $25 ticket and it crashed the site. you can get the deal till tuesday because the site is back up. stuart: 33 anti-israel protesters arrested at george washington university and anl six were students at the school. kelly, what were they charged with? >> of the 33, 29 charged with unlawful entry and four charged with assaulting police.
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stuart: anti-israel protesters in ohio commit a misdemeanor while wearing a mas and can could face felony charges and all due to little known anti-kkk law. how were the students breaking in law? >> well, fact dependent and commit any crime include ago misdemeanor like say trespass with two or more people wear ago mask, that's an enhancement.
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stuart: i don't you said the enhancement. >> sorry, it enhances the criminal misdemeanor to a felony criminal charge bringing you up to 18 months in prison. stuart: so that's just for wearing a mask like a surgical mask? what about religious clothing like a burr kansas city chiefs that covers people's faces? >> so, a hijab doesn't cover faces and there's reason other than concealment of identity. if we think about this, why did the kkk back in the 20th century wear those hoods? because they're committing crimes and they didn't want other people to know who they were and what they were doing. that's why the state of ohio way back then said it's going to be more serious crime if you're
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wearing a mask while you commit that crime. same thing is going on here. people don't want to be identified. your previous report early intervention program i did indicating only six of the arrests were students is another thing that they probably would like to conceal. stuart: anything about outside organizations influencing the chaos on the campus? is it a conspiracy of outside organizers to get this thing rolling? ? >> i see the same things in the press and on social media and everyone else does and whether that's admissible in the court of law and in question and certainly quays having the authority thomas mancino produce the cases? >> are you going ahead with
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prosecuting as a criminal felony if you're wear ago mask? are you doing this? >> in ohio, you must be invited in and my letter was to warn the presidents of the public universities this law exists and could be used in this situation. woe don't want to see students becoming accidental felons being caught up in the moment. it's when you go over the line and commit a crime like trespass after being told to disburse that creates the liability. stuart: attorney general of great state of ohio, mr. dave yost, thank you for joining us, sir. >> yes, sir. stuart: hundreds of jewish students at columbia written an open letter about the campus protests. what did they say? lauren: calling out protesters
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publicly rebuking them and 540 students and 10% of jewish students grad and undergrad at columbia all gave their names. they say while judaism cannot be separated from israel, their vision for israel are often different from each other. either way they are proud to be zionists and say the protesters have weaponnized that term. the protesters are equating it with colonization and racism and these students say it has a right to exist. stuart: the university in louisiana canceled commencement speaker. the students didn't like her stance on gather .s kelly, who was supposed to speak? >> linda thomas green field, u.s. ambassador to the un and students started online petition and got close to 1800 signatures and couldn't stand for her speaking at the commencement because she's vetoed multiple veto un gaza ceasefire resolutions and she's not going to be speaking and he wanted a
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commencement that was free of disruptions and stuart, xzavier isn't the only one and she was supposed to speak at university of vermont and they also cancel that had. stuart: that's pathetic and what about the students and parents that want to go to commencement and now it's gone. lauren: who will be able to speak at graduation? cancel culture alive and well. >> she's a very well accomplished black woman and it's a historically black college and say that i had we don't want you here. stuart: what a story. thank you, kelly. coming up, king charles did not see prince harry back in the uk for invictus games. is there a royal split in the family? neil sean bringing us the scoop from the royal palace is next. ♪
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stuart: we're getting in in and new york sometimes reports the russell berry foundation and paused to gifting the university and going to ongoing protests and 86 million over the years and they've paused it. jot king was "too busy to meet. neil sean joining me now. you were at the palace this week, neil. why didn't charles meet with harry. >> when we can tell you in the first exclusive on your show,
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this, the king would have met his son and doesn't want the drama and that's because of his medical condition right now and the battle of his on going of course with his own personal cancer journey and advisers his doctors are saying remain stress free a. lot of people don't realize and this is a sort of situation that's on going. obviously every time harry turns up, there's a drama and perhaps what harry really needed right now was a discussion regarding ongoing visa watt l, that'll run out with you in four years. the king needs to do that. stuart: harry's visa to stay in america runs out and will he have a go? >> no, not really, no. what he needs to stay on would be of course some letter back from his majesty and that would back up the rendition of anthony s. there won't be a problem with it but obviously thinking about
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it. harry coming back over ahead of the fake royal tour and call it a free holiday, stuart. nothing to do with that. harry and meghan are remonetizing their brand. stuart: it's this trip to nigh jeer jaire. harry and meghan have arr arrivn nigeria and seem to think of it as official royal tour. but it's not, is it? seems like they're trying to set up a competitive court. >> well, you know, spot on, stuart, really. she's got board of the jam and now we're onto something new. what's interesting here is if you're aware of this, but she came into london late last night to meet with harry and going
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onto nigeria and could have made effort to attend some of the events that he did for the invictus games. she loved marching in front of the veterans but when the hard work comes to possibly stand in st. paul's cathedral where she wasn't allowed to give a speech, she doesn't want otoknow. this is the ma gather moving into another thing and netflix show on the hiatus and going off to do this fake nigerian tour. you couldn't make this stuff up and that's the reason it goes back to what he was saying where his majesty doesn't want the stress. keep away. stuart: the speculation over here is sooner or later harry and meghan will divorce. any comment on that? >> i think he's addicted to memeghan markle. call that love or need or whatever it is. she's supplying his needs and a
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lot of stories go around the fact that she has become this person and harry said this actually, stuart, on television during those interviews about how he is his mother and i'm not mocking that, but apparently she, i have to say allegedly claims she's spoken to his mother too. remember during the documentary where she said she put hands on the grave of princess diana and asked for guidance. people say meghan markle isn't a good actress, adisagree. stuart: neil sean, a sting in the tail right there. thanks for joining us. see you again soon. thank you. >> a pleasure. stuart: more from the uk, prime minister there send ago strong message to -- sending a strong message to university leaders. what's he saying? >> protect jewish students very simply. similar encampments in the uk as here but not at the same scale. the british prime minister met with a number of university leaders saying it's imperative to take a zero tolerance approach to anti-semitism and emphasized that schools remain a
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place for debate but raised concerns about nonstudent agitators over there as well. certainly a different path forward for the prime minister than what we've seen here. stuart: that would be true. thanks, kelly. somehow me the dow 30. the dow actually up just 20 points. it's an even split. lauren: snapping a seven-day win streak. stuart: only up 26 points and up seven trading sessions in a row. will it make eight? don't know. it's up 26 at this moment. don't no anywhere, sports fans. friday feedback is next. ♪ were you worried the wedding would be too much? nahhhh... (inner monologue) another destination wedding?? we just got back from her sister's in napa.
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chris and his mother. juliana and her mom. caitlyn and her mom and family. preston with his mom. payton and her mother. kate and her mom. and we have a picture of kelly who's sitting next to me and her mom. great stuff. have a wonderful, wonderful sunday mother's day. time for friday feedback. john, you mentioned you can wake up at a specific time without use of an alarm clock. can you accurately tell what time it is when awake without the use of clock or a watch? yes, sir, i can. to within at least maybe two, tops three minutes. i can do that. i don't know why. i have a clock in my head that won't quit. how about you, kelly? >> absolutely not. i need this. i need to know.
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stuart: you get up early too but need an alarm. >> yes. lauren: i need several. stuart: can you tell what time it is without looking? lauren: no, sometimes. sometimes it feels like it's 11:0 at night and it's 5:00 p.m.. i hate when that happens. i have six more hours of this. stuart: you have trouble. from one of the viewers barton sending in a political cartoon from bill program l. small tent in front of hiring manager saying, a ww, i see you went to college. tongue in cheek critique of anti-israel protest and we like it. thanks for sending that in. this is from mark. he's answering our question about how all of you are dealing with inflation. here it is. stu, to save a buck, stop going to fast food and go to jack in the box and charged $24 for two double bacon smash burgers. don't go there again. lauren, are you cutting back because of inflation? lauren: all the time. the way i cut back is small here and there, but the big things still cost so much so am i really saving anything
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substantial in the end? stuart: i understand. kelly? >> we're saving for our honeymoon, which we're going on next week and we've cut out all the ordering food. lauren: when did you get married? >> covid. it's a covid honeymoon. no recorderring food. stuart: that's special. stuart: this is from cathy. your music producers deserve a shout-out. their choices are hu hup roush, timely and right on. they match the story at hand and seemingly just out of air so quickly, amazing and fun. i agree with that . lauren: sometimes i can't figure out the connection and we sit there eyeing each other and then this is the connection. stuart: play ago lot of beatles and rolling stones. we get approval on that one. this is from jim, other stock shows spend hours in minutia on stocks, forecast and areas too technical for most people and you cover so much more that i
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can't look away. we deliberately avoid jar began and trying to -- jar begin and i try to simplify. >> you're right. business fits in with everything and that's what we're trying to show you and how do all the connections come together? stuart: don't want to use jargin and that's the way to communique. lauren: money makes the world go around. it's difficult to do a technical story without it. i usually preface you when i'm about to do that. stuart, bear with me. stuart: there's a buzzer for that. roland, this is referring to the rift between king charles and prince harry. i'll never be too busy to see my son. yep, i can drink to that i guess you could say. my son own as winery. you'd never be too busy to be
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away from your son? lauren: no, never. never. neil kind of laid it out. he can't have the straps and the stress that he son brings when he intends to or not. stuart: sons can make you mad sometimes. lauren: so can daughters in law. stuart: who are you thinking of? lauren: meghan markle. stuart: oh, late on that one. out of time, folks. we thank everyone for sending in feedback. please keep it coming. it's now time for friday trivia question. here it is, what is america's favorite hobby? good question. garminening, camping -- gardening, camping, traveling, cooking? the answer when we come back. as an independent financial advisor, i stand by these promises. as a fiduciary, i promise to be the financial steward
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and a beautiful website. just start with a domain, a few clicks, and you're in business. make now the future at stuart: the trivia question, what is america's favorite hobby? you may ask where we get the answers from? the answers are taken from a monmouth university polling february of this year. what is the favorite hobby according to monmouth university poll? gardening, camping, traveling, or cooking get? it has to be you. lauren: i will reverse, it is number one, gardening. no.
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we have a lot of national -- it is all of the above. all of the above. gardening, number one, gardening. kelly:based on credit card statements it might be traveling but i think camping. stuart: has nobody considered cooking? lots of people are cooking. the answer is cooking. according to this monmouth paul, 68% of people say one of their hobbies is cooking, 37% of people said their top hobby was cooking. lauren: against the pole. lauren: it's a necessity and a chore. stuart: out of time. coast-to-coast starts now.


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