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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 10, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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larra larry: israel and the army is going deeper into rafah and looking for hamas and do what you need to do. everyone is going to listen to liz macdonald do what she needs to do. liz: welcome to the evening
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edit. i'm liz macdonald. get right at it with the congressman that filed new impeachment articles from president biden is congressman cory mills. good to see you again. thank you for joining us. hey saying this is a abuse of power and effectively hamstringing israel and taking out hamas. the question is what is a crime of misdemeanor. what he's saying is this, he's saying that president biden did call it an abuse of power in 2020 and withholding aid when congress appropriated is a violation of the constitution.
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what biden said the other night contravenes what he said in 2019. watch this. >> the idea that we would cut off military aid to an ally, our only true, true ally in the nation is un-comprehensible. why would anyone do that? civilians killed in gaza from the bombs and other ways that they go after population centers. let me be clear if they go into rafah, they haven't yet, if they go into rafah, i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah. liz: cory mills joining us in a moment. we to want bring in deputy national security adviser under former president trump victoria coats. got to see you. what do you make of the new impeachment articles against president biden over this. what is the high crime and misdemeanor? >> good to be with you too, liz.
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congressman mills is 100% correct. this is precisely what they tried and failed to impeach president trump for because there was no evidence of it. it's a quid pro quo. listening to that clip, he sounds terrible and like a mafia technique. israel is our greatest 58 lie in the middle east and they're finishing the job for us of killing the terrorists that killed -- that attacked us both on october 7. the fact the president would be doing this so publicly is shocking. liz: congressman, what is the high crime and misdemeanor? >> again, this is the quid pro quo and we know the exact reason
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why president biden is trying to force the israelis to do a certain thing and not because he didn't know what was in the bill. it was very clear what was in the supplemental even prior to him signing it. what he it was he actually went forward and supplied gaza pulling the wool over our eyes and look at the primary and thousands of people voted uncommitted and 13.2% of the overall vote and he's upside down in the polls and thinks that withholding aid or shifting ziti renisrael's military defenl win his vo votes and that's why he's doing it. liz: is it high crimes that it's been appropriated by congress? >> going back to joe biden's own tweet, he talked about holding
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congressionally appropriate aid to ukraine to get something politically in response that president trump should be impeached for it, here he is. actually withholding aid to try and influence political vote in michigan and he can try and go ahead and forward himself in the 2020 elections and he knows 13.2% in michigan voted uncommitted after democrat congressional woman rashida tlaib told him if he supports israel, they'll hold -- this is what it's about. he's literally buying votes by holding aid from israel. liz: president biden called an abuse of power in 2020 when president trump ordered suspension of nearly $400 million in military aid that congress appropriated to ukraine. so, you're using the same template democrats led by jerry nadler used to impeach trump. new reports coming in that cairo talks with hamas to release hostages failed and hamas is not budges after the president pulled the trigger and decided
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not to send the aid. show the american hostages still held by hamas. now, this is the issue too. how careful is israel in this incursion into rafah? doing all it can to stop the death of innocent civilians? we're dropping in flyers and begging civilians to evacuate and 30,000 now dead. >> they believe they're taking in action to limit collateral damage and if biden was focused with that and didn't want aid or munitions to fall into the bad hands, why did he one day prior to preventing israel from getting aid, he signed a waiver that bypasses as seeingses on qatar and lebanon to receive webs and lebanon who has a song that's the head of hezbollah. we see this very clearly that he
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is utilizing the money that he is withholding under the congressionally appropriated aid that he requests in an effort to try and buy votes from those that voted uncommitted in michigan and other areas that are anti-israel. liz: senator joni ernst said he's playing 26 house deputies that are slamming bide anne donovan a letter and the press report that had the president did try to 45 nip late the news -- ma nip lace the news psychoand will hiding that after he gave the speech in holocaust remembrance day and debated and going for hamas and humanitarian for bide ton stop and the civilian casualties and collateral damage. >> well, i'll tell you, the thing that's the most shocking to me, liz, to go back to this is that he's already released so much money into gaza, which has fallen into the hands of hamas and being told to palestinian people to help fund their
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counter insurgency and meanwhile he's trying to prevent and tell the israeli defense force they shouldn't eliminate hamas and it's a known terrorist organization. i mean, the idea that could you imagine if a nation would have told us after 9/11 we shouldn't go into afghanistan and strike those responsible for it. that's what he's doing and not only doing that but in an effort to try and buy votes. again, i used 98% of language used by representative jerry nadler and hope that nadler and his colleagues will support this impeachment article the way they did against president trump when they claimed it was quid pro quo then. liz: do you have republican support for it? >> we have republican support for my members. liz: how many? >> including byron donalds and eli crane and hikingens and we file it had -- hikingens and filed today and getting more and more today adding on. liz: got it. congressman mills, thank you for joining us. back to deputy national securiti adviser to former president trump. thanks for stepping in there and technical difficulty at the top. it's a really interesting story
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and now this, there's a new report out of nbc that reporters in battleground states saying president biden went too far at the eleventh hour throwing israel under the bus right in its greatest hour of need. they'll take out hamas terr terrorists. president biden saying they're deeply worried and the message he's send asking wrong to terrorists and it's assault around the world. what's happening now? >> what we see here, liz, is the failure of biden administration to have it both ways and you need in this case to pick a team, put on a jersey and get in the fight. win of the thins that helped president trump get to abraham accords in his first term was the fact he was unambiguous about where he stood in his statement this is week un-am big use and from the biden administration, we have first, oh, we're just holding
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$260 million and then the president goes on tv and announces he's holding all of it. that if israel goes into rafah in a way he doesn't like, he'll hold everything that iron dome resupplied. i think, you know, congressman mills was 100% correct on this and jen psaki went further on evening show this week when she said she was asked what have you done for the youth vote and said we're stopping arms to israel. she said it out loud. they're pandering for votes by doing this. but what it's going to do is make the situation worse and please no one. liz: watch a top democrat and he's a ranking democrat on house armed services and he's adam smith on news nation saying biden needs to fix this or he is elmore boldening, truly brutal terrorist around the world. watch this. >> i think that the white house needs to clean it up and roadway it rate our support -- reiterate
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our support for israel and holding up a ceasefire is hamas. there's been a ceasefire on the table for three months and hamas reifieses to agree and insist on israel basically unilaterally surrendered and hamas won't promise to return the hostages if they do. there's a ceasefire on the table from hamas returning the jot president doesn't have a word to spare for them. according to senator scott, there are five americans still alive and they're holding three bodies, which is ghoulish but typical of hamas and i don't find myself agreeing with adam smith every day of the week. he's 100% correct here. the reason hamas just rejected that most recent offer in cairo was they don't think they have to agree to any terms.
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then they seeing americans and young americans make common cause with them. they're to be forgiven. and emboldened. liz: senator ted cruz criticizing the biden white house for just issuing sanctions waivers allowing arm sales to hamas ally qatar and lebanon and iraq and what do you make of that move? >> i had the honor to work with senator cruz for five years and waivers for iraq and lebanon in particular make no sense whatsoever right now. liz: okay. >> they are both militaries that
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are infiltrated by terrorists and so he's 100% correct. liz: thank you so much. good to have you on the show and ahead for house foreign affairs and caucus debbie lesko and america first legal vice president jean hamilton and border patrol and nothing stopping the border crisis they've created and going for them and new reports coming in and border agents again crossing the border into texas and new reports coming in and protesters are disrupting in chicago and this is coming in. chicago's democrat mayor may not be there to help stop that. college campuses and police nationwide on high alert for
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potential disruptions by college graduations this weekend. misleading america and rare interview and pugh polling showing a dramatic loss in democrat voting blocks for biden. what's potential collusion and that's what missouri attorney general wants to know. he's probing whether the biden white house did coordinate with trump prosecutors to jail trump before the election. prosecutors are betting that they're going to wait jury over the pass. going for "the evening edit" " trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills
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grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. lyric mcel cohen is now set to testify on monday. nate noisy recordings live with all the action in new york city. nate, what happened today? reporter: hey, liz. so the prosecution only has two more witnesses, michael cohen is one of them. everyone is looking forward to monday morning when he takes the stand and to answer your
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question, ooze recently as wednesday and prosecutors with the judge's orders to ask cohen to stop talking about the case and withins to rest their case and prosecutors have to prove the scheme to reimburse cohen to paying off the adult actress stormy daniels trump maintained his innocence after court today and listen to this. >> it was a legal expense that somebody happens to be me and not knowing about it and a very good bookkeeper and it's down as a legal expense. >> liz, at the end of court, the
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judge compelled allen to testify for perjury and former white house prosecutors characterized trump as very detail oriented and trump denies payments to cohen were in fact a reimbursement for paying off daniels and he denies that an affair with daniels ever happened. cohen is expected to take the stand at 9:30 on monday and there's only two witnesses left and might end up resting their case next week. liz. liz: nate foy, thank you so much. leo, what's your take on the
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state of play right now and michael cohen and no gag order on him and he's talking about the case and there's a gag order on president trump and doesn't the law say the preponderance of due process fall on everyone? >> the damage may be done before this case and, liz, there's no logical reason for trump to be you finder a gag order it's unconstitutional and he's being denied his right to express his viewpoint and not only as defendant but he's running for president. the judge is basically an agent for the prosecutor and for the democrat party. michael cohen has been on tv every day. you're talking about poisoning the jury pool and putting things out there and michael cohen is not a mere gag order. why not? why isn't he under a gag order stormy daniel or anyone. president trump is being handicapped by the judge and it's clear that the game here, liz, is simply this.
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listening to the trump-appointed team handling this and what do you think they're doing? >> if i was to give them a grade, i'd give the prosecution an f. liz, even the other channels that i will not mention, no legal pendant. no one with legal experience will tell you the prosecution made it is case. there's no shred of evidence indicating president trump a, falsified records and made a payment to conceal a campaign contribution. this is not a federal crime of federal election commission saying no, we don't see a crime here. this is all political in the attempt to hurt president trump. it has backfired. trump is stronger than ever and
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in my opinion, he's going to win the election. liz: yeah and cyrus vance dropped it and doj drop it had. what grade would you give the trump team? >> oh, let me tell you right now. what they did to stormy daniels michael cohen needing a sleeping bag. he'll been o the witness stand, liz, for at least a week. i mean, the defense has hours and hours of video tape. this guy has been a convicted perjure and he's a felon and lied over and over and going for a field date and the grade i'll give the defense team right now is an a. a for showing no evidence against this case. liz: watch legal analyst danny talk about a mistrial but watch. >> the issue you might see up at appellate division and if the prosecution get as conviction and comes back in two years and it's overturned the conviction, then the prosecution will ask
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themselves was it worth the risk if the reason that the conviction is overturned is testimony that was given by stormy daniels? liz: that looks like it backfired. getting too lewd with unnecessary details and could alienate jurors and going for trump and professor at law school and told ebc to make prosecutors look like they are desperate to humiliate trump. making it lack like he's guilty till proven innocent and byron york is pointing out trump is on trial for 34 felonies and faces a maximum 136 years in prison based on $130,000 payment that was based on non-disclosure agreement. so is this offense warranted and
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potential 136 years in prison? >> why wasn't that case brought seven years ago and if anyone tries to assume this is a purposesful legal case, they're lying. it's all about politics to hurt trump's chances to win. it has backfired. liz: got it. leo terrell, thank you for joining us. good to see you. have a good weekend. still ahead, congressman scott perry from house oversight and seeing more. look at grin on that fellow and coming up and more and more police departments nationwide and people fed up with the anti-israel protests and they're going to disrupt even more graduation ceremonies this weekend but more cops nationwide are using tear gas to break it up. and congresswoman debbie lesko from the congressional border security caucus and this is a big story. was this a slip up? president biden referring to
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legal aliens as "voters". we'll show you the sound and report from the front lines and border patrol official says the u.s. does not control the southern border as cartels actually do. you're going to hear from border officials, people at the border and ranchers on the evening edit next. it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair.
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liz: border agents again shot at from across the border in texas with mexico. fox news griff jenkins live in dc with this story. griff, so are men and women in the border patrol getting shot at again? this didn't used to happen, griff. >> no, it's getting more dangerous and >> they made their
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choices and we have to live with them. this flood into and through arizona which has dramatically worsened in the country administration allowed my boys to make choices they may not have without the current open border crisis. they seized more than 70 pounds of danger yous drugs this week including 170 pounds of fentanyl and that's enough to kill the entire population of arizona five times over. meanwhile as you mention, coming under fire from the mexican side near the border station seeming to be calling it office of
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professional responsibility and on this assault on federal officer investigation and, liz u you nailed it. this shooting has officials that i talked to are concerned that the cartels are getting more brazen, particularly in this area of juarez, mexico, and agents have been fired upon multiple times in the same area in two weeks. liz: have a good weekend. you worked hard on that . joining us now is arizona congresswoman debbie lesko. it's heart breaking hearing that mom testify losing two of her children to fentanyl poisoning. your reaction to this report. >> it's very sad and in maricopa county, where i live, which is the phoenix area, three people a
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day are dying from fentanyl. this is a huge crisis. the border crisis that biden has caused is a national security risk and it's a humanitarian crisis, it's a fiscal crisis. but it's killing americans each and every day with all the fentanyl flooding over the border. it's unconscionable and he's making a gaffe and calling illegal aliens "voters" in this sound byte you'll hear. >> it's a little bit back like in 1840s when the exodus moves because ovfamine and the large
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catholics were treated. we said, we don't need more of those folks and there's a large influx. there's an even bigger influx now in terms of hispanic voters -- hispanic citizens that want to become citizens. it's enormously important. liz: we don't know. the point being that house democrats are voting unanimously against a new bill that will stop counting illegal aliens and foreign nationals in the census and that matters on things that are portioned in the district and in the state and people are upset that illegal aliens getting id to vote. >> this legislation and on thursday because what other reason could thrombocytopenia there be that president biden and the democrats want this open border except because they count everyone and not just citizens and then you have these
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sanctuary citizens that give benefits to illegal immigrants and they'll get more congress members that will in turn get more electoral votes for president and that's the only thing i can think of. why in the world would president biden and democrats want over 9 million people to flood over our border and do other things? it's awful what's happening to our country. liz: got it. congresswoman lesko, thank you for joining and yous good to have you on. and liz: is this going to be like what happened and came up in 196 and will rise to protest and we warned this was coming and last year in 2023 and evening edit was breaking stories about this and watch
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out. politico saying democrats are getting zero, no happen from chicago democrat mayor brandon johnson and he's siding with the protesters and sympathetic with them to the point there's a joke going around democrat circles and the main difference between 2024 and 1968 is that the chicago mayor, the mayor of chicago this year is going to be on the side of the protesters and not the cops. what do you see coming? >> liz this, mayor sides with rashida tlaib and the pro palestines and the pro hamas people and the disillusion of
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the jewish state and that's what they want and that's when they chant the river to the sea and that's what they mean. they unfortunately mean the same thing when they chant death to america in places like dearborn, michigan, but we'll see that move right to chicago and it's going to be regular features and convention unfortunately and it's happening in america and courtesy of democrat party. liz: in chicago, '68 is about the vietnam protest and now it's actor the virulent strain of the party and the chicago mayor was an oranger w with the teacher's union and he did not make the jump to mayor to the maximize viewership and programming on television and minimize what's going on for the programming at the actual convention and do they really think that voters
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are not going to see what's going on as they try to paint another picture for them? >> i hope so, liz. >> they're disruptive and paint a negative light on the convention and democrat party at large and this anti-semitism around this systemic anti-semitism and been around this since literally the 186s 0 and resurgence of them and it's all because of the policies and the weakness of the democrat party. liz: flat out, nothing more than hatred of jewish people. full stop. we've got this, universities nationwide and bracing for a major protest at graduation ceremonies. more and more cops are using --
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they have to resort to tear gas to stop what's turning into violence on college campuses. they did it at university of arizona and in tucson at university of south florida at emry university in georgia and cops are getting criticized. what do you think of this? >> well, i stand with the police trying to keep order. if i was sending my child to college where they were doing that, i wouldn't be paying the bills. i talked to so many constituents saying i sent my good kids to college and they came home -- turned out to be marxist. i throw my hands up. what can i do? stop paying the bill and sending your children to these marxist training camps known as u.s. colleges. liz: and congressman, watch the enrollment. we think it might happen. watch the enrollment drop at harvard, at columbia, at ivy i haves where they're allowing this to get out of control diversity and equity and
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inclusion agendas that really they think they're being tolerant but it's not about diversity of thought. thank you for joining us. final word. go ahead. >> thank you, liz. i was just going to say the other thing that should be diminish second-degree any federal funding to anti-semitic colleges but that's another story. thank you for the opportunity. god bless you, liz. liz: thank you so much. coming up, the hill political reporter julia manchester, wall street pro karol roth are fired and you happen ready to thick this on. president biden increasingly accused of major top spin supplying off the rails with the media. plus, analysis of pugh polling data show this is new danger zone is getting bigger. president biden is losing big parts of solid democrat voting blocks. first, we want to hear from our buddies and dagen and sean on the bottom line. >> yeah, we have a fantastic show coming up. joe biden does quid pro quo on
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military aid to israel. how will the house respond? we'll have beth van dine. >> and another news paper media outlets trying to tell americans, you just don't understand. inflation isn't that bad. you've got it so good. oh, they can shove it up their -- well, never mind that . also one major hedge fund manager gets lectured about diversity, equity, and inclusion. he knows that it breeds anti-semitism. why don't the people lecturing him know that? top of the hour. and watch, so you can always see where you're heading, without fingersticks. dexcom g7 is the most accurate cgm. so, you can manage your diabetes with confidence. ♪ ♪ honestly, i was scared when i was told age related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision.
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golo has improved my life in so many ways. i'm able to stand and actually make dinner. i'm able to clean my house. i'm able to do just simple tasks that a lot of people call simple, but when you're extremely heavy they're not so simple. golo is real and when you take release and follow the plan, it works. liz: look who's here, wall street pro and author carol roth. one of the best reporters in washington on politics. the hill's newspaper julia manchester. carol and julia, thank you for joining us tonight. carol and julia, carol, first to you, i want to show you this analysis from the central left bookings institute and based on pugh polling data. carol, it shows from 2020 till now, guiden losing democrat voting blocks like 25% of black and 13% of hispanic and one out
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of ten women. what's going on here, carol? >> well, liz, the democrats are decoupled from reality and the american people are not. the only thing that joe biden has to hang his hate is his name is not donald trump. he's failing on all fronts and everybody is finding their lives are worse off now than they were urn the trump administration. so it's not surprising across the board, no matter how you slice and dice it, people are feeling worse and that's impacting the poll numbers. liz: what do you think, julia? >> right now what you're seeing is there's an apathy among voters in the apathy is extending to portions of
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overwhelming. i don't think president trump will win the black vote overwhelmingly but president biden won't do well and this election is so incredibly close, any part of his base that is not energized could end up helping trump so the apathy is not working well for biden. liz: then james carville slammed president biden's top spin on the cnn interview with erin burnett and carville said that's not the world people are livingg in and their reaction is people are saying what is he talking about saying they've got money to spend and 30% spikes higher in things like groceries. carol, branding bidenomics is probably the worst branding move ever amid the worst inflation in 50 years and goes up there with re-branding coke as new coke or retail line coach as tapestry. what do you think? >> i think it was meant to be actually a dig at biden to begin
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with, liz. but when you have people that can't afford their food or rent and living through massive inflation and finding their personal savings are down and their debt is up, you know, putting some sort of cute moniker on it isn't going to change it. in fact, it's having the opposite impact because the only thin that adds insult to injury here is to try and convince people that the economy is doing well. i think that people are very resentful about the gaslighting on top of this terrible economic situation that's hurting their personal balance sheet. we're looking at numbers here and has panic voters are law and recorder and did they misjudge
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the politics on this one because, you know, hispanics are saying the idea that enforcing the law is bad politics is not the right way to go. what do you think? >> yeah, among the hispanic vote, i wouldn't say a monolith and there's a very different part of the block like the cucubans and very important to e republican party and democrats might have missed part for that electorate. liz: got it. you guys are terrific. we'll do it again. thank you for joining us. good to see you. we have news coming in, missouri attorney general now demanding the biden justice department turn over all records of their discussions with prosecutors who are working the cases against former president trump. what's the fallout on this? this is about the biden white house trying to take down biden's rival? former justice department official jean hamilton will talk to us about it next on "the evening edit". we'll be right back.
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request to probe whether the biden justice department did coordinate with prosecutors to take down trump, he's talking about fulton county da fani willis, alvin bragg in new york state interviewed general letitia james, what do you think of the story. >> andrew bailey is doing exactly what the american people expect of any elected official is to get to the bottom of the government corruption at the highest level of the federal government into expose a nation behind the scenes that we know is happening in our department of justice with folks like alvin bragg and folks like fani willis. willis. liz: let's listen to a.j. bailey on this. >> alvin bragg sued president trump and campaigned on a promise to prosecute president trump he is self-interested in this case because president trump is a political opponent of the people that alvin bragg is backing same with matthew coley angelo. liz: we've seen reports coming
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in the officials of d.a. bragg's team and fani willis' team out of georgia did sit down with the biden white house officials, administration officials, there has been no confirmation yet that there is anything here, what do they need to prove it. >> picketing need some documents and show a link somewhere, the fact of the matter is at some point these documents are going to come out, the sunlight is going to expose what is going on in the darkness at some point whether this month or next year were whether in five years, were going to get to the root of t this, whether at america first legal or a.j. bailey for the future administration. someone is going to expose the rotten corruption and self-conscious self-dealing behind-the-scenes. liz: d.a. bragg, this is on him hiring biden in matthew coley angelo to work against trump he
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was the third-highest ranking of the justice department under biden and then he went to work for manhattan da office in 2022 late that year to prosecute former president trump, he also says da alvin bragg worked hand-in-hand with attorney general letitia james to pursue civil litigation against trump, final word. >> you are exactly right, you don't leave being the number three at the federal department of justice to go work in the manhattan das office unless you're there for a special purpose, that the simple fact, common sense and again, somebody's going to get to the bottom of this and is going to expose the rug corruption that the american people are tired of. liz: thank you for joining us tonight jean hamilton we appreciate it, thank you for watching "the evening edit", i am elizabeth macdonald. now it's time to send it to the bottom line with dagen and sean, you have a good weeken


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