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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 13, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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larry: thanks for watching. have a great weekend. ♪
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maria: good monday morning everyone. thank so much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is monday, may 13, your top stories, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. today all about inflation. futures this morning indicating a higher opening at the start of trading ahead of key economic data. we've got the april ppi out tomorrow morning and april consumer price index, the cpi out on wednesday, also retail sales coming out on wednesday. dow vills up 27, -- do you idowindustrials up 27. we're waiting on april numbers. we've got the preview this morning. plus, what some investors say is the real reason the federal reserve cannot hit the moving target of 2% inflation. we're on it. check european markets, a mixed showing, fractional moves across the board. the ft 100eeking out a gain of 3 points. in asia markets finished mostly
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lower. the one bright spot, hong kong up a fraction on the hang seng. at home, president trump back in a new york city courtroom this morning after a blowout rally in wildwood, new jersey, saturday night. >> and no one is more common sense than the tough, strong, incredible, brilliant people of new jersey. i love new jersey. whether you're a republican, conservative, independent or even a registered democrat, i'm asking for your help in saving america. maria: north north dakota govr you doug burgam was there and will join me today. meanwhile, convicted liar michael cohen is set to testify today as the judge tells him to stop live streaming about the trial on tiktok.
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this, after the administration is threatening to withhold military aid to israel as isral tries to fight back against hamas terrorists. the latest on the impeachment strategy. "mornings with maria" is live right now. ♪ maria: it is time for the hot topic of the hour. former president trump campaigning in wildwood, new jersey this weekend speaking to a crime said to be upwards of 100,000 strong trump pledging to double down on tax cuts if he's reelected. watch this. >> instead of a biden tax hike
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i'll give you a trump lower class, middle class, upper class, business class, big tax cut. you'll have the biggest tax cut. we took in more income after the tax cut and the tax cut was massive. eveverybody knows it. everybody was affected by it. it created jobs but the country took in much more money. people individually paid much less tax but we did much more revenue. it really did work. it's called incentive. maria: well, liz, either candidate is going to have to deal with the expiration of trump's tax cuts in 2025. trump obviously wants to redo them and biden has pledged to end those tax cuts. meaning higher taxes for everybody, liz. >> this has to be a major theme of the upcoming election campaign, maria. nobody wants higher taxes. nobody thinks our country should have higher taxes and if you look at the long-term trends, we do not have a tax revenue problem in this country.
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the number's about where it should be. what we have is a spending program. and so when biden talks about lifting taxes some $5 trillion, that is absolutely guaranteed to smack our economy in a very big way and he couches it in his typical kind of class warfare, we're only going to raise taxes on the wealthy, only going to raise taxes on corporations. i think the average american understands that that hurts everybody and certainly that's been the case in the past so i think trump has a winning hand here. he needs to play it all the way up to election day. i think it will work for him. maria: not only that, but also expiring at the the end of next year are restrictions on the state tax and deduction for business owners. so if you allow those tax cuts to expire, everybody's taxes go up. >> without a doubt. maria: it's not just the rich. so mark, you know, you've got a very clear blueprint for the next four years of where this is
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going. >> look, i mean, when we boil this down to the basics, tax cuts benefit people who actually work, you're incentivizing people to go to work, that's a great th thing. when you look at what bidenomics has done to this country and all of our quality of life over the course of the past few years with sky-high inflation, it is eroding quality of life. and right now americans need any tax cut they can get and maria, to your point, the pass-through and deductions, that's a big deal for k anyone working in thg economy right now. maria: trump also flew down doug burgam to his rally, he praised him and his wife during his speech. watch this. >> doug burgam and katherine, who's been an incredible couple, you won't find anybody better than this gentleman. he made his money in technology but he probably knows more about
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energy than anybody i know. get ready for something. just get ready. he's incredible. the country is lucky to have him. maria: get ready for something. i'll speak with the governor live on this program at 8:30 a.m. eastern this morning. don't miss that interview. what do you think that meant? get ready for something. >> he's clearly got a future in the trump white house, whether as vp or head of the energy department, whatever, we don't know. the good news is, he's strong, he's a loyal supporter of trump, we know that matters a lot, been a successful governor and he does know a lot about energy. one of the big topics with this election will be energy. maria: north dakota is an energy rich state. why are we not tapping into our capacity in our energy rich states. we're looking ahead to a major week of inflation data. we had three hot months. we have the april showing coming out on wednesday.
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why some are saying this year's da'sdata has been problematic. governor burg aam is here live coming up at 8:30 don't miss that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ maggie, i couldn't have tried any more. ♪ you led me away from home. ♪ just to --
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maria: taking a look at interest rates this morning, the 10 year treasury yield is down
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1.1 basis points at a level of 4.48%. federal reserve governor michelle bowman signaling something we've been speaking about, the possibility of no rate cuts in 2024. bowman writes this, i have not written in any cuts, i've had an even expectation of t staying where we are for longer, that continues to be my base case. the wall street journal reporting high rents prevent the fed from finishing the inflation fight with nick timiraos writing stalled inflation hasn't derailed the federal reserve's plans to cut interest rates. it expects a slowdown in housing costs to drag inflation close to the 2% target. joining me is independent advisor, alliance chief investment officer, chris zacarelli. the big event of the week is wednesday with, the consumer price index expected to be up three-tenths of a percent. what are your expectations. >> the big news for the week will definitely be inflation
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data. we've seen a number of prints in a row that have been higher than exacted. we think the series will be a little noisy, we think there's a possibility that not only will we get 0.3% but possibly lower, we could get 0.2%. the trend has been higher. that's a problem for the bond market, we've seen what it has done for the stock market in april. we've seen a little recovery in may. that's due to softer jobs data and the hopes that potentially inflation will start to cool and the idea that powell said that rate hikes are not on the table at this point, we've seen the number of rate cuts go down from six to possibly three or two or maybe none at alexei navalny asu mentioned with governor bowman talking about no cuts this year. the hikes are a problem for the market. if inflation data gets higher, that is a concern. maria: of course we've got the april row dueser price index out tomorrow. there economists are expecting prices to rise three tenths of a
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percent month over month. it's the consumer price index most people are talking about. we've had three straight months of hot readings and you've got rent, you've got oil at elevated levels. these are the essentials, food, fuel and shelter. do you see any alleviation on that front in the near term? >> yes. so i think in the near term the biggest problem is going to be shelter, clearly energy prices have been higher, we've seen food prices higher. i think there's a possibility energy prices stabilize or go lower as long as the world doesn't get more dangerous but at least for now the biggest problem to inflation that i can see and i think it's been talked about in the wall street journal and other outlets is really that shelter component of inflation, that does seem to be pretty sticky and hasn't been coming down the way a lot of people had hoped it would. maria: so i know that you're invested in developed markets like europe and a asia not as much in emerging markets. the sentiment has changed around
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china for sure. we spoke with greg brown the other of day on this program from the milken conference, the chairman ceo of motorola solutions. watch what he told me about his business in china. watch this. >> motorola had three and-a-half billion of revenue in china and 15,000 employees. today we he virtually no emplos and 50 employees. we made the decision get out of china. it's not a productive market. they don't play on even terms. the communist party leads the theft of intellectual property and patents so the you addressable market of 66 billion that we pursue for public safety and national security is zeroing out china. we left that market. m. maria: so that's a corporate ceo there, completely blowing off china while there are others who feel there's this opportunity with one and-a-half billion people despite all of their bad behavior and undermining the united states as an investors how do you see it?
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>> yeah, i mean, i think he expresses the problem really well. the idea of intellectual property theft, the idea they don't play by the same rules as the global community, you know, china has always been an opportunity in terms of a rising lower class and middle class, clearly with over a billion people. what a great market to go after. but american companies have seen time and time again that it isn't worth it going into china he despite the opportunities that seem to be there, their government really has not allowed our businesses to do what they want to do in china. i would say if you're looking for emerging markets opportunities you've got to pivot to india. india has a lot of the same things going for it that china had 20, 30 years ago. there's a lot of opportunity there, a lot of opportunity economically for them to move their citizens up the value chain and the difference is they seem to be a lot more friendly to the united states and it's not nearly as contentious as what we're seeing with china. so as as an emerging markets investor, looking to take risks to potential economies that are
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emerging india looks better than china right now as opportunities for investors and for businesses. maria: that sounds great. liz peek, jump in here. >> a question about the fed. if we see the fed hesitate this time around, the next meeting, what about the politics of cutting rates closer to the election? is that something you think is going to influence the federal reserve? >> you know, the federal reserve has always talked about maintaining independence, very important to them. chairman powell gets that question a lot. it's something they are worried about. they can talk about how they're not going to let the election factor into their thinking but clearly it's the appearance of you political overtones as you get closer to the election so i think it those be in the back of their minds, if they're going to make a move they're going to make that a few months ahead of the election or wait until after. if they cut rates one time this year, not zero, they may do it in december and wait until after the election because the last
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thing they want to do is threaten the appearance of independence despite the fact they maintain they don't think about the election at all which as human beings it's hard to believe because everyone is thinking about it. maria: great to have you this morning, chris. thanks so much. >> thank you. thanks for having me. maria: all right. your morning mover this morning is arm, check out arm shares in the premarket. the u.k. based chip maker which softway has a 90% stake in announces plan to launch their first artificial intelligence semiconductor chip n year. they expect revenue to exceed expectations in the first quarter and the stock is up about 3%. quick br break and then a presit biden's anti-israel policies sparks a fire storm with voters. this new effort for impeachment articles against joe biden about his foreign policy and why he's withholding aid to israel.
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congressman ralph norman joins me next to weigh in. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ i love you, i love you. ♪ baby, i love you. ♪
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welcome back. the house is expected to vote on the israel security assistance support act this week. that would prohibit the biden administration from the withholding any congressionally approved military aid to israel, it would require the prompt delivery of any shipments to israel going forward. meanwhile, house oversight committee chairman james comer says the committee will investigate the administration over its threats to withhold that aid to israel. the president reportedly threatened to withhold that support in a february call with prime minister benjamin netanyahu which was kept under wraps and not mentioned in the official white house readout of that call. of course the president's admitted that this past week that yes, he is going to withhold aid if the israelis go into rafah. in a big way. joining me is south carolina congressman ralph normanner, a number of the house budget, financial services and rules committee. it's good to see you. what is your reaction to the administration threat fling to with -- threatening to withhold israel's aid. >> it's outrageous.
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the biden administration is selling out our over democracy in the middle east, our friend for over 75 years, israel. like they did in afghanistan, they're leaving our friends behind and the fact that he's even doing this, the fact that he's withholding the information, you know, i remember mike pompeo used to give weekly updates. now we're not even getting updates pluses exceeding his authority. israel has the support of the majority of america because they're our friend. and i know we voted on it in the house. it was ukraine money that there was controversy over, not the israel funding. it's outrageous he's doing this. he needs to be held accountable. he's selling out the interest of the country in a way we've never seen before. maria: there's a story in the washington post yesterday, i found incredibly offensive. get this. they write u.s. offers israel intelligence and supplies in an effort to avoid rafah invasion. and the washington post is
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writing that the biden administration as it works urgently to stave off of a full scale israeli invasion of rafah is offering the opportunity that the u.s. will share valuable assistance and inside information as far as where the hamas terrorists are if they don't go into rafah. are you suggesting in this article, are they suggesting that the administration knows the tunnels, the specific tunnels where the hamas fighters are and they're not telling israel? they're only going to share that if they get a commitment that they won't go into rafah? how outrageous is that? >> even more than that, maria, the fact that he would even threaten this. maria: it's unbelievable. >> it's undermining -- it's unbelievable. look at what it's doing to our other allies all over the world. this man is a -- t the biden administration is totally out of line and the fact that he's withholding it, what's he not
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telling us? what other things is he doing to undermine this country? maria: and this is both sides of the aisle, by the way. john t fetterman also is outraged by the fact that the administration is holding back already congressionally approved military aid in the fight of its life, in the middle of the fight of its life. here's mike lee from utah with me yesterday. watch this. >> president biden threatening he's not going to send shipments of weapons to israel if they go into rafah. >> this is reprehensible. you take a group of people that were victimized of. there were thousands of people killed, innocently. innocent people were killed in is a rail. men, women, children, even babies and they're the victims and now they're being revictimized by, by all people, the united states of america. maria: congressman, president trump had a lot to say about this as well but of courses in manhattan courtroom all day every day. the so-called hush money trial
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is back in session this morning. and the prosecution's star witness is michael cohen. he'll a take the stand today. the judge telling pros you cue o instruct cohen to stop making public comments about trump. he has tiktok live streams. while he does the live streams shows a t-shirt showing trump behind bars. there's been no gag order on co-hon --on cohen that has been, congressman. >> the fact that donald trump, former president of the united states, has to sit in a courtroom for something that's over a decade ago is a travesty of justice, a weaponization of every department and to have michael cohen is unbelievable. he hates trump. that's been well-known. maria: yeah. >> this is such a -- it's a misjustice we've never seen this, major president -- our presidential candidate being held up and look at the timing
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of it. i mean, the effort, they're trying make him not get on the campaign trial. cam trail, it's just wrong. maria: the so-called aladies and gentlemenned sexualen counsel -- the so called alleged sexual encounter that stormy daniels claims they had was in 2006, almost 20 years. former president trump ruling out nikki haley to be his running mate, he wrote on truth social, nikki haley is not under consideration for the vp slot but i wish her well. congressman, i raise this. i know at one point you were supporting nikki haley for president. now you're backing trump. who would you support for his pick for vice president? >> well, i hope he reconsiders. nikki haley can bring so much to the table. look at who she bested over 13 other candidates. my support is with nikki. they would make a great team.
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nikki haley can get the job done. after that, we'll just -- whoever the president picks. but nikki haley is still my pick for vp. maria: he's got to figure out how to get her donors over to his side for sure. liz peek, jump in here. >> good morning, i agree with you 100%. i think nikki haley would bring a different element to the trump campaign, congressman. do you think this is the final word or do you think this is an opening g gamut, the fact that praised her, wished her luck. do you think that's meaningful or do you think it's really over? >> i spoke to the president saturday before all -- he had sent the tweet out i think before then and i said mr. president, let b bygones be bygones. nikki haley has got an you appeal. she's shown that on the campaign trail. she could unite the party.
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the biden administration would hate to see republicans united. nikki haley can do that. i hope it's not over. i hope she will consider it and i he hope the president will consider it. >> me too. maria: all right. congress marchman, it's great te you this morning. thank you very much for joining. >> my pleasure. maria: quick break and then the biden administration is expected to announce new tariffs on goods from china, gatestone institute senior fellow gordon chang is here to weigh in on what that means for america's foreign affairs. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we've got a big show coming up. stay with us. ♪ maria: this week on "mornings with maria," tomorrow house impeachment investigators have their sights set on merrick
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garland, chairman jim jordan will join us and tell us why. wednesday, the biden administration's latest inflation report card revealed with the brightest minds on television. thursday, president biden drawing a red line on u.s. support for israel, congressman james comer reacts. and friday, he's looking to oust the poster woman for the far left from congress, marty dolan will join me. it's all right here on "mornings with maria." ♪ don't let student loan debt hold you back. refi at you could save thousands and get to your goals faster. sofi. get your money right.
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at evernorth, we combine medical and pharmacy data with behavioral health data to identify members in need of care. predicting and treating behavioral health issues quickly... while lowering costs for plan sponsors and members. that's wonder made possible. evernorth health services maria: welcome back. well, the biden administration reportedly will announce new tariffs on electric vehicles, solar panless, semiconductors, and medical supplies. all imported from china. we're expecting it tomorrow. the associated press writes this, tariffs on electric vehicles could quadruple from the existing 25% to 100% and
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that the announcement is also expected to keep in play some tariffs that were imposed during the trump administration. covering about $360 billion in chinese goods. joining me is gatestone institute senior fellow, author of the coming collapse of china and china is going to war, gordon chang back with me. good to see you. are you expecting these tariffs to materialize, the president hasn't done squat against china despite all of this bad behavior and yet now we're six months away from the election so he wants to quadruple tariffs on china. >> well, it would be a good thing if he does it tomorrow but we've got to remember that he should have done this much earlier. maria: that's what i'm saying. >> he's not really seriouses seriousabout it. the important point here, this looks like an election ploy, something that biden is not serious about. if he were really serious he would enforce the tariff act of 1930 as amended by the uyghur force prevention act of 2021 to
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prevent the importation into the u.s. of goods made by forced labor. many products are made by such labor. maria: we talk about the companies that trade on our exchanges that are chinese companies tied to the military. some of which are already sanctioned and yet they still trade enabling investors to fund the expansion of our number one adversary and there has been nothing done about the covid coverup, nor the surveillance balloon, nor the fentanyl, nor the police stations, so why are we expecting any hard hand against china now? >> no, you're absolutely right about that. it's clear that across the board biden is not serious about china. really what he wants to do is he says manage competition with china where china views us an enemy, engaging in malicious tactics and he's not defending our country with robust measures that should be put in place. there's only one candidate in
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this election who would do that and his name is not joe biden. maria: yeah. so we're all skeptical of whether or not we actually will see these tariffs materialize but we're waiting to see biden have some kind of a pushback to communist china. meanwhile, the economy there is not what it seems, china's april consumer price unindex was up three d tenths of a percent year over i don't remember, the produproducer price index falli. some suggest this represents deflationary pressure. what is your expectations for the chinese economy, the second largest they in the world? >> deflation is there. yes, there is an increase in the cpi for four straight months but the point is, because an increase in consumerism is a communist party narrative, we've got to be concerned about the reliability of the cpi numbers. and the producer price index which measures factory prices is
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now down 19 straight months. the real concern is that xi jinping doesn't believe in empowering consumers, his way to solve this chinese economic problem is to increase manufacturing. that's only going to make factory deflation worse than it is so deflation does haunt the chineses economy. maria: yes. so what does that mean for the rest of the world, gordon? are you expecting an impact to the u.s.? we're all trying to understand where the u.s. economy goes this year and whether or not it will need federal reserve cuts. >> the problem in the fundamental problem with our economic relationship with china is that biden is not trying to disen tangle us which means that when china fails it will bring down the rest of the global economy, especially the united states. president trump wanted to decouple. he was taking important steps in that regard. biden really is not. i mean, as you know, we go back
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to the tariff discussion, biden's just not serious. therefore, he really wants us to maintain those economic relations with china to rescue the chinese economy which is the last thing we should be doing, maria. maria: yeah. meanwhile, delegations from the u.s. and china will be meeting in geneva, switzerland, tomorrow. they're talking about advanced artificial intelligence for the first time, the talks expected to focus on risk and safety. should we be trusting the chinese communist party with these a.i. talks? is this an effort to show that the two sides are talking again? >> this is really a very bad idea to talk to china about a.i. the focus of the discussion will be a.i. control, nuclear weapons. it's in no one's interest to have artificial intelligence control nukes but talking to china about it is not a good idea because there's going to be a real tendency for us to make concessions to china and any
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agreement on a.i. will be unenforceable so we have an unenforceable weapons agreement with china. it's the biological weapons convention. but while china is prohibited from engineering bugs to make them weapons, china's doing that at the wuhan inches tuesday virology. virginia -- institute of virology. that was covid-19 which was an escape from a biological weapons facility so we should not be talking to china about a.i. maria: liz peek, jump in here. >> good morning, gordon. it seems to me that the entire world now is very fearful of china's huge export drive. that's the only plan china seems to have for rebooting their economy. the united states, the eu, everyone is looking at their car industry and everybody else. didn't anyone see this coming? i mean, what can be done now to preserve domestic car making in the eu but also here? this is an election ploy. didn't the biden administration understand that pushing hundreds
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of billions of dollars into renewable projects and to evs was eventually going to hand china exactly the key to the kingdom that they've been waiting for? >> well, you're exactly right about that. everyone could see this happening. everyone was warning the biden administration about it. but the president just ignored those warnings. you go back to president trump. he was talking about the unreciprocal provisions we have with cars with regard to china. his plan is certainly much better than biden's. because this was foreseeable and now biden is saying oh, you know, i'm surprised all of this has happened but yes, we've got to start cutting our relations, we need to increase those tariff as trump said to 100% or greater and that is a real plan. biden is just not serious. maria: i mean, the other thing that he's not serious about is helping the united states end these wars.
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i mean, the ccp has been undermining the u.s. by supporting russia with its war in ukraine. >> yes. and this is serious because from the very beginning, china was providing lethal assistance to russia for use in ukraine. biden was saying that was a red line. the chinese kept ignoring him. biden refused to impose costs on china and so what he has done is reinforce the idea that american warnings are hollow and that's a very bad lesson to teach the chinese. maria: great point. gordon, good to see you. we so appreciate your time. >> thanks, maria. maria: gordon chang. quick break and then anti-israel students walking out of their commencements, more details after the break. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. the kickoff to this graduation week. stay with us.
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ditching their own graduations this weekend to protest the israel hamas war. cheryl casone with details now. cheryl. >> that's right. pro pa pal palestinian studentd to walk out as jerry seinfeld gave the commencement address. watch. jerry, jerry, jerry, jerry, jerry. >> again, a lot of you are thinking i can't believe they invited this guy. too late. i say use your privilege. i grew up a jewish boy from new york. that is a privilege if you want to be a comedian. thanks. >> so he was able to give the commencement address without further interruption. seinfeld has been vocal in his support for israel. in virginia, dozens of
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graduating students walking out of virginia commonwealth ceremonies after the governor took to the stage. they want the group to divest from israeli tied investors. howard university canceling graduation mid-ceremony for different reasons. parents and loved ones of graduating nursing students pounding on doors and smashing a window after the ceremony hit capacity. those locked out of the auditorium shown on video chanting let us in, let us in. university officials canceling the event during the keynote address. well, senator robert menendez corruption trial set to get underway. jury selection starts today. charges include accusations he participated in an international bribery scheme that involved gold bars, cash, a mercedes-benz. he pled not guilty.
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his wife will stand trial separately in july. finally this. in stunning example of the dire situation in the commercial real estate market, the tallest building in fort worth, techs texasselling in foreclosure for3 thr$4.3 million. pin call bank texas the buyer in auction. a stunning fall. three years, a big change in commercial real estate. maria: and we're expecting the changes to continue, actually. thank you. mark tepper, you've been on this from day one in terms of the expectations for office space to continue to get dire. howard lutnick was on the program last year, saying he's expecting $800 billion in defaults. >> you know, it's possible. i mean, look, commercial real estate specifically office space is highly challenged right now.
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not only do we have this building in fort worth, texas but maria, i told you about the second largest building in cleveland selling for one-third of what was owed to the bank. there was a building in st. louis, i think within the last month or so, that in 2006 sold for $200 million they just sold for $3.6 million a month ago. so when you look at commercial real estate, you've really got two major challenges. number one, if you're a business that pre-pandemic needed 10,000 square feet of space, you probably need 3 to the 5,000 nowadays because of the virtual work thing. secondly, i mentioned this last week, but 43% of small businesses in april struggled to pay their rent. they could not afford to pay their full rent so you've got those two huge challenges which are weighing on the owners of these buildings. maria: that is crazy, 43% couldn't pay their rent. >> yeah. i mean, that's -- unfortunately, small businesses are not doing very well. they've got some challenges.
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people really only see what fortune 500 companies are doing. you follow the stock market. but man oh, man, small businesses, that's 45% of our economy, 45% of the private sector jobs. they mean a lot. maria: yeah. and they've got the double punch of not just the interest rate story and impact of higher rates, liz, but also the impact of higher regulation from this administration. >> yeah. all of that is really hurting small businesses and by the way, big businesses, maria. but i think what's troubling about the commercial real estate industry right now, almost every -- i think there's a trillion dollars in loans that have to be refinanced. almost none of those properties are probably worth what they were when they initially were financed. the problem is, it's very idiosyncratic. you could have one building that's worth 75% of its loan value, another maybe 20% and the problem is, for wall street, you look at this and you really don't know who is going to be impacted. i mean, some small banks,
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clearly they're going to have some problems but it's a little bit of a black cloud out there and i don't know how it's going to fall out. maria: cheryl. >> i think you're going to see more examples of the one i brought you just this morning from texas. even just several months ago we talked about two large office buildings downtown los angeles and those went into bankruptcy. i think you're going to have more of that and liz mentioned the small banks. that is where the shoes i think are still going to continue to fall unfortunately. if you lack at the earnings reports we got from the smaller firms, they say that dark cloud is still hanging over them and if interest rates in general which are still above 7% right now continue in that area and we don't see any reason why they're not going to, that further compounds the problems for these smaller banks. it's a very difficult situation. maria: all right. we're going to take a short break. when we come back ice cube is back with us this morning, the rapper and actor is here with big news from the big three, he's also discussing trump's blowout rally in new jersey over the weekend and his $10 million
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big three basketball deal. he's here with that in t 8:00 am hour. don't miss that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ i get so emotional, baby, every time i think of you. ♪ i get so emotional, baby. ♪ an ain't it shocking what love can do
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after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we're talking about cashbacking. we're talking about... we're not talking about practice? no... cashbacking. word. we're talking about cashbacking. cashbacking. cashbacking. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback?
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maria: welcome back. good monday morning everybody. thanks very much for joining us
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this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is monday, may 13, just before 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. time for the hot topic of the hour. major testimony today in former president trump's so-called hush money trial. former attorney michael cohen will be taking the stand where he will reportedly claim trump reimbursed him for the $130,000 payment to adult film actress stormy daniels. trump denied having any role in concealing the payment but cohen said he was directed to pay her. the judge told prosecutors they need to stop cohen from making be publication about the case publicly after tiktok live streams taunting trump. watch. >> there's not too many names left in the let's say the can. let's just expect that i will have a lot on my plate sometime beginning next week.
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maria: he's doing these live streams liz peek, sitting there, talking about the case. by the way, no gag order has been issued on michael cohen, all right, and he's over there doing these tiktoks. >> i mean, look, the defense has already raised a stink about this and rightly so. the gag order on donald trump is unconsable in my view and probably unconstitutional. to your point, michael cohen has been perfectly free, night after night, day after a day, to come out and say whatever he wants about donald trump and yet donald trump is not allowed to respond. it's absurd. maria: unbelievable. >> we get to the point where michael cohen actually has to prove that the payments that donald trump made to him in return for the payments to stormy daniels actually constituted election fraud. in other words, that he gave michael cohen the money with the express intent of subverting the 2020 election. this is


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