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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 13, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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everyone. we'll to "mornings with maria" national police week ptdz across the country getting some good news want to show you data here seeing for the first time since pandemic police departments uptick more people coming in police admiration nassau county patrick you haven't had issues since pandemic, deep on of playing like that what is cute. like in nassau county. >> when he ways recruited 1984, 60,000 took test last year 12,000 took test for maybe 1,000 jobs always a positive feeling in nassau county how you treat employees return you are going to get.
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>> looking at employees here the tactical team, situations with hostages active shooters when you look at training tools what message does this, people in nassau owe treated when it comes to high intensity situations. >> we have best police department in the country train with best if you defunded the person you lose is training you want a better product invest in product this is new state-of-art economy we built training village behind us, our bureau special operations all above makes it good. >> we do see that big departments nypd struggling with numbers better recruitment small, midsized why so many big city struggles summarily departments aebl to add more.
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community in biggest cities not supporting police the local, nassau county suft 100 olk we give them tools national police week that is week where they honor those that serve have given life in service being at a facility like this monthmen doing more intense training gives perspective what it moons to be a police officer in america back to you. maria: that is wonderful thank you madison, a big shout-out police to everywhere that i think god for all helping to keep us safe thank you to the police everywhere hundreds of anti-israel protesters blocking manhattan bridge saturday night completely stalling traffic all this new york mayor eric adams in italy meeting with pope francis at vatican he said he spoke with pope about global conflict, climate
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issues goes to italy meets pope he have a choose on streets of new york. liz: perhaps not very well thought-out idea, i am not sure it is a pope or mayor has much to say about climate change we've got problems we need to protect the people who are getting, battered insulted incases assaulted by palestinian now pro-hamas demonstrators eric adams needs to be tough will get primary next time around people gunning for eric adams he needs to show up to task. maria: administration gunning or him since the open border, that as well. mark: no down the, look protesters here, they need to be arrested do jail time you look at down in nashville you gotten the years if you sat in
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front of abortion clinic and prayed lopsided here, mayor adams i don't know what he is doing come on, man. you got problems here at home in new york city, you've got a background in law enforcement. like what are you doing? so you know again this is just i think eat photo opportunity that he is trying to tick advantage of i don't know what positive comes out of that. >> going on vacation. >> come on. liz: great time in rome. >> the biden administration a threatening to withhold military aid to israel as israel tried to fight back against hamas terrorists in fight of life. >> doug burgum here with thoughts on 2024 election who could be president trump's choice for running mate right after that huge rally in new jersey going to tell us about it don't miss it you are
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. maria: welcome back, israel military moving further into rafah to fight hamas terrorists president biden faces bipartisan backlash for plan to withhold weapons to israel secretary of state antony blinken giving a message about the administration's israel policy probably hashesest against israel yet. >> no matter what they do in rafah or say if they leave get out you have gaza as we believe they need to do then you are going to have a vacuum a vacuum likely filled by chaos anarchy ultimately hamas again. maria: joining me florida
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senator rick scott a member of senate homeland security armed services budget committee what is your reaction to how biden is handling this. >> i don't know how any sane person in in country could ever vote for joe biden, think about it. we have american hostages in gaza right now held by hamas israeli hostages. i met with prime netanyahu six weeks ago walked in kibbutz, i was at in 2019, 63 people murdered babies beheaded girls raped people burned alive, i talked to parents what is blinken, and biden thinking israelis told me what they have to do is destroy hamas hamas last few battalions in rafah. you know. telling civilians to get out, i mean what would you do?
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i mean they are killing your fellow citizens, blinken, biden want israel out of guardian ad litem? who is going in egypt is not going to help who is going to help? is united states going to do anything? this makes no sense exactly what i shot would happen supplemental got passed got money to goes to hamas more unvetted illegals no money for israel to help israel. >> what i said earlier a red line for voters even independents upset, that the administration, is holding back important precision weapons to israel in the middle of israel's fight for live what is this about exposing he said it was
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ironclad, does not mean holding back weapons, that must have been another campaign talking point ironclad. >> biden is after every last radical in the country there is the only way he can win look, he can be tough trump secured border trump had great economy weren't at war what is biden running on has to get every last radical antijew anti-israel pro-hamas to vote for him what he is going after to same people in this country going to vote for donald trump. >> moengs open border dozens of scanning machines scanningisms can detect fentanyl in personal borders will be at border after sitting idle for months due to lack of congressional funding, customs and border protection reports 95% fentanyl seized is
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in personal vehicles driving across the border, you have a fentanyl roundtable law enforcement experts families affected by this. what did you learn? >> well what i learn law enforcement deals with this all across the country, i mean it is open border that impacts every community so we've got 76,000 people died of fentanyl last year i talked to a lot of parents, family members are -- fentanyl law enforcement dealing across the country secure the darn border i don't get this why doesn't biden care why don't democrats care stayed number full of people dying of fentanyl every year biden and democrats don't give a damn, secure the border border patrol is working their butt off to try to do this but biden administration, they don't care. maria: maybe that is why president trump is still leading president biden in all the swing states.
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meanwhile, he is being hampered from campaigning, the former president so-called hush money trial set to resume this morning prosecution has a star witness, and prosecution is reporting it could rest its case by the end of the week, trump's ex-lawyer turned critic michael cohen taking the stand today 9:30 a.m. on payments made to stormy daniels over supposed or alleged sexual current she had with former president you sat in court with 45, last thursday how was he halgd up what did you learn sitting there in the courtroom. >> i went is my friend i have known him longer than politics this is criminal what is happening, the court systeming to after a a crime think with a biden administration is doing he sent from justice department number three person to be lead prosecutor everybody involved
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in prosecution side is a democrat, the judge's daughter a big democrat fund-raiser, lead prosecutor's wife a democrat donor everybody involved is political persecution, look. if you are in business probably happened, with clintons, hillary, this is wrong trump is tough, strong standing for all of us by the way, if we don't stop this then they can go after you, and, all of us why are should we be scared to death of our government? it is our government. but if you when you sit here people have to worry about what government is going to do to them go after them if they have wrong position or too big any of this stuff. it is wrong what is going on in this country. maria: oh, my god do you feel there has been coordination senator? because that is what john ratcliffe told me, you mentioned michael colangelo number two doj left went to
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work in manhattan da's office to be alvin bragg's prosecutor also apparently white house counsel meetings with tish james in new york, fani willis georgia, so do you believe this has been coordinated by biden's doj? have. >> absolutely. i mean look at this first off the number three person in justice department number three person goes to work at state district attorney's office just to prosecute trump, this biden, justice department look at sweetheart deal tried to get hunter biden, the guy that released trump's tax returns got a sweetheart deal the biden administration, biden gesticulate completely piloted politicized do everything to make sure donald trump cannot hamper a gag order make sure he can't campaign talk about what is going on you see in
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latin american cuban venezuela nicaragua shouldn't see in united states of america. >> john ratcliffe with me a week or so ago on this very issue watch this. >> that lawfare campaign, maria, is a most unlawful unconstitutional political persecution instance of election interference hopefully any of us will see in lifetime not one not two not three but four criminal indictments all brought by day democratic prosecutors in either blue states or blue counties, or opponents department of justice. so it is absolutely out of bounds absolutely coordinated, but also maria, also failing. >> is it failing senator do you think most people see it that way? >> absolutely, when i talk to people when i you know campaigning for election issue i go around the state, i do my
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campaign events people are furious with what is going on how they are treating trump, but here is what they see with trump, trump is tough, strong standing for all of us believes in our constitutional a patriot they know when he wins in november the country will be in better shape. >> we will he leave it there, of course, watching florida senator scott this morning big week earnings economic data april ppi tomorrow cpi wednesday with retail sales penn capital chief investment officer eric green here with expectations. you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. . ♪
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inside every splenda product is a mission. to help people live happier healthier and longer lives by making it easier to cut out sugar. from our factory to our stevia farm, splenda's team of over 2000 individuals are dedicated to helping people live their best lives. taking pride that everyday millions say “i use splenda.” and now sweeten drinks wherever you are with splenda zero-calorie liquid sweeteners. try all three. available in the baking aisle.
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now we're introducing ultimate speed for business, our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds at no additional cost. from the company with 99.9% network reliability and advanced cyber security, it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. and it's all from comcast business. . maria: welcome back. . take a look at interest rates, in 10-year treasury, as you can see, down one basis points right now level 4.48% several officials maintaining chairman jp higher for longer narrative
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ahead of xee inflation data this april ppi out tomorrow economists expect month-over-month up 3/10 of a percent up 2.2% year cpifi out thursday. >> high rents -- >> timiraos writes stalling inflation has not derailed the plan to cut rates expects a slowdown in housing to drag inflation close to 2% target joining me penn capital chief investment officer eric green how important are inflationary reports this week? >> the reports are important, of course. but not expecting any major move one way or the other, the fed is pretty much much telegraphed unless the inflation numbers -- come way higher they are on pause for awhile at least until the fall. we expect more in line, with
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what market -- should get a decent reaction from the market. >> you've got tech firms meta al by the apple issuing biggest stock buybacks dividend payouts this year "the wall street journal" warning big tech ties to china linger, so silicon valley moving to fund u.s. defense technical developments to counter beijing i spoke with motorola, greg brown last week told me his company is no longer dependent on china. >> motorola had 3 1/2 billion revenue in china, 15,000 employees. today we have visually no revenue 50 employees after infractions made decision get out of china not a productive market they don't play on even terms, the communist party leads the theft of intellectual property in patents, the market 66 billion that we procure for public
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safety nash security zeroing out china we left that market. >> eric how do you see china? >> china overall answer is it is doing better the economy likewisey for awhile seems getting better year-over-year basis but based on those comments i would think more companies are moving business away from there, still a lot of depends on china from major tech companies, nice to see motorola was able to move away not every company can move away like that. >> what are recommendation how do you you want to allocate capital this year after we've had a pretty rough second quarter stocks showing a gain for the year. >> small-cap stocks extremely attractive, you want boob in small cap cycle value, the fed, where, if there are going to not raise rates unless
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things get way out of hand inflation side any slowdown will, with opposite situation last year where doing people thought going into slowdown fed was raising it is here if we go into slowdown fed will be cutting rates very good for small caps small caps historically cheaper allergy caps value preferred cycle like energy consumer here valuations very attractive at this time. >> mark jump in. mark: i love you mentioned small caps i think we need to be paying attention to what is going on there, over the last two, two and a half years small caps underperformed large caps but over the last couple weeks you've seen small caps show signs of life begin to outperform, when you go into 2025, growth on small cap stocks expected to begin to exceed that of large cap stocks but eric, my question for you and concern i have in trying to decide whether or not to go overweight small
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caps is the larger debt issue that they have so russell 2000 has 832 billion dollars debt, 75% of that debt has to be refinanced over the course next five years, do you view that as a problem? >> well, i don't, because we actually have russell, fixed income high yield spreads as low this cycle very attractive fed raised rates, funds have come in total cost of borrowing not gone own nearly as much. on top of that the ability to bring finance in high yield market as strong as ever, companies can get he deals refinance in some cases hyperbole higher did the deal two years ago but based on valuations, liquidity small caps do not have a debt problem i think misunderstood by the market. maria: that is something we are all waiting for a bit of a broadening out good thank you,
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sir. >> thank you. >> all right. eric green joining us, president trump back to the courtroom day after a huge rally in new jersey, one possible vice president pick joins him onstage he is joining us live north dakota governor doug burgum with me next you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ ♪ ♪ . (luke) so... i hear some of you are concerned about the fact
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hi, i'm kim, and i lost 67 pounds on golo. when i go out with people, they expect me to eat like a bird. they are shocked by the amount of food i eat while losing weight. with golo, i don't need a cheat day because i get to eat the foods i like any day of the week. maria: another famous actor victim of in provoked attack
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on streets of new york. cheryl: that is right, maria. steve buscemi recovering after assault before noon wednesday publicist tolling the "new york post" he was assaulted in midtown manhattan he is okay appreciates well-wishes incredibly sad this happened to him walking the streets of new york lapd released images of suspect on the run blue t-shirt black sweat pants, buscemi known for work on fargo, of course, borrowedwalk empire. >> president biden a fund-raiser in los angeles next month former president barack obama comoerj clooney julia roberts will attend, in the text messages, ab new york
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city fund-raiser radio city raise 26 million dollars for the campaign polls show tight race some saying form president trump has advantage those are a couple headlines. maria: thank you, cheryl former president trump a massive rally in wildwood new jersey drawing crowd said to be 100,000 strong pictures, trump bringing north dakota governor doug burgum to speak, trump praised burgum and his wife. >> -- doug and kathryn just incredible couple, you won't find anybody better than this gentlemen in terms of knowledge he made money in technology, about it probably knows more about energy than anybody i know. so get ready for something, okay just get ready but doug burgum has been incredible, and country is lucky to have him. >> joining me now man himself
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north dakota governor doug burgum a former 2024 presidential candidate himself governor great to see you. thank you so much for being here this morning. >> great to be with you, maria. maria: tell us about weekend rally was it 100,000 people there? >> well absolutely, and i got to tell you the support for president trump pollster would call it pundit voter intensity through roof on motorcade for miles before getting to the venue people lining streets these were families firefighters, on top of their trucks, local law enforcement, people cheering on the motorcade coming in, inside people some waited for days to get in feels more like a rock concert than political rally, the love support for president trump is huge, one commonality across demographics there people that they love president trump but love him because he understands what they are doing through understands the economy understands, the pocketbook
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issues they are facing they know that they were better off when president trump was president than now under president biden where enthusiasm is coming from. >> governor are you talking with the president about being his partner and vice presidential ticket. >> is not at all, the focus here is on president trump winning that election, i feel blessed to be among large group of people that every day are getting up, and whether in private sector whether elected officials whether other surrogates people helping president trump as he is tied up in sham trials in new york everybody has to help get message out that he is right on the economy right on energy right on national security right on the border, joe biden is one hundred percent wrong on the issues that matter most to all these folks, that is what is showing up in the polls now with president trump getting bigger, and bigger leads. maria: look. the president also talked a bit about your strength and
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experience in the energy industry, north dakota is an energy-rich state. tell us about the capacity there, what the potential is in terms of not just economic policy but national security policy as well. >> all tied together but i think the message here is not just about energy the energy is bass of inflation americans feeling energy components in every product you buy, of course, with joe biden between his administration, the state department, the treasury department everybody who is this consumers department lifting sanctions on our dwoirs like iran, venezuela russia we allowed adversaries to sell energy including the china at a time biden administration across a dozen agencies is trying to shut down u.s. energy it is simple president trump understands we need to sell energy to friends al lives get price of energy bucknall lower inflation stop having the world buy from it
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adversaries, on top of that the biden administration is selling all this that somehow their policy is better for environment if you stop u.s. production clean shove to adversaries don't have epa you are making the global environment worse there isn't anything truthful about the energy policy a biden administration is pushing. maria: it is not a lot of time, for president trump, to make all of these arguments because he is in a courtroom all day you had a rally saturday night only gets saturdays, wednesday, to campaign. president trump so-called hush more than trial will resume back in session this morning, the prosecution star witness is michael cohen will take the stand we understand 9:30, a new ugov economist poll 90s fewer think it will end in quickest, formerly house
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speaker kevin mccarthy joined me yesterday on "sunday morning futures" with his thoughts, watch. >> because all of this is backfiring, persecution of president trump using, because of politics no one in america believes president trump would be in a trial today if he was not running for president they are coming after our democracy shows last night with crowded lawrence taylor democrats in that rowed independents, would i be very concerned if in white house today. >> governor your reaction to all of this? do you think people see it that way? and how will this affect the election? >> well, i do agree, this whole strategy of lawfare is backed by iranians backfires in a big away three of four cases fallen apart fourth one a total show trial everyone knows in other jurisdictions this wouldn't about the have been brought if star we're ins
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is a perjurer convicted of lying to congress not a case any american people see right through it can see it caution, again, back on the issues, of president trump, big leads all swing states, the americans are smart enough to understand, this is lawfare, and a political effort to try to slow down president trump when winning on issues that matter to americans economy, border national security president biden's energy policies are -- are actually providing the funding to russia and iran who are then fighting the wars against, america and our allies so he is biden has completely backwards americans see that. they see president trump is someone leading now party of the working people the party of common sense. maria: what do you think president trump's most important policy will be should he return to the white house? >> well, i think it is -- president trump is known for you know cutting the biggest
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tax cut in american history that helped energize our economy one of the best economies nation ever had when he was in office misunderstood he cut so much regulation the biden information shoving, in north dakota we're fighting over 30 different rule mandates from people trying to push ideology on american people small businesses farmers ranchers energy producers when president trump cuts that red tape one of the reasons our economy is going to take off one we have to, to be able to compete against china rest of the world we have to have strong economy president trump i understand working people understand small business a businessman understands economy joe biden i don't know every created a job that wasn't a government job in 50 nears i think fundly
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the administration doesn't understood how economy works. are you expecting to be part of trump's cabinet. >> i have no expectation i spent career in private sector so many opportunitiesing toback in private sector i will be done being governor december 15 governor of north dakota one of the greatest jobs in the world love that job still losing every day i have no expectations about that but anybody cares about xhuns future kids grand should work hard to make sure we get this country 180 from where biden is taking it get president trump back in the white house. one of the reasons cory mills is -- here is what he told me. >> it is an obvious this for that a quid pro quo, should be called "quid pro joe" he knew what the he supplemental aid
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package would include witness appropriated aide funding to move forward instead pulled wool over eyes of american people sending first shipment taken by ham utilized by their, and counter offensive withholding in exchange for political gainer in the election. the administration, is, publicly, admitting that yeah. it withhold hold back congressly approved to. >>ed we had a policy this america presidents don't negotiate with terrorists that is just regardless what party you are in, joe biden has gone so far beyond that now negotiating for the terrorists put a red line to israel saying i am going to withhold if you don't behave should be selling hamas we are going to
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withhold things for them if they adoptries the hostages he is negotiating for the wrong side literally, of course, what he is saying, doing it worried about hamas wing of the democrat party because it is election an election group for him trying to win votes he from. >> extraordinary, governor good to have you this morning come back soon >>thanks maria. >> all right. north dakota governor doug burgum this morning, we will be right back with actor, ice cube, live with me next. stay with us.
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and they're all coming?
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those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. inside every splenda product is a mission.
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to help people live happier healthier and longer lives by making it easier to cut out sugar. from our factory to our stevia farm, splenda's team of over 2000 individuals are dedicated to helping people live their best lives. taking pride that everyday millions say “i use splenda.” and now sweeten drinks wherever you are with splenda zero-calorie liquid sweeteners. try all three. available in the baking aisle. maria: i. >> i just want to say -- i grew up democrat. and i have always been democrat. until i met this man right here. i tell you. he will not have to worry about nobody in my family
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every vote for democrat again. >> that was legendary pro football hall of famer lawrence taylor endorsing president trump, fans throwing support for former president trump hoping to gain ground with black voters rapper praising trump's work snoop dogg said he has nothing but love and respect for trump rapper 50 cent suggesting trump maybe the answer after seeing, in give prepaid credit cards. >> great to see you. thank you so much for being here, i so appreciate it jeff, always a pleasure honor to see you cuba i want to kick things off with historic big three news but first what did you make of the support for trump over the weekend?
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and you do you feel a shift going on in the african american community celebrities wrapers turning attention to donald trump. >> you know i have been so unengulfed in the big three, so, just got of tour in canada i am a little out of the loop. you know people going to make a decision who they want to be president. i think a personal decision i don't know if they care if any rappers or enter detainers say anything a personal decision people know who trump is who biden is make decision no matter who gets up there, and pushes whatever agenda they are on country knows both guys very well, i think coming down to personal decision. maria: jeff any thoughts in your travels in terms of the
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community rapper community? supporting trump? >> look. i think that people have realized that either party really speaks for minorities, you know maybe to black audience comes down to who they think will really help them at any issues they care about, i think underestimated how much people care about the economy we know people care about economy, immigration but i think people think black community minority community is monolithic don't realize people have a lot of different opinions. maria: that is a great point not monolithic, obviously, but let's get to your big news historic announcement for big three selling first franchise to dcb sports ten-million-dollar deal will play los angeles area
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cube what are the plans for big three? >> this group is a great group of -- you know, different individuals coming together, and making great sports moves, making big moves, this is one of them, you know invested in a lot of different other things when it comes to sports, big three is you know, a great investment, i mean nothing out there like us. if you look on the horizon everybody talking pickleball, this, and that, at the end of the day we're the ones who are gaining the most ground. you know a great investment for them greatest investment for us we think los angeles is amazing city a great city to start off with we're talking
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to groups out of toronto out of london, dallas, a pretty exciting around the big three brand. >> congratulations on it, jeff what could you expect to sell franchises you said you expect to announce three more ownership groups us tells us what this brings big three. i think we decided that i cube and i our commissioner, and the other people in our group we wanted a tight organization so we would be able to move and groove fast make changes now seven years in a beautiful game millions of fans, and we want to let other voices in. so looking at people, who aren't looking for teams as
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toys, we want people he professional sports experience i think that gary you know, is great you know involved in a lot of different i think when people hear, before, the season starts june 150 they are going to understand the direction we're going in, people from nfl, baseball having a group of people frankly can tell cube and i, you guys are doing it wrong should you try this or try that we want more informed opinions to helpful us, we want -- we want to get it right we don't need to be -- best here wins. maria: what about gaining more players into league this going to attract more players do you think i want your take about running business as well we talk all the time about small business, and the
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regulatory backdrop how people feel about the economy. take on that, too. >> yeah, i mean you know it is -- you know, league that kind of started from scratch in 2017. we've been for eight years growing this league, you know. and it has been you know not easy we had to grow through covid survive through covid, so, you know i think a lot of black i mean not black businesses but a lot of small businesses, you know, that all need a little helping hand to get over the hump. so, you know anything that could be done on government level to help small businesses having is going to be welcomed, because small businesses are really what makes up -- american lifestyle. maria: absolutely. >> big businesses we all know
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big giant corporations, but a lot of them are global. a lot of small businesses, local, people you know trying to -- you know get a piece of the american dream so to speak, big three is a shining example of a growing league that is now starting to, you know, kind of you know show our worth, when it comes to -- when it comes to having a small business and growing into a big business. maria: it is the engine of jobs, small business itself engine of jobs across the kin for sure, cube, i want to say congratulations to you both thank you so much for being here this morning we will be watching, we will be watching, thanks so much guys we'll be right back. you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. .
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>> welcome back we are 30 minutes away for the opening bell chocolate at market the dow industrials the height of morning and the nasdaq also up 71, high of the morning as to be 500 higher than 13 did have, final thoughts. >> gamestop is up 40% because roaring kennedy is back on social media, watch out. >> liz peek. >> all eyes on the cpi that's what this week is about. >> liz peek, mark tepper thank you for being here we will see you again tomorrow. >> good morning,


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