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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 13, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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>> welcome back we are 30 minutes away for the opening bell chocolate at market the dow industrials the height of morning and the nasdaq also up 71, high of the morning as to be 500 higher than 13 did have, final thoughts. >> gamestop is up 40% because roaring kennedy is back on social media, watch out. >> liz peek. >> all eyes on the cpi that's what this week is about. >> liz peek, mark tepper thank you for being here we will see you again tomorrow. >> good morning, everyone they
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booed jerry seinfeld the answer is yes they will want to contrast trump rallies 80 - 100000 people at the jersey shore beau biden addresses superrich donors on the west coast, the media missed the historic significance of a mass rally in a blue state, trump says he's going to win new jersey which hasn't voted for republican candidate in a presidential reaction in dec decades. let's get to the markets, we are seeing a little green for st stocks, the dow up 80, the nasdaq up 64, good start to the week interest rates are holding steady, the ten year treasury yield right around 4.5%, but below that for 47 and the two
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year at 484, bitcoin 62000 is there now, 627, gold down a little, $2353 per ounce it's down $20 today. oil close to $80 but not quite there, 7885, gas, 361 is average for regular, 392 is average for diesel, politics, pull from the new york times setting the alarm bales ringing in the white house, despite biden spending millions on ads and trump leads five or six key swing states. the times has published an op-ed from the former president advisor the important and powerful mark penn, biden is doing it all wrong he thinks biden has to turn to the center and the way to the left, it's only five months to the election not much time to do that. on the show today a group called
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queers for palestine block traffic at disney world, another example of all left-wing protest jumping on the hamas bandwagon it didn't take long it didn't last long for the deals of this very quickly. michael cohen begins his testimony at the trump hush money trial we will be live at the courthouse, there's a lot of cohen won't do the prosecution much good. monday may 13, 2024, "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪. stuart: started with this graduation ceremony taking place at colleges across the country and no surprise into israel protest directed at a number of them, good morning let's talk about the graduation at duke jerry seinfeld gave the commencement speech. >> he was funny and he was a political and 30 students walked out because seinfeld is jewish and he supports israel, they missed the show.
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>> a lot of you are thinking i can't believe they invited the sky, too late. i say use your privilege, i grew up a jewish boy from new york. doctor privilege if you want to be a comedian. >> some shoddy jerry. governor glenn youngkin of virginia gave the commencement address at virginia commonwealth university many students walked out there. at uc berkeley some students chanted free palestine during the ceremony while others chanted back at them kick them out, i think the bottom line is a few weeks into this that the graduation carried on despite protesters finding many ways to express themselves. stuart: next one trump as an
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donald trump rallied a massive crowd 100,000 supporters in new jersey over the weekend, take me through it. >> wildwood new jersey is a beach town and it's close to the swing state of pennsylvania. it was a show of support for donald trump and watch some of his remarks. >> whether you're republican, conservative, independent or a registered democrat, i'm asking for your help in saving america our country is in trouble. instead of abiding tax hike all give you trump middle-class, upper-class, lower-class, business class big tech cut. the biden economic bus will quickly be replaced with a brand-new trump economic boom, although cost america millions of people and so-called blue states are joining our movement based on love, intelligence and a thing called common sense.
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>> that was my favorite part, the criminal trial in new york is keeping him local and now he's trying to flip the blue states, new york, new jersey and pennsylvania. stuart: not that i would say, look who's here will cain joins us, there was a lot of people at the rally, the media dismissing the crowds, i'm not surprised but they're missing something here. >> the fight over the size of donald trump's crowd has been an ongoing affair but they are missing there is a base that will show up no matter what state he's in red or blue no matter what state the weather is in they will show up for donald trump and i don't know if the base is growing but the size of what showed up in wildwood new jersey suggested all the efforts be a law fair or whatever else designed to fight donald trump be having a backlash of fact of
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increasing the popularity of donald trump. stuart: trump one after president biden during the rally, watch this. >> the most grossly incompetent man and government, the worst president ever of any country, the whole world is laughing at him, he is a fool, he is not a smart man he never was. in prime time he was considered stupid. talk about them differently now because the gloves are off, he is a bad guy, he is a moron and other country leaders who i know they laugh at him. stuart: that is obviously a contrast with president biden, my question does the tough talk, doesn't resonate. >> i don't know how to lowfat the independent voter, joe biden
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graduated at the bottom of his class at law school you said he graduated he is a serial plagiarist who lived a life of force company comes to politics is the most interesting man in the world used on everything there ever is to do but none of it is true and i think donald trump's description of joe biden is actually accurate i don't think he's intelligent and most world leaders are embarrassed of joe biden whether or not donald trump taken the gloves off insane in a forceful manner wins over independent and it's honestly beyond me i don't have the independent response at this point. i think the independent is ready to abandon joe biden i think that is true. i think they are ready to vote donald trump. i don't know if donald trump needs the last sales pitch, when they are probably already buyers for trump. stuart: there are some reports
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of the top advisers are pushing to change the democrat national convention to a hybrid schedule and there were the anti-israel protest could erupt at that convention, is this really because of the protest or are they looking for an excuse to hide president biden, which is it. >> there you go, 2020 was such a success of it gave them the perfect backer to keep all of joe biden's failings away from the public they can conduct the campaign from the basement they can do everything via zoom online. it is a perfect cover to once again rerun the hit and allow themselves to reasonably not put joe biden in the situation where he fumbles over the teleprompter in an acceptance speech, you know there not going to debate no matter what he tells howard stern there is no way joe biden is going to debate donald trump and this could look like 68 chicago but this is a perfect way to cover all of the other problems for your campaign.
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stuart: it's hard to keep them in the basement, thank you for joining us we will see you again real soon, good to see you. trump's new york trial back in session, day 16 michael cohen takes the stand what can we expect today. >> this is a star witness for alvin bragg and he is expected to directly tie donald trump to the alleged scheme to pay off stormy daniels the star ahead of the 2016 election, were will the jury find incredible, he openly hates trapani as a financial motive to lie and he has admitted to lying to congress before that will no doubt be the message from the defense. he is the star witness, is incredible. covering the markets but this guy likes to dove into politics a little bit only his name is david bahnsen. >> i'm not so sure i like to dove into politics i just can't help myself.
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>> your face and the start of the show is something to behold, what you make of the massive crowd in new jersey. >> donald trump does have a hard time getting a crowd and i don't think they can win new york or new jersey it would be a waste of resources when there are six states and six states total that will sway the selection arizona, nevada, wisconsin, pennsylvania, michigan in the think is a very good chance five if not six of the states he could lose four of them and lose the election they are close but i think the crowd shows those who like donald trump like him more than those who like joe biden the problem everybody only gets one vote. >> let's talk markets i love to hear your political comments, what is the direction of the market from here on out we have green this morning. >> please remember anybody who answers that question you should have on the show because they're a liar they have no idea i'm not
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even going to pretend i have an idea, markets could go up a lot, down a little or stay far from here one of the five. it doesn't help you but it helps viewers to get an honest answer from an honest person, the momentum has changed in the last two weeks that's backward looking but in april most momentum was down markets are down five or 6%, the first two weeks of may things have reversed and there's reasons for that where do they go from here could change again were in a volatile market the fed has everyone on egg shells and i think the fundamental of the market are strong but evaluations are high. >> will get more answers to questions later in the show, donald trump wasted no time at the rally going after biden on inflation, watch this. >> eggs are up 50%, gasoline up 15%, baking up 79%, not one thing cheaper not one thing not
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one item cheaper. >> not one thing that is cheaper, steve forbes is over that later in the show biden often israel intelligence on the location of hamas leadership but only if israel drops the ground offensive in rafah, does this mean we know where hamas leaders are but israel does not and we will tell them, that is next. ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills
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major concern with a full-scale invasion of rafah and there's more than a million people with nowhere to go the white house also says is yet to see a credible plan from israel protecting civilians. >> nobody has been a stronger supporter of israel then joe biden, he has set an enormous amount of capability for israel to take on hamas, secondly the president made clear he's going to continue to make sure israel has what it needs to defend itself. >> president biden has turned to withhold bombs and artillery shells from israel if the military invades rafah, the u.s. has paused shipments of bombs officials and they fear israel would drop on rafah republicans and democrats have criticized the decision and they maintained the president is bending to the extremist element in his party. >> israel has no choice but to destroy rafah and i've always
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believed biden has unfortunately part of the pro-hamas wing of his party and all they're worried about is winning a presidential election. >> the washington post there working urgently to convince israeli officials to scrap a major invasion of rafah and the insensitive intelligence to help the military pinpoint the location of hamas leaders inside the group tenant tunnels. adam smith the top democrat on the house armed services committee told "fox news sunday" that there is no evidence of such an offer, he also points out that the biden administration has been sharing intelligence with israel since the beginning of the work. >> we got that too, the washington post reports the administration is offering intelligence on hamas whereabouts if they drop the operation rafah, former pentagon official joins me now, does that mean that we americans, the cia,
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we know where the hamas leaders are but israel does not. >> i would not go that far, we probably have interesting and different bits and pieces of the picture that certainly might fit together and help the israelis track down and take out the remaining leadership of hamas in gaza. stuart: i would've thought israel has information on their own there a better situation to know what's going on. >> they certainly have the best information on the ground and they have a long history and know the individuals that they are hunting but again the united states also has exquisite capabilities and from a different angle provides another aspect to it intelligence picture that's never fully in crisp clear focus in the last detail that the u.s. might provide might be the secret ingredient to have a successful counterattack against thomas. >> anthony blakey continues to defend to withhold weapons from
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israel, watch this, roll tape. >> no one has done more to defend israel when it mattered then president biden of the united states for the first time ever participated in the active defensive president biden put together a coalition of countries that defended israel so no one has done more than joe biden. >> however, it looks to a lot of people like biden is siding with hamas and letting them win. >> the good and the batter provided a administration policy toward israel basically put american interest at risk rather than move the ball forward to a peaceful resolution is very clear if you rollback the timeline when the first news came out that the biden administration was withholding munitions to defend itself and carry on the fight against thomas it was before that they announced in a clear indication israel had violated any understanding to transfer the arms nor any violation of the law of armed conflict. it's clear this administration
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is making the decision based on domestic political calculation over november and not for the success or make an interest with israel and hamas. stuart: that's not good news. thank you for joining us we hope to see you soon. senator bernie sanders once again warned the president that the war in gaza could be biden's vietnam, what else is he saying. >> gaza is hurting biden politically, here is the press. >> what i worry about is this work in gaza is not only strongly opposed by young people but a whole lot of people of the democratic base. i'm strongly supporting the president because many domestic issues he's done an excellent job but i think there's a lot of people in the democratic base who are concerned about his support for israel in the war. >> a lot of people in the democratic base are jewish the parable he is making with
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president lbj and the way he handled vietnam he didn't seek reelection in 1968 but the u.s. doesn't have forces in israel except for the american hostages there is no american deaths here, a key difference. stuart: i think so too. david back with us this morning, do you want to talk politics, what do you make of the divide in joe biden support. >> i don't know that it's about the particular of israel policy that reflects a generational divide it so happens there seems to be a lot of young people confuse worldly on the israel hamas issue but i think biden struggles with young voters and that is a surprise for democrats and it correlates to the israel hamas issue, the real divide for biden is not a few hundred votes in michigan are palestinian extremist. if that young people don't feel enthusiastic about them, barack obama was a charismatic person and i disagree on most policies but he was a charismatic
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politician in joe biden is not giving the energy to young people. stuart: checked the features as monday morning a few minutes to go before the market opens but the premarket action suggest a lot of green, the dow is up 100 will take you to wall street for the opening bell next. ♪
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task in 70% of executives expect to use a.i. automation that ui path provides, is actually way ahead of the game and a lot of the other a.i. investing for years they have no debt and buy back $500 million of stock we have a 30-dollar price target. stuart: what exactly are they doing with a.i. that would apply to sea level executives. >> every single company uses a coating from the backend work front end systems in every can use a ua ipaq in their coding platform to build these excel sheets and pdf platforms to build excel sheets and they don't have to hire employees to generate their own pdfs and there's all different kinds of applications but every piece of the code ui path provides a tool that can make that more efficient and develop processes that takes away employees and makes business more monies.
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stuart: meta as in facebook, is a competitive and a.i. >> meta knows you better than you know yourself it's going to be a leader in the a.i. race they have been using it for many years with the content you consume on instagram and facebook, 20% of all content facebook, and instagram is a.i. driven and that numbers only going to increase every search, picture, word is a data point that goes into the database, a.i. needs to generate inputs to put outputs, the thing about meta they have a bit as loud about a.i. as the others and a lot of investors don't like the r&d aspect of meta, back in 2022 the metaphors they didn't like that and 2023 they stop the metaverse and they reinvested back to the business of advertising then they brought a.i. in the conversation two weeks ago and for some reason investors didn't like that, it's going to be a top player and a.i. if they got below $400 a
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share. >> the market is now open on this monday morning were up on the dow industrials were up 130 points, 31% in the large majority of the dow 30 stocks are in the green and there being bought, i noticed apple one point to 3% at 185, here's the s&p 500 also opening higher a quarter of 8% higher the nasdaq composite on the upside to the tune of one third of 1%, show me big tech most of them are probably higher that is true apple, microsoft, amazon on the upside, meta and alphabet both down, show me arm holdings, they're looking to develop their own a.i. chips, the key question surely when will the chips be ready, useful on the market. >> next year, the arm is in talks with taiwan semi, they design nts and would produce them, that's a relationship,
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mass production would be next fall, a little over a year from now we could get more details today, their reporting earnings and have a huge stake in arm and they might show is heather monetizing the steak. >> david bahnsen sitting next to me making a response to the arm story. >> the journal is reported that they are in talks with apollo global management to funded new chp plant and ireland and apollo would pony up $11 billion in addition to intel's 100 billion-dollar investment across for u.s. states. >> i thought that we checked unsurpassed the chips act to give the companies billions of dollars to do this in the united states. >> we did. >> will happen. >> rowdy manufacturing in arizona and ohio and they got corporate welfare to do what they were already doing in next rounder getting money from private equity, apollo is a company that we own intel we don't own independently they will do in ireland.
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>> nvidia, where are they now, the stock is at $903. >> jeffrey says they're going to 1200 hsbc 1350 jeffries calls nvidia their favorite of the a.i. plays, this is another win for nvidia, artificial intelligence, investments in the u.s. but a worldwide market and were about to tell you about the tech companies that are spreading monies overseas. >> back to the sky hide headlines, $1200. >> are we underestimating the power of artificial intelligence. >> underestimating, are we underestimating. >> is not priced in a 75 times earnings. >> i'm about to talking about cisco's going to be one of them in 1999 cisco is $85 then they made money every single year they be every expectation in
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1999 currently at $50. >> will get more on that in a moment. >> it entices nvidia. >> show me tesla what is the story, they're offering a new deal on the model one. >> that the most popular vehicle you can get .99% financing that saves buyers a hundred dollars a month and that runs through the end of may and i think the story they're trying to bring the price down to juice up demand now their incentive financing to juice up demand that is not there and i wanted to tell you the short trader danny moses thinks tesla stock is going to 170, going down to $50, 70% drop he says the core business is falling apart and elon musk is pumping the idea of the robo taxi in august i have a big event of the robo taxi but that's based off of tom and his driving technology and actively engage him in hot water, last week we did the reuters story that there could be securities or wire fraud charges for potentially misleading inve
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investors. >> any comment. >> not about the issue on that will see how it plays out but i think tesla again mostly improve company fundamentals is $320 stock it's not down to 170 because the business fell apart it's down because it was priced ridiculously high, when the popularity has to get met with reality prices come down. >> i wouldn't talk about apple and openai they reported to a partnership deal can you tell me what they would do together. >> is the a.i. iphone there are reports of the iphone 16 is announced in september will have a.i. features that integrate chat gpt from openai, can i describe that it's difficult i can tell you what wedbush says, the voice assistant would be powered by openai, she could do complex tasks in apple could separate that into a monthly subscription service, they're making money
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every month for their jan a.i. and predictive capabilities, were all going out to lunch the three of us and i decide to book it in a pick the restaurant on the street, generative a.i. does all this for me, send automatically to your phone and tells you where were sitting in the restaurant and how to get there. >> is not something i really want. >> always be careful of companies trying to solve problems is a hard time making a dinner reservation, is not hard to do, it takes two seconds. >> is annoying to contact the party. >> what's annoying is when nothing doesn't work. >> apple is known for privacy and when you talk about the generative a.i. is usually done on the cloud, apple might do it on the device which means if you trust apple with your data you could trust to even more because it's not going to the clan and stewing on the iphone 16. stuart: i would get back to the
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dividend pics, cisco you already said something about it. >> all i'm saying on cisco is a byproduct of overpricing 1999 it's not very complicated you can't overpay for stock expected could return in cisco is a great dividend grower you get three and half percent, today you're getting eight or 9% growth of dividend every year. >> capital gain possibility. >> capital gain when the dividend grocer price grows. bolus. >> is a big investment banking you noticed a lot of m&a has been down the last couple of years and interest rates high they post a lot of talent off wall street in the ready for the next m&a cycle to make a lot of money a big dividend growth, the stock up a lot and will go higher when m&a comes back. >> how much do they pay. >> 5% dividend. >> are you expected it to grow. >> it's grown every single year they have no debt and pay out
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100% free cashel in dividends. >> that does some good. >> i like i might get into that, thank you very much indeed, anti-israel group suing chicago they see the city and the democrat national committee are trying to protect biden by preventing protest at the convention in august, joe concha says this is going to be a disaster. a california agency says gas prices will rise next year by 50 cents a gallon and every year thereafter all in the name of going green, biden wants the trump tax cut to expire, he wants massive tax and spending increase, what happens if he gets it all, steve moore on where biden's economics is taking us. that is next. ♪ ♪
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stuart: we are 12 minutes in, the dow is up 80, nasdaq 14 points the left-hand side of the screen, the white house is signaling a showdown with republicans, president biden's plan to let donald trump's tax cuts expire, edward lawrence of the white house, does the administration want all of trump's tax cuts to expire. >> that the entire ball they want to let it expire and it's a messaging campaign, by the white house the argument that this is a good thing to let the tax cuts expire, it really affects the wealthy. >> achieving a fair tax system also means we can extend expiring trump tax cuts for those with incomes above $400,000 will bring back deductions and other tax breaks for the household as the president said tax cuts for the wealthy will stay expired on his watch.
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>> that's only half the story, the fact that there messaging attacks increase for all americans, the tax foundation found two kids making 85000 year would pay in additional $1700 a year in taxes of the trump tax cut expires the proposed budget assumes revenue from the increased taxes on everyone to pay for his programs it does not include on just the wealthy, on his rally on saturday former president trump says is getting keep the extension and place and he made his case and trump fashion. listen. >> will give you trump middle-class upper-class, lower-class, business class, big tech cut. we were set to do that we were all set to do it. >> the former president said he would make budget cuts, president biden wants to add a wealth tax on the wealthiest of americans to pay for the extra
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amount spending in her proposed fiscal year 2025 budget. >> stephen moore with me on this monday, what happens if we do actually get a massive tax and spending increase, what happens to the economy. >> the answer is pretty clear with larry kudlow and i and art laffer put the trump plan together back in 2017, the impact was so positive and will happen with the stock market record increases in income for the middle class of worrying stock market and the positive factors in the viewers understand and the one trump tax cut that was permitted the biden could not repeal without inactive congress was the corporate tax rate cut we lower that rate from 35% to 21% to bring capital back to the united states. one other quick point it's not
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about the repeal of the trump tax cuts look at what joe biden is staying his tax plan he wants to double the capital gains tax he wants to tax unrealized capital gains for the first time in american history he wants to raise the corporate tax rate from 21 - 28%. if you're an investor in the capital tax goes up the dividend tax rate goes up the corporate rate goes up, you know the impact that that's going to have on the stock market is going to be incredibly bearish if you tax something to get less of it. >> if you have extra taxes higher taxes and a lot of extra spending does not create inflation. >> promoted how percent and by july 2022 in 18 months.
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absolutely the massive $6 trillion spending's pre-i wouldn't worry about inflation if they take place but i worry about stagflation the stock market that would crater in economy that wouldn't grow, that's what we saw in the 1970s and as i said to my column this is jimmy carter redux elixir jimmy carter did hebrew in the stock market and the economy that's how we got ronald reagan maybe this is how we will get donald trump back. >> i have a quick question the average price for a gallon of regular and california is 528 and california environmental regulator says gas prices will rise by 50 cents a gallon next year end every year thereafter, very high price to pay for going green. >> last week i was in san francisco and when i looked out my window i saw gas station, you know what the price was on that
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fixed dollars and 19 cents a gallon, california traditionally pays a dollar to a dollar 50 more for gasoline and you said earlier you were spot on correct the reason california pay so much for gasoline, actually california has a lot of energy because they have the green energy rules that arisen the price, what i'm here to tell you if biden gets reelected, what he wants to do is make the california rules apply to all states so you're looking at 6-dollar-gallon gasoline nationally if biden wins, you heard it first on the varney show. >> stephen moore, thank you very much indeed, could we really see seven, 6-dollar gasoline. >> it's very possible you will need more geopolitical instability and national movement against production and the high taxes and regulation california that could create 7-dollar gasoline in california.
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>> if it spreads elsewhere you get five and a half. >> a lot of states are never ever going to go near what california has done it's almost a dollar for gasoline and just taxes in california about 80 cents. >> if it goes to 4450 nationwide that the political problem for the president, thank you. how many people still feel or say they feel the pain of inflation. >> according to the financial times, 80% eight intensity inflation is a problem in their hurts them that is astonishing there overwhelmingly pinched by inflation and here's the rug they blame biden fort, that overshadows any progress on the economy or the job market high prices how high are they we find out the latest consumer price index on wednesday. stuart: coming up an op-ed in the new york times from posterior to presidential advisor mark penn says biden is doing all wrong when they
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publish a headline you know the democrats are in trouble that is my take the top of the hour several small police department seen an increase in recruitment for the first time since the pandemic the department and big cities still have a shortfall what is the problem there, madison alworth reports right after this. ♪ spring into savings this moving season with pods. save up to 25% now on moving and storage... and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves.
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your police department that is going to perform a tactical exercise congress to ask for the big cities are struggling with recruitment and retention versus nassau county, there's going to be lobbying, why is that the case. >> trouble because elected officials don't support the men and women of law enforcement, here in nassau county residents love the cops they back the blue and support the minimum and of law enforcement and we as public officials do as well, were not seeing what your seat around the rest of the country. >> something we talked about your not far from new york city and you're having officers that observed two or three years, over and start again and training from ground zero, why make the choice. >> police officers from new york city are leaving the department after three or four years in the giving of their seniority and their starting all over again in their academy because they know this is a job where it's very
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professional in our police officers are highly compensated, they have good benefits and more importantly we as elected officials in the community and the residents in nassau county back to bloom we support a minimum it in law enforcement. >> is incredible to see the training it's incredible to see why someone wants to do it, back again to the news, across the nation we are seeing ranks increase for the first time since the pandemic, we saw a lot of defend the police, what is changed actually. >> when you see the lawlessness in some of the urban areas where the large police department located the community and elected officials are starting to realize that defunded the police and not backing our men and women of law enforcement is creating more criminality in their community there beginning to wise up and realize. >> thank you so much will leave you with that as they repelled down the building for national police week, it's really incredible to see them in ac action. >> i want to thank david bahnsen
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for joining us for the hour, we will see you soon and look what we have still ahead. kt mcfarland, joe concha, guy benson and the 10:00 o'clock hour of "varney & company" ♪ ♪ (ella) fashion moves fast. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (jen) that's enterprise intelligence. (vo) it's your vision, it's your verizon.
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