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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 13, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪ ♪ >> this is one of our favorite songs to start monday morning. i feel good. cloudy new york city. good morning, everyone, it is 10:00 o'clock eastern let's get to the money on the monday morning here's what's happening the first day of the week the dow was up 100, nasdaq of 26, green left-hand side of the screen ten year treasury around four and half% level we have 447 at this point, the price of oil backing a little bit away from $80 a barrel but not much, 79.21, bitcoin not that much action, 62700 per coin that's the market on a monday. new jersey is a deep blue state, trust me on the side live there, it's run by democrats top to bottom so it was surprising to see donald trump attack a massive crowd 80 - 100000 people flocked in wildwood saturday.
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that is on the jersey shore, next to the key state of pennsylvania. the media does not want to know about the biggest political rally in new jersey in decades, they were looking for any and all negatives. trump insults prosecutors at jersey shore valley filled with jobs, that is the washington post, the new york times insist trump likened migrants to hannibal lector. i watched abc news and the massive rally got a few seconds of coverage that's it. more from the washington post trump says were good when the state of new jersey, that is not something the post would relish. in top races republicans tried to stay quiet on the 2020 claims. no mention of biden's totally false claim that he inherited a 9% inflation rate, not a word on that. the jersey rally had to be ignored and denigrated because it demonstrates enthusiastic support for trump.
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also demonstrated the sharp contrast between the biden campaign while trump was packing them in at the jersey shore, biden was packing the money from rich donors in san francisco. trump with the people, biden with the elites. >> sunday after the beach party biden was held up in his beach house in delaware. he does get back to the white house until this afternoon, trump will be in court in new york this morning. voters are aware of the contrasting they are responding. the latest new york times poll shows trump leads biden 506 swing states arizona, georgia, michigan, nevada and pennsylvania, no wonder the media is worried. the second hour of "varney" just getting started. ♪ steve forbes with me this monday morning. do you think trump will win and
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deeply states like new jersey or new york, what kind of a question is that. >> the fact that you're asking the question or you need to know about the biden campaign. new jersey could flip, south jersey is going very, very red which is good news for pennsylvania but also shows biden has no theme trump has pro-growth themes and people want the economy to move forward and biden has demonstrated he has no way to do it. all he can say is trump bad, me good. stuart: a trump victory in new jersey and/or new york state is that a remote possibility? >> new york tough because new york city is still blue even though long island trended the right way in upstate new york is reddish but it would be close but it would be tough and there can have to spend resources in new jersey and new york is very, very good sign.
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>> biden would have to put money in states that he knows will win but he has to account for the aggressive action. >> 1980 and 1988 new york went republican new jersey went republican especially in, it can happen. >> especially if you get a landslide. stuart: we may be dinosaurs but were not neanderthals. trump won after biden for skyrocketing prices under his watch, watch this. >> the price of hotdogs up 22%, chicken at 32%, hamburgers 37%, that's why had the hot dog at one of the least. soda up 15%, gasoline up 15%, bacon up 79%, that's why i don't
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have bacon anymore it is so expensive. not one thing cheaper not one thing anywhere not one item that is cheaper. >> interesting question can biden escape the blame for inflation. >> absolutely not and despite the rosy rhetoric you look at used car prices there is a shortage prices are going up and the cost of financing are going up in the cpi and other indexes don't measure the cost of paying for mortgages, don't measure the cost of interest on the car loans or credit cards, you put those in the real rate of inflation is twice of what it is today and the hype was not 9% and larry summers democrat secretary of treasury under bill clinton was 18% when you include interest, people have to include the interest even if washington pretend city don't. steve forbes on a monday morning, thank you very much. outgoing west virginia senator joe manchin is weighing in on a biden versus trump matchup, what
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did you say. >> trump can win and fetterman said that to, the reason is hard-working americans are sick of the government handouts. >> to believe that president trump can win again? >> i most certainly do, working people all pragmatic hard-working people don't want to government jumping on your back telling you what to do in making a harder they believe in freedom and democracy and all of that and giving a helping hand but they believe you ought to get off your butt and do something sometimes. >> the work ethic, the cost of the 10 million migrants coming under the biden administration to the united states. although that feels at the expense of the responsible hard-working americans. stuart: there going for trump. check the markets, 36 minutes into the session the dow was up 100 nasdaq of 34, jeff sica with me, the cpi comes out this week very important to look at
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inflation. >> is an important book because this is the report that investors are going to focus on to determine whether were going to get interest-rate cuts this year. what i'm focused on, let's face of the consumer has been beaten, bruised and annihilated with disinflation and what i'm expecting there's not going to be much of a lot of in this number, i think if you look at 40% of the cpi is sheltered cost, that is rent. they have not come down to the extent that they need to to keep people from going to the credit cards in using their credit cards to borrow necessities. >> were not could get much improvement in the inflation rate in the near-term, what is it. >> closer to 4%. i don't think we will get much relief at all and i think the only relief we are going to see if the job market, the labor market continues to crack then
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we will get some relief. that points to stagflation which is a terrible place to be. stuart: i read your stuff you say never in the history of this country have americans been in poor financial condition even at a time like the great depression in the 2008 recession, now is worse than those two events. >> it is, i wasn't around for the great depression but one thing that we have now, we have an environment that people are so highly leveraged there was a statistic on credit cards that the average person is $6500 in credit card debt today. your 75% of the population living paycheck to paycheck. the damage has been done and consumers have been resiliently keep buying what they need but the resilience is going to wear out because a lot of consumers
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rocky wanted the 14th round ways getting pummeled that's how consumers feel. >> i want you to hear what trump said about his rally during the new jersey valley. >> job numbers are fake, totally fake, their fixed numbers, rig numbers into the elections in the economy. by the way the one thing that is doing well as the stock market. do you know why it's doing well, i'm leaving and every single poll and people think were going to win. >> trump is leaving because of the market. >> i think the market being up i do agree with that i thought it was a funny clip but i agree with the fact that because trump is winning in the polls the markets are doing better so if i look at what biden is proposing in the capital gains tax.
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if he gets elected and able to push that through it completely this incentivizes investors who aren't going to want to take the risks to get a $3000 write-off if they lose and pay up to 60% if they win i would say he's right in saying that, there's the another factor i there is a chasm between economy and the stock market and i do believe trump will be able to lessen the gap between the two. >> you live in new jersey, said why, do you think trump can win the presidential election in the state of new jersey. >> i was so inspired by what i saw in wildwood and i think new jersey people in new jersey have on average 35% more debt than people nationwide.
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we've been annihilated in new jersey the fact that we stayed in the state despite, i think if trump were waiting new jersey i. >> jeff sica on a monday morning. lauren i want you to tell me gamestop, they have resumed trading after a halt earlier today. >> is that 90%. >> before today this name was up 60%, this month just in may, two weeks in this is so silly but there's an account on x called roaring kennedy a used to tweak three years ago sparked the 2021 boom in the mean stocks took a hiatus of three year pause and tweeted again. stuart: just tweeted again. >> 13 hours ago. >> that's why gamestop is up 70%? >> i think it's back, jeff
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thinks this could be a sign that the market. >> were ready is trading, this is a clear sign of a market top and people should take this with a grain of salt posting these obscure things you need red flags all over the place. >> amc surging another popular mean stocks back in the day to. >> let's have a quick word on google down on the openai announcement and they are expected to unveil a new product eventually they will have a search engine. >> the stock daily double in value on friday and doubled on
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friday of 20% on monday. >> that's novavax, thank you, coming up dozens of democrats are urging jake sullivan to hold a classic briefing they say they're deeply concerned about biden's decision to hold aid to israel the greatest hour of need grady trimble has that story, donald trump went after biden, they said they would even never a war in gaza if he were in the white house, kt mcfarland response to that next trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders. and with guided learning paths stacked with content curated to fit your unique goals, you can spend less time searching
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stuart: more than two dozen democrats are urging jake sullivan to hold a classified briefing they want to know why the administration decided to undermine israel withholding date, grady trimble joins us in new york, how is the right has responding. >> so for the white house is standing by its decision to pause the bomb shipments to israel. it is reportedly offering intelligence if the country agrees to scale back its operations in rafah according to a report in the washington post democratic lawmakers reaction to president biden's decision to withhold the aid is highlighted the split within the party, 26 democrat she mentioned to the letter, they wanted classified briefing from the white house and they say this, with democracy under assault in the world we cannot undermine our ally israel especially in the greatest hour of need. america's commitment must always be ironclad using president biden's own words the other more progressive lawmakers are praising president biden's
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decision as he tries to appease the pro-israel and pro-palestinian members of his party. >> the president is clearly right, what i worry about is this war in gaza right now is not only strongly opposed by young people but a whole lot of people in the democratic base. >> gop lawmakers are united in their rebuke of the biden administration decision. >> thomas, the last few battalions are down in rafah, they're telling the civilians to get out, what would you do, the killing your fellow citizens in anthony blinken in biden want israel to get out of gaza. >> republicans on the house oversight also want a briefing from the white house security council as well as documents related to the decision to withhold military aid into legal justification for the decision.
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stuart: good to see you in new york. trump also went after biden for withholding weapons from israel, watch this. >> cricket joe's action is one of the worst betrayals of an american ally in the history of our country. i support israel's right to win the war on terror. i don't know if that's good or bad politically, i don't care you have to do it's right it was a terrible attack october 7 was a terrible attack. >> is probably bad politically but i don't care you have to do the right thing. there would've been no war in gaza with me in the white house. there were not even invented chance. >> no war in white house if i would've been in the white house. kt mcfarland joins us now, could trump have prevented the war in gaza in your opinion? >> 100%, let's unpack this how
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has hezbollah, hamas and the houthis they have a lot of weapons in price, how is iran have the money to do this, because of joe biden energy policy. joe biden stop having the sanctions on iran and had energy prices and oil prices go sky high, probably to the tune of $100 billion that is the money in the windfall iran has used to fight these wars to the proxies. >> is a relationship with israel broken? >> i think it is woken now but can be repaired quickly if there is a different president. >> nursing were not going to give you weapons to defend yourself previous doctors threatening the security of the american weapons addresses country and can't manufacture by itself.
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without american weapons israel cannot fight on, they said they will fight on it along but they need american weapons to do it. he's allowing hamas to win the war. if israel does not finish the job happens to hamas they regroup and they rebuild, go back into gaza and completely openly they said they wanted another attack like october 7 they can't wait to do as long as they can regroup and rebuild. >> is the survival of the state of israel. stuart: i can't imagine what's going to happen with them fighting dies down whatever point that is people are going to say the israelis broke gaza so you can pay to fix it. american weapons broke gaza so you can fix gaza. i see demands for money coming all over that we pay enters raley's pay, am i right? >> here's the problem there's a going into gaza but is not going directly to the palestinian
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people and all the aid that is ever gone in to gaza he is at a building schoolyard, they built tunnels with cement, were rebuilding and if you could rebuild without hamas in the middle of that you are taking is cut in deciding who gets what then you might be able to have a functioning stay, when israel lasted 2005 it was an economy that worked now it's economy that doesn't work because hamas takes it all for themselves. >> taken for joining us we also appreciated. >> everyday people want when it comes to the were in israel, what is he saying. >> people want cease-fire and he offered the scathing rebuke of israel, senator sanders is jewish, this is coming from a jewish senator. >> every republican as i
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understand it wants to give future amount of money to israel committee republicans want israel to go into rafah despite the incredible humanitarian destruction of the little because p give the american people want immediate cease-fire, they want massive humanitarian aid. the people of our country do not want to be complicit in the starvation of hundreds of thousands of children. we are increasingly isolated in terms of our support for israel who is becoming a pariah nation. >> cindy mccain said that some of the aid that they sent and was taken by hamas. hamas is the problem, the senator is against war u.s. aid to israel in the situation has been way too dire for the palestinian people and they are against katrina and into the
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ductal. the eurovision. >> and israeli competitor came in fifth place overall and she had to travel the security team in the arena of the competition and she was slighted by her fellow contestants, she was a lightning rod. in the end she earned the sympathy holding the israeli flag, she earned the sympathy of the world she scored an impressive 323-point she got the top vote from 14 different countries, number one in 14 different countries, five overall. >> more for israel now would've been my opinion in the biden team pushing to change the national convention to a hybrid schedule and anti-israel protest could disrupt the convention,
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joe concha would think it would be another disaster. he is on the show. right now michael cohen testified in the criminal trial but even cnn says the case is politically motivated, roll tape. >> i doubt the new york indictment whose name is not donald trump. we have the latest on cohen's testimony, that is next. ♪
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♪ looking good, guys!
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thanks! vacations are better with the credit gods are on your side. i'm coming up! rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. earn points for travel with credit one bank, and live large. >> one hour into the trading session not much price movement, mostly in the green the dow is up 70, nasdaq and 42 points, look at the movers i want to start with walgreens up 7%. >> contacting buyers to make a bid for the drugstore foods in the uk. because of that walgreens is being pushed up on the speculation. >> it was growing up in england we don't call them pharmacy we call them chemist boots with the big one about out. >> i always wondered why it was called boots. >> i don't know for sure, let's look at uber they are in court the massachusetts attorney general is alleging uber and
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lift misclassified the drivers as independent contractors rather than employees not save the money because employees get benefits like overtime and sick leave and independent contractors do not, lift is down three quarters of 1% but were is down 3%. stuart: iona thin sliver. >> united airlines is upgrading not only united by delta in america, look at the games for united hsbc says by it, they think they when the post-pandemic travel competition because of comfort and customer satisfaction. stuart: i flew united and arrived at the airport half hour early in the rain how about t that. stuart: always a first flight out never checked bags always take a direct flight. >> even if you go to australia never check a bag. happening now michael cohen testifying trump's new york criminal trial, eric shawn is
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there, what we heard so far. >> is started with the people michael cohen on the stand in a day in which we expect fireworks in face-to-face he is testifying in court when describing his life in describing how we got involved with the former president that was hired as a lawyer after he was able to fight in the co-op building that they own and eastbound as fantastic on top of the world working for the trump organization and he did whatever former president trump wanted. at one point he was asked by the prosecutor did you ever lie on behalf of him, he said yes and he said the term calling effexor and he said it was fair, this morning when he left from his apartment building he refused to
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say anything to reporters saving it for the stand is expected to tell the jury that he brought with the president of office back in 2017 and it was at the meeting that cohen is expected to testify the trump agreed to reimburse him for pain stormy daniels and they call those legal expenses, also this morning the judge rejected the prosecution request to enter into evidence in the trump organization to alan weissberg's separation agreement and a thousand dollars in payments if he does not cooperate with authorities and it does not testify for now he is in jail after committing perjury in the last case, the question is will this truly believe cohen he has served prison time for tax evasion, bank fraud and he has lied under oath in this morning like every day the former president arrived we can't talk
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because of the gag order but he let loose of last time about cohen during his stay case, take a listen. >> you said trump did nothing wrong and he did not ask him to do anything having to do with the valuations and he was caught lying like nobody's ever lied it was better than a mason moment. >> prosecution right now getting into the national enquirer, deals with the sort of thing but we don't expect this to really heat up until this a chance for trump's lawyers to challenge everything that michael cohen says on the stand. stuart: then he should get hot at that point, thank you very much indeed, joe concha with me this monday morning michael cohen is bad for the prosecution good for the defense? >> michael cohen is dangerous for any prosecution because credibility is anything what comes to the star witness and he
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is a serial perjurer that is not me saying that that's according to a federal judge who accused him of being there and rightly so he went to prison for is a convicted felon it is been on tiktok for the past several weeks winning t-shirts of star witness in a superman logo this is a clown and talking about on tiktok always fantasizing about jailing donald trump while asking people to buy the cheesy merchandise there's nothing credible or likable about this guy he's as truthful as george santos and michael avenatti combine in different rest on michael company when it tells you there is no there there to this point almost every saint in sober legal analyst no crime is been defined or explain the only suspense will this jury and a deeply city vote to convict trump regardless of personal animus for the man but one would think there are reasonably people on this jury and the
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results in a hung jury and maybe we get back to having an election that comes after the issues and the candidates themselves because that's what people want to be talking about. >> i'm sure you saw this, people showed up in droves for trump's campaign rally in wildwood new jersey in the weekend, he thinks he can win the state of new jersey in november, watch this. >> as you can see today we are expanding the electoral map because we are going to officially play in the state of new jersey and we're going to win and the state of new jersey and it could be all of them this guy is so damn bad it could be all of them, he is so bad i think we will win them all, all across america millions of people in blue states are joining our movement based on love, intelligence and a thing called common sense. >> he knows how to work the
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crowd but in your opinion you live in new jersey, can trump win a deep blue state like new jersey? >> i was there i'm writing a book on the 2024 campaign and is very rare that we get a trump rally that comes to new jersey i wanted to see what this was all about and the crowd was overwhelming. to answer your question i find new jersey interesting. the governor's race one by the democratic and cabinet phil murphy with no backing from the rnc and jack ciattarelli that was by three points in the state may be blue but joe biden listen to these numbers this is the monmouth poll he's underwater by ten points in new jersey, when you ask independence about joe biden's disapproval goes up to 66%, two thirds can donald trump who have the biggest rally in new jersey in wildwood that you're seeing on your screen kennedy flipped the state given a poorly biden is perceived
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that's a big maybe at this point, i would usually say no but republicans don't win. right now joe biden is not popular in new jersey at all and donald trump showed over the weekend he's quite popular among republicans. >> 's advisers are worried about the anti-israel protest popping up at the democrat convention in chicago. the administration wants to avoid the bad stuff, the fallout and make the convention hybrid and partly online, use of the convention is going to be a disaster, can biden avoid that? >> i'm not alone in the disaster analysis, can joe biden avoid his own convention, that would look quite weak and be a reflection on what is not only going on in chicago which is my favorite city but in major cities across the country run by democrats like san francisco and atlanta in new york and chicago and we speak to democrats and were already in a panic over what's going to be chaos, we've seen on american campuses and is
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good to be 1968 democrats held the convention in chicago and the violence and anarchy on american tv screens that sealed hilbert humphreys doom and richard nixon one that by a comfortable margin because people yearn for law and order and then they yearn for law and order now not just in cities but on our campuses and most importantly as the u.s. southern border and by substantial margin donald trump is a candidate who can achieve that while biden's record is what it is and there's no running from that. stuart: joe concha thank you for joining us. the new york times editorial board just published an op-ed slamming college leadership for the anti-semitism on campus, tell me more. >> the calling the anti-israel protest a crisis and they're blaming the university leadership directly here's part of the op-ed student code of conduct another guidelines are meant to relieve some of the
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tension between free speech and academic freedom, rules matter only when guardrails are consistently upheld its and that enforcement of the leadership of too many universities has fallen short. >> into the loudest voices that were protesting students into the gei policies that they nurtured. for years how many stories have we done that the conservative is speaking on a campus but they were protesting against that person so the free-speech was denied in the students who didn't want the person speaking one so they tried to do it ag again. >> thank you very much indeed here's what still ahead the united auto workers union hoping to continue the momentum has set its sights on the south 6000 autoworkers in alabama will decide whether or not to unionize this week, jeff flock has a report. ♪
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>> a mercedes-benz will vote whether or not to unionize, jeff flock joins me what's the uaw saying about this book. >> they say is very big and speaking of big that plant is big down there the suvs behind me at the dealership there all made in alabama in the uaw is on a roll in chattanooga tennessee, the vw plant where they make the atlas suv, last month a huge victory the first time ever a foreign automaker in the south has been unionized and it wasn't even close take a look at the
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numbers 4300 workers 73% voted union and sean trained the president of the uaw says he's not stopping there or in alabama he has 13 companies in his sites, foreign automakers in u.s. automakers, nissan he wants to unionize them in the south, some people have said want to shut the factory down if he goes union, look at what they make in alabama a huge plant in the invested millions they make the gls and gld suv big seller the eq was in suvs and huge sellers not likely to shut a plant down. it's not easy in the south, obviously not tremendously friendly to unions as we look at the percentage of union membership in the south but the uaw is making a very well-thought-out slick campaign
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>> i a better job security. >> and voting yes because we deserve better and working conditions. >> sometime to work in the yard. >> is time for everybody to take charge of their own lives. >> roll tide roll union i know you're behind them. >> i'm no further, but that was a fine report will see you later, research on records leave a simple oral rents may be key to detecting stomach cancer early on, doctor siegel has a story after this. ♪
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i became determined to find an alternative to surgery. if you, like millions of others, are affected by skin cancer... it's important to know that surgery isn't the only option. there's another choice. gentlecure. it sounded like everything i had been looking for. gentlecure uses low energy x-rays to kill skin cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to stuart: new research out of veracruz university claims we may be able to detect cancer with squish and spit oral test,
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doctor siegel with me this only detects stomach cancer. >> this is stomach cancer which is about 27000 new cases a year, the problem by the time we know that you have it because the symptoms could be reflux and what we mix up with other things is pretty far advanced and half the cases that's true with a lot of g.i. cancers and was excited about the record study they found 13 groups of bacteria that they think are related to stomach cancer even before you have it. in other words in the future and the help of artificial intelligence if we see that you have the bacteria we might do a quick and skippy and we would know who to do it on earlier earlier screening is the future, this is only a 98 patients, we have to do it and more patients but i like this research, here's what i need the viewer to know bad bacteria coexist with
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pre-and early cancers, that's what you have to no the microbiome changes when you're on your road to cancer. >> all she'll remember that. >> the patient who received the first ever pig kidney transplant has died two months after the surgery, what happened doctor. >> according to mass general hospital it wasn't related to rejection of the pig kidney he was in his 60s in a diabetes and high blood pressure in the head of dialysis at nyu is always reminding me that people usually die with kidney disease from heart problems, heart pumps to a kidney that could be yet i don't know for sure, i want to tell you one exciting thing we did the next pig kidney transplant in the head of surgery doctor montgomery he was in a neurologist also gave
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assigthymus, what did it do fore pig and because of less likely to reject the new organ by giving this is what it plays in the body and made the immune system more aware of the pig kidney so we didn't reject it or hopefully will not reject it. again i'm not saying it was rejected on mass general, they say no but we make more advances at mass general and nyu as well. >> a few years we may have some normalcy coming to the idea of transplants of organs from pigs to humans in the years to come much more normal you think. >> i absolutely do here's why this is crucial there's 100,000 people waiting for organs on the transplant list, the vast majority are waiting for kidneys, we need this badly. stuart: it's going to work in the future if not now. >> absolutely. >> we will see you again real soon, still ahead california
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congressman darrell issa on democrats rushing to biden's defense over the handling of israel, arizona mark lamb on panama's incoming president vowing to shut down the dairying gap is been used by 500,000 migrants just the sheer and guy benson on doug burgum joining trump the new jersey valley, what are the chances he picks him as his vp. the 11:00 o'clock hour is next. ♪
10:57 am
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11:00 am
>> size that showed up in wildwood, new jersey, be it law fare or whatever else designed to fight donald trump might be having a backlash effect. those that do like donald trump like him more than those that like joe biden. >> it's clear this administration is making these decisions based on domestic political calculations ove


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