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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 13, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> size that showed up in wildwood, new jersey, be it law fare or whatever else designed to fight donald trump might be having a backlash effect. those that do like donald trump like him more than those that like joe biden. >> it's clear this administration is making these decisions based on domestic political calculations over november and not due to the
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success or american interest with israel and hamas. >> this is jimmy carter relapse. this is exactly what jimmy carter did. he ruined the stock market and the economy. that's how we got ronald reagan. maybe this is how we get donald trump back. >> trump is having pro growth themes and people want him back and biden demonstrated he has no way to do it. all he can say is trump bad, me good. stuart: oh, i ain't as good as i once was. did the producers elect that one for me? oh, it's about biden. i thought it was about me. let's get on with it. 11:00 eastern time. monday, may 13th. on the markets, the rally is a very modest rally. it's holding and dow up 43 and nasdaq up 43 and s&p up 2 points. not that much movement and we
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have green. big tech, it's a mixed picture this morning. we have one winner, that's apple moving up to 186 but microsoft, amazon, who else we got? alphabet and meta are down. 10-year treasury and important indicator, 4.47%. now this, alarm bells are ringing in the white house and editorial from new york times says biden is doing it all wrong. wait a minute, wait a minute. that title has been changed to the simple math that could swing the election to bind. gee, i wonder why they change so much. anyway, the column appears on the day the times releases its new poll showing trump leads biden in five of six key swing states. what has biden done wrong? well, penn said he shifted to the left and shifted on israel and has a massive $7 trillion
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budget complete with tax hikes and he's failed to connect on inflation, immigration, and energy. penn concludes, and i'm quoting "if he wants to serve another four years, he has to stop being dragged to the left and chart a course to the center". hard to see how that's possible with only five months to the election. not much time to retreat from his tax and spend proposals. how does he suddenly connect on issues like inflation and energy when he's incapable of playing to the crowd or even answering questions. the latest times poll shows biden is indeed getting a lot wrong and they're not buying the campaign. in arizona, trump leads by seven points. in georgia, by ten. in michigan by seven and in nevada by 12 and pennsylvania by 3. only in wisconsin does the president have a very narrow two point lead. the new york times is the bible of democrats when they publish obstructing cerumen ed saying the president is doing it all wrong and their poll shows the
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president losing key states, you know the democrats are in trouble. however, if five months is too short a time to change course, the only thing left s is to change course with the candidate. if democrats want to win cpi they do, replacing biden at convention seems to be the best solution. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: guy benson with me to morning. all right, am i late it's state of america late to turn things around and connect with voter s? >> we keep saying there's plenty of time to go and weeks pass and months pass and getting closer and closer to the election and the democrats are stuck in the nem ma staring at numbers with the new york times out this morning and miserable start for the week for democrats and
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wonder, okay, is this not salvageable. if so, what do we do? because if we try to throw this guy overboard at the convention, he doesn't want to go anywhere. he's stubborn, he's the president, he has won a bunch of primaries and that would be extremely ugly and chaotic, and i talked to democrats all the time, including like insiders in dc who will privately quietly say he might not be our best shot going into the election and then ask for the alternative of who? all bets are off and all hell breaks loose and there's no good answer on this question and inertia going on this path and traying things turn around for joe biden. we'll see if it does and new numbers not great for them. stuart: very true. former presidential candidate doug burgum joined donald trump at the new jersey rally. watch this. >> you won't find anybody better than this gentleman in terms
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of -- he made money in technology but knows more about energy than anything i know. get ready but doug burgum has been incredible and the country is lucky to have him. stuart: get ready for something says donald trump. what are the chances trump picks burgum as vice president? >> i think they're known zero and they're the names for a couple of candidates on the ticket and seeing how they'll play and trump cares a lot about rallies and that rally in new mexico was massive and rally sizes don't matter that much who comes to votes. there's still something to be said about enthusiasm to see tens of thousands of people at jersey shore over the weekend was really something. trump values how someone plays in front of the crowd. that's one of the metrics that trump always thinks about and considers and doesn't want to be overshadowed, which is impossible to do these days and wants someone the crowds like
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and respond to and they go into the computer and algorithm into the brain who he'll pick and my guess is keeping all on the toes and guessing and high and rampant into july. stuart: we know the job, vice president job not going to nicky haley and trump writing that haley is not under consideration for the vice president slot but i wish her well. look at this from wall street journal, nikki haley huddling with donors and won't endorse donald trump yet. should she wait before crossing off the vice president list. >> i'm not surprised he did in in response to axios story that she was in the mix and wanted to shoot that down. he has to win nikki haley voters
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and they're not necessary nikki haley loyalists to her specifically. some are. but it's depending on what state you're looking at, maybe one fifth of republican voters say they're not comfortable for trump and they're voting for her out of protests and even though she's been out of the race for better part of two months and those people will be special to a trump victory coalition. the polls look good and talking about for the new york tim timed all the media attention are getting while defending themselves against what dozens of criminal charges and that's good news for him and people turning out and nick jim jordan haley voters are high propensity voters that trump needs to win whether by appealing to them through her directly or someone making them feel or a sweet of
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policies making them feel comfortable pulling that lever they were uncomfortable to do in the primary season. >> she could do a deal. the secretary of state in the next administration. stuart: thanks, guy benson. see you soon. back to the markets, please. it's kind of a green left on the screen and dow up 17 among 41. >> bull market may not be over. that's the operative word. there's a fed that's basically taking rates off the table and rate hikes off the table. the labor market is cooling. there's on the maritime and we
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can see markets grind higher and not necessarily the growth oriented names. you want to not go away and cyclical and value and boring. we used to get very enthusiastic and 10 or 20% gains and profits going up as well. don't see that in industrial stocks and that's why they're boring. and staying higher for longer and went with what worked and predictable earnings growth and that's what you got from growth. they like industrialed and all the sudden they're the sexy places to invest and utilities are up 19% off the lows. stuart: still a bull market. may still be a bull market and
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maybe we should do buying. jason katz, thank you indeed, sir, have a great weekend -- no, week. lauren looking at >> lauren: rate of 0.99% and they can drive volume and need sales. stuart: nvidia. lauren: they're flakes ---toddee flakes ---todded and were sharply higher and price targets at 1350 and information killed the rally and the or buy fewer nvidia chips. stuart: that killed the rally. stone dead. a square space. lauren: they build websites and deal to go private and private equity film. stuart: artificial intelligence faced extreme scrutiny and new wave of lobbyists descended on
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the nation's capitol and how they're trying to influence public policy. new opportunistic ed warning republicans that the green agenda, rfk jr.'s would be worse. we'll dig into that. some democrats are pushing back on climbs that president biden isn't supporting israel and that claim is simply re-deck louis and darryl issa take it is on. nice next. tamra, izzy, and emma... they respond to emails with phone calls... and they don't 'circle back', they're already there. they wear business sneakers and pad their keyboards with something that makes their clickety-clacking... clickety-clackier. but no one loves logistics as much as they do. you need tamra, izzy, and emma. they need a retirement plan. work with principal so we can help you with a retirement and benefits plan that's right for your team. let our expertise round out yours.
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. inside every splenda product is a mission. to help people live happier healthier and longer lives by making it easier to cut out sugar. from our factory to our stevia farm, splenda's team of over 2000 individuals are dedicated to helping people live their best lives. taking pride that everyday millions say “i use splenda.”
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and now sweeten drinks wherever you are with splenda zero-calorie liquid sweeteners. try all three. available in the baking aisle. stuart: president biden getting backlash for both sides of the aisle for withholding weapons from israel. aishah hasnie joining me from capitol hill.
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what are the democrats saying? reporter: hey, stuart, many are outright condemning the president's actions and some are telling him to turn around immediately. on friday, about 26 house democrats led by congressman josh gotheimer and sent a letter to national security adviser jake sullivan saying this move elmore boldens hamas and iran and make it is harder to reach a hostage deal and another major blow to the president came on the same day and ben carden came out disagreeing with the decision and carden said israel has not violated international humanitarian law and senator fetterman was the first to share those thoughts with us. so i guess we don't have that sound u stuart. apologize for that and israel
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put a security bill on the floor as early as wednesday and if its pastramid, would prevent the president from holding any military equipment approved by congress and remember we're also tracking this, congressman cory mills file that had impeachment resolution against president biden over all of this as well. the president is coming to the hill this wednesday for an un-related event as he tries to unit his party behind his foreign policy struggling to do so. stuart. stuart: i can see that. aishah, thank you. bring in congressman darryll issa, republican from the great state of california. congressman, some lawmakers are rushing to biden's defense over the handling of israel. roll tape. >> we have no obligation to write a blank check of military support to any of our allies. so in israel, what joe biden is telling the israelis is we'll be partners with you, but you have to understand that the pace of
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civilian casualties. >> it is exactly similar to what president reagan did. he didn't withhold all aid to israel similar to what president biden d. the notion that president biden isn't supporting israel is ridiculous. stuart: the notion that president biden isn't supporting israel is ridiculous. congressman, what are you saying to that? >> well, i say ridiculous is to try and say you're not doing what you're doing, and chris murphy, the day after the attack practically i came back to a meeting in the capitol, and he was already sort of defending ha mags and palestinian activity. that's just wrong. the fact is israel has an obligation and right to defend its people. if president biden wants to be helpful, lean in with technical support. lean in with what we learned over 20 years of trying to go after the bad guys in iraq and afghanistan without collateral damage. but to sit on the sideline, no
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boots -- no technical support to israel and no new military help as far as technical side of preventing collateral damage and then they can't do it right enough for us. that's just wrong. israel didn't tell us we shouldn't conduct the afghan response to 9/11 by ignoring it or doing it a certain way. i just think the sad truth is this president doesn't want to own the war or lose anything from either side in a war that in fact has been difficult. stuart: congressman, citing four sources and the washington post saying the administration is offering israel intelligence on hamas' whereabouts if israel drops the rafah operation. why is the white house against letting israel go into rafah to finish the job? why? >> look, i can understand they're offering technical support. i commend that. we should do it.
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but conditionally having any kind of condition on offering them the ability to micro-target hamas is absurd and in fact the president by withholding that technical support is ensuring more collateral damage and one of the problem withs joe biden when he was a senator and joe biden as vice president, he always managed to be with john carrie on the wrong side of every decision ever made of foreign policy. stuart: we're saying we'll give you intelligence on the exact whereabouts of hamas if you don't go into rafah. that assumes we know where the leadership is but israel doesn't? that doesn't seem right to me. >> we should give them the technical support if we have it. and to conditioning it on any activity is the absurdity of it if you know how to get to the bad guys, help them. the goal of the israeli people and i believe bb netanyahu is to
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end this by getting rid of hamas and the end to the palestinian people and 2 million, 3 million, 4 million people that have quite frankly lived under the important force back by iran and that's in fact something that we all should be trying to end. the palestinian people, if they want a free country, they need to be free of hamas and they need to have leadership that represents what they really want to achieve, which i believe is a two-state solution. stuart: give up the hostages and it's all over. darryll issa, thank you for joining us. appreciate it always. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: mother of israeli american hostage speaking out about a ceasefire deal between israel and ha raskin. what is she saying, ashley? ashley: the u.s. of course has a stake in securing a ceasefire deal and leading to the release of hostages and her 23-year-old son her issue was abducted by
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hamas on october 7 from a music festival and still being held. his mother told fox news sunday that freeing all the hostages must be the priority. watch this. >> within that cohort, not most americans are even aware there are american innocent civilians being held against their will and i think that really gets lost in this that america should not be considered sort of this neutral, you know, negotiator and america was also a victim on october 7 ashley: in april, hamas released a hostage video of her son and no word since and more than 230 people known to have been abducted from southern israel. 45 americans killed on october 7
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and 12 were taken into captivity and she just pointed out, eight are still being held hostage. torture for that poor lady. that's a fact. the anti-israel protest spreading beyond college campuses. lauren, am i right? i saw this this morning. one group tried to block access to disney world. lauren: florida chapter of queers for palestine. looking at video and this is interstate 4 in orlando and this is how many people get to walt disney world and they had to swerve around the protesters by driving in the shoulder and the police obviously arrested these protesters who are disrupting traffic and think about this and they're trying to build support for their cause and refusing kids easy cassioppi toss to be happy at disney world. that's not the way to do it. that's not the way to do it.
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that's what happens. stuart: good lord. lauren: seems they don't care. stuart: keep going. lauren: at princeton university, students on a hunger strike, it lasted ten days and passed baton to seven new students trying to not eat or drink until princeton does two things, number one, divest from israel and give them amnesty from all actions on campus. stuart: i'm moving on. coming up, donald trump is promising to reverse joe biden's green agenda. is that what the founder of power the future, daniel turner, wants to see? daniel turner is next. ♪ daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing?
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stuart: dow up 20 and nasdaq up 35. game stop, it's gone to the moon. up 64. can you explain, lauren? lauren: amc up 64 and robinhood up 37. this is rekindling the momentum behind the meme stock frenzy years ago and there's an x
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account called roaring kitty and sparked the 2021 meme craze and posted online again. he posted a picture of a mbappe man alert and paying attention and profile of a man and sitting in a chair like this. thanksgiving not sitting well with retail online community and these meme stocks going up big time and seeing this spillover not just for game stop but the other. stuart: are aaron rodgers and roberting kitty sets off a game stock -- aaron rodgers and roarf a game stop rally. lauren: gig green arrows over a new rule that requires up front disclosure of fees. carriers say that's confusing and attempt to regulate private
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business beyond their authority. stuart: thank you, lauren. donald trump is promising to reverse biden's green agenda if he wins back the white house. grady trimble is with us this morning. what's the plan to reign in the greenies? >> the promise he made in private to oil executives and now in public to thousands of people at that new jersey rally is undo everything president biden has done on energy. only one of the areas where there's a stark difference between the two candidates and rally in new jersey over the weekend where the former president railed on president biden's push to get more americans into electric vehicles and trump says if he's back in office, epa electric vehicle mandate is the first thing to go. stuart: on day one i'll immediately terminate joe biden's insane electric vehicle mandate. there'll be no ban anywhere in the united states of america on
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gas. you can buy electric if you want, you can buy gas, you can buy whatever you want. overall energy cost up almost 37% and republicans say the cost of president biden's push to tackle claimant change highest energy prices and we're spending hundreds of billions of dollars on green energy through laws like so-called inflation act and bipartisan infrastructure turned into a bit of a green law and president not backing down on the green energy push and responding to criticism and the money helping china and take ago page from president trump's play book and he's dismantling all
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these policies and >> joining me now is daniel turner and he's the executive director of power the future. daniel, do you want trump to roll back biden's green rules? roll back the whole green new deal? all out. >> 100%. stuart: how do you fight climate change? >> look at 2017 when trump had administration and the western nation in the paris climate accord and the economy exploded and not sure why we're worried this time when we didn't have enough information last time when trump was president and how good it was for the economy overall and climate issues if that's what you care about. stuart: isn't there a massive -- it's over $1 trillion, of spendable money that's not being allocated and up to the dis-gression of the government and a green plan.
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they can do what they want. >> yes, and when you hear about a green company struggling and having lay enoughs, we don't know if they're getting a backstop through the biden administration and call it investing in the green agenda, investing in climate spending, et cetera. it's the government backstopping failing companies, which the markets would put out of business. stuart: if trump came to power second time and got a trillion dollar slosh fund out there, he can't abolish that fund and might be able to redistrict it. >> maybe redistrict or not spend. redirect or not spend. it's been appropriated by congress and $36 trillion in debt, wouldn't it be nice not to spend a bit of money for the first time. stuart: yeah. op ed in the new york post, memo to the right, rfk jr. would do more damage than biden. make your case. >> the right is desperate to have cool people on our side. he's attractive figure and right
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on a couple issues but this core issue, that's energy, and undergoes our entire economy, he's an total disaster. not long after 9/11 here in the great city of new york, he declare that had pig farmers were still a bigger threat to national security than osama bin laden. as new yorker and american, that's offensive. but that's just insane. that's an insane way to see it and want as complete ban on racking and fossil fuels and way more radical than joe biden proposed. if you care about energy and the economy, rfk is not the way to go. stuart: that's really extreme. no fracking, no fossil fuels and roll back everything. >> completely. look at what it's done for us now under biden is how bad inflation is and expensive food is and how much worse can it get. stuart: we consider ourselves warned. daniel turner, thank you for joining us. appreciate it. >> thank you. stuart: donald trump is back in court today days after attacking biden over his law fare tactics.
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ashley, goods morning again, what did he say? ashley: he attracted a crowd some estimated between 80-100,000. a massive crowd. trump blamed joe biden for the criminal charges he's facing. he said biden is a fool whose plan is backfiring. listen to this. >> i have great respect for the office of the presidency. i never yawed to talk about biden this way until he did something that you can't do. he indicted a very popular president. for made up charges and nonsense. there's local das doing it but they're run out of washington and having meetings. i heard they're doing a couple of other things and they said from washington, don't do it. please, don't do it. we're indicting him into the white house.
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ashley: indicting him into the white house. stormy daniels hush money trial resumes and not hurting trump into the polls and new set of surveys in five critical toss upswing states and showing trump is ahead of biden and polls by the new york times and sienna college and philadelphia inquirer found trump leading in michigan, arizona, nevada, georgia, and pennsylvania. with biden leading in only one battleground state: wisconsin. i guess you could saw law fare isn't working. stu. stuart: at this moment, doesn't appear to be. thanks, ashley. coming up, newly elected president of panama said he'll shut down a crucial migration pathway to the united states. is that going to slow the flow of migrants in we'll ask pr county sheriff mark lamborghini. openai about to reveal the latest updates for chatgpt and latest on the ai arms race next. ♪
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stuart: openai set to verne veal product improvements for chat bot gpt chat bot today. chatgpt chat bot. i think i got that right. kelly o'grady with maine make this simple, what kind of improvements with we see? >> anything from vice assistant for ai and image analyzer and generator. sources share with me that openai was working on the capabilities and what we do know is that the much anticipated search announcement is likely not coming. ceo sam atman said on x, today warrant getting any gpt5, no search engine but we've been hard at work on new stuff we
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think people will love. feels like magic to me. sources share with me that openai is working on a search project and google owns 80% of the search market and find and consume information and that could materially eat into google share once launched and we're expecting updates to current gpt4 product. openai, they've led the chat bot space, but it's been a year since they've announced any full new product and they're user base has been lag, so we're looking for something revolutionary to keep that edge today and the other thing, stuart, is how they talk aboutmontization. remember, just six months ago, sam altman was fired and rehired osselet cal concerns alleged he was putting -- ethical concerns alleging he was putting profit over safety and this is interesting and this is all coming as google is expected to announce next step in the ai arms race and l look to relaunch failed image generator and that
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announcement at 1:00 p.m. today. stuart: got it. kelly o'grady. ai lobbyists want to warn washington that fierce of ai takeover are overblown. what are they doing to reassure this? lauren: they're lobbying that ai is a curable business opportunity and -- crucial business opportunity and any rules that restrict and executive orders overly stringent not good and report from political and ibm and nvidia and others are telling congress a crackdown is not the way to go. this is a shift. it was the experts informing congress and now it's the companies themselves, the actual players. stuart: wait till the europeans coming with their own heavy-handed regulations of this. thanks, lauren. rise of ai coming with a huge demand for electricity. where is all that juice going to come from, ashley?
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ashley: that's a great question and there's no easy answer and cloud commuting and ai and created massive data centers and handling other logistics and hoover up huge amounts of electricity and u.s. power usage expected to expand by 4.7% over the next five years but in some stating like georgia, for instance, the demand for electricity is expected to surge as a slew piled in and georgia is pushing ahead with a plan to burn more natural gas. wait, climate protesters are upset and demand for power from all this ai generation will lead of more fossil fuels how about
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that, stu. stuart: can't win, ashley. as simple as that. ashley: you cannot. stuart: important announcement, don't forget to check out the fox business rundown podcast the first episode premiering next monday, may 20th and new episodes every monday and friday and episodes available on fox business apple, spued fio, or wherever you down -- spotify or wherever you download your favorite podcast. it's that time, show me the dow 30. there's a preponderance of buyers and more green than red and the dow is now down 12 points. , 39,500. that's where we are. mark lamborghini is about to join us -- mark lamb is about to join us and pulled over two illegal migrants that were smuggling fentanyl. the sheriff brings us all the latest, next. ♪ life with afib
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coming off the reservation, and this vehicle had expired tags so we pull it had over. two illegals in the back and two american citizens in the front. when we were starting to conduct our investigation, we found they had fentanyl in the car as well. the passenger was the u.s. citizen and had statewide extradition warrant and right now, you can't see it but on the other side of my camera are my drug guys and she's standing in handcuffs and border patrol took the two illegals and the driver of the car this. is what we deal with every day, stuart. this is not out of the ordinary. stuart: they've been arrested and we'll go to -- will go to court presumably. any idea what they'll be charged with? >> well, the two illegals should be charged with coming in illegally and the driver will be charged for smuggling, human smuggling, and the passenger will be booked on her warrant plus she's going to be charged with possession of fentanyl as well.
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problems all around for all of this. stuart: the newly elected president of panama promising to shut down the critical darian migration gap, the route through panama and used by a half million migrants in the past year. will this have a significant impact on the flow of migrants to america? jowski yes, it will. look accident i've live maryland panama since -- lived in panama since 1987 and my family moved there and i know it very well. the illegals and ngos and nongovernment organizations on a global level. they're all using the darian gap to tra traverse from south amera and all over the world up to america. so, yes, i do think this will have an effect on it and i'm glad he's doing it. stuart: you'd like to see it -- wouldn't that be nice if mexico did something similar, but they probably will not do that, will they? >> wouldn't it be nice, stuart, if we did it and protected our own border and held people accountable at our own border.
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that's why i'm running for the u.s. senate because it's got to change. thanks, stuart. stuart: one border patrol agent claims the cartels control the border, not the government. the agent said they've been forced to become a reactionary, that they -- it's the cartels that call all the shots. border patrol just reacts to them. is that what you're seeing, sheriff? >> yeah, they're making billion as year, $13 billion. they have far greater arms and equipment than what we do in local law enforcement and they're controlling that and oftentimes they're even here on the america side and they fight amongst each other on the mexico side for power, for smuggling routes, for people and drugs. yeah, this is -- they do control that border unfortunately. i flew from probably a section of 100 some miles on the helicopter, we didn't see a single border patrol agent. they're too busy processing all the people that biden and mayorkas let into this country.
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stuart: you're running as a senate as a republican candidate? >> that's right. stuart: are you a one issue person, the border and that's it? >> no, look, it's border, it's economy, it's national security and rising crime across this country. we have a ton of problems in the country and it's been precipitated by this administration. these are issues that we weren't necessarily dea dealing with be, our economy was good, the border was somewhat under control, the best we had seen it in a long time under president trump. and then this administration comes in and set fire to everything so not a single issue, but the border is the number one issue, which is really there's no candidate in this race nor in the senate that will bring more experience from the border than i do. stuart: would trump win arizona if the election were held today? >> i believe he would. i believe he would win arizona because arizonans are fed up. we feel this border crisis firsthand. we're tired of the bad economy.
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we're ready to move joe biden out of the white house and move president trump back n. stuart: sheriff mark lamb, always nice to see you. come back soon. thanks very much. >> good seeing you too, stuart. thanks. stuart: here we go, it's that monday trivia question. i think -- i'm not sure i know the answer to this. i should but i don't. when did mother's day become an official u.s. holiday? 1904, 1914, 1924, 1934? the answer when we return. ♪ we're talking about cashbackin. not a game. not a game! we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're not talking about practice? no. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we've been talking about practice for too long. -word. -no practice. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin.
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your home powers up. power your life with generac. call or go online to request your free quote today. stuart: i should know this, when did mother's day become an official u.s. holiday, i didn't even know it was an official u.s. holiday 1914, 24, 34 as usual, you are first. >> i remember this and i got it wrong, going to get it wrong again, apparently number three, 1924, lauren. >> number 41934. stuart: 1904, that's what i was going to do, the origins of got no mistake back to 1860 called
12:00 pm
mothers friendship day it was used to promote reconciliation between former union and confederate soldiers after the civil war it goes all the way back to 1940 was official a quick look at the mean stocks, earlier the morning gamestop went up after a rural ring kitty on reddit the stock went straight up, 20 minutes ago another roaring kitty video was posted in the stock is still straight up, look a gamestop look at all the mean stocks there up on reddit, inexplicable to me. >> the hedge funds is stop shorting us were unstoppable and unbreakable. stuart: you think roaring kitty is sending a message. >> the videos and pictures, yes. >> "coast to coast" starts now


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