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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  May 13, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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quarter of data on average, revenue and ebitda growth double-digit in our portfolio. that is a very selective portfolio. that's our job. but i think that tells us the economy is in a solid pace but i will equally tell you that inflation we've been saying a long time is still sticky. we're still seeing that in these businesses. they're seeing cost pressures and passing price increases to their users. higher for longer but a pretty sound economy overall. ashley: very good. you did that perfect time. marc, thank you so much for joining us. we really appreciate it as we head towards the closing bell here. [closing bell rings] the major indexes as you can see trading in a very tight range. we have big data ahead this week which could move the markets. ppi tomorrow, cpi, those numbers will be out on wednesday. thanks for joining us. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow.
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all right serial perjurer michael cohen testifying today in new york at the alvin bragg trial. most folks trying to still figure out exactly what donald trump did wrong including me. senator tommy tuberville was down there, he will be our reporter, our coreporter in just a moment. senator bill hagerty will be here to tell us why the bidens continue to embargo israeli weapons. telling israel to leave gaza all together, even withholding sense tiff intel from our middle east ally. tammy bruce, alec lace, why voters weren't wild in shahzada dawood for donald trump. grady trimble with all the latest. what you got? >> reporter: former lower for the former president, michael cohen is the prosecution's top witness, they think maybe their best bet to tie the hush money payment to stormy daniels.
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cohen described the process to wire $130,000 to storm my daniels. the trump organization cfo alan weisselberg, spoke with trump directly that cohen would front the money. cohen said weisselberg promise him to pay him back. he eventually paid daniels using home line of equity, to conceal the payment from his wife. cohen said that trump was worried if the campaign came out at a time it was dealing with the aftermath of the leak of the "access hollywood" tape. cohen admitted trying to delay the payment to daniels and push it past the election maybe not paying it at all. for his part trump denies every having an affair with daniels and reiterated once again the trial is keeping him off the trail. >> i should be out campaigning instead of sitting in a very
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cold courthouse all day long this is a biden prosecution. it's election interference at a level that nobody in this country has ever seen before. >> reporter: lawyers for the former president have yet to cross-examine cohen but no doubt when they do they will try to paint cohen as an unreliable witness. he has after all been disbarred as an attorney and admit committed perjury, admitting to lying under oath multiple times. larry: thank you, grady trimble. time for a riff. shahzada dawood wildwood used to be known as a saycation base in south new jersey. donald trump drew 100,000 people for a rally this past saturday. that is record for the state of new york. formerly the record was 11 people. that's a joke. just a joke, just kidding. president trump carrying
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new jersey this november 5th is no joke. recall, that in the 2021 governors raise against incumbent phil murphy, gop candidate lost by only 3 percentage points. his name was jack chit really. no one heard of him. former state assemblyman. his biggest campaign issue was opposition to covid statewide shutdowns. it was a protest vote begins governor murphy. the point is 100,000 trump supporters in a beach rally in wildwood should be a warning to joe biden that donald trump could conceivably carry red new jersey. trump wowed the folks with his issues. all right, ceiling the border, stopping the invasion, end sanctuary cities likes newark, philadelphia. drill, baby, drill, tax cuts, stop the inflation, business red tape, deregulation, law and order, biden democrats antisemitism.
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strong israel and strong america first around the world. could trump carry new jersey? of course he could. wildwood rally officially put new jersey in play. that is not the only blue state. take a listen to president trump in the wildwood rally. >> as you can see today we're expanding the electoral map because we're going to officially play in the state of new jersey. we're going to win the state of new jersey. we're also looking really great in the state of minnesota which hasn't been won since 1952. we're leading in the polls and the state of virginia. larry: updated "new york times/sienna poll" shows trump leading biden in five of the swing states. of course these are polls, not votes but it is interesting that the former president is maintaining his lead and appears to be expanding his electoral map base. next thing you know will put new york state completely in play after successful visits to
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the harlem bodegas, midtown construction workers, new york fire department, can you just see it? 75,000 person trump rally in yankee stadium? maybe 25,000 people in madison square garden. it will drive aoc and her followers crazy. the state will have to spend more money on mental health facilities to accommodate the left-wing casualties from gigantic trump rallies in socialist blue new york. what is so interesting in all of this, not only is biden projecting weakness everywhere in contrast to mr. trump's see perform news strength but the biden lawfare. >> gnawed hence trump hasn't moved the needle one pit bit it may have undoubtedly backfired just like "bidenomics" and the rest of his policies. latest rumor mill off the charts, now the dems are thinking about a virtual dnc convention in chicago. just like the covid convention in 2020.
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i know it's only may. it is about six months before the election but democrats look like they're running scared from just about everybody and everything. that's the riff. all right, great fun. joining me now alabama senator tommy tuberville. first of all, senator tuberville, welcome on set. love having you. >> thank you. larry: now you had the wonderful opportunity being downtown for the trial today. you sat through it for many hours. just give us an impression or two? >> well, first of all, i wasn't invited of the showed up, jd vance, senator from ohio, let's go support president trump. he was glad to see us. we didn't go as former president, we have went as a friend. here's a guy he handled it better than i did he has been doing it for five weeks. i can't imagine going into that cold dreary courtroom every day with over 20 d.a.s, assistant d.a.s, in new york, they're is a lot going on in this city but
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they're all in the courtroom prosecuting president trump. he handled it well. the key witness is there today. they had to get him out of i guess home lockup or a jail somewhere because he has been convicted of a felony of lying in another jury case. he said today even lied when working for president trump. larry: he said that today? >> he said that today. and they showed transcripts of this, played them over the loud speaker in the courtroom, he taped president trump. he took his phone in and taped president trump several times. it was just amazing. can you imagine you're a president of night's lawyer, you're there taping the voice of the president, getting him on tape. i don't know why he did it for. there wasn't anything incriminating on it but i'm sure he has done it several times. larry: the best lawyers we know, no one can exactly figure out what trump did wrong here.
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>> even the fbi. larry: it is the most remarkable thing. the justice department looked at it. the federal election commission looked at it. prior district attorney of new york looked at it. only alvin bragg, with biden former doj associates. what did he do wrong? that is so baffling? >> all this testimony was orchestrated. they had rehearsed it. he basically gave his staple, after the lawyer read the question out and wasn't very impressive but you can, he did admit he has lied before. and again taping the president's conversations, doing things that normally lawyers wouldn't do, you know, what happened to the lawyer and client privilege? i mean, i don't understand all this. larry: good point. all right, let's go back to, let's go back to the wildwood rally which was most
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extraordinary. 100,000 people in wildwood. the prior record in new jersey was 11. that was a joke. here is mr. trump at that wildwood rally. listen to this one. >> i have great respect for the office of the presidency. i never used to talk about biden this way until he did something that you can't do. he indicted a very popular president. it is not -- it is really backfired. in fact i heard they were going to do a couple of other things, they said from washington, don't do it, please don't do it. we're indicting him into the white house. he will be indicted into the white house. larry: really quite remarkable, but the key point i think you mentioned it. i think that the needle hasn't moved and it's probably backfired against joe biden. people see this for what it is and it may be true, senator tuberville from the other cases as well. your thought? >> you can tell this is all
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orchestrated. president trump said that. this come ons from the white house. all indictments come from the white house, put be pressure on president trump. it is backfiring. he couldn't afford all this, advertising he is getting no matter good or bad but it is just unbelievable. president trump, he is, i can't believe it. he sits there all day. in good spirits. he knows he will have a opportunity to get through this, hopefully he doesn't have to fight anymore of these. the indictments are starting to unravel as we go down the road here but he knows he has to get out to start campaigning. his numbers are way up. he actually read those today. he is ahead in every poll except for one in the swing states. it is even getting better in that one. larry: he may be expanding the base. what is your political instinct? people are saying, mr. trump is saying people are saying, polls are closing, minnesota, virginia.
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i'm going bet you the new jersey polls close quite a bit. he is expanding his base? >> he will give a run in new york. you wait and see what i tell you. you said he will do a big rally. i don't know where it will be. larry: i'm hoping for yankee stadium, 57,000 -- 75,000 people. then we'll have to expand the healthcare facilities aoo -- aoc and their crowd will need more help. >> his personality, being a leader and the other one joe biden and the democrats are ruining this country. our country is in bad trouble from the border to crime to inflation everything is going wrong. there is not one good thing happening right now. we're looking down the barrel of three wars overseas. i don't, we couldn't fight one right now with the military we have, we're so woke. that being said, president trump is the guy that can wake this couldn'ttry up and get us back on the right track. larry: let's roll tape from
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trump in wildwood, about the illegal immigration invasion. here it comes. >> on day one of my new administration i will seal the border, stop the invasion of people pouring through our borders and send joe biden's illegal aliens back home where they belong. i will shift massive portions of federal law enforcement to immigration enforcement. on day one we will begin the largest domestic deportation operation in american history. larry: i wanted to flag that, the largest domestic deportation, this is something mr. trump has said any number of times. others have said, going back to the eisenhower years when illegals were deported. in fact, the liberal republican governor of california later supreme court justice warren was the guy who pushed ike to go through operation wet back and deport the mexican illegals who
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came into california, bankrupting the state. now do you think, in a trump presidency, is it your expectation that he will follow through and if he can get a senate that's republican, they can start a large move, i don't know if they get everybody, certainly the criminals to deport the illegals? >> he will have to have a lot of cooperation, but he told me for a year, larry he is going to do. larry we have no choice. it is costing us a fortune to take people coming across. veterans are suffering because now they're using our vas in health care. you know, the millions and millions of dollars that the taxpayers are having to pay daily for taking care of these people is dead wrong and again the american people are suffering. economy is way up, prices are out the roof but he will do that. he willowed them up by the help of i.c.e., border patrol, county patrol, state police, they have to go home. we need people here obviously.
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we want get people here. but we can't take everybody. the american people can't afford it. we have places for them to live but we can't afford to have them here at one time. we're all immigrants. larry: yes, sir. >> but president trump, he glads it. larry: we need a program of legal immigration,. >> exactly. larry: part of that program will have to be deportation. chad wolf, former dhs secretary under trump has a very good piece about deportation on fox news digital. senator tuberville, last one, you're leading the charge to repeal this corporate transparency act. i didn't even know about this until the great emory cox told me about it. what is this? even small businesses have to fire up names, addresses, all kinds of identification. this is going into a treasury criminal database of some kind? >> there is 35 billion, million small businesses.
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if you own an llc starting this year, you are going to have to send in all your data, your address, your phone numbers, your government i.d., if you don't send it in, it is a two-year criminal offense to go to prison, 10,000-dollar fine. they want it to make sure they can keep an eye on you. they say well it is for these criminal groups that are shady. wait a minute. criminals are not going to give you their information. the good folks will end up having to pay for this. what it is going to do, gives the irs an eye on all llcs, all small businesses. when they want to go in, if you forget to send that in every year and report yourself, you're going to have to pay a price for it through the irs. larry: can you reverse this thing? >> we'll try to reverse it. they snuck it in the ndaa right after president trump got out. criminal activity. larry: right, right. got it. senator tommy tuberville, thanks for visiting with us.
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we appreciate it as always sir. >> thank you, larry. larry: coming up why our consumer is collapsing. latest consumer confidence numbers bode very well for the economy. less consumption, more inflation. we have jason trend art and e.j. antoni when "kudlow" returns. thank you, mr. tuberville as always. appreciate it, sir. when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair.
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larry: former president trump slammed joe biden's inflationary spending spree at the big rally in wildwood, new jersey. our own grady trimble is back with more. grady, what you got? >> reporter: larry, the former president basically says he will undo everything president biden has done on energy. he told oil execs behind closed doors last week and he repeated it to thousands of people at wildwood over the weekend. >> we'll terminate the green new scam. we'll drill, baby, drill. we'll get our energy way down. don't forget that's what caused inflation, he let energy get out of hand and it went to $100 a barrel. >> reporter: since president biden took office overall energy costs are up almost 37%. republicans say that is the cost of president biden's push to tackle climate change and
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spending hundreds of billions of dollars on grown energy projects through laws like the so-called inflation reduction act and bipartisan infrastructure law which has also kind of become a green law. the president is not backing down on his green energy push though. he is responding to criticism that it is going to help china though. he is taking a page from president trump's playbook, increasing tariffs on evs made in china. trump says if he is back in office next year he will do away with president biden's electric vehicle mandate all together on day one. larry, looking ahead to november, how all of this impacts the election, when we talk to voters and when we poll voters they find that their top issues are inflation and the economy and way farther down are fears about climate change. so you got to think a lot of voters will be voting with their wallets and not with climate change on the mind, larry. larry: indeed. grady trimble thank you very much. let's talk about a consumer collapse in the cards and more inflation alongside it.
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jason trennert, chairman and ceo of strategas securities, e.j. antoni, heritage foundation economist. jason, headline, friday night, i saw it with my own eyes, we talked about it on the radio saturday, ford motor company, bless its little heart losing $100,000 per ev vehicle. do you have a comment on that please? >> the comment is -- larry: do you own ford stock? [laughter] >> actually we do own toyota but that is because they have had a much better approach to this they haven't forced it. they focus much more on hybrids than electric vehicles, going crazy on electric vehicles. the thing is prices set when supply and demand r the government should not be in the business of telling people what they should own and why. certainly with some sort of completely artificial time frame on electric vehicles which happen to be perhaps the least
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green product you can possibly come up with. larry: right. >> they're developed with extracted materials. so the whole thing is crazy. larry: it's wonderful they're putting tariffs on china batteries and so forth because nobody wants stuff anyway, nobody wants stuff anyway. they can put something on china for buying oil of iran and russia and financing two wars against the united states. that bidens will never do. e.j. antoni, moving right along, a very poor michigan consumer confidence sentiment survey really plunged from 79 1/2 to 67 and a 1/2. inflation expectations have gone up. we have a chart, you can see by the way at roughly 67ish where it is today, look where it was under the trump years. it was about 100. now, ej, let me ask you, does this bode a downturn in consumer spending and retail sales and does this bode another upturn of
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inflation, what is your take? >> in real terms you're absolutely right. this does signal a downtrend, but probably not nominal turns, because consumers are flush with cash. the problem the cash is not worth as much anymore. we see real wages, excuse me, we see nominal wages rising for example, but we're seeing inflation expectations take off not just in the consumer sentiment report from the university of michigan but we got today a report from the cleveland fed and the new york fed and both of those show inflation expectations are back on the rise. larry: cleveland fed is expecting a annualized rise in the cpi on wednesday. that doesn't mean they're right but that is what the inflation now cast or whatever it is called is suggesting. is that your bet, do you think we'll get bad inflation numbers? >> i do. i think we'll get another hot report. it goes back to the cause of inflation. the government is still spending, borrowing, creating
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way too much money. that is driving the devaluation of the dollar. larry: devaluation of the dollar, not against other currencies. jason what is the stock market outlook? good correction, came right back as of the close of last week, almost back to the all-time highs if i'm not mistaken. >> yeah. we're within 1% of the all-time highs earnings was off a smidge today. i want to get your outlook. i think you have a lot of risks, things look great until they don't. that's an issue in our market. >> listen, ej, and i were actually talking before we came out here, there is so much manipulation what i think is the most important price of the world which is the 10-year treasury yield by both the treasury department and the fed it is levitating stocks. what we found if 10-year treasury yields can stay below five it is probably still risk on for the stock market. having said that just supply alone, just based on interest expense, is going to overwhelm
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the system. you're increasing the debt as you know by about a trillion dollars every 100 days just by interest expense. larry: we'll run easy, two trillion deficit this year, easy. with less than 4% inflation rate and inflation number, not only is it up 20%, right, but the inflation number near term, three month changes accelerating. >> i think for all the talk about inflation as an election issue, my own opinion is, it's already settled. president biden has lost on this issue. things will not change enough between know and election day that people don't feel what they see with their own eyes which is the fact that therapy standard of living has declined. the dollar has hung in there versus other fiat currencies but gone down meaningfully versus things people have to buy. larry: that was a may consumer confidence number too. e.j. antoni, why doesn't the treasury sell 100 year bonds? they have a huge amount of debt.
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they don't know what too do with the debt. interest expense is blowing through the whole budget. that is big factor. we'll spend more on net interest costs than we are on social security, medicare, defense and all the rest of it. why don't we sell 100 year bonds instead of selling 91 day treasury bills which is what the treasury is doing, pumping in liquidity for people to buy it? why don't we send, gen-zers which pay down this debt for the next 100 years. why don't we issue a long bond so they don't have to pay down every 91 days, why not? what is wrong with that? >> to jason's point you can't underestimate how match niplation is going on in the treasury markets. both the fed and treasury are essentially conspiring to bend the yield curve. they are doing everything they can -- larry: the yield curve is incredibly inverted, inverted. sell 100 year bonds. >> makes even less sense. larry: makes it dumber. they're selling into the most expensive costliest part of the
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yield curve, point number one. the yield curve is inverted. japan, didn't they sell 100 years or 50 years? >> mexico issued one her year paper in euro. china is talking about issuing 50 year paper. china. larry: why are they smarter than we are? >> we have the ex-absorbtant privilege -- larry: you're a bond investor, should remain in mexico. >> that is pretty good. larry: 100 years. look at it, do your homework very carefully. jason trennert, e.j. antoni, thank you very much. coming up next on "kudlow," the bidens are tell israel to leave gaza all together. most remarkable secretary of state blinken yesterday on the sunday talk shows. we have senator bill hagerty, hang on, folks we're going to mr. trump out of the courtroom. hang on a second. stay right here. here he is. >> democracy in this country and we have a lot that want to come. stay back and pass lots of laws to stop things like this.
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jd vance, what's going on in that courtroom is a threat to democracy. we cannot have a country where we ghetto prosecute your political opponent instead of per waiting them. voters, ag bird, very highly respected from iowa, left the american people decide who the next leader of the free world will be. politics is absolutely no place this courtroom. this is all politics. andy mccarthy, great legal analyst said none of this is, nothing is illegal, nothing is illegal. called politics. nothing is illegal. a lot of people say that. they're all saying that. the only person who won't say it is the judge because it is a rigged deal. he is conflicted. you ought to check that out. but everybody saying there is no crime. leo terrell, up until right now, there is not a single shred of evidence that trump participated
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in a crime of either false -- falsifying records or. there is absolutely nothing. you know they're doing great. you know what they're doing great, they kept me here for three or four weeks. yet we have the best powell numbers came out of "new york times" as we discussed before. mark levin, let me put this as succinctly as possible. there is no crime, state or federal with which to link donald trump or anyone else this is case looking for a legal basis. there is none. there is no crime. mark levin. again, jd vance, the american voters who are watching this, one opportunity you get to speak up against this sham prosecution and to say to the american people should elect a president, not use corrupt dc prosecutors to help them get elected which is exactly what they're doing.
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andy mccarthy, bragg has no authority to enforce federal law. the nda agreements were not campaign expenditures under federal law. that is why the who have authority to enforce federal law took no action. they took no action against me. the only way they did is sore rose-backed d.a. bragg who turned down the case. by the way he turned down the case, couldn't have been brought six years ago, seven years ago, almost eight years ago. they bring it right in the middle of my presidential campaign. bragg, he said we had no case. if you go back, take a look at your earlier records, when he came into office he turned it down. he was angry because of what took place. when he saw they were going to use this scam he was angry. even michael smerconish, a
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person four or five weeks into the trial awe at to be told exactly what they're being prosecuted for. that hasn't happened. you know why it didn't happen, it didn't happen for one very simple reason. there is no crime. here is marc these send, i don't think things are going very well for the prosecution in the court of law. and in the court of public opinion they're doing even worse. matt whitaker, another -- trial. they're keeping the president off the campaign trail. byron york, on the hush money trial, which is not hush money, majority of voters in georgia, pennsylvania, michigan, say trump cannot get a fair trial. that's too bad. that is too bad. andy mccarthy again. bragg doesn't know exactly what he is doing. it is completely improper. judge mershon is having second
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thoughts. they have not come close to proving fraud or any fraud has taken place. there is no fraud here. there is no crime here. this is four weeks of keeping me from not campaigning. jonathan turley, can't imagine any competent lawyer would not be embarrassed by what has happened in this courtroom. this day is really going to go down as a day of infamy for the new york legal system which is true. the whole world is laughing now at the new york weaponized legal system. watching this unfold in that room as a lawyer is deeply disturbing. they keep referring to these documents. the documents don't move the ball. the documents show the nda and a payment that is not in dispute, this is a total, this is jonathan turley. they're not unlawful and a
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federal campaign contribution there is absolutely no problem. there is no problem here. the fec, look this up, fec, the federal elections commission, they looked at this years ago and they took a pass. they said there is no problem here. tim scott, objective is to keep trump off the campaign trail. that's all they're trying to do, keep him off the campaign trail. here is "the new york times" just came out a little while ago where we're leading in every state, five key states, we're leading very substantially i might add. so it's all a really a very sad day for the country. it is sad for new york. new york, a judge that is highly conflicted at a level that nobody has seen before can possibly, just think of it, and you should go out and check it out but we have a corrupt judge and we have a judge who is highly conflicted and he is keeping me from campaigning. he is an appointed new york
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judge. he is appointed. you know who appointed him? democrat politicians. he is appointed. he is a corrupt judge and he is conflicted judge and he ought to let us go out and campaign and get rid of this scam. every single legal analyst, even cnn, even msdnc saying there is no case here. thank you very much. larry: there you have it, former president donald trump teeing off on this whole story as he must and as he should. joining us on set, great pressure sure to welcome senator bill hagerty from tennessee. for a quickie, what exactly did trump do wrong? what was illegal here? >> they haven't proved anything that is illegal, larry this is another sham they're using to try to deflect the public's attention but what they have done in this case they're making president trump even stronger in the polls. every time they attack him he
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gets stronger. you heard him just mention his poll results but the american public is losing confidence in the system overall. they see a weaponized judiciary like this. i it completely destroys the average citizen's confidence in the system. is a shame, it is complete shame. larry: it is not helping biden and. former ambassador of japan, yesterday on sunday talk shows secretary of state blinken the biden administration will give no wepts from israel or until they have a plan to protect civilians. second, no weapons to israel. they want israel to leave gaza all together, okay? third, israel, weapons are in violation of the international humanitarian law and, national security advisor sullivan says that they are withholding sensitive intelligence on hamas, they're withholding that from
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israel. this is like, who is the enemy here? i have forgotten. >> it is just shocking larry, to see the both sidisms coming out of the biden administration. at the very outset joe biden says the right things with respect to defending israel. they look at their domestic polls. they see a disinformation campaign taking great effect here. kids on college campuses they don't know what river and sea they're talking about. at the same time the poll numbers are moving in the wrong direction in michigan. the biden administration is responding. they rhee ward hamas every time they do something like this. to have our secretary of state step into this fray, try to micromanage a situation he can't possibly fully understand is really just a shock and dismaying situation for me. i think you know this. we would never be in this situation if president trump were in office. larry: no, i think trump makes it a point every campaign stop, including this gigantic rally in wildwood, new jersey, to repeat his support for israel. and to repeat, it was the trump
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administration, mr. trump moved the embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem and negotiated the abraham accords and eyes isolated iran, not only did we bankrupt them we stopped them giving out money to hamas and hezbollah. there never would have been a war. trump says this repeatedly. does he have the ground to stand on in your judgment. >> absolutely. you're referring to the maximum pressure campaign on iran. what is happening with hamas is funded with iran. it is iran technology and no how. this was not happening under the trillion administration. he put in place the maximum pressure campaign. i had to go to get the japanese to stop buying iran oil. they were broke. hamas and hezbollah were widely reported being out of business. as soon as joe biden comes in, they starts looking the other way, stops enforcing sanctions,
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enriching iran in the process. he has a devastating domestic energy policy here in america. so he is encouraging you are ran to pump at record less right now. that enrichment same is true for russia. enrichment of iran is facilitating all of this. larry: why doesn't biden tee off on china, not about evs, okay? americans don't want evs. we were just talking about it. ford motor company has been losing $100,000 per car, okay, on these crazy evs that people reject but china has broken the sanctions. china is importing 1 1/2 million barrels a day from iran which then of course takes that money, estimated to be as much as $100 billion in the last three years and throws it right at hamas and hamas attacks israel. why don't the bidens go after china on that point? >> larry as usual you hit the nail right on the head. china is indirectly financing all of this because of the lack of sanction enforcement we're not enforcing on iran.
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we absolutely should step back into the fray here, impose sanctions. the maximum pressure campaign was working. we should do it right away. china needs to understand we mean business. there should be real consequences for them breaking the sanctions. this admin trail with the do anything respect with china. they're bach walking all over us. see what is happening in the south china sea, taiwan straight. larry: one senator came out in approval of biden's policies siding against israel, senator bernie sanders from vermont. it looks to me mr. sanders is running domestic and economic policy. we always kind of knew that. he is running foreign policy s that unfair? i'm not casting aspersions with sanders. i disagree with his politics and policy. looks like he is running the white house right now. >> whatever deal cut in 2020 resulted in joe biden becoming nair nominee didn't give the american public thought what
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they were getting. we didn't get a moderate joe biden. we got bernie sanders policies. now it is moving into the foreign relations zone. i think bernie sanders represent the far left-wing of the democrat party. they're getting their way. hamas is certainly getting its way. hamas is winning at every turn here. as if america's enemies are getting preferred treatment and allies getting a back seat. >> what a reversal. thank you very much as always. all right, folks we'll take another listen to donald trump in this remarkable one 100,000 wildwood, new jersey putting new jersey and other states into play. take a listen. >> as you can see today we're expanding the electoral map because we're going to officially play in the state of new jersey. we're going to win the state of new jersey. [cheering] larry: all right. let's bring in tammy because, fox news contributor and alec lace, host of the "first-class fatherhood"
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podcast. there is that american flag. don't hide it. put it right out there. all right, kids, thank you. honestly, alec, he can win new jersey. he can win minnesota. he could win begin what. he may put new york play. i am concerned about new york. because he will put a 75,000 people in yankee stadium and aoc and her friends will have a mental breakdown. we'll have to spend more money on mental health care. that is a joke, not so but it is a funny joke. what is your take on that? is it true, is he expanding the electoral map, what do you think? >> any place they have a grocery store or fast -- gas station is in play. you see the turnout in wildwood, new jersey. congresswoman, had a stand-up to trump rally, more people were downstairs at the hot dog stand than show up at her rally. everything is in play. larry: the prior record for new jersey rally was 11. i can't get a laugh out of that. it was only 11.
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tammy bruce do you disagree or agree? i know these are polls, not votes, i get that. there is certain overexuberance about wildwood, but, but, when you look at it is indarn incredible. >> new jersey, wildwood people are saying 100,000. that is extraordinary. it is a statement in this particular city. it is not, i love florida. it is not florida. it's new jersey. it's a rash -- remarkable die nam i believe. i love this country. you guys love this country. we are still revolutionaries at heart. we're a young country. we're a puppy. we know what is possible. it is not that donald trump has expanded the map. joe biden has, democrats have, the squad has, bernie sanders has, all these people who treat the american people like we're worthless, like we're speed bumps, something that is a shadow on the wall this will be
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a statement election. we thought 2016 was, my goodness this will be a statement election. president trump is once again being himself. he is handling it beautifully. he is handling it as himself. that is his i think greatest strength. this is not a man who is worried what he shoulda, what he should do, what is going on. he is trusting in the dynamic. the support like that rally, 100,000 people. tens of millions of people. larry: it is authentic. >> he knows we have his back and that helps. larry: alec, the latest rumor, i picked this up with "breitbart," "breitbart" is a very good news information gatherer earlier, the democrats are looking at virtual dnc election in chicago. larry: like the covid thing. they would have a blend. have speakers. rest would be run on tape. they have to zoom in on it so they avoid all the pickets,
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violence and what not. virtual dnc. there is old saying one place you can run but you can't hide. >> the people most disappointed selling bulletproof vests. 106 people shot, 20 people murdered in chicago. this is one of the best gun control legislatures in chicago. this is good move by dnc. nobody will show up. biden will babble do more harm than good. larry: they will look terrible. they will look terrible. >> they will look terrible no matter what. >> this is a basement campaign running for everyone. they are running, they chant hide. everyone will have their say. larry: al heck lace, tammy bruce, sorry remember running short. jonathan turley, why bragg's case may blow up. i don't understand what he did wrong. where is the illegality? in fin knows jonathan turley
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will. we'll be right back.
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much and i want to ask you, the prosecution played a tape with michael cohen talking to mr. trump and supposedly this was going to prove that trump was micromanaging, on the tape, i didn't hear it, jonathan, you tell me, somebody told me, i will ask you to confirm, trump seemed not to know the details of this transaction were. what happened? what can you tell us about this audiotape? >> well, the most important thing about the audiotape is that there was an audiotape. for most lawyers, watching, listening to this tape is, is really an appalling moment. the very idea that an attorney would tape a client without their knowledge or consent just shatters every aspect of professional conduct, but the tape really doesn't offer much. like much else in cohen's testimony he gives these details of how he goes to his client and says, i fixed the problem.
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i arranged for payments. i'm, this is not, this story will go away, at least before the election and trump saying things like good, good. well, that's sound the a lot like a client following the directions of his lawyer. but now the lawyer is telling the jury i think you should send my client to prison for doing what i suggested for him to do? larry: so there is no clear evidence that trump knew precisely every detail or quote, unquote, micromanaging, which leads me to my other question, i read all your columns in the various publications what was illegal here, jonathan? i'm still trying to figure it out as a non-lawyer, what was illegal? >> that's why this is such an embarassment for the new york bar. there is nothing illegal here. what cohen was describing is not a crime. the prosecutors, making great fanfare over proving non-crime acts and non-contested
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allegations. yeah there was an nda. yeah, money was paid. that happens all the time. so we're still left with this bizarre situation of, of a trial over something that none of us have yet been told what the crime is. the really funny thing is, i was watching this clip on fox, they played, from one of the other networks where all of these experts were praising cohen and saying he is not lost his cool. he is really remained in control and very buttoned down. this is his lawyer. this is basically his -- these are the prosecutors that prepped him. did they really think he was going to lose it with the lawyers that brought him to this party? so the real test is going to come tomorrow when he has an attorney who is going to go through a litany of lies. larry: they will cuisnart. that is new turley verb. i will use it. you're off today.
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team biden treatment of israel is absolute disgrace. absolute disgrace and joy to hearts of enemies but not dear friends or dear israeli ally. leave it up to liz macdonald to fix the whole problem. liz: we sure will try. we have new details on what's going on with israel coming up, larry. that was a great show.


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