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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 14, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. ♪.
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maria: good tuesday morning everyone. thank you for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo tuesday ma, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. the inflation unfolding, futures indicated again at the start of trading ahead of the april producer price at 8:30 a.m. eastern we have all hands on deck coming up, dow industrial lower by 28, the nasdaq is up for an s&p 500 higher by one a mixed market this morning as we await the ppi today and also keep retail earnings with the strength of the consumer, home depot out in moments, walmart out this thursday with the preview coming up, the stocks are mixed commodities look like this, oil, gold, copper and this morning as you can see we have another move higher and gold 870 in the price of copper is up
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again a big rally up 1.5%, brents, crude oil both flat down fractionally european markets are mixed take a look at the eurozone the s&p 100 in london by ten the cat cried in paris down by four index index lower by 40 points. in asia mixed fractional moves across the board in the asian market the biggest mover was japan the nikkei average up one half% trump's former lawyer michael cohen back on the stand in the manhattan courtroom after justifying he secretly recorded the 45th president in the run-up to the 2016 election attorney general steve marshall was in the courtroom and he will tell me what was said and what outreach to him about the proceeding. new poll show battleground states as trump is gaining the star ground with key voting
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blocs we have all that coming up, joining the conversation poster the president of maslansky and partners lee carter michael lee strategy founder michael lee and cheryl casone. "mornings with maria" is live right now. maria: home depot earnings, we kick it off hitting the tape and the stock is on the move, cheryl casone with the numbers. >> is moving lower because they forecasted that sales will be down 1% they ran from the guidance and same-store sales loss for the u.s. and global sales stock has jumped higher it was lower going into this and we saw drop initially 363 is earning per share the street was looking for 360 that to be on earnings-per-share but they missed on revenue came in at 36-point to billion in the street was looking for 36.6 billion it is about same-store sales and the estimate was going to drop
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two-point to percent they actually dropped 2.8% that was more than expected 3.2% drop for same-store sales in the united states and the guidance for the year you would say that is a good thing but the guidance says will be gone 1% tickets are down, transactions were down but this is not a surprise because of the real estate market and home sales people are doing the do-it-yourself projects and that's who home depot needs, then try to get roofers and landscapers to sign on and come into their stores but so far that is not played out. maria: the stock going back and forth now negative a quarter of 8% the hot topic of hour today for a president trump and tuesday 17 of his so-called hush money trial with the former attorney michael cohen on the stand yesterday he testified he secretly recorded truck leading
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up to the 2016 election regarding a payment to the inquire david packer he also admitted he paid adult film actor stormy daniels $100,000 out of his own pocket using a home equity loan to avoid angering his wife that trump wanted to bury the story until after the election. your reaction lee carter. >> when you look at everything the republicans look at it one way and democrats in an entirely different way democrats say the testimony was actually michael cohen is really valid witness in renew look at the polling is energizing donald trump space you have nearly 72% of americans saying there's a two-tier system of justice they don't think this is fair and half of americans think this is politically motivated. the more this goes on the more questions people have and the more benefits donald trump.
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when you see the enthusiasm and you look at his rally in new jersey over the weekend you see people are excited to support him and overall they need to fight against the unfairness and support donald trump, he is seen as a victim much more than anything else and i think it's backfiring on democrats they don't understand how the majority of americans are viewing. maria: every time we speak with legal experts say they can't find the crime they're waiting to figure what specifically was criminal, president trump lasting judgment sean as conflicted after the first day of testimony the whole world is laughing at the weapon's legal system, watch this. >> they can be here for three to half or four weeks instead of campaigning and we have the best poll numbers out of the new york times alvin bragg has no and 40
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to enforce the law they were not campaign expenditures under federal law that's why the d.o.j. have exclusive authority for federal law and no action. we haven't come to a close proving it w come close to provg it was fraud or any fraud taking place, there is no fraud here there is no crime here this is four weeks of keeping me of not campaigning. maria: it certainly is keeping them off the campaign trail, several lawmakers vowing their support for trump yesterday, watch this. >> we cannot have a country where you get to prosecute your political opponents instead of persuading voters. >> i'm disappointed in looking the american citizens in the courtroom that the da comes in and acts like it's a super bowl
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the democrats are trying to be president trump in the jury box because they can't beat them at the ballot box. >> the people of new york know this is a sham trial and it's outrageous this is how alvin bragg is choosing to use new yorkers tax dollars. maria: former presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy soso joined trump in court he hears the best proof of the trump trial is a sham if djt had done the exact opposite of the alleged crime they would still be prosecuting them and have a stronger case, mike, what do you say. >> maria, where is the crime, how can this possibly be fair to donald trump to be tried in new york city where the voter poll is 80 something% against him we did not try the world trade center bombers in new york city
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you cannot get a clean jury poll and gag orders are designed to protect the defendant not corrupt judges or prosecutors and witnesses that have shaky credibility to say the least. maria: unbelievable water, it we didn't try the 9/11 offender that's incredible you are spot on. were just getting started. what should the inflation story unfold. april producer price index is out in two hours 8:30 a.m. eastern we have the preview coming up and tomorrow cpi that is the story that everybody's talking about after three hot months will talk with gina bolvin and caught an ally the stunning and brazen claim in jen psaki's new book causing the retraction we have got it you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪
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maria: welcome back take a look at commodities copper is trading up on a rally four weeks the price at 484 that is up 1.5% after climbing to a two-year high the biden administration says it looks to invest in the top copper mines to keep global supply out of china's control oil is pulling back this morning it was up on signs of improving demand coming out of china and potential supply disruption in candida as a result of the wildfire, cruise at $79.10 a barrel down a fraction journeyman out gina bolvin, great to see you what do you think is behind the big moving commodities.
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>> i think it could be a play on a.i. there is a lot of equipment manufacturing as part of copper and why copper is up 9% in the past month but we like the play on the infrastructure and industrial better than the commodities and we see opportunity in the area. maria: would you buy the actual commodity or the companies doing the mining, the wall street journal with the story on copper why the world has gone cuckoo for copper is the title of the story say the u.s. and china are competing for the metal essential of electric vehicles and data centers at the center of the $43 billion takeover battle we spoke with the chairman and ceo of chevron the other day who talked about the centers and what the data centers increasing data center for a whole host of commodities
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copper included. >> the last time i was on we talked about a.i. analysis could be good for so many sectors of the market and i think commodities is one of them that's what i think is going on. maria: it's a big week for inflation data we have the producer price index academy's expected price to be a pretense of 8% month for month and 2% year-over-year the big event happens tomorrow with the consumer price index after three hot months of inflation on the consumer january, february and march and retail sales out tomorrow and this morning home depot, your thoughts on the macro story with ppi this morning and ppi tomorrow. >> it's a big weekend we have jay powell speaking today as well. we had three months back to back
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of harder than expected inflation and today is one month reading morgan have to wait and see what's going happen over the next three months on inflation but i think if inflation comes in as expected in the ppi and cpi this week i think the market will like on rally on the news but were starting to sink this inflationary news in terms of the job market that we see loosening in job gains low to 175,000 last month from march is over 300,000, wage gains slowing and initial claims are eight-month ties so we see decent inflationary data and that should help the inflation picture but it's going to take some more time. maria: whatever we get somewhere with the cpi that is going to
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inform the market in terms of where the fed is in terms of rate cuts or no rate cuts this year. >> in particular where we see the disinflation that gina is mentioning i spoke with an analyst who said the same thing to me that you get to see that inflation unstick with the two reports are working together over the next two mornings in my question is where i was told to pay attention to the shelter component on the cpi report on wednesday because that's were mostly the numbers start to fall are you about opinion or do you think you will fall somewhere else in the report. >> that's exactly it were watching a housing because there's a lag in the government data's overseeing companies like redfin and telling us rent has come down but hasn't shown up in the cpi the reason this is so important is the
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largest component of cpi. maria: we've been waiting for this steve schwartzman toby the same thing the largest owner of commercial real estate in the world blackstone and he said rent is going down i see it but we have not seen it hasn't shown up. where the consumer in the spotlight this week with april retail sales out this week you say we should be focused on the luxury goods companies in the consumers that are spreading on luxury goods as well as restaurants, watch. >> received a bifurcated consumer in the low-end consumer really struggling with inflation but yet were seen a different response from some of the luxury consumers in the retail sales report this week i would keep an eye on restaurants because this
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discretionary spending and that's the first go when consumers want to tighten their belt and stop spending. i think that'll be important for inflation. maria: a great point unfortunately whether eating a home or going to a restaurant the price is up of the last few years, thank you good to see you gina bolvin joining us on markets and the economy. morning movers on the mean stocks, gamestop and amc entertainment up in the premarket, gamestop up 50%, amc up 55% both skyrocketing after keith gill that goes by the social media handle roaring kennedy made the first post on accents 2021 he originally played the role in the videogame gamestop with bullish comments during the peaks mean stop media in 2021, yesterday gamestop
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after being halted numerous times closed up 74% while amc surged up 78%. one man's moves and bullish moves census stock soaring. a new poll show president trump commanding lead over president biden in five key swing states were getting into it with carlos gimenez on what is behind the growing support for 45. stay with us. ♪
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this?
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your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. maria: new polls by the new york times philadelphia inquirer and siena college fighting former president trump beating president biden in five key battleground states pennsylvania, michigan, georgia, arizona and nevada all states that biden one in the 2020 election, trump leads biden by 12 while biden holds a slim lead on trump and wisconsin the new florida chamber of commerce shows trump with a nine-point lead on biden in florida after last month when biden claimed that florida is in play, joining me for the congressman carlos
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gimenez a member of the home security and select committee on china, good to see you, is florida and play. >> no it is not employed for biden but is certainly in play for president trump president trump is good when florida big in november. >> the polls find former president trump leading biden age 18 - 29 trump trails biden only three points among hispanic voters while he gets 23% of support from blacks the highest number of black of any gop presidential candidate since 1964 what do you think is behind the increasing support for president trump. >> i think a number of things number one more americans are paying attention to a factor of a presidential election answering the question are you better off today than you were four years ago and they are not only answering no there answering held no were not better off today than four years ago and they see the assault on
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democracy in the biden administration is placing on former president trump and they don't like it. the biden withholding of arms to israel even though his extreme arm of the democrat party and the pro-palestinian and the majority of americans are pro-israel and finally what's happening at the border we've been suffering the crisis at the border since the first day of the biden administration. there are number of things that are waking up to insane were not better off and we don't want to take any more of this and that's what you see more support for president trump. >> all important points, that's exactly the question we should be asking going into the selection are you better off today than you were four years ago most people would say no my life is much more expensive to wars underway the world is on fire economic policy. >> it's really fascinating time when you talk to americans 56%
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say we need systemic change on the political and economic system level and 70% believe donald trump is the one that can do that that is across party lines americans are ready for change and they say the system is not working the way it is and to look at the way the political system is set up in the judicial system is set up and they look at the economic system and cesar working across the board and they want to see somebody shake things up. another thing that is fascinating 13% the people that voted for biden said they will not vote for him again because of his stance on foreign policy specifically how is handling gaza. he is a big issue if he doesn't get his voters out there and we have to remember donald trump never lead in the polls in 2016 at 2020 he is leading now and outperforms between three and 5%
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i think biden is much were durable than any of these poll suggests right now. maria: go ahead she's absolutely right president trump there are people that have a hard time saying yes i want to support president trump that's about 2 - the fact that is up in the polls that is very, very significant in the present is doing better than the polls suggest anything better in florida, florida is right is going to be for trump and hopefully we can continue the momentum because we need president trump in the white house, we see was happening to us in america and america around the world and we need peace in the world and the only one that can bring the peace to the world certainly not joe biden as president donald trump. >> it's funny to see joe biden take a page out of president trump's playbook on so many
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things whether it be on think about executive order on the border are thinking about tariffs the president hasn't done anything about any of this in the last three and half years but six months before an election the biden administration is expected to announce new tariffs on electric vehicles, semiconductors and medical supplies imported from china. we expected that today, white house correspondent edward lawrence questioned the white house about this in my biden's outing to the tariffs to chinese goods after previously criticizing president trump for doing the same. >> in july of 2019 candidate biden said the tariffs on china are in abusive policy has the president changed his mind and belief tariffs work. >> where we saw concerns on china's unfair trade policy and we've been very clear about that in the last administration when they did the trade deal with china and failed to increase american exports or boost
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manufacturing that is not something that the president wants to see. >> he believes tariffs work. >> american to get ahead of what were about to announce soon. maria: i don't know for biden wbc the tears materializing in the first place but here's president trump what i asked him about tariffs back in february of this year, watch this. >> your critics are saying you're going to start another trade war with china. >> i did great with china with everything she came in and they were going to steal our industry output big tariffs 50%, 100% 50% for the most part it stopped and i have steal people that every time they see me they start to cry they said you saved our industry but never letting it go. maria: the washington post says you're saying 60% tariffs on chinese goods is that in the cards. >> i would say it's going to be more than that i want china to do great and i like president xi a lot he was a good friend of
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mine. maria: the cover-up intellectual property theft i don't know if he's a friend. >> i don't know what i got along with him great i'm not sure he loved what i was doing. >> i don't think you want to the white house mr. president. >> what about the terrified, we heard biden is planning to raise tariffs on chinese electric vehicles by 100% in president trump comes out and says output of 200% tax every car that comes in from those plants what are we dealing with in do we worry or do you worry the tariffs will create a trade war in end up in a negative for this economy. >> i'm a china hawk and i've been saying over and over china is killing close to 100,000 americans every single year they are our greatest existential threat and every dollar we sent to china it's could be used against us so we need to decouple from china and decouple
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yesterday, not today not tomorrow yesterday we should be decouple from china, one thing never listen to what biden says watcher he does he may talk a great game but at the end i doubt he'll go through with it. maria: i feel the same way and were very clear eyed about the threat of communist china on the program invoice the every day. i'm just wondering why all the sudden joe biden is getting religion now. i'm questioning whether or not he's going to push back on china in a real way he has not done it yet. >> again never listen to what he says, watch what he does he makes great statements but then there's the fine point underneath this is all of this is all baloney because in the fine point this has no effect because again joe biden hasn't made the right decision in 50 years he's not going to make it now everything he does is against american interest.
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>> we saw the same thing with ironclad and then he holds back weapons to israel thank you we will follow all of the and carlos gimenez, we'll be right back. ♪ if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness,
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maria: welcome back empty promises the white house is claiming the u.s. is committed to stand with israel and the war against hamas despite president biden threatening to withhold weapons to israel if it invades rafah here is white house national security advisor jake sullivan yesterday. >> the president has stood stronger with israel than joe biden his commitment is ironclad ironclad does not mean you never disagree and mean you work through your disagreements and only true friends could do in a very good friend of israel we're going to stand with them as they worked to defeat and determine
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enemy but we can offer our advice and make clear where we stand on the issues as well. a lot of talking points for jake sullivan, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu warns the perception of tensions between the u.s. and israel over rafah is making a harder to reach a hostage deal with hamas, joining the senior strategic analyst and the chairman of the institute for the study of war general jack keane back with me, great to see you i think that makes sense if there is a perception that the u.s. and israel are at odds doesn't that embolden hamas and make it harder to reach a deal to get hostages released. >> there is no doubt about that ever since the biden administration publicly began to criticize israel and the idf and how they were conducting military operations, that from
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the start began to undermine israel and strengthen sin while who is the head of hamas inside of gaza indies been steadfast and not budging on the fact that hostage releases on the table but for that he wanted into the military fighting and the complete withdrawal of israel from gaza which obviously is not in israel's interest to do at this particular time and also helped him claim the protest around the world because his plane right into their hands it doesn't make any sense to me that on the one hand we can claim that president biden is best and strongest supporter ever of israel in noteworthy things the amount of ammunition emotional support that the president has provided in the fact that we let a u.s. coalition for the first time in
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history to help defend israel against a fuselage of missiles pouring in to israel that is all strong support but the other thing taking place is really hurting israel and they're not willing to step up and indicate that they are defending themselves and sheepishly saying these are disagreements and friends of disagreements no, this is high-stakes what's going on we have 130 hostages at stake in the existential threat of israel at stake. every time president biden talks about israel is got to remind people of the united states the people worldwide that this is the next essential threat dealing with israel and hamas and iranians are behind all of that with their proxies this is survival of the state of israel that is not. maria: and threatening you're not going to send a weapon
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shipment in the middle of the fight for survival does not do that and i think the administration was taken back by the reaction that they got from the statement. i spoke with voters and independents, liberals who were very upset and said that's my redline you stop sending weapons, you hold the weapon shipment to israel in the middle of the fight for the life i'm done, that's my redline i think the other trying to walk it back a little and soften it up because of this reaction from voters. they're worried this is a political issue i want to know where china is because vladimir putin replaces defense minister and longtime ally with the economist yesterday shaken military leadership in moscow as you know who is decision to elevate the former deputy prime minister is seen as a way to tighten control over military spending but the kremlin today confirmed to fox that putin is traveling to china thursday for
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a state visit and meeting with president xi jinping we can't forget the china element and all of us. >> oh no absolutely not, listen the collaboration and cooperation china and russia is very significant and comprehensive and widescale in and to the iran and north korea, the foreign nations are working together to undermine the united states and democracy countries in the world they want to replace the international system and they see weakness on the party of the united states and they know the military isn't what it should be in there trying to catch up to get to a place where he needs to be and they recognize fully that the united states has a lot on his hands dealing with a war in europe dealing with a war in the middle east in dealing with present issues aggressiveness and the end of pacific region in the replacement of the russian
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minister they put in an economist and i think he has no military experience whatsoever nor did his predecessor but i think it has to do with the widespread corruption in the ministry of defense and they brought this guy and to clean that up and strengthen their defense industrial base but to the point is not surprising that putin and scheer having another meeting right after putin has been anointed again for another six-year term to solidify the relationship. the fact is china help bail russia out and there's no doubt about that, $240 billion worth of trade 26% increase in 2023 and china trading with russia to bail them out and that's really been quite comprehensive and they don't provide the weapons and the platform itself but they provide a lot of the components for it and to keep an army on
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the battlefield requires a lot of things other than weapons in china and strengthening weapons industrial base to support the army on the battlefield. maria: what about the chinese corporate sewer suppliers of russian aggression in their trading on our exchanges there is so many holes in all of this as we watch russian china get embolden in further unite in all of this, how were you to the u usb. >> is a administration has been very reluctant to go after china in terms of sanctions there is plenty we could with the company to shut them down letter providing their support to russia in same thing with iran china is bailing iran out as well and there's so much we could do against china and secondary sections and you know what happened in the trump
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administration iran was back on his heels because of the sanctions in this administration east of the sanctions. we've been reluctant to confront china and we talk about competing with china and when the competition and part of winning the competition is imposing sanctions on them when it's against our national interest and clearly that's what's happening with china and russia and china and iran. maria: do believe the efforts were talking about potential tariffs increased tariffs on chinese imports and we don't know if they will materialize but certainly biden is trying to talk tough and then the financial times are is an article that says joe biden orders the crypto minor to sell land near u.s. military bases. i don't know if this is going to materialize but president biden is trying to look like he's doing something against china. >> this is a political year and a lot of that may be tied to the expectations so i share your
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skepticism about whether this policy actually turns into executable policy and becomes a reality. maria: we will see will be talking about this for sure always a pleasure, thank you very much. >> great talking to you. we appreciate you former white house press secretary jen psaki using her new book to rewrite history were talking about the averages claims, you want to mourn is on maria live on foxoy business, stay wita)h us. reat. thanks! thanks! voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices so you can reach today's financial goals. that one! and look forward, to a more confident future. that is one dynamic duo. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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maria: welcome back president biden's border crisis becoming deadlier has more illegal migrants accused of crime across the country, cheryl casone with the details. >> multiple suspects arrested in connection to the fatal shooting of a 16-year-old girl in a massachusetts house party over the weekend the brazilian national and the u.s. illegally i.c.e. agents placing detainer request on them texas previously deported illegal migrants in connection to the death of a three -month-old baby, the mexican national also placed on the detainer by ice, the shocking border story a dozen migrants storming a san diego beach and sprinting toward a
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nearby neighborhood as residents and lifeguards looked on they were no police or coast guard officers within range to stop them. no jurors on the first day of bob menendez corruption trial yesterday the venture democrat charger 16 criminal counts including wire fraud, obstruction of justice, extortionate conspiring to act as a border agent for egypt and qatar, they accused him of accepting bribes in the form of cash, gold bars in a mercedes-benz in return for his influence, court documents show that menendez defense team will claim he suffers from intergenerational posttraumatic stress disorder because his parents fled from cuba. red lobster reportedly closing 48 locations across the country according to a major restaurant liquidator whose only online auction of the furniture and equipment, stores in orlando, jacksonville, buffalo are listed
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as temporarily closed on the company's website, workers in sacramento claim they've no notice of the closures in the bloomberg reports a chain is considering filing for bankruptcy searching for buyers to struggle keep up with the entered rent and labor cost. then this former white house press secretary jen psaki under fire for a false claim about president biden the president was criticized back in 2021 for looking at his watch multiple times during the arrival ceremony for the bodies of the 13 service members killed in the plot under botched afghanistan withdrawal, families expressing their disappointment and outrage as disrespect, and the new book that jen psaki wrote, he looked at his watch only after the ceremony had ended, moments later he and the first lady headed toward their car. jen psaki claimed that news outlets are spreading misinformation over the incident, now she's walking back the claim telling axios details are going to be removed in future reprints and the e-book.
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multiple people saw him looking at his watch multiple times it was all on camera but she wrote a different version. maria: we just looked at the video it's right there. we all watched it. maria: it's right there in black and white, thank you so much, lee carter, your reaction. >> why lie about this, follow the things to put out there there are many things. it makes no sense we saw it, it happened, you look at the videotape why rolling back and why even put that out there. maria: the blind support for joe biden the democrat policy. that's all it is, not admitted that border is a national security risk. it's an open support the blind support for the democrat policy that they don't want to step
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over. >> somebody think she could blindly support but to go after this in the book is outrageous and in particular an insult to the service members whose families were outraged at this and rightly so why even go back on this there are so many issues that are really important and i have no idea why she would respond her time addressing this in a way that was an outright lie. >> this is not an accident they want to rewrite history because the whole afghanistan pullout was one of the worst things that ever happened in the history of the united states of america and it was at that point where donald trump finally over turn the daily chocking pools in the disaster of afghanistan withdrawal is what spurred on the vaccine mandate. this was one of the worst things that is ever happen in the u.s. and jen psaki is trying to cover it up and trying to paint it in
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a more favorable light for her time in the white house and for the biden administration and the democrats in this despicable. maria: afghanistan botched withdrawal also created new and lasting friendships between adversaries china and russia. after that many got together that's what all the foreign affairs experts will tell you that it was the beginning of the rest of the world not believe in america, our friends don't support us in our enemies don't fear us. >> exactly, i was just going to say that, afghanistan was really the moment or the united states looked weak in a way that the withdrawal was handled, not only did president biden at the time disrespect the memories of the soldiers but also a lot of the blame was placed on the shoulders, he ignored his own general one of the top generals
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told him to save the base and he did not do that. maria: now people are questioning whether america is a banana republic given one political leader is trying to take down his opponent, the other political leader, day 17 of president trump so-called hush money trial, the guy is locked up in a manhattan courtroom in the prosecution's star witness michael cohen has been cross-examined. were taking to live outside of the courthouse in the hot topic of hour coming up next. watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. moving forward with node-positive breast cancer.
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