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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  May 14, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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that is from a positive .2% that was previously reported. cpi of course is something that i will be setting my alarm clock for, as you mentioned. i will be up and looking as will many people. we fear the market will lay down if we get that hotter than expected print. we're baking in too many rate cuts now it seems. ashley: right. brandon, we'll have to leave it right there. thanks for sharing your insight with us today. we're about 25 seconds from the close now. we're looking for a new record close for the nasdaq. s&p very close. needs just 33 points. we may not make that. [closing bell rings] as you can see up across the board except the dow transports down half a percent. what a day. that will do it for "the claman countdown." thanks for joining us this afternoon. the great larry kudlow -- ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. well day 17 of the alvin bragg
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trial with michael cohen on the stand and i am still looking for a crime that's all. well hear from gregg jarrett in just a second. we have senator tim scott here on set to tell us about joe biden bottomless pinocchios on the economy and inflation. "breitbart"'s john carney, and former trump omb director russell vought will talk to us about inflation infernos and america's collapsing finances and donald trump is locked up in a courtroom so to speak. joe biden spending a fortune campaigning on his so-called record. meanwhile mr. trump's lead in the swing states is actually growing larger. go figure. charlie hurt and katie pavlich will weigh in. now let's go first, day -- i'm so tired of this trial. let's bring in my great friend, gregg jarrett, fox news legal analyst. gregg jarrett, if such a thing is possible did you learn anything today? >> well you know, in fact is a great question and the answer is
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no! you know, the entire morning was the second day of michael cohen, you know a notorious liar and serial perjurer according to a judge recently. he didn't lay a glove on trump. i'm just so astonished that such an anemic case legally would hinge on, you know, an infamous liar and yet when he takes the witness stand he doesn't deliver a devastating blow to the defendant, his former boss. i mean, this case is really about the core indictment charges, misdemeanors that are magically elevated to a felony. well you never get to the felony if you knock out the false business records misdemeanors. and cohen didn't do that. he said, oh, yes, these were false records but then he went on to explain what the payments that he received were for. and it turns out they were for
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legal services. so, you know, i think the defense opportunity to argue a vigorous directed verdict at the end of the prosecution's case, the moment that cohen steps off the stand has increased. larry: jonathan turley was on yesterday, gregg, he had interesting insight. i asked him about this tape, this audiotape which is pretty remarkable when your own lawyer is taping you and you don't know about it and you know jonathan said this is absolutely appalling. basically it's a new low, okay and we're going to have to pat down our lawyers now just in case they're taping our conversations in secret. that's a very weird thing right there, but, but, but, the tape, jonathan said the tape didn't really have much. and when you go through it, and this is my point to you, or my question to you, what you hear is a client basically following
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the advice of his lawyer. none of which has anything to do with crimes, illegalities, federal crimes or anything like that, that's all. now at some level, i like to simplify this, i'm growing weary after 17 days of this, that is kind of the way i see it. >> yeah, totally is but alvin bragg, the elected district attorney who promised he was going to put trump behind bars, that was his campaign theme, you know, he wants to put trump in prison for following his lawyer's legal advice. larry: right. >> i mean it's utterly laughable. it's preposterous, it's absurd and yet this judge is sort of letting him get away with it. this is a train wreck and the judge is, the engineer driving the locomotive and he could have avoided it. instead is if he taken off his
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robe, stepped down from the bench and sitting at the prosecution's table. it is outrageous. larry: non-disclosure agreements not illegal, personal loans, not illegal the, retainers if there were any not illegal. please, last one, what, what's illegal? where's the crime? >> yeah, you know, where's the beef? well there is no crime. i said this all along. i wrote a column a long-time ago this was always a trial in search of an imagine nair bring imaginary crime you will find nowhere in the criminal codes. this convoluted theory by bragg, it is a violation of campaign finance. no, it isn't. it doesn't qualify as a donation or a contribution. the fec said that the doj said that, cy vance, bragg's predecessor said that but you know bragg didn't care. he wanted to mangle the law, contort the evidence, twist the
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facts, in order to take out trump to benefit joe biden. this is blatant election interfinesser and americans are smart. they see it. that's why trump's poll numbers have gone up. larry: yes indeed. gregg jarrett, many thanks as always. folks you can catch more of gregg's coverage of donald trump's new york trial on "fox nation," streaming right now. all right, now for the riff, inflation heating up again. joe biden slapping tariffs on chinese products we mostly don't buy. meanwhile our nation's finances are in complete tatters. just a couple point here, the recent string of hotter than expected inflation reports continue. the april producer price index whose top line number jumped roughly 6% at an annual rate, then there is the small business sentiment from the nfib, continues to hover nearly 20% below levels during the trump years. today president biden comes out with a bunch of new tariffs on china, i were concluding
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electric vehicles and steel products that americans hardly buy any. we already have 40 to 50% type tariffs on most of these products plus numerous anti-dumping provisions that were put into place during the trump years. there were no countermoves or strategies to help american exporters or u.s. business ownersship in china. no demands made to stop intellectual property theft or the forced transfer of technology or nothing to mandate china purchases of american farm or other commodities, nothing. the bidens did not address the problem of cheap chinese cars manufactured in china but exported under the radar screen from mexico to avoid u.s. mca tariff and domestic content provisions. most importantly right now, no biden attempts to stop china from importing iranian and russian oil, not a peep.
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that broke all the sanctions, essentially financing two wars against the united states. not a peep on that from the bidens. too little too late, too meek, all right? then finally the matter of america's crumbling finances, mr. biden's in denial about two trillion dollar budget deficits as far as the eye can see. publicly held federal debt projected to rise from 28 trillion this year to 48 trillion over the 10-year cbo budget window. that will put it at 116% of gdp. interest expense which is running around 870 billion today, expected to rise to 1.6 trillion over the budget period. that would put it considerably higher than spending on defense and national security. food stamps exploding, despite recovery from covid and of the roughly $110 billion spent on food stamps, that's up 60% to
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pre-pandemic by the way. only 24% of able-bodied recipient are actually working. these are all reasons why joe biden may have donald trump temporarily locked up in this court but trump is pulling away in the key swing states. that is the riff. now, great pleasure, joining me, great old friend, south carolina senator mr. tim scott, performer 2024 presidential candidate, senator scott as always,. >> thank you, larry. larry: good to see you right here on the flesh. you have to hear this, it will only take a second but you got to hear this. biden redux. president biden: i think inflation has gone slightly up. it was at 9% when i came in and it is now down around 3% but the fact is that i think people are just uncertain. larry: there you go, senator scott. >> unbelievable. larry: kid you not the second time in i don't know two or three days he keeps saying 9%. interest trump handed him a 1.4%
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cpi. you're an economics guy. you know this as well as i do. >> this is all ridiculous this is window-dressing. economics "bidenomics" should be called broke in. omics. under president trump we had inflation under 2%. we had the economy growing for every single class of americans. president trump promised $4,000 per family. he missed. it was $4400 per family. he actually overdeliverred. "bidenomics," broke in. omics is devastating millenials trying to buy a home for the first time. one of the reasons why there is a tie. millenials are looking at joe biden and saying, not so much. they turn to donald trump and they are saying i want 2% inflation that brings our interest rates from over 7% for
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30-year mortgage down closer to 3%. it allows you to buy more home. it allows your equity to grow faster but important, 52 paychecks, larry, 52 consecutive paychecks under joe biden, with inflation being higher than increases of wages. what does that mean? what does it mean to a single mother like the fantastic one that raised me? it means she is spending an extra $10,000 a year on a 40 -- 40,000-dollar income. it means she can no longer decide to go to the gas station and to the store and get the prescriptions filled. it means she has to ration something. americans under "bidenomics," the weight is too heavy. it's like quicksand under their feet. i can't think of anything more
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devastating than four more years of the disaster known as broke-nomics. larry: the thing is, you look at all those court cases, none of these court cases have anything to do with gasoline prices, grocery prices, mortgage rates, the fact that real wages are falling instead of rising. >> yes. larry: i think that is the biggest reason this hasn't had any effect. the needle hasn't moved at all. the issues folks are worried about are not represented in these courtrooms. >> they're represented at the kitchen table. larry: yes. >> where the family takes there, takes out a pen how do i afford the next couple years under joe biden? more importantly alvin bragg is making an in kind contribution to the democratic party trying to keep president trump off the campaign trail and on the sidelines. he is actually reversing. it is not working but the goal that bragg hasn't to serve
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justice. there is no crime. therefore there is no criminal. why, why is donald trump in court? one reason, one reason only. november 5th, 2024. larry: political interference, election interference. >> engineering. larry: engineering, i love that. were you at the wildwood, new jersey thing? >> i was not. 100,000 people. i wish i was there. larry: what does that tell you, by the way? 100,000 people. >> in new jersey, on new jersey seashore in red state like new jersey. what does that tell you? >> it tells me when president trump says there is a 50-state strategy it is already working. when you know minnesota for the first time in more than a decade is actually competitive for republicans is because president trump has delivered. when people say, let me compare donald trump years to the joe biden disaster, whether you're in minnesota or new injured or georgia, or north carolina or wisconsin, or ohio or arizona or nevada, you
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want a new president to join the rest of us. this is going to be -- larry: the base is broadening. that is what it looks like, that is fair, right? >> absolutely. black folks. larry: working folks of all colors. >> exactly. larry: young people, you said a few moments ago. driving democrats crazy. james carville is mouthing off. they really regret it. they're stuck with him. you made your bed. you will have to sleep in it. the other thing i want to ask you, you've been tweeting about immigration and very important issue to you personally. i want to talk to you yes, closing the border. mr. trump made that top priority. day one top priority. >> thank god. larry: drill, baby, drill, moving on to taxes and regulations. what about the other side of the legal issue which is deporting criminals? >> there is no doubt, they shouldn't be here. we should get started on that. what have you given it much thought? it is a big undertaking.
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what you think. >> abs absolutely. day one, president trump already signaled we would have the largest deportation program in american history. we'll start will legal i immigrants with criminal records. anytime they interact with local law enforcement. president trump wants to empower local law enforcement. instead of defunding the police, why don't we refund and respect, and give them the tools they need to keep american cities and counties safe? president trump is going to make that reality, giving them the power they need to enforce the laws of our country. larry: so you are all for it? >> 100%. larry: right. >> the only way you could not be for it because you lack common sense. larry: the thing is, it is part of the law that's been broken. when you read the whole law. >> 100%. larry: chad wolf, former dhs secretary wrote a very nifty piece about this on up on fox news digital, either yesterday, the day before, it is part of breaking the law and
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therefore if you're going to bolster the law you have to follow this and you are going to have to have deportations. >> 10 million illegal immigrant invasion under president biden will be reversed by president trump starting day one. larry: i reckon so. >> i love that. >> i'm supposed to ask you if you will be vice president or how is that going? nobody knows. i'm just going to say that. >> there you go. larry: but you're in the running. you would accept it if you were offered to you? >> anything i can do to serve this country. as a kid growing up in poverty in the deep south wondering if the american dream would work for a kid like me, god bless america. the answer is absolutely, postively, unequivocally, it works for all americans. if you work it works. having a chance to share that message across this country in any form or fashion count me in. larry: you know you gave one, you came on this show right -- you gave one of the best state of the union rebuttals couple years ago. >> thank you.
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larry: when you came on. that was awesome. you completely kicked butt. you have to be hard in the running for this vice presidential -- no one knows what mr. trump is to egg to do. he may not know. anyway we wish you all the luck. thanks for visiting. >> thanks for what you do here. larry: no, my great pleasure. it is an honor. take care of yourself. >> yes, sir. larry: we'll talk more about joe biden's inflation inferno and america's crumbling finance. we have "breitbart" john carney and russ vought, former omb director. remember kids you can catch "kudlow" monday through friday at 4:00 p.m. here on fox business. if for some reason you can't get us at 4:00, please text your favorite nine-year-old, she will show you how to dvr the show. you will never miss a tim scott appearance. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back. ♪.
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose to l comcast and now we're introducing ultimate speed for business, our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds at no additional cost. from the company with 99.9% network reliability and advanced cyber security, it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. and it's all from comcast business. larry: biden-flation heating up again with the ppi. a touch of tariffs as well. edward lawrence live at the white house with all the details. hello, edward. >> reporter: hey, larry. i'm sure the biden campaign is longing for those covid lockdown days, the days of basement strategy for campaigning a new "new york times" poll shows that 78% of registered voters say the
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economy is poor or only fair. 58% of those voters say former president trump is better equipped to handle the economy. president biden trying to get tough today, adding or announcing these tariffs, $18 billion worth of chinese imports under tariffs mainly focused on his green agenda. look at the president under july 11th, 2019 when he called formepresident trump's tariff policy shortsighted. president biden: most effective way we need to change to build a united front of friends and partners to challenge china's abusive behavior. even as we seek to deeper cooperation on issues converge like climate change. >> reporter: here the president is today in the rose garden, listen. president biden: we need to have a secure supply of essential supplies here at home. folks, these key sectors my administration is combining investments in america with tariffs that are strategic and
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targeted. it's smart approach. >> reporter: so i pressed the u.s. trade representative about the timing of these tariffs in an election year. so took three years to figure out the chinese were flooding the market and stealing technology? it is pretty evident they have been doing that for so long. >> no, it took year-and-a-half for course of review. you will see the amount of care we put into our investigation and our findings, yes, there continue to be problems. that's what takes so long, is the dine and the architecture of the tariff defense system that you will see. >> reporter: she is claiming process and as you know, former president trump was able to put those tariffs in place in a matter of months, not years. larry? larry: yeah, it is 301. it is 30. that can be done bang, bang. i didn't see anything in there to help americans sell to china. i didn't see anything in there to stop the theft of
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intellectual property or the forced transfer of technology, et cetera, et cetera. edward lawrence thanks very much. for more on the story we have john carney, john carney's "breitbart news" economics editor, coauthor of the "breitbart" business dive guess. my great pal, former o-mb director and president of the center for renewing america, that being russell vought. say, russ vought, i want to start with you on the tariff thing. you probably saw it today. you know a thing or two about tariffs. this is like we waited for long for so little and so meek? i really don't understand this, except they want to sound muscular but they know they're not. >> they're not, they continue to chase leadership president trump had while he was in office changing the relationship with china to be able to go after some of the structural problems that we have with china, stealing our technology, them making our, making it so that we can't have a fair marketplace with our firms trying to do business in china. so, look, this is just a half
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measure t comes way too late. this is something if they were really serious they would have every single cabinet member to go to china, hey, no talk about strategic decoupling. we'll all be on good terms here. instead they waited too late. this is what they have to show for it. larry: look, we don't buy steel from china, hardly any. we don't buy electric vehicles. we buy some solar panel stuff. on the other hand they want to stop rare earth, but they're slapping -- they won't let us mine rare eithers here. what does that tell you? >> china is not serious about the china trade issue at all. in fact his tariffs are so weak it will do nothing at all to reset the trade relationship with china. china depends on the u.s. buying its overcapacity. it will still depend on the u.s. buying its overcapacity. the people hurt here, not consumers, it won't raise prices, tariffs don't do that,
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we saw that under trump, you know who will be hurt? other manufacturers in the u.s. making non-manufactured products -- non-tariffed products. trump tried to handle it strategically. let's reset the trade relationship. let's make it resip bro reciprocal. biden is not doing anything about it that. this is dumb move. larry: we're not doing anything about china assembling manufacturers and automobiles in mexico, shipping them under the radar screen ever usmca. the other thing china is financing two wars against the united states, buying oil from iran, buying oil from russia. biden knows this. the whole world knows this. we all have the numbers on this. iran has made $100 billion in last 3 1/2 years. brian hook, wrote a food column in "the wall street journal." former national security. they don't say a word about it. this he don't say a word.
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i guess they're too busy appeasing iran. >> biden had a pretty good idea in the biden clip, we should get the rest of the world. guess what, he didn't do that. he is not getting rest of the world to come against china at all. he is doing this unilaterally. that is a mistake. china is also dumping electric vehicles into europe. we should be selling electric vehicles into europe. it is a terrible idea. he is not going about it the right way. larry: russ vought, two things on the budget. obviously the numbers are outrageous. you're running two trillion dollar deficits per year as far as the eye can see, essentially at full employment, full percent under full employment. that is ridiculous. federal debt is 116% of gdp. 48 trillion is the cbo estimate. probably come in more than that unless there is major policy changes. you know what else caught my eye, russ? committee to unleash prosperity running this today or yesterday.
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food snaps, snap program, it is almost as expensive as it was at the height of covid and still, i hate to say this able-bodied recipients are not working. i am troubled by that, russ vought, thought you might have a thought? >> well i am too and i think the problem with food stamps, always supposed to be cyclical, like when you have a a downturn, food stamps go up, when things pick up they go down. in reality they don't ever go down. they continue to scale up. what is different, with all the welfare programs we lost the ability to expect work from these programs. historic reforms that were put in place in in the 1990s are largely gone by the wayside. we have benefit hammocks where people are not encouraged to get back into the workforce. that is something i think you will see with a difference in president trump. all the budgets had substantial welfare reform, to improve what we had on the books already, but
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to apply to new programs. larry: that won't balance the budget but it would help. it woo get more people participating in the labor force which throws off all kinds of benefits. i think you're right about that. john carney, last 30 seconds the ppi kind of blasted off today. i'm not sure what i know this new ppi means. it doesn't look very good. almost 6% at annual rate. >> absolutely ugly. inflation is not coming down. biden was wrong about it. the fed was wrong about it. he was hoping the fed would come in bail him out with a rate cut. the rate cut is not happening. probably not going to happen this year. i don't think it will happen next year. i like what you say, it will not happen in our lifetime. that ask one of the reasons all those budget numbers are wrong. those budget numbers assume interest rates come down and they will be higher and budget number will be much -- larry: yellen is financing everything at the short end of the curve through three month treasury bills which is exactly the wrong way to do this.
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gen-zers, they will pay through the nose for so many years. you're right. those rates, not only highest rates on the yield curve right now because the curve is inverted but they may well go higher. >> when they go higher janet yellen will have been looking making one of most epic mistakes the treasury secretary has ever made. she shouldn't do it the way she is doing it they believed in the myth that inflation would go away. you can't run budget deficits we're running now without generating a enormous amount of inflation. larry: there you have it. john carney, thank you. russ vought is thank you. russ is smiling. he sees we're speaking the truth. russ, you have to visit us in new york. we miss you. coming up how can republicans stop joe biden's bureaucracy from harvesting this election? very important issue. we'll talk about it with republican national committee chair michael wattley, right here on set. i'm kudlow. stay with us.
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larry: all right, we will join president trump, he is speaking by the courthouse. let's continue to listen in. >> this is the time when the -- about the election and starts to harden, basically they say we're doing really well. you see all the polls. alan dershowitz, great gentleman, this is election interference at the most obvious. every american no matter whether you're on the trump team or against him, whatever political affiliation it is, he goes on to say, he is a democrat, he can't be right about everything because he is making a big mistake. if you're jewish and you're a democrat, that includes alan dershowitz, you ought to have your head examined, you see what is going on with israel. but he goes, i'm a democrat. we should be equally concerned about how the legal system is being weaponized and abused for partisan purposes. remember this, all over the
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world they're watching this trial and they're seeing what a disgrace this is and a big disgrace to new york. i love this state, i love this city and, they got to get it back. they got to get the legal system back. there are businesses are leaving, people are fleeing, businesses are leaving because they can't go through what i'm going through. speaker mike johnson was here a little while ago. just apply common sense. take a look what is happening. just apply common sense. a great gentleman, victor davis hanson, none of the five civil or criminal cases currently lodged against former president donald trump -- by the way all going through washington this is all election interference by biden. have ever had merit. month of them had merit. these criminal civil trials are continue is legal efforts the last eight years to destroy a presidential candidate in lieu of disposing him in a transparent election. enemies like china and russia,
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boast merge's new political prosecutions are similar to those of their own system, even more so. that is victor davis hanson. he goes on with a beautiful statement. that i won't bore you, but the public isn't bored by him at all. they agree with him 100%. let's see, any president who would go through the justice system, et cetera, et cetera, yeah, it is a disgrace what is happening this is something that shouldn't be happening. tom fitton, i carefully tracked the @realdonaldtrump trial up in new york, the prosecution, quote, meaning persecution, hasn't presented any evidence of a crime by trump what sorry. judge mershon is, he says very negative things about him. i don't want to say that about the judge, say that today about the judge. matt whitaker, former acting attorney general, i'm deeply concerned about the trial in
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new york targeting president trump. it is very unfair, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. brett tolman, gag order is tool utilized to protect defendants, rarely if ever applied to one side. they have never seen anything like this gag order. you haven't either. hopefully you will never again. it is negative seen before. it applied to only defendants. you have a constitutional problem without ability to say anything about our even case. i am not allowed to talk about big portions of my case and nothing like that has ever happened. they're allowed to talk, the other side but i'm not. governor doug burgum was here also. many politicians were here today, many congressman, senators, you met some of them. we know from the polls president trump is leading all over the country. larry: all right, mr. trump is just reading notices out right now. we've got chairman of the
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republican national committee, the new chairman, mr. michael wattley of north carolina if i have that right. >> yes, sir. larry: thank you for coming on the show. look, apropos of the things president trump is talking about, i want to ask you about, early in the biden administration executive orders, all right, 1419 to be precise, every single federal agency register, mobilize voters with the express intent to increasing election participation of minority groups disproportionately vote democrat. you can do it on the premises. this is collusion between the left and federal bureaucracy. in my experience with the government, there is such a thing called the hatch act. this is all illegal. i'm sure you know about this are you ready to fight this? there is an army of bureaucrats ready to register against, against president trump? >> yeah. look, the fact they're doing
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this with a shroud of secrecy, we have asked for information on these programs. members of congress, members of the senate have asked for information on these programs. we've been stonewalled at every turn and we're just going to have to wait and see how they do it. the flipside of that, is we are out there right now registering voters all across the country. we are seeing voters leaving the democratic party in every group, in every swing state. we are seeing black voters leaving the democratic party, hispanic voters, asian-american voters, every single battleground state we're registering more republicans than democrats are registering. we're closing voting gaps in 900,000 vote margin we have in registered republicans over democrats in florida. so they can work in secrecy and try to get the federal bureaucracy on board. larry: and they will. >> they will. larry: it is very bothersome. one thing they singled out the federal bureau of prisons, jails, unbelievable, on-site
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registration. will they let you in? will they let rnc people in, state people in? that's is a question. >> we're not seeing any of that. larry: do you have lawyers on this? >> we are, we absolutely r we're working with folks in the senate and house oversight committees trying to get down to the bottom of this thing. in the meantime, what we're doing, is we are seeing a flood of people leaving the democratic party coming our way because of the policies of the biden administration, because of inflation, because of immigration, illegal immigration, what we're seeing come across the southern border. larry: michael, early voting september 1st am i right about that, early september. that is the beginning of the early voting to some extent. mr. trump is now endorsed that or embraced that at least. are you ready for that. >> we are. over half of the votes this cycle could be cast before election day. what we need to make sure we're doing is talking to those voters before they go vote. so we have actually built up a
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great website and great program called bank your vote. we're talking to every voter, doing it earlier in the election cycle. when people to go vote we want them to inform. it is great for people to vote early, to volt before election day. we want them to it it stick to . larry: its harvesting, "zuckerbucks" thing. i don't call it stealing. it is harvesting. a lot of vote were lost in 2020 because of harvesting. you're ready for isn't. >> we're ready to go. lara trump is doing an absolutely fantastic job. larry: i got too get out, michael because we had our special guest, mr. trump. >> of course. larry: thank you for visiting us on set. now folks quick as rabbit, charlie hurt, "washington times" opinion editor, fox news contributor, katie pavlich, straight from a traffic jam,
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"town hall" editor and fox news contributor. you said they are ready for the harvesting onslaught, do you believe them? do you think they're ready, katie. >> we know that democrats are olympians of voting. if you look at 2020 election, going into election day, counting on voters to be able to bridge the gap after a million plus votes are banked in swing states across the country is not a good strategy. listening to the rnc, watching what they have done over the course of the past six months. they're filing lawsuits where it matters. they're winning them. they're winning lawsuits against unconstitutional ballot harvesting and ballot boxes. look the way the democrats are playing the game in states like wisconsin and michigan and taking them on in the court system as they try to move the voting rules around in their favor. so the rnc is doing a lot to make sure this will work as you mentioned early voting starts
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two months ahead of election day. as the cheryl said, when you have that many people casting votes early, half the ballots already in you make sure you know the rules and drive a message their candidate is the guy you should vote for. larry: register voters in the prisons, in the jails, part of this biden strategy. it will be a tough one. charlie hurt, having said all of that, joe biden running around the country spending a fortune on advertisements proclaiming the benefits of his record, all the triumphs of his record. he have did it again today. did an interview today once again he said he inherited a 9% inflation rate that was his handicap. he is only off by seven 1/2, eight points, whatever, having said all that, locking trump up in a goofball jury trial in new york, trump in latest numbers from "new york times" sienna, trump is plus 10 in georgia, he is plus seven in
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arizona, plus 12 in nevada, and plus seven in michigan. i don't any mr. biden's strategy seems to be working charlie hurt. >> because they're not good at anything. they're bad at everything. they have the reverse midas touch. everything they touch turns to mud. it's terrible. the only thing they're good at is elections and they're very good at it t was pretty hysterical thing we heard from the white house either earlier today or tomorrow, i'm not exactly sure, when, where the press secretary declined to comment on the current kangaroo case going on in new york, claiming the hatch act, saying that she couldn't talk about it because it was all politics. its ba -- it was the truest, only true thing this lady said since she has been at the podium. she is the worst ever press
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secretary in the country. joe biden will stick with the lie about 9% inflation. that is their only hope. their only hope is to lie. they're hoping they can sort of convince people all of the bad, all of the, all of the misery that the country went through under, during covid-19 was somehow actually the responsibility of donald trump as opposed to many of their policies and they can sort of like trick people into thinking that oh, no, that is what is going to come back if you vote for donald trump. larry: i apologize to both of you. we had a special guest. his name is donald trump and i went a little long today. so i'm afraid i got to jump out. katie, thank you very much as always. >> thanks, larry. larry: you know how much we appreciate you. ditto to you, charlie hurt. appreciate it very much. >> good to see you larry. larry: we'll take a quick break and senator dan sullivan is going to come on to talk about drill, baby, drill and the the bidens insane policies against
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israel, against israel is what it looks like. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back (traffic noises) (♪) the road to opportunity. is often the road overlooked. (♪) at enterprise mobility, we guide companies to unique solutions, from our team of mobility experts. because we believe the more ways we all have to move forward. the further we'll all go.
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the biden administration is treating israel and or the fact that bidens took 16 million acres of the national petroleum reserve out of alaska drilling. i don't know, i will leave it to you but they're both awful policies i should think. >> they're both awful, larry, and they're both driven by the far left of the democratic party. everything they are doing is driven by the far left. it is lawless in alaska. it hurts our state as you know, but our natural resources is one of the great strengths of america. they're shutting down alaska harming our constituents, my constituents. you and i worked closely together on the tax cuts and jobs act in terms of the anwr provisions. they're ignoring that. so it is lawless and undermines our great strengths as a country. all these policies are driven by the far left of the democratic party. larry: you know, senator, just to me i don't understand it, the latest from secretary of state antony blinken, presumably,
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biden, israel out of gaza and we're withholding intelligence information with respect to hamas from israel. i mean, this is almost treacherous. >> it is almost treacherous. and here's the thing. i was in israel after the october 7th hamas attacks and the sense that you get when you're there, they're in the existential fight of their life, hamas, hezbollah, the houthis and of course iran, it is so real. the fact that we at the time of their greatest need are starting to withhold weapons to, withhold intelligence, it's unbelievable. i agree with your statement. it's treachery. think about the bigger picture, larry, the chaos that has been unleashed in the world during the biden administration's time in office because of their weakness. it is something we're seeing all over the place.
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larry: apologies, apologies, senator. we will have you back.
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larry: massive budgeted deficits and overspending by the federal government leads to inflation. there's no mystery there. no mystery to liz macdonald. everybody's got to watch, that's all there is too it. elizabeth: i'm coining a phrase, it's biden's trickle-down tax hikes to pay for his trickle-down government. what do you think? larry: i'll work on that. i'll process it. elizabeth: i'll probably have to


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