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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 14, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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larry: massive budgeted deficits and overspending by the federal government leads to inflation. there's no mystery there. no mystery to liz macdonald. everybody's got to watch, that's all there is too it. elizabeth: i'm coining a phrase, it's biden's trickle-down tax hikes to pay for his trickle-down government. what do you think? larry: i'll work on that. i'll process it. elizabeth: i'll probably have to work on it too.
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[laughter] not quite a bumper sticker yet. thank you so much. let's get right at it. former president trump did just speak moments ago shamming, quote, election interference by democrats in the new york trial against him today. now, trump's lawyers cross-examined michael cohen pushing to discredit manhattan d.a. bragg's star witness. let's get right to fox news' nate foy standing by with the latest. nate, what a day. >> reporter: yeah, what a day is right, liz. former president trump just left the courthouse, and he said it was a good day in court. he said that his lawyers are proving that this case is a scam, in his words, and it comes as the highly anticipated testimony of michael cohen is set to continue when court resumes on thursday with his cross-examination beginning today. big takeaway from that, cohen admitted that he wants to see trump convicted in this trial. cohen also admitted to profiting off his fractured relationship with the former president. during his direct examination,
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prosecutors also got the jury ready for cohen's credibility concerns. cohen admitted to lying before congress in 2017 and again lying to special counsel prosecutors during the mueller investigation. cohen said his loyalty to trump changed when he pleaded guilty to federal campaign finance violations and tax evasion in 2018. now, todd blanche, trump's lawyer, asked cohen if he's obsessed with trump, and here was cohen's response. quote: i don't know if i would call it obsessed, i admired him tremendously. now today a new york appeals court denied trump's request to overturn the court's gag order. trump criticized that order again while leaving court tonight, the former president can't talk about cohen or any other witnesses in the case. meanwhile, cohen has criticized trump repeateddedly on social media. trump denies having an affair with stormy daniels and says all payment if toss cohen were legitimate legal expenses. now, cohen is prosecutors' final
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witness. again, he's expected to take the stand again at 9:30 on thursday. in the meantime, trump will attend a fundraiser tonight here in new york city before coming back here to the courthouse for the trial that will resume at 9:30 thursday. back to you, liz. elizabeth: nate, thank you so much for joining us. it's always great to hear your reporting. let's bring in former assistant u.s. attorney andrew mccarthy. andrew, it's good to have you back on the show. >> hi, liz. elizabeth: it's good to see you. did anything you with hear today, did it change anything of what you think of the case? >> no. i think it's plodding along the way that we thought it would. they have to take cohen, trump's defense does, through not only all of his convictions and his prior perjury and dishonesty, but they also have to make the point that he is whether you call it obsessed or deranged or whatever with trump, he's sort
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of mono-maniacal about trump to the point where prosecutors and other people have given him advice to stop talking about trump, to keep it zipped, and he just can't control hymn. and the argument that the -- himself. 9 and the argument that the trump defense is going to want to make at the end is that this guy would say anything to convict trump, and you have to reline on his testimony -- rely on his testimony even though he's a serial perjurer in order to convict trump. that's where they want to be at the end. elizabeth: he admitted to lying on the stand. trump is saying the judge should move now for a directed verdict immediately because of lack of evidence. you know, democrats are outraged these cases against trump are crumbling. look at the polls. they haven't stopped trump leading biden in the polls. what do you think of trump saying move for a directed verdict now for lack of evidence? >> well, that's going to happen. this guy is the last witness, which is what we heard today, cohen is, then they get to make the motion for a directed
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verdict after he testifies. i wouldn't, liz, hold my breath waiting for judge merchan to grant that one -- [laughter] you get to make it. elizabeth: let's listen to former president trump just moments ago on the gag order. listen to this. >> the republican nominee for president, i'm leading in every poll, and i have a gag order. so i think it's totally unconstitutional. this will be tested. this should never happen to another candidate or another person, what's happening here. and today we had a very, i think a very good day in court. you see what's happening, and you'll have to report it. if. elizabeth: you know, let's show the letter that michael cohen's lawyer sent the federal election commission saying that trump had nothing to do with these payments. it's a 2018 letter saying that michael cohen used his own personal funds to pay stormy daniels, that trump and the trump organization was not a party to the transaction, did
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not reimburse cohen for the payment. you know, so the likely gop if presidential nominee, andrew, is locked in court, can't campaign, can't speak, an admitted convicted liar, michael cohen admitted on the witness stand, yeah, he does lie, and he's profited on tiktok attacking trump. and also the judge's daughter, her political consulting firm making millions of dollars with democrats campaigning on these cases and attacks. we're on new ground here, andrew. have you ever seen anything like this? >> no. i think this is a pretty blatant use of the democrats' control in new york of the criminal justice system not to vindicate the rule of law, but to go after their political enemy. and if they had a good case about trump, you know, we wouldn't four weeks in be wondering what the other crime that he's supposedly covering up which, to my mind, bragg still hasn't planted his feet on that. i'm not sure he could convict --
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if it was just a straight-up case, i'm not sure he could convict trump of the misdemeanor falsification of business records, because you have to prove fraud beyond a reasonable doubt. i don't see any evidence of fraud. i think that the evidence of whether the records are falsified or not is very equivocal, but that's not enough even if you grant them that. he still has to prove if fraud, and i don't see it. elizabeth: final question. could the jury come back can and say, you know what? we're not going to convict him but, like, a books is and records misdemeanor? could they come back and say that? >> well, i hope that what they're going to ask for, liz, is what's known as a lesser included offense the instruction. in other words, you give the jury the option to convict trump on do misdemeanor, because if they feel like they have to convict him of something, then they could convict him of that, and that's a 2-year statute of limitations, and that ran in 2019. so any conviction like that would have to be thrown out. elizabeth: god, what a fiasco.
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andy mccarthy, thank you so much to. >> thank you. elizabeth: whoa, thank you. we appreciate you. let's welcome back to the show, author and new york post columnist miranda devine. miranda, we're going to break down something that the d.c. insider s have told the us that that everybody in d.c. is talking about. they won't say it out loud. it's biden's clearly visible decline even since 2020. the president will not take a cognitive exam, his job approval rating has been underwater for nearly four years now. gallup is saying, you know, it's in the 30s, it's at levels below where incumbents lose. we're going to show the difference, dramatic difference, in just a second. is we're saying the quiet part out loud. why won't d.c. insiders say it too? >> well, i guess for democrats they don't want to show their weak hand, and so everybody is, you know, lying and gaslighting. i think that's really the motive of this entire presidency, the biden presidency, has been just completely made up of lies and
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gaslighting. and that includes the sort of cognitive and physical health of the president. it think it -- i think it comes and goes, it waxes and and wanes depending on how much sleep he's had or what kind of special treatments that they've given him, how long he's managed to get away on the weekends to his country house or his beach house or his delaware mansion. i think, you know, he is just a very weak if frail person, and he's projecting weakness on the national and international stage. that's very dangerous for america but also for his electoral prospects. and i think also americans are polite. they don't want to point out, as reprehensible as he has been as a president and a vice president, they don't want to really point out and be rude about his age. elizabeth: yeah. you see he's been in d.c. since 1974.
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i mean, the lies and the false statements have just been piling up since then. you know, admittedly it is difficult for any family member to see another family member in decline. i mean, this is a conversation our nation's leaders in d.c. have been having about biden. they told us this. no one, you know, no one wishes ill on any human being if they're going through physical and mental challenges, but this change is real, it's visible, it's a conversation that needs to be had right now. it's about the well-being and future of america. watch the dramatic shift in biden in the last 15 years. watch this. >> it's a unified convection -- convention. [inaudible conversations] right up there. >> that old joke goes, how about them seats, huh in. [laughter] the reason why we are still the most respected nation in the world is not just the example of our power, but the power of our example.
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[applause] >> the leader from germany -- i -- mitt if rand from germany, i mean, from france, looked at me and said, you know, why -- [inaudible] four more years pause -- >> four more years! are are you ready to choose freedom over democracy? if in a sense i don't know why we're surprised by trump. how many times does he have to prove we can't be trusted? look, american -- [inaudible] if. elizabeth: america invented these chiefs. we don't know what it means. he looks physically different. he looks diminished. he looks like a lesser version of himself seven since -- even since 2020. so we're supposed to be okay with having a leader in this condition? we're saying it right out loud. at "the evening edit," we don't
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hold back, we're going to tell the truth. this is what americans see. it's a visible, dramatic shift and change, miranda. >> it is, and it's really extraordinary that the democrats feel that he's their best person to put on the field. it's also extraordinary that his family is allowing it and that he himself is arrogant enough to think that he is the only person in the country who's able to take on donald trump. it's really absurd, it's insulting, and it's dangerous for america to be telling our enemies around the world and our allies that we have this commander in chief who really is an old man. and who is running the show behind the scenes? if the only little note of caution i would just adhere, liz, is that joe biden -- add here is that joe biden does seem to pull it out of the hat a lot. i think a lot of democrats in washington were, i'm told, watching him before the state of the nation and close to pulling the plug, and then he performed,
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they thought, pretty well. he was awful, but he was angry and animated and didn't fall if off the stage, and i guess that's where we're at. elizabeth: yeah. a lot of whoppers in that one too. miranda devine, thank you so much. it's good to have you on. we have a swam-packed hour. from house judiciary, congressman russell fry, lieutenant colonel bob maginnis, national border patrol council vice president art del cueto, michael fall conned canner and the new york post's jon levine. gold star families whose 13 families' service members were killed in the botched exit from afghanistan now outranged that former white house press secretary jen jen psaki's false claim in her new book claiming that biden did not repeatedly check his watch during the dignified transfer ceremony when he did. psaki is reportedly correcting her book on that. and the details on the bedlam and the free for all in biden's border collapse now turning into
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a free for all at border nonprofits, corruption accusations, taxpayers' funds in the billions of dollars. we've got the story. former president trump is promising to build an iron dome missile defense system to protect the after israel's big success with this, its version. can he do it? and biden is launching tariffs on china after he and democrats attacked trump's tariffs. but what is biden leaving off the his version? and more details on biden's trickle-down government, hitting you all is trickle down tax hikes. hitting everybody! coming up on "the evening ed it d -- edit. " we'll be right back.
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you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. elizabeth: okay, this is a weird development that just comes out of the blue, why is president biden suddenly roll proking out new tariffs on china's electric cars when no one is buying electric cars? the big debate. he's also hitting tariffs, chinese goods with tear the riffs too. bigger tariffs. so what is he doing? is this a play for the auto union vote? and plus, you know, biden hammered and ridiculed trump's tariffs, but now he's okay with them? we don't get the story. edward lawrence live at the white house. edward, what is going on? is this to get the uaw vote? what's happening? >> reporter: this is certainly
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going to help, and he made a big point of talking about union workers today in the rose garden. the president says this is about being tough on china now, saying making these actions of taking these tariffs will protect supply chains in the u.s. as well as american worker. >> you want to do business with china, you've got to have a 51% chinese owner, you have got to provide access to all your intellectual property, etc. you want to do that in america, silence. sometimes they just outright steal through cyber espy imagine and other means x it's been well documented and internationally recognized s. and when you make tactics like these, you're not competing. it's not competition, it's cheating. if. >> reporter: so this is a change in tone from 2019 when then-candidate biden called the trump administration tariffs shortsighted adding the best way to go after china is a coalition of allies. you see the tariffs here today, 1000% on electric vehicles from the china, there's ev batteries, solar cells, semiconductors, 25% on steel and aluminum, also on
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certain medical products. the u.s. trade representative hid behind the process when asked about the. timing the of these tariffs. listen. this is an election year. why did it take three years to impose these tariffs? >> so this is where i put my lawyer hat back on. under the 301 statute, in the fourth year of the tariffs if there is a stake holder that is benefiting from the tariffs who asks us to keep them, we keep them. that is what happened in 2022, because the tariffs first went on in 2018. >> reporter: so republicans say that the real reason for these tariffs shows the weakness in the economy under president biden. >> so it's completely different outlooks. president trump was -- trump was looking for reciprocity, if not 0 tariffs, biden administration's trying to protect against the weakened economy that we have. >> reporter: and the chinese say that these tariffs just amount to bullying their economy.
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back to you. elizabeth: i have nod idea what that white house official was saying. [laughter] >> reporter: me either! elizabeth: and it's like biden is speaking in cursive -- >> reporter: right. she put on the process hat, tried to say there was this time frame, that time framement former president trump put the tariffs on within a matter of months, not a matter of years, which could have been done by this administration if they wanted to. elizabeth: good lord. edward lawrence are, thank you for helping us out. good grief. okay, let's bring in former u.s. treasury official michael fall conned canner. so what grow make of this? if he's going to -- do you make of this? he's going to slap tariffs on chinese goods, $18 billion worth, so he's going to go from 25 up to 100%? didn't the democrats say the trump tariffs were bad? >> absolutely, liz. they came out completely against it, said that the president was doing it to buy votes or somehow curry favor with voters when, in fact, president trump recognizes thatty -- tariffs are a very
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important tool to address the things that joe biden finally came about recognizing today in his remarks. the chinese have engaged in an enormous amount of intellectual property theft, forced technology transfers, subsidies to their state industries, currency manipulation, and the tariffs are absolutely a critical tool in the president's toolbox to address these. and as a edward lawrence just said, it does not take 3-4 years to figure out how to deploy these things. president trump and our administration common if straited that if you engage in the -- demonstrated that if you engage in a couple of months' worth of investigation, you can implement them rather quickly. elizabeth: you know what's so irritating? if it's like all of america's supposed to be on biden's reelection campaign schedule, on his agenda. student loan bailouts, right, for the youth vote. it's now this for the uaw vote. autoworkers are saying they don't like the economy, they're not going to go for biden even whatever their heads of the union say. and the trump team said e the
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biden tariffs are not going to do anything to stop china from with building factories in mexico to unleash a flood of cheap chinese ev ares and cars into the u.s -- evs and cars into the u.s. that they don't likely apply to china making these cars in mexico and shipping them across the border. let's listen to biden in 2019 attacking trump's tariffs and then hear trump on what he's going to do. watch. >> it's the really easy to be tough when someone else absorbs the pain. >> biden has taken so much incentive away, and they're moving into mexico. and what's happening is the really big ones are being built by china in mexico to make cars in mexico by china to sell into the united states to come across the border with no tax. he makes the cars in mexico, china, and they sell them here. i said, that won't happen. i said i will put a 200% tax on every car that comes in from those plants, and they're not going to do that because they'll destroy our automobile
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businessment if. [cheers and applause] and biden doesn't want to get involved, and those aren't electric vehicles necessarily, those are gas-powered vehicles which he's not doing anything about. elizabeth: so what do you think of what trump just said? by the way, why should i or anybody or any family be forced to buy an electric car when there should be maybe hybrids offered? if when these electric cars cost more than the median household income of the u.s. in what do you make of what, you know, biden's even botching this too. what do you think of what trump just said? >> if well, that's the issue. joe biden has told the more than people essentially you have to buy an electric vehicle whether you want one or not. so with their tailpipe emissions rule, with their corporate average fuel efficiency standards that that they put in place, they've essentially implemented a de facto ban on internal combustion engine cars even though the american people don't want them. and if you couple that that with all of the subsidies in what they call the inflation reduction act or what i call the
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make china great act, it's no wonder that people are struggling, and they're trying to undo the damage. elizabeth: i mean, it's just, it is just off the rails crazy, what this white house has been doing. and trying to force truckers, our u.s. truckers, the good guys trying to keep our economy moving, to buy electric trucks that will rip up bridges and roads because they're so heavy from those batteries? never mind blowing all that infrastructure spending of taxpayer money. that's another story. michael that would conned canner, we'll stay to then, okay? it's good to see you. now, still ahead, congressman russell fry from house oversight. he's fired up, ready to go. the update on the white house vehemently fighting a new bill out of the house to force the white house to stop biden's weapons pause to israel. plus, new york post political reporter jon levine, look at this one, msnbc host jen psaki forced to correct her new book
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after her false claim that has outraged gold star families. the former white house press secretary basically lied saying that biden did not repeatedly check his watch during the dignified transfer ceremonyny of 13 family service members killed in biden's popped exit out of afghanistan. botched exit out of afghanistan. all this coming up on "the evening edit." we'll be right back. ♪ if. ♪
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elizabeth: joining us now, new york post political reporter jon levine. jon, let's break this down. what was your reaction when you heard gold star family members of the 13 service members killed in that botched exit out of afghanistan slam msnbc host jen psaki over her, quote, dishonest claim in her new book? if psaki tried to deny famously -- falsely claiming, no, biden did not repeatedly look at his watch during the
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dignified transfer ceremony. they personally saw it with their own eyes, and now psaki is correcting her book, jon. why did she lean go there in her book? >> well, i mean, it shows president biden's not the only person from this administration that can't seem to remember things. i don't think this was an innocent gaffe, i think this was a real effort by team biden to try to really rewrite history on this one. we all remember the terrible debacle of the withdrawal from afghanistan in addition to the soldiers who were killed in that terrible, terrible terrorist attack. i remember, you know, tons and ton it is of military hardware that was just surrendered to the taliban as a u.s. soldiers cut and run. it was a shameful el episode, and i think the white house knowses part of their strategy to win re-election is to get americans to misremember the fact it is about what happened. and this is part of that. it's a completely shameful effort and thankfully, you know, due to good reporting, that's not going to happen. elizabeth: yeah. that's when biden's poll numbs dropped and stayed underwater, at that point.
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the families said to telephone can it dis-- said to deny it displays the contempt finish show their statement. show what the families are saying, you know in psaki wrote in her new book this was, quote, misinformation. she claimed the president looked at his watch only after the ceremony and once. he was caught repeatly on camera looking at his watch, fact checkers found that, found it to be true. let's listen to a gold star family. they're calling on, you know, key's to publisher and her employer, msnbc, to address the mistakehold her accountable. watch this gold star -- make mistake and told her -- hold her accountable. >> the wounds have been opened yet again from a talking pup if pet that had no i clue what she was talking about. we were 25 yards away and sat there and watched in horror and disgust as he looked at his watch at least the first four caskets that came off that plane. and i couldn't look at him after
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that. elizabeth: your reaction, jon. >> the whole episode's completely shameful, and my heart goes out to that man. i feel terrible for him and the sacrifice he's had to make and the ore families had to make. and unfortunately, the facts of the matter and their personal suffering in this whole ordeal has to get completely buried, shoved aside, they have to lie about it because it's the only way we can win re-election. when americans know the truth and the facts of the matter come out, it's not just the watch, it's the entire withdrawal, it becomes an untenable situation. there's an all-out probe of the afghanistan withdrawal because of this very reason. i remember people hanging from the planes as we were leaving. the whole thing top to bottom was such a terrible, terrible ordeal, and it's all going to come out in the election campaign p i'm certain. elizabeth: jon levine, thank you so much for joining us. it's good to see you again. okay, this story coming up, the house rules committee meeting this afternoon to talk about a new house bill that would force president biden to send military assistance he's withholding to israel.
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let's get right to fox news 'aishah hasnie live on capitol hill with the story. >> reporter: hey, good evening to you, elizabeth. happening right now, the democrats are inside their whip meeting, and fox has learned that the democratic leadership is actively whipping their members against this bill, this israel security assistance support act. and we just got our hands on that whip note. here's what it says, elizabeth. it is another partisan stunt by extreme maga republicans who are determined to hurt president biden politically. the republican co-author of this bill though disagrees with that. listen. >> the one who's changed his mind once again, the one who is incompetent and inept and confused is the president of the united states. >> reporter: so the white house so opposed to this bill as president biden is casing -- facing intense public backlash
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from the left. last week senate foreign relations chairman ben cardin became the highest ranking democrat to speak out against biden's decision to withhold arms. and in the house, elizabeth, 26 democrats are now demanding a classified briefing about biden's policy change. so an official rebuke of the president's policy on the house floor is something the white house absolutely does not want to see, and fox is told, his, that the vote on this bill is coming. it's expected as early as this thursday. elizabeth: aishah, you are a fantastic journalist. you give us a lot of news there, a lot to talk over. we appreciate you very much. let's welcome from house judiciary and house oversight, congressman russell final. your reaction to aishah's breaking news right there. so the democrat leadership is now saying getting military aid to israel to stop hamas terrorists trying to annihilate it and wipe it off the face of the % forked good, they're saying -- the face of the earth
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for good, they're saying this is a maga attack? what is going on with this house leadership -- excuse me, democratic leadership doing this and talking like this? this is about -- israel is in the fight of its life. >> yeah, israel's in the fight of its life are, and let's not forget too there are still american hostages that are in gaza right now. so for them to be not even asking legitimate questions of this administration, i think, is reprehensible. this isn't who we are. this -- and remember, in 2019 then-candidate biden said the idea, the very idea of withholding aid to our great est idea in the -- greatest ally in the middle east is prepostif rouse. those are his own words. now he seems to be doing that, and the house democrats are covering it up if her im-- up for him. elizabeth: if they saw the 10/7 video of what hamas did and they're saying this is okay not to help out israel, i mean, we understand they're doing it because they don't want israel to push further into rafah and to use massive bomb because of
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casualties there. the united nations is now saying that it's cutting in half the estimated casualties out of gaza. nobody wants to see any casualties whatsoever. how about stopping hamas? how about stopping hamas, which is to to blame for starting this carnage? and now the white house is pushing back on reports to the washington post and the times of israel that it is only going to give sensitive u.s. intelligence to israel on the whereabouts of hamas if terror leaders if netanyahu declines to engage in a full scale invasion of rafah. you know, this is, this isn't just about bombs, it's also about smaller, you know, devices or, you know, artillery shipments and devices that would do precision bombing. how is that going to stop, you know, the collateral damage? s&p stopping that? >> well, i don't think that it will. the problem that i have, again, is you go back to we have hostages that are there, we have, we have a group, hamas, that not only wants to wipe
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israel off the face of the earth, but they also want to turn their sights on us. i mean, these are proxies for iran. and, again, the concern is that right in the middle of the worst terror attack israel has ever seen on october 7th, we are playing american politics with aid to our greatest ally. these are american hostages that are over there ask and so -- elizabeth: talk about, talk about the vote is. you know, again, five u.s. hostages, you're right, still held there. we haven't heard anything about them. there's been serious -- they're in serious danger. talk about the play for the vote here. why is biden doing this? is this about getting the minnesota and michigan vote and other e votes? >> yeah, again, alan dershowitz said his two-state solution is michigan and minnesota. here we go with again, that he is playing politics. he's focused on no if as opposed to getting our hostages back. elizabeth: god, it's so craven. >> exactly. that's the problem with this. we need our president to lead,
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to be strong on the world stage, and he has shown nothing but weakness. the people who look at this are iran and their proxies. elizabeth: congressman fry, thanks for joining us, we appreciate you. still ahead, national border patrol council vice president art a del cueto talking major corruption reportedly found in taxpayer-funded border nonprofits, nonprofits at the border getting billions of dollars, squandering it. biden's border crisis is exploding. we've got new details of what the issue is with violent gangs crossing. but want to get right to my buddies dagen and sean. what's coming up on the hot show, "the bottom line"? sean: hey, eing-mac. the american people are getting crushed by biden's economy. the wheels are coming off the little bus of joe biden. coach tom tommy tuberville on that as well as george steph knop lis telling the ladies at "the view" that the deep state is packed with patriots. dagen the dagen steve moore is
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they'll just be let go. they've already broken the rules crossing, they don't follow any if rules whatsoever here. they're more lethal and dangerous. is that what you're hearing? >> unfortunately, liz, the problem is these individuals have become empowered, okay? in they live in a crime world, they live within orr criminals, and now they're sitting here realizing that they've come to the united states illegally, they haven't faced any consequences, so there's no reason for them to even follow the law because no one's done anything to 'em. and they're dealing with other criminal gangs which, of course, the other criminal gangs, they're not going to call the police either. so what is going to happen is this gigantic turf war that is continuing to happen in the united states, and it's all caused because, you know, the border or's floodgates were opened by this administration. elizabeth: so biden's border collapse is hitting minority -- it's hitting all communities in the cities. it's hitting suburban areas, it's hitting minority communities very hard with these violent crimes. the it's bringing in killer
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criminals and violent gangs, and if is it true -- we don't even know the true size of this crime wave because many jurisdictions don't collect or publish the data on criminals' immigration status, is that true? >> well, it goes even further than that. it goes to there's a lot of individuals that have come into the united states, they have just claimed asee lumbar, and they've been leased -- asylum, and no one's verified whether those individuals were involved in any type of crime in their country because unless they went through our database, there's no way to know. so what has happened now is the crime, the criminal organizations have done their own recruiting. they're continuing to bring individuals into the country, and we don't know who these people are in any way, shape or form. so, yeah, look, you don't know how many there are, where they're at, who they are. elizabeth: yeah. >> all they had to do for the longest time is just claim asylum, and they're being released. elizabeth: and it's hitting biden's home state of delaware. law enforcement officials there warning about a rise in home invasions and robberies.
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they're saying it's so bad that they're telling homeowners to basically install surveillance cameras, security systems, motion seven to sor lights, a -- sensor lights, a neighborhood watch program, automated license plate readers at the entrances and exits of their communities. there's that. there's also this, this story. so biden is chucking billions of dollars at border charities at the border. the free press is reporting, you know, they're spending it like crazy on things like music therapy for illegal aliens, people-plant interactions for illegal aliens plus one nonprofit chief, art, is pulling in a huge $1 million salary a year. your word on this. >> they've all found a way to make a buck. that's what's unfortunate. you have been seeing it for quite some time. they have pop-up centers that pop up everywhere. they get as much money as they can funded, and then they turn around and tell the american public, hey, we're not use withing your money. well, you are, it's
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taxpayer-funded organizations that are getting it. look, it's really horrible. in fact, some of the prior managers that work through cbp have gotten jobs with them, that's how horrible it is. they're making money themselves off of this problem. elizabeth: art del cueto, we need you to come back on the show to talk more about what's going on. we appreciate you so much. you and i, we started talking about the border eight years ago and how crazy it is, and it's just gotten worse. we appreciate it. former president trump tried to stop it. the time is now to shut the border. we'll have you back on. coming up, former president trump, he's repeatedly promising, look at this, an iron dome missile defense system to protect the if he gets reelected. it's going to be different, experts say, from what is used in israel. coming up next, lieutenant colonel bob maginnis is going to break it down on "the evening edit." we will be right back, stay right there. ♪ ♪
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elizabeth: joining us new lieutenant colonel bob maginnes, serving our nation for two year -- 24 years. and colonel it is good to have you on the show. what do you make of this idea from former president trump for an iron dome missile defense system to protect the u.s. if he gets
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reelected. he said it would be different from what used in israel, how? >> i think he uses the word iron dome as a metaphor. we need a multisystem layers defense system. our threat comes from russia. also submarine launch cruise missiles and drones, we need, and you have hyper sonics, you have to have a complex multilayered capability, right now we have a ground base mid course defense system in alaska and california to defend against north korea not against hundreds of missiles coming from the likes of russia and china.
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we need a more of a comprehensive capability if we perceive that the threat is genuine and clearly, the chinese are building up a really large arsenal of ballistic missiles. elizabeth: let's listen to former president trump. >> we're going to give millions of dollars to other country to build a dome, but we don't have a dome ourselves. we'll have the greatest dome. we will build an iron dome over our country. as a state of the art missile defense shield, it will be made in u.s. we will build a great iron dome very much like israel has but even better. i'm saying why don't we have that, we should have it too, we have a lot of a lot of hostel time -- hostile people out there. elizabeth: it would be an
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improved missile defense shield made up of layered systems already existing in the u.s. to protect the home land and stop icbm's, fires from the likes of russia or china. is that a serious threat? >> it is a serious threat. you recall in 1983, ronald reagan started the strategic defense initiative, "star wars," which was shut down the soviet union, but, pragmatic at this time we have technology, ies. we have ground base mid court systems, those technologies are great, but they have to be put together and strategically, low caughted, to have it across every single inch of america is difficult and expensive.
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we're working on laser systems they are showing great utility, but we're not there against icbm's we have to work hard, i think it is doable. today, we have made major advances. i think we're getting closclose. elizabeth: the drone attacks are scary. >> ukrainians found it a very serious issue, we have to go after that we're making great progress. elizabeth: colonel bob maginnes we appreciate you very much, thank you for watching "the evening edit" on fox business, i'll be out for rest and re relaxation, now time for "the bottom line." dagen and sean never let up. dagen: woo get some rest thank you emac. elizabeth: thank you


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