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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 15, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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good wednesday morning everyone. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo, i'm is wednesday, may 15, 7:00 a.m. on the button, right now on the east coast. hope you're having a good wednesday morning. it is time for the hot topic of the hour. former president trump's legal team grilling ex lawyer michael cohen during yesterday's cross examination.
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cohen's testimony revealing negative statements he made online to news outlets about trump. cohen made over 20 tv appearances, recorded hundreds of pod casts. the testimony revealing the da's office asked cohen to stop making public comments about the trump investigation. however, he does not have a gag order. allies joining forces outside the trial yesterday. watch. >> they were overriding his constitutional right to defend himself from political smears at the most important time. >> this is nothing more than election interference at its finest. >> this thing is a a a farce. maria: jd vance will team up with trump for a fund raising event in cincinnati and joining the former president, tim scott, doug burgum, kristi noem and vivek ramaswamy, the fundraiser last night bringing in $10 million, the campaign expecting to bring in 25 million
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this week according to caroline leavitt. joe, your reaction to all of this. >> look, we know t coffer ss needed to be replenished. the fact dollars are flowing back in, a good sign for president trump. the most telling thing from our sit-down with her was a reminder that the gag order of doesn't just apply to president trump, it applies to anybody engaged actively with the campaign on his behalf so i think that's part of the reason why you see all these members of congress, the members of the senate coming to new york because it appears they might be the only ones who are he legally able to speak on president trump's behalf without ending up in jail you which to your point shows us how crazy and off-the-rails this process has become as we have people around the world saying what has happened in the land of the free and the home of the brave. maria: did you see on msnbc
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yesterday, rachel maddow was so mad he had so much support, she said something like look, well, they all look alike, they wore the same thing, they look like the rockets. i was like what? >> yeah. well, sour grapes. this whole thing is just so crazy. think about the fact that there's a gag order not only on president trump but on everyone who works with him and yet there's no gag order on michael cohen. the guiltiest of all. but that's because from the point of view of the judge, michael cohen is actually doing the work for him, right, because he's trying to stir up anger and contempt against mr. trump and yet ironically, he's the one who committed the crime, mr. cohen. maria: there's no gag order on joe biden. you made a great point earlier, that is, where are the fact checkers, every three seconds he's saying another untruth, lie, like inflation was at 9% when he walked into the oval office, no it was at 1.4%. >> it went to 9 on joe biden's
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watch. maria: because of the excessive spending. >> the fact they're raising money is really good. the real thing of the trial, they're trying to drain his money. the exciting thing about the trial is that every legal expert i spoke to says it will be a mistrial. if there's one guy on the jury that supports trump in his words, never surrender. they won't vote to convict him. maria: that's just a hope, though. >> there has to be one trump supporter on the jury. let's hope. maria: how about just a supporter of -- >> of the facts. maria: of the facts and justice. >> i think that's the problem here. i think in the end, their plan is to try to be able to have the headline they have been seeking since he g came down the escalar in 2015, trump found guilty of an actual felony, that's whether
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what theywanted. they want to put it on the lapel of everyone up and down the ballot. this is really about the political process. that's what karine jean-pierre just blurted out inadvertently. sometimes the truth comes scrolling outs there when the democrats don't want it. >> the truth is inescapeable. maria: that's what hillary clinton said when she was on msnbc or somewhere, she said the choice should be clear, one guy is facing 91 indictments, the or guy is old but he has a good heart. i mean, something like that. right? they want to be able to say this is a convicted felon. >> yeah. because they've got nothing else to run on. they haven't got a record, haven't got a good candidate. the only thing they can run on is he's evil, you can't support him, he's a felon. maria: it's giving the media great excuses not to run the failures of the biden agenda because they're talking about
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trump on trial all day long. forget about talking about inflation being up 20% on joe biden's watch, or discussing the fact we're watching two wars play out and foreign policy and economic policy has failed. >> forget about how the united states walked out on afghanistan, forget about how the united states is not standing up for allies. maria: or the wide open border. why should we talk about that? because fentanyl's flowing in, let's talk about trump on trial. >> yeah. let's talk about michael cohen, this former lawyer, who couldn't keep his books straight. give me a break. >> and the point i think, again, president trump doing these local pop-ups at the bow day go, going to the construction work -- bodega, going to the construction workers. perhaps he should go to the roosevelt hotel. the people who are staying there, the migrants, are more secure than the southern border is under joe biden. maria: quick break and then a we're looking ahead to the april consumer price index, out in an hour and-a-half. jay powell maintains a wait and see posture on inflation when it
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comes to rate cuts. why some are believing that hopes of a rate cut by year end is really what's behind the stock market rally. the word on wall street panel is here with expectations. don't miss it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪
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maria: welcome back. time for the word on wall street, top the investors watching your money. joining me is payne capital management president and host of payne points of wealth podcast, ryan payne with us and adam johnson with us this morning. ryan, thank you for joining the conversation. >> thanks, maria. maria: good to see you. markets this morning continuing the momentum. take a look at where we stand. yesterday the dow industrials up 126, s&p up 25, nasdaq up 123 at 4:00 on wall street. the nasdaq scoring another
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record close ahead of this morning's number, the april cpi is out in about an hour and-a-half. economists expect the cpi to be up four at an tenths of a percet month over month. federal reserve chairman jay powell maintaining a wait and see message a. watch this. >> i expect that inflation will move back down on a monthly level, on a monthly basis to levels that were more like the lower readings we were having last year. i would say my confidence in that is not as high as it was having seen these readings in the first three months of the year. i don't think that it's likely based on the data we have that the next move that we make would be a rate hike. i think it's more likely that we'll be at a place where we hold the policy rate where it is. maria: a holding policy rate, is that what they should do, is that what you're expecting? >> it is. i think what the i' implicit mee
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is, if things slow down the fed will cut rates at some point and if the economy stays strong like it has been, that's why inflation is staying high to some extent, they don't need a cut. earnings beat by 9% theft past quarter. as long as projections for earnings are strong it will be good for the market. from an economic perspective, if bad news come in the economy's slowing and the fed can cut interest rates. if they don't cut that means the economy is running on all four cylinders. maria: yesterday, stephanie pomboy was on the program. she doesn't think the economy is strong at all. watch this. >> they're on hold until a wheel falls off and i anticipate the wheel is going to fall off sometime reasonably soon and then they will as is their standard operating procedures hrush in an panic and expand the
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balance sheet again. i think we'll see rate cuts but it will come after the crisis. maria: perhaps we go into a recession, the economy weakens further, that will be the trigger for the fed to cut rates. >> what we've seen in terms of the movement in the unemployment rate, we may be in recession already. that increase may not sound like much. historically once you move five tenths you move straight line up 3 percentage points. we may have started the recession already. maria: she's talking about the schemes of buy now, pay later, consumers using credit cards, inflation still a problem. she says when you look under the hood it's not all that great. >> i think that's a dangerous game to play. if you've been betting against the consumer you've been dead wrong. betting against the employment number, you're dead wrong. it's 50 year low. the jolts report last month you have plenty of job openings versus people looking for jobs. small businesses increased 40%
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job openings last month. i am a small business. i have to hire two people right now. if you look at incremental price hikes by small businesses they're at the lowest level so i think moderating inflation, strong employment market means the consumer which the sun rises in the east, you never want to bet against the american consumer, they're going to continue to spend money. maria: even that i could knit pick. you talk about the jobs numbers. a lot of jobs are part-time. full-time jobs are not seeing the kind of growth. where are you on this macro story and also what does it tell you that commodities are rising. look at oil prices this morning on new reports that u.s. crude inventories are falling. crude is at 77, 58, gold is higher this morning after yesterday''s hotter than expectd ppi. and then there's copper, mr. copper is what wall street looks at. when copper hits record highs it's an economic indicator that things are going well but this is data center buildups,
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electric vehicles growth and boosting demand for copper because it's used in all of that. your thoughts on a 2% rally in copper. >> are you saying that doesn't count? maria: it does count. >> demand is demand. okay. so, yes, i think that commodity demand is very important because it tells that there is real demand for real stuff and when copper as you point out, dr. copper, that's why they call it dr. copper, because it tells us something about the economy and when there's demand for copper, that mo means you have fundamental growth, whether from data senseers the, whether -- centers, whether it's from the wiring that goes inside computers and on and on the copper rally underlines what ryan is saying. >> yes. >> maria: is saying that, yeah, copper is up, that means what ryan is saying about the economy is right, that it's strong. >> yes, i'm fully invested as you know and some who know me well from being on your show would say well, adam's always
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positive, he's mr. permable, markets rise two days out of three. it makes sense to be long. when i look at the data whether it's on the macro stuff which i pay attention to or in my case, micro stuff, i'm a stock picker, i want to find companies that are growing and put my money there. i'm very comfortable with that. copper demand and a rising copper demand is strong. oil is up because -- oil inventories are up, are being drawn down because there is demand. trass $10 -- there's a $10 war premium built into oil. if we weren't in the war right now we would see oil in the 60s. it would be a tail whipped for the economy. maria: ryan, would you buy copper today? >> yeah. maria: the other big story when talking about the macro story is inflation. we're getting the cpi out this morning. do you think it's going to be another hot month? >> no, i think it will come in
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line with what's expected. it will come in lower. it's moderating. the fact that commodities are going p globally, china is going out of recession. we all benefit from that. i think owning commodities here is a proxy for owning a recovery in china. the global economy, like latin america, brazil, you have to own the global economy right now. you iright now, you've got lower multiples, they're going to cut interest rates earlier than earn june, when you look at europe right now and they're growing as well. the global economy is growing right now and you're getting in on a discount and my clients in income, baby boomers are getting cash flow investing globally, not just the u.s. maria: argentina just cut interest rates? >> yeah, they've already cut. >> sweden. maria: sweden as billion. nvidia reports on the 22nd. would you buy more going into
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the earnings report. >> yes, yes. >> hard. >> that's a lot of yess. >> nvidia, w went above 1,000 d went down below 800. 23% correction. ii'm quiteconfident with nvidia. maria: stock is down a fraction. >> own it. maria: ryan, always great to see you. ryan payne, thank you so much. adam, you're with us all morning. we're thankful. jim jordan is here to discuss how house republicans are planning to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress, the details of after the break. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on kn fox business. stay with us. ♪
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maria: welcome back. department of justice inspector general michael horowitz revealing that the fbi and other law enforcement agen agency strd whistleblower agents of security clearances and of pay. he says the fbi suspend bed one employee without pay for nearly 15 months before the bureau
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decided to revoke his security clearance and then it took the fbi another four months to explain why they made that decision in the first place. joining me now is house judiciary chairman, ohio congressman jim jordan, mr. chairman, always good to see you. thanks very much for being here. >> good to be with you. maria: will you explain to us what is going on at the fbi and walk us through what michael horowitz is saying in terms of stripping these whistleblowers of pay as well and security. >> it's one word. it's one word, it's retaliation. because they came -- remember, these are the guys who came forward and gave us information about how the justice department was going to investigate moms and dads, showing up at school board meetings. these are the people who came forward and told us about the richmond field office memorandum which said if you're a pro life catholic you're an extremist. these are the guys coming forward as whistleblowers, as they're entitled to under our law and they get retaliated
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against by the very agency that is engaged in the behavior they blew the whistle on. the first thing they do is they go after the security clearance because if you're an agent and they take away your security clearance, you're in essence done, you can't really function. and that's the first thing they typically do so we appreciate the inspector general's report, it's what we suspected all along. we heard from guys who were brave enough to come forward and give us important information. the fbi was re retaliating agait the guy whose were talking about the wrong behavior going on at the fbi and justice department. maria: how are you going to get more people, how are you going to get people who want to search for the truth, know the truth, expose the truth, how will you get those people to come forward when they see their colleagues who were whistleblowers are getting their lives taken away? >> you defend them every way you can, you speak you out, you talk about what's going on, you look to subpoena more documents, get
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more information to underscore what they blew the whistle on. we do all that. we're doing the same thing frankly with the guys at the irs, mr. shapely, mr. zigler. they came forward and gave us tremendously valuable information about how the hunter biden investigation was being run in such a strange and unorthodox manner. maria: yeah. i know mr. chairman the weaponizaization committee is of holding a hearing today. what is the hearing about? are you going to do anything about president trump sitting in front of a courtroom all a day long. >> this hearing is about the law fare, the idea that people used the law to go after political on o opponents. robert costello will testify. he was michael cohen's lawyer a few years ago. he waived attorney client privilege. he will talk about how this guy cannot be trusted, he lied to anybody and everybody, lied to congress six times you few years
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ago. we referred him to the justice department. we're going to talk about that. also, frankly, maria, how all these caseses are falling you apart. you've got fani willis case where she pays her boyfriend, he uses taxpayer money to come to d.c. to meet with the january 6 committee, to meet with the white house in an effort to go after president trump. that case is falling apart. you've got jack smith last week, it was discovered that the order of the documents that he seized from mar-a-lago was altered. it was changed. the physical documents didn't match up with the actual scanned documents that -- you can't do that. people would frankly i think called that tampering with evidence. you thinker about the irony there. you have jack smith who is charging president trump of mishandling documents is actually mishandling documents themselves. that's a mess. in new york, everyone sees this case is ridiculous, m michael cohen is the star witness.
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alvin bragg said he could not envision a scenario where he would indict president trump and call michael cohen as a prosecution witness. that's a direct quote. and yet he did just that. that case is falling apart as well. maria: joe. >> i think to that point, of weaponization of government or government turning a blind eye, i keep talking about what we know with sam bankman-fried, he stole money from everybody from tom brady to neighborhood grandmothers, he acknowledged funneling hundreds of millions of dollars into federal elections and yet the dealt of justice said they declined to prosecute because they don't believe it's in the interest of justice while president trump faces this case over a paltri $130,000. is there a political will among colleagues in congress saying we must hold investigations saying who knew what about sam
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bankman-fried did, taking the money and putting it into the political process. >> if your name is clinton, comey, strzok, page, you're fine. if your name is trump, they're coming after you. this underscores the double standard. here's the other thing that's so interesting, when you think about how this is weaponization of government against president trump, none of these cases happd until after president trump announced he was running for president. fani willis opened her investigation two and-a-half years but didn't announce she was going forward until after he announces. merrick garland doesn't name jack smith as special counsel until three days after president trump announces he's running for president. and the same with alvin bragg. he wasn't going to bring charges but after president trump announces, he brings this ridiculous case and goes 180 degrees from what he said he was going to do. it's all about politics and that's what today's hearing is i think going to work on pointing
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out. maria: was there coordination? was there s conspiracy to take down trump. we talked about michael coangelo wworking for the doj and working for alvin bragg as well. have you investigated whether there's coordination. >> we are. he was with latisha james, then with the justice department then back to new york with alvin bragg. holy cow, that looks like coordination. you've got as i said, nathan wade, fani willis' friend, coming to d.c., meeting with the january 6 committee, the white house, in an effort to go after president trump so this is part of our investigation. maria: florida congressman cory mills filing articles of impeachment against president biden over potentially withholding weapons to israel. there's an op-ed for american family values that says there are better reasons to impeach biden and they include the aban abandonment of the southern
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border, and there's evidence that reveals the biden family took in $25 million from foreign sources. i don't hear much about this anymore. what's the focus? what should the story be? >> we are in the midst of the impeachment inquiry. we need to talk to the two guys at the department of justice, morgan and daly, we're in a lawsuit about this the, some of the key players in the hunter biden investigation, the david weiss investigation of hunter biden. we want to talk with some of the other folks in the investigation as well and then, frankly, i think all this kind of comes together. we actually want the audio recordings of the special counsel hurr's investigation into president biden's handling of classified information because we know in that situation we've got a contempt markup tomorrow of the attorney general. we know special counsel hurr told us that joe biden met the elements of the crime, knowingly kept and knowingly disclosed or discloseds classified information and we have motive. page 231 of the report, mr. hurr
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talks about joe biden had motivations for ignoring classified procedures because he was writing a book, a book for which he got paid an $8 million advance so we've got an $8 million mow at this moment he meets the -- motive. he meets the elements of the crime. he recommends not charging president biden he says he's forgetful, elderly man. okay, fine. but give us the evidence that you made the decision on. that includes the audiotapes that you have of the interview with him and the ghost writer who wrote the book. maria: the doj says you've got the transcripts, that's enough. what do you need to see or hear from the audio that's going to be different than the transcripts and if you're going to hold merrick garland in contempt of congress, what exactly does that mean, congressman? he's not going to leave his job, not going to stop the lawf a are, is he? >> i don't expect that. but frankly it's a mark on his record and i think most people don't want that. plus, you know, if there's a new administration, you're held in
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contempt of congress, who knows what the next attorney general does. i'm not saying that's something that should be pursued. i'm saying that's an a option there. but i think it makes -- here's the difference, maria. we have already seen that the white house, the transcript won't necessarily match up with the audiotape. because just a few weeks ago joe biden was giving a speech, he's reading from the teleprompter and he says the word pause. but when we get the transcript, the word pause is not in the transcript. so we know the audiotape and the transcripts don't always match up, the white house changes things. that's why we want the audiotape as well. maria: that's a fair point. congressman, good to see you this morning. we'll be watching your work. >> thank you. maria: thank you so much. quick break and then a new york appeals court rejecting trump's bid to have his gag order lifted as we look ahead to day 18 of his new york city trial tomorrow. former u.s. attorney and prosecutor guy lewis is here to discuss those details after the break. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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it applied to only defendants and you have a constitutional problem without being able to say anything about your own case. i'm not allowed to talk about big portions of my case and nothing like that's ever happened. they're allowed to talk, the other side. but i'm not. maria: joining me is former u.s. attorney and prosecutor guy lewis, thanks very much for being here. asassess this case for us. how do you see things. >> the court of appeals ruling, no big surprise there, maria. it's a state court. no surprise. it is unconstitutional. the case that's going on over in state court, it is a sinking ship. i'm telling you, maria, i've done this for almost 40 years. i've never seen a worse witness than michael cohen. listen, as a prosecutor -- here's where i fault the office, bragg and a his people. listen, i talk to a lot of
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witnesses and i decide in good faith based on their background, their credibility, i just couldn't call and support as a federal prosecutor so i declined to call them as a witness and i don't see that kind of rational, that kind of reasoning out of these prosecutors. maria: you think it's falling apart because michael cohen is a convicted liar and his story will just not be believed. what about the jury? what are you expecting from the jury in the manhattan case? >> great question, maria. so the jury's going to be told a couple things specifically. let's talk legal specifics. one, they're going to be taught that -- they're going to be told that to prove the case, the government's got prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt. what is that? what is evidence? that's evidence, quote, so convincing that you, jurors, you,er maria and me would be willing to rely and act upon it in the most important of our own
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ownaffairs, end quote. how in god's world here can anyone look at michael cohen and say yes, i would react without hesitation in issues about my family, my finances, my future, critical decisions like that. maria: okay. >> anyone looks and listens to his testimony, good lord, you hesitate, it's reasonable doubt. he is walking reasonable doubt. maria: you think there will be a hung jury then in this case? >> i think at a minimum. i think frankly 12 jurors can look at this evidence and say across the board not guilty. maria: okay. >> maria, the government still -- the state still has not linked trump to any underlying violation. in other words, they th do not s evidence a tape or witness to say hey, listen, we've got to suppress this, we've got to cover this up, because it's
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going to hurt my election. that's what you've got to have here. we don't have it. it should be not guilty. maria: let me get your take on some other things, several co-defendants in the georgia election case filing notices of appeal yesterday in a bid to have fulton county da fani willis quiz qualified. in march, the superior judge determined she could remain on the case if nathan wade was removed. four defendants, rudy giuliani, mark meadows, kathy and michael are joining trump in challenging this ruling. what do you think? >> i think these are good motions. i think the court of appeals is going to look at this differently than the lower court, the trial judge. again, as a prosecutor, as the former u.s. attorney, i would never, ever participate in a case where i had the kind of conflict that she has admitted to, that the evidence has shown. it is just -- i'm telling you,
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to me, it is a smoking gun conflict. the case -- she should be recused from the case and frankly i think the case should be dismissed. maria: hunter biden meanwhile headed to trial next month on gun charges. the judge rejected his bid to delay it yesterday. hunter's lawyers are arguing it was necessary to have enough time to line up the witness withs and review the prosecution's evidence. that trial set to begin on june 3rd. are you expecting that to go as planned? >> i am, maria. i think you're going to see a huge contrast in the gun case and this mickey mouse case up in new york. the gun case is going to be about two days. it's going to be some documents. it's going to be open and shut. that is if he doesn't decide just to plead guilty, frankly, which i wouldn't be surprised about that as well. maria: joe? >> yeah, just to that point, i think in many ways the gun case being very pro forma, what was not pro forma was the
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information that we were able to discover in the midst of that botched plea agreement where the judge basically had to say it appears as if this is broader than anything i've ever seen before. you put that in context as relates to hunter biden, do you think anything in the process of this trial that we're going to see on the third reveals more information towards the other legal issues that implicate not just the son, but also potentially the father? >> well, boy, that's a great question. and i think the short answer, joe, is yes. you're going to see some evidence and some other information that comes out in this case that shows just as we were hearing, double standards, one standard for trump and his people, another standard for biden and his son and his people. maunbelievable. >> it's pretty shocking, as a former prosecutor. i've never seen anything like it. maria: i'm with thomas dylan this morning.
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go ahead. >> your point about double standard is very interesting. my question on this u is can you imagine if eric trump had a speeding ticket, they would drag him through all of the things. how do you think the double standards -- i like what you said, it will probably be over in two days. do you think it will get as much coverage as the trump trial? >> the short happens is absolutely not. -- short answer is absolutely not. the media won't cover in the same way, shape or form the biden trial or plea but to the point, your point, tom, that's so well taken. these 12 women and men up in new york are going to go back there, look at this trump case in new york, and they're going to say good lord, what's going on here? maria: yes. >> what is this about? we've got a stripper. we've got a serial liar. those are our principal witnesses. i'm telling you, jurors, something is really, really wrong here and there's where
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your not guilty verdict is going to come out of. maria: guy, how is this impacting the supreme court and its decision on presidential immunity? i'm wondering, i mean, so many people are calling this a charade, so many people are questioning the motives of the prosecution that do you think scotus looks at this and says we can't have this going on regularly, that every time a new president is in place, that you've got the opposition trying to take him down. there's got to be presidential immunity. so this kind of charade doesn't take place over and over again. or is scotus not focused on the current state of affairs? >> another great question. so maria, that i think is the sleeper issue of the summer in yeah. >> and the reason i say that, you remember, i think it was justice alito who looked down during that last orall argument says do you really think trump
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is being treated fairly here? is there some unfairness going on here. and i'm telling you, again, the justices like everybody else, we've made decisions but it's the right and wrong and fairness, what's happening here is unfair. maria: you've got to wonder how that impacts the supreme court as it wrestles with the debate an decision on whether or not president trump has presidental immunity. we'll know that in june, i guess. gay, it's great to get your unsights on all of this. thanks very much. >> you got it. maria: quick break and then a stormy weather across the done you tri, we've got an update there after the break. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ ain't it funny how life changes. ♪ you wake up, ain't nothing the same. ♪ and life changes. ♪ you can't stop it, just hop on the traontrain
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in place across nine counties in central florida this morning as these powerful storms race across the south. the biden administration reportedly is moving forward with a new $1 billion weapons package for israel, the massive arms deal coming a week after biden held back a shipment of weapons, threatening to cut off aid if israel launched a full scale invasion of rafah. it includes tank ammunition and more tar rounds. in kyiv, antony blinken taking a break to play guitars and serenade ukrainians in a dive bar, singing rocking in the real word, three weeks after congress passed another $61 billion in aid to ukraine. well, americans are drowning in debt. that's according to a new report, the new york federal reserve, total household debt
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surging $17.69 billion or 1% higher from the previous quarter, a rise on mortgage balances and a auto loans major factors. many are falling behind on payments. the higher fac prices one of the factors driving americans to get into debt. mark greene writing a president to brad smith requesting his appearance before the house homeland security committee may 22nd, the letter is titled a cascade of security failures, assessing microsoft corporation's cyber security shortfalls and implications for homeland security. microsoft came under fire in washington for the cyber security practices. well, the nypd has identified the man accused of attacking actor steve bucemi in new york city, police say he was walking down the street when clifton williams began punching him in
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broad daylight. he was taken to the hospital. witnesses tell the news he tried to run after the suspect but he couldn't catch him. the publ publicist giving us anp update, saying he is okay and appreciates everyone's well wishes. it's incredibly sad this happened for him while walking the streets of new york. the streets aren't safe, maria. we talked about this in the last hour. this morning, six of the migrants who viciously beat a pair of new york city police officers in times square were given plea deals for the charges, one of them released, two others offered sentences, just six months. this is new york city. and by the way, he's the third high profile actor to the be attacked on the streets of new york city. so we've seen this, another broadway actor that was attacked a couple months ago, that was also in board walk empire and a major comedian on the upper west
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side was attacked. maria: i don't know what to say. it's horrible what happened to our city. i mean, it has to go back to bad policy. people are arrested, processed and they're let out and then they commit more crimes. how dcan you not blame bad poli. >> the level of comfort you have to have with law youlessness and criminality to aattack a police officer shows how far this has gone. it comes down to policies. it's also an attitude, whether you aagree with it or not, part of the reason why broken glass policing worked because people knew there would be accountability starting with the least of crimes and certainly had a trickle-up effect as to things people thought about when they were going to commit larger crimes as well. maria: no consequences. >> unfortunately, along came defund the police and suddenly it became not only acceptable but almost vogue or cool or wonderful to -- maria: democrats tried to say it was republicans defunding the
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police. so ridiculous. >> no. actually, it started with george floyd, went to blm and defund the police and went to the migrants. there's a stream there. it's quite consistent. >> i have a question. at what point do new yorkers vote differently? when's that going to happen, joe? >> i think if we see another summer of love. you have to remember that in the aftermath of the george floyd protests, it was the largest insurance claim for actual civil disobedience in public we've ever seen in the history of the country. if we see that again in the aftermath of the palestinian, from the river to the sea protests, it's going to be a huge mess when bill de blasio was elected it was the smallest electorate that a came out. >> 11%. maria: they vote democrat. what the heck, antony blinken playing guitar, rocking in the free world. they're not in the free world. >> they're not free at all. maria: there's no freedom and
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we're seeing our freedoms taken away. rocking the free world, nah, ann ant. a.we've got a short break an thn senator ron johnson is here to talk about biden's tariffs on goods from china, how it's going to impact americans after the break. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. to transform business, accelerate growth, predict trends, you need to begin with trust. introducing watsonx governance. helping you govern any ai, as data, models, and policies change, so you can scale it responsibly. let's create ai that begins with trust, with watsonx governance. ibm. let's create.
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