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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  May 15, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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emily, number 3. stuart: lahren? lauren: i was going with emily as well. stuart: i have no doubts about this. it is mary, guaranteed. thank you very much indeed. over the last one hundred years, one hundred 73 million baby girls were born in america and 3 million were named mary. a common name used. lauren: i don't know any marys now. stuart: in the past hundred years. the most popular girls, the most popular boy's name, can you do that? i'm told we can do that. don't look it up in advance. coast to coast starts now. neil: my wife's name is mary. this is a fox business alert.
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i want to accuse the music right now. looking at records, we are not rattled. it is all about inflation. stocks go on a tear. if it it is not, stocks go into the tank. today's news is tame, stocks on a tear. they are not tanking either because the inflation report was not terrifying. prices at the consumer level, the us level rising 0.3%. good for stocks because it keeps the patient federal reserve aircraft, no rate cut anytime soon but no rate hike. you take what you can get. i am neil cavuto. let's get into this with the wall street journal, chief economist, donald trump's office of budget, nick, to you first which we've got all these records for now holding in all three market averages.
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this is the just right inflation report. do you by that? >> seems like every thing is what you expected it to be. a decent report, good report when comparing it to the last three reports. preserves a rate cut later this year. does the report say never this year or sometime later this year? not a report that says using the fed rate to cut right now but preserves the possibility of a cut and you see market reacting get. it closes the door a little bit. it was barely open, it is close to the idea the fed will have to put rate hikes back on the menu so that's another reason, just seeing relief today. this wasn't an amazing inflation report but it was
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good enough to cuba live the idea of a cut and keep the door closed. stuart: neil: on that, the flipside of not delaying or at least calling off a rate cut is the reason why that would be the case. we see more reminders the consumer might be retrenching an attack whether in response to higher prices or other factors i don't know but that is a worry in and of itself. is it not? >> i think so. one thing you look at from this report, and the average weekly earnings in the jobs report was it is down, when biden took office. a lot of people are feeling the pressure of inflation all around them.
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the financial regulations by the biden administration, a combination of these, soaring interest rates are hurting americans even with slower so-called good inflation report today. neil: market rates coming down not precipitously but wondering if of the markets are doing what the fed would be doing without doing it directly. >> what we've seen in the last few data points, the market overreacts to the data to a market that's very concerned or excited, the numbers come a certain way and when better-than-expected today or worse than last month it leads to an overreaction, there's a danger of the market getting ahead of itself. we saw that at the end of last year, three reports were
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disappointing so it takes more than one report for the fed to regain the confidence that it lost on the march cpi so there is a danger of overreaction to every number that comes out. neil: there's a lot more work to do, it is statistically and every angle wrong. i want you to react to this. >> president biden: we've dramatically reduced inflation from 9% to close to 3%. in a situation where we are better situated than when we took office. it was 9% when i came to office, 9%. people have a right to be concerned. inflation has gone slightly up and it is now down 3%. neil: not to disparage the president or republicans saying the same thing but it was closer to one. 3% at the time.
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he keeps repeating this, it never corrected on this but there are the fact. it got as high as 9% under his stewardship, down markedly from there. why do we keep hearing this discussion the way the president frames it? >> he's good at blocking and bridging, blocking the bad policies that happened under his watch, at 9% with inflation in october of 22 a year and a half after he became president. this was under his watch. excessive government spending, massive debt put in place in the federal reserve printed that so too much money chasing too few goods, mass inflation. this is one of the issues i'm worried about when it comes to inflation, the fed will start slowing its reduction in its balance sheet from $7.4 trillion from $90 billion a month and they need to make sure this inflationary picture doesn't pick up again like you
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saw in the 1970s. neil: the fact is the president could say what we are down from, highs of 9% but another problem for him to tell the american people he sensually it is not know -- and we have improved. i don't know if it is helpful. >> and he said, and will illustrate increases we can, and nothing transpired over the last year a great result. when you talk to people, talk about inflation is down, they
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are not happy because the prices of everything they pay have gone up over the last four years. every day americans looking at price level having gone up 20% over the last four years and it is only going up 2% or 3% now, there's not much comfort there and the president isn't benefiting from the lower 12 month rates of inflation because the price of everything has gone up and the price of necessities of everyday life are not going down, not like the price of housing, neil: thank you. in the meantime, and cnn will be carrying that.
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robert f kennedy not pleased because he's not included either of these. edward lawrence has the latest. >> reporter: the fastest i have ever seen a presidential debate agreed-upon. it happened in the span of two hours, donald trump, president biden asked donald trump for two debate september 27th, september 10th and june 27th, a former president agreed to both and this is what we woke up to this morning. >> president biden: donald trump last two the base to me in 2,020. now he is acting like you wants to debate me again. make my day, pal. i will even do it twice. i heard you are free on wednesdays. >> reporter: response, quickly from truth social from donald trump saying president biden is the worst debater he ever faced and it is time for the debate so he can explain to the american people his distractive open border policy, new and
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ridiculous ev mandates. and really weak foreign policy which is allowing the world to catch on fire. the biden campaign says once the venue for no audience, he wants a large audience in the venue so we can watch trump supporters say both candidates have records to run on. >> thing about it. we went from a secure border to know border, safe streets to record crime, to dollar gas to $4 gas, stable prices to record inflation. president biden has to defend that record, donald trump can defend his record, we had things, things were going well under his leadership. this is good news. the american people deserve to have the presidential candidates debate. >> reporter: both candidates seem to have a catchphrase, make my day, donald trump said let's get ready to rumble. i've not been asked to moderate either of these debates. neil: you left out a great line, are you feeling lucky punk?
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hollywood line. edward lawrence on all that. at the new york post, a democratic post, former clinton advisor. started with overture on the part of president biden, now the response, who benefits? >> when you're behind, you want debates. when you are ahead you don't. trump previously said he was open anywhere anytime. the biden campaign was facing tough polls, kind of drought during the summer. i think this is one of the best moves to date, challenging the debates coming on strong, and defiant. neil: what about you? >> must be pretty scary and what is interesting is agreeing get to one this early. if biden is terrible people will have forgotten about that
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by november. at the same time, the campaign is interested in having are the debates because they wanted to have them before early voting starts. republicans used to be against early voting, campaigned against it. republicans started to realize they aren't going to win that one. the rnc is pushing republicans to get out and make sure -- you cannot vote this early. the presidential commission, the nonpartisan one, they wanted to have some debates, it is hilarious because they had a reporter call last night with no labels involved which is, nobody else at this point. neil: what do you make of that? >> the biden camp was worried kennedy would be in a commissioned debate, met the criteria for the debate and other candidates in the debate,
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the biden campaign needed something now but didn't want to have the commission, putting kennedy in the debate and they short-circuit all those. this is a debate before the conventions. before they are actually the nominee. that is the historic precedent. neil: the commission, including him, who does he hurt more? if the biden folks wanted to bypass is that, they go past you guys and do something on their own, they must sense he is more damaging to them than he is to donald trump. >> both camps see him as a wildcard, a lot of issue positions young people, environmentally sensitive people want. he has been out on conservative publications. antigovernment.
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he has taken almost equally. both campaigns wonder, comes from me instead of the other one. neil: i wonder what the expectations are. we almost can predict how both will act and comport themselves. if you are for the president you will like everything he does. it comes back to these independents or those who haven't made up their mind yet. alarming is that that may seem to some, what do you make of that and because of that, we know these guys inside and out. >> as you look at the conditions the biden team wants to put on these debates, no live audience. that makes things less fun and takes away a bit of spontaneity because you have people in the crowd for both sides making noise. the other thing the campaign
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wants's for mike's to be cut at the time that ends for that person so you won't have people interrupting each other. that can get crazy. clearly, it can be annoying when they are talking over each other. that is good television. >> i'm a fan of for studious debates where people follow the rules. i thought the microphone thing was pretty good. if you go back to debates originally i don't like an audience there that you play to the audience. better at politics, the biden camp is more worried about what an audience could do, trump is a stump speaker more than a debater. takes a little bit. neil: any rules on movement. >> i don't see anything on movement.
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neil: thank you very much. the first one by cnn, the second one by abc on september 10th. june 27th debate would be for, it is early. taking a look at the overhanging issue for donald trump, the ongoing trial. tomorrow it resumes with cross-examining michael cohen. nothing on friday. how do you grade it? after this. ♪
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wthose who are still accewith us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. neil: no trial activity for donald trump, tomorrow it resumes, michael cohen back on the stand at cross-examination will continue. lydia has been following this trial witnessing herself firsthand from a couple venues. >> reporter: fascinating testimony from michael cohen,
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the second day to cross-examination, todd blanche painting michael cohen as this angry liar that is motivated by money and when he did that it was interesting in a couple ways. blanche had the jurors listen to an excerpt of cohen's podcast mayor call by and in fact, members of the jury could hear cohen say that trump needs to wear handcuffs. and the, quote, people will not be satisfied until this man is sitting inside a cell, like a jail cell. it highlighted the merchandise through cohen's platforms, $32 and this shirt can be yours. a photo of donald trump behind bars. cohen testified about books about his experience of donald trump earning him $3.4 million. cohen went on to testify,
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trying to rehabilitate that. and guilty to charges, pleaded guilty to tax evasion. even admitted he lied to the trump organization, and investigation continues, the defense poked more holes in cohen's testimony, it is about business records, and they will take a swing at cohen's testimony, the records in question were falsified. i'm waiting for the defense to point out that is cohen's state of mind, that's cohen's intent. what is at issue is what donald trump intended so that is one of the big points of contention, prosecution at last witness and we will see who the defense is going to call. and there nearing the final stages of this trial.
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neil: the first day with stormy daniels you were in the room and had a chance to get a flavor of the people in the room. did you get a chance to see the jurors or their reaction to whatever she was saying? >> reporter: i did. she's a great storyteller. she is. she does right as she testifies. she had an interesting story to tell, the jurors were looking at her, she was speaking straight to them which is a tactic of delivery, maintain eye contact with attorneys are examining you and speaking to the jurors and she did that and they were riveted. that's very interesting testimony to hear stormy daniels on the heels of testimony about records, how they are maintained, the accounting software. they are paying attention. neil: less so to the financial types. i am an use to it.
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it is my life. that is why. thank you. are you back tomorrow? >> i will be back tomorrow for the cross-examination. neil: former deputy assistant attorney general, that was interesting, lydia's take, and rapture ring the jury, not so much financial types and accountants and business types talking about what accountants and business types like myself talk about, stormy daniels obviously very compelling. by extension, cohen. what do you glean from that? >> i want to know what michael cohen is going to say cavuto school of law behind bars. neil: would be a big seller. >> that's what's going on here, yes.
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here, if i think actually the prosecution deserves a failing grade at the level of strategy. donald trump at the level of legal strategy should get an a because the goal of the prosecution was to knock donald trump out of the race. what has happened is donald trump is now leading in almost all battleground states and a new york times poll over the incumbent. at the level of strategy the prosecution has done poorly but at the level of tactics, trial tactics, what's going on in the courtroom donald trump hasn't done as well as he could have. the key mistake, the reason why, the report that cohen is in there, they are captivating the jury because donald trump and his lawyers deny anything ever happened. think how much narrower this case would have been if donald trump had his team had said we admit that he had an affair with stormy daniels, we admit he paid money for nda. those are all legal. focus instead as you were
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saying, did trump actually have the mental state to try to defraud new york and use that to cover up campaign-finance contribution. that's the real crime that has been committed and none of that evidence that has been brought forward by the prosecution proves even close to beyond a reasonable doubt. neil: you mentioned donald trump and what legal strategy was wise in the debate but it is risky for donald trump to take the stand regardless because that question would come up. do you have this affair with this woman? she was very descriptive and clear and detailed in identifying where it happened, things she would not have known had she not looked out of the room.
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that would be a risk for him, would it not? >> you are thinking like the da. they realized they don't have a crime they can prove under the law. what do you do? we tried donald trump through the mud, tried to destroy his character, make him look so bad that the jury wants to convict him of something. donald trump, they are setting a trap. they are egging donald trump on to testify, daring him, stormy daniels posted a tweet saying real men would testify and that would be a huge mistake for trump. they are counting on trump being impulsive, thinking he can talk his way out of anything by showing him all these attacks on his character, try to say we dare you to testify. that would be a big mistake. the defense would be wise to barely put on any witnesses,
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one or two accountants but not bring on anybody important and see if the judge think there's enough evidence to let the jury decide the case. lauren: 2033, 34 counts on business hanky-panky and all that, what are the odds donald trump can dodge guilty verdicts on any of them. >> the thing is they are all the same crime. andy mccarthy said in your show, one effort to pay stormy daniels off and hide where the money comes from and the da splitted into every time there is a check and one count. what happens if i was to bet money is, and it is a mistrial.
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>> >> it is 32 times. >> i think so but it is really one decision you have to make. you have to make a decision to donald trump's state of mind. it is unlikely to say i will cheat the law in 34 counts. i was trying to cheat the law. add them all together to one big decision. did donald trump have the steak to break the law. neil: the trial resumes, for college graduation, for the protests at nyu at the graduation ceremony. we are on that after this. ♪
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♪ looking good, guys! thanks! vacations are better with the credit gods are on your side. i'm coming up! rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. earn points for travel with credit one bank, and live large. neil: cb cotton has seen her in the scores are on the protests we were seeing across college campuses, now she gets to see the good stuff, when graduates have a chance to graduate.
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with going on at yankee stadium at new york university. >> the commencement is underway and the speaker at the podium is using this opportunity to get political instilling the student body not to demonize one another and praising peaceful protests, also watching to see how many students will lose the graduation stage is a chance for them to protest the ongoing war in gaza. a lot of families will see celebration. a group of nyu faculty says the commencement is a distraction keeping and why you from meeting demands, the faculty talk to social media, to tag and why you and right, quote, nyu's graduation celebrations are distraction from its complicity in genocide.
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you cannot suppress palestine activism while 40,000 have been murdered, end quote. no one was allowed into yankee stadium today with large bev, flags, banners or signs with student protesters may use similar tactics columbia university students on sunday. one student wore zip tie handcuffs, and she ripped her diploma to pieces over the university of michigan security was tightened, to screen and remove banners and flags with dozens of student protesters, managed to get flags inside and followed them as they marched through the aisles. within the month dozens of pro-palestinian enchantments have been swept across the country leading to violent clashes with the police.
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some students, and this is the city of university last night. you see protesters there. nypd was called into the campus of nyu twice to sweep encampments. hundred students were arrested at nyu, more than half were students. back to you. neil: imagine being the parent of the girl who ripped up her diploma, that's our baby girl. i don't know. >> reporter: you bring that up, some students told us they would pay upwards of $80,000 to attend columbia. neil: even my phone couldn't believe it. we are not talking about these graduates, but a lot of the bills they are facing as they graduate.
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and for the parents of the girl who ripped up what she paid for. >> as a nation we are in over one. $7 trillion of student loan debt and we've seen recently the interest rate for undergrad it up another percentage point to 6.53%. this is adding insult to injury. this debt is stunting their growth and you can't solve a problem while simultaneously creating it, the government needs to stop making loans and force new conversations how to pay for school and force institutes to drive down the cost of tuition. neil: they are like adjustable-rate mortgages. saddled with debt that rival a mortgage. how do you mobilize future students dealing with this.
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>> you've got to embrace the idea of education without debt. working through college, that begins with you choosing a college, we talk about in state schools, not private schools, you start with junior-college to get those out-of-the-way and transition to state school, there are ways to do this, parents putting money ahead of time, so there's a nest egg to start with. there are solutions. lauren: 1 do you make of the number of kids waiting for their gravy train to come in and other loans being forgiven if they stop paying there's. >> you need to stop and look at what loans are being forgiven. for the most part people who have been on the hook with these for 20 years and the
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administration is stepping and saying you pay this long enough, we will offer you a little bit of forgiveness here but my thing is do you want to wait 20 years? i had $280,000 of student loans. if i could pay mine off in 7 years you can pay yours off. it starts doing the debt snowball we always teach and i tell folks we are in the era of the income driven repayment plan. you can keep the no interest and you can take advantage of that when working on that snowball, if you're working on smaller debt first, you can use that to keep costs low but when it comes time to nail those student loans, put the full force of your income to pay them off. neil: good seeing you again. in the meantime we are following a lot of mean stocks that are more like mean stocks. this is all basic cable folks.
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you are welcome, america. ♪
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neil: some days there are meme stocks and other size mean
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stocks. that's how it is for game stop. charlie gasparino reminded you they are back in vogue. what is going on? charles: superficially, a guy goes on the internet, roaring kitty. neil: that is what he solves himself. charles: could be the roaring -- pumpkin spice latte. neil: he gained cult status. charles: 2021. stuart: then he disappeared. >> people are locked in their house, the fed was printing money, we have something different now. they may even be raising interest rates after the inflation report, reducing the balance sheet.
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there still is a cult status out there where people are looking for the next get-rich-quick scheme. he posted something weird which is reclining on act. people went nuts and started buying the stock. neil: wasn't telling a robin hood screw the big boys, i will go counter to them. charles: if you look at the companies, game stop, not such a great company. neil: they went too far. charles: they were trying to put the company out of business. amc is burning tons of cash. a horrible balance sheet and they are both up. off of their loads. neil: did he sell the stake? charles: more associated with
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game stock, became another meme stock that took on cult status. he sold it. neil: how rich is this guy? charles: no one knowles if he sold or not. they made a movie about him. movie sucked kind of. it was like fiction because the reality is people who held onto the stock got crushed. this was $80 a share. amc says 5 miles a share after reversed split so it is really $0.52 and if you go by the reverse split metrics, it is $0.52 down from $72. neil: it is not good long-term. charles: this is a momentum play. you jump on and push it and
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inevitably it sells and you sell out and the short-sellers in both of these stocks, two things made the point of 2021, no short squeeze. there's a lot less volume on both of these stocks so if you think you are going to squeeze capital to make a ton of money you probably are not. and one third of the volume, different macroeconomic conditions. the roaring spice man. neil: charlie gasparino following these developments. it is on track for the second straight record close, the dow and the s&p and the hat trick, what's going on?
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>> i am confused, the market is going higher. it is a little bit confusing, between yesterday's ppi report which is harder by a fair amount other than expectations budget came on track today. notice what they are doing. prices rose 3. 6% but that's the slowest pace in three years so they are flipping on items head trying to make it sound like price is rising get so the market continues the rally and they start with rate cuts narrative. the part that kills me is there are people who think goldman, three rate cuts this year. not through july but september, november, december, which means others -- neil: it can't happen.
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>> i don't see how it could happen based on the data. jay powell said yesterday that inflation is not going in the direction he thought was going to go in and that further reiterates as well as the last fed governors go slow, back off? neil: give me the lay of the land, the market averages, to see this going, we could see another 10% run-up in the averages talking about the s&p 500 before the end of the year. do you see that stuff? >> i do. it is up 11% year to date. you can check that. i think we are up 20 plus.
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as we move into the fall and as we come into the election, i don't think the market will back off. i wish it would. i love to go shopping when there's a sale going on. we are about where we are going to be so we turnaround the next six months and end up probably up 11% or 12%. you add in divvies, 14%. neil: a lot of people focus on the consumer will be talk about retail sales softer than expected and 3.6% surge in price, the slowest it has been in three years and maybe that is triggering something. things are slowing down. should we worry about that? >> what you have to worry about
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is if it is slowing down gradually that is one thing but if it slows down and we suddenly start to go off the edge that is another thing and you see unemployment spike from 3. 9%, 3. 8%, if you see it spike up to 4.5 or 4.7% in a relatively short time that will send a different message than if you see it to cup over the next year which would be reflective of a slower slow down, not a drastic one, in time for the fed to react and people to reposition themselves. that's what you have to watch out for when you see things like mcdonald's seeing a slowdown, their value meal is $18 or starbucks seen a slowdown because there latte is $6. i think that speaks to people saying do i really need that, and make this meal for half a price. neil: is delicious but i digress. always good seeing you.
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1:00 pm
neil: we are not far from 40,000, the dow is, the nasdaq the second day running and interest rates are really low, tenure at 4. 43%. remember when that puppy was close to 5%? very different market now. taylor riggs in "the big money show" guys looking at these. taylor: the bond market move, and what we are looking at today.


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