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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  May 15, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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category of certainly thousand dollar stock. med, med pay which i handed in earlier, it is a company that helps biotechs and pharmaceuticals to do their testing in their business. it is really emerging out of a great base but i can't take credit for smci. that was my model, ash. the model picked it. i give a credit to model and team that helped me build it with you. ashley: very valiant of you, jordan kimmel, great stuff. always great to see you. great information. yes, we're dropping the confetti, the market closing just about 20 seconds from now. look at that, a new record chose for the dow. [closing bell rings] the dow up 342. record close for the s&p, and nasdaq. my goodness, all sorts of records breaking today. thanks for joining us. larry kudlow is next. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome did "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow.
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let the games begin. it is a 15 round heavyweight contest between joe biden and donald trump starting june 27th, with a rematch promised on september 10th. we have boking greats joe concha and mark simone with the play-by-play. steve forbes and steve moore on biden-flation. chuck grassley on biden's green tariff war. claudia tenney on the new bill to ban suck a -- zuckabucks. marsha blackburn on the border catastrophe. we have edward lawrence right in the white house in the boxing ring. edward, let's see you get in shape. [laughter] laugh. >> reporter: to quote a famous movie that escalated quickly. president donald trump, excuse me, president joe biden this morning issued a tweet on x, posting a video asking for two debates. within two hours former
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president trump accepted that debate challenge. the first one you mentioned, june 27th on cnn the second one september 10th on abc. here is how president biden made the ask this morning. president biden: president trump lost two debates to me in 2020. he acting like he will debate me again. make my day, pal. let's pick the dates. i hear you're free on wednesday. >> reporter: press secretary they prefer to have awed ones for these debates. one of the mandates it is just two of them, moderators for networks other than fox. >> it is interesting joe biden's handlers said they don't want a large audience. they understand that joe biden cannot speak to a large crowd. that is why all of his campaign events are very controlled. they are fearful of the american angry protesters that follow joe biden wherever he goes.
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>> reporter: former president trump, time president biden in his words, explain as destructive border policy, ridiculous ev mandate, crushing inflation and high taxes, weak foreign policy. president biden's campaign said he wanted the first debate prior to early voting starting. both candidates have catchphrases now. president biden using make my day. former president trump using, he said let's get ready to rumble. back to you, larry. larry: i like that let's -- how did that go, rumble? edward lawrence, terrific stuff. now the riff, presidential debates are so much fun. there is always something noteworthy or cringe-worthy. i always thought the reagan debates were supercool. in the the first one against jiy carter the gipper asked, are you better off now than you were four years ago? that was it. game, set, match, reagan won 44 states. his '84 debates with mondale were trickier. in the first one reagan got a
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bit tied up trying to show folks he new policy numbers and details but he was really a big picture man. certainly the greatest conservative big picture man in the 20th century or all time for that matter. the liberal beltway media started running stories that reagan was too old at age 73, but in the second debate, reagan carried the day with a fabulous clip, when he said i will not make my opponent's age and inexperience an issue. take a listen to the full one. >> i will not make age an issue of this campaign. i am not going to ex-might for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience. [laughter]. larry: well the crowd roared in approval. mondale went hang dog as he realized how badly reagan outfoxed him. reagan took the election winning 49 states. the economy after the carter inflationary recession was booming, over 10% after the
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reagan tax cuts. now i don't remember much about all of these debates. i think i recall papa bush looked at his watch during the bill clinton debate. whether that caused hits loss, who knows. he shouldn't have raised taxes in the first place. that was the killer. i always thought george w. bush did a very nice job with al gore because gore was such a know it all, people just got sick of him before the debate was even half over. anyway, bush was always an underrated intellect and he took out windbag john kerry in 2004. now i don't remember much about john mccain versus obama but to this day i still believe sarah palin beat joe biden in their vice presidential debate. i was covering that for another network. i think she surprised everybody. but mccain never really had a chance as the whole financial world was melting down. donald trump surprised all the critics in 2016, beating hillary clinton with his strong grasp of
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economic growth and his america first policies. and i also remember in the last debate, just a couple of weeks before the election, when president trump blasted hilary for favoring late-term abortion. she had no answer in defense of her cruel and inhumane position. i believe that was a huge factor in mr. trump's victory a couple of weeks later. so, now, trump and biden are going to go at it again. biden released a video today trying to sound like a tough guy with five edits in 13 seconds. he wants to debate trump twice but the not the usual three times. he woken do it in front of an audience. he is afraid of any cross-talking. he is kicking poor robert kennedy out of the game and he just wants the liberal networks, cnn, abc, cbs, telemundo to host it. no fox. that's unfortunate. doesn't sound very tough to me.
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president trump knows all about the liberal network biases but he is saying yes anyway. good for him. and the june 27th debate will come before the mail-in voting begins which i think is going to favor trump. so, joe, you can put up as many guardrails as you want but you're going to have to do this live, no teleprompter and you're going to have to defend your record on high inflation, shrinking blue-collar wages, open border catastrophe and america's weaknesses around the world. we'll see how you do. let the games begin. that's the riff. all right we have two boxing experts right here for more on this. we'll bring in joe concha, fox news contributor and mark simone, hall of fame wor radio host. joe concha, first of all, how tough is biden? he couldn't even make the video, that is point number one. he had to keep editing the darn
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thing. second of all he is afraid after crowd. trump just got 100,000 people in the jersey beach and biden is lucky if he can get three people in a grocery store. anyway i digress. what do you think? >> he is not familiar with crowds. perhaps you're afraid of what you don't know. here's the thing, 2016 cnn has the first debate in june. on two occasions they shared questions with the:tone campaign in advance. do we remember that? who is to say this won't happen again because we still don't know quite how that happened, right? secondly the same network that ousted its president last year, it's president network chris elect, because licht, on town hall on the network. everybody revolted against the president and he got kicked out. we're pieced to be a fair objective moderating debate from cnn, given therapy history in this department because know what we're getting, larry?
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a heavy dose of january 6th. we'll get the trump trials. we'll get a lot of focus on abortion. look at gallup, the five most important topics issues in terms of voters what is most important to them, economy inflation number one. illegal immigration number two, government and poor leadership number three. we have foreign policy at number four. number five is poverty and homelessness. larry: where were the trials? >> where were the trials? larry: where were the trials, 15th, 18th, 20th? mark simone you think cnn is a liberal network? really. joe is being too hard. >> they have to scramble away from the left to get to liberal. they're so far left. what does this all mean, when somebody demands debates they are way behind. larry: good point. >> he is behind in the rigged public polls. he must really behind in the private polls. i think saturday is what made this happen. i think that panicked them trump got 100,000 people. we've never seen 100,000. that really scared them.
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now why so early? why june? we never had a debate before the convention? i think the biden people know he could be a disaster. they will need time to fix it if he is. also the people running biden world, they got to decide whether they will keep him. if they switch, it will be at the convention. they wanted to test him out before the convention. larry: you think if he bombs, this is fascinating if joe biden bombs in the june debate, june 27th, which i think is the democratic convention is middle of august, some such. >> yeah. larry: you think they would, the boss was pull hem right there and there? like you're having a bad night in the basketball playoffs you get pulled, you don't show up for the fourth quarter? >> you've got to be thinking about it. sometimes it is totally incoy inherrent. they will see how bad he is before they decide whether to pull him. >> to mark's point, two polls came out this week, thee actually. other "new york times," swing states, trump is leading every single one or tied in another, two other polls caught my eye, minnesota, donald trump is tied
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with joe biden. virginia, donald trump is tied with joe biden. minnesota, even voted for walter mondale over ronald reagan, 49 states. that is the one went to mondale, his home state. if those two state are in play, it is this close, biden has to defend those states trying to win all the other ones back, why mark is saying there is a hail mary here. larry: i saw a poll, could have been john mcglock rin, somebody else, trump is down only five points in new jersey, among the bluest of the blue states where a guy nobody ever heard of nearly beat phil murphy for re-election in the governor's thing. mark, i don't understand, why doesn't joe biden want an audience. serious question. it will be weird. like a covid debate or something with no one else there except the moderators. >> he is not used to it because of his condition. it confuses him. trump is much funnier. trump plays an audience as well. gets big laughs. concerned did i nixon debates
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were no audience. larry: oh, i doesn't h didn't know that. >> hannity debate, with desantis an newsom worked pretty well. larry: reagan mondale debate, when reagan launched the line i will not take advantage of my open.s political experience killed mondale. the whole room erupted in applause. he was totally deflated. the biden people figure they don't want anything like that to happen. can joe biden go, they don't say how long the debates will be, i didn't see that. will it be hour 1/2, two hours. >> they're almost 90 minutes. i can't see it being any different from that. to your point there is no script to save joe biden this time. no teleprompter to deliver marks. if i'm donald trump i ask the questions with biden. with my time allotted i can't count on jake tapper asking this question, joe, whats with the inflation rate took office.
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he said it again today. larry: he said it again today, 9% inflation. that is extraordinary. >> he said it yesterday too. larry: had him two out of three days. this is three out of four days. that is remarkable. jake tapper will not be the worst. i don't know who else will be on the bench. trump is not afraid. look what he has gone through, all these trials and tribulations especially trials, there he is doing very well, looking well. he is campaigning, wednesday had the day off from court. out there, doing fund-raisers and so forth. he doesn't care. he wants to get into the ring with biden. >> what does he have to be afraid of? biden can't win on the border. he can't win on crime. he can't win on taxes. he can't win on inflation. there will be a summer protests. they will happen outside of the debate. >> i had a great line trump did at his rally but i hadn't heard it before, but it is the best argument he can make. i'm stronger in 2024 than i was in 2020, ion 2016, because
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unlike those years people see the alternative is. on all those issues. now we have a contrast. biden has to defend himself. it is 2020 anymore. larry: will you approach them to be referee? >> i don't know why it will be in atlanta. that is not a place trump loves. >> cnn headquarters. larry: fani willis. she will be disqualified. i have to get out of here. where is the other one going to be, september one? >> i don't think we know yet. abc. larry: all very interesting, bang, bang, bang. let the games begin. it will be great fun. joe concha, mark simone, two boxing experts. coming up on "kudlow," markets finish the green. market up 353 point. s&p hit another world record. all good for the kudlow trust. we'll have steve forbes and steve moore to talk about some bad economic numbers today. i don't know why the market was so euphoric. you can catch "kudlow" monday
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through friday 4:00 p.m. on fox business. if for some reason you can't make it at 4:00, text your favorite nine-year-old and she will show you how to dvr the show. you will never miss miss a boxing rematch. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back. ♪.
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by 231, 1.4% there. the bls reporting month-over-month inflation rising .3 of, 3.4% year-over-year. higher than expectations. core inflation rose 3.6%. that is the lowest level in three years. while the numbers is better, cpi inflation is up 19.3% since biden took office. retail sales data sharply below expectations. sales were lower than expectations in march. americans spent more for gas and food and less for guess what, big-ticket items, larry back to you. larry: thank you, gerri willis. for more, steve forbes, forbes media editor-in-chief, steve moore, "moore money" on abc radio. steve moore, real hourly
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earnings, weekly average earnings continue to decline under mr. biden as gerri willis said, level of cpi has increased by nearly 20% since he was inaugurated. i want to note, the cpi for first four-month of the year running at 4 1/2% of annual rate. retail sales, core retail sales have fallen in three of the last four-month. i'm saying it looks to me like a weakening economy and still rising inflation problems. how do you see it? >> it is a weakening economy and i don't think people are going to be impressed, oh, may have been .2 of a percent better than what economists predicted. what they see interest rates are high. so the interest you pay on a mortgage, bad, on car loans, bad, credit cards, bad. people are taking out more dent and the fed has, this is so crazy, they have a thing called supercore inflation index they look at up four 1/2, 5%. so, yeah, enjoy it while you can
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white house, this is not overall good report. you still have a punk economy. that is why 100,000 people turned out for your opponent. larry: oh, that was mark simone's insight. that panicked joe biden into agreeing with a debate, even though they had to put a can the video five times. core services cpi, excluding rents, you're actually right. 3.6% annually last three months, 4.9 the last three months. jay powell has a problem. steve moore, i think the solution to the problem would be surely a five trillion dollar tax hike. wait a minute, that's not what i think. you wrote a good article what would happen if biden is reelected. what would happen to the economy if biden is reelected? >> i think it would be worse. on core would be worse than the first term. i will knock some of these off. doubling of the capital gains tax. how do you like, steve forbes. >> unrealized gains. >> taxing unrealized gains which never happened before in history. take the corporate rate up. increase the dividend tax.
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there are other things i am convince he will do if he wins. i think democrats will pack the emsupreme court. i think they will get rid of the filibuster, there is no more sinema and no more manchin in the senate. i think they make d.c. and puerto rico states. they will rig the deck so the economy can't make a comeback. biden and his allies saying two trillion dollars more they wanted to spend but the evil republicans wouldn't let them spend it. another two trillion dollars on the debt this is recipe for total disaster. the tax on a million dollar investment, if you make a million dollars on an investment, a 70% tax, when you add the corporate tax, the capital gains tax, unrealized capital gains. that will destroy investment. larry: steve forbes, on these point, biden makes this silly distinction, he said if you're under 400,000 you're not going to feel any tax hikes. first of all, 200,000 per person in a couple, married couple.
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so they're each going to get hit, that is the way the tax code works, but, but, actually if you raise capital-gains tax, both realized, unrealized, if you raise the corporate tax, if you raise the top personal tax rate which is what small businesses pay -- >> right, if you end the deduction for small business, the writeoff that ron johnson, senator johnson put in years ago, you're going to stop investment and capital formation, which is going to damage business and wage earners. in other words, ordinary blue-collar wage workers, low income wage workers would get slaughtered. this 400,000 number is a red hertog obscure the fact the rest of it will really damage middle class people. >> yes, they're going to pay the price. also there is that 20% tax called inflation. the hidden tax which hits people which people respond to. larry: you're right. >> so this whole thing is preposterous. if he does a fraction of what
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steve moore outlined we're not just going to have a slow economy, we'll have a severe recession or depression. it will be on scale what happened in 1929, 1930, with smooth haully and all the other dumb things they did back then, big tax increases and the like this. has global implications. the republicans have to hit hard. they're in the process of taking over american health care through regulations and the like. they just got rid of the nice little thing you could buy health insurance policy, bare bones for a year between jobs. they slaughtered that one. so they're going after it, picking, doing so many regulations it is hard to keep up on it. but this is all going to weigh in 2025 when all the stuff hits the fan. plus when summertime comes the only good thing they won't allow air-conditioning. maybe washington, congress will get out early. >> let me add something to what steve forbes said. good "wall street journal" editorial the other day showed they want to expand the role of your favorite housing security
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agencies, fannie -- larry: fannie mae and freddie mac. >> they want to have the united states government, steve forbes, guarranty home equity loans. larry: right. >> wait a minute. that doesn't expand homeownership. that -- here we have americans that are, up to their shoulders in debt. this is encouraging people more. here's the sinister thing about this this would pump one to two trillion dollars more spending into the economy when, late summer months and fall this is pump priming. it is such a cynical device. who is, who is on, going to pay for all of this? american taxpayers. larry: it is an interesting point. mortgage lenders in the private sector, there aren't a lot of them but become too big to fail. came out of treasury when they had their board meeting. steve forbe's, why is joe biden, this is a serious question, joe biden now almost, i guess on a daily basis is say he
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inherited a nine% -- 9% inflation rate this is matter of statistics. who produces this? bls, bureau of labor statistics produces the cpi. look it off. >> this is where that june 27th debate takes place. one of the moderators will call him out on it. trump will call him out on it. larry: jake tapper will. >> this could be biden's downfall. they're doing a hail mary. >> let's hope show. >> he will, did it on the state of the union, they pumped him up off a live audience wall the words in front of him, read him, look like energetic and yell, a lot of yelling. larry: god knows what they pumped him up with what. >> they should take him to the fda. larry: that's exactly right, regulate the fda, i get it. >> you know what the inflation was actually the month? 1.5%. larry: the 12 month change was 1.4%. everyone looked it up. >> before biden took office.
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there is big difference between 1.5% and 9%. larry: i don't understand how he keeps doing it. >> i think that is why democrats behind the scenes are starting to worry. >> i do too. >> he had the huge rally. he keeps saying what everyone knows is false. wasn't call out on on tv on cnn. everyone will call him out on it. trump will call him out. larry: you said steadfastly he will not be nominee. >> i agree. larry: now you're looking good. it may be up for grabs. >> no way he could do a debate. no way he could survive a real debate. larry: what do you think, steve? >> i hope steve forbes is wrong. we want to run, we want to run against biden. larry: about kamala harris. >> you could see gavin newsom. democrats are they really putting joe biden out there? he might not even be able to get through an hour 1/2 debate. one other quick point about inflation that gerri made, if you take into account the real inflation rate, the, what i call
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the middle class inflation rate, closer to 24 to 25%,. larry: really? >> absolute killer. don't forget, the capital gains tax is not indexed to inflation. larry: you will have to explain to us the 24% inflation. >> things that people have to buy, up 124 to 25%. larry: 24, 25%. steve for, steve moore. thank you, gentlemen. thank you. folks coming up senator chuck grassley on biden's green tariff war. also why is biden overregulating grain farmers in the state of iowa? folks, tune in to the first episode of the fox business run-down podcast. it will be monday may 20th and yours truly will be the very first guest. episodes will be available monday through friday on spotify, on apple, and pretty wow. pretty amazing stuff. no 9% inflation though. i'm "kudlow." we'll be right back.
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♪. larry: all right, let's revisit this whole issue of biden's green tariff war with china, whatever that is as well as some other matters. joining us now, great pleasure, iowa senator chuck grassley. senator grassley, sir, welcome back to the show. look, you were chairman of the finance committee. you're still on the finance committee. you've been through all the trade and tax discussions. i mean this, what biden is doing, china is still engaged in unfair trading practices and biden is putting tariffs mostly on things that the u.s. isn't buying, for example, evs and they're cutting back on ev batteries and we don't buy much aluminum or steel from china. i think this is late, small, very meek response to the china trade war, what do you think,
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sir? >> yeah, we're 10 years behind fighting china on the trade war. they have been stealing our intellectual property. larry: yes. >>, our trade secrets. etf been making american corporations do business the way the chinese communist party wants it done and, we should be getting them out of the world trade organization because they aren't following the rules of international trade and, we should be, instead of putting tariffs on, we should be using the, offsets that we have when foreign governments subsidize and dollar for dollar it should be. i think going the tariff war way is going to invite retaliation like we saw in the previous administration when it was put on. they took retaliation against
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agricultural products. for a state like mine where we produce a third more than we consume domestically we have to export, and we can't have a trade war that hurts some segments of the american economy but you're absolutely right, china is doing things that are entirely wrong by subsidizing their products or restricting exports of their products so they can monopolize the market and they're really doing it in a way to get their own economy going again, emphasizing, subsidizing manufacturing, then dumping it all over the world. larry: that's the thing. to your points, okay, we had a two-year negotiation, two years plus, i was on the trade, china trade team with bob lighthizer, steve mnuchin and so forth. china's not lived up to buying the agricultural farm commodities that was originally
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planned out. they have not bought the manufacturing or chemical commodities and products that was laid out. they have not stopped the stealing of intellectual property. they still are forcing technology transfers. you know they still own 51% of any american company that does business in china. these are all issues that were put on the table in trump's phase one deal and the bidens aren't talking about any of that stuff, as i said. they're putting small tariffs, $18 billion is nothing. we have a 300 billion plus trade deficit with china and they're not raying -- raising the questions and one last one, senator grassley, china as you undoubtedly know, china is buying oil from iran which breaks sanctions. they are buying oil from russia, and sir, in so doing, importing oil, they are financing two wars against the united states and the bidens never say a word
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about that. >> you're absolutely right. it goes back to the trump administration, the good things they did to put the clamps on iran, so they couldn't export their oil. those sank sanctions are still on. this administration is not enforcing those sanctions so we have tens of billions of dollars of income into iran by, selling most of their oil to china. then we give back six billion dollars of frozen sanction money that gave back to them. then what do they use that for? they use that for subsidizing terrorism in the middle east and around the world and for all we know they're getting terrorists into the united states through the southern border and it's just wrong that we aren't enforcing those and we're emboldening iran and enriching
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iran so that they can continue to subsidize terrorism in the middle east. larry: yes, sir, yes, sir. senator grassley, last 45 seconds, bidens are overregulating grain farmers? as i understand you're peeved particularly in iowa. can you give us 40 seconds on that, sir? >> yeah. take 40 minutes but i will give you 40 seconds. larry: yes, sir. >> the model that we, goes by the acronym -- greet, is a good scientific formula but it has been politicizeed and here in washington, d.c., by bureaucrats, that don't know anything about family farming and how we raise corn and soybeans. they need that corn and soybeans to get the next generation of aviation fuel but they're doing it in such a complicated way
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they are not going to get any farmers to cooperate in it. in the meantime they're going to export or import from brazil ethanol that comes from sugar because it has got a less environmental, or less carbon footprint. larry: all right. i just, we shined a spotlight on it, sir. thanks very much. thanks for your other comments. good to see you, senator grassley. thanks very much. >> good to see you. larry: we'll switch gears a little bit, talk about campaign finance. with me is the great congressman from new york miss claudia tenney. always good to see you. claudia, we're going to go from grain production to zuckabucks. you have a bill that might rule out zuckabucks, but i got to ask you, i know you will get a head of steam here, joe biden on the other hand has executive orders out to let the entire federal bureaucracy harvest votes for this election. you're up against it, ms. 10 any. what can you tell us?
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>> let me first tell you the end mark "zuckerbucks" passed out of committee. mark zuckerberg put four million dollars priming the pump. most of it was supposed to go to ppe. 92% weren't to electioneering, mostly in swing states and democratic districts to drag joe biden over the finish line where the entire 2020 election was decided by 48,000 votes. 28 states banded mark zuckerberg. joe biden came in with executive order 10409, that executive order, incentivises agencies of the federal government, brac brac, of the federal government to go out to get and collect ballots to register voters, take them off their mission say health and human services working with people, to help
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them with their health care needs or any other child care needs, anything we do with health and human services. now they will be focused on getting ballots in the box which is how the democrats are going to try to win this election because president trump is winning across the board in just about every swing state and across the country in general polls. that is election earring. that violates the hatch act. taking federal employees, especially under the executive branch and getting them to do political work. that is prohibited by the government. i have will fight that. i have a bill out there promoting free and fair elections act. to stop that. people need to alarm anywhere there is federal agency, anywhere in the united states, they will be off their mission. they will be getting votes and get ballots in the box for joe bidenwe have to fight this or we will lose this election. larry: you're 100% right. 14019, good for you. the justice department, they were going to recruit voters in
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prisons and jails. that was part of the mission statement, which is not a fabulous idea. the thing is though, i think shining light on this, i don't think the public really knows yet. we have raised it once or twice before on this show. now with you, to sort of ring the alarm bell but you're right, this violates, this politicizing the whole left-wing bureaucracy and in support of joe biden. this is something fundamentally wrong with this. heaven forbid it is anti-democracy. >> i mean they're doing everything they can, whether it is these phony show trials they're doing against president trump, classic election interference, fake crime, nothing that could possibly be charged against president trump, but they're forcing him to stay in a courtroom. now they're out there trying to use the federal bureaucracy to try to win this election, by the way, 28 states have banned the use of the private funding using this 501(c)(3) methodology.
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now they have to use our own tax dollars. the cost is about a billion dollars in our own use of tax dollars. instead of billionaires funding this, we have our own tax dollars in states, swing states where this election will be decided. and larry, the entire, every single swing state last time if you added it all up, we have 340, 350 million people in the country, the entire election. >> if you look at all the swing state, not just the critical ones, only 330,000 votes but again 44,000 people were primed by this law and zuckabucks. what do we get? we saw our country destroyed in literally a year. now it is getting worse four years. foreign policy disaster. economic policy, inflation. everybody knows this is disaster. this is how the democrats win. larry: i got to go. >> never use policy. all process. we have to beat them on policy and process. we have to make voting great again. get out and vote. all i can say. larry: i will vote early and
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often myself. thank you, claudia tenney. thank you very much. >> good job. larry: coming up we talk to senator marsha blackburn about mr. biden's open border catastrophe. w numbers in, maybe new regulations. none of it is good. i'm kudlow. we'll be right bag back mom! (♪) -thanks mom. -yeah. (♪) (♪) you were made to dream about it for years. we were made to help you book it in minutes.
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larry: well president biden is rumored to being crows to putting out a new executive order about the border. joining us now tennessee senator marsha blackburn. senator blackburn, welcome, ma'am as always. the way i hear it, you probably know more, it is going to be on, 4,000 illegals can cross per day. now i just did some arithmetic that would be 120,000 a month and 1.4 million a year. i don't really think 1.4 million illegals a year is that great of an idea but what do you think? >> i'm with you on this and, here's what he is telling us is he he is okay with 4,000 a day, shutting the border. saying look i have the ability to shut the border. the thing is, he is telling us, he has been lying this whole time because he said he couldn't
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shut the border unless congress passed a bill. he can shut it. he has that authority. here's what he needs to do. he needs to say, i'm going to put "remain in mexico" in place. i'm going to schultz down this border. we're going to go back to build a physical barrier, which the border patrol needs, they have been saying that for decades and he should be doing that, 1.4 million a year? larry, how many cities in the u.s. are larger than 1.4 million? not many. basically he is okay with adding another city and you look at the explosion of these numbers since joe biden became president. this is another reason we need president donald trump back in the white house, secure the border. larry: we had 3.2 million
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illegals last year alone. in 2022 we had 2.8 million illegals. here is another one, senator blackburn, from our great reporter bill melugin. he has got some numbers on so-called got-aways which don't have any interaction whatsoever. >> yes. larry: these are big numbers. last year 670,000 got-aways. that is a big number. the prior year, 606,000. if you go back to the prior 10 years, obama and trump, there was 1.4 million and, before the, so we are doubling this now every couple of years, is what's happening. and it adds a big chunk to the actual illegal numbers. so actually last year we were at 3.9 million illegals. i don't know, is biden, he will not address any of that. he is not going to really reform asylum policy. he will give everybody green cards. that is my biggest concern. as you probably know, ma'am, you have a green card, or some kind
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of a temporary visa, you might use it to vote. you might use it to vote even though you're not a citizen that worries me a lot. >> well, it should and, see, in those got-aways, you're known and unknown got-aways the number is bigger than what they have as the known got-aways and you're right, under obama and trump it was 1.4 million for all that time. then you look under joe biden, with his 3 1/2 years in office, you are at 1.6 million got-aways. these are really bad people and your audience needs to think of this in terms of the population of the city of that size, of 1 1/2 million people. and then you're so right, this administration i saying we'll give you i.d.ser. we're going to give you work permits if you're a parolee, what are they going senator blackburn, sorry we're a
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