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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 15, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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ting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to the future is not just going to happen. you have to make it. and if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and now becomes the future where you grew a dream into a reality. the all new godaddy airo. put your business online in minutes with the power of ai. larry: so the gloves come off, june 27th, trump versus biden, heavyweight championship of the world. i can't wait, myself. i know jackie deangelis up next, she -- jackie: i can't wait. i've got the popcorn ready, harry are. thank you so much. have a wonderful night. ing i'm jackie deangelis in for elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. all right. so the stage is set for the
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presidential debates between the president biden and former president donald trump. president biden got the ball rolling this morning when he challenged trump to two debates. watch this. >> donald trump lost two debates to me in 2020. since then he hasn't should be up for a debate, now he's acting like he wants to debate me again. well, make my day, pal. i'll even do it twice. i a hear you're free on wednesdays. jackie: president biden started the mud slinging, if you will, very early by making reference to trump's ongoing new york criminal trial. that would be you take wednesdays off. former president trump accepted the ini have etaation to the debate saying in part, quote, it's my great honor to accept the debate against crooked joe bide, the worst president in the history of the united states and a true threat to democracy. now cnn is going to host the first debate on june 27th, abc news will hold the second debate on september 10th. joining me now to discuss this and much, much more, fox news
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contributor tammy bruce. tammy, it's always a great to have you. i don't even know where to start. i saw that, and i started laughing. is he serious? >> that was as fake as everything else he says. it's as a fake as his numbers about inflation, as fake as a saying that the border is closed, as fake as saying the economy is just fine and americans just don't know what's going on. this is some kind of theater or people point him to camera, tell him what to say. they believe they want to see, you know, some energy. it would be great if he had that energy about the economy and about the nature of crime. in the country and the quality of people's lives, but he doesn't. the good news is, is that it looks like think -- this may happen. the question has to be when it comes to early voting, how far out would they push this, right? when people have already cast their votes, which is a problem, and that's why the republicans have to get in order and being able to deal with that. you know, the democrats want there to be debates when everyone's already voted and that, of course -- jackie: and speaking of some problems for the president, the
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polls are a problem, and peter doocy pushed can kjp on this issue. let's watch. >> reporter: why do you think americans are so down on president biden right now? >> what do you mean? >> reporter: like the five of six swing states that he is losing right now to somebody who is a criminal defendant. doesn't seem like anything you guys are doing is making him more popular. >> i can't speak to the polls. we understand what the american people are feeling, but a lot of the policies that the president is pushing forward are incredibly popular. jackie: all right. so this is a new york times/sienna poll. six states or that are swing states, they're tied in one, wisconsin. but when you look at the others, you see massive differences in the margin that president trump is pulling ahead. four points in pennsylvania, biden's home state. two points many in michigan, eight in georgia, nine in arizona. 14 points in nevada. this is the real problem. so he gets up and he's trying to act like clint eastwood because he can't face.
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>> right. look, some people do like joe biden's policies. that would be the people who don't like this country. they love it, right in russia loves joe biden's policies, china loves joe biden's policies, iran loves joe biden's policies. the american people don't. now normally we would dismiss polls, of course, and especially it's important with state polls, but what you can always a look to is the trend. and that's what we have with these numbers. you see the similarity in the nature of what's happening in the country, and it transcends partisanship, it transcends where you live, right, your economic status, gender, race, all of these things. it's about when you wake up in the morning, are you sure of what you're going to be able to accomplish? what will the next few years look like for your children? what about your high schooler who wanted to go to college? if you're jewish,you're a person who was thinking, you know, i want to be able to have a vacation, can i get gases in my car, what will be on the table
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tonight? these are issues. none of these people having fun in washington and pretending to be, you know, clint eastwood and nor, i have to say, do they care. for them it's this larger narrative of what's going on. we don't know what you're talking about. as a matter of fact, many different kinds of interviews and certainly a certain line right now from the white house that they actually do not believe the polls. jackie: yeah. >> and i have to warn you because remember in 0 the 16 -- 2016 hillary was ahead on every single poll. but this is different because you've got a dynamic where a man i think as peter noted who's under indictment, having trials, has been under attack for all these years and is still uniformly beating joe biden. now, it's still about getting out the vote and still about messaging through the rest because nobody better take the american people for granted. but, my if goodness, they can find out and they now know that the democrats not only don't care, hay don't like the people of this country, i would assert.
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jackie: real quick before i let you to go, it's not just american people that you describe there perfectly and the issues that they're facing and struggles that they're facing the right now, it's also the big donors. it'sal big corporations that are looking at this and saying we backed you, we gave you a chance. now we're flipping. washington post headline that million dollar donations from the silicon valley donor who once gave to the democrats, but that's not the only one. kevin griffin wait -- ken griffin waiting to make his decision. these people that didn'ts inly want to be associated with the party coming out, and they are making bets. >> yeah. and i think this is one of my first points, was that this transcends everything including issues of where you are on the socioeconomic spectrum. there is violence, the war is at a war whether we like to agree on it or not. biden's abandoning israel at least reto haveically. our enemies are emboldened. this affects everyone whether you sit in a c suite or whether you're an assistance, a --
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assistant, a homemaker, whatever you do for a living. this affects everyone. and now literally everything is at stake, and i think that businesses know this. they want to have people who are happy, who want to work that products have to be made and that the product stock market is strong. jackie: absolutely. at the end of the day, you've got two candidates this time who have a track record. put it side by side, and you a really can ask that question, how do you feel now that you've seen both of these, and i think the people are speaking. tammy, thank you finish. >> great to be here, appreciate it. jackie: april cpi report released today, and it showed that inflation slightly eased for the first time in months. it was a welcome sign for the federal reserve, but prices remain uncomfortably high for millions of americans with me now to discuss, finance editor john carney. john, it's always great to see you too. i looked at this report and say a -- saw a headline number of
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3.4% year-over-year. we're not where we need to be with that inflation target, and even though it shows a little bit of a slowdown in that rate of inflation, it's not good enough. >> that's right. we're nowhere with near where we need to be on flakes. we actually drifted -- on inflation. we actually drifted a lot higher for the first three months of the year, and then we came down. but if you look at things like auto insurance, for instance, is up 22 percent% -- % from a year ago. even though the headline number's down, it's being driven down by the fact that a lot of products are coming down meaning a lot of goods are coming down. services inflation, the stickier kind of inflation, the inflation that the fed is really worried about is actually still really high, above 5%. it's not coming down fast enough. it's not going to be the anywhere near the fed's target by the time election day happens, and i'm afraid joe biden is going to have to go into this election with a massive, massive inflation problem that, frankly, they were hoping was going to go away. jackie: yeah, and when you think about and trillion down on some
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of these things -- drill down on some of these things, compounded inflation for goods overall is almost 20. when we're talking about energy prices, it's 40%. when we're talking about shelter prices, it's north of 20. so this is a real problem for people who are just trying to make ends meet. and like tammy just pointed out, maybe want to take a vacation with their family at the end of the year or try to do something fun and live a little, what people are telling me, john, is this environment the way pricing is, it's stifling. >> that's right. look,ing we're starting to see it come up in fed data that was just released this week on credit card delinquencies. people are maxed out on their credit cards because things became so expensive. so now they are actually starting to not be able to pay their bills. this is going to increase as the year goes on, and biden keeps telling people, no, no, the economy's great. you all are just crazy -- jackie: right. >> the truth is people know that they are suffering. they know they are hurting.
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they've seen their savings get eaten away, and their wages have not kept up with rising prices, and that's one with of the reasons when people are asked they say this economy really terrible, and leading -- you know, even worse than joe biden's overall approval rating is his approval rating when it comes to economic issues. the american people say he promised to put us back into a normal economy after the pandemic, and he didn't do it. he put us into a high inflation economy. jackie: because the government just kept spending. he couldn't help himself. he had a checkbook, and he wanted to use it. i've got to play this sound bite from yahoo! finance of him lying about inflation again. >> i think inflation has gone slightly up. it was more than 9% when i came in, and it's now down around 3%. but the fact is i think people are just uncertain, and that's why we've got to be steady, stay the course and continue to produce these incredible job -- and, by the way, to pay for the
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jobs, the pay is outpacing the inflation rate they're paying. we're going to be able to deal with this. it's going to take a little bit more time, but we're focused on it. jackie: he's done it multiple times, and the last time was just this tuesday saying he came into office and inflation was 99. that is a lie, 9%. it was 1.4% when he came in. what is he doing here? >> i can't believe he's telling this lie again because he got called out on it the first time he told it. he's probably telling this lie all over the place. this is, you know, two times we actually found him saying inflation was 9%. it was nowhere near 9%. out didn't reach 99 until he measure -- 9% until he had been president for a year and a half. it would have never reached it if he hadn't shoved the american rescue plan spending bill in month after a he came into office. audiotape his own democrats -- even his own democrats warned him don't do in this, the economy can't take it.
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now he wants us to believe he just happened to walk into this inflation. it's not his fault. jackie: it was the rescue plan that sunk america. we didn't need to be rescued, thank you very much. john carney, great to see you. >> thank you. jackie: all right. still ahead, former deputy assistant attorney general tom dupree, and there was no court in the if new york criminal trial against former president trump today, but with when court resumes tomorrow, all eyes will be on michael cohen. he's going to be back in the hot seat and under cross-examination. 9 we're going to break this all down next on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪ clem's not a morning person. or a... people person.
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i was not hungry, and i did not have any cravings. since losing weight with golo, i'm healthier now than i've ever been, and my doctor is thrilled. golo is so much more than weight loss, it's gonna give you your life back. jackie: michael cohen was grilled by trump's lawyers during yesterday's cross-examination if in new york. cohen is back on the stand again tomorrow. nate foy is live outs the courthouse with more -- outside the courthouse with more on what we can expect. hi, nate. >> reporter: hey, jackie. so we can definitely expect more questions for michael cohen x there are questions about the credibility of his testimony today. so yesterday on the stand cohen admitted to lying before congress in 2017 and again to special counsel prosecutors the year after that. today a lawyer that he consulted with before reaching a plea deal with federal prosecutors testified on capitol hill, and
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he and he says that much of what cohen said yesterday is a lie. here's attorney bob costello on capitol hill today. >> i said, michael, the way this works is if you have truthful information about donald trump, that's clearly what they're looking f i can have all your legal problems solved by the end of the week. his response, i swear to god, bob, i don't have anything on donald trump. >> reporter: so cohen testified yesterday that he didn't tell costello the truth about trump because he didn't trust costello. he worried whatever he told him would get back to trump. cohen now claims trump directly participated in a scheme to pay adult film actress stormy daniels $130,000 to influence the 2016 election. but costello says cohen wanted to be trump's attorney general or white house chief of staff, and he may have acted alone to gain favor adding, quote, procuring this nda would be a way to ingratiate himself with
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donald trump and save embarrassment for melania because he knew that donald trump was very concerned about not doing anything to embarrass melania. cohen is the prosecution's final witness. after he's done testifying, trump's lawyers are. carley:ing calling an expert to the witness stand. they'll discuss the ground rules for that possible questioning tomorrow at the end of court at 4:00, but before that cohen will once again take the stand at 9:30, and you can bet that he's going to be answering a lot of questions even about what costello said today on capitol hill. back to you, jackie. jackie: nate foy, thank you so much for that that. and let's go ahead and welcome to the show former deputy assistant attorney general tom dupree. tom, great to have you on the program. i just want to watch jonathan turley here. he was on hand i delast night. -- hannity last night. >> one of the most impressive things about the last two days is it does appear that cohen may have committed perjury again. you know, his extra if nations on various points do not strike some of us as a true.
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you know with, when he said that he surreptitiously taped the president which just blasts away at the obligation requests -- obligations, he said he was doing that really to help trump and to keep david pecker honest. it makes no sense. jackie: tom, can we start with that? if you know, we're talking about somebody who is an admitted liar, a convicted felon, somebody who admitted that he wants to see trump convicted. he's lied so many times, he can't even appear to kind of keep his story straight or be able to recall when he was lying or when he was telling the truth. when you have a witness like that, a star witness, by the way, the other star witness was stormy daniels who also said she hates trump, is this jury -- even though it's manhattan -- going to buy with all of this? >> that's the thing. look, new york's are -- new yorkers are not stupid,, and michael cohen's entire life has been a spied if or e weapon of lies. and -- spider weapon of lies. -- web of lies. i think they'll continue to get a sense of that a tomorrow.
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look, the trump defense team, to their credit, has been doing a very effective job of hammering, hammering, hammering away at michael cohen's inconsistent, contradictory statements over the years under oath. they've also done a very good job of showing michael cohen's intense dislike and hatred of donald trump, so they are really casting in stark relief michael cohen's lack of integrity and his motives for testifying at this trial. jackie: yeah, it's interesting to me, i think the prosecutors are making a great case here for why michael cohen is a liar. but what they need to do in order to convict the former president is show his intent with, show that he intended to falsify those business records and, therefore, have a influence on the election. this intent to commit fraud so far has been absent in any of the dialogue. >> well,that's the thing, that the prosecutors have built this case in a way that the entire question of criminal intent, can you're right, that's what this verdict is going to come down to, it all rests on the testimony of michael cohen.
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look, the prosecutors have put in evidence phone records and e-mails and things like that, but none of that goes to trump's intent. in order to prove trump's intent, you've got to look to michael cohen's testimony. and if as we said, it seems a real leap to think the jury's going to want to believe unone word out of michael cohen's mouth. all the trump defense team needs to do is persuade one juror of reasonable doubt, and it's game over. jackie: to me,, as aye been watching the reporting on this, michael cohen described working for donald trump, he said it was exhilarating, that he enjoyed it, he liked working for the trump organization. things turned sour when he didn't go to washington with the president, and he got very angry about that. there's a certain amount of sour grapes that plays into this testimony no matter how you slice it. >> well, there is. and, look, i think the way the prosecutors brought out michael cohen's life story, it really made him seem almost like, you know, a jilted lover before the jury in that he said he had this
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love and almost an obsession with donald trump. and then all of a sudden it changed, and now donald trump is the most hated being in the universe to michael cohen. look, i think the jurors, as i said, they're not if stupid. i think they're going to see michael cohen for what he is, and they are going to give his testimony the appropriate weight. jackie: final question real quick, you've got a lot of allies for the former president. you've got potential very p picks showing up, you've got speaker of the house and gop surrogates, a lot of criticism around that as well with. but many of these folks think this is the just a sham of a trial, and they want people to understand that. the polls indicate that the american people do understand that. >> yeah. and, look, this was one of the more remarkable aspects of what, obviously, is a remarkable, unprecedented trial in american history. what we saw yesterday was almost like a greek chorus, the politicians commenting on the proceedings at every break in the action. i think just the way this is teed up, the fact that trump himself is gagged from commenting on the proceedings, i
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think, leadses to this. people talking about their views of what's going on. jackie: well, michael cohen's talking about it and making money off of it. and by flipping on donald trump in general over the course of the last few years has made millions of dollars. tom dupree, thank you. >> thank you. jackie: all right. new york city mayor eric adams raising eyebrows when suggesting that migrants could help fill a pressing shortage of life guards in the city. because they are, quote, excellent swimmers. plus, we've got congressman pat fallon from the house armed services committee on reports that the biden administration plans to move forward on a new $1 billion sale of arms and ammunition to israel. this is all coming up on "the evening edit." ♪ >> democrat leaders are down job playing concerns -- downplaying concerns about violent crime. if they looked this problem in the face, they'd have to admit that their own policies are to blame. ♪
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jackie: welcome back. the biden administration's support for our ally, israel, in their war against hamas has been somewhat erratic, and now "the wall street journal" reporting that the biden white house is reversing its pause on the israel weapons shipment. so the weapons package if is going to include $can 7000 million in -- 700 million in tank ammunition, 500 million in tactical vehicles, 60 million in mortar rounds -- that's according to the journal. joining me now from house armed services, congressman pat fallon. great to have you on the program, congressman. i want to get your to this report because this is a series of flip-flops when it comes to joe biden and this administration. at this point now moving forward, it seems to me some troubling poll numbers are getting this administration to try to juggle things up a little bit and reshift. but the unwavering support people were expecting and that they promised israel remains to be seen.
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>> jackie, there's been so many flip-flop, you have to wonder is this guy the president or a pancake. this is absolutely ridiculous. and what he was doing, by the way, was withholding precision munitions from our greatest ally in the middle east, israel, precision munitions that would limit collateral damage. so he was accomplishing the exact opposite of what he said he was going to do and, quite frankly, i think it comes down to politics. six months before an election -- jackie: yeah. >> his two-state solution is pennsylvania and michigan. [laughter] jackie: well moving on to this because it's very interesting, politico is reporting that the white house doesn't think that -- that the white house is conversing and saying it doesn't think that israel can win in gaza, that they can't fully win and that they need a political plan for the future of gaza. what it seems like, congressman, is that they really just want a plan that aligns with what they need to win. to your point. your thoughts. >> that's exactly right.
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when you're talking about military the interventions, you want to talk about military solutions, politics after ward. and joe biden's been putting politics first. imagine anybody in the world trying to tell the united states how to conduct our war on terror after 9/11. that's what joe biden has done to israel are, essentially. and i do think israel can one militarily in gaza and then, of course, they're going to have to settle on a political solution, and that that has to be the removal of hamas. they deliberately murdered innocent civilians, and they are not fit to rule. the people's lives in gaza are worse because of hamas. the government they've chosen, and it's something we just can't, it can't be allowed to move forward in the days ahead. jackie: congressman, what amazes me is the anti-semitism that we saw and the violence that was erupting across college campuses in this one r -- in this country. after the holocaust, i never thought i would see such anti-semitism, such vitriol, such hatred in this country ever
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again. and it's not a surprise to me that we would see it under this particular president, that whatever was brewing underneath the surface has been allowed to erupt with respect to this volcano. i'm not sure he can put this genie back in the bottle. >> you know what, jackie? it was not only ugly, but it was very telling that the far left, i thought the left was supposed to be tolerant. instead, at least the far-left portion of the democratic party have been very, filled, as you said, with vitriol and hatred, and it's very frightening. listen, these are our jewish american brothers and sisters. just because it's not you being targeted doesn't mean you don't immediate to stand up, because i do believe -- need to stand up, because i do believe silence is consent. we all need to stand up together and say, no, we're not going to take that. for the leftists on these college campuses to blame some jewish statements -- students for the policies of israel is absolutely ludicrous.
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first of all,s i agree largely with the policies that the government of israel, you know, is executing. but, you know, you don't tie in some 19-year-old kid to governmental decisions. it's just absurd. jackie: congressman, we really appreciate your time tonight. thank you so much. >> thanks, jackie. god bless you. take care. jackie: studies -- cities across america grappling with an influx of migrants due to joe biden's open border policies. new york city in particular has been hit pretty hard. roughly 175,000 migrants arriving since 2022, literally overwhelming the city's resources. but new york city's mayor adams appears to have a solution to the crisis. listen. >> how do we have a large body of people that are in our city and country that are excellent swimmers and at the same time we need lifeguards? if and the only obstacle is that we won't give them the right to work to become a lifeguard. that's just, that doesn't make
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sense. jackie: joining me now for reaction, former acting i.c.e. director and former new york state police officer tom homan. tom, it's great to have you in the studio tonight. i want to get your reaction to that because i don't even know what to make of it. many people are saying what he said had real major undertones of racism in there, and i'm not exactly sure where he's going. we've got a much larger problem than giving right to work permits under the conditions that he's suggesting. >> well, i think the comment was class less. classless. what he needs to understand when it comes to swimming, under the biden administration nearly 1800 illegal aliens died crossing the border, most drowning. and most of them women and children. it's not a laughing matter, it's not a funny matter. it's a classless comment. he needs to be reminded it's illegal to hire illegal aliens to work in this country. it's illegal. he should know that as the mayor of one of the largest cities and as a former police officer.
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absolutely made no sense. again, i think it's political pandering. it's a sad state of affairs because tonight, while you and i are sitting here, someone's going to drown in the if river trying to get into this country illegally, at least one. and and it's probably going to be a woman or a child. so it's nothing to joke about. jackie: yeah. meantime, as we sit here in new york and many other sanctuary cities across the country that are struggling with this migrant problem caused by the white house and essentially an open border, you've got mayor adams saying my hands are tide, there's nothing that i can do with respect to saying we're not a sanctuary city and changing the policy. so so many people here are frustrated with the influx of people because not only are we paying our taxpayer dollars going to make sure they can live and survive, we're actually taking away from our own homeless population, veteran population in the city. i mean, how much more can we take? >> we can't. this country cannot keep this up. look, mayor adams is a career law enforcement officer. he knows better than you and i
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that every police officer wearing that uniform in new york city wants to enforce the law. if you've got an illegal alien who's not even supposed to be here committing a crime, they want to work with i.c.e. they want i.c.e. to take custody of them, to not only remove him from the community, remove him from the country. so i think mayor adams forgot what it's like to be a police officer, and he became a politician. so if you want to solve new york's problems, end the sanctuary cities policies because you can't blame it on governor abbott. they're coming here anyway. they can get free food, free lodging, they're going to come here anyway, so you need to change the sanctuary city policy. jackie: well, that's the thing, the longer this has gone on, the more they're exploiting the advantages they can receive in certain cities. "the new york post" saying that the migrants charged in the attack on mypd cops in times square -- nypd -- were offered plea deals including one that was reassisted. many people, and i'm not making
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a joke here, talking about this trial with the former president and saying this is what you're choosing to spend our resources on to go of after versus not pursuing some of these violent crimes that are perpetrated by migrants? >> you're exactly right. i spent 34 years as as a law enforcement officer. anybody brazen enough to attack an armed, uniformed officer is the biggest public safety threat we have in this country. because the civilians are going to be much more in danger. i'm make you this promise though, under the next trump administering, they'll be held accountable. -- administration. those people who attacked the police officers in this country illegally, they'll be found, detained and removed. jackie: right. and they'll be sent home -- >> damn right. jackie: that's what the former president's made rea marks saying it'll be a mass depor ifation. tom, we're out of time, but it's great to see you. >> thanks for having me. jackie: all right. fireworks on capitol hill today. the fdic chair testified before the house financial services committee amid scathing allegations of harassment within his agency.
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gop lawmakers now calling for the embattled fdic chair to resign. but first, let's check in with our friends dagen and sean to see what's coming up next on "the bottom line." sean: oh, hey, jackie, thanks for passing it over for our great show coming up in about 22 minutes. so, yeah, fox news polling, new out tonight, we're going to dive into it. don't think it's very good for joe biden. we have ben ferguson on that as well as ohio finds illegals on their voter rolls. ohio secretary of state frank larose here on that. dagen: congressman greg steube e is one of many congressmen trying to do something about lowering the cost of getting your car fixed. that is one of the things driving vehicle insurance at the fastest pace since 1976. and then we also will dig into why is communist china trying to woo high schoolers? and why is she getting praise from them?
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i just had to keep going. a lot of people think no pain no gain, but with golo it is so easy. when i look in the mirror, i don't even recognize myself. golo really works. her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. jackie: the 'em battled fdic chair testifying today on capitol hill as he faces political pressure if to step down amid allegations of rampant if harassment, bullying, discrimination within his agency. hillary vaughn isen on capitol
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hill with the latest for us. hillary. >> reporter: good evening, jackie. fdic chair martin gruenberg admitted that he contributed to the toxic and hostile work environment at the fdi e c. he's taking responsibility, but he's not resigning. >> i, again, personally want the apologize and expression press -- express how deeply sorry i am. >> reporter: he admitted to contributing to the toxic workplace if exposed in an independent investigation where employees told investigators many felt sexually harassed from other employees, verbally abused and retaliated against for reporting bad behavior from the top down. gruenberg admits he contributed to that with his own anger issues. staff described him as, quote, someone who was angry and upset and who could not control his temper. extremely difficult and volatile. by today gruenberg acted calm and apologetic in front of congress, but his sorries not
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getting hip much sympathy. him much sympathy. >> the fact that you've not yet resigned proves that you take no responsibility for your actions. this includes your, mr. chairman, your verballing hi abusive behavior. i'm giving you an opportunity to say you're going to seek anger management counseling. are you -- do you intend to do that? >> i'm happy to -- >> no, no, i'm asking what you intend to do. >> reporter: democrats stopped short of telling gruenberg to go, but hay did put him through the wringer for his bad behavior. >> if i'm going to be honest, i'm pisseded off. i heard people saying upset, appalledded. i can't sit up here and say that i'm all right with it, because i'm not. >> reporter: and the big question is, is president biden all right with it. he's the only one that can fire him is since gruenberg was appointed by president biden. so until biden tells him to go, it seems like gruenberg is here to stay. jackie? jackie: hillary vaughn, thank you so much. for more on all of this, let's
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welcome former treasury is secretary for public affairs monica crowley. it's always great to have you. i want to get your reaction to that. so he's admitting what he did. he's saying i'm sorry, but he won't resign and nobody's putting pressure on him to do so. the president probably won't fire him because he's too busy playing clint eastwood today. [laughter] >> keep in mind that the fdic is a 55-member board, so -- 5-member board, so the democrats need him as the tie-breaking vote, so they don't want to remove him, leave the seat vacant, have to go through a confirmation situation. look, if finishing dic is the chief regulator of federal banks, jackie. you need somebody who is a steady hand, who is calm, who inspires confidence not just in his team, but across the economy, across the financial sector, across wall street. and it looks like after this audit he has lost a a lot of that. so i don't know what this means about his ability to do his job effectively -- jackie: right. >> -- especially if his team that reported to this
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independent auditor all of these workplace issues, if the team beneath him doesn't feel comfortable going to work every day and carrying out these responsibilities -- jackie: this is a wild story, and janet yellen made a statement on this. i want to read it to you. she said, the kind of abuses that were documented in the report are a totally unis acceptable way to treat employee employees at the f fdic and not in line with the core values of the biden administration. not in line with the core values. it's not the first time that we've seen this. earlier on in the show we were talking about anti-semitism and how the democrats are supposed to be tolerant, yet they allowed hate speech and vitriol to be spread across college campuses. how is it that they get away with saying sorry, saying it's not our values but then at the same time conducting the action? >> yeah. i mean, can you imagine -- and i served in the trump administration at the the president of the treasury, and i worked with mr. group request berg's predecessor. she was lovely. she was a very effective fdic
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chair, and if she were still there, if the democrats and biden administration did not put tremendous pressure on her to leave in 202022, you probably wouldn't have these kinds of issues that have bubbled up now. look, democrats get away with everything. they say that they take responsibility, he says he's going to go to anger management, but he is still in the position. so there's no real accountability. nobody on the democrat side really ever removes, anybody who is guilty of this kind of behavior. there really has public policy implications as a well. jackie: absolutely. >> and i just want to point out, jackie, or when president biden came into office in january of 2021, he made a very ebbs police sit statement about his -- explicit statement about his administration, and he said if i hear of anybody, political appointee or career appointee, who isen engaging in this kind of activity, behavior, disrespectful to your colleagues, abusive in any way with, harassment, discrimination, all of the things that we have found out
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were true at the fdic through this audit can, he said i will fire you on the spot. well, now we actually have evidence of of the fdic is independent, but the president does have the ability to remove him, and he will not. jackie: right. well, in a little bit more than three years, he's drawn a lot of theoretical red lines that he then has backed off of. i don't expect anything less, but this was a real wild story, and some of that testimony was fiery. monica, thank you so much for being here. great to see you. >> thank you, jackie. jackie: still ahead, former state department official christian whiton. president biden announced a 100% tariff on chinese electric vehicles saying he won't beijing to unfairly control the market, but now china i vows to take, quote, all necessary actions in response to the tariffs. we're going to break it all down on "the evening edit can." ♪ ♪
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(jen) that's enterprise intelligence. (vo) it's your vision, it's your verizon. >> let's welcome to the show former state department official christian whitened. it is always great to have you. a 100% tariff on chinese electric vehicles. not allowing beijing to unfairly control that market. flip-flopping on china calling them and at anomic -- economic enemy. >> by any kind of car they want whether it is gas, electric or hybrid, but we will never allow china to unfairly control the market for these cars. >> china is going to —-dash they can't figure out how they will deal with the corruption that exists within the system. you know, they are not bad folks
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, folks. >> i've seen a couple of things happening here. we will tease them out. let's start with the terrace and the flip pop in that position in general. rated such a difficult situation backing himself into a corner with this ev and green energy stuff. now he wants to impose this tariff on china. cheaper ev that could end up eating our lunch. he wants to make sure that that does not happen. >> right. of course it will not work. sanctions on $18 billion worth of chinese imports to the united states. $100 billion last year and goods this is not a coherent policy to stop what china is doing to our manufacturing capability. over three and a half years. the biden administration has not had a china policy to the extent it has two successful summers where it sends official after official over official to
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beijing. they said specifically they do not want to harm china. the economic growth is good for us. >> that is the amazing thing. i am glad you brought it up six months before an election. a president soft on china. let them run amok across the world including buying iranian oil which is funding more in the middle east. separate topic over here. to me, i also see in this a headline. i was tough on china. i cannot get over this clint eastwood thing he did when he wanted to challenge former president trump say he would take him on in the debates. another one of those tough guy things that he thinks voters will see in a headline and say he was great with china, c. >> it is pathetic. the chinese government voters know exactly what is happening. they continue atrophy in the military and the pacific. still focused elsewhere, that is what china cares about.
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there is nothing here that shows a determination to focus on china. talk about freeing us from dependence. nothing in here does that. china really has us over barreling on manufacturing. really doing nothing to restore manufacturing capabilities. >> right. i am so glad that you made that point. every time a labor point comes out or we get some statistics about what he's done or not done , i'm looking for the growth in the manufacturing sector that he promised and it just is not there. no one takes him seriously anymore. he kind of cries wolf a lot. when china bows to take all necessary actions in response to biden's tariffs, people tend to look at china and take their president pretty seriously. how can this play out. >> i think we've already seen it
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play out in places like the south china sea. it does not make headlines. a war between the u.s. and china may break out over taiwan. it may actually happen with the philippines. chinese basically bullying them. using a maritime militia, coast guard fishing vessels that have military capabilities that are confronting the philippines and their treaty ally, joe biden has not done anything about that. if you look at the federal budget, $7 trillion a year, $2 trillion borrowed, not enough room there to increase the military as much as we need to without some sort of drastic re- formation focus on china. >> massive foreign policy issues now is not the time. great to see you. thanks for being here. >> joining us tomorrow steve "forbes" and attorney general john you, joe con chuck. i will be here as well. sending it over to the bottom line. dagen: thank you


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