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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 16, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: get ready for this. get ready for this. the second hour of this show. 10:00 eastern straight to the money on thursday morning.
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a little bit of green. a lot of green yesterday, more today, dollars up 3, nasdaq up 18, 10 year treasury yield has been going down at a lower level, 4. 37%. oil close to $80 a barrel just shy of it, $79.40. bitcoin, 66,289 as we speak. that's the market and now this. in beijing, russia's vladimir putin is getting on fine with china's xi jinping. they are shoring up the new world order against us. in ukraine, zelenskyy canceled foreign trips, he needs to stay home because russian troops are advancing on several fronts. ukraine could lose. gaza, hamas fighters returned to the northern part of the strip. leaders and hostages are hold out, holding out in rafah. hamas is winning the pr war.
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four years ago there was no new world order, russia had not invaded ukraine and hamas had not attacked israel. president biden must take some responsibility for what has happened. these world changing events took place on his watch. it started with the disastrous retreat from afghanistan. biden looked week and our rivals took notice. vladimir putin launched his invasion of ukraine a few months later and here is where neville or level of response blue lands on biden, he slowed the flow of weapons because he was scared of escalation, slow walking the rockets and ammunition helps you -- put ukraine at risk, in gaza biden has public demanded israel not finish off hamas and slowed the flow of weapons too. hamas puts israel at risk of another terror attack. foreign policy is rarely a top issue in a presidential election but when the commander-in-chief appears week, voters take notice of the image our country is presenting to the world and it is not an
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image of strength. one last point. after meeting vladimir putin beijing xi jinping said china hopes for early return of europe to peace and stability in will play a constructive role towards this. these two autocrats are presenting themselves as peacemakers looking for stability. it is elaborate contrast to the weak and indecisive united states. second hour of the varney just getting started. ben domenech with us this thursday morning, straight at it, has biden tarnished reputation beyond repair? >> i think that he has this is unfortunate given the fact that he is someone who ran based on his experience especially related to foreign policy, one of the reasons barack obama chose him in the first place to
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be his vice president and yet he has shown as bob gates, former secretary of defense said most famously, the fact is that he has been wrong, on the wrong side of every single foreign policy and national security issue for the last four decades in public leadership and we can't afford to have that continue. we can't afford to have that lack of leadership at this moment when xi and putin presenting themselves as the alternative to a chaotic west, as autocrats who will be able to create peace around the world even if they do so in the manner that is absolutely evil and disgusting. that something we can't afford to have as the path forward for us, we need of reassertion of american leadership. stuart: in 1968 i remember
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this, the democrats convention was marred by protests over the vietnam war. dean phillips thinks we may see the same thing this year over gaza. role tape. >> 1968 in chicago the democratic convention, could look a little like that? >> i think it can and i think will be in the best interests of the democratic party to forgo the convention this year and focus on campaigning because i don't see any way that could be a credo to the mission. stuart: i would call that extreme. of the democrats forgo the convention? >> i don't think they should because they need to prove that they can have a convention to move forward without the kind of chaos we've seen play out in campuses across the country. if they can't put on a convention how can we have confidence in the democratic party to run the country for another four years, so i think they need to do it just to prove that they can pull that off. that being said they have a
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situation in chicago that is ripe for the kind of chaos i think we did see in 1968, not to the scale of the violence we saw than but certainly something that i think is comparable to what we've seen in the past several months and that is going to be a bad look for the democratic party. stuart: would you say the same thing about the debates, biden has to debate just like they have to have the convention in chicago because if they didn't they are out of the ballpark? >> exactly. stuart: good stuff today. you got me right there. one word answers on the kiss of death in a tv news interview. you are all right and i will see you again soon. nancy pelosi weighing in on the upcoming debate between trump and biden. >> bad idea. >> i would never recommend going on stage with donald
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trump, the president has decided that is what he wants to do. the format he is suggesting, i think you all should have separate townhall meetings with them, let them challenge them with questions about the future and let the public make its decision. >> he prefers a townhall where the audience can ask questions and she says the format that biden decided on an trump agreed to, friendly networks, no third debate which would be closer to the election, cutting off the mike's, that's good. so i'm against it but that's good. we when i'm surprised donald trump came out so quickly to say let's do it. because he didn't leave himself time to negotiate better terms. >> he said and campaigned on anytime anywhere, anyplace. is a good debater and doesn't have anything to worry about. the fact the last debate is in september gives you a lot of room to recover. if you mess up, biden or trump, you have many months americans
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can forget you said something you shouldn't say. stuart: looks like it is going to happen. checking the markets. 37 minutes in, dow is up 16, s&p up a fraction, nasdaq down nine. check walmart must dollar earnings report and stock is going up. 6.8% gain for walmart, unusual for a company of that size but it's happening now. does the walmart -- what does the walmart report tell you about the economy? >> normally i say a lot but when you have 600 family dollar stores shutting, where are most of them going? when you have 400 footlockers shutting, guess where they are going? macy's are shutting, guess where they are going also, walmart is taking advantage, one of the greatest stories in the history of the united states, $650 billion in revenue
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where cashiers become managers of stores if not more. a magnificent cash generating machine that is actually themselves a has inflation down because of their lower prices and what they've done through the years. i'm not so sure it is on the economy. stuart: i want to comment from you on the big picture rally. we gave numbers out this morning that in the last 365 days the value of all publicly traded stocks is gone up by $10 trillion. i've been around a long time and don't recall seeing an explosive rally like that before. how about you? >> that's a lot of cake. we that rallies like that before but the market is so much bigger now so you have so much more gain and that is the benefit that stays up, that's a good part of why the economy could stay in gear, good reason why jobs can stay in gear and
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remembers the market is in a wealth creating machine from the market itself and great companies that created monstrous amounts of wealth not only for the investors but employees that start at the bottom and end up ceo. i remember disney, somebody started as a bus boy at the contemporary hotel and ended up running disney parks 25 years later. that's the great story about america. stuart: you've got to be in stocks, right? >> great stocks. just remember there's been a lot of bad ones and remember, things change throughout the decade. the last decade, could be bad this decade, was not so great could be great this decade and always look at new merchandise. so many names that are strong right now nobody ever heard of five years ago so always look at new things coming on board. stuart: it is fun, see you again soon. lauren has some movers. i could see a big mover here.
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it's called chubb. >> warren buffett, 6. $7 billion stake in the company, 26 million shares, berkshire hathaway's ninth largest holding, stocks up 4% as a result. what is buffett's strategy? selling consumer names and buying an angel insurance, steady source of capital. might be considered like adam johnson. stuart: what about wayfarer? lauren: they opened up large brick and mortar stores, stock is up 3%. why would an online company be opening brick and mortar? the pendulum swung too far. when it comes to home decor and home-improvement shoppers want to see things in person, there you have it, online company opens their first brick and mortar. stuart: you've got to sit on the couch before you buy it. canada goose.
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>> major recovery in demand, 23% gain on stronger earnings report and the stock is down on the year. nice recovery today. stuart: thank you very much. speaker johnson said new york city is helping biden's lawfair strategy, a large area is being blocked up to give trump supporters a way. resident biden agreed to face-off and two debates before the november election. rfk junior says this undermines democracy. mark meredith has a report on that next. ♪
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stuart: look at the market, the dow is creeping closer to 40,000, 35,980. i never expected the dow to hit 40,000 but today it might. it is official. trump and biden will debate at least two times before the november election but that's not sitting well with independent candidate rfk junior. mark meredith joins me. what is rfk saying about being left off the stage? >> is not happy about it. in the last two minutes we learned vice president kamala harris has agreed to a debate with cbs. we don't know who the vice president republican nominee is going to be you, the vp's team says she will debate july 23rd or august 13th, no idea where that's going to happen but the vice president's office saying she will participate in one debate that cbs is offering up,
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we have to wait to see who the republican vice president nominee is going to be. we know trump and biden are to debate, we know where the public stands with his, latest fox news survey shows among unregistered voters, trump is leading by biden with one point in the margin of error, traditionally in incumbent would be polling way higher if they had a real shot at reelection. is trump who says he wants more debates, trump said he would recommend more than 2 debates for examine purpose and a large menu, but biden doesn't get them. tell me when, i will be there, that's trump's comments. cnn says both trump and biden have qualified but rfk junior so far has not met the polling threshold, the networks is the candidates have to have 15% support in four national surveys. kennedy is upset, he posted this, they are trying to exclude me from the debate because they are afraid i would win. viable candidates on the debate stage undermines democracy. we know the moderators will be
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for cnn and abc debate, don't know who would moderate the cbs one and still don't know who the vp for donald trump will be. stuart: we should point out, thanks very much. latest fox poll shows biden is losing support with key groups. look at voters under age 30. he's down 14% compared to october 2020, young republicans club joins me this morning in new york, why are young voters abandoning biden, is all because of israel? >> on the left you have a divide in the party, younger left-wing voters are more radical on the topic of israel and that is being a massive political detriment but what we are looking at is an economic and generational crisis, they are struggling to get mortgages, struggling to start families, struggling to move up the corporate chain, they are last generation so to speak and biden has not delivered on his
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promises so we see that as a push back against the narrative and we see many people coming over if not to the republican side and politically neutral. we when it's quite a change. i think of young people any under 30 as geared towards liberalism. that is the way i think. apparently that's not -- >> historically the younger voters are always against orthodoxy, the establishment, the establishment today is left-wing so you are seeing a counterculture starting to develop, more conservative, more freethinking. stuart: i used to be a socialist, next case, speaker mike johnson says the city of new york wants to keep trump supporters away from the trial. watch this. >> quite a spectacle for people who have been near. they have cordoned off 5 blocks and that's very deliberate for safety but you can do that without a block, the 5 block parameter is to ensure trump supporters are not allowed to be there, donald trump says he's frustrated because people called the office and said we want to come and show our support and we are not allowed
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to get anywhere close to where you are. they don't want people to see trump supporters here. stuart: is that by design? >> absolutely. having been down there myself, it's an absolute obstacle to navigate getting through the security, getting through the different roadblocks and barriers. they are making it difficult for supporters to show up and let their voices be heard but you have to take into account security considerations, there's no easy answer but it's being used politically to deter crowds from showing up showing support for the former president. of the one did you go to the rally over the weekend? >> it was quite a scene. stuart: do you hold out any prospect trump could win new jersey? >> we seen two public polls that show him in the margin of error. that would mean in player. the stop in new jersey was brilliant because south jersey is within the philadelphia media market, still attracting the pa crowd, 40% to 50% of
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people are pennsylvania residents. we can keep the dems on defense, keep biden on defense, let them spend money, waste resources fighting to shore up support in a blue state. that is called going on the offensive. if anyone does it is donald trump. stuart: i wish he would do a crowdpleaser at madison square garden content of 12,000 people getting. >> more i think. stuart: and pack them in but the spectacle in the middle of new york city, the belly of the beast. >> optics should be through the roof and these optics are incredible. it was like a beach raid, you saw people as far as the eye could see, the whole town involved, blood onto the boardwalk and all the bars and restaurants, and entire affair across the city so we could do more of this. stuart: the media concentrated on what trump had said and picked him to pieces on what he said at the rally in new jersey. my point would be that is a
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huge crowd in new jersey and a blue state. how many people could biden attract. stuart: no one could have done a crowd like that. it was historic, it broke new jersey records, the last record set by fdr in the 40s so it was amazing. the speech itself, the content of the speech was uplifting, serious when it needed to be serious and funny when it needed to be funny, that's how he works, he's great on the stump, gives amazing speeches, captivates the audience and people on and that is why they come from far and wide. many drove to see him, and credit will show. stuart: when are you running for office? >> not soon, not anytime soon. you'll be the first to hear for changes. stuart: thank you very much. a sneeze. more house republicans came to show support for donald trump at his new york criminal trial today. who is there? >> at least 11 house republicans. it is like a coveted ticket, you want to go to show your support for the former
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president whose up in the polls, andy biggs, mike mcleod, michael waltz, this longer list and they had to negotiate their new york trip with what's going on in dc. they postponed a committee vote to holy attorney general mary garland in contempt so they could show their support for trump. he's under a gag order, he can't say much but they can say things and they are backing him. stuart: they are saying stuff too. check the market because we are close to 40,000 on the dow industrials on the full-screen, 39,993. stick around long enough you can buy something, somebody. i want to be on the air at the moment. read the tees. i will read the tees, still ahead state of montana is suing the biden administration's new epa rules, montana's attorney general says biden is waging a
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war on affordable energy and will be on this show. house oversight committee chair james combe or has issued a new subpoena for bank records linked to the biden family prove, he says the evidence is unbelievable. hillary vaughan has all the details and we are still not there. we will be on the other side of the breaker, we will be back. ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk,
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our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders. all so you can trade brilliantly.
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stuart: how many points are we away from 40,000, 13, change. by the way, we are free. 5 years since the dow hit 30,000. 3. 5 years it took to go 10,000. what if you got from movers? until? lauren: they go to neutral, stock is up one hundred 40%, the stock is down 40% this year. wolf is saying it got too cheap, come back and bite. we want what is with under armour? >> investors are buying its turnaround. the plan includes job cuts. the news is bad, north american
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sales fell 10%. they are expecting overall sales to be down in double digits this year but because they say we have another turnaround investors are holding up. stuart: went to target report? lauren: wednesday the 20 second. stock is way up by 3% because walmart reported walmart stock at a record high. what walmart said about the consumer's business is boosting this rally, at dollar general and target, retailers that go after the lower income consumer. blue when they are doing well today. thanks. we are now 39,000994, 6 points away and change, house oversight committee chair james kober sending a new subpoena for bank records tied to the biden family. what has comber discovered? >> reporter: they believe they found more bank accounts the could be tied to the biden family. james, are saying exclusively on fox business that they are in the final stages of this
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investigation into president biden and his business dealings and hope to assure report soon. the latest step in the investigation, subpoenas issued today, for financial records of president biden's family, his brother, jim black, sister-in-law sarah biden and son hunter biden. >> we've been able to connect the dots, that we will finally pretty much answer every question we've had about the source of these shady transactions that went into biden family members and what role exactly president biden played in his family's shady business dealings. >> reporter: comber on fox business today saying the committee has earnest dozens of bank accounts tied to biden family members which they say is fishy and they haven't been able to get a straight answer from anyone on what some of these payments funneled through these accounts have been for.
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>> i don't think you will find very many people that have billion dollar net worth that have as many different bank accounts as the biden family had. many of these were shell companies, talking dozens of accounts, dozens of llcs, and no answer yet as to what they did to receive this money. >> reporter: we did reach out to the white house for reaction to the latest development, we are waiting to hear back. stuart: thanks. come on in, look at the market because we did ever so briefly hit 40,000 on the dow jones industrial average, we are up 39990 one. we touched 40,000 ever so briefly, but we did get there. biden aids worried about the hunter trial which should begin next month. lauren: politicos reporting biden is worried about his son. his staff is concerned with the psychological torment.
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it will be hard for the president to deal with. they worry about the mental harm more than the political harm, what this will due to president biden, he checks in with hunter daily whether a phone call or text, his only surviving son. his first trial is june 3rd on a gun crime charge, that won't last a week. the second trial shortly after that is on june 20th in california and that is the federal tax charge. stuart: got it. now this. the state of montana has filed multiple lawsuits targeting biden's epa. montana's attorney general joins me now. is the epa trying to kill call? >> yes, short answer is yes. we've seen this since day one. the biden administration is trying to drive up the price of electricity, drive up the price of energy, gasoline in hopes that will drive people to electric vehicles and electric living. the problem is call still generates most of our
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electricity in this country. stuart: you are suing the administration over these new rules which you say are unlawful. what is unlawful about the new rules designed to kill call? >> what unlawful is the fact that they are over reaching. west virginia versus epa a couple years ago, the supreme court made it clear, specifically warned the epa against this very action. there said these agencies cannot make these sweeping rule changes, changing law and that's power that belongs to congress, these agencies do not have the power to issue these gigantic rules like this. stuart: bureaucracy has enormous power, doesn't it. it bleeds over into the legislator, legislature arena. >> no question about it. we've seen this especially this last month, they've been on steroids. they had a deadline to promulgate wars dotage rules
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before congress had oversight over. we in the last two weeks, this office has been hopping. we've seen a slew of new, far reaching rules out of these agencies. stuart: is it possible if mr. trump wins reelection to a second term could he reverse all of these rules or has biden got them in place forever? >> i think donald trump is in a great position to black these rules out because unlike what trump did when he was president, he went through proper rulemaking, followed process and made his rules much more unassailable. biden administration has not done that. they've been in such a hurry to shotgun blast these rules out they skipped a lot of were the requirements and left these rules vulnerable to legal challenge and to presidential repeal. stuart: the legal case you are waging will last a long time, won't it? >> very likely.
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very likely. the thought is donald trump would repeal these back but if we have to slog these to the us supreme court again we will. stuart: okay. there's a challenge. great state of montana, thanks for joining us, always appreciate it, see you soon. quick check of the big board, we briefly hit 40,000 on the dow for the first time ever. we made it for a couple of seconds. show me the dow winners among the dow 30 stocks. whoever wins put them on screen and let's go at it. walmart, boeing, unitedhealth, they are the winners of the dow 30. nearly a dozen names floated for trump's running mate. one of them is doctor ben carson who has kept his distance from the campaign. we will get his input on trump's vice presidential choices. high home prices and mortgage rates, developers are turning
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their attention to building more rental properties. jeff flock has that story next. ♪
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stuart: we did. briefly hit 40,000 on the doubt, first time in 3. 5 years since we had 30,000. 3.5 years, i think i got that out. plenty of green on the screen like yesterday. the housing market, there's a glimmer of hope in a couple desirable housing markets. stuart: lauren: florida and texas red-hot billing markets cooling off big time. there are more homes on the market, lots of reasons for
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that, the first could be they are red states, much easier to get a permit, less red tape in the red state where building is happening, second is when you have higher inventory it means generally lower prices and the wall street journal is talking to homebuyers who said we keep cutting the price of our home to sell it. says there are ten cities between florida and texas that have more homes on the market than they did before covid. stuart: tent cities in florida and texas, tent cities where the inventory, more than before covid, that's a real turnaround. ashley: 8 of those 10 cities, sales are down. stuart: potential homebuyers have been driven out of the market by sky high home prices and rising mortgage rates. that forced a lot of people to keep renting. jeff flock joins us. a developers building more rental properties? jeff: you said it right on the money, yes. take a look.
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high street estates, you see it in glassborough, new jersey, single-family townhomes built by dr horton with the notion multiple ones would be rentals. running the very last unit here. why do we have so many that want to rent a single-family home? not an apartment? >> they sold their single-family home, when the market was up and wanted to leave until the market crashed and they would purchase again. then stay in the meantime. jeff: that's one of the drivers. last year, 75,000 homes built just to rent. before the pandemic we saw none of this. most of it has taken place in austin, texas, atlanta but in
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the northeast as well, people can't afford to get into a home. >> reporter: i will take a break. anything nice. jeff: this unit here. that is late from what it used to be. and since the pandemic to rent a single family home and the dream of homeownership turn to the dream of home rentalship. stuart: thanks.
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they wanted to take executive action just months before the election. new data obtained by fox shows the number of got aways urged under biden. that's a political problem. why? trump and biden have agreed to a showdown but not without biden's lengthy list of demands. who has more to gain? brian kilmeade takes it on next. ♪ ♪
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stuart: let's read the dow for you, 40,014. it is up one hundred 6 points at this moment. when the dow was up like this you can have significant winners. walmart came out with a strong reporter leave this morning, up 6%, big gain, that was a stellar report. lauren: us same-store sales 3.9%. repeat that. stuart: it is a dow stock. we've got 3m, boeing, the big
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winners on the dow 30. the s&p 500, who are the winners there? lauren: walmart again. warren buffett amassing a huge stake in the company worth 25 million shares, target report less then a week today, up because of the walmart ranks, 3m and dollar general. stuart: nasdaq winners, put them on the screen. micro devices, dollar tree right there and costco. lauren: thanks to walmart. stuart: let's move away from stocks and look at the treasury market. the yield on the 10 year treasury is a benchmark. mortgage rates key off this field, 4.36%, 2 percentage points to that yield and you have the mortgage rate. we may be looking at a modest
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downswing and mortgage rates. the price of gold is going up recently. lots of buyers in china and costco's gold bars are going down. lauren: you can't get them on new burrito. stuart: $23.77 on gold, bitcoin is doing well. lauren: they are up there. a rate cut for bitcoin. stuart: did oil hit $80 a barrel? it did not. natural gas is above $2 and average price of a gallon of regular gas $3.60, diesel, the average is down $3.92. lauren: investors think the federal reserve will cut rates maybe in september. not sure that is accurate but that is why we see prices up. stuart: brian kilmeade joins me now. trump and biden have agreed to
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two debates, it is on biden's terms. now crowd debating the studio etc. . i would have thought trump accepted immediately, would negotiate better terms. what say you? brian: not sure some of this was what trump wanted to, have a redo of 2020, and i know in retrospect he had covid 19 and came in hot. he doesn't make these excuses. other people said this is the story. and the third one was canceled. the biggest problem is cnn. jake tapper very talented but they hate trump.
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they have fact checkers when he is on the air. they don't believe anything he says. president biden pulling out 15 lies in 17 minutes. they don't even run it. when he reads the stage instructions pause on the teleprompter they didn't carry it and the last time they carry donald trump on their channel their news director got in so much trouble they fired him and now they get 2d bait him, come on. stuart: balance it out, who has more to gain here? >> trump is looking at independents, trying to let them know. i want you to remember 2016-2020 for the right reasons and he comes in much more laid-back because he is going to say use my report card, rate it against his. my hope is he has a strategy
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for this and i think it is better like a gag order is working for the president. he's making everyone focus on the substance of the case, not what he says after. if you are going to do this thing where you cut the mics it hurts the debate because the best part of the debate is the unscripted part where the moderator backs up and the guys or women go at it. very civil and informative, and the interaction, are they wiping of that out? speech, speech, speech, speech, i have done that before. when you see president biden talkie can't get through in his speeches are 15 minutes, can't get through without eating his words are getting lost. trump sitting back, might help him. if you can interrupt, let me get that pan out. that made no sense, that made no sense and go at him point by point. in a way, trump might see that,
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sign off on that. stuart: at the trial, the trump trial yesterday, legal adviser robert costello spoke before a house committee. he told him he didn't have anything on trump. >> every time i brought it up, i swear to god, excuse me, i don't have anything on donald trump. i said michael, whatever you have has to be truthful. if you think you can go in and tell these people lies, you are crazy, it's going to backfire, can't do that. stuart: shouldn't that testimony be part of the case? the prosecution's cases falling apart. brian: why is he not on the defense witness list? he might be. i'm trying to get an answer why robert costello has into. he's been saying this for a while.
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that is in response to matt gaetz. yesterday i watched him with bill hemmer in between breaks, second favorite channel on fox news and watching him and he is even more insightful today. if i am to read our notes we are getting from reporters, going through michael cohen, all the times he lied. in 2,024, you are still lying, robert costello. how could that not play a role? can you roll tape? stuart: out of time, great stuff, thanks for being with us. just ahead. kansas senator roger marshall calling on congress to take action against rampant crime in dc, washington is like a war zone. doctor ben carson on why voters in georgia say former democrats are looking forward to voting for trump. brian brenberg on childcare being more expensive than rent. 11:00 hour is next. ♪
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