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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  May 16, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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larry. hello, folks. welcome to kudlow. i'm larry kudlow. panic over 100,000 person rally in wildwood, new jersey, and bad polling for joe biden is sky high. we'll ask senator eric schmidt about it all in just a few minutes. first, our own interpret edward lawrence live at white house on the mr. biden's problems on the economy. what you got, edward? reporter: yeah, exactly. the latest fox news poll, larry, shows that two-thirds of the voters are saying the economy is getting worse and 6% believe it's saying the same skin creased prices since president biden came into office played a huge part and 62% say grocery priors are a major problem about half sagas prices are a major problem and 37% say housing -- 47% say housing costs is a
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triple whammy for families that hear president biden misrepresent inflation. >> two times the president said inflation was 9% when he came into office. is he misinforming people or does he not realize it was 1.4%? >> thank you for the question. the factors that cause inflation was in place when he walked into the admin vagues, when he took office. reporter: today, neil cavuto pushed back even more. listen to this. >> stop it with the 9%, the more you say that the more people don't believe what you're saying. >> look, i think what the american people care most about is the fact that inflation -- >> it's true. the american people care about truth. >> hold on. this only works if you let me talk. >> you haven't answered my question and i've asked it five times, five ways. >> the president was making the
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point that the factors that cause inflation were in place when he took office. that's unequivocally true. reporter: the white house is blaming covid for having and spike inflation and not the president's policies, larry. larry: i just do not understand, edward, there were no factors and covid spending went and they increased spending in march of 2021. and the economy went to 9% inflation. look, jared, i've known jared bernstein forever and he was a regular on my old show on another network and so forth and so on. the fact remains, what are they talking -- it's all bs. everybody knows this. all right. i'm out. it's not your fault. i'm sorry. edward lawrence, you're a good man and i'm sure you want to get home. time for the riff. let me circle back to president trump's rally on the beach in wildwood, new jersey, last saturday and i believe it was a historic event. just doing some homework, only political rally larger than
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trump in wildwood was franklin roosevelt in seagurt, new jersey, in 1932 where 10 0* thousand people turned out and i wasn't even born then and it was the handwriting on the wall for a massive victory for fdr. so, mr. trump scored a historic second. it is a huge deal that changes the dynamics of the entire presidential race. is the wildwood rally the handwriting on the wall for donald trump? well, michael goodwin write ntsb new york post that the 2024 post is donald trump's to lose. "the wall street journal" editorial and no fan of mr. trump writes joe biden goes from basement to denial and polls showing him behind tram and won't come back unless he admits the problem.
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the great lakes states are up for grabs. mike goodwin points to leftest booking institution analysis that shows biden is hemorrhaging support among black, hispanic and asian voters including among college educated members of those groups. goodwin points to key issue factors that we've been talking about here for many, many months. mr. trump has huge polling leads on the economy and inflation, on biden's open border catastrophe and the chaos at home with anti-semitic demonstrations and war in ukraine and israel with gaza. the world turned chaotic upside down under biden. back to wildwood, new jersey. the turnout freaked out biden and the democratic party. biden comes out with a phony
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tough guy video after the rally and edited five times in 13 seconds and would debite trump twice in june and october. there's a link between the wildwood shock on saturday and biden suddenly accepting debates on tuesday or wednesday. both mark simon and seaforth believe if biden flubbings the june 27 debate, all the guardrail conditions that has to be cnn, no audience, earths, et cetera. if he flunks, the democratic kingpins will replace him at democratic national convention on august 19th in chicago. so wildwood shocked the democrats and changed the game. trump has biden on the run. that's the riff. great pleasure joining us is missouri senator eric schmitt.
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thank you for all always coming back on the show. you may have heard part of that riff. i think wildwood was a historic seventh only beaten by fdr almost 100 years ago, and shows enormous strength from trump and the polling corroborates that and democrats are on the run and scared and freaked out. >> nobody in modern history draws the crowds like the rallies that president trump does. it shows pent up demand in a place like new jersey and the frustration people see with the biden agenda and compare to what they experience more prosperity and closed border, energy dominance under president trump. so all that stuff is coming in full view, and i think that's
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good for the country and including the battleground state where is it matters the most. president trump has, you know, sort of super charged this ethnic working party and they've made their mind up about joe biden is he's been a disaster. larry: talking about the polling, i'm going to bet tram's numbers are always underreported in the polls and a lot of people don't want to say they're going to be for trump. for various reasons. it's not cool to be for trump. it's getting to be very cool to be for trump, hundred thousand people went to the beach for it. i'm saying, you know, i think he'll do better in the great lakes states than people think.
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it's underreported and not cool to be a republican or cool to be for trump. >> elites are all these radical democrats and if you want to rebel against something, they control all the institutions and look down on everybody. i'm proud of that . i also think to your point, not just in the upper midwest states but look at numbers that are growing among key democrats whether his panic or black voters in the sun belt and nevada and arizona and polling that is positive and not just wisconsin o michigan or pennsylvania, it's in the sun belt state where his lead is growing. larry: double digits in nevada and georgia. that's very interesting to me. senator schmitt, you tried to
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stop all this crazy covid spending and state and local spending and tried to stop it on the floor. i was riffing about materialier this week or maybe last week, i don't know. they're allowing another $350 billion, $350 billion. that's not a small amount, for state and local governments for covid. even when the administration itself declared the covid emergency over. the treasury department says well heck, if you have some plans to spend it, you can go ahead and after 2024. you made the valiant fight, some people are saying, there was reports that we covered last week it that the bidens have $6 trillion that they could possibly spend obligated but not forced to spend. they're trying to buy the election, aren't they? >> when i was here we brought
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the -- when i was the ag, we brought $500 billion that that saved but now he's picking away at it and trying to buy votes to your point. for the younger voters, it's twice as expensive to buy a home and people getting priced out of the market and interest rates chasing inflation and inflation run away spending and trying to stop some yesterday with the democrats in lock step to continue to allow outside of the existing law and spend on a covid emergency that doesn't exist anymore. literally, it's been over for years and the democrats even declare it had over a year ago after most americans had moved on but they want to spend, they don't know how to turn that spigot off and we're spend ago trillion on interest now and that's more than we spend on our military. it's unsustainable. larry: yes, sir. last one, senator.
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i don't know what's happening supposedically reportedly that president biden is coming out and heavenly discovered the power and so far behind in the polls on this 4,000 a week of illegal immigrants coming in is 1.4 or 1.5 million a year of more illegals and no one knows the got aways. that's astronomical number. let me hear about this executive order. what's so good about this? what's so good about 1.4 million a year in how about zero? >> it's a desperate move and joe biden opened the flood gates and
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president trump had a 45 year low of illegal immigration coming into office and left that with 90+ executive orders in the first 60 days and that's what led to this. they're -- one statistic, we're patrolling about 5,000 people a year under president trump. they're doing over a million a year. a million a year totally just confiscating all of the immigration laws we have on the bobs right now. they're not serious for open borders and it's a census play and disaster for the country. larry: poll ago million a year for that's being incredible. any teenager larry. phony ceo report and we're talking about that in the
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administerington and right now on fox business. you can't get support for some reason. text your favorite 9-year-old and she'll show you how to dvr the show and you'll never miss a wild wood rally. we'll be right back. tamra, izzy, and emma... no one puts more love into logistics than these three. you need them. they need a retirement plan. work with principal so we can help you
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inside every splenda product is a mission. to help people live happier healthier and longer lives by making it easier to cut out sugar. from our factory to our stevia farm, splenda's team of over 2000 individuals are dedicated to helping people live their best lives. taking pride that everyday millions say “i use splenda.” and now sweeten drinks wherever you are with splenda zero-calorie liquid sweeteners. try all three. available in the baking aisle.
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gerri willis looking at it. another buy stone scowled stick and dow hits a 40,000 milestone for the first time and s&p and nasdaq hitting all time free time and s&p down 11 and down 44
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and they turned around a bit and good news and they beat on the top and bottom line and shares of wal-mart jumping 7% on the new 6.99 and dow closed for the first time over 40,000 and the move from 30,000 to 40,000 was led by goldman sachs, microsoft, united health and caterpillar, very diverse group and in addition to earnings, luke warm cpi inflation data released yesterday that stoked enthusiasm and stoking the trade and pricing a 68% chance of first rate cut in september. bond yields are lifting off six-week lows. larry, back to you. larry: great stuff, gerri, appreciate it as always.
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all right, folks, phony cbo inflation report that cover up for harmful effects of bidenomics joining me now talking about it is art laffer, great art laffer. former reagan economist and we welcome back texas congressman and budget chairman jodie arrington. let me get this right, phil swagle, the ceo director, he's a republican. i don't know what he's doing, but he's covering up biden inflation by using 2019 as a base instead of 2021. i and numbers. hear me out, i'll be through with it in a second. actually inflation rate under biden annualized is 5.6% at annual rate. under mr. trump's four years, this is biden three years and one quarter. under trump's entire administration, it was 1.9.
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1.9 trump, 5-point # biden. second point is the level of cpi through april, 19.9, okay, percent. it's 19.866%. i'm only doing that because art laffer likes to do math and arithmetic. it's up almost 20%. call it 20%. you know what, the entire trump term, four years, the level of cpi was up 7.7%. it's 7.7 versus 206789 couldn't be clearer. how can the cbo try to explain that away and how can jared bernstein, who's a friend of ours for heaven sakes, still propagate the lie that biden inherited a 9% inflation rate? jodie arrington? >> no, they had to obviously borrow from trump's economic successes to mitigate the spending and failed economic
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policies of president biden. that's why they had to dip into the year withs high wage growth and low inflation and a good economy. you just described the disastrous economy under this current people paying $17,000 on average per year. which is why, larry, all the studies and surveys aside for the american people and consumer confidence index show a lower confidence than we've seen since covid. larra: thank you, chairman arrington. we heard this now, art, we heard from karine jean-pierre and conditions were set for high
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inflation. the conditions were set. 1.4% in january 2021 and covid spending bills were going to run out. it was the so called the american relief act passed by democrats in march of 2021 started immediately after spending was going on. art, how can they make these arguments? the public will see right through it, won't they? >> of course, larry, not one single month under biden that's lower than every single month of trump. not one month. larry: wow. >> that's really powerful. just for the record, this latest one that was "no so hot". the reason it wasn't hot wasn't because of the one month number.
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the one month number was hot and the 12 month dropped off with very hotter and looked like rate of inflation was dropping but it wasn't because of the current. it was dropping because of the lack so next month you'll see a much smaller number dropped off and my bet is you'll see a slight up tick in the rate of inflation then. let me if i can come to gerri willis as well, 40,000 on the dow, wow, isn't that wonderful. you know, if you inflation adjust the dow, which you should dorks the dow had inflation increase since biden took office of about 7,080 points. the dow in real terms is not as high as it was three years ago. it's been distorted and all for factitial numbers getting it right nguyen it goes against the narrative, but this is really a true mistake. biden's inflation numbers are really horrible and the stock market is not as wonderful as people are saying.
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larry: that's interesting. in real terms, that's right. arthur, because of you i wept and got cpi to third decimal, 19.866 increase of -- oh, 66 since he was inaugurated. >> thank you, larry. thank you. larry: it's my great pleasure. chairman jodey arrington, another great point, demand side of the economy was relatively strong, largely because of government spending. we've chronicle that had and industrial production and inside that is manufacturing. inside that number is business equipment. that's how many business investments you're getting. industrial production is the supply side of the economy and what business is produced. jodey, it's been flat and most extraordinary thing and you can
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see that chart. production and manufacturing and business equipment have been essentially flat in the biden years and the energy impact and war against fossil fuels had impact and no business confidence in mr. biden at all but it's remarkable the production side of the economy, jodey, hasn't moved in three years plus. that is some piece of work hawaii do you think about that? >> well, the supply side is squeezed by the things you just mentioned, and i would add to that paying people who are capable of working not to work so you combine the prop legate spending with the squeeze on the supply side and get this inflationary fire storm, this cost of living crisis.
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the hammer of high interest rates aren't sufficient and reign in the spending and you've got to provide the supply side relief that we saw during the trump administration and republicans in congress. lower taxes and lower regulation and had the incentives for people more capable to work. you do that and best days ahead of us and tamp down on inflation. larry: budget chairman, is there a reconciliation bill for fy25 coming up, i don't know, september 30th or thereabouts? i ask that because you've got trillions of dollars of obligated but unspent funds. you know about this. and the trick is to stop that spending and therefore the borrowing and debt burden. you going to have reconciliation bill to stop any of this?
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>> you better believe it. that is the tool that'll be the super bowl and looming over the horizon and get mandatory spending and reform entitlements and that's part of the you 'tilty of reconciliation and allows to lock in the supply side relief with perm nathanial hackette tax cuts from the trump era among other things that will reignite growth. if we can grow with 1% over what cbo projects, larry, that's 3 trillion over ten years in deficit reduction. it's a combination of two. larry: real quick, arthur, you heard chairman jodey arrington and sounds like a supply cider to me. >> yeah, sounds great to me. larry: he's terrific. it's a blessing. arthur, just real quick, 30 seconds, why is production and manufacturing and business
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equipment flat, the levels have gone nowhere for three years+ art? >> because you haven't seen good economics down here, larry. you really haven't much the employment to population is no higher than it was prior to the pan democrat and i can it's a lot lower. if you look at it, there's no investment because the tax out cuts and jobs act had expenses of capital purchases in the first year. that was really powerful. we need to have a payroll tax cut and re-instate expensing on capital purchases and we can send this economy to the moon. that will happen. really will. larry: that's a great point. expenses has been fazed down the last couple years. you're exactly right. and so therefore people are not investing anymore. all right, art laffer, thank you. mr. chairman jodey arrington, we appreciate it very, very much, sir. >> thank you. larry: coming up, day 18 of new york city trial, mr. trump's trial, still can't find a crime. talk about it with fox news
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editor when we return. kudlow is available as a podcast and episodes available every weekday right after the show on spotify, apple and foxbusinesspodcast be right. back. that's why at fisher investments, we keep a disciplined approach with your portfolio, helping you through the market's ups and downs. (husband) what about communication? (fisher investments) we check in regularly to keep you informed. (wife) which means you'll help us stay on track? (fisher investments) yes. as a fiduciary, we always put your interests first. because we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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larra rhode islander the wildwood rally was a game changer. that's my take and riff. bring in liz peek and -- >> what was the riff? i assume it was brilliant? larry: i don't know. but 100,000 people historically. only fdr had a higher rally in new jersey down by the shore also. he had 125,000 or 100,000 and not even i was around in 132. the 100,000 rally, rich, freaked
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out democrats, all right, show trump's strength absolutely but not a coincidence that a couple days later biden comes out with this phony bravado video, which they had to edit five or six or eight times and challenges trump to a de-bay bait. i think the two -- debate and i think to the are roadway lated and the table talk again is if biden flunks in june and taking him out in august 19th in chicago. game changer, what do you think? >> i would throw in the new york times poll that came out with trump basically heading all the swing states and played into the fact that biden wouldn't do this unless he knows he's behind. the pals are wrong and nay need a game changer. debates aren't usually game changers, especially with the concerns about biden's incarcerated, his capabilities -- age and capables and he needs to show up. it's one thing to read a tell
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prompter for 60 minutes at state of the union but going toe to toe with donald trump. larry: they've been debating it forever and democratic operatives and axelrod that was a obama guy and smart guy and beat us twice. james carville, they're all getting on biden's case. liz, my good one from the new york post, brilliant columnist, 2024 race to white house is now a donald trump's to lose. the court of public opinion doesn't give a dam about storm jim jordan daniels and michael cohen. this is from mike goodwin. i happen to agree. >> that's right. clearly democrats have been opposed to biden debating and might collapse or wander off into the mental ether like he
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does but someone said out loud, clearly a lot of them have been thinking that they've thrown everything at donald trump and they've thrown 91 indictments and the two impeachmemements and everything thing they can and biden has nothing to run on and can't run on his record and just slamming trump over and over and over again and at some point people tune out. that's where they are. to rich's point, i think biden is up against a wall. it take as awhile to turn around really unfavorable approval ratings and it's now or never and this is a hail mary. only have a couple more months left. we'll see. i would say i think they kind of outmaneuvered this trump came on the challenge biden posted and gets all the things he wanted in the way of the debate format. it won't really matter in the
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end, but having dana bash and jake tapper, having microphones that can be muted. no audience, all that's good for biden. larry: but it looks like to me, biden going into weakness. no box for heaven's sakes and fox has higher ratings than all those networks put together. if biden flunks the first debate in mid to late june, if he flunks, they could take him out in august and that convention is so screwed up. did you see the rumors they won't have a real convention and all on zoom? >> of course, they love it. >> back to the basement. larry: this is total chaos and disarray inside the democratic party. then they're trying to chill out on the golf course, i don't know what democrats do on the weekend and hear -- all they hear is 100,000 people in wildwood, new
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jersey. biden couldn't get 20 in a grocery store. >> another way to state a point liz was making on a core issues of presidential elections, who will do a good job as president? trusting more on all the issues that matter to you, exception for abortion? trump leads and what biden is trying to do is undermine all that with the peripheral stuff and he's been tried or supposedly is going to be a dictator on day one. one it's reallyhard to overcomen could win a narrow electoral victory for the blue walls and trump's electoral victory could go hire than that. larry: liz, you're in mid may and coming up to memorial day, the polls are not votes but
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they're snapshots and biden doesn't have much time. i'll say much time to change. what's going to change? by september, it's locked up. people have already figured the game out. >> it's a good question. what could change? we could get to a place where interest rates go down and maybe that juices the stock market all though an awful lot of people think that's in the stock market that really we're not going to see that. this week he talked and began spinning out possible executive order on the boarder and they're frantic right now. they need to address some of these issues. >> that's the one thing that could make sense was meaningful executive order on the border. >> he'll get tarred for no executive orders on the border. larry: saying he couldn't do it
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and couldn't do it and then oops, i can do it. 4,000 a day. that's a million and a half illegals a year. >> why not shut it down completely? larry: i think a whole lot of people including donald trump will ask that question in the debate. i don't see biden having any shot at all. you agree with me, in your heart, you agree with me. wildwood was a shock. >> it was huge. total crowd size guy. whoever has the biggest crowds wins. in the democratic primary, didn't win and bernie had the big crowds and biden won. as sign of enthusiasm and it's astonishing and confirming what we see in the polls and biden supporters are not enthusiastic. >> that is really true and i saw some poll, new jersey is actually -- larry: minus five. >> unbelievable. larry: rich lowry and liz peek, thank you very, very much. house oversight committee is moving to subpoena the biden family's bank records. our own grady trim seatbelt here
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with some of those details. grady, what do you have? >> hey, larry, james comer tells fox business exclusively he subpoenaed a major bank, didn't say which one but comer says, the committee found new accounts that could lead to new information about the biden family's business dealings. the committee is asking the bank for financial information from that bank about president biden's brother james, sister-in-law sarah and son hunter. >> if you were paying the biden family for the biden brand, you were buying joe biden and joe bind wanted to make sure all the shady people that sent the shady wire transfers through all the l.l.c.,s to the biden family. they wanted to know that joe biden was front and center, and i think that the evidence will prove that. >> comer says the committee identified dozens of accounts and l.l.c.,s tied to the biden family with no explanation for what the family did to receive
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the money. >> i don't think you'll find have much people with a billion dollar net worth with as many bank accounts as the biden family had. many were shell companies. >> jim biden denied his brother, joe, president biden has done anything wrong or benefited from his work he told the committee that behind closed doors i might add. comer hopes to have a full report on the commit''s investigation very soon so the american people can decide just what went down. larry. larry: that's great. grady, hard hitting. thank you, very, very much. appreciate it. take ago break and coming up alvin bragg phony new york trump trial. can't find anything illegal. i'm kudlow, be right back.
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larry: day 18 of the new york city trump trial and still no crime. i'm joined by kerri urbahn. fox news legal analyst. what was cooking today? >> yeah, so we heard three main themes that the defense hammered as they were cross examining michael cohen. one is one that we already pretty will very familiar with,
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he's a serial liar under oath and not under oath. two, he's a notorious blame shifter and blamed everyone over the years for the various troubles in his life, including his bank, his accountant, business partner, of course donald trump, federal prosecutors, judges, everyone. and three he was disgruntled when he learned-not going to part of donald trump's inner circle in the white house and thought he was going to be the white house chief of staff and that was remarkable and disappointed when someone else decided his job. he was not happy about that. larry: kerri, has anybody uncovered a crime or a federal charge? this is the bragg stuff. where do we stand with all this? >> right. that -- if i were making closing arguments today, larry, that's exactly what i'd go in on. one, this case is about
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falsifying business records. we have not been presented with any evidence that donald trump knew what the accounts payable person in the trump tower comes as legal payments and number two, even if he did know or even, you know, it was put in that way, well, dent you call ebbs pences or payment to personal lawyer, legal expenses? the reason that's especially important is because one thing that's become very clear is michael cohen continued to operate as donald trump's personal attorney through 2017 and 2018 when donald trump was in the white house and made millions in outside consulting ggigs and otherwise would not have made had he not been donald trump's personal attorney. again, in the ledger book, legal expenses to donald trump's personal attorney and operating as personal attorney. then lastly, again, back to
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closing arguments if that was happening and relying on the testimony of someone that's a serial liar who was a disgruntled ex-employee and, you know, who has demonstrated he's willing to say whatever he needs to say in the moment to get what he wants and his testimony is just completely filled with inconsistent prior statements. this is the guy, larry, who was e-mailing reporters just several years ago saying that donald trump had nothing to do with the stormy daniels camp and now since today saying tafanely he did. system of articulation larry: have closing arguments been made or not and when is the trial over? >> great question, larry, we're thinking about it and gaming at in overflow room in the courtroom. >> right now if donald trump does not testify and by the way that, is still a question mark,
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it looks like evidence will be presented in its total bit end of monday and means that the jury could be presented on tuesday and means we could get a verdict maybe on thursday. but, look, cross-examination is not over and redistricts will happen and can be recross and a defense expert witness called, and so we'll see. larry: i don't know in you know byron york and a great columnist and lopping time friend of mine. the trump people should put alvin bragg as a witness stand and just ask what crimes have been committed and where's the federal charge and put alvin brag on the stand, kerri. what do you think of that? >> yeah, i mean, that would be great and this defense witness will be important because as the law is, which is it is, what is it, conspiracy to influence an
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election by unlaw enforcement means. what does that mean exactly? that's very vague and broad and this expert is important and determined to get donald trump and remove as a small person in november. system of articulation larry: this thing will spill over into next week and that's for sure. >> into next week? yeah, that's for sure. larry: terrific stuff, kerri urbahn. we really appreciate it. folks, elsheikh be right back with -- i'll be right back with my last word.
7:56 pm
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