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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 17, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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maria: welcome back. we are 30 minutes away from the opening bell for a friday. we are capping off a wild week. dow industrials slowing a gain of about 25 -- showing a gain of about 25. final thoughts, mitch roschelle. >> i'm looking at nvidia earnings next week, i think that's the thing that's going to the move the market. maria: that absolutely is the next big test. chris, cheryl, great to be with you both. mitch, come back soon. have a great weekend, everybody. i'll see you tomorrow night at seven here on fox business. "varney & company" is up next. stu, take it away. stuart: here i am. good morning, everyone.
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it was brief. the dow touched 40,000, held it for an hour, then backed off and closed lower. there it goes. that happened yesterday. it eventually closed lower. the top, was 40k the top? will it make another run to 40k in we're going to find out soon. the dow shows a small gain this morning,that chart makes it look like it's 40,000. it is, because that is a futures contract, okay? futures actually pointing up 20 points. same story with the s&p, up slightly. nasdaq up 32 point, so some green in the very early going on a friday morning. interest rates, shall we say subdued? the 10-year yields 4.40. it's gone up just a little bit. the 2-year dropped firmly below 4.8%, now it's bounced back up to 4.81, got it. bitcoin holding its gains, i think. let me see. $66,385. a that's right. the price of oil, very close to $80 a barrel, $79.76.
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gas down one crept, $3.59. diesel down one cent, $3.92. politics. biden speaks at morehouse college's commencement ceremony sunday. the authorities say they'll stop it, quote, on the spot if there are any disruptions. morehouse is an historically black college. this is part of biden's outreach to black voters. and what is widely considered to be outreach to young voters, the president will try to ease rules on marijuana. on the show today, two jordanian nationals in custody, they're both illegal migrants. two weeks ago they tried to get into the quantico marine corps base. does this have anything to do with illegal border crosses? it's a political nightmare for the open border president. new fox polls, what's the deal-breaking issue for democrats? abortion. the republicans in the border and the economy. and major storm shuts down houston. the governor tells 750,000 residents, hey, today home for the day. and one last one, the world's
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number one golfer, scottie scheffler, put in hand cuffs after an altercation with police officers -- a police officer. it happened this morning right outside the valhalla course. it delayed the start of the second round of the pga championship. if there is a lot going on this friday, may 17th, 2024. "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ ♪ then jump for my love are. ♪ jump in and feel my touch ♪ stuart: they wanted me to sing. too late. >> stu, i haven't seen a break dance that well to this song since hugh grant in the love actually. lauren: you remember that? >> yes. lauren: he's admitting to watching love actually. >> i love it. one of my favorite i movies. stuart: or fortunately, the camera a was not on me. >> there's a lot on me. we don't know if they were
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recording -- stuart: it was? [laughter] [applause] lauren: rerack! stuart: get me out of this. a couple of new fox polls. they reveal which issues are deal breakers for voters, choice of president. lauren, stop laughing. you tell me -- lauren: a deal breaker is an issue so important to a voter that that that issue determines who they vote for alone. 15% say abortion is their top deal breaker, 14% say the economy and another 14 percent say the border. so it's basically tide among those three key issues. flip it to the breakdown by party. as expected, a quarter of democrats say abortion is their deal-breaker. 17% of republicans say it's the economy, and a quarter with the of republicans say it is immigration. so i see this as the nation pretty split on three top issues. stuart: all right. thank you, lauren. move on to the trump trial. even cnn admits the de, fence cornered michael cohen in, quote, what appeared to be a lie. roll tape.
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>> it was an extraordinary cross-examination by todd blanche, and, you know, michael cohen's -- throughout the day michael cohen, when cornered, when he found himself in a corner, he does have a pattern of suddenly not understanding the question, but he definitely suddenly would start to, you know, have todd blanche repeat questions and say i don't quite understand what you mean, i'm confused by the question. but this time michael cohen was cornered in what appeared to be a lie, i think to many in the room. stuart: cornered in what appeared to be a lie. todd piro with me, former lawyer. did cohen's testimony hurt the prosecution? >> yes. all the case up til this point was to set up the relevance of michael cohen's testimony, and then michael cohen was going to knock down all the pins and show how trump violated some law. it begs the question what law, that -- have they done that so far, but the overall a part is not only did it not do this, but
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the number one takeaway -- the alleged october 24th phone call where trump knew that the nda was going to be paid for with campaign funds, it turns out that call may have been, according to the testimony, the mixed testimony we got yesterday about a 14-year-old sending a prank to michael cohen. so if your story the hinges on that one incident more if or less and there's an inconsistency there and this is a noted perjurer who acknowledged various other times in other courts where he perjured himself, that is not a great witness to have be the one that you need -- stuart: about as bottom as you can get. lauren: bottom line, r really quickly, new yorkers don't like to be to be plaid, and if these jurors may feel like they're being played. where's the crime, and you're putting a liar in front of us. stuart: robert costello says he's ready, he's willing, he's able to testify, michael cohen's former lawyer. >> do you think you will be could to testify in new york at this the trial? -- called to
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testify? >> i have not been subpoenaed. whether i will be called to testify, it hasn't been decided yet. >> if you were in todd blanche's shoe, would you call you to testify? if. [laughter] >> yes, because i'm a reliable person. stuart: okay. should the defense call costell- >> it's such a tough call. we had matt whitaker on, he said he wouldn't present a case at this point, let them stew. i don't know. costello really contra the districts cohen. maybe the bodyguard, shiller, and then call it a day. stuart: all right. to the markets on this friday morning. we're seeing a little bit of green as we march toward the opening bell. kenny if poll carry joins me. kenny polcari. why do you think thrall -- this rally might be over? >> well, or partly because we've had this big rally, right? and in anticipation of what the market expects, multiple rate
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cut scenario which i think feud this latest move up. now, that being said, i think it's stretched. i think relative strength on both the dow and the s&p is kissing just about the 70 level which suggests that the market's a little bit getting into that overbought territory. so a pullback wouldn't be, wouldn't be unwelcome, for sure, and actually a lot of people would hope that it pulls back. i'd like to see us pull back 3% or so, take us down to the trend line at 5150 on the s&p. it would be able to kind of digest the move. some stocks would get met a little bit harder, i think it would find plenty of support there, but i think it needs to do that in order to continue to advance. stuart: quick question, 30 seconds. envied ya reports next week. how -- nvidia reports next week. how important is that? >> i think it's very important. it's a crowded trade. everybody owns nvidia. it's in all these etfs, everyone's got exposure to it. so it is the a crowded trade. there is some stuff to be concerned about, intel and amd,
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challenges from there, listen to what data centers revenue is going to be like. i continue to own nvidia, i like it. if there's a pullback, i'm buying more. stuart: okay, we got it. have a great weekend, kenny. >> you as well. stuart: let's head now to the first baptist church in texas. steve doocy is there. hey, steve, i want to the talk about the new fox polls. voters say the top issues for them are are abortion, the economy, the border. what are the top issues for the voters you've got there in texas? >> well, you know what, stuart? we actually polled the audience here at first lap withtist. they've got a -- baptist. they've got a great restaurant across the street, and we had about 150 people there this morning, we still have some folks with us, say hello to stuart varney. [cheers and applause] there you go, stuart. we asked and, you know, the economy is number one, inflation is number one. and we're in texas, so immigration and the border's number one as well. the guy right here, david, david, you showed me a picture of a grocery store cart full of
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groceries that cost you -- >> $411.84. >> and how many steaks did you have in there? >> i had 2 pounds of ground beef and 2 chickens. >> a couple of years ago, how much would that have cost you? >> oh, i don't know, probably between $100-a 150. definitely less than $200. >> what's your number one issue, david? >> that's not sustainable. >> it's not. >> so whoever is elected in the fall has to fix that. >> they've got to fix that. >> yeah. >> all right, very good. and, stuart, one of the things -- we were invited here by reverend jeffers, you know him -- jeffress, but in addition to talking about the spiritual, they talk to you about things in their lives, right? >> that's right. and christians have interests with noncan christians, inflation, the economy, the border, but they're also interested in the spiritual direction of the country. they care about the protection
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of life, religious freedom, what's happening in israel. we heard that this morning in the diner. and i believe that's why this election is going to have the greatest turnout of christians that we've had in recent days. christians care about the spiritual climate of america, and it's not what it should be. >> okay, stuart. you ask a question, i get you some really good answers. stuart: we heard it loud and clear from texas. steve doocy, you're all right. sea you soon. -- see you soon. president biden has asserted executive privilege and blocked the release of audiotapes from his interview with special counsel robert hur where hur described biden as an elderly man with a poor memory. congressman byron donalds wants to hold attorney general garland in contempt over those tapes. he's next. and and dave portnoy on scottie scheffler's arrest. more "varney" after this.
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stuart: the world's number one golfer, scottie scheffler, has been arrested just before the start of the second round of the pga championship. tell me more. >> talk about a story that is changing by the minute, stu. the number one golfer in the world, scottie scheffler, arrested and booked by police in kentucky. here are the charges and there's the mug shot. unbelievable. assaulting a police officer. criminal mischief, reckless driving, disregarding signals from an officer. now according to reports, he refused to stop at the scene of a serious accident near the course, the louisville police say one person was killed in the accident involving a shuttle bus outside the golf club. scheffler's incident was not related to the crash but, stu, we're also seeing other reports as well that that said all the tour players were going around this area and that scheffler did the exact same thing as the other tour players. there's also reports that the cops were not marked as police
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officers. a lot to digest here, stu. stuart: now we've got a mug shot. dave portnoy's on the phone. dave, this is a surprise. scottie scheffler has a very clean-cut image, and i've got reports that you put $50,000 to bet on scheffler to win the pga championship, am i right in. >> well, yeah, he's my guy, stuart. he's made me millions. i'm a fox hoel guy, when -- foxhole guy. so when i heard the news, i jumped right on draftkings. the odds are up because a lot of people say you can't win the pga championship when you're in jail. but i knew he'd get out, stuart, so we're ready to roll today. stuart: it's pretty serious charges though, assaulting a police officer, third-degree criminal mischief, reckless driving, that's strong enough. -- stuff. >> yeah, that that's garbage. listen, cops have a very difficult job. there was obviously a tragic incident there. this probably would have been the one time in the history of times where a guy can i say do you know who i am?
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he's pulling into -- he's on the driveway to the golf club, and there's reporters all along. the cops clearly had no idea who he was. i would think they'd be a little more informed when there's a major attorney and there's 9,000 people around. again, there's a tragedy that happened. scottie scheffler probably should not have been behind bars. it's crazy they made a mug shot. but listen, the mug shot, what that's going to do, stuart, it allows companies like barstool to put the t-shirt on sale and not make a profit i'm not going to complain if about that, but the whole thing is surreal. stuart: yes, it is. dave, thanks for jumping on the phone so quickly this morning, we appreciate it. >> anything for you, stuart. [laughter] stuart: oh, you're too kind. thank, dave. let's head to cap capitol hill -- capitol hill. florida congressman byron donalds joins me now. congressman, how are you going to get the tapes of biden's interview with special counsel robert hur? they're talking about biden's mental aa cutie. how are you going to get them?
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-- acuity. >> the house needs to actually finish its work which we started last night in the oversight committee. and i know it was a very interesting committee last night, but we have to hold her ec garland in contempt. -- merrick garland in contempt. once again, the white house is covering up for joe biden. they do not want the american people the actually hear audio. they're saying that the transcript is good enough, but that's not true because in parts of the audio where i don't know if joe biden is mumbling or stumbling or whatever, what's going on, the white house transcript says it's inaudible. that's not good enough. we need to hear all of this because with at the end of the day, joe biden violated the espionage if act when he was a u.s. senator and vice president. that is against federal law despite what robert hur says. even robert hur says he violated the law. he just said that he's just not going to prosecute because he's an elderly man. we need to get to the entire bottom of this. that's why the audio recording is important. how we get it, you first have to
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hold merrick garland in contempt for not complying with the congressional subpoena that gives us the ability to seek that recording. stuart: i want to transfer our attention now to the new york trial of donald trump. you went to the trump trial yesterday to show your support. you were with him, right there with him. do you -- how is trump holding up? you got close to him. there's all this pressure on the man. how's he holding up? >> he's holding up really well, actually, stuart. because he knows that this case is a bunch of hot garbage. alvin bragg brought a case where there is no case. the star witness is michael cohen who mr. balloon. e yesterday -- man. e yesterday in court basically unraveled him in front of the jury to be the liar that the we all know he is. and judge merchan is a hack. he donated to joe biden specifically as a judge, something that judges in our country do not do because they want to actually demonstrate their impartiality. judge merchan has been a contributor to joe biden, the
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political rival of joe donald trump. and then you layer on top of that the fact that judge merchan's daughter is making money fund raising for democrats using trial and using his image and likeness to raise money for democrats. the makes money auto-- she makes money off of this. donald trump is obviously plus if traited with this stupid case because it is the stupid, it's ridiculous, but his spirits are great. stuart: there's speculation that trump is pushing you to run for governor of florida at the end of desantis' term. if you don't get the vice president's spot, would you run for governor? [laughter] >> listen, stuart, you're trying to have me break news with you now. i'm not going to break any news. [laughter] we're focused on 2024, making sure donald trump goes back to the white house to be the 47th president of the united states. we've got to get our country back on track. we have nutty people all through i our government led by crazy joe biden, the master of disaster himself. the it's time for donald trump to get back in the white house. stuart: you're saying all the right things. congressman byron donalds,
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thanks for joining us. good to see you again. >> anytime. stuart: check futures. it's friday morning, end of the week. how are we going out? up 12 on the dow, up 23 on the nasdaq can. we'll be back99 -- back with the opening bell. ♪ we got married in a fever. ♪ hotter than a pepper e sprout ♪ we been talking about jackson ever since the fire went out ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders. and with guided learning paths stacked with content curated to fit your unique goals, you can spend less time searching and more time learning.
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stuart: the world's number one golfer, scottie scheffler, has been arrested. here's the video of that arrest. it was just before the start of the second round of the pga championship. he's been hit with a slew of charges, assaulting a police officer, criminal mischief, reckless driving, disregarding signals from an officer. that that's the arrest. this is a developing story. you'll hear more about it throughout the show. back to markets now. check futures, please. a little bit of red ink appearing for the dow industrials. it's green elsewhere, and mark mahaney joins us. all right, mark, netflix, monthly users, 40 million. you cover the company and your target price has been $650. what's your target now? >> no change. no change, stu. happy friday. i'm just -- you caught me off guard with this scottie
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scheffler golf news. anyway, let's see, we had three piece of news from netflix. they're going to be carrying the nfl on christmas day. if that isn't a sign this company's really ready for prime time, i don't know what is. secondly, they disclosed 40 million monthly users for their ad-supported service. you have 50 million, and you become pretty much a must-buy for advertisers, and netflix is knocking on that door. and third piece of news from this week is they're now bringing in google and a company called the tradedesk to better sell their ad invenn toimplet we've been watching netflix for the better part of two years, they're finally hitting critical mass. this is the strongest position i've ever seen netflix in either financially in terms of free cash flow or competitively or fundamentally. it's a stock -- i don't have a lot of upside to the price target, so a small buy for me, but i'm impressed with what they've been able to do. i like it. you want to be long, stay long netflix, and if there's a major
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disclose location -- dislocation, you want to buy. stuart: but netflix is winning the streaming business hands down, would you say that? >> yes, yes. stuart: okay. let's move on to uber. they announced a number of new features and partnerships this week. has your target price moved? it was $80. have you moved it? >> no, we're still there. we're about $80, and the stock has traded off a little bit recently off concerns that they were going to be somehow disintermediated or, you know, negatively impacted by a fleet of autonomous vehicles. i don't think that's going to happen. in fact, i think that they're probably part of the solution for autonomous vehicles. if we're going to have them, and i think we will, i think it'll be kind of inserted into these transportation networks like uber. and so i don't view it as a net. when the stock trades off aggressively on that, that's my buying opportunity, that should be our buying opportunity. i continue to like uber. it's also not one of my top the
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picks, but it's darn close. right now it's around $can 66. you get it, to me, like the trigger price is $60. below that it's an aggressive buy. here ad good buy, so i'm trying to pitch these things, you know, relative to how attractive the opportunity is, and you're talking about relative a bull market, so it's hard to be super aggressive about any of these tech stocks. stuart: what is your absolute number one, top stock pick? >> it's still amazon. and i just think that the real thing i'm watching is this aws business because there's been a lot of investor angst and concern about whether amazon was losing the a.i. race through as your, and i think that case -- as sur, and i think there's going to be multiple a. i'll winner, but i'm pretty certain amazon is one of them. as aws continues to accelerate its growth, gets close to 20% this year, i think there's a lot of upside movement in the stock, like 25-30%, so amazon's still the top pick. offing stuart i am told that
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amazon will put $60 billion into a.i. in the next year. is that accurate? >> that number may be a little bit inflated, but directionally, that's right. if you want to -- if you're offering a.i. tools to the world, you're going to need that kind of capital expenditure, in the tens of billions. and there's just a handful of companies that can do that, microsoft, amazon, google, and that's about it. there may be two others or something like that that can do it. it's a very expensive business and so, i'm sorry, that that means the gain are going to accrue to the largest companies, which is what happens a lot in tech. that's one of the reasons why you stick with amazon. stuart: did we break the scottie scheffler news for you? were you surprised -- >> yes, i was. that's -- stuart: you're a golfer too. what a story. mark mahaney, you're all right. good timing. the market is about to open. they're going to press that button and off we go. this is how we're going to close out the week when we did see the dow briefly touch 40,000.
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we're off, we're running, and the dow is up, look at that, a 70-point gain for the dow industrials, 39,919. now we're up 50. can you show me the s&p 500 -- no, the dow 30. have we got that,s please? have a look at that. we'll get it. all right. the s&p 500, where where has that opened? has it opened? yes, it has. okay, off we go. there's the dow 30. fairly even split between winners and losers. the s&p is up a few points, and there you have the dow 30. let's move on to the nasdaq, please. that is up .09%, not much of a gain there. show me big tech. always at 9:30 we to this on a market day. show me big tech, where are they now? if show me big tech, he pleads with the -- lauren: someone needs if coffee this morning in the control room. stuart: all right. i guess we're not going to get that. i was trying hard there. microsoft, have we got it. lauren: microsoft is up a bit. stuart: microsoft is taking on
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nvidia. the question is, how are they doing that? lauren: by partnering with amd which is up % -- 3% on this news. so microsoft if will use, will offer their azure customers, i'm sorry, the option of using a.i. chips from amd. they use nvidia a lot now, so amd chips are are ease consumer to get. a america d is up almost 3%, microsoft if flat. nvidia should be lower. stuart: more on microsoft, they pack openark i -- openai, partnered with reddit. what's that about? lauren: chatgpt. reddit has this loyal, rabid community of loyalistsful they have these natural, human conversations. it's like realtime information. it's quite good. and that, that context, those conversations are being used to train chatgpt. in exchange, reddit gets more a.i. features from openai. this is a data the licensing deals. they are a new stream of revenue for reddit which just went
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public and is unprofitable. this could change thing things. they have 82 million users. stuart: that's a lot of users. lauren: active users. stuart: and it's up 13% and rising. lauren: yeah. it's a big deal. stuart: how about tesla? where are they planning the boost their a.i. development? lauren: china. reuters or reporting that elon musk is develop cooing a plan for a data center in china to train the algorithm that's needed for their fully awe town mouse vehicles -- autonomous. complicated because the u.s., obviously, restricts data transfer from the u.s. to china. would tesla need a local partner? if do today just use local chinese data? we don't know. but the bottom line is tesla's growth is stalled, is and elon musk's surprise visit to beijing, meeting with local officials, he obviously sees china and full self-driving as catalysts. stuart: he needs help. 173 on tesla's stock. tesla's rival, the chinese ev maker xpeng, they're going to soon be able to drive -- wait a minute. drive their flying car?
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lauren: this is so, this is the jetsons. the too jetsons for me. so 2026 is the year they want this on the market, right around the corner. of it's called the land aircraft carrier. basically, it's what looks like a cyber struck -- truck, and it has a detachable, bear with me -- [laughter] flying 2-seat passenger electric drone that will pop off of the truck and fly you to with you need to go. stuart: okay. [laughter] lauren: they're developing this. they're taking preorders this year. like, how do you regulate something like that? do you need a special, your driver's license and then a drone heinz? an aerial -- a pilot's license in what do you need for this? how do you get this to work? stuart: i have no idea, but i'm really convinced they will not be flying people or around in their electric the car in 2026. are yes aweed -- are we agreed -- >> i owe you $20, i the last
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bet. stuart: amgen got a big boost from the fda, their drug to treat lung cancer was approved. what many do you have? lauren: i know, and it treats the most deadly form most common in smokers, it reduces tumor growth. and then the patients live longer. so typically, it's a death sentence. a sur rival rate of five months -- survival rate of five months. that's good news. stock is down, nonetheless. stuart: got it. let's yet to the meme stocks. they've had quite a week. i notice they're all down again today. recap the week, please. lauren: can i give you the news on gamestop first? it's down the most, 24, right now -- 24%. they just pre-reported, if you will. we expect our first quarter sales to fall pretty sharply from a year ago because customers, stating the obvious, don't go into a brick and mortar to buy their video games anymore, right? so the fundamentals of that company aren't doing so well.
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they're also selling up to 45 million shares to take advantage of the meme stock frenzy this week. so monday and tuesday stock jumped more than that that, on the week it's up sharply, but it's fallen every down. wednesday, down. thursday, down, friday down. stuart: roll dice there, investors. move on to the department of justice. they might ease restrictions on marijuana. that's going for the youth vote, for sure. lauren: thank you. how long have we been talking about this? the president needs young voters, and a motivating issue for them is cannabis reform. that's the bottom line. so now president biden says the government is, quote, moving forward with plans to lower the federal classification of cannabis to a less restrictive category. so right now it's a schedule i, same as fentanyl. they want to move it to the a schedule iii like codeine. what does that do? well, it lets the cannabis companies take tax deductions
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for ordinary business expenses. that's millions of dollars they can use for growth instead of, you know -- stuart: those companies need help because the black market is eating their lunch and then some. next case, the big board open now for 6 minutes and 20 seconds, and we've bot a 9-point gain. 39,876. dow winners, give me that list. caterpillar, jpmorgan, dow inc., american express and amazon on the list. amazon is up today again. advanced micro devices tops the s&p 500 winners. take two interactive, dupont, valero emergency, freeport-mcmoran. the nasdaq composite headed by amd -- lauren: thanks to microsoft. stuart: exactly. kla adoption. here's a key number, a big number for investors these days, the yield on the 10-year treasury at 4.41. up today. the price of gold, it's up $16, moving above $2400 an ounce.
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bitcoin, $65-66,000. the price of oil, real close to $80, $79.26. coming up, steve hilton says there must be drug tests for debates between trump and biden. there's an idea. steve's on the show. a jewish graduate student from harvard suing the university for its handling of the anti-israel protests on campus. that student joins us in our 10:00 hour. two illegal migrants tried breaching a marine corpses base in georgia. -- in virginia. we've got the full report next. ♪ tamra, izzy, and emma... they respond to emails with phone calls...
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stuart: almost 12 minutes into the session, hardly any price movement a little bit of green, not much. little bit of green, left-hand side of the screen. now this. two weeks ago two jordanian nationals who were in the country can illegally tried to
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breach the cant coma lean corpses base in -- quantico marine corps base in virginia. griff jenkins joins me. why are we just hearing about this now? >> reporter: great question, stu, good morning being. why now won't the administration if talk more about a it? they've known for two weeks. the white house refused to comment if yesterday, and they were tight-lipped at the pent if gone too. watch. >> is the secretary confident in the safety and security of u.s. military bases not only in this country, but around the world? >> yes. if. >> reporter: or confirm that he was briefed on this incident. >> i can tell you, lucas, that he tracks many different things all around the world. i will -- i'm not going to get into specific things that he's briefed on on a daily basis. >> reporter: here's what we know, the two jordanian nationals attempted to access quantico in a box truck on a may 3rd or. at the gate, the driver ignored directions to stop. the men were detained and turned over to i.c.e. no weapons were found in the vehicle. a spokesperson says the
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jordanians claim they were working for an amazon subcontractor, but amazon has a not confirmed that. i asked the acting i.c.e. director about it. here's what he said. >> currently, they're in custody, they are in are removal proceedings. >> reporter: some reporting was that one of them had hit tsds, the terror screen database. can you shed light on that? >> yeah, i can't confirm anything like that. >> reporter: meanwhile, the number of known gotaways have exploded under the biden administering, there were more in the past three years of this administration, 1.6 million, than the entire decade, stu, between 2010-2020. that whole ten years was just 1.4 million. really paints the picture. and finally, a quick mention, these chinese nationals continue to surge, nearly 28,000 in the past seven months of this fiscal year, an 8,000% increase from 2021. stuart: that is a surge. griff jenkins in the middle of it. joining me now is texas congressman tony gonzalez.
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this case of the quantico attempted breach, isn't this exactly what we've been warning about, the threat from the border inaction? >> it is. happy friday, stu, and great coverage by griff. i actually was speaking with the i.c.e. director this morning. we're going to continue to work to find out more dea tails on this. i served 20 years in the military. military police take their job very serious. these two morons that tried to enter that base illegally, they're lucky they weren't shot. we have to get to the root of the issue. it also highlights the fact that joe biden is m.i.a.. this is just the tip of the iceberg, if you will, the canary in the coal mine that we've got to get ahead of. the facts are out in west texas you have i cuban nationals tar stealing oil, you've got terrorists coming over our border illegally on, folks on the terrorist watch list by the dozen, and americans are dying. something has to change. i think that changes when donald trump gets sworn in in january of next year, but with we've got
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to keep pushing the administration if until that happens. stuart: next one, congressman, the administration has rejected fox's request to reveal the nationalities of migrants on the terror watch list. they called it, quote, an invasion of privacy. why won't they release this information? i'd like to know which nations these people are coming from. they won't tell us. enter stu, the american public --? >> stu, the american public deserves to have transparency in government period. i don't care who's in the white house, in congress. we work for the american people, and the american people need to have transparency. this has been one of the biggest issues with this administration. they do not want media to cover anything. once again they won't let you inside of these facilities, they won't give us the numbers, you know? thankfully, fox has done a great job of pulling this information from them, but that is not how it should be. we should have an administration that is transparent on all things to eninclude who the heck is coming into our country can, where are they coming from and why are they here, what are they
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doing, in order to stop it. stuart: congressman, are you a golfer? >> i'm not. i'm a basketball player. stuart: okay. what do do you make of the scottie scheffler news this morning? the man's been arrested. >> it is madness. it's tough to tell what's real and what's not real in today's environment, but -- stuart: dramatic can. >> it's shocking. stuart: shocked us all, it really did. congressman, thanks for joining us. see you again later. >> thanks, stu. stuart: coming up, t not too late to send in your friday feedback. e-mail if us at this weekend is the nascar cup series all-star race at the north wilkesboro speedway. businesses in the area call it their super bowl. madison alworth is there with our report. that's next.
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stuart: this weekend is the nascar cup series all-star race. madison alworths me now from the racetrack in north carolina. what should we expect this weekend, madison? >> reporter: stuart, it's going to be a big weekend of racing. nascar came back to this track for the first time last year after this sat empty for 26 years in disarray. that one race weekend brought in
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$42 million of economic impact to the state of north carolina, and that's because this the race brings in fans from all over. 48 states will be represented as well as 8 countries. those fans bringing in big economic boon to the town with hotels, stores and restaurants. we were able to talk to one of the restaurant owners who's right along the racetrack. he says this race weekend is a huge economic opportunity that will expand beyond the race. take a listen. >> we saw it a lot in terms of events like this downtown, and what we want to do is continue and engage the track and the towns, per se, and build a link between those two whether it's transportation or something to allow people to not only experience the track, but experience what we have to offer here in downtown or in other parts of the community. >> reporter: you know the economic opportunity though is not just for the town and the state, it's also for the drivers. with with this all-star weekend,
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they are racing for a $1 million prize. and before the drivers take to the track, i was able to hit the racetrack here with one of the drivers, deign smith. he -- dane smith. we hit around 100 miles an hour at times which was incredibly fun and also a very, very scary. if you want to catch the professionals and not me clutching my chest, you're going to see that race on sunday, 8 p.m. on fs1. it's going to be right there. all of the action. stu, what's incredible about this track right here is that this track predates nasdaq -- nascar can. it opened in 1947, part of the first official cup series in 1949, so this is the an incredibly historic track, and those the racers are going to hope to make history as well. stu, back to you. stuart: madison, thanks very much, indeed. now this. the world's number one golfer, scottie scheffler are, has been arrested just before the start of the second round of the pga championship. this is a fast-developing story. what's the latest? >> literally within the last few months, the reporter for espn
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who witnessed scottie scheffler get arrested received a statement, i'm going to read it literally right now, this morning i was proceeding as directed by police officers. it was a very chaotic situation, understandably so considering the tragic accident that had occurred earlier, and and there was a big misunderstanding of what i thought i was being asked to do. i never intended to disregard any of the instructions, i'm hopeful to put this to the side and focus on golf today. he then offers his condolenceses to the person who was killed. scottie scheffler is scheduled to tee off in less than 15 minutes from now. new tee time, 10:08. this delayed the start for everybody today. just saw video of him walking onto the course, not a fox event so we can't show that video. he's walking onto the course, looked cool as the other side of the pillow walking on. and here's somebody who won a tournament with his wife weeks from giving birth. if he shoots anything under 70 today, this is going to be a story the likes of this we have
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never -- it already is. but if he shoots under 70 today, i will have no words, and that's saying something. stuart: and dave portnoy, who was on the show earlier, has a $50,000 bet on scottie scheffler to win the pga championship. >> because the odds rose when he was arrested. stuart: get a better deal. 9 any comment on thissing lauren in. lauren: i want to see that tee-off. how he can maintain his composure and be masterful with all of this going on. stuart: the man has a clean-cut image -- lauren: so clean. stuart: a fine. >> christian man with a family -- lauren: newborn baby. >> based on the way i'm reading this, he still is all of that. this is just a really odd situation where circumstances didn't work out. lauren: he's handling it well. very professionally. stuart: back to the markets as we head out to the first half hour of the market. we're up 60 on the dow, a fraction on the s&p. down 11 on the nasdaq. the 10-year treasury yield, where is it? it is at 4.40 as we speak.
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price of gold, moments ago it was above $2400. it's there now, $2401 per if occupancy to, up $16 today. -- per ounce. bitcoin, $66,000 and change, 65 and big change. the price of oil, 799 is it or is it $80? 79.42. nat gas is above $2ful the average for a gallon of regular gasoline is now $3.59, down one cent, and diesel coming in at $3.92. gas, nat gas, diesel, ever so slightly down. thanks for joining us -- >> quite an hour. [laughter] stuart: glad you know about golf. still ahead, michael cohen's former legal adviser says cohen is on a revenge tour. should the defense call him to testify? tammy bruce on that. what would happen if all the trump tax cut were to expire? house ways and and means chair jason smith on that. voters trust trump on immigration more than any other issue. is that how hispanics see it?
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i'll put that to daniel garza. and congressman bob good, he was at the trump trial yesterday. how's trump holding up under all this pressure in if the 10:00 hour is next. what does a good investment opportunity look like? at t. rowe price we let curiosity light the way. ..
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