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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 17, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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lyric let's get out of the courtroom and get into the debate room, which has a lot more to do with ordinary americans lives. donald trump will have plenty of ammunition and jackie deangeles in for liz macdonald going to produce the entire thing.
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jacqui: oh, wow. jackie: we have the top 24 presidential election and americans considering a deal breaker issue with the candidate and poll found the top three deal breaker issues when deciding who they will vote for for president for abortion and the economy and border security and with me now to discuss this is wall street journal columnist and fox news contributor bill mcgurn and republican strike that just ford o'connell. ford, i'll start with you and get react to that poll. what struck me about this is democrats are motivated about them with what they're necessarily expecting and looking at this poll, 15% say abortion is a deal breaker and
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14% say it's economy and 14% say border security. those numbers are really tight and they're in a tight margin. it's not like abortion is a landslide issue ahead of them. >> the economy resinating with the hispanics and saying it's going to decide the election and a very, very close election and decide essentially between 18-22 counties. that's how tight it'll b. jackie: yeah, bill, when it comes to economy and inflation, people are really feeling it and they're feeling it where it hurts and these are kitchen table issues and they've lived with it for more than three years now and two en member ahed of them and not invested in the stock market and care about the grocery store and there, joe biden, you've failed.
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he's not told the truth and inflation was 9% when he came in and it's not just the slip of the tongue, but many americans feel they're being gas lit by the biden administration and coming for the white house it's that the american people are not smart enough to understand joe biden'achievements and when you crack them, which is starting to be done, neil talking with jared bernstein and couldn't admit what he got wrong and the only explanation is joe biden is deliberately lying he knows the truth and two, he was really old man and gets confused and he
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doesn't know where reality is and going for the line. jackie: it's interesting to me and gaslight people and they're aware of the issues and they know they're being gas lit and makes them more angry and motivated and seems like out of desperation and this is a president and administration trying to do last minute things either to get a headline to again, try and trick people or they're pushing to ease marijuana rules and does he think doing things like this will help in the general election? i mean, most people don't care about the issues and again, we've stated what's most important. >> jackie, compared to 2020, he's down 30 points from where he was with voters under 30 and
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down seven point withs blacks and at parody with hispanics and actually believes that doing this will help him win favor because again, right now according to latest fox news poll, donald trump is up by 8 points with voters in the 30 of the election day and jackie: making a a stance and bill mcgurn, a final question and jen psaki thinks trump will back out of the debate and going for the condition and getting closer to the first one in june and trump will bock and it's funny she's saying that now and trump thinks that biden won't make it to the podium and simply doesn't have the stamina and it's
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unlikely >> and the work is feeble and>> jackie, fox news poll shows 70% of voters say the economy is in only fair or poor
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shape and inflation is a big reason for that. take a look at numbers, 89% of voters say grocery prices are a problem for their family and more than 80% say the same about gas prices and utility costs and a lot of voters are worried about healthcare and housing costs as well and in a letter to president biden senator elizabeth warren and other democrats in congress argue the biden administration needs to do more to bring down these costs. taking additional action to address rising food prices without congressional action. the letter lists all sorts of ways to say the biden administration could leverage the ftc cpi usda and justice department helping lower prices and republicans say the problem isn't greedy corporations but president biden's policies.
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>> looking at just groceries and just groceries over 21% more people paying out of pockets since this president took office. this is a major issue for the american people in one for which the biden administration will have to have an answer and clearly they don't. reporter: despite the claims of price gouging by democrats, new report of federal reserve bank of san francisco found that price gowning was not a -- gouging was not a primary catalyst for inflation in 2021 and 2022. jackie. jackie: grady trimble, thank you so much for that. with peak spl for reaction and
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59% disapprove of how biden handled this economy. that's almost 60%. and obstructing cerumen top of that, you've got 46% saying they favor paying off student loans, 52% are opposing that and the reason i put that in there is because student loans are one of the stunts and looking at numbers, he's not doing well and they're going to extreme desperation mode to try and move the ball forward.
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>> i winter storm back and looked at gross margins and net margins are about a dozen feud companies over the last five years and they've not expanded. company have raised prices because cost of everything of fuel, of shipping and plastics s and everything you can think of have gone up under joe biden. americans know it's because they've been spending too much money and that is the bottom line. jackie: previously it's a president that's stood up and said especially when donald trump was president and stock market was running and you happen and it's the fundamentals and now all the sudden jackie:
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watch this exchange with peter doocy asked karine jean-pierre about the stock market. listen. >> why is president biden celebrating today the dow reaching 40,000 if his position dating back to 2021 about the stock market is that's not how i remember having economic flow. >> we have long said that the stock market is not the economy. we have said that to your point and it's clear that we'll say president biden's economic plan is working. be really grateful for that for the american people. jackie: she's really brain dead. i don't know if i can say that on tv, but she's really brain dead and they're shrinking the middle class and not addressing the flip-flop biden is doing on the stock market and they're a mess with their messaging.
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>> it's supposed to be for the working man and middle class and it's going for plus one and paying off student loans is something that annoys the middle class and two kinds of people and work hard to get their kids through school and that's not the group that joe biden is addressing and this white house is confused and don't know who they're trying to please and even by what standards they trying to please those and more. jackie: she's interesting to watch and quoting an interesting piece and thank you so much. great to see you. great picks back up and son
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barron's graduation in florida today and now even cnn admits that the defense in the new york case "cornered key witness michael cohen". that's next on "the evening edit". ♪ (husband) we just want to have enough money for retirement. (wife) and travel to visit our grandchildren. (fisher investments) i understand. that's why at fisher investments we start by getting to know each other. so i can learn about your family, lifestyle, goals and needs, allowing us to tailor your portfolio. (wife) what about commission-based products? (fisher investments) we don't sell those. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in your best interest. (husband) so how do your management fees work? (fisher investments) we have a transparent fee, structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. so tell me about your heart attack. our heart attack was... scary! never want to go through that again. but we could. with heart disease, you never know. so we made changes. green juice. yeah, not a fan. diet, exercise...
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5:16 pm
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from our factory to our stevia farm, splenda's team of over 2000 individuals are dedicated to helping people live their best lives. taking pride that everyday millions say “i use splenda.” and now sweeten drinks wherever you are with splenda zero-calorie liquid sweeteners. try all three. available in the baking aisle.
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stuart: michael cohen was grilled by trump's defense and even cn incomer admitting that the defense "cornered michael cohen". watch this. >> it was an extraordinary cross-examination by todd blanch and michael cohen cornered and found himself in a corner, he has a pattern of suddenly not
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understanding the question and suddenly he starts to have a todd blanch repeat question and said that earlier and don't know what you mean and confused by the question but this time. jackie: michael cohen is a known felon and a convicted liar and anderson cooper saw him get back intoed a corner and michael cohen is a lawyer and knows how to slow down the process by saying wait a minute, can you repeat the question so he can think? he obviously has to backtrack in his mind to figure out what he's supposed to say in this particular instance. that's the big question is he lying and is he lying now? can we possibly believe him and the left wants to see jute
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question is can i as a prosecutor believe the witness? >> it's a disgrace to rest a case on him. no confident prosecutor will do it. jackie: procedurally we had to have the cross-examination of michael cohen and we don't know whether we're going to see other witnesses take the stand for the prosecution. having said that, bob costello and many think he should be and
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he comes out, outright and says he told me there's nothing about here and >> i swear to god, bob, i don't have anything on donald trump. i kept oncoming back that he knew this was the way out if he wanted it and had useful information. he didn't have truthful information and kept on saying during the same meeting, he'd pound his fist on the table and point his finger at jeff and myself and say, guys, i want you to know i'll do whatever the f i have to do. i will never spend one day in jail. well, he spent more than one day in jail, and he blames donald trump for that. jackie: the prosecution will rest with cohen and defense will have a opportunity and bring one expert on campaign finance and limited testimony there. should they bring costello? >> i think they should certainly
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explore it. i think that would be interesting testimony, and i think a number of other individuals should also testify to conversation with michael cohen that he's a serial liar and can't be trusted and i wonder if we'll even get to a defense case. there's a very good argument that the judge could rule that michael cohen and should rule that michael cohen is so un-reliable and has lied so much and jackie: seeing what happens next week and it's going to get a to be a real nail biter. sam dewey, thank you for being here. amid democrat to dubai and arizona sheriff mark lamborghini
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with us and he's go -- mark lamb with us and talking about latest fox news polls and top deal breaker issue and voting for president and we'll have all of this next on "the evening edit". ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders. all so you can trade brilliantly. [coughing]
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jackie: welcome back, biden's open border policies continue to raise major national security concerns as two jordanian nationallals try to breach a major security breach in virginia. >> good evening, jackie, more questions than answers and two weeks after incident and fishes refuse to release the identities of these two jordanians illegally in the country and continuing to force them into the country and making insulations in the country and quantico marine training school for officers and fbi academy, ncis and various intel agencies
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and neither the white house or pentagon offering any information. >> i'm aware of the reports but just don't have more information for you. >> this incident happened almost two weeks ago. make is sounds like you haven't heard of this before. >> i can assure you, lucas, that we get updates from all of our bases all around the world, and are aware of incidents. >> the most detailed information coming from quantico spokesperson going for the box truck and ignored them to push further boot base and forcing vehicle denial barriers to be used to stop them where they were detained and meanwhile cbp doesn't want you to know what countries people on the terror watch list are coming from and denying a request from colleague bill melugin saying the interest and records you've requested outweigh the public interest in the disclosure of the information. as jordanians, they're in ice
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custody tonight and placed in removal proceedings. jackie. jackie: griff jenkins, thank you for that report. welcome to the show pinal county sheriff in arizona mark lamb. i was interested in the exchange of the sonde bite for the pentagon spokesperson and trying to walk it back and trying to act like they're very much in control of the situation. which one is it? jot push bast the security gate is concerning and they did a good job of stopping them and shouldn't be surprised and shouldn't surprise me too that they're trying to hide the identity of them and two americans that blasted all over the media and doing everything they can to put americans at
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resident and can hide it and cover up for things over the country illegally and shameful really. jackie: new cbp data shows that suspected terrorists apprehensions at southern border is up over 2500% under president joe biden. it's not a surprise. >> they should be concerned and this president and mayorkas should be doing more and coming from all over the world and africa and middle southeast countries that don't love american and border patrol telling us we're able to vet maybe 5% of the people and fbi tells me we're more concerned about terrorist watch list people, but concerned about secondary and terrific issue area people that may not be on
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tuonthe watch list yet and theye looking for organizations and not identified by countries. jackie: now the biden administration is trying to speed up the asylum process in five cities: at leeanne taxer boston, chicago, los angeles, and new york. so the big question here is what impact it's going to have not omelet on the cities and countries but there's a former immigration judge saying this is "just a superficial ban date on a gaming wound, which many americans realize that". it's basically just a political response. >> their backlog is 3-5 million cases and seeing paperwork with court dates for the folks coming in and claimed asylum and they're giving dates as far out as 2032 so i can understand why
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they're trying to expedite and going to expedite and that concerns me a lot and frankly like they said, it's a band-aid on a problem they're failing to fix and addressing them and stopping at the boarder and don't let them in. get back to remain in mexico program. you wait in your country and wait in mexico till your time comes to see a judge. jackie: there's a proposal from the president and make the cutoff 4,000 a day and count and let 4,000 come in straight away and we're gob that shut down the border because 4,000 somehow 4,001 is too many. >> i can only do so much as a sheriff and the concept of people not going to buy in and
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let 5,000 people come in a day. it's right and correct for the american people and stopping it at zero and anybody coming across illegally and going for the deportations. jackie: he'll shut the border down and will send everybody home and sheriff mark lamb, thank you. appreciate it. the house is passing a bill rebuking president joe biden for withholding aid to our allies, israel, fox news' senior congressional correspondent live on cap holohill with the latest.
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>> but the bill is dead in the senate. >> president will veto and it's not going anywhere. >> chuck schumer doesn't want vulnerable members to vote on an issue which divides democrats but expect republicans to turn up the heat. chuck schumer will have to make a decision. >> president biden sent $1 billion in aid to israel and pause for certain types of arms. >> president biden never said as i hear my colleagues saying he's suspending all weapons to israel and he said specifically the 2,000-pound bops that causes death to innocent palestinians. >> now, liberal house aids tried to protest u.s. policy in israel yesterday and claimed the u.s. is helping israel kill civilians
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about 50 house aids briefly rallied on the edge of the house steps and some gop members believe the aids should be fired. jackie. stuart: chad pergram, thank you so much for that. joining us from house foreign affairs and congressman chris smith. it's great to have you on the program. there's a fundamental difference and joe biden seeing the process that israel should follow through with and israel and benjamin netanyahu want to conduct a full invasion of ragaini pennsylvania the president sent over some aid and he's balking because he doesn't want to see them go full force on this. where israel is saying we have to eradicate the terrorists and going for any future plans and figure out what's going to happen in gaza and till the president understands that what he says i stand with israel so
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does this country that he needs to follow through with that till he get it is and he's not back in israel. >> the synergid and doing for -- the genocide and doing it for decades and i've read the hamas charter and every jew ki killedd wiped off the faith of the earth and that's in their charter and they're living it and doing it every day. i chaired my fourth hearing on the un relief agency and it's been funded by congress and we passed on the foreign affairs bill and foreign aid bill and he defunded him completely and $1 billion into the organization that creates child soldiers and provokes hate every single day. today's hearing, we had the former, jackie, the former
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general council of unra, un aid relief with us and said it's a terrorist organization and it is committed to genocide, and even the the very weak report from the organization is not going to make reforms and buying time and this child soldier factory up and running to kill jews. going for them to stand by them and continue our relationship that we've had for such a very long time. and pandering for groups and israel conducting genocide and
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palestinians and do you think if it wasn't for that trying to pander for those groups and do you think that president biden could stand with israel in full solidarity. >> they say that every single day. they're the ones doing it and on the college of rutgers and pro hamas agitators were in my face equating the state of israel that's a big lie. jackie: you highlighted the agitator and so much of what we've seen on the campus across this country was organized and it's very critical to note that difference that was being
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manipulated by these agitators and progressive party pockets and the president is catering to and going for them. them. jackie: throwing out the ev tax credit over concerns that is too much flexibility on materials that are coming from china and first check in with friends, day and brian brenberg, my cohost in for sean tonight. what do you have? >> senator ron johnson on declining civility in american politics and guess what direction it's coming from. scott is here as well and he said wall street is getting interested in a trump win and he'll tell us all about it. governor mark gordon on the biden administration ending new leases in the top coal region in this nation and coming to
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survive with the socialist and biden's administration are doing to it. we dig in on top of the hour. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see.
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly.
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inside every splenda product is a mission. to help people live happier healthier and longer lives by making it easier to cut out sugar. from our factory to our stevia farm, splenda's team of over 2000 individuals are dedicated to helping people live their best lives. taking pride that everyday millions say “i use splenda.” and now sweeten drinks wherever you are with splenda zero-calorie liquid sweeteners. try all three. available in the baking aisle. jackie: welcome back. bipartisan group of lawmakers teaming up on legislation that
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would throw out the biden administration tax credit and throwing it out over concerns about it giving too much flexibility on materials that come from china. hillary vaughn on capitol hill with the latest. reporter: good evening. many think president biden's tax credit could be sending taxpayer cash to chinese businesses and a bipartisan group on capitol hill trying to stop that and congressman carol miller and goldman joining senators joe mansion, deb fisher, sharon brown, mike braun and marco rubio introducing a revolution that would invoke the clean bill tax credit and too much flexibility for auto makers to use them to buy materials from china and enriching oured a service connected vary and not american -- our adversary and not our businesses and the only appeal is the rule making great but it's also a betrayal and manufacturers and producers and
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adversary should not have access to american tax credits plain and simple. we cannot allow american tax dollars to enrich chinese companies and attempting to infiltrate them and it needs to stay that way and it has the strong backing of some democrats in the senate and it's likely to sail through congress to the president's december and can president biden could decide to veto this and wait and see what happens. jackie. jackie: marinette from the committee and congresswoman, thank you so much for being here tonight. what amazes me about this story and i'm glad hillary laid it out and pushing the ev industry in this country and not in china where all the components come from. in one breath, biden's putting the tax credit out there to
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encourage people to use evs but the components all come from kai that and he's imposing tariffs on chai need-made evs that aren't even being completely imported here yet to say no no, see, i'm take ago tough stance on china. he thinks people are stupid. >> he does think people have stupid and ask the epa administrator the same question as last year, how many vehicles in the u.s. on the road today? he didn't know the answer. it's approximately 278 million .x how much energy does it take to get a single 100-mile charge in an ev? he doesn't know the answer to that and didn't know it last year and it's 30-kilowatt hours and two rules that epa has and one is mandating that approximately 66% of vehicles on the road will be evs in eight years and shutting down coal and natural gas fire powered plants
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and multiply 278 million by 30-kilowatt hours and 9 trillion and don't have electricity and don't have energy and they're not allowing permitting so that we can get the component metals such as cobalt, lithium and get those metals in order to build ev cars here in the u.s. so on one hand he disadvantages u.s. companies by not allowing the mining and processing we need to do here to on shore that and on the other hand the chinese communist party eligible for the chinese tax credits and meant for american businesses and speaking out of both sides of his mouth and it's our job to have oversight on this and push this envelope and i think it'll pass through congress and the senate. senate. jackie: congresswoman, don't you think what we've seen in the stock market with respect to basket of stocks and tell ago bit of story and ev push here in the united states even despite all of the issues, it hasn't really fully worked for the american consumer and the cars are still expensive and charging
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is un-reliable and the stations aren't necessarily infrastructure isn't with battery powered concerns and they're taking a really long trip and ultimately consumer pulling back from that and they want gas powered vehicles or hybrids and popular as of late and better for the president to issue a mea culpa and pushed on this a little too soon and taking it a bit slower and see how it all goes and industry evolved and let free market capitalism dictate what happens here and ultimately going for the product to be ready to come to market and consumers buy it and that'll be the time that we make a switch. going for the innovation occurs and we develop and let the market take care of this and do
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this there's stop and go traffic and don't work well here in iowa. they don't work well here in the north. where it gets cold and batteries lose their charge and the charging stations and there's a big blow to the biden administration when elon musk and tesla said they're not going to build a number of super charging stations and they'd planned to do it and ill thought out policy and we are not -- it's not ready for prime time and other presidents have stopped and issued mea culpas and they've gone to the center but the biden administration does not seem to be doing that at all and they're capitulating to the far left wing extreme base. jackie: congresswoman, great to see you tonight. thank you for your insight. >> thank you, pleasure to be with you. >> thank you. stuart: house ways and means committee chair jason smith demanding the department of commerce going with the
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12 million of foundation received from the tides foundation and this is important because it's a left leaning nonprofit. this happened between 2018 and 2022. wall street journal investigative reporter brodie mullens going to break this down for us. did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit
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♪ ♪. jackie: let's welcome to the show wall street journal investigative reporter and author of k street, brody mullins is here, house ways and means committee jason smith is demanded the u.s. chamber of commerce answer questions about $12 million that the chamber of commerce foundation received from the tides foundation, left-leaning nonprofit between 2018 and 2022. can you explain the latest on this and why it is important. >> this book that i read with my brother is about the rise of corporate power and lobbying in washington and our companies have become friends with most republicans and democrats. this represents a shift. in the last couple of years there has been more of a split between big business and the
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republican party, this is the latest example, the fact that the republican chairman of the ways and means committee that governs taxes for corporations is attacking a going after and investigated the u.s. chamber of commerce which is the most important business lobby in washington. >> when it comes to the funding, what do we know about this organization in the left-leaning ties, how does this it impact the entire narrative with respect to influence? >> part of the problem we just don't know, the tie foundation does not disclose its donors. it sounds like the reporting's out there that someone donated money to the ties foundation to give the money to the chamber of commerce. under the laws of our country no one has to disclose who the money is coming from, the chamber is not saying who it is so we really don't know where the money is coming from. jackie: in when you describe the chamber of commerce as sentiment that you just described, the chamber of commerce is a lobbying group and a liaison between the business community and government ended important function we would want it to remain as impartial as possible to bring both sides together, that would not happen if all of a sudden you're very progressive
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ideology permeating throughout. >> that is part of the issue in the bigger issue for my entire lifetime the republican party and big business have been in lockstep they both wanted pro-business policies whether below taxes, lower regulation free and more trade and this is a split there are some members of congress that want talk to the chamber of commerce now we have a member of congress trying to investigate them it's really amazing. >> procedurally where does this investigation go from here these can be lengthy investigations sometimes that lead nowhere and sometimes it's grandstanding or bringing the issue to the eyes or shining a light to the public, how does it work. >> that's an important question it's all up to the chairman of the ways and means to see how far he wants to go, right now could be trying to score politics with republican populace voters back home or he could pursue it is all in his hands he is requesting a lot of documents from the chamber and a lot of running room if he wants to investigate further.
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>> there's a lot of investigations in washington especially into the very busy election season, do you think this one ends up getting buried? >> has a lot of play so far he's going after pretty big fish, we will see how long he wants to pursue it for. >> we really appreciate your time, thank you for being here. brody mullins. have a great weekend. i'm jackie deangelis and for elizabeth macdonald. check me out on the big money show 1:00 p.m. eastern time on fox business. we so appreciate you watching "the evening edit" and now it is time for the bottom line we have dagen, brian brenberg and my cohost as i mentioned before the big money show, you guys can take it away. dagen: thanks so much. ♪. dagen: good evening i am dagen mcdowell.


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