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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  May 19, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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wanted it held onto the gain since then and earnings coming up at the end of the month it's looking really interesting take a look at her before the report. >> i want some more brands, did teamwork, applegate that is a healthy stuff. i did not know that black label bacon, skippy peanut butter. >> also your planters nuts. >> that is a great place to end right there is some nuts. ben, andrew, meghan, thank you very much. check out this week's edition of barron' that is all for us, see you next week on barron's the roundtable. ♪ >> from the fox studio in new york city this is "maria bartiromo wall street". maria: happy weekend to all,
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welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was in positions you for the week ahead, i am maria bartiromo president biden underwater on key issues ahead of novembers presidential election fox news poll shows voters overwhelmingly disapproved of biden's handling of the academy, inflation, border security, the israel hamas war. if biden wins again our country is in trouble. i grew up democratic but today i passed by republican so i would probably side with trump. >> i wish the economy was better and trump could come back. >> i think everything is expensive. >> it's hard to afford everyday living at work in a school and what i make isn't enough to pay my bills. >> i was it ever got all my life but the wife and i have decided amongst all the confusion go dependent. >> even the progressive ring
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enter mainstream media admits biden's campaign is in trouble, listen to this. >> wrinkly for the joe biden campaign this is an absolute disaster. the smallest lead is in arizona, nine in georgia, 13 and nevada, my goodness gracious, that is a huge lead no democrat has lost since john kerry lost in 2004. maria: been voters were specifically asked to choose between biden trump on who do they trust more on top issues, 87% trust former president trump of the academy, more than 84% say that he's better on immigration, the white house is feeling the heat from both sides of the aisle on the border president biden planning and executive action that would allow him to shut the border down after migrant crossings reached 4000 today, joining me now north carolina congresswoman virginia foxx, it's great to see you this weekend, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you for having me.
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>> give us your reaction to the polls and biden wanting to do the executive order even after 4000 people come in illegally a day. >> he doesn't need to do and executive order, all he needed to do when he came into office was keep the trump policies in place, he wouldn't be in this situation we've been talking about this and talking about this ever since president biden took office he promised to do this and the american people should believe him but this is what we hear when we are at home and this is what we know, inflation is killing the american people, the open border is a disaster and he doesn't need to do any executive orders, just abide by the laws that exist, enforce the laws that exist that's what we have been telling him he's been trying to fool the american people into blaming this in the congress saying we need to pass more laws, the house did pass a law hr2 over a year ago and they would not take it up in the
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senate but there's no new laws needed the president has the authority to do what he needs to do. maria: unfortunately the week he walked into the oval office he overturned the security of the border which president trump had in place. i want to talk to you about the mark that you have made in this country which is so significant as a chairwoman of the house education committee you've done so much with house oversight committee james comer and they sent a letter to treasury secretary janet yellen asking for her reports on two dozen organizations connecting to funding anti-semitic encampments and protest on college campuses, congressman comer was with me this week and here's what he said on thursday. >> we are trying to follow the money much like the biden family investigation and were trying to identify bank accounts that we can subpoena to see who is paying for many of these campus protest, voter registration
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drives things to influence the election. maria: congresswoman tell us what you want to see happen and who do you think is funding this in as a treasury secretary responded to you? >> she has not yet responded but we will not give up on this just like we are not giving up on any of our endeavors to get to the bottom of issues and get the truth out of this administration and out of these colleges and universities. we know there is dark money coming in to fund the protest. october 8 of 2023 all of a sudden there was instantaneous protest with printed signs and all of the material out there available to create the protest the anti-semitic demonstrations, anti-israel demonstrations, the
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threatening of jewish students, that didn't happen organically on these campuses, the money came from somewhere and we want to know where it came from and we are going to get to the bottom of this. maria: how much is the chinese communist party following our debates piling on trying to create upset in america and how much do you think it is liberal groups. >> i think it's a combination and that's what we have to find out. we know that the chinese want to bring down america, the chinese want to be the predominant country in the world. they've always wanted to do that, this is not new china has always had the same ambition in working with putin and their number one goal is to bring down america, we cannot let this happen, these protests are anti-semitic that is the main thing but there also
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anti-american needed high time that america wakes up to see malign groups progressive groups and some of them are being funded by the chinese communist party by qatar and other countries that want to take this country down we cannot let that happen. >> your holding another key hearing with the head of northwestern, rutgers and ucla called to testify about the mishandling of the anti-israel protest on the campuses northwestern university under heavy criticism because it didn't deal with the protesters the deal includes a three or four year tuition provide palestinian students and provides an immediate space for middle east and muslim students to convene on campus and offering them a house for community building, tell me about that, what are you expecting from next week's hearing congresswoman. >> what i would like to have
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from the hearings is what i've asked all the other presidents have common get a spying and speak with moral clarity speak about the threats to the jewish students, these presidents who are giving in to the threats by the college students are spineless, they should not be doing this, they need to stand up for what is right and they will have the backing of the american people but some way or another are universities have lost their way. i call them the most expensive universities in the country but they are not places where americans can look to them for leadership they are not leaders if they can't make the right decisions. maria: congresswoman your work is so important we will be watching your work, thank you for being here this weekend
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congresswoman virginia foxx in d.c. the dow hit
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for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go.
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maria: welcome back look at where the markets ended the week after the dowd jones industrial cross 40000 for the first time in history and s&p and nasdaq hit new highs after lukewarm inflation data this week then several federal reserve members saying they do not have the confidence that were going to get to the 2% inflation target anytime soon were at higher for longer on interest rates, joining me slatestone chief market strategist kenny polcari, great to see you i know you been questioning the rate cuts for a long time but today you say the dow and s&p are overbought, tell us more. >> you have to look at what's happened over the last couple of weeks where run up once again on the multiple rate cut narrative
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and you look at the relative strength index and the relative strength in the technical indicator and they're just kissing the 70 level which suggest you getting into the over bot. enter territory, transports in the russell nasdaq are not there so they suggested were okay but i suspect we will see in prices pull back and we probably should because we have strayed up to get on the rate cut narrative which makes no sense to me considering every fomc member is trying to tell everybody walk back from the edge, were not cutting rates anytime soon. we had five fed officials on thursday alone saying just that, singing the same song at this point, let's look ahead to next week we have nvidia earnings out on wednesday and a lot of retail coming out in another window into the consumer after we heard from walmart this past week the
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first big tech, nvidia would you buy the stock ahead of the numbers on wednesday? >> i'm not buying it ahead of the numbers because we already own it so i'm not buying anymore ahead of the number, it's going to be the number next week it's a crowded trade but everybody's going to be watching what he says when he comes out with the numbers, i think there is a shot at 545, the range goes from 495-2565, consensus is right around 545, revenue at 24.8 billion up odd% year-over-year, it's almost once again priced imperfection, if there's any sense of the slightest ms. the new could see anything you can see them hit the sell button and what hope happens but i would like to go
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shopping and buy stock at a cheaper price but i'm not buying ahead of the earnings report and overall allocating capital today, woody will be position going into the second half of the year and a lot of people call this market and economy bifurcated nancy lazar at piper sandler says the highest earners are doing well but not the bottom earners, what he wanted you in terms of allocating capital if we see a slowdown second half. >> i suspect we will get the slowdown coming into the summer and i think they will goose it at the end of the year as we come into the election but once again as a long-term wealth manager you have to be well diversified but i would not be chasing tech here at all we own and participated if the market moves up we are there but i would not be looking at consumer staples, look at utilities most boring sector on the planet and there are 14.5% this year as money moves into the sector,
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demand for energy is only going to increase and there's a huge opportunity is underperformed last year they're playing catch up but i like utilities and consumer staples and energy in financials and places i would look i would not chase tech as the market is making new highs i would not be chasing tech. maria: grade analysis, reaches you, thank you so much. democrats are playing the inflation blame game now, they're going after grocery stores demanded that president biden and the d.o.j. step in and take
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maria: welcome back, going after
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grocery stores, dozens of democrat lawmakers including senators bernie sanders and elizabeth warren writing a letter to president biden slamming these businesses saying this americans are facing skyhigh food prices caused by excessive price gouging by food and grocery giants the group is demanded the biden take executive action pushing for the d.o.j. to get involved and prosecute companies for what they claim is price fixing in anticompetitive behavior, supermarket ceo john catsimatidis joins me right now with more on that, your reaction price gouging that's why were all facing high prices at the cash register. >> they are wrong 100% wrong i wish they would pay for our losses especially in new york city where we have our shrinkage rate which is accommodation of
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extra security in higher prices and manufacturers and it cost us 1.5% now it's close to 6%. i wish they would give us a different between the wood in half and 6% that's because of lawlessness in the migrant crisis that they come in and they have a license to steal and nobody does anything about it. in other words your criminals that had five arrests, tender breasts, 20 euros, 30 arrest and i said to all of our politicians at what point do you put them away and they don't belong living among the world you can't bring your people and if it not civilization belong within the civilized world. >> all of this goes back to bad policy we have a wide open
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border obviously illegals are dominating and are taking over for american citizens whether it is cool kids or people who want to get a hotel room there aren't any yet migrant state of the hotels and also the spending get some intriguing dollars since borrowing his buddy but the democrats on joe biden's watch including the inflation reduction, fiscal responsibil responsibility, forgiveness of student loan debt, the chips act, green energy tax cuts and all of that the tax credit all of that has led to a 40 year high inflation in joe biden is going after the food companies, watches. >> you take a look they have the money to spend it angers them and me that you have to spend more. for example the whole idea of the notion of shrinks elation. >> it's like 20% less for the same price that's corporate
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greed. he is working on it, corporate greed. >> it's 110% rule and minorities have started to agree to that and aid of hispanics in the black community in the asian community and the prices went up on his watch he doubled the price of oil by shutting down the pipeline in shutting down extra production in the united states and double the prices, what happens with the double the prices of gasoline and double the price and deliver food to the stores you need diesel fuel and gasoline that increase the price of food, the price of gasoline doubled in the price of
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food is up 40% then what happens the price of interest rates have gone up, the 30 year mortgages over 7% the bidenomics doesn't work but it is an election year and is the president of united states he's getting do what's possible to make november look better at least by september or october and i understand he is negotiating with the saudis and he is negotiating that is good to do what he has to do to bring the price of gasoline down which will bring the price of food down, food is awkward to drop as fast as gasoline can drop. >> obviously this administration does not understand the free market this is about supply and demand, too many dollars chasing few to goods that keep funding
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money that's lifted and set prices higher, you're talking about oil americans are not getting a break at the pump, the energy information association reported that gasoline prices expected to rise by 10 cents a gallon. you are the head of the refining company, you said that this president is good to do whatever he can to get gasoline prices down by the time that november shows up, use either manipulating the market, this is market forces. >> yes it is, the biggest problem he had gasoline down in the price of crude oil down to $60 a few months ago i remember on the show and what happened the iranians panicked because they make a zillion dollars on gasoline because he allowed the iranians from 400,000 barrels a day to 4 million barrels a day is a lot of money for the iranians and the iranians paid the houthis to close down the red sea and closed on the suez canal, there is no secret you
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close down the red sea and the suez canal and you cannot have ships going through because they can't get insurance then crude oil went up from 68 to 7080 at that point in the price has gone up. maria: thank you so much john catsimatidis, we (♪) car, this isn't the way home. that's right james, it isn't. car, where are we going? we're here. (♪) surprise!!! the future isn't scary. not investing in it is. car, were you in on this? nothing gets by you james. nasdaq-100 innovators. one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at
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maria: welcome back, one thing you need to know ahead of next week borrowing spacecraft hope to fly away next tuesday after helium leak of the first crude mission scheduled for friday is not the first time and face challenges in december 2019 and failed to reach the destination
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because of a computer software in another attempt of august 2021 never got off the ground because of corroded valves. it may of 2022 i reached the international space station but happy shoot system issues, no one aboard of any of these lights you have just been under jeff bezos blue origin for the flight since 2022 on sunday we will follow all of this on "mornings with maria" 6 - 9:00 a.m. eastern weekdays on fox business. i hope you will join me every weekday for that i will see you sunday on the fox news channel 10:00 a.m. eastern lifer "sunday morning futures" exclusive interviews with south carolina senator tim scott, doug burgum and porta congressman anna paulina luna and byron donalds that is live on fox news channel sunday 10:00 a.m. eastern. i will do it thank you for joining us this weekend i'll be a great rest of the weekend. i will see you next time.


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