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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 20, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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larry: thanks for watching, folks, that could blow. go. please have a great weekend.
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maria: good monday morning everyone. thanks so much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is monday, may 20th, breaking news right now, you 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. the president of iran, its foreign minister and two other top officials in iran have been killed after a helicopter crash in northern iran, everything you need to know this morning about this breaking news. meanwhile, on wall street, futures in the green, kicking off a new week ahead of another major week for earnings the dow jones showing a gain of 9 points, nasdaq up 36, s&p higher by 6 and-a-half. retailers target, lowe's and macy's all out this morning with earnings and the big event of the week, nvidia, earnings on wednesday. we will preview the numbers, break down where investors are putting their money this morning. commodities on the move, the price of oil this morning on the breaking news out of iran, as you can see, oil this morning is actually pulling back. the price of oil of right now on
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brent is at 83, 77, down 21-cents, crude oil, 79, 73, down about 33-cents. the others that we're watching are higher, gold and copper once again trading up. copper almost a 1% higher this morning. european markets this morning are in the green, take a look at the eurozone, the ft 100 is up 21, the cac quarante is p up 30, and the dax is higher by 72. in asia overnight, green across the board, fractional moves but pretty much across the board higher in asia overnight. best performer overnight was japan, nikkei average up three quarters of 1%. back in washington, senator chuck schumer announcing he will take up the bipartisan senate border package again, he'll bring that border package to the floor this week for a vote. we are following it this morning. plus, president trump's trial resuming this morning, we are expecting the 45th president to speak before heading into the new york courtroom. we'll take you there live.
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joining the conversation all morning long, chris mcmann, national review reporter, caroline downy. "mornings with maria" is live right now. breaking gnaws this morning, iran's president and the country's foreign minister confirmed dead this morning in a helicopter crash overnight in the country's mountains. iran state tv says there was no sign of life following a hard landing due to bed weather and fog. the crash coming as iran lawn offed an unprecedent -- launched an unprecedented attack against israel last month. joining us now, punaro group general, general arnold punaro back with me. thank you for being here. your reaction to the president of iran killed last night. >> well, maria, as you know
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from your own significant expertise in this region, this is an individual that's cut from the same cloth as the supreme ayatollah c. he has blood on h his hands, ths is an individual that's complicit in the first iranian direct attack on israel and whether it was an accident as early reports are or sabotage like was the case of in '88, it doesn't matter. we have to keep an eye on the fundamentals. iran is looking to affect the united states democracy. we have to be concerned about the progress they're making with nuclear weapons, they're expanding icbms. all the consistent low denses are coming -- condolences are coming from terrorist organizations that are killing israelis and others, houthis,
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hamas, hezbollah. there is no kinder, gentler iran coming out of this, we need to look at this in the cold, hard reality of daylight. maria: that's where i was going here. we know the supreme leader has led chants, death to america. now we see that the vice president is expected to get elevated into the spot, being the president of iran. what changes in terms of policy with rezy and the foreign minister out. >> i see no changes because the supreme ally -- the supreme leader runs everything, he's a brutal dictator, you brutal represser , there isn't going to be any change in the way iran operates unfortunately. maria: so it sounds like you don't think this was an accident. >> well, maria, you and i have done this for many, many years. we know initial reports are
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always sometimes misleading and again, i remember i was working in the united states senate when the head of pakistan's plane crashed in the mountains in bad weather and everyone learned it was an accident. they learned it was sabotage. but it doesn't matter. he would have been the first iranian leader to be sanctioned by the united states. we don't know. we have to focus on the fundamentals, how do we deal with iran's aggressive export of terrorism, how do we deal with their having a nuclear weapon which i i think will change the balance of power in the region substantially. we can't let that happen. maria: does the support hezbollah, for hamas, change in any way with rezy out? >> it does not, maria. the people expressing condolences early on are the ones benefiting from iran's evil puppepuevilpuppeteering of terr.
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it will be the same brutal regime we've been dealing with for many decades. maria: what do you expect the future to look like in terms of the war on israel? >> well, maria, i think we've not been as prepared as we needed to be and we've not been as aggressive as we need to be, knowing where iran wants this ultimately to come out. we've got to continue to be very supportive of israel and very supportive of their ability to defend their country but at the same time we've got to look at the mid to longer term which is what iran's doing in terms of their nuclear program. so i think we're deficient on both fronts right now. i'm extremely concerned about it and i know my colleagues in the military, particularly those that have had responsibility in that region of the world, that are the former commanders of the u.s. central command, i know they share these same concerns. maria: yeah. at this point iran is saying
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that the first vice president will assume power as the president. you don't think there's going to be any change in policy with regard to iran being the supporter, key supporter in the middle east of terrorism? >> maria, i do not. because all the power is with the ayatollah. he runs everything. the iranian republican guards work for him. he's the head of the evil puppeteer and nothing is going to change. he's got all the power and a he's going to put somebody in there ultimately again, just like the president rezy was cut from the same cloth had. it's going to to be more of the same, unfortunately. maria: general, thanks very much for your i'm sights this morning. we so appreciate your time. >> thank you general arnold punaro joining us there. stay with us.♪ we'll be right back.(v like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. presentation looks great.
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maria: welcome back. a new wall street journal report finds that americans' net worth flattened under the biden
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administration after adjusting for inflation. household net worth is up by seven tenths of a percent through biden's first three years in office, compare that to it being up 16% in trump's first three years,, as chris wood says the shelter component of cpi lags 12 months behind the changes in cost of new leases. the official shelter cpi data is understating rent costs by 7.4% indicating the inflation landing will take longer than anticipated. joining me now is former chrysler chairman and ceo, former home depot chairman and ceo, accelerate llc founder and ceo, bob nardelli. thanks for being here this morning. >good morning, maria,thank you. maria: i want to get your take on individuals' net worth and of course this report out of jeffries on rent because we keep keeplooking at the cpi data, bo.
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it's elevated. we have four months of elevated cpi for 2024 and part of the issue is rent has stayed high. we've got this report from jeffries, basically saying, look, rent lags any other moves in the cpi so we're going to be watching and waiting for rent to come down for the next 12 months. your reaction. >> yeah, maria, i would say and i've talked a lot about the pipeline, the inflation pipeline has a long tail and i've seen it across many, many areas, both on raw materials, of course we see it on labor and i did just a quick inquiry over the weekend on apartment rents in downtown atlanta, for example, a two bedroom apartment now goes for like $3,500 a month. that's up a couple of thousand dollars from the post pandemic period. so it's really depressing to see the impact on family net worth
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and income level even though we've seen 40% wage increases in some cases, it's being totally, totally absorbed with inflation and the cost of living and, look, i'm all for a family making an affordable living for their children and be able to buy food and so forth but this is really a devastating impact on the consumer today, maria. maria: much of it goes back to policy, bob. the administration and its pushing of this climate change agenda, the war on fossil fuels has had implications throughout our economy. how would you characterize the impact? >> yeah. so, maria, day one of this administration they started the war on fossil fuel and what i've seen over the past three and-a-half years is that there's a series of debacles and missteps create ad a tremendous pressure on the fault lines, if you will, of our economynd a they're about ready to crack. whoever gets the next stint in the white house is going to be hit with a wrecking ball in trying to correct the missteps and the overspending of this
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current administration, maria. so we're in for a rough time, i would say. maria: and part of that is the electric vehicle push. the administration pushing ev cars on americans and you say consumers are not buying them. largely because of charges anxiety, this now -- the impact of tariffs. we've got this new 100% tariff on imports from china to discuss. tell us about the impact and what you're seeing in the a auto business today. >> well, it's interesting, maria. when i was working at chrysler during the obama administration, they had a cafe standard and they were forcing us to produce small cars. for example, the fiat 500 turned out to be a tremendous flop and the administration had to take an off ramp. now we've got the biden administration pushing evs. we have a similar situation. my experience is, unless you have a compelling reason whether it be features and appearance, technology, body style, the consumer cannot be pushed into buying something they don't want
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to buy. evidence of that, the average age of the installed base of they call it the car park is now up at 12.6 years. we will see that number increase as a result of the ev. you look at china, they've got 1.6 million charging stations. we have 160,000 filling stations and only a minute amount of charging stations if they're working. the consumer is rebelling and saying we don't want it. i sent a note to jim farly the other day, complimenting him on his new ad when he was saying choose your form of power, internal combustion engine, hybrid or electric. that is the appropriate way to address the consumer many it's their choice, not the government's choice of what a conser her should buy, maria. maria: it's a great point. we talk about a.i. right now. goldman sachs is reporting that a.i. is poised to drive 160% increases in data center power demand. bob, we've talked about data
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centers for the last few weeks here. you say a.i. power drain and data centers will dwarf drain on the power grid from bitcoin. all of this push to kill fossil fuels and in fact what we need is more energy with the realities of technology changes today, isn't that right? >> no, you're absolutely right. i was running ge power systems for five years prior to '95 to 2000, and we had a tremendous surge on increasing the installed base. we shipped 800 gas turbines in one year and you utilities were building up their capabilities to support the grid. now we see a tremendous drain on. on ev and we're seeing 10% more on chatgpt versus a google search so again, utilities are not in a position. they've been shutting down because of the war on fossil fuel and the grid is in a very fragile state.
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it will take years to improve the sustainability and durability of this, maria. so again, another debacle in and misstep by this administration, shutting down y utilities. for example, get rid of the gas stove, put electric in there. the hypocrisynd a ambiguity of this administration challenges common sense. maria: it's having a tremendous impact on citizens everywhere. thanks so much for being here this morning. >> thank you. have a great day. maria: bob nardelli joining us. quick break and then president trump set to speak outside the new york city courtroom this morning before his trial resumes. congressman andy ogles was in the courtroom. he'll tells us what he saw. harris faulkner is here this morning, she'll join the panel at 8:00 a.m. eastern. don't miss harris come canning up. it's all coming up right here. stay with us.
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it will release your fat and it will release you. >> if the american people were in the courtroom the way we were and see what we saw, they would also realize this is nothing but a biden targeted trial and an attempt to smear the president before the election cycle. >> this trial is a joke. the judge has conflicts of interest. he donated to biden directly. bigger than that, when you look at the evidence or lack thereof brought by the prosecution, you realize there's no crime there. the judge should throw the case out now. maria: and that was florida congresswoman anna paulina luna and byron donalds with me yesterday on sunday morning futures, they were in the courtroom both of them for former president trump's trial in new york last week. trump will be back in court later this morning with more cross-examination of his ex attorney, michael cohen.
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tennessee congressman andy ogles attended the trump trial last week. he's introducing the let trump speak act, prohibits judges from issuing gag orders from defendants in civil and criminal proceedings with some exceptions. joining us now, congressman andy oogles. good morning to you. tell us about this bill. >> what this bill does, it creates a prohibition on the gag orders that are clearly politically motivated and a right of action so he can sue because his rights are being violated. with that, we were there. you can tell the trial is nothing more than a political witch hunt so enough is enough. trump should be acquitted. he should be back on the campaign trail and that's it. they're trying to keep trump off the campaign trail, keeping him tied up in court. maria: what about where we are in the trial right now? it looks like we're close to closing arguments. how do you think this plays out? >> well, you know, i'd like to
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think when you're looking at body language that you're going to have a fair-minded jury, that they're going to look at the evidence, you know, the defense did a great job of putting cohen in a box and clearly really disaassemble his testimony and his credibility so they really don't have any other choice but to acquit. so cross your fingers, hope that due process does what it's supposed to do and that trump's you acquitted. look, what's at stake here is the future of the republic. this trial is a hiccup in that journey. we're going to win the white house. we're going to win the senate. we're going to win the house of representatives. maria: caroline, jump in here. >> when it comes to this trial, there's no doubt that it is ruled by political vendetta and when you look at judge merchan's campaign contributions,. it doesn't matter how minor they are, they're prohibited for judges and they show judge merchan's favoriteism for the democrats. we don't he need to see that to
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see his bias, by the way he conducted the case, conducted this courtroom and it's a nonexisting crime as byron donalds already said of trump lying to his checkbook. there's no fraud. there's no victim. judge merchan allowed the prosecution to steam roll this trial with stormy daniels' salacious testimony that is irrelevant to the business records charges in the indictment and so it's just absurd from beginning to end and we also know that judge merchan's daughter is a democratic political operative so the compromising goes way beyond that. maria: i mean, you raise all these consistent flex of -- cob flconflicts of interest. we talk about this every day. they seem to be getting away with it. judge merchan is there every day, a gag order on president trump. no accountability despite everything caroline listed. >> absolutely. like i said before, if i started a story with a felon and hooker
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walk into a bar you know it's a joke, right. this is the joke of a trial that is politically motivated. it's to do one thing, to keep donald trump off t campaign tra. they're scared to death. joe biden's numbers are a atrocious. the idea that they're going to debate is a joke in of itself. trump president trump is in good spirits. he's ready to fight, ready to debate but they're afraid of donald trump being on the campaign trail. the joke of a trial is really a persecution, not a prosecution. maria: the first debate is next month. what are you expecting? >> i think joe biden will get a cold or something like that or they'll have so many strings attached that it will really make it prohibitive for donald trump to have a debate. but we'll see. again, i'm somewhat skeptical. i can't speak for the president. i think he's probably skeptical as well. he's ready to go. ready to debate. maria: president biden delivering the moorehouse college commencement address
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yesterday in atlanta, students were seen turning their backs on the president while he spoke, some even walked out of the speech. biden demanded a cease fire in gaza while also addressing the anti-israel protests on college campuses. watch this. >> i want to say this very clearly. i support peaceful nonviolent protest. your voices should be heard. i promise you, i hear them. maria: congressman, i want to get your reaction to biden's speech yesterday. but i also want to talk about this bill you're introducing that you -- the bill would send anybody convicted of illegal activity on a college campus, it would send them to gaza for at least six months. i've got be honest, congressman, when i saw this, i thought it was a joke. are you serious, anybody arrested on a college campus being an activist you want to send to gaza? >> well, you know, part of the -- it's a messaging bill to reset the conversation. we've got to have accountability on these college campuses so
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shortly after dropping the bill you started to see this crackdown on college campuses where they started disassembling the protests, these camps so it had the impact to say look, if you guys don't do essentially create the rule of law, because again, if this was a christian group, a conserve group, they wouldn't have allowed these types of protests, mayhem and destruction on these college campuses but because they're wok liberals and many of these administrations agree with the students, th they're anti-semit, anti-america, i would argue so it was a messaging bill. look, if these folks truly understand what the world is like, go to gaza, see it for yourself, they'll be crying back home, wanting to be with mommies and daddies because the world is a dangerous place and the comfort of the college campus is rather nice compared to the gaza strip. maria: you're not really expecting any students to go to gaza, are you? >> oh, of course not. and nor would they, right?
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but look, we've got to have accountability. we've got to have this messaging bill to send -- you know, set the record straight. you can't do this. maria: let me me set the record straight on immigration. chuck schumer said the senate will vote on the failed border bill this week, this was the border legislation negotiated by james langford, kyrsten sinema and chris murphy. republicans rejected the bill in february. it allows 4,000 people to come in before biden would do anything about the open border and they say it would not solve the crisis, would have you allowed biden to abuse the parole system. they claim the bill will give biden new authorities to close the border. we know he doesn't need new authorities. he walked into the oval office and overturned all of trump's security. now he said he wants more authority from congress. your reaction? >> this is nothing more than
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political cover for democrats in tough districts. that's all this is going to do. as you said, this bill, if passed, would g biden cover and allow him to create another class and abuse the parole system. the problem is, adding a category to the illegals, you can't deport them at a time when we need mass deportations. i think it will fail. this is protecting democrats in tough races so they can say look, we're for closing the border the. maria: all politics all the time apparently. congressman thank you very much for being here. we so appreciate your time. >> absolutely. thank you. maria: an i did ogles joining us. taiwan's new president wants china to stop intimidation tactics as beijing continues to go after american companies. gatestone institute senior fellow gordon chang breaks it all down when we come back. stay with us.
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maria: welcome back. breaking news this morning, iran's state media confirming the deaths of president raisi of iran, the foreign minister and two other top officials there in a helicopter crash in northern iran yesterday. fox news' alex hogan is live with more right now. alex. >> reporter: hi, maria. following the death that has been confirmed of president raisi, the country's supreme leader appointed the country's vice president to become the president and that is in line with the iranian constitution that says if a president were to die, the country's first vice president would officially take office and in this case that is mohammed mukbar who will step in as president until an elks can be called in 50 days. bodies were found early this morning which confirmed the death of president raisi as well
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as the country's foreign minister and other officials and their security team. it was after the visit to the border to meet counterparts that raisi's helicopter went missing. they were searching in the fog and rain. two other helicopter the traveling with them returned to iran safely. state media reporting the chopper reportedly slammed into a mountain peak. there's been no specific just yet if there were potentially any other issues with that helicopter. s israel today has reportedly denied any involvement. raisi was a potential successor to the supreme leader and he was elected in 2021 and back in 2022 that's when the massive protests broke out across the country over women's rights and the protests jailed as many at as 22,000 people and ki as many as 500. with high tension in the region, we're hearing more statements coming out from iranian backed
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militant groups in yemen, the houthi as well as in gaza, the hamas group issued statements of condolences and in lebanon the hezbollah group issued a statement saying that raisi of was like a big brother to them, maria. maria: all right, alex, thanks very much, alex hogan. chinese president xi jinping is calling the iranian president raisi's death a, quote, great loss to the iranian people and the chinese people have lost a good friend says xi jinping. joining me is gatestone institute senior fellow, author of the coming collapse of china and chinas is going to war, gordon chang with me this morning. gordon, your reaction to the president of iran dying in a helicopter crash. >> well, this is going to scramble the iranian political system but whatever the successor does, they're not going to be able to solve the iranian economy which really is a big issue. you know, china here is i'm sure very concerned because iran is china's proxy, china's been
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backing iran's attack on israel and this throws this into some question. we americans, we always hope that when there's a change in a hard line government that the new leaders will be better but i can't see that. we're going to have more of the same and that is going to be the dominant reality. maria: well, look, china has supported iran, it has supported russia in its efforts against ukraine. now taiwan's president lye is taking his oath of office, he did so earlier today, taking over the presidency serving as her vice president for the last four years. during the new president's inauguration speech he called for talks with china and urged beijing to stop intimidating taiwan, both politically and militarily. the biden administration sent a bipartisan delegation of former government officials to attend the inauguration and china's ministry of commerce you announced new sanctions today against boeing and two other
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u.s. defense contractors because of their arm sales to taiwan. gordon, your reaction to the inauguration there and the happenings now in taiwan and wy he's china hitting back at american companies now? >> well, william lye's words i think were music to the ears of the united states. he said he was not going to change the status quo. those were the magic terms that the state department doesn't want to see any change in that and i think that he really is very much on-board with the united states. this is a great day for taiwan. this is the first time that one party ah has had three consecute presidential terms, this is the quote, unquote, pro independence party but it's a party that's willing to work with the united states in making sure there's stability across the you taiwan strait. as for the sanctions on boeing, gengenergeneral dynamics, thesee
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meaningless sanctions because china wishes a trade surplus country, cannot afford to anger the united states, the trade deficit country. so whenever a trade surplus country says they're going to punish a trade deficit country, we know that this is not going to be very meaningful. maria: yeah. i mean, i'm still waiting for to see real impact from the tariffs that president biden is talking about. the wall street journal is reporting that the u.s. fears undersea he cables are vulnerable to espionage from china. they said state department officials said a state controlled chinese company that helps repair international cables appears to be hiding its vessels' locations from radio and satellite tracking services which the official says defies easy explanation. no surprise here that china is trying to surveil america in any way they can. now we see undersea cables are
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also potentially exposed to that surveillance. >> yes. and it's not just surveillance. it's sabotage. this shows that we really should not be having commercial relations with chinese entities, especially state controlled ones. because we know that they all operate according to beijing's malicious directives so it's time that we stop this. we have been concerned about chinese activities with subm marine cables for -- submarine cables for quite some time. i'm glad somebody came out and said this in public but this should have been said a long, long, long time ago. maria: yeah. well, look, we're all watching these tariffs and how they will impact things. i spoke with north dakota governor doug burgum yesterday about the president's policy on china and the tariffs he announced, $18 billion of chinese imports, ahead of the presidential election, gordon.
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he hasn't done anything for the first three years in terms of holding china to account. here's the governor of north dakota with me yesterday. watch. >> it's just interesting that joe biden in this election year, he's the one that complained about the trump's tariffs, he's the one that said if i'm elected i'll get rid of them and now he's trying to do a head fake and say i'm strong on china, i'm going to add a few tariffs. it's only 4% of what president trump did. we're talking a few billion versus president trump had tariffs on over $300 billion of chinese goods. that was a real blow to the chinese, the chinese economy. what joe biden is, he's protecting his voting blocks. maria: gordon, is that what this is about, voting blocks, protect thing vote for joe biden? >> well, i'm sure it is because they're so late in biden's term. if biden were serious he would have done this in his first year
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just as trump d the other thine often for get is that bidens has not been vigorously n forcing the tariff act of 1930. china's green goods, almost all of them are made with either forced or slave labor of uyghurs and other minorities. they may not be imported into the u.s. the biden administration hasn't been completely missing on enforcement but they've been mostly missing on enforcement anand biden were serious about protecting american workers -- that's all we've heard, about how the president really cares about auto workers in michigan. he should have been enforcing the tariff act. this is fundamental. we should not allow the products of a genocideal program into the united states. maria: yeah. great point there, gordon. chris, jump in. >> gordon, i'm so worried about so many things that we think about. i'm worried about tiktok and the
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impact it's having on our children, corrected by beijing. the underwater cables, they're hiding locations of boats and when the chinese evs come in from mexico, in spite of the tariffs, i think they'll have opportunities to have a strangle hold on espionage. how do we push back on this? >> well, you know, with regard to mexico, i think that as president trump did, he needs to adjust the usmca. that's what he d he did. he got rid of nafta, renegotiated the agreements. china's car companies try to put themselves in places where they're not subject to tariffs. byd is going to open up a car plant in hungary, inside the eu tariff wall and the chinese are going to do the same thing with mexico, inside the usmca wall so we need to look at that agreement and go back to the point, do not allow stuff from
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mexico which is made with uyghur forced labor. it's just as simple as that. so we have the tools. it's just we don't have the political will in the oval office. maria: great points all around, gordon, good to see you. thanks very much. >> thanks, maria. maria: quick break and then the latest on the reported death of iranian president raisi after bad weather brings down his helicopter. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. things will go wrong for your customers. but your business can make it right, with watsonx assistant. ai that can help resolve problems
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maria: welcome back. the president and foreign minister of iran have been killed in a helicopter crash alongside other iranian officials. cheryl casone with details now. cheryl. >> we continue to follow this breaking news out of iran, maria. the president of iran and potential spotential suc succes. they were returning from a diplomatic visit. the crash was a, quote, hard happening, before knowing more details about the incident. rescue teams searched in blizzard conditions before they located the wreckage.
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they announced no signs of life were detected. cocondolences coming from hamas and hezbollah over the deaths. this comes after iran launched a missile attack on israel. the first vice president is now the president of iran. well, some other breaking news this morning. red lobster filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, the largest seafood chain in the united states moving to reduce debt and sell assets. the company is working with vendors to continue normal operations in a reduced number of locations while it works on selling to an entity formed by existing term lenders. red lobster's ceo put out a statement saying restructuring is the best path forward for red lobster, to e merge stronger. a winner has been crowned in the
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pga championship, andrew shoffel took home the prize. he barely edged out the competition, runner up. the shot made it neck and neck, finishing 20 under. he took home $2 million. prosecutors considered whether to drop charges against a star. he was charged with second degree assault of a police officer, criminal mischief, wreckless driving after driving past an officer directing traffic who was dragged. the athlete's arraignment is set for tomorrow. and then there is this. a attorneys for american singer and dancer cassie ventura are blasting sean combs.
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we're warning this video shows domestic violence. it was captured in 2016. it shows the rapper throwing her to the ground before dragging and kicking her. diddy put out an apology video on instagram. watch. >> my behavior in that video is ineexcusable. i take full responsibility for the actions in the video. >> they call it disingenuous and more concerned with himself. he denies allegations of trafficking, rape and sexual abuse, those charges against him right now. you and i spoke when his homes were raided in los angeles and florida, they couldn't find the jet, couldn't find him. a lot of issues for sean p diddy. maria: r caroline, your react. >> there are five other lawsuits accusing diddy of sexual crimes and other
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incidents of violence. where is the me too movement? why is curiously silent? we know hollywood has a reputation of being a s c cess l for harboring predators. how many knew and said nothing. maria: chris, what do you say? >> you see the video, it clinches it. he does apologize but it seems far too little. i think this is simply kind of a pr maneuver, to physical acost a woman like that, we have video cameras available to us, i think ultimately this will be a cat be a catcataclysmic event. i think this will level the playing field. macheryl.>> 50-cent, he said ty
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was a nonstarter and ridiculous. he really slammed diddy over that video. and i'm curious to see how many more entertainers are going to come out and actually speak some truth to this and a i'm glad the point has been made about the me too movement. that video is horrible. maria: we'll take a break. when we come back president trump set to speak before his trial resumes in new york city this morning. we're talking about it in the holt topic of the -- hot topic of the hour next. rnc youth advisory council co-chair is here on his success in energizing young republican voters, it's in the 8:00 a.m. hour. don't miss that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪
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maria: good monday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is monday, may 20, just before 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. time for the hot topic of the hour. former president trump will be back in court later this morning for the so-called hush money trial with more cross-examination of his ex lawyer, michael cohen. fox business' lydia hu live from the new york supreme court this morning with the latest. lydia, good morning.


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