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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 20, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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. >> good monday morning thanks so much for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo. it is monday, may 20. i hope you are having a good monday morning just before k a.m. on the east coast, time for hot topic of the hour former president trump in court this morning so-called hush more than trial more cross-examination, trump called for president trump to take a drug test before going on that stage watch this. >> he did state of the union other day was high as a kite. so i think we should call for drug the efforts on the debate. >> yeah not the first person who mentioned state of the union, of course, as you know, last week on this program, the head of the doctors caucus agreeing murphy said same thing on this program i spoke with robert f. kennedy, jr.,
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calling collusion said both are colluding against him joined plea to tell yes ethics is being kept off the debate stage. >> i think they don't want to talk about this issues that neither president trump or president biden are comfortable talking about ran up biggest deficit in the history driving inflationary cycle in the country president trump four short years, ran up 8 trillion dollars in debt, more debt more money spent than every president combined from george washington to george w. bush president biden is rushing to keep up with them the two shut down our country shut down 3.3 million businesses with no due process no just sensation no signs of excitation feeding the polarization tearing this country apart. >> much was around covid getting out of the covid pandemic joining me to talk
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more about all of that, is anchor of the faulkner focus the new program vietnam footsteps of my father harris back request us great to see you. thank you so very much for having me. congratulations on new special, i saw a few clips of it, it looked dynamic. warm my heart to see you go back, to where your father had been let me get to that in a second what do you make of the debates, trump, biden keeping, you know rfk, jr.,off debate stock exchange now all this talk about the need for drug testing. >> look. you know. we came out of a pandemic, there was a need for testing at that point i mean testing kind of been talking point for everybody. should they do it? sure i guess if both agree
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that is isn't done by presidential committee, so the rules are what they can agree to if both men want to go at it they will come to stuff that maybe you and i have not thought of but here is the thing people want what they can't have trump has been gagged now going into debate biden we hope that is going to happen we don't know how that is going to shake out biden may back outlast second who knows? once they go down that road people will begin to see a dynamic difference between these two men, something that trump has been able exploit show courtroom both men onstage potentially no audience like biden's basement but bigger we hope then we get to see whether or not biden can bring it in a situation, where he hasn't been part of a you know, at least, supporting a situation, we won't say he
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colluded to have it happen but his justice department, directly hands on as far as we can prove so far keeping opponent side shrined, that is what has happened. it is lawfare, can he bring it both in the room 15 minutes a day is all trump needs in gig gigantic rallies that he has trump plays well we have seen him at rallies he thrived on energy of the people biden wants nobody in the room no audience. that is a plus for biden i guess right does that takeaway from trump? >> i don't think so, i think this president gained something perhaps he needed to by, you know,, i try to find silver lining in everything not trying to oversell the gag order ridiculousness, all that
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michael cohen can lie as he breathes but former president has to have a gag order what i am saying is that he had to have a certain amount of discipline so when he steps up to microphone looks like -- his organized, highlighted this from axios andy mccarthy legal expert on fox, taught him something he already knew from all of his years in tv but honed that skill again, of him being able to say okay only have a couple minutes let me say the most important part rather than get in trouble going too far too wide let biden play far and wide game struggling to remember things like he was the vice president during the pandemic, reportedly when i say rl reportedly i mean he reported that. >> boxed himself in if trump sticks to kind of his own facts don't make it personal if you can.
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and so on, i think he's got this this is discipline now when you are in a courthouse all day long only have a few minutes at microphone. >> great point, critics have markets started to weigh into the presidential election and what that might mean for policy changes? you know if trump wins going to be a lot fuel regulation climate change agenda biden with lots of new rules do you think markets are reacting to any yet? if so if not when oblivious to that, that is one of the biggest role in inflation, we said the 34 trillion dollars debt, i think markets will respond i think respond much more favorably to the trump administration, because antiregulation i think we will see a very negative effect, i just don't think drug induced clarity is what people want from leader of the free world
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i assure you the market doesn't want that will be enormous if biden has another four years markets will respond very negatively to that. maria: chris later about nvidia going to be reporting earnings wednesday made to after the close i got to get your expectations there but harris talk become new show exclusively on "fox nation" vietnam, footsteps of my father. here is a clip. >> you found a web site -- >> dad told me i saw command post. >> he was commanding a unit i didn't know made major. >> he was in vietnam. >> second tour. >> that is a big deal. >> yeah. >> wow. . i tried to imagine what his days were like when he would say flying nonstop i didn't have a good feeling of the landscape fighting in, but
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this is a lot, 614th maintenance company. >> how amazing that you learned he was named major, while in vietnam on this trip, tell us more harris. >> he was a leader. and he was doing what i had seen him do my whole life but in a much younger age then, that was just -- so impressive actually because conditions were difficult for all of our warriors not to -- saigon river my father flew dangerous mission, on "fox nation" a limited series each part is about 20 minutes or so no commercials i love that part perfect we have my dad's voice, because, we record ad blt for book i worked on number of years ago i kept recordings, so, it is -- it is jarring at first for me to even share that, because nobody else had heard it.
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but what is so amazing is when we're on saigon river moments after talking about group he was leading commander of we start to revisit go down same trek his plane was turned into swiss cheese as flying low high over that river trying to stay out of the reach of guns mortar they were firing on the banks of the river viet cong, almost legacy a communist nation almost every time you see me a communist flag behind me did you see it on that boat you can't escape it, it is interesting, though, they greet us with hope. hope for friendship, and i took my father's military burial flag in my backpack he is with me. in spirit every place ig there
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are certain times i take it out. i want him to know what it is like now christianity has a sliver of that part of the world one of the largest status of jesus christ is there, 99% buddhist country i think was our mark part of our mark. >> so beautiful quick we've got to jump let me ask you this when did you record your father's voice. >> 2018. he died on christmas morning 2020. >> my gosh. >> had me right there god intervened. >> wow. that is so great want to hear more glad you are here whole hour. we'll be right back.. .
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at truist, we believe the same is true for banking.
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hi, i'm stacey, and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) this belt i used to wear, way down at the first and second notch, it's the only thing i've kept from before losing weight
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and i'm keeping this because i'm never going back. maria: welcome back the
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ayatollah iran confirming the nation first mokhber, the country foreign minister confirmed dead after a helicopter crash in the mountainous region ayatollah announcing five days of mourning, under the constitution new elections required to take place within 50 days brian mass house transportation infrastructure committee great to see you thanks very much for joining me as i say to you thank you so much for your great service, to our country. your reaction to the president iran killed in helicopter crash yesterday. >> there really is no, he motioning to pass on just what it means for national security of allies for future attacks on israel, the sentiment
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across the whole middle east important thing to royal ayatollah wears supreme leefrt lifetime post an executive position, answering to supreme leader to execute will of supreme leader i don't see a deadlining for attitude towards america who could take place towards israel i don't see any change whatsoever that is my analysis >> do you believe this was an accident? >> were currently i have no reason to believe this wasn't an accident all reporting out of the middle east, whether you are looking at that from turkey from qatar from saudi arabia, from anybody that was helping with the search-and-rescue effort seem to indicate entirely due to weather heavy dense fog preventing from finding crash site for a number of hours.
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>> what happens now in terms of the war on israel? president biden has been trying to determine israel's path since one objective 7, october 8 renewing call for cease-fire in gaza did so in commencement address morehouse. >> what is happening in gaza israel is heart braking hamas -- innocent lies holing people hostage innocent palestinians caught in the middle of this men, women and children killed the humanitarian crisis in gaza that is why i call for immediate cease-fire. immediate cease-fire stop the fighting. bring the hostages home. >> we haven't seen gotten any indication hamas is going to bring day hostages home we
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understood the leadership is in rafah biden does not want israel further into rafah. >> you look at the situation you know that hamas is holding bodies of hostages from past for many years an ongoing problem unlikely as this comes to end they return bodies of americans or israelis we don't have any guarantee that would take place i think we continue to see schizophrenia of policy out of biden administration because they really use polling as their authority, so if morehouse college people going to class biden says we need a cease-fire across all of gaza, then that is going to be his policy if he comes to miami, florida says well listen a better pull down here if i said going to have i would's back ironclad relationship not good for security of america or allies.
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maria: let me clarify officially biden and white house seemed to support israel after october 7 deadly attack on israel then people started pro-palestinian group started attacking biden that is when he started making a change trying to get involved in where israel was going, biden made those comments, as white house national security adviser jake sullivan was meeting with netanyahu yesterday, urging him to limit rafah military operation, we are earning that morning that international criminal court asked for arrest warrant for netanyahu and three top hamas officials. >> we saw this coming it has been touted spoken about last several weeks the house of representatives myself representative roy we partnered to move legislation i think probably see this come up this week as a result of international criminal court
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making that announcement it would essentially say any of these justices that are part of the court will be sanctioned won't be allowed in united states of america or will be removed won't even be allowed in for u.n. general assembly. >> congressman quick on border chuck schumer wants to bring the senate failed border bill back to the floor a vote on it this is same legislation that was negotiated by senators lankford, sinema murphy republicans rejected this would allow 5,000 people in a day before this administration would do anything republicans say not going to solve the cries would allow biden to abuse it i shumer is as sent a hered to senators claiming this would give new authority to close the border. >> it was bad bill before still a bad bill democrats want to say they did something on border even if still terrible policy looking at it said the law is the law we should enforce law not the way
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they want to operate they want to say there is law in place. we don't want to enforce that law at least try to say we did something on it we created a floor for how many people allowed in to know where this is going for democrats now you have democrats opposed to it saying you can't prevent anybody from coming in, that is really the real democrat policy. maria: great point good to see you this morning sanks so much. >> brian joining us stay with us. we'll be right back.. (luke) this will be a gold mine of local intel. (marci) so, tell us about this corn festival. (stylist) oooh you got your corn pudding... (marci) it safe around here? (stylist) sometimes. [luke gasping] (marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we gotta run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com.
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welcome back. take a look at oil prices this morning, after news that we've been reporting the president of iran, and his foreign minister killed in a helicopter crash we've had no real impact on price of oil crude has been around this level all morning, 7948 down 3/4 of a percent, 83.51 down one half of a percent joining they kenny polcari great to see you. thank you for being here a lot to get to your take first oil in face of this news. your thoughts. >> i am not too surprised not rallying harder after what we saw he over weekend not only dell of raisi but attack on oil tanker in red sea houthi
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it's, i think that is going to continue to keep oil -- the real story what saudi opec going to announce i think going to announce ongoing production cuts, that is going to help support oil through the summer >> a busy week first-quarter earnings on deck i want your take what to expect lows lowe's, macy's tomorrow wednesday target tjx, then, after the bell wednesday, nvidia, i am looking another a thomas lee note this morning, tom lee from fundstrat is calling this week an a.i. week he says, there are several poret related events today monday, microsoft is holding the windows surface ai event tomorrow to 23rd, may 21st to
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23rd microsoft build ai event on weathered after the close nvidia reporting first-quarter results, tom lee says we expect these events to he reinforce improving visibilities capability of a.i. sending these stocks higher your thoughts. i think he is absolutely right. i think look you and i talked about this we are very much in infant stages of ai very important week video crowded trade we know while maybe priced to possession of, wang constantly giving positive again i think this is one of the 4.5 billion dollars in revenue but whisper number is more like 26 billion, in revenue so going to be interesting to see how the market reacts, what that number is 24 billion going to be viewed as disappointment? if whisper number is 26? what will they do? i hope they sell it off i would like to buy more cheaper i still think a thousand
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dollar number. >> true stock selling off recently, tom lee says that means the expectations are being reduced into earnings, he says he likes to see this jitter good sign into earnings more likely the stock rallies after earnings. >> look what they did in february; right? sold off 10% going into earnings number took it up 47% after earnings came outright where it is now 845, 945 range like i said this morning i think quoted up a little bit as the excitement builds i am not expecting him to disappoint at all a name i own i continue to own it overweight in my portfolio not buying more but if it does back off i will. >> macro calendar is pretty light this week we have fomc minutes, closely watched
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another thing tom lee mentioned late ici data investment institute saying cash balances on rise not just for consumers ordinary investors but institutions as well adding 11 billion dollars to cash four consecutive weeks selling rally retail added six billion to cash three weeks retail selling rally he likes that discrepancyism i know you do, too i want your take specifically on banks journal reporting fed two regulators moving to a plan to cut 20% mandate congressional, following by lobbying efforts, jamie dimon, banks higher this morning jamie mentioned to me in my interview in march with him where he said all of these new capital rules are putting
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u.s. banks at a disadvantage to international banks they don't have same capital rules. he is right we should take a look the fed taking a look at that we should i don't see how to walk that fine line where is protection? because, if you relax too much they talk about a potential another crisis that we don't have enough regulation in place if you over regulate you put us at disadvantage compared to international competitors i got to read that article see what it says i think jamie exactly right look at banks today investors obviously, like that banks higher would i expect them to go up. >> would you buy i know you want to apply nvidia once stock trades down would you buy banks where else do you want capital right now. >> listen because i am a a little bit cautious still blurb but cautious i think a little bit stretched dollar, is in over 70 relative strength that is a little bit of a caution flag to me other indices not i would look to a
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with consumer staples to banks, love to put money in energy, but tech i am not adding to tech at risk where it is now considering the market just about making new highs, in that sector. maria: still waiting for small caps to catch a bid some point thank you so much. >> you are right small caps kenny polcari great to talk with you ken. thanks. stay with us. we'll be right ba back.
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the all new godaddy airo helps you get your business online in minutes with the power of ai... ...with a perfect name, a great logo, and a beautiful website. just start with a domain, a few clicks, and you're in business. make now the future at president trump outside new york supreme court right now. >> -- i think, with many people, when we have here all
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week, by the way, now -- than ever seen anywhere they don't want to have any -- three blocks to the courthouse but a lovely university to set up a tent -- the front end -- political affiliation -- to rest prosecution today, selective prosecution, take a look -- all around doj, white house. biden mentally unfit to be the president of this country it
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is an attack on political opponents that is all it is -- weeks most should have -- then on top of that there is no crime we go on day after day, i -- today, trump maybe democrat after that you and me who knows? in new york weapon making new york state -- i love the people of this state i think we're going to win new york but making new york, not have judge -- horrible, and didn't know -- suppose to be in trial
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-- conflict, situation he has no idea mar-a-lago -- it is worth a billion to a billion, a hundred times that 50 plus times. all corrupt, all coordinated, liberty was at -- we have right now we're disgracing our new york, losing -- all over the world they are watching, this -- disrupting you may be on receiving send some day. hundreds of oez i don't think there is one person says this trial is legit --
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>> outside of new york supreme court the former president saying much of the same that he has been saying, remember he can't say much more he has a gag order underway, i am thinking what with a how much is he going to say when there is threatening him jail but more of the same this is all election interference the former president goes back into the courtroom will be there all day as michael cohen will face cross-examination, the news of the morning president of iran as well as foreign minister along with two top officials killed in a helicopter crash in northern iran yesterday. cheryl casone with details. cheryl: still following that breaking news this morning maria i can anaheim raisi,
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former minutes al hashem killed a returning from diplomatic visit in abidjan teams searched more than 12 hours before locating the charred wreckage, breaking, a london high court grand julianne assange the right to continue his appeal fighting extradition to united states was in on espionage charges, to public classified documents spent five years in prison in london, can move forward if u.s. officials promise to grant assange first amendment rights. >> nascar driver winning all-star race in landslide led
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199 of laps the nascar truck race, dramatic, diving swimming in the water on the track, and those are headlines back to you. maria: thanks very much we will watch all of that a record high summer travel season kicking off ahead of memorial day jeff flock k in illinois, breaking down the best deals where are you? >> couldn't wait to get on road again, we are in right here look at view you get in rv, vai kayioning in rv taking a look different options this year rv sales have been booming take a look at numbers, people after covid kind of want to get in their
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cocoon, the rv you say now might be time to buy a lot of rvs coming back on the market people said maybe i want an rv. >> great time to buy now, you have the surplus out a lot of people buying last few years some are rvers some aren't a lot of rvs out. >> maybe you can spin around show. >> sorry dutch i was counting on you here. >> 2024, 27 xps, great unit, showers a queen sized benefited. >> beautiful colors. >> i want to give you a look what looks like outside dutch can you maybe go outside show
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what it looks like from owed prices for rvs coming down for gas down a little bit as well. i tell you this drives like a car i think you ought to get one of these, might be an interesting way to traverse the u.s. >> jeff what about parking that big thing? i mean where do i get parking? how do i anything out where to leave it? >> well you know in the city probably not the best place to park it i will say that but -- [laughter] >> you got hotel on wheels man five star hotel on bhelz. maria: i love it i we're in what kind of rent you pay if you find a spot can you park that anywhere? >> well, no you go with to a park about 50 bucks maybe to
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park rv park but national park you can park for 15 bucks a night so, cheap way to go this is just for rich people. >> that is what i wanted to know 50 bucks to park, thank you great to see you, see you on the road. meanwhile, the white house is responding to former president trump's call for joe biden to take a drug test before next month's debate, we've been really tracking the story, all week, spokesman andrew says telling that republican officials are unable to stop announcing how intimidated they remain by president state of the union performance the white house adding republicans are mistakeing biden's confidence for drugs north dakota governor doug burgum joined plea on "sunday morning futures" yesterday discussing this after the head of the doctors caucus greg measurefy last week said biden was quote all jacked-up at the state of
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the union watch this. >> i think the nation has concerns about his capacity not just during an hour and a half debate but every single day i think what this election is going to be about, it is about president trump is strong joe biden is weak. >> all right. well white house sees it differently biden campaign rejecting trump's call for any additional debate the campaign says quote the debate about debate is over joining me right now former senior as i advisory to the clintons, mark penn here with chief pollster trafalger group. >> kick us off your thoughts on debates harris faulkner with us a fact of group mark your reaction. >> look i think great that we're going to have debates. i think american public demands it i think that it is a good thing, look.
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the trump campaign was too ether accepting didn't lay down all terms for debate now roped in the biden camp ant doing further debates even though embarked on fairly risky strategy to do a debate even before your convention if you don't do well could be -- >> what happens is he being set up here. >> i don't think he is being set up i think the campaign needed a dynamic you know the polls. you know polls show joe biden is losing my polls show it, four, five points swing states going the wrong way they needed something to shake-up expectations for joe biden and debate couldn't be lower i think a smart strategy on biden camp trump camp generally too eagle robert what do you say polling from "cbs news" you gov finding president biden trailing trump still by 5 points arizona nine
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points florida, 52% registered voters in grand canyon say illegal immigrants made life worse includes 40% hispanic voters arizona voters ranking economy inflation top concern, axios says senate democrats don't believe biden's bad polls claim they are missing key dynamics what do you think. >> i think what you are seeing in these polls is that there is -- between the rest of the democrats most polls, candidates doing better than biden a partial rejection, i don't think he had a choice, i mean this early, i think mark was right, it is risky before your convention i don't think they had a choice a lot of pressure to remove him, this
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expectation, is low, but i think polls are significant if they can -- paying attention to them worried about audio of the interviews for the committee report that came out, that they don't have, in. maria: doj will not release that audio, president biden has now used executive power to say no not releasing it has transcript that is all you need harris faulkner what is most important. >> look i am going to disagree a little bit with mark penn about how eager the campaign is to do these debates i mean, we saw just a couple days ago telemundo, others saying maybe there will be more debates friday night in a late statement, the biden campaign put out the debate about debate, was over no more games they are going to get two that is about all they want to do.
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it is hard to have two people debate four times with nobody else in the room. >> oh, yeah. >> i don't know that you move neil i question whether or not more biden's idea he is a guys one point years ago now maybe not even the same iteration of him at this point but one point wanted to take trump out back, old school style, maybe rough him up a little bit i am sure joking about that but couldn't do that if he tried. and now he is going to have to do it verbally we've seen the gaffes loss of memory loss of categorically documented what are we getting with they come together can they say focused on what matters people want to be talked about they want people to understand what you talk about every day, maria
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where their pocketbook is right now want the crime down in areas where it is off the hook basically trump coming to the south bronx, and going to another dense urban area of mostly people of color, black voters i know getting into this later, but him coming here, biden not doing that, we can talk about how biden is trying to get black voters, trump now in harlem south bronx serious new york is in play. maria: i totally agree harris new jersey as well, by the way, how about crowds in jersey other day, wildwood unbelievable, but you mentioned black vote i want to get pollsters's thoughts on this trump is cutting into this isn't he mark president biden claims focusing on black voters did so yesterday during commencement speech then in detroit keynote at double
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naacp dinner, earlier in the day delivered the commencement address moorhouse college atlanta but where has he been three years how come trump has been able to take market share here? >> there is one reason trump is taking market share i think across the board, particularly with latino voters, 72% whom think the economy is in the wrong direction, to the extent trump is picking up votes, doesn't matter whether you are black, latino white, anything. the underlying reason is inflation how people are feeling the economy. and that is really the most important issue for biden and the campaign to address, for the trump campaign to address as well, the more joe biden is to shore up the black vote more not trying to get swing voters really the ones going to determine this election. maria: robert, in that video
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moorhouse people are turning babs on him they want him to address issues that are important to them lydia, why anybody, dealing with same stuff. >> there is no question, so ronald reagan's question are you better off now than you were four years ago is relevant no matter what color you are, talk about two justice systems, there are two economies out there the economy for average people working you know hourly jobs, suffering -- but. maria: exactly. >> that is the problem disproportionately, african americans no acquit are you better off than four years ago not at all -- if you are an illegally migrant, you are better off today everybody else, i'm not so sure mark penn robert thank you, gentlemen great to see you
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both young conservative as we speak on "mornings with maria" next guess talks to voters top politicians find his newt outlet 11 years old wrote how republican party should embrace gen z, before the age of 17 joining me rnc youth advisory counsel cochairman the truth gazette editor in chief author of one generation away brian is here thanks very much for being here has what is most important to your generation? in terms of the leadership of america? >> absolutely maria, good morning happy monday thank you so much for having me truly an honor to be here, you and your audience remember graduating from high school voting first time going to college -- renting first apartment planning a family the position my peers and i are in, the biden administration biden economy polling you put up on the screen previous segment
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shows, the historically strong cult on youth vote loving it rapidly you are economy effort my generation first-time voters seeing the things you are seeing hard to survive under an joe biden economy, joe biden administration. tell us about your success as young conservative how republican party might be more aligned with young voters. >> absolutely. as you said got started at 11, interested in politicallies watched 2016 presidential election sparked election i was fed up, you have to step up, to save america so a future for government they didn't do it fed up, at age 11 july 2017 if they don't, who will step up i was in past couple years traveled country talking with as many americans
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as i could. what i found won't surprise any of us believing future is dark, the bible we are, american dream live and well we need proof no other country 17 or 18-year-old had this much opportunity in nation available in america if we don't save america freedom, one generation we, debut it july 9, conclusive copies can be sold anybody in audience we have signed copies, to talk about awesome. maria: you've been doing this around the country for years before you can legally vote in an election, i want to get your take on what you think, drives young people to the polls this election, in november. >> absolutely. so i traveled campaign trail past two years with president trump a lot of as i have
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surrogates what we hear this is interesting whether in milwaukee new york city dallas texas des moines, iowa same message for my generation, we were promised liberty giving division, promising prosperity got failed economy, broken record after record may generation will vote for president trump in ways that will shock in november we are super excited. >> even though biden promising he will forgive student loan debt. >> they see through that, we appreciate the opportunity to share that with everybody. >> thank you so much. stay with us we'll be right back.. .
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welcome back we're 30 minutes away from the opening bell for a monday. markets this morning are mixed. take a look dow jones industrial average down, down about two points. watch jpmorgan stock this morning, jpmorgan having its investor day. harris faulkner great having you this morning congratulations to. catch harris spernl on fox nation vietnam, footsteps of my father. >> thank you, thank you so much. and i'm cheering because this is what dad fought for, for our freedom for the capitalism we have when that bell rings i only see the flag. maria: chris always a pleasure thank you for having you here. "varney & company" here.


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