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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 20, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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♪ me and my friends ♪ ♪ life is better with the credit gods are on your side. rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. credit one bank. get cash back rewards, and live large. larry: can't put a square peg in a round hole and spend and spend and people don't want it. joe biden spend and spend, lose and lose that's my take. we'll let david asman put a round peg in a square hole and square hole in a round peg. whatever that is.
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david: i'm david asman in for elizabeth macdonald and the evening edit starts right now. it is ha been a slam bank day in the trial of former president trump in court watching as former lawyer michael cohen was back on the stand and shocking introduction late in the day of cohen's former council bob costello who was a witness for the defense. he's getting a lot of heat from the judge. fox news' nate foy is live outside the new york state supreme court with the latest on all this, nate. reporter: hey, david. on top of the two marquee witnesses, some late developments in the courtroom, trump attorney todd blanch asking judge to dismiss the case because blanch argues that prosecutor haves not proven that trump falsified business records or did anything illegal to influence the 2016 presidential election. you mention this comes as bob costello is on the stand, under cross-examination and the jury
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has been dismissed for the day and waiting remarks from trump himself and judge reprimanded costello while on the stand and frustrated with constant objections by prosecutors and said stop reacting to the rulings and he was talking about conversation withs michael cohen in 2018 and described cohen as suicidal and acting manic and looking for escape route during the meetings and cohen considered jumping off a hotel balcony two days before and cohen testified he never hired costello because he never trusted him and cohen is off the stand and testified for over a week. during his cross-examination, he didded a milt he knew at the time of his conversations with costello he was protected under his attorney client privilege, which is important u, david, because cohen said he lied to costello because he thought he wouldn't keep the conversations private and would funnel that information to trump through rudy giuliani. cohen admitted to stealing
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roughly $60,000 from the trump organization and overbilled for money paid to a tech company called redfin much. cohen also talked about receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars from various clients while serving as trump's personal attorney even though he did very little work. he claims that he did very little work for trump in 2017 yet was receiving all those payments. trump says all the payments were legitimate legal ex-pensions and cohen claims they were reimbursements for the stormy daniels deal. we're waiting on a official decision on whether or not trump will testify himself but our legal experts inside the courtroom say that that is highly unlikely and would be a bad idea. so, again, we're also awaiting remarks from the former president as he excites the courtroom -- exits the courtroom which should be happening momentarily. david: we'll cover that live on fox business. thank you, nate. joining me now is congressman eric burleson from house oversight and accountability
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committee and, congressman, you were there. thank you for being here in new york. i know you got away right after the defense announced they wanted to put costello up. i understand there was a gasp in the audience. >> yeah, they were scrambling and trying to respond to that request and i had to leave. david: to come here. sorry to drag you away from an exciting moment. >> so much happened today and look at cohen's testimony and most of the testimony was a very boring day, but there were these moments where he would admit to larceny against his former client and admit to lying and all of the things that he's admitted to. david: by the way, when he admitted to larceny, did you happen to notice any reaction from the jury? >> i couldn't see their faces at that type. you could tell there was a -- in the room, the reporters, their keyboards really lit up at that moment.
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david: yeah. and the judge, who let stormy daniels go on and on with all the salacious details that had nothing to do with the charges and looking at the live shot of the president? no, this is a tape of the president, but when that happened, i mean, the fact is that the judge right now seems to be doubling down on the -- with the prosecution on costello when he let stormy daniels go on and nothing relevant to this case go on and on. there's an unfairness about this whole process. i don't know if you could sense it today. >> absolutely. the judge is clearly conflicted and history of making a donation to donald trump's current opponent for president, joe biden. david: a small donation and made it and he was rebuked by the new york state commission on judicial conduct. i don't know if we can put that full screen up, this is what they said, they rebuked him and said like so much of the misconduct of the -- that the commission encounters making a
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prohibit the political contribution is a self-inflicted mistake. it was a slap on the wrist and not a lot of money. but it does bring up the charge of prejudice in his courtroom. >> but what is a lot of money, is the relationship that -- or the business relationship that his daughter has with the democratic party, with the democratic senate. she fund rises -- fundraises for them including dan goldman and she raises a lot of money and she's raising money off of this. david: the whole process and don't know the underlying charge of the bookkeeping error, according to the court, that is a misdemeanor. what elevates it to a felony are all of these points, they're 34 points in the indictment and say with intent to defraud and intent to commit another crime. we still don't know what that other crime is. >> that's right. without that other crime,
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it's -- this whole thing falls apart. at the opened of the day, if he had -- at the end of the day, if trump didn't log it by the way, it was his accountant, who was following normal business procedures and if he logged it any other way, they would have still been in court. it's subjective onto how you categorize some of the expenses. david: then other elements the way the case is being tried and this morning, it was called to order early, the president was supposed to go out to a campaign event in another state and i assume it was new jersey. i'm not sure about that. what the president said on being called in an hour early having to cancel a campaign event. roll tape. >> i'm here campaigning as you know i was supposed to be in a very different state and judge decided to call it early and making a speech for political purposes and not allowed to have
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anything to do with politics because i'm sitting in a very freezing cold courtroom for the last few days and it's very unfair. david: congressman, do you believe the trial, the way it's being run, is an interference with his ability to campaign? >> yeah, there's no doubt because they're trying to drag it on as well. there was -- the prosecution was supposed to rest and they had run out of witnesses and they came up with another one that witnesses. david: might be here to talk about it and donald trump saying about america and getting to businesses and you're a businessman and contracts and all of the legal underpinnings of our economy and vibrant economy and have to do with respect to the law. what does this do with that respect? >> yeah, david, we're at an
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inflection point in america's history and i think the most important infrastructure is the judicial and rights such as free speech and all these things are under threat president biden trying to spin the economic record and bolster the campaign and biden white house released a memo with the efforts to fight rising costs and attempting to put blame on republicans but are americans buying it? with me now to discuss and former investment banker and author, if you'll own -- author of if you will own nothing. carol roth and heritage foundation and ej j antoni will
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own nothing. >> going to make clarity. david: donald trump is speaking and here's the former president. >> the motion to dismiss should go through because it's a disaster and it's a disaster to new york state and new york city and where contactually is the crime? from shakes spear in love and i don't know. it's a mystery. there's no crime. and it's unconstitutional for the court to do this and how is
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it constitutional for new york to have a federal election law and drawn by federal law and not going for this. this is a witch hunt. this is a witch hunt and this is to advantage crooked joe biden, the worst president in history by far, to damage his political opponent. that's all this is. this is highly political witch hunt and just did something he's never seen. the rest is not happy i don't imagine. nobody has ever seen this and it's consist and bragg has to enforce an election law and he says it's over 200 years and never once has a president of the united states been indicted
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over this and it's a show trial. david: the president is going back and remember that gag order still under effect and most he can do other than occasional comments on the judge in the trial expiate comments by others and i want a final reaction from the congressman before we leave. once again, the whole point of this case, kongman, is that it is not a federal case. he's not able -- the district attorney of new york is not able under our constitution to bring a federal case and that's what he's trying to do and the whole structure of this case is unconstitutional. >> yeah, it's judicial gymnastics at it is best and bending over backwards trying to find a way to make a connection that doesn't exist and that's what -- today alle allen deer hg
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issue wits was in the room and never heard anything like this. david: carol, you can't trust what the government does all that and going on and on last week and how he came in with 9% innation and that just wasn't true. it wasn't a fact and it was finally caught on it by -- or at least his economic adviser jared bernstein and by neil cavuto and i want to get your aerodynamic rx on that sound. >> why does he keep misrepresenting in? >> he's making the point that the factors that caused inflation to climb to 9% were in place when he took office. >> that's not what he said. he said it was at 9%. it would eventually get to 9% a little over a year after that. but the fact of the matter is it
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wasn't 9%. david: so i just think that american voters right now have become so inured to all the lies and knowing what joe biden had and not only had the will to control inflation and we know that his policies from his energy policy to his stimulus. it's in the name, stimulus, caused inflation and he was unwilling to control inflation and he cannot try and control the narrative and the gaslighting is just adding insult to injury and nothing worse than when you're hurting and can't pay for your food and can't pay for rent and mortgage than to be told that that just isn't the case and you're not experiencing it and oh, by the way, it's not the president east fault. david: there's money in the market of some kind and what's not said when he's bragging about the markets doing well
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last week is the fact that inflation has taken a huge chunk out of the gain about a 20% chunk from the time he gets in and actual increase in the value of the market is nowhere near what he says it is. >> that's a great number in ordinary times and these are not ordinary changes and it's about the dow and they ended up paying capital gains taxes on nothing more than gains and increase in real value. david: president biden said if he's reelected and he's going to hit us with another capital gains tax increase and on top of all that and supporting by treasurely bonds and no money in
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the market. >> all the schemes about capital gains taxes and the reality taxes and we get fiscal ford attitude and going for them and the way in argentina and i don't think we're going to continue with the inflation with all assets and it's one of the reasons you saw no high today and it's gold. david: gold is zooming and my couple of grams here and you guys, i'm so sorry hi to cut it short and former president trump and going for awhile at your time. blame him for that and thank you both for being here, ej and carol. byron york and president biden trying to make up lost ground with young and black voters as his handling of the economy and israel weigh on the campaign.
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plus, former president trump announces a rally in the south bronx this week after a massive turnout in new jersey that's next on "the evening edit". trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, unlocking the power of thinkorswim, the award-winning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop with robust charting and analysis tools, including over 400 technical studies. tailor the platforms to your unique needs with nearly endless customization. and track market trends with up-to-the-minute news and insights. trade brilliantly with schwab. ♪ in any business, you ride the line between numbers and people.
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david: look at other science and going for the president and biden former president trump is gaining support among the same group and jumping from 14% to 23% and less than 4 years and more than this and bringing fox news and good to see you and it's a nice day. wish we had time to talk about the trump trial. but biden's decline in the first grade vote commencement ceremony and i want a bit of that and get your reaction. roll that tape. >> what is democracy? if black men are being killed in the street, what is democracy? trail of broken promises leave
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black communities behind. what is democracy? you have to be ten times better than anyone else to get a fair shot. most of all, what does it mean as you've heard before, to be a black man that loves his country, even if it doesn't love him back in equal measure. david: wow, bleak is dystopian is the word i'd use and don't use it often. it's pushing victim hood over hope. i don't think that will sell many votes, do you? >> well, a number of critics call that speech race baiting and i think they're right. i watch it had when the white house posted p and it really was. what you played gave a real flavor of the address and trump -- excuse me, biden has spent the last several days trying to shore up support among black voters and after that
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speech in at leeanne taxer went to detroit -- atlanta and went to detroit and gave a speech to naacp and he's trying this. we're seeing in over and over. in the polls it's as much an issue for any group as well as him. david: that came out when donald trump announced he was going to the south bronx for some kind of campaign seventh congressman richy torres, the democrat there, came out with a tweet or exposing, donald trump announced an upcoming rally in my district. the south bronx has no greater enemy than donald trump but this is the key, who is on a mission to dismantle the social safety net on which bronx families
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depend for their survival. really? that's what -- that's the only thing that folks in the bronx can count on is welfare? i would hope america could offer them more than that and i think donald trump will do that. >> well, this is the flip side of what we're talking about and trump trying to offer a different message to black and hispanic voters. he lost 82-27 in the last election and only 42% of house olds in the bronx speak english only. just got that from the u.s. census. there's a lot of frog for tram top be made there not because he's going to win but make a dent for biden's support and
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look at what we can do. david: one poster from the south bronx saying black lives maga. that was a pretty shark commentary. early intervention programmed to have you on about getting a voter id law at least put in the system before the election. we don't have time because donald trump was there. look at this, 81% of american voters favor a government-issued id to vote and hope the house gop can force a vote before november. is that possible at all? only have like five seconds. >> house republicans are fighting in a rule of law and district of columbia allowing noncitizens to vote. david: i would love to see which congressman or senators would vote against something that 81% of americans are in favor of. it just -- i would love to get
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that on the record but that's got to be it for now. byron, great to see you. appreciate you being here. >> thank you, david. david: jason rains and biden campaign raising eyebrows with the upcoming debate and former president trump. plus, we have retired major general dana pittard and tensions could be up ended after the crash over the weekend and all the details with the general coming next on "the evening edit". ♪ (traffic noises) (♪) the road to opportunity. is often the road overlooked. (♪)
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president raisa killed in a helicopter crash and the iranian foreign minister and grady trim seatbelt live in washington dc with the very latest on all this. grady. reporter: david, the state department says the death of president raisi doesn't change the united states relationship
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with iran in the near term they're still suspended and they'll use a third party. state officials are facing questions after expressing official condolences for raisi's death and criticizing the brutal iranian regime. >> some of the worst human rights abuses occurred during his tenure as president. that said, we regret any loss of life and don't want to see anyone die in a helicopter crash. that doesn't change the reality of his record as a judge and president of iran and the fact he has blood on his hands.
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>> this should be a moment in time to cut the head off the snake or cut the finances for iran and working to destabilize the middle east and continue with their work to try and develop a nuclear weapon. reporter: david, rebel forces carried out at least 10 attacks in the red sea since the start of the israel and hamas war. david. david: they don't seem willing to stop, at least our efforts are not stopping them. grady trimble, thank you. joining me for reaction, retired u.s. army major general dana pittard and led the initial fight against isis in iraq and served our country for more than 30 years and we thank you for your service, general.
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>> good evening, david. we have a regime like iran and they're chosen by the group of ayatollahs to an extent and there'll be some elements of instability in a transition like this. right now the first vice president is named as president behind the scenes. iran has challenges economically and politically and tensions in the middle east and tension are at all time -- or at least a 20-year high with israel and launch that had horrendous attack against israel that was luckily stopped by zeldon reel and the coalition and they've got challenges.
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>> it brought together the do legislative session that iran fears between israel and arab nation to stop the missiles from doing any damage. >> yes, president raisi's record is mixed. he immediately supported russia in the attacks against ukraine and then attacking israel and u.s. and other coalition forces and he's been doing other things in the region encinitas israel and launching of drone and air attack and missile was all under his watch. david: the sanctions and ending maximum pressure campaign that the trump administration at home
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and spending on fanciful efforts to kill off israel or a nuclear bomb and not helping people of iran. >> that's true. but they're having economic problems now and now is the time to put maximum pressure on iran. now is the time to put pressure on iran. david: could we do what donald trump did as president? >> we could do several things and some good things were done and some other things were done.
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chemosurrounding iran and containing iran in the middle east. david: general, we have to leave it there but i would be negligent not to thank you for your service as we approach memorial day and our thoughts go out to you on this memorial day coming up. thank you again for being here. appreciate it. >> thank you, david. david: absolutely. president joe biden is former president donald trump and biden with that and >> i'm going to
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demand a drug test. david: let's welcome to the show. jason rantz. jason, thanks for being here. appreciate it. >> he's in a lose, lose position and can't say yes to this because then he's legitimizing the claims he's doing something before the major performances and can't say no because then people are wondering what is it that you're taking.
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when it comes to every day speeches and the speech at morehouse and that was the best without taking b12 or energy and he's put himself into this position. david: the debate itself, if they happen, those two debates, i'm wondering if it's going to be more about the individual >> there's no doubt who's going to bring up the problems with joe biden and who are not he's got the mental capability of continuing to be president and the biggest strength for donald trump is to point to the record. it's one thing beforehand where you didn't really have a record for joe biden.
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when it comes to homelessness and drug use and crime that's happening, clearly there's a better record for president trump than there's been for president biden. david: yeah, you mention that had word confidence. it's really a sense of confidence or the lack thereof of the american people that it's talking about economy and insecurity and border insecurity and public safety. >> it's also who's lying to you?
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we're hearing that there's no issue at the border and there's no crime crisis and the economy is doing well so stop crying and we're hearing from the people who is record says the opposite and who's being northwestern honest with you. >> that's a good point. thank yous, jason. senate majority leader chuck schumer says the senate will try to pass a bipartisan border security bill this week after previous attempts failed. let's check in with jackie deangeles that's if for dagen and sean next hour on the bottom line. >> hey, david >> hey, david, we're doing well. the trump teams calls first witness in the trump hush money trial and we'll discuss with that leo terrell live and in person and also butker was
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docked by kansas city and bringing in the attorney general to talk about that . >> we have gianno caldwell and breaking down why president biden is losing ground with black voters and a major issue for the administration going into the election of 2024 and we've got michael loftus with us that claims that when a senator goes to the super market, people stop her and beg her to not let trump get elected.
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their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. inside every splenda product is a mission. to help people live happier healthier and longer lives by making it easier to cut out sugar. from our factory to our stevia farm, splenda's team of over 2000 individuals are dedicated to helping people live their best lives. taking pride that everyday millions say “i use splenda.” and now sweeten drinks wherever you are with splenda zero-calorie liquid sweeteners. try all three. available in the baking aisle.
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david: chuck schumer will take up the bipartisan border act as a stand alone measure and schumer is "hopeful the proposal will bring serious minded republicans back to the table". he admits not all democrats will be on board. democrats believe the proposal has a chance until performer president trump mounted opposition for it back in january. welcome congressman correspondent lows jimenez from the house -- congressman carlos gimenez from house homeland security and things happening at
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quantico and had shooting incidents at the border and the fbi director see ago lot of bright red lights flashing about homeland security. are you seeing the same thing? >> absolutely. christopher wray, fbi director warned us he's not been as worried as much as right now with the situation in america and the danger to the homeland, especially brought about by the illegal immigration that's occurring at southern border. we don't know anything about the millions of got aways or who they are or where they're here. some of them in there are here for nefarious purposes to do america harm. that's why he's so worried and why i'm really worried.
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>> yeah, the got away, we don't know who they are. david: the department of homeland security has information but they're not releasing this because they're worried about the private interests of those people that we looking after. look, the protection and security of america takes precedent over the private interest invasion of them. it's a danger to america and president biden is secretary mayorkas put america in danger and i hope nothing bad happens. it only took 19 terrorists to
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perpetrate, you know, 9/11. we have 2 million got aways and don't know who they are or where or why they're here. david: we have a surge of chinese gray grants oturu border to 450 in 2021 to now just 700,000 this fiscal year. what's up with that? >> we don't know. why are they here? mostly men working age men that are crossing into the united states. we know that china is our greatest existential threat to the security of the united states. again, that's another thing we need to focus in obstructing cerumen. why are they here, what's their purpose, who are they working for? almirola sure some aren't working for the best interest of the united states. david: hearing the phrase department of security and doesn't match what they're supposed to do based on what
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they're actually doing. congressman, thank you so much for being here. appreciate it. >> it's my pleasure. jacqui: the world is keeping a close eye on oil prices and could this have impacts on president biden's green energy mush? how is that going? really. congressman tim burchett from house transportation and infrastructure committee will break it down for us next on "the evening edit". ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders.
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>> the rams present rising hinges and releases the israel hamas more rages on president joe biden's national security advisor jake sullivan meeting with saudi arabia's conference yesterday to discuss work to could be a historic security deal predict the not only solidify the biden administration ties to saudi arabia, but it would also include, the saudis recognizing israel for the first time since it was founded in 1948, cbs reporting that saudi arabia has been cleared and nothing can move forward without a two state solution for the palestinian people hundred me know from house foreign affairs committee us congressman, temperatures and temperament think you very much for being here is good to see you again i appreciate you coming on and blood saudia arabia we need to be making more better friends with our friends in the release and we so few of
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them, but why the heck are we cutting off irradiance. let me just say you some sound from your calling pat phelan, anna turning off the iranians get your reaction. >> most important think we need to do is to enforce the sanctions so the iranian regime does not go from $8 billion a year in oil revenue exports 242 billion. >> episodic and sorry promoting to senator his rally doesn't have a point, where we just focusing on cutting off the iranian oil rather than trying to fight them with one hand behind her back. >> will actually come up he's not 100 years also you are not cutting in the senate but the reality is so you're exactly right, the under trunk of the irradiance are basically bankrupt now, we have removed all the sanctions have started to play ball with them what is a past cabinet having the sent 200 drones are israel does not make any sense this administration is a complete failure.
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in foreign relations, and it shows. we are paying more the pump right now, america was remember under trump, and america was an exporter of energy, and help for an importer that could have everything and they say will begin more permits for oil wells in the reality is, they cut down all the pipeline permits. so it off their and it just does not make any sense why we keep propping up the terrace these people are terrorists. and then when we give him or sent a condolence over to them because, the president helicopter crash and responsible for over 30 million women and children, their horrible be met with meanwhile real quickly got home, so the trillion dollar we deal that the president together, doesn't seem to be working too well and windmills by the way, they felt about 2.1 percent generation power despite the fact that there windmills out there, there actually producing less energy
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in 2023, the negative 2022 pretty green energy thing is not working out too well. >> it is not course when you say disposable of the things, it is a nightmare very short life expectancy, varies burnout pretty they are nightmare in their offensive and we had some here in tennessee, and they were all about 30 days out of the year when it does not always low in the sent does not always shine. we can always get energy out of the ground right here in this country in a saved american lives that's what we have a focusing on american jobs and american energy resources. >> and it's clear that a lot of the stuff that we are buying from all of those corrupt abroad and is going to see a postman think you so much for being here in temperature, i'm david and for elizabeth mcdonald think you for watching the evening edit on foxbusiness is now time for the bottom line with jackie and shawn. >> thank you david is good to see you. ♪ ♪


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