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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 21, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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toby keith courtesy of the red, white, and. good morning. straight to the money. not much price movement, nasdaq down 30, dow is up 27. the 10 year treasury yield, it is down 440 as we speak. price of oil down despite what's happening in the middle east, $79 a barrel. it's the possibility of ethereum etf. it is crossing $70,000 a coin. that's the markets. now this. i've lived in america 50 years. i'm proud of my adopted country. some of the things i've seen recently seem out of line with what i thought america was about. it has changed but not all for the good. what are we doing? trying to put a former
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president and current presidential candidate in prison? deliberately humiliating donald trump with the details of an alleged sexual encounter, to liberally tying up the report in the middle of a presidential campaign. i find it astonishing this is biden's reelection strategy, use trump charges to beat your opponent in what used to be a fair and just legal system. makes us look like a banana republic. the open border is a farce. biden invited millions of people to knock on the door and let them in. if you don't have a border you have lost your sovereignty. i expected america to defend our right to decide who comes in and who doesn't. instead we have thrown our sovereignty away and now we have to pay. the rest of the world sees this and thinks america has become unhinged. there's decorah. american politics used to be relatively sedate. trump changed that and now we have the spectacle of three women in congress trading
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insults over eyelashes and body type. foreigners are used to seeing brawls and other legislatures, they are laughing at the behavior they see here. i'm used to my relatives overseas asking why i came here and stayed. i tell them that although there are some cringe worthy moments america is at heart a decent constitutional republic. we get through the disgrace of new york's trials, the border will become a border again, embarrassing behavior should disappear under the weight of its own silliness. i am an optimist. just going through a bad patch, this too shall pass. second hour of varney just getting started. will cane joins me. am i being naïve in thinking things will get better? you've got a smile on your face. >> reporter: your optimistic. i appreciate that.
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i would like to think that things get better. this is what makes it so dangerous to open pandora's box, going down the republic rabbit hole, treating government as your personal vengeful mechanism to retain power, hard to put back into the box not only for yourself, but the opposition party. if your optimistic i am cautiously optimistic this countries on the right path. the checks and balances capable of putting into place. it remains the greatest experiment in human history. declaration of independence, united states constitution, three branches of government, more importantly the character of the american people. particularly on fox business, waking up today thinking about how to make life better for
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their community, how to create and innovate and build something new and better. that's the ultimate savior of america, that spirit and culture. stuart: i am with you. comedian bill marr admitted donald trump is more youthful than president biden. watch this. >> i've got to say what works for him, the clip you just showed, he's almost the same age as biden, but biden presents as old. that does not look old. >> it doesn't. >> he does not present as old. he's like kiss, put on the wig and face paint and it is 1976 all over again. stuart: what do you make of that? >> coming up at noon on the will cane show which streams on, the reason i bring that up is a
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promotional plug, he made the argument, donald trump froze for 35 seconds, which i think is absurd and what they are trying to do is make a some sort of equivalency between frailty and president biden at the age of donald trump but the difference is plain to see and donald trump has given a rally, sometimes two rallies in a day at his age which at my age, younger, is hard to do so there is no comparison, donald trump doesn't just appear younger, he lives younger, that's the simple fact of biology and life. stuart: i don't think i don't see president biden can be the president for another four years. >> that's good point. that's a good point because i say i don't see how he can deep 8 donald trump and i don't see
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how you can do either of those things but the longer time horizon is more important. if he wins a debate can anyone see him serving as president for another four years? stuart: nobody can. it seems like president harris is almost inevitable if biden wins the election. thanks very much, see you again soon. hunter biden's legal team gearing up for two federal cases involving guns and tax evasion. hunter now trying to delay those trials. what is excuse? ashley: needs more time. his legal team wants to postpone the trial of federal tax charges by more than two months because he says conflicts with his gun case out of delaware, needs more time to prepare. the california judges arranged
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a conference tomorrow to consider biden's postponement read -- in previous rulings that judges express the real desire to move forward. analysts say hunter biden could be facing his most dire legal peril to date and possibility of a federal conviction on charges that he lied about his drug use when he purchased the firearm and for the president it comes at a critical point with his son scheduled to undergo two federal trials, when in delaware, one in california plus president biden scheduled to two trips in the same month, fundraiser with barack obama and a key debate for donald trump. a report in the washington post claims biden is worried about the stress of all over this on his son. a recovering drug addict who faces constant humiliating scrutiny because his father is president. stuart: the ncaa leader who gave biden an award over the
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weekend has links to a notorious anti-semite. tell me more. ashley: the reverend wendell anthony has been slammed by the antidefamation league for inviting louis farrakhan to speak at his church referring to them as satanic. anthony introduced the president had an event this last weekend when biden gave a speech and slammed donald trump for being too divisive. according to the antidefamation league, farrakhan who leads the nation of islam group has spoken at the same church several times referring to satanic jews and the synagogue of satan, supposedly controls major institutions. stuart: check the markets please. i see the dow up 60 over the
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green, the nasdaq down 30, not much price movement so far today. scott shelladdy, the consumer is slowing down. make your case and how do we reverse that? >> it goes back to the gdp we were looking for, 2.5, 1.6% growth, it was largely due to the fact the consumer stopped spending. walmart's burnings, if you take their earnings report and looked at it they've got this term called the working poor. a lot of other earnings reports refer to that phrase working poor. it used to just be working but now inflation, it's working poor, they are dropping off the register in walmart at olive garden, being replaced by consumers that make $250,000 a year so some of these earnings
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reports are better and it is really because they are trading down in the working poor almost falling off the register so we have a real situation we talked about for a long time, they are getting close to be at the end of the road, even mcdonald's saying they are trading down, your next question is how to start that, put themselves in such a difficult position. if they cut rates what does any right minded think will happen with inflation? it will reignite, the 6-month moving average is still going on so you can't cut rates. you raise rates, you risk another banking crisis. that places themselves in a position they are asked to cut off their finger. either way it is going to hurt, no easy way out for them.
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it is a bumpy ride, to bring the consumer back. they are coming off the register. stuart: you know what you are talking about. coming back in, elon musk's chip company. ashley: the fda is satisfied by narrow link's proposal to fix the arrows, a 30-year-old quadriplegic meant managed to control it closer on a computer screen using just his thoughts, to play games and communicate with friends. earlier this month, neural link disclosed the implant's tiny wires, human hair retracted a
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little bit resulting in fewer electrodes that measure brain signals. neural link learn the patient's brain moves up to 3 times what the company expected with wires retracting. narrow link says it plans to fix the problems by going deeper into the brain's motor cortex, ten people implanted with this technology are using it. incredible. ashley: the international criminal court seeking an arrest warrant of benjamin netanyahu. france is backing it. we've got details on that. mainstream media stunned after the prosecution's star witness admitted to stealing from the trump organization. role it. >> on day 3 of cross-examination. >> there's an argument to be made that you are an
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opportunistic thief. ashley: bret baer deals with that next. giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders. and with guided learning paths stacked with content curated to fit your unique goals, you can spend less time searching and more time learning. trade brilliantly with schwab. pods spring moving sale has been extended! save up to 25% on moving and storage until june 10th... and see why pods has been trusted
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ashley: on the markets the dow is up 60, nasdaq is down 27 points, the nasdaq hit another record all-time high, minor pullback this morning. court back in session for donald trump, eric shawn is outside the courthouse in new york city. what is the big headline so far? >> reporter: the headline, the defense has arrested, jerry going home, closing arguments set for next tuesday meaning from -- donald trump did not testify on his own behalf,
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doesn't have too, it's not required of the defendant. it was his choice, the last defense witness was robert costello. when he took the stand, from the former president to backup medicines. >> it's a kangaroo court, like nothing i have ever seen and we can't have it and i think the appellate court will take care of a lot of things. this should be an easy ruling and should really be. >> reporter: robert costello. and cohen's officer rated by the fbi. and trump had no involvement with the stormy daniels payment and the deal was cohen's idea.
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stormy's claims about alleged affair. back on the stand with costello you see signs of exasperation that he exhibited yesterday likely because the judge cleared the courtroom and acknowledged costello for his antics, said he would throw him off the stand but in the last hour, prosecutor tried to show costello was part of a trump pressure campaign, using rudy giuliani as a go-between. and he had friends in high places, he was referring to donald trump. with the defense rested, all her testimony in this trial is over, the jury will hear closing arguments next tuesday, the lawyers will be hashing out the jury instructions so the judge will decide what type of instructions he will give to
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the jury when they finally get this case, we could get a verdict sometime later next week. back to you. stuart: the media seem to be in this, admitted to stealing cash from the trump organization. >> i'm still reeling from the revelation michael cohen storm money from the trump organization. >> i'm shocked we are hearing it for the first time on day 3 of cross-examination. >> there's an argument to be made, just an opportunistic thief. >> ceiling $65,000, fraud or larceny in your state is more serious of a crime than falsifying business. stuart: bret baer joins me now. does anyone benefit from the trump trial? >> i think maybe the media channels covering it and nausea him.
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that's the only big beneficiary. i think this has gone on, the former president feels he is aggrieved. the judge and the actions like stormy daniels and how he handled defense witnesses. costello not letting an expert testify opens the door to a lot of criticism. the big picture is how closely people are watching this, acquittal will put wind in the sales, conviction raises questions for suburban women next to the former president's name. it is a long time to get to tuesday, i'm sure that jury is feeling let's knock this thing
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out. stuart: what kind of image of american justice does this sent to the world? people are looking at this, what are they thinking about new york's system of justice? >> i don't know. there's a question about if this defendant wasn't named trump would this have been launched at all. a lot of experts on both sides ideologically say probably not. stuart: the defense has rested its case, trump is not going to testify. >> he said he was going to. and said he'd don't have to. did not make its case. did not foot put the former president in jeopardy.
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>> the wall street journal is outraged at this. what do you make of this? >> the sec never configured in the us. it does raise a lot of questions, the international community never deals with it and has shoreward the prime minister up with his own people, his more cabinet was wobbly, and the prosecutor going after them standing by. stuart: i know you are a golfer. scotty scheffler due to be
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arraigned today, pushed back to june. scheffler turned in an impressive performance. >> i did and after that being in jail and being arrested for that event, he stretched in a jail cell and shot 66 the first day but reached out to police officers and talked eloquently about how he respects law enforcement. there was a big misunderstanding if you listen to eyewitnesses who were there, we will see where this goes. there's not a camera on the police officer. stuart: thanks for being on the show. president biden wants to flip the narrative on inflation again.
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now he is blaming companies for overcharging. the report from the white house is next. ♪ and when i got there, they have the sushi- this is clem. like sushi classy- clem's not a morning person. i'm tasting it- or a night person. or a... people person. but he is an “i can solve this in 4 different ways” person. and that person... is impossible to replace. you need clem. clem needs benefits. work with principal so we can help you help clem with a retirement and benefits plan that's right for him. i'm short but i'm... i'm confident. you know? let our expertise round out yours.
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stuart: let's check big tech. a few winners, microsoft, apple and out of that are up today, microsoft training 428, matter and amazon on the downside. the white house is trying to flip the inflation narrative blaming corporations for overcharging. edward lawrence at the white house. what is biden doing, is biden doing anything to bring those prices down? >> reporter: the where they are using is costs, not prices, the president is working to lower costs for smaller groups but not lower prices overall. that's not in the narrative. the president has blamed everything on inflation and now he's back to blaming companies, blaming companies for that, fox business obtained a memo from
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the white house, as major corporations many seeing record profits overcharge the american people in some cases keeping prices elevated, president biden is taking the president from taking action. the progressives news conference while lawmakers drove home the president's point. >> the american people are sick and tired of getting ripped off seeing powerful corporations price gouge, junk fees, all of it. we are too. an important part of this proposition is breaking corporations hold on our economy. >> reporter: no mention of president biden's policies or the spending he signed into law the jumpstarted inflation. overall prices are up 19% since the month president biden came into office. because inflation network for americans grew 0.7% in that time. if you look at the same time
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under donald trump, net worth grew 16%. >> this is a serious discussion we need to have. this level of spending, inflation is going to destroy the middle class and people of low income. >> more government spending, it goes to massachusetts where he has the campaign event. stuart: a new gallup survey shows people still see real estate as the best long-term investment. he happens to be an expert involved in the real estate business. it is the best long-term. >> look at this historically. the wealth is accumulated on this planet become a what is precious metals.
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the precious metals basket. and the other way is real straight. and in the time of uncertainty. people tend to rotate into the safest assets. in the precious metals basket they are rotating precious metals, gold, silver, and so forth. people get out of stocks in real estate. if you look at this historically. real estate is the safest place for people to be and give you a case study. what happened in 1999, control of hong kong changed it. what the hong kong chinese do, but every piece of real estate they could, it's a time of uncertainty and they wanted their wealth and physical asset.
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if you look at stocks and bonds over the short-term they may outperform real estate and if you look at it as wealth accumulator you will find the average investor will want to have investments. stuart: i'm not sure young people see it that way. i'm not sure they think getting into a house and building equity is the way to create wealth. they see it another way. >> i don't think young people think about wealth accumulation the way you and i would have thought about wealth accumulation at that age. i'm not thinking you can apply my standard to that because they are not thinking in terms of accumulated wealth but they definitely want a home because this entire industry of people who can't afford to buy one and they rent a home. a whole single-family real estate market is rental, they want the backyard and barbecue grill. i do think that the home is important to young people. their challenge is being able
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to buy one. stuart: a tax break would help. in a report in the report from fitch ratings, homes are overvalued by 11% in most of the united states. they picked out five states where they say it is most overvalued. they are tennessee, arkansas, montana, how do you figure out what is overvalued? >> i don't get it either. the only way i can figure out a metric for a home that was overvalued is homes selling, you take reproduction cost of a house, what does it cost to build a new house, there's a big gap and you could argue they are overvalued. most homes that are in markets are selling for less, there's a delta between the value of a new house versus value of an existing house. i have no idea how fitch figured that out.
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i am at a loss but i will say again. you like comments like this, i don't see home values falling in america. stuart: mitch rochelle, thanks for being with us. the value of your home could have to do with the political leanings of your state. explain this one to me. ashley: red states are more affordable in the us and blue states less affordable according to data from, uses the affordability score, the rate is from 0 to 2, not a huge range, generally score of one or higher indicates the market where the family making the median local income could afford to buy half of homes for sale under the current mortgage rates. the 24 red states had an average home afford ability store of 0.70 while the blue states plus washington dc average 0.59.
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republican states have more affordable housing. the swing state average sits in the middle, slightly more affordable than the national average. red state blue state, maybe not. stuart: let's get to the stock market, stocks are moving significantly. they are all down. ashley: down big after palo alto's report, they worry about guidance from that company dragging on other names. they are down 2% to 3%. the weight lossmakers, interesting stuff, nestlé launching a new frozen food brand aimed at people who use weight loss drugs like ozempic. it's called vital pursued and is expected to be in stores by the fourth quarter of this year.
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investors love this company's forecasts going forward, they expect 29,000 to 42,000 deliveries in the second quarter. the stock up $0.85, good for a 10% gain. stuart: democrat congresswoman jasmine crockett said marjorie taylor greene's remark about her eyelashes was racist. joe concha will break that down and bring us all the fiery drama from the house next. ♪
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ashley: congresswoman jasmine crockett opened up about her fight with marjorie taylor
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greene on capitol hill last week. >> maga has been on social media doing the things where they are saying she is black with lashes and nails and hair and so she's gado. to me this was her buying into that rhetoric and trying to amplify this for the maga crowd so i absolutely think she did it to be racist towards me. stuart: how are eyelashes racist? >> i think eyelashes are not a racial thing. look at katie. kim kardashian, lady gaga, they are all wearing fake eyelashes which i have been accused of having fake eyelashes. when in doubt, the squad plays the race card from the bottom of the deck. i'm not excusing anybody here. marjorie taylor greene just to bring this up, we had people in congress, we are a country with serious problems and we need serious people to solve them
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and whether it is marjorie taylor greene, alexandria ocasio cortez, they exist for clicks and likes and to get on shows on cable news just to talk about this stuff instead of inflation, crime, the border, two wars going on, education, test scores, they don't care about that, they care about me too. stuart: crockett launching a t-shirt collection and selling it for money. what's with that? >> drawing attention to herself, profiting off of this sort of thing, jake tapper was going to moderate the trump debate, no pushback whatsoever. that's a preview of what we are going to get from this guy who pretends to be a journalist. stuart: the president suggested he was vice president during the pandemic. >> president biden: when i was vice president, things were bad during the pandemic.
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what happened was barack said to me go to detroit, fix it. the mayor spent more time with me that he thought he was going to have. god love you. stuart: look at this. the white house edited that gaffe out of the official transcript. i didn't think much of his delivery and demeanor. >> everything about that is disturbing. the thing to deck out as far as editing these transcripts as if no one is paying attention. i used to be in the camp, president biden was going to be the nominee. my reasoning was not so much that he has the mental acuity for the job, but i didn't see a bench. i didn't see anybody who could jump in like tom brady, stop with the football analogies because you like the other football but i didn't see gavin newsom stepping in because he would make america california, kamala harris is pulling lower than dick cheney which is hard
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to do. at this point i think if the june debate doesn't do well, no tell proctor, no script, don't care if cnn is doing it, they talk about january 6th, the abortion and climate change and if president biden can't survive a friendly debate like that they have no choice, jill biden should step in, she sees him privately and the way he just spoke, this isn't a one off. we been playing this for months. the leader of the free world, commander-in-chief of the armed forces. stuart: are you going to see trump in the bronx on thursday? >> it's bringing these rallies that i could never attend before in professional capacity, and i will be able to cover that and if president biden comes to new jersey, i will go to rallies and see 1500 people show up.
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stuart: he won't color rally but a meeting. let me think about that. see you later. still ahead, the nation's water supply becoming more vulnerable to cyber attacks. the epa says 70% of water utilities do not meet standards to prevent those attacks. jeff flock has the story. wanting to electrify the commercial trucking space. they are on board with biden's ev mandates, the incentives are too dangerous, incentives too generous for an ev company, ceo of harvard is next. ♪ ♪
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stuart: the nation's water utilities facing cyber attacks. jeff, who is behind these attacks q jeff: weird names. cyberavenger, vault thaiphoon,
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those are just fronts for state actors in places like russia, china, and iran. the guy with the biden sign in the trump sign and his god, what about the countries that really want to destroy america? these attacks have been springing up around the country. the infrastructure for water is different than electricity and gas, those tend to be big companies. these are small municipal affairs. they've got small budgets. a lot of times they are automated. a new jersey town, he measured chemicals and took tests. that's all automated and that means it is on the internet which makes it vulnerable. you reported this earlier. 70% of all the water systems around the country are not meeting standards to fight off cyber attacks. you remember, the twilight zone
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episode where the infrastructure starts going back in the town and people start fighting each other and it is all a mess and the camera pulls out is two margins on top of the hill knowing i told you we didn't need to go to war with them. just mess with them and they will fight among themselves. think about that. stuart: that's an ugly future indeed, i remember that episode. the way that went. now i want to bring in john harris, the ceo of harbinger. and electric vehicle manufacturer for medium-sized ev trucks. what is wrong with incentives for electrification? why do you say those incentives are too dangerous? why? >> elective incentive program is precisely targeted to a decrease over time and most
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importantly needs to be sized appropriately for that product. taking electric school buses the incentives around school buses result in replacement of one hundred thousand dollar diesel school buses with $450,000 electric school buses, a portion of that increased cost being shipped to china to pay for imported battery packs. stuart: fair point. on the other side of the coin, you want mandate for ev adoption. you said incentives are too dangerous but you want mandates in place. seems like a contradiction. >> for the two to be effective they have to go together. we would like to see a carefully calibrated incentive alongside a strong mandate. in the absence of mandates, companies like harbinger still build product and come into the market but mandates are key to protecting jobs in the united
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states. in the absence of strong mandates, large incumbent companies have shown over and over again they will keep producing the same old products. we can cruise along like that in steady state for a while but fast-forward ten years and find we shipped another industry to china. stuart: under current rules of incentives and mandates currently, you want to bring your product to market by end of this year. if you do that can you make a profit? >> yes we can. because of the incentive structure allows us to pull profitability forward by the year. those incentives are calibrated to push us to the right price and achieve profitability sooner and that shows how mandates jumpstart the market. stuart: you are from harbinger
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is in harbinger of things to come. that is where the name comes from i guess? >> that's right. stuart: thanks for being with us this morning, interesting stuff, appreciate you being here. thanks a lot. still ahead, florida congressman cory mills on biden, under new leadership, riley gains on trans athlete in washington state billy beating biological girls on junior lipid track event. ben domenech on rick brunel recruiting eric -- does trump have any hope of picking up their support? the 11:00 hour is next. ♪ ♪
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>> we know he's a liar, but a thief too so my mom used to say, if you lie you'll steal and if you steal, you'll kill. that's all he's missing rite now. >> the last thing we should do is offer condolences to the butcher of iran. it is outrageous and it's just despicable, but it shows the fecklessness and just weakness of this ad


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