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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  May 21, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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ashley: i will go with world war ii, number 4. >> i will go biggest loss of life, number 2, the civil war. stuart: i will go world war i. i was going to say the holiday was first established in 1868, originally called decoration day, memorial day came right after the civil war, you often get it right but you never look it up, do you? i looked it up once and got it wrong. 711, which letter is not capitalize? i looked not time is up for me. justifiably. 321.
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neil: those higher prices are real but if you thought the biden administration was about to announce today if they contributed to at least part of those higher prices, get real, welcome, everybody, i am neil cavuto, there's a new inflation moving ahead out there, my friends, edward lawrence has a good idea who that might be. who is it? >> the white house blaming companies. i should tell you first coming out of the gate, the federal reserve just released a report on inflation, their financial well-being report for households. i don't have to tell you households are struggling, the report found largely things were unchanged in 2022-23 because the price has already remained high but when you dig deeper into this report you do see that the financial system, 84% of adults say their financial situation would made worse or much worse by higher prices in 2023, the report shows lower income adults felt the greatest hardship with
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inflation which included not paying bills, sometimes or often not having enough food and skipping medical care because of costs one today, christopher waller hints inflation could hold rates higher for longer. >> after a run of great data in the latter half of 2023 it seemed significant progress on inflation continue and rate cuts were not far off which however, the first 3 months of 2024 through cold water on that outlook as data on both inflation and economic activity came in much hotter than anticipated. >> we may be looking at a september rate cut, depends on inflation which president biden blames on corporations. in a memo obtained by fox business by demonstration officials say major corporations, many seeing record profits overcharged the american people, in some cases keeping prices elevated despite
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the inflation falling, president biden is taking unprecedented action to deliver relief for middle-class families, depending on the time of the past 3 years, they were very different causes to inflation. >> look, the pandemic was happening, right? that caused inflation, that was happening. supply chain was breaking our economy, it wasn't just us, wasn't just us. it was globally. >> reporter: from this perspective everything else caused inflation, not the policies from this president, not the spending but the government debt. stuart: neil: just so you know, i am a few pounds overweight, it is a thyroid condition, not because ie morning, noon, and night. wanted to get that out. not so fast with the cannolis, mostly napoleons, great sense of humor, daniel martinez, gifted readers of the markets
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with a great sense of humor as well. blame the companies, not what happens in washington, they fall back on that batch the latest bogeyman any more real than the others? >> i think i will give the president room here. companies have kept prices and certain things longer, higher longer than they possibly should have but when looking inside the guts of the cpi report you are seeing things like auto insurance and healthcare, being the most onerous prices for households and that has come through regulatory agencies approving very large increases in the rates. that doesn't have to do with gouging per se but does have to do with the fact that there was too much money handed out to us households for too long after the pandemic had long since struck that allowed people to,
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one, hike prices up. if you run the price up, 14% or 15% of americans don't have auto insurance, you have to subsidize those who don't with those who do. i do think these things are beyond the control of most us corporations and the federal reserve and the biden administration should be looking at what the bureau of labor statistics announced yesterday that there were 200,000 jobs lost in the third 1:45 thousand 23. there are things worse than inflation and that would be not having a paycheck at all to deal with higher prices. be 20 on the inflation i am wondering, i'm not blaming the administration for all of it, there was a lot of spending under the trump administration, virtually nothing going on with the economy in the last year of donald trump's presidency, you are going to see that. i don't know if it would do any
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damage if president biden were to say a lot of this is on me, i'm doing my best to turn it around and whatever? but we don't hear that and yet i go back in history and remember people like john f. kennedy kemeny argue inherited the cockamamie plan from dwight eisenhower to deal with fidel castro, to try to get them out of cuba, the bay of pigs was a disaster, he could have pointed the finger, at the other guy, he didn't. ronald reagan could have blame jimmy carter for a lot of things once in office, he didn't. don't get me started on abraham lincoln. my only point mentioning this is even if there's a particle truth to what you say, does it kill you in the eyes of the voters who are very forgiving to acknowledge this is under my watch and a lot of it is on me and try to fix it? >> you don't really think you will get a politician, including the president of the united states to ever admit that they might have done something wrong.
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diane: mentioned a few in the past who did. >> i suspect you are not going to hear that. is that. the fact is that inflation, what we have experienced the last 12 to 18 months seems to be embedded in the system and your other guests mentioned car insurance, if car insurance is double, it is incredible, quite frankly what's happening to insurance and i don't think the prices are going back down. i'm not quite sure what the president should or shouldn't do, admit he made a mistake or not admit he made a mistake but the reality is it has been embedded into the system now and as hard as the fed tries with interest rates, my guess is the current pricing situation is not going to change, all the job owning in the world isn't going to change
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it, corporations don't lower prices, the cost of everything gone up and the company simply pass it to the consumer and therein lies the inflation. neil: feeds on itself and that was the point of the first question but danielle, companies like target are trying to address it may be because under public pressure by lowering prices like 5000 often used, not sure how that is going but it is a reminder that companies where they have legal room will try to address that if for no other reason than to keep those customers, where do you see this going? >> at some point, inflation runs into a wall. back to this loss of jobs. they've been heavily discounting prices not because inflation for beef is too high but is going on purchased, people are switching to chicken and these are simple facts of life. if the money is not there in
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your paycheck, you are not going to buy it and that is what we are seeing. are old enough, i might be old enough to remember substitution during the 70s and 80s. all i am saying, what godless what companies are doing, when you see the actions they are taking, that might be in response, if it doesn't lower prices and force that back on buyers that it won't sell merchandise that it has. >> hamas, i can't and i won't and that would stop it. it's a hell of a price to pay ahead of it and let's say, don't know where you stand on fed governors and district presents around the country talking about rate cut, maybe maybe by the end of the year.
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i'm wondering in anticipation, one thing what the markets are doing but when it actually happens, markets would respond favorably? >> the market started to build in multiple rate cuts going back to last november/december, the original dialogue, the expectation is 5, seven rate cuts. and thank quite frankly, and the prospect, doesn't get toward the election. and do what they can to have it in the house at the moment.
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and it is a perfect case of cell on the good news and by on the bad news. any rate cuts, one 23, whatever it might be, there's a real prospect that there won't be any. if the fed gets around the cutting rates, my guess is the market will not act positively to that selloff. neil: just to let you know, the hush money trial in manhattan is essentially over, both sides resting their case, prosecution and the defense coming back at 2:15, jury instructions and all this goes over my head. not over eric shawn's head. >> it is over.
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the former president did not take the stand. he said he wanted to do that, one reason the former president did not testify on his own behalf which is his legal right is his lawyers be leave alvin bragg simply has not proven the case. the last witness the jurors heard from was the defense witness, the second one that was called, robert costello is a well-known new york lawyer who was a trump ally who said michael cohen lied on the stand. costello brought the jurors back to 2018 when he says michael cohen was advising michael cohen back then and told him donald trump had nothing to do with the stormy daniels payoff and did not even know about it, wasn't even his idea. prosecutor susan hoffman tried to undermine costello saying that saying costello was part of a pro trump cobol who was
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and still is in mister trump's corner, showed emails suggesting rudy giuliani served as a go-between between costello, cohen and the trump. costello denied he was trying to put any squeeze on cohen. emile cross-examined and asked this, quote, did you ever pressure michael cohen to do anything? i did not. do you have any control over michael cohen, clearly not, costello answered sarcastically but he didn't deny any involvement or any pressure campaign, emails corroborate some of that. costello told cohen, had friends in high places and costello understand has a reference to donald trump. and they are hashing out the jury instructions, very
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legalistic lady d pending what the judge or can or cannot tell the jury under the law, closing arguments next tuesday a week from now. closing arguments in the jury were finally on this case. neil: saul eisenberg, and in during my idiotic questions. and want to get your thoughts, and there's been a lot of talk about delineating between felonies and all that.
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>> and is charged as a misdemeanor, the statute of limitations on misdemeanors expire. they are bumping into a felony. it is into a felony, you've got to be doing it to cover up, intending to cover up and commit a separate crime and they can't convict donald trump, in my opinion, without proving beyond a reasonable doubt, they have the specific intent, to cover it up. if the jury gets a jury instruction, very beneficial to donald trump. if they get something that the vague, that starts to have a general intent to know that something is being done that is
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unlawful, that's good for the prosecution but i can't emphasize enough the importance of jury instructions and in my experience, jurors look very closely and listen to those. neil: the jury will be home, friend and family members, in this incredible jury, and they might be tempted to look at news and papers judging them not to do that. i don't know whether juries have followed that advice. what do you think? >> this is a very high profile trial. i haven't had anything that went to trial that was this high profile but i would be worried about that if i were either side, about influence that is very tough for a jury trying to do its job, to not
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look at any media sources or friends or family members. neil: i am sorry, they honor this, it would be tempting to just say, the media covering this, quick look and start thinking, this was donald trump's concern, will they be guided or at all influenced by their bluest of blue friends, i am simplifying saying could that work against donald trump? >> it certainly could. most jurors try to be conscientious and listen to the judge, but this concern particularly getting harder and harder, who don't look at social media particularly in the social media age. it's just a concern, the way
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the case has evolved, the defense thought it was important for them to put costello understand. i understand why, very risky move. the reason why it is risky in the case of costello, judges, juries tend to bond with their judges so they love their judges and it's very clear the judge was not happy with costello. and costello was not respectful to the judge yesterday, not good for team trump, whether the testimony was worth it. julie: always got on edge. great insights. we will see what happens and how they behave over the last week.
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and scarlett johansson, to use her voice and anything else. it turns out she is afraid someone did just that. she is upset. very upset. ♪ ♪
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(luke) this will be a gold mine of local intel. just you wait. (marci) right. so, tell us about this corn festival? (stylist 1) oooh you got your corn pudding... you got your corn chowder... (marci) so... is it safe around here? (stylist 2) sometimes. (luke) if a family of eight were to need a cold plunge, where would they find it? (stylist 1) ...and then they dip it in butter, then bam, it goes right in. (stylist 2) ...really cute vampire bar. (stylist 1) the reverend does like a blessing on the corn. (luke) donut shops. how far from here? (marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we've got to run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. (grandpa vo) i'm the richest guy in the world. hi baby! (woman 1 vo) i have inherited the best traditions. (woman 2 vo) i have a great boss... it's me. (man 1 vo) i have people, people i can count on.
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(man 2 vo) i have time to give (grandma vo) and a million stories to share. (grandpa vo) if that's not rich, i don't know what is. (vo) the key to being rich is knowing what counts. when i think about purpose, i don't know if st. jude donors realize the magnitude of what they are doing. their donations are funding the research.
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the research is allowing for the treatments to happen. and those treatments provide cures. and the cures are allowing patients to get to grow up and live amazing lives all around the world. and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly.
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neil: of these kids today with their songs and relating it to our next guest. scarlett johansson on making a i am certain voice impersonations she straightly forbids. >> from the 80s. neil: remind those kids about it. >> we are in this new era of ai artificial intelligence. a lot more on these types of battles over likeness, intellectual property, and it is scarlett johansson, lawyered up and says she's reviewing her options over open ai's voice
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assistant chad gpt 4.0 which see says sounds like her. she starred in that movie is a voice in the 2013 film of the same name based on an ai assistant the lead actor fell in love with. last september she said i received an offer from sam altman who wanted to hire me to voice a chat gpt 4. 0 system. after much consideration and for personal reasons i declined the offer. when i heard the release demo i was shocked, angered and in disbelief that mr. altman would pursue a voice that sounded so eerily similar to mine. i got in touch with open ai and sam altman said the voice of sky is not scarlett johansson absent was never intended to resemble hers. we cast the voice actor behind sky's voice before any outrage. scarlett says she has hired legal counsel reviewing her options.
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she also sued disney during covid for her performance pay when they released black widow simultaneously in theaters and on streaming at the same time so she has a track record of her protecting her earning power. open ai lost their safety team last week along with their founder, chief scientist who was part of the new one to kick out altman. and see if scarlett johansson has a case. here she is in the movie her. >> good morning, theodore. you have a meeting in five minutes. want to try to get it? >> reporter: compare and listen to open ai's guy voice. >> i'm on stage doing a live demo and feeling a little nervous. can you help me calm my nerves? >> you are doing a live demo right now? that's awesome. just take a deep breath. and remember, you are the expert.
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susan: completely different actress according to open ai. i don't think there's that much similarity. neil: it sounded a little similar to me. that is what she is basing her case on the this is her voice but they say it is not. susan: think about this era of protecting your own ip which is why we had a drawn out actor strike. tabasco sauce thrown on neil cavuto's face, won't you protect your likeness and uniqueness? neil: if the state chain did that, i would want something more substantial but you raise a good point. >> the robots are coming. neil: are proven to our viewers. it was amazing. ray wong is here, constellation
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research ceo. great to have you but what do you make of this case and what do you make of more cases like this that are bubbling? >> this is going to keep happening, name, image, likeness all about to be replicated and we have no rights. it's important, we need a new framework to handle this but you will see a lot of deep fakes, a lot of misinformation and we haven't started on the election year campaign. this is a problem we will see quite a bit in society for the next we 10 years. neil: the real expert in ai saying to me you don't realize so much of what you see now and no one has any idea. >> the way voices are spliced back in. and makes everything bluer than it was in terms of sky.
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it is happening in the background but when it comes to your livelihood, your ip, and your likeness is the brand. neil: you get nvidia's numbers tomorrow in the latest quarter tomorrow, big player in ai, and the mail that it is. and >> >> we had google i/o. i was at microsoft building seattle and they have a slew of ai announcements, copilot plus, how they are working. there were a lot of announcements on ai. it is the hottest topic.
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that the age of ai. we need protection so we will see digital ethics he emerged. at some point we hope your likeness, your image, your genomics become a property right. if you make that a property right, we don't actually have protections, we don't have those now. one thing i would love to convene is a convention to figure out where digital rights are in this age of ai. can i be disconnected and not seen as a terrorist or paid with cash or not seen as the guy with the cash. we don't have in that direction. neil: i am worried we run out of voiceover material, scarlett johansson, separate issue. good seeing get you so she obviously has a beef on that and a lot of people have a beef on that, the number that come out tomorrow as we wait for that.
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getting some fundraising numbers from donald trump, he handily beat president biden last month. this could be the start of something big, we are on after this. ♪
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neil: raise the trump campaign
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a lot of money, 76 million in federal contributions, coming at a blistering pace, 25 million more than president biden who has a substantial lead in overall funds available. what do you think of this? >> the biggest motivator in human lives is emotion and strong emotions around anger and enthusiasm are key drivers in fundraising. this trial, the sham trial against donald trump has created level of among donors of all types and there's no way you reach $70 million in donations just with the wealthy folks. i believe once we see those numbers we will realize a lot of it has come from higher net worth individuals who may have been sitting on the sidelines until they see what donald trump could do. i love your dress. trump could do.
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minister are merely an attempt to deny israel the basic right of self defense. and i assure you of one thing. this attempt will utterly fail. all right, benjamin netanyahu, not too pleased being lumped in with the leaders of hamas, to be arrested by an international court. he's likened it to doing the same in the middle of world war ii, going after adolf hitler and fdr, congressman jared moskowitz of florida necessarily not always on the same page as benjamin netanyahu, who agrees with that. it is a little odd. congressman, good to see you. what do you make of this? thanks, neal. thanks for having me. well, this is nothing more than the campaign to continue to try to delegitimize israel in the eyes of the international community. we've seen it at the un, and now we're seeing it at the icc. this is the icc, by the way, that never tried to issue any arrest warrants against assad, who gassed his own people and
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killed 300,000 civilians. but now the icc wants to criminalize israel defending itself after a nine over 11 sort of event. think about that. can you imagine the icc issuing arrest warrants for george w bush after nine over 11, when he went into afghanistan? the israel is not a signatory to the icc, nor is the united states, so they have no jurisdiction, over this issue. but this is the pressure campaign on israel and putting israel and hamas on the same playing field. by the way, they want to issue arrest warrants for sinwar when they go to serve that arrest warrant on sinwar, maybe they can tell us where he is so that we can actually end this war in gaza. but what does it say about global opinion right now? because even though president biden has said this is ridiculous, he doesn't support this move by this, you know, international criminal court, he's not exactly endeared himself to israelis who feel that he's sort of, you know, limiting them, hamstringing them when it comes to fighting
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this war against hamas. what are your thoughts on that? well i mean, what i would say is the president yesterday came out and said that there is no genocide going on in gaza. he said the what the icc did was outrageous. both very important things, because obviously there is the misinformation out there. it's all over social media. we see it in the national community. we see it in the halls of congress that israel is committing a genocide in gaza. there's absolutely no evidence of that, of course. i mean, there's a genocide going in darfur, as we know right now. we should be paying attention to that where people are actually going door to door, ethnically cleansing. but this is the double, triple, quadruple standard that's always on israel. people were calling for a cease fire in october. eight people in the halls of congress were calling for a cease fire in the very days after october 7th, meaning israel doesn't get to respond when they have a 911 type event in in their country. so this, unfortunately, is the anti-semitism that we see around the world and growing and in this country as well.
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and it is the continued try to delegitimization of the state of israel because, as we know, there are a lot of countries that are anti-israel, and a lot of this obviously is being pushed by china and russia and their proxies, which is why we've seen the, the, the application by south africa that is all being pushed by by russia and china. congressman, always enjoy having you. thanks for taking the time. thanks, neal. all right. in the meantime, what they call muted mourning right now after the helicopter crash that claimed the lives of top iranian officials including the president ebrahim raisi. now the question is who succeeds him and what kind of iran look forward to or not look forward to? ben joins us right now, and iranian by birth, a researcher, the iran program at the institute for national security studies, any i believe you live in israel now, correct? yes. yes, sure. and you know, obviously, you know, iran's views toward israel and wanted
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to obliterate it. and now, of course, an outright war existed between iran and israel the first time we've seen it, that overt. does this make things worse? so, first of all, of course. thank you for having me here in your show. and i want to also have a sentence about your, guest before that, about the attitude toward the, us administration and how they treat israel and, and the gaza situation. this double standard is also going on with the racist death, from one hand, us pays condolences last night for, for icu death. and in the other hand, they, condemn him. and they say that the sanctions will go on and etc. so this is where the iranians can get an advantage and the, promote their goals and their export,
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their revolution. so this is the problem. us and the west have to decide in which side they are, the side of democracy or, being quiet and silenced, instead of acting and about the regime. actually, raisi is the second, important person in, in the iranian regime. but this is not a real word. he is not so important. the real role and the real power is in the leader's hand. he controls a irgc, he controls the funds and the you're talking about you're talking about the supreme leader, right? i ali khamenei, he's really the one calling the shots. he's 85 years old. yes. he was looking to sort of be his successor, i guess. now what. yes. but actually, a few hours ago, there was a report from reuters that says that
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race was not a successor anymore for, about six months ago. so it was very surprising, and maybe it's not so surprising because he, he was a very, big failure in his position as a president. he, he depressed the people. he ruined the economy more and more and didn't let the iranian economy, have a progress. so maybe he disappointed the supreme leader so much who, that he took his name out of that list. but that list only, have two, three names. the other name is the supreme leader, son mojtaba. so it will be a very hard time for the iranian regime to bring him to be the successor, because the constitution of iran is against, this kind of, succession. so we will have to see, to wait and see a few months, and see how iran regime
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will, get that gap and, and go through with this, problem, this challenge, because cause, the base of the iran regime is going and being narrowed for so many years. there are so few, supporters for the iran regime, and, and this is the main problem of the iranian regime. got it. fascinating. benny. i didn't realize a lot of that except the researcher, iranian by birth, living in israel right now and hoping for more democratic days in iran, but clearly not holding his breath for that. in the meantime, i don't know if you heard about it. it's a big story for elvis fans. graceland could be in foreclosure, and the granddaughter right now is against this happening. yeah, you heard me right. the land of elvis in trouble. a little less conversation, a little more action, please. all this aggravation and satisfaction in me. a little more bite, a little less bark, a little less bite. tamara izzy and emma,
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minds and we can't build our was elvis talking about graceland, his fabled home, that historic home that could be on the auction block in a matter of days. steve harrigan is in atlanta. what is going on here? steve well, a company without a website called nasty investments claims that it gave a $3.8 million loan to elvis's only daughter, who died in 2023, and that she gave collateral for that loan. she gave the deed to graceland. now elvis's granddaughter, riley keough, is challenging that, saying this entire project is simply a scam, and the documents involved are entirely fake. here's her attorney. surprises me to see someone attempt to move forward with something on this, magnitude, with a document that appears so
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blatantly fraudulent on its face. the sale of graceland was supposedly going to happen. this week. there's already been one temporary restraining order. there will be a hearing on a permanent injunction to block any sale on wednesday. of course. graceland, purchased by elvis in 1957 for $102,000. it was open to the public in 1982. it's really become a cash cow, both for memphis and the presley family. it gets about 600,000 visitors a year tickets starting at $50 a pop. neil, back to you. is any of that affected by this? in other words, are can people still visit? it's still open. about 4000 visitors a day in the summer, it's on the national historic registry and one of the most popular museums in the country. neil, i could i could well, imagine. steve, thank you very much. steve harrigan reporting on this. a couple of things to button up here before we leave, president biden is apparently releasing a million barrels of gasoline from a northeast reserve in a bid to
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lower gas prices at the pump. they've begun to escalate a little bit here. not necessarily following oil, per se, but they've been stubbornly high, we don't know whether this will do the trick and change gas futures. it's too early to tell. they had not been moving when i first saw this, and they do not appear to be moving now. but it's the president's effort and election year. obviously to make sure that doesn't get out of hand. for a lot of folks, it already is. all right. that'll do it for us here. with the dow up about 13.5 points. we had the nasdaq in and out of record territory. anything from yesterday would be just that. the s&p 500 again a lot of the weighting is for the numbers we get from nvidia tomorrow. sort of a key player in technology and where it goes maybe these markets as well. after the closing bell right now to brian brenberg and the big money show folks with what they have now. hey guys. neil, i've always called you the elvis of midday market news, so that was a fitting story. i'm a huge elvis fan and i preferred him in his heftier days. i might point out, okay, i hear


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