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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 22, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. maria: good wednesday morning thank you for joining us is morning. i am maria bartiromo wednesday may 22 your top stories, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast, today all about nvidia futures are pulling back of the highly
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anticipated a.i. chipmaker earnings after the close tonight take a look at where he stands the dow jones 39 and the nasdaq down 20 points going into the earnings and s&p 500 lower by seven and a half earnings and revenue expected to be up sharply at nvidia and some are betting on a poster earnings rally i'll tell you about those bets this morning despite 200% gain in the stock in the last year nvidia share down one half of 1%, before we get to that we have target and tjx reporting earnings before the opening bell those pulling back take a look at yesterday's performance, the nasdaq and s&p 500 in record territory at the close beginning a new day and unchartered space the dow industrial was up 66 and the nasdaq of 13 at a new high of 5321. the nasdaq 37 at a new high of 16832, european markets are pulled back s&p 124 cac cron 41
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and dax index lower by 47. in asian markets lower fractional moves across-the-board shanghai composite flat but up a tiny bit, back at home battling persistent inflation president trump slamming president biden over his economic policies and spending leading to skyhigh inflation as biden is trying to tap into a northeastern oil reserve to bring down gasoline prices before the election. the fed survey shows it may be too little too late americans report therefore saw financially today than four years ago. biden d.o.j. and trump on trial the defense resting in the hush money trial with closing arguments expected after the memorial day weekend next week, joining the conversation on boarding longbows like american adam johnson boston globe opinion writer karina jar and jonathan fahey, "mornings with maria" is live right now ♪
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♪. maria: time for the hot topic of hour former presidential posh money trial heading into the final stretch as trump's defense team rest without calling chuck to testify the former president touting his defense team won the manhattan case calling on judge mershon to dismiss the charges, watch. >> this is an embarrassment of a prosecution i imagine the judge wouldn't grant the motion to dismiss the case you cannot imagine it, there has been no evidence there is no evidence there is no crime, majority of americans receive these indictments as politically motivated and should be a warning sign to the democrats
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these are democrats having the judge that is so aggressively on their side. >> work will resume on tuesday after the memorial day holiday in the jury will hear closing arguments that. jonathan fahey your reaction. >> when this got started we thought the case was ridiculous and it's been worse than any of us could expected. he talked about no crime being in the case, the only crime referred about seemed like crimes in which the witnesses have committed michael cohen perjury and admitted to grand larceny on the stand and incidentally not been prosecuted to trump's being shaken down by those around him and judge mershon could do so much to restore the integrity of the whole judicial system if you were to dismiss the case, it is
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laughable i was a prosecutor 20 years i've never seen a case that is so ridiculous but also in abuse of prosecutorial discretion. i think this case should be dismissed outright. maria: some of the people who have joined me this week join me after they were in the courtroom and they watched firsthand what judge mershon said to robert costello or what michael cohen said grand larceny saying i still 60000 from truck they cannot believe it, alan dershowitz, bernie jones came on the show saying we were stunned watching the proceedings and that's how you feel. >> i've never seen anything like it when you have a witness as bad as michael cohen. i can't think of a witness being that god but the worst part their entire case rest on
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michael cohen, they have to ask the jury to believe michael cohen who secretly recorded his client, stole from his client in a financial interest in the outcome of the trial and biased against the defendant, committed perjury multiple times it is utterly absurd. maria: that must've been one moment when he said you stole from truck, didn't you, yes. you stole $30000 and when you grossing up it was 60000, how stunning. >> i lot of folks on the left are defending the prosecution by saying michael cohen is being honest about the times that he lied and stolen. that says it all it's politically motivated for anybody paying attention but only 16% of americans are truly tuned in according to the uganda poll. i think it's going to be on the trump campaign to make the case it's going to be on the campaign
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into make the case as politically motivated i'm not sure i'll make that a big part. maria: the president said his election interference. >> jonathan makes the point and i agree with him that mr. trump did not commit a crime and there was a crime committed and it's by the democrats politicizing the judicial system which is so wrong because that strikes at the integrity of this country. one of the things that distinguishes the united states from every other country is integrity of our judicial system and accounting system that gives entrepreneurs and business people independent operators a confidence to take a great idea and making something of themselves and their families. enter mess with the system by politicizing the judicial system is so wrong. maria: it's so blatant in our faces. were just getting started we have a lot coming up. this doctor watches nvidia river preview coming out after the bell and how this sets the tone for tac and a.i. in the broader
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markets for the coming weeks, stay with us on that, senior partner ivan fine seth is with us on those expectations. young conservative weeks on "mornings with maria" the federalist contributor is on biden's bad poll numbers despite his pledge to bailout student loan borrowers will breaking news on that more student loan debt forgiveness. what you "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?!
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maria: welcome back, let's check the markets, features indicated a decline, the dow industrial don 36, nasdaq 1022 and s&p lower by 22 after record-setting performance. high expectation for nvidia earnings "after the bell" tonight the stock a surge of joy to present over the last year take a look at where we stand at 949 and 30 cents, the stock is traded on recently going into the numbers but it was down 9% in a day, sizable move on thursday as some people are trying to take money off the table often the huge run up but there are others that feel like they're going to see a rally after the earnings. tom lee reported we expect nvidia post nvidia results pulling cash off the sidelines to put them to work. senior partner chief investment officer and director of research ivan feinseth, great to see you. how important is the nvidia quarter from your standpoint the broader market. >> the whole trend is very
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important because underlying market has been driven especially the tech sector by the a.i. investing and nvidia is a whole engine behind it it is a driver of a.i. maria: it is the driver of a.i. what are your expectation of earnings. >> right now the consensus estimate is under 25 billion which is up almost to a 50% year-over-year and i believe it could exceed 27 billion and continue the a.i. investing trend as is not only the driver for the company like microsoft and google and amazon that provide the platform but every company is adopting and incorporating a.i. across all aspects whether supply chain optimization, customer service, customer interaction and it will only continue to improve and businesses to run more efficiently. maria: going into this quarter
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we knew we were beginning to see a broadening of corporate america spending money on this business because in the beginning it was largely tech, you own the stock and there's some reaction this morning about the recent selling in the shares going into the quarter. if the ceo felt like they were going to underperform, he would've wanted to warn this market in a preannouncement. in the fact that we do have a preannouncement and a beat that is that they. >> if you think of the ceo of nvidia the past two quarters he raised estimates and we can't keep up by demand which is opposite doubling down, admittedly somebody who is a little nervous because everything has got to be perfect and raise guidance again in the
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raise guidance at the end of the last quarter, he's done that twice but expected to do it a third time. >> look at t last eight reactios they have been fiscal third-quarter results of the sizable reaction post fiscal third quarter but the average is a 20% move in the last two years after earnings. >> estimates that were going to get today after the close, were looking for earnings to be a 420%, when was the last time you heard earnings and revenues money coming to the top tortured 35% staggering numbers, they are not sustainable, you probably slowed 75 or 90% and that's what they slowed to that is so much faster the s&p as a whole is growing eight to 10% that's what sets this company apart its entire a.i. echo system as ivan just said. >> the seasonality remains a factor as well, let's say we get good numbers would you want to broaden out into other a.i.
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related companies or do you want to stick with the. place, how you play tech ended environment where interest rates are pretty much stagnant for the last couple weeks, take a look at the ten year treasury right now trading 4.4% exactly 4.4% 2.7 basis points after christopher rolle said several months of good inflation data before lowering rates is important say that the data will continue softening for the next 3 - 5 months he could think about doing it at the end of the year and this is the two forces the markets, yet a.i., nvidia and all the other corollary plays around nvidia and you have the rate story, how do you want to allocate capital. >> i think the number one driver of the market continues to be revenue and earnings growth and of the economy continues to be jobs, jobs, jobs and were under
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4%, full employment getting good strong monthly job creation numbers i think the labor market is going well, not too hot to force the fed not to want to cut rates. inflation is trending longer and the ecb will cut rates in june or july and powell will follow a month later in the first rate cut as early as july and maybe later says september. i think we will get to rate cuts. that puts the fed on the side of the bulls and it goes back to the underlying theme of driving productivity and creativity which is being driven by a.i. maria: do you think we will have it up here in stocks or are we in there your recession can't cite a half. >> absolutely i began with my year-end price target of the s&p at 5400 and now i'm at 5600 and i think it's a most 11% and there's more to go in his
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earnings, corporate efficiency, growing profitability also been helped by excess cash being returned to cash fair holders with on going dividend and share repurchases we came out of q1 with dividend increases in a record level of new share repurchase authorization companies are confident and it enables them to return cash to shareholders at a massive level. maria: we will be watching all that, great to get your take, thank you so much. ivan feinseth, check out lululemon, the stock is down shares of the athletic apparel lower after announcing the chief product officer will be resigning. with no plans to replace the role, lululemon trying to r redesigned to change is global and regional market strategies
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the stock is down 4.5%, down 36% year to date kabbalistic break president trump assignee president biden's economic choices of skyhigh inflation as the president drains and american oil reserve to lower gas prices before the election, virginia congressman bob good is here on how the gop is calling out biden for rocketing food prices, stay with us. ♪ a
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maria: breaking news this morning, president biden announce more student loan handouts this morning saying he will cancel teva $.7 billion in student debt for 160,000 borrowers the administration approved $160 billion in the student loan debt cancellation, more than 4 billion people, the statement releases morning biden right eye will never stop working together to cancel student debt no matter how many times republican elected officials try to stop us. i assume he's referring to the supreme court. virginia congressman bob good house freedom caucus in the education and budget committee.
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should we assume it's a supreme court that the president said he's not going to listen to. >> 's going to stop of january 19, 2025 because exactly to be president anymore, he thinks he has constitutional authority he does not have any year end a half ago he said he did not have authority on his own to unilaterally do it and nancy pelosi said he didn't have authority to do it and he continues to do anyway he spending money and further bankrupt in the united states and harming the economy and not to mention in our education committee a hearing was secretary recently and i asked him if student loan debt is legitimate debt is a debt that should be paid and he would not answer that question and i also asked should we make student loans and vernacular require borrowers to pay them back and he would not answer that question. maria: what is the question that you are asking in terms of this
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is real debt that we are forgiving. >> biden in his administration seem to think that student loan debt is illegitimate and people who borrow it should not have to pay back and somehow forced into it should not have to make payments i asked should people make mortgages people are car loans or credit card loans and should they make those payments, why is student loan debt they think it's illegitimate and the actual borrowers should not pay them back in the taxpayer in the borrower. maria: i don't understand the way this is happening at all on july 10, 2023 the supreme court ruled in biden versus nebraska, 6 - 3 the court struck down the administration forgiveness program and agreed with those pushing against it under the court's ruling, again last year july 2023 under the court's ruling the u.s. the primitive education was prohibited from implementing the biden harris administration debt relief
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program why does this continue to forgive student loan debt despite the supreme court has ruled this unconstitutional. >> even before the supreme court we passed the congressional view act both houses of congress the house and the senate on a bipartisan basis overturning the previous transfer scheme and he vetoed it it's is the supreme court as he stepped in and is a lawless president and thinks that the american taxpayer should provide free college so we tried to buy votes for the upcoming election just like he did last year in its going to fail and relentlessly try until he is no longer president. >> is quite extraordinary despite the supreme court ruling, what is the supreme court here for for not listening if were just blowing off what they say. >> this is a lawless of administration we don't enforce the border laws their weapon raising their department of injustice and federal law enforcement and political item
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opponent and who's able to spend money they do want to work the congress and that's where the congressional review act overturned his previous student loan transfer scheme that was nearly a trillion dollars. >> this is quite extraordinary your reaction. >> a president is desperate to get any votes that he can especially from young people but funny enough young people aren't having any of it i've been reporting with progressive groups and their fixated on oil drilling they think biden is drilling too much in the core voters think is not drilling enough there's nothing that the president can do to win right now and this is a political play at most. maria: it's interesting young people are not paid enough attention and he still canceling debt because young people like the rest of us are focused on the cost of everything in the inability to take out a mortgage
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because of 7% plus, let me get your take on that the federal reserve issued the 2023 well-being of u.s. households, and find 60 sides% of adults of price increases have made the financial situation worse, 19% behind on the rent, house republicans posted this on x saying since biden took office, and mcdonald's medium fry is up 168%, mcdonald's hamburger happy you up 140%, a five layer real interbreeding from taco bell 153%, president trump is aware of all of this and is slamming biden on inflation he did so yesterday. >> the news on inflation is moving at a level like people have not seen and biden started with energy. biden is releasing
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1 billion barrels of oil from the northeast reserve to mid to lower prices at the pump just before the election because he is unable to draw properly. and he destroyed everything. maria: trump slamming biden's plan to release oil in a million barrels of oil to lower gasoline prices for the tri-state area he claims ahead of the summer driving season. is this ahead of the summer driving season or ahead of the election. >> he think it's a political reserve and young people are suffering on this president's policies whether the grocery prices as you noted, housing, utilities, gasoline, the really suffering and that's why the persecuting president trump they know they cannot beat him because everybody was better off when he was president including young people in the student loan
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debt ranks about 15th among young people on their most concerning issues. maria: what is most concerning issues, inflation? >> inflation is the number one thing biden is hurting young people, seniors on fixed income regular income americans, gasoline, housing, groceries are crushing them not to mention interest rates because of the massive spending caused of inflation. >> a dangerous foreign policy has not been much better were watching two wars underway right now in china on the march you recently joined a delegation of lawmakers traveling to turks and caicos to meet with american tourists detained there on ammunition charges, those americans can face up to 12 years in prison one of the people being detained is a constituent of yours who is already served two weeks in jail as well as in federal prison, tell us about the trip when you make about the state department's response. >> the state department has not
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been helpful that's why we went on the congressional delegation to meet with the authorities in turks and caicos to tell the stories of our constituents, my constituent and the unintended consequences of their law they have outlawed ammunition and firearms in the country with a 12 year minimum sentence, young american tourists who have come on a family vacation or wedding vacation or celebrating a special occasion in their lives and are being held for weeks on months and 12 years in prison for accidentally having one or two street bullets in the luggage that were not found until they leave the country with the lining and the scenes of the bags they never would've found those if they have a been found leaving the country with the scanners. maria: how to have the street bullets in the luggage. >> my constituent's case there was one or two bullets that had slipped down between the seam in the lining of his bag he never would've taken it through security and tsa which they were not founder into the country with those intentionally he would've never found that they
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had to take them through the scanners to her three times to see what was subbing them off. he's been held for a month or two weeks of jail and prison and were asking to be released immediately. maria: we will be watching your work. we are breaking news target earnings hitting the tape and the stock is selling off. >> to talk about the weak consumer, we knew that going into the report they came in at two or three on an adjusted basis and that was a miss on the earnings-per-share the street was looking for 206 and they came in with a very, very slight be on revenue, 24.53 billion this street was looking for 24.5 billion, the really talking about the discretionary spending, we knew this and target said they were going to discount 5000 items like milk, meat, bread, paper, towels because consumers and mcdonald's ceo and consumers are getting picky about what money that they
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are spending same-store sales down 3.7% in line with expectation digital sales were weaker than expected we were looking for a 3% jump on digital sales but we only had a 1.4% jump on digital sales. as expected it's a rough quarter for target. maria: are we still looking for the inflation story being the story here, walmart told us that higher end and higher income people are going to walmart, what is target telling us. >> exactly the same thing the inflation story they told us that before the earnings report this morning. maria: were watching the stock move down six and three quarters% on target. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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maria: senate minority leader mitch mcconnell rejected request
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for republicans to help democrats advance the senate border bill that would be a second vote tomorrow here is mcconnell and chuck schumer yesterday. >> this thursday on the bipartisan border bill although those that say we need to act of the border will get a chance to show this week that they are serious about fixing the problem. >> i said to you a while ago mr problem, there was no legislation, why don't you just renew with the previous administration was doing which got the border, it's safe to say go into a border bill right now is a gimmick away to convince the american people that they're concerned about this when they caused it. maria: he was spot on, retired
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u.s. sector border patrol chief chris clem thank you very much for being here, your reaction to this border bill and whether or not they keep calling a bipartisan bill it was not bipartisan yet a couple republicans who were authors with lankford senator lankford and murphy but for the most part most republicans said this is not a good bill, how did you see the bill. >> i see the bill dead on arrival not a border security bill in migrant facilitation everything a progressive administration wanted and i don't agree with everything that mitch mcconnell says but what he said was spot on the president cause this and he can fix it and i do a lot of problems of the border bill i think is very important they give numbers and they codify what is acceptable in when i was chief we had two or three days in a row of 1100
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or 1200 apprehensions it would sink the sector but based on the bill for looking at numbers for the southwest border and that can target one region and sink us but we would not have the daily capital is ridiculous it's not about border security is about migrant facilitation. maria: ss the yuma region for us today i know at one point this was ground zero for somebody migrant but texas has done a fair amount of work and they see those going to arizona, california, et cetera, what's happening in yuma, arizona today. >> it was great i was there saturday morning and we had 50 or 60 show up from china, syria, peru, the numbers are still there and much lower in yuma
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today in 40 or 50000 of sfr this year but they're taking an equal amount of people from other sectors because the push into arizona, the tucson sector with apprehensions and got a ways, san diego is also multi-decade highs, it shifting from texas into el paso into new mexico, arizona but pushing west because texas has clamped down while yuma may not be as bad as it was back at 21 and 22 it has to deal with the broad of it from other sectors and not allowing to be 100% border patrol enforcement. >> most people would estimate 10 million people come into the united states through the open border on joe biden's watch in the last three years or so, you just mentioned you were there and there were chinese nationals what you make of the chinese nationals 24 to 85000 chinese nationals since october since the fiscal year another 25000
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before that, we had people saying in there creating a mini army. >> that's a concern in the demographic or nationality and 50000 people coming in the last 18 months and is not easy to leave china and when they get over here there organized and know what they're doing but they're very stoic and part of culture and they don't talk very much it's very difficult to get information from them, they are caught and processed and released and that should be a concern that why we must give them a hearing or truly vetted so we know where they're from and who they're connected to. we absolutely cannot afford to make a mistake when it comes down to people in the country that we no are against the
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united states. maria: we hear christopher wray tellis umpteen times that china is our number one adversary enemy of the united states and they are upping their efforts to undermine the united states and there is no comment whatsoever from the sum administration about the 50000 chinese nationals out of coming to the country in the last three years and i don't know if that is conservative is not the right number. >> i'm sure that is conservative because all these people with the unknown god ways we don't know the number and the amazing thing about this administration they do not care their highest priority is open border agenda and they put that ahead of national security and public safety and the numbers are staggering but predictable and they will go through the roof if biden is reelected this is our plan all along and they don't care and they will put everything for the open border
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and agreed to something with the senate border bill, wyoming senator john barrasso republican introducing new legislation yesterday that would require and use federal covid money to finish building the border wall, he introduced the build the wall act of 2024 as an amendment to the senate border security bill that border security is not going anywhere because we know it's not a good bill what about the wall what you want to say in terms of the holes of the wall along the coast? >> i would make sure people understand the border security international security we need to stop having politicians with immigration aborted security they are related but not exclusive the american people deserve a secure border and i introduce senator barrasso let's see if they take it up the way the senate bill is designed it is not about border security about hr2 and one 2 - 107,
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building the wall and more border agents instituting the technology plan and those are what the american people need, secure the border and then we get to the table about immigration but the immigration system deserves the security and the security piece first, to your point director wray has testified twice in the last six months, the bells and whistles will go up, that is an indication that this president should roll up his sleeves and get something done. the set of bills not the answer we start with hr2 as a foundation. maria: it's amazing to the senate border bill know much of whatsoever of hr2 which the house passed as a priority a year ago and great insight from you as usual, chris climbed joining us this morning, we appreciate your time. the white house is forced to correct the record as gas from
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president biden, the biggest gaps you will not believe, we have it next. you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪) wow... are you kidding me? you can do this. at truist, we believe the same is true for banking.
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maria: welcome back a shocking scene of flattened houses in iowa today after deadly tornadoes tore across the state, cheryl casone with the details. >> multiple people are believed dead after a dozen tornadoes slammed the state of iowa yesterday the large violent storms destroyed homes down transformers, knockdown wind turbines in rural areas the towns of carbon, prescott and greenfield were hit hard, brandon company pigs in most of greenfield is completely gone search and rescue crews and teams headed there now and try to figure out the full impact in his give-and-take under the tort for hours to get to the areas. one passenger dead and 30 injured after singapore airlines flight hit extreme turbulence tuesday in the clear air turbulence is what analysts are saying from london to singapore when all hell broke loose flight
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tracking data shows the plane plummeting rapidly and it climbed several hundred feet again the movements last about 90 sackett, singapore airlines did make the statement, watch this. >> were deeply saddened by this incident it's resulted in one confirm in multiple injuries. maria: horrifying images of the planes interior shorewood destroyed oxygen masks and places of the ceilings is broken down, then severe cuts, bruises to their faces and bodies in the 72 euro british man died on board despite the performing cpr, the flight made an emergency landing in bangkok the transport is investigating and again, i don't want to get ahead of the investigation but clear air turbulence you don't get any warning and that's what aviation experts are saying this appears to be. los angeles police and da officials are teaming up to investigate matthew perry's death and where he received the
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fatal dose of calamine paramedics called to the 54-year-old l.a. home on october face started his hot top the autopsy listed the primary cause of the death of acute effects of calamine jogging arteries another effects were contributed factors, the death was ruled an accident. reportedly was undergoing calamine therapy but the treatment was a week before his death in the medical examiner has determined that could not be from the session because the half-life of the drug is less than four hours. president biden misspoke about his time in office at a campaign event in detroit, watch this. >> when i was vice president things were bad during the pandemic and what happened was barack said to me, go to detroit, help fix it. he spent more time did he ever thought he was going to have to.
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>> he had a whole timeline mixup in he claimed he was vice president during covid but get this the copy editors had to make nine corrections to cover up the blunders in the formal transcript of the remarks in factual errors, times he simply misspoke, he said that people were saving $800,000 for healthcare, it's a hundred dollars, he said the word inspire resting. he was happy to receive the organization and he was supposed to say receiving the honor, the award. there is a lot. his approval rating really went down in august of 2021, what was that. maria: that was really bad that afghanistan would draw and i feel like that did put our adversaries on the march after the botched withdrawal but what you referred to in terms of him saying i was vice president during covid, let's think that out for a second why is he
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saying he was vice president was that to bring barack obama into the conversation was the whole thing making this up so he can bring obama into the conversation that obama sent me to detroit to fix things or is he totally confused. >> is pulling obama because he thinks that's going to resonate with the voters. >> i don't think he's smart enough to connect the dots and i interpret it as the past 2 - 3 years have been a blur for him his mind goes back to what he remembers when he was cognizant and that's when he was vice president that long ago he's not all there now. maria: we all know it's in plain sight. >> this is where the term campaign is asking for a two hour debate to stand for a live studio audience. it's going to be gaffe after gaffe after gaffe.
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>> and he wants drug testing president trump says he wants drug testing. >> at the state of the union he said he was on fire that is not the joe that we know what was he taking. >> to give him an iv with sugar water or drugs or vitamins, i don't know nobody knows. >> the head of the doctors clock is set on the program last week. >> it explains why they're fighting so hard not to really set robert hur because i bet it's a catastrophe and they will fight that tooth and nail in the phony claims of executive privilege. i cannot even imagine what is in that. >> we know he was described as an elderly man that had problems remembering things. maria: quick break, the defense has rested in president trump touch money trial closing arguments will come after the memorial day weekend and we have the preview, stay with us in the 8:00 a.m. hour constellation with ceo chuck campaign donor
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bill white in court yesterday he will tell us what he witnessed firsthand with the 45th president. watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management.
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maria: welcome back. good wednesday morning everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. p i'm maria bartiromo. it i


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